Utopia Sentence Examples
For as a romance the Utopia has little interest either of incident or of character.
I am not saying we live in a utopia.
In a word, literature is my Utopia.
When I read Utopia on Trial it all seemed such common sense yet common sense that had been ignored by planners and architects alike.
Brady peeled his face mask off and lowered the muzzle of his weapon, unnerved by the unrealistic utopia after the three-day battle up the side of the mountain.
Third, the article concludes by building an incipient theory of ideology as utopia, or the utopian moment of ideology critique.
The possibility of a gradual improvement in the condition Of the working class is a reactionary Utopia.
We have left the post-modern suburban utopia of Milton Keynes for the relative country tranquility of Buckingham town.
His lifelong quest is to "create a utopia".
With regard to the transition he advocated the progressive abolition of the right of aubaine, by reducing interest, rent, &c. For the goal he professed only to give the general principles; he had no ready-made scheme, no utopia.
AdvertisementThe socialist utopia is an ethical precept rather than a state of affairs which has to be brought about.
He emerged from prison a confirmed terrorist and convinced that his Utopia, fully proclaimed to the world in No.
In the Utopia, published in Latin in 1516 (1st English translation, 1551), he not only denounced the ordinary vices of power, but evinced an enlightenment of sentiment which went far beyond the most statesmanlike ideas to be found among his contemporaries, pronouncing not merely for toleration, but rising even to the philosophical conception of the indifference of religious creed.
The idea of putting forward political and philosophical principles under the fiction of an ideal state was doubtless taken from Plato's Republic. The Utopia in turn suggested the literary form adopted by Bacon, Hobbes, Filmer, and other later writers; and the name of the book has passed into the language as signifying optimistic but impracticable ideals of reform.
They have issued total surrender, They have invited everybody to Earth to live on Mars, in their socialist Utopia.
AdvertisementCan overarching dogmas - such as Communism - deliver the kind of utopia claimed for it?
For many, nudism was not just a therapeutic practice; it was a revolutionary plan for an egalitarian utopia.
A utopia is a perfect existence, untroubled by the basic needs of survival or disagreement.
But a more serious volume was Time and Tide (1867), a series of twenty-five letters to a workman of Sunderland, upon various points in the Ruskinian Utopia.
Hence the terms Utopia and Utopian are also used to denote any visionary scheme of reform or social theory, especially those which fail to recognize defects inherent in human nature.
AdvertisementFew of these survived after the exploration of the Atlantic by Columbus, Vasco da Gama and others in the 15th century; but in literature More's Utopia set a new fashion.
He became himself a persecutor, and a writer of abusive pamphlets unworthy of the author of the Utopia.
Utopia is also married. Neil A-Z runs a record shop in Enfield.
Next up is Sonny Herman's rare outing on Utopia ' What About Me ', another big Northern floor filler.
You wonder what comedy Utopia people are living in that this gets a rough ride from them.
AdvertisementUtopia claimed for it?
This gives the Fichtean utopia organized on principles of pure reason; in too many cases the proposals are identical with principles of pure despotism.
The band's 1999 follow-up album, Utopia Parkway, still found the band struggling to find their place in the mainstream.
The environment is actually on the border of a utopia, but with the government spying on all communication that pass through its city.
Your craving will be rewarded and your visions for visceral beauty brought into fruition, given homage amid the breathtaking background of majestic mountains descending gracefully into oceanic utopia.
They are said, though it is not easy to p believe, to have been elaborated by way of Utopia.
If so, no Utopia has ever yet been presented in a style so little calculated to stir the imagination, to warm the feelings, to soothe the insurgency of the reason.
He believed that to look for the restoration of freedom of foreign trade in Great Britain would have been "as absurd as to expect that an Oceana or Utopia should be established in it."
The latter was able to appeal to his countrymen (in a notable speech in the spring of 1906) to rally to a radical programme which had no socialist Utopia in view; and the appearance in him of a strong and practical radical leader had the result of considerably diminishing the effect of the socialist propaganda.
Peopled by 'life's losers' from the surface, the tunnel dwellers, led by Father (Ray Dotrice), the man who found and raised Vincent, have created a Utopia out of time.
Utopia Platinia Yards is an excellent website where the web master scoured the Internet for blueprints and schematics in order to provide them in one central location on his website.
These are typically blueprints that you'll find at other websites, but Utopia does offer a nicely laid out central repository where you'll find most of the best ones.
The major work most literary analysts identify as science fiction was Utopia by Thomas More.
In the Utopia, which, though written earlier, More had allowed to be printed as late as 1516, he had spoken against the vices of power, and declared for indifference of religious creed with a breadth of philosophical view of which there is no other example in any Englishman of that age.
In contrast to More's Utopia, the work is cold and abstract, and lacking in practical detail.
The idea of a Utopia is, even in literature, far older than More's romance; it appears in the Timaeus of Plato and is fully developed in his Republic. The idealized description of Sparta in Plutarch's life of Lycurgus belongs to the same class of literary Utopias, though it professes to be historical.
He made this, in 1871, the first volume of his collected lectures and essays, the more popular and didactic form of his new Utopia of human life.
In Blanquerna (1283), a novel which describes a new Utopia, Lull renews the Platonic tradition and anticipates the methods of Sir Thomas More, Campanella and Harrington, and in the Libre de Maravelles (1286) he adopts the Oriental apologue from Kalilah and Dimnah.
Among the canonizations and beatifications of his pontificate that of Sir Thomas More, author of Utopia, is memorable.
The word first occurs in Sir Thomas More's Utopia, which was originally published in Latin under the title De Optimo Reipublicae Statu, deque Nova Insula Utopia (Louvain, 1516).
In The Discovery of the Future (1902), Mankind in the Making (1903), A Modern Utopia (1905) and New Worlds for Old (1908) his socialistic theories were further developed.
Scholars, like Colet, read the New Testament in Greek and lectured on justification by faith before they knew of Luther, and More included among the institutions of Utopia a rather more liberal and enlightened religion than that which he observed around him.
Comte's Utopia has pleased the followers of the Catholic, just as little as those of the scientific, spirit.