Utilized Sentence Examples
Here he utilized his opportunities.
Cynthia then began listing the different numbers that had been utilized.
If the flue pipe be carried up a considerable distance inside the apartment to be warmed before being turned into the external air, practically the whole of the heat generated will be utilized.
The older records utilized by the Deuteronomic and later compilers indicate some common tradition which has found expression in these varying forms. Different religious standpoints are represented in the biblical writings, and it is now important to observe that the prophecies of Hosea unmistakably show another attitude to the Israelite priesthood.
Under the agreement a royal naval reserve was maintained, three of the Imperial vessels provided being utilized as drill ships for crews recruited from the Australian states.
At the close of 1905 the area devoted to tillage was 9,365,000 acres, the area utilized for the production of breadstuffs being 6,270,000 acres or over two-thirds of the whole extent of cultivation.
Kaolin, or porcelain clay, although capable of application to commercial purposes, has not as yet been utilized to any extent, although found in several places in New South Wales and in Western Australia.
It is only navigable by small sailing-vessels, even in its estuary, but its waters are extensively utilized for irrigation.
It is in some such manner as these that the natural conditions of regions, which must be conformed to by prudence .and utilized by labour to yield shelter and food, have led to the growth of peoples differing in their ways of life, thought and speech.
Hence if all the energy supplied to the train is utilized at one axle there is the fundamental relation RV (I) Continuing the above arithmetical illustration, if the wheels to the axle of which the torque is applied are 4 ft.
AdvertisementThat is to say, the engine actually utilized 61% of the energy which it was possible to utilize by means of a perfect engine working with the same initial pressure against a back pressure equal to;the atmosphere.
With electricity, power can be applied to as many axles in the train as desired, and so the whole weight of the train, with its load, may be utilized if necessary.
Sometimes, as on the Central London railway, the acceleration of gravity is also utilized; the different stations stand, as it were, on the top of a hill, so that outgoing trains are aided at the start by having a slope to run down, while incoming ones are checked by the rising gradient they encounter.
There are a Roman Catholic and two Evangelical churches, a pilgrimage chapel, dating from 1100, a ducal chateau, built by a son of the elector John George about the end of the 16th century (now utilized as government offices), classical, technical and commercial schools and a hospital.
Asa utilized the treasure of the Temple and palace to induce the Syrians to break off their relations with Baasha.
AdvertisementResearch is seriously complicated by the growing stores of material, which unfortunately are often utilized without attention to the principles of the various departments of knowledge or aspects of study.
Pine stumps and waste limbs are utilized, notably at Hattiesburg, for the manufacture of charcoal, tar, creosote, turpentine, &c. Fisheries Fishing is a minor industry, confined for the most part to the Mississippi Sound and neighbouring waters and to the Mississippi and Yazoo rivers.
A valuable water-power is utilized for manufacturing purposes.
Thus in cows' butter, tributyrin, C 3 H 5 (O C 4 H 7 0) 3, and the analogous glycerides of other readily volatile acids closely resembling butyric acid, are present in small quantity; the production of these acids on saponification and distillation with dilute sulphuric acid is utilized as a test of a purity of butter as sold.
Its solvent power is also utilized in the production of various colouring fluids, where the colouring matter would not dissolve in water alone; thus aniline violet, the tinctorial constituents of madder, and various allied colouring matters dissolve in glycerin, forming liquids which remain coloured even when diluted with water, the colouring matters being either retained in suspension or dissolved by the glycerin present in the diluted fluid.
AdvertisementNearly all the anecdotes related of him by Helbig, in the biography contributed by him to the journal Minerva (1797-1800), and freely utilized by later biographers, are absolutely worthless.
In these high and stony valleys every available patch of ground is utilized for the cultivation of barley, even up to altitudes of 7000 and 8000 ft.
Attica was famous for its olives and figs, but general agriculture excelled in Peloponnesus, where, by means of irrigation and drainage, all the available land was utilized.
The offal, which is quite as valuable as the flour itself, was thus retained abroad instead of being utilized for stock-feeding purposes in the United Kingdom.
In this capacity it is capable of rendering most valuable assistance, for it can be utilized in moving extensive areas of land in a very short time.
AdvertisementThe adjoining Quincy market may be mentioned because its construction (1826) was utilized to open six new streets, widen a seventh, and secure flats, docks and wharf rights - all without laying tax or debt upon the city.
It is now utilized as a sanatorium for British soldiers.
If about 3,000,000 tons only are pressed, there remain to be utilized on the farm 2,000,000 tons of cotton seed, which, if manufactured, would produce a total of $100,000,000 from cotton seed.
The meal, in fact, is so rich in protein that it is best utilized as a food for animals when mixed with some coarse fodder, thus furnishing a more evenly-balanced ration.
Petroleum products are also largely utilized in gas manufacture for, (1) the production of " air-gas," (2) the manufacture of oil-gas, and (3) the enrichment of coal-gas.
Commagene, where not rocky, and the district lying along the southward drains from its divide (anc. Cyrrhestica), is in better case, enjoying perennial streams which can be utilized, and the fringe of the Tauric rainfall.
He was a celebrated gourmet, and his dinners were utilized by Napoleon as a useful adjunct to the arts of statecraft.
Since 1904 part of the power utilized for manufacturing has been obtained from the Chattahoochee river, 15 m.
Straight lines and semicircles were utilized for the non-metallic elements, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur!
A copy of it may possibly have been utilized by Marinus and Ptolemy in their compilations.
Both Noss and Bressay are utilized in connexion with the rearing of Shetland ponies.
The number of small bays that can be utilized for coast trade traffic is extraordinary.
Mineral springs also abound, and those of Ilidze, near Serajevo, have been utilized since the days of the Romans; but the majority remained unexploited at the beginning of the 20th century.
Small steamers ply on the Drina, Save and Una, but the Bosna, though broad from its very source, is, like the Vrbas, too full of shallows to be utilized; while the Narenta only begins to be navigable when it enters Dalmatia.
Should a proprietor of emiriye plant trees or vines, or erect buildings upon it, with the consent of the state, they are considered as mulk; an annual tax representing the value of the tithes on the portions of emiriye thus utilized is levied.
Hence a prolonged halt arose, utilized by the troops in renewing their equipment and so forth, but ultimately the Young German party, led by Blucher and the principal fighting men of the army, triumphed, and on the 1st of January 1814 the Silesian army (50,000) began its passage of the Rhine at Kaub.
Nitrogen is always being synthesized from the atmosphere (by plants, and by electrical discharges which combine nitrogen and oxygen), and this combined nitrogen is either utilized by land organisms or is washed down into the sea in the water of the rivers.
As the seeds are very abundant, they will probably be utilized commercially as soon as the demand for planting has subsided.
His philological studies, to which the last fourteen years of his life were devoted, resulted in the compilation of "A Glossary of Provincial and Archaic Words," intended as a supplement to Dr Johnson's Dictionary, but never published except in part, which finally in 1831 passed into the hands of the English compilers of Webster's Dictionary, by whom it was utilized.
Loisy recognizes two eye-witness documents, as utilized by all three synoptists, while Matthew and Luke have also incorporated Mark.
Since the amalgamation of the United Presbyterian and the Free Churches, under the designation of the United Free Church of Scotland, New College is utilized by both bodies.
Black ironwood is likewise used in building wagons, while sneezewood is largely utilized for supports for piers and other marine structures, being impervious to the attacks of the Teredo navalis.
The germs of the theory of determinants are to be found in the works of Leibnitz; Etienne Bezout utilized them in 1764 for expressing the result obtained by the process of elimination known by his name, and since restated by Arthur Cayley.
A rotation of this amount should therefore be easily visible, but the limits of resolving power are being approached; and the conclusion is independent of the focal length of the mirror, and of the employment of a telescope, provided of course that the reflected image is seen in focus, and that the full width of the mirror is utilized.
It is here of course assumed that the n lines are really utilized.
The Nerbudda is nowhere utilized for irrigation, and navigation is confined to the lower section.
The same conception was utilized by Theodoric of Vriberg, a Dominican, who wrote at some time between 1304 and 1311 a tract entitled De radialibus impressionibus, in which he showed how the primary bow is formed by two refractions and one internal reflection; i.e.
As pure tin does not tarnish in the air and is proof against acid liquids, such as vinegar, lime juice, &c., it is utilized for culinary and domestic vessels.
Gaullieur in the same review in 1857, and all the available material is utilized in a monograph on her and her work by P. Godet, Madame de Charriere et ses amis (2 vols., Geneva, 1906).
Chretien de Troyes, in his Cligds (the date of which falls somewhere in the decade 1160-1170), knew and utilized the story of the "Three Days' Tournament," and moreover makes Lancelot take part in it.
He prepared a new edition of the monk Theophilus's celebrated treatise, Diversarum artium schedula, and for several years devoted his Saturday mornings to laboratory research with the chemist Aline Girard at the Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers, the results of which were utilized by Marcellin Berthelot in the first volume (1894) of his Chimie au moyen dge.
Two compartments of a shaft may be utilized for this purpose, but greater safety is ensured by two separate openings, as required by law in most mining countries.
But, here again a disembarkation in face of opposition would have to be risked and a dispersion of resources would arise, while there were strong objections from the point of view of ship transport to conveying troops to a point so distant from the island of Imbros as Bulair; for Imbros was to be utilized as the principal concentration point for the reinforcements from England.
From the Khawak to the head of the Ghorband (a river of the Hindu Kush which, rising to the north-west of Kabul, flows north-east to meet the Panjshir near Charikar, whence they run united into the plains of Kohistan) the Hindu Kush is intersected by passes at intervals, all of which were surveyed, and several utilized, during the return of the Russo-Afghan boundary commission from the Oxus to Kabul in 1886.
Those utilized were the Kaoshan (the "Hindu Kush" pass par excellence), 14,340 ft.; the Chahardar (13,900 ft.), which is a link in one of the amir of Afghanistan's high roads to Turkestan; and the Shibar (9800 ft.), which is merely a diversion into the upper Ghorband of that group of passes between Bamian and the Kabul plains which are represented by the Irak, Hajigak, Unai, &c. About this point it is geographically correct to place the southern extremity of the Hindu Kush, for here commences the Koh-i-Baba system into which the Hindu Kush is merged.
In Europe the gas burnt in these furnaces is derived from special gas-producers, while in some parts of America natural gas is utilized.
As stated first by Archimedes, the principle asserts the obvious fact that a body displaces its own volume of water; and he utilized it in the problem of the determination of the adulteration of the crown of Hiero.
In this case the signs representing Sumerian words were treated merely as syllables, and, without reference to their meaning, utilized for spelling Babylonian words.
With the latter system practically as much sugar is obtained from the canes as by diffusion, and the resulting megass furnishes, in a well-appointed factory, sufficient fuel for the crop. With diffusion, however, in addition to the strict scientific control necessary to secure the benefits of the process, fuel - that is, coal or wood - has to be provided for the working off of the crop, since the spent chips or slices from the diffusers are useless for this purpose; although it is true that in some plantations the spent chips have to a certain extent been utilized as fuel by mixing them with a portion of the molasses, which otherwise would have been sold or converted into rum.
The landscape is rich and beautiful, varied with grand rock scenery, the coast-line being broken by numerous small bays, into which flow streams rarely navigable even for short distances, but often skilfully utilized by the natives for irrigation; and sometimes flowing in subterranean channels.
The inorganic materials within it supply some of the chief substances utilized by plants for their development and growth, and from plants animals obtain much of their sustenance.
In the case of fair average farm crops it has been shown that for the production of one ton of dry matter contained in them from 300 to 500 tons of water has been absorbed and utilized by the plants.
The mother liquors used to be thrown away, but are now utilized for the extraction of their iodine.
Brit., have been utilized.
The Hanseatic embargo against Bruges from 1451 to 14J7, its later war and embargo against England, the Turkish advance closing the Italian Black Sea trade with southern Russia, all were utilized by Nuremberg and its fellows to secure a landtrade outside the sphere of Hanseatic influence.
In the government of the new territory the existing organization is as far as possible utilized.
The motivepower generated by the Camuzzoni canal is utilized by a large nail factory, flour mills, paper mills, cotton mills and works for the distribution of electric energy.
A few years later he rendered similar conspicuous services in the course of the Sind campaign, when his help was utilized by Napier in the process of subduing the frontier tribes, a large number of whom acknowledged the Aga's authority as their spiritual head.
Again, anode reactions, such as are observed in the electrolysis of the fatty acids, may be utilized, as, for example, when the radical CH3C02 - deposited at the anode in the electrolysis of acetic acid - is dissociated, two of the groups react to give one molecule of ethane, C 2 H 6, and two of carbon dioxide.
For the drainage and sewerage of the city a subterranean river whose source and mouth are unknown is utilized.
An ample supply of natural gas is utilized by its manufacturing establishments; and among its manufactures are axes, lumber, foundry and machine shop products, furniture, boilers, woollen goods, glass and chemical fire-engines.
The raised temperature appears to facilitate the oxidation of the substance, so that quantities may be taken and completely utilized which would completely intoxicate the individual had his temperature been normal.
The remainder is equivalent to the external work, W, done by the body in expanding or otherwise, which can be utilized for mechanical purposes, and ceases to exist as heat in the body.
Hydraulic mining has for the most part been confined to the country of its invention, California, and the western territories of America, where the conditions favourable for its use are more fully developed than elsewhere - notably the presence of thick banks of gravel that cannot be utilized by other methods, and abundance of water, even though considerable work may be required at times to make it available.
The method, by which the text was thus utilized as a vehicle for conveying homiletic discourses, traditional sayings, legends and allegories, is abundantly illustrated by the Palestinian and later Targums, as opposed to the more sober translations of Onkelos and the Targum to the Prophets.
Homilies, legends, traditional sayings and explanations, in fact every form of Haggadic expansion are utilized by the Targumist, so that at times his works convey the impression more of a late Midrash than of a translation.
But though the existence of an older Targum Jerushalmi cannot be denied, it is clear that the form in which it was utilized by the two Palestinian Targums cannot be of an early date, for many of the latest elements in the Fragmentary and pseudo-Jonathan Targums were undoubtedly derived from their common source.
So far as the numerous works are concerned it is evident that the writers who posed as Rosicrucians were moral and religious reformers, and utilized the technicalities of chemistry (alchemy), and the sciences.
Immediately to the south rises the fine cone of North Berwick Law (612 ft.), which was utilized as a signal point at the period of the Napoleonic scare.
The Ebro and its tributaries have been utilized for irrigation since the Moorish conquest; the main stream becomes navigable by small boats about Tudela; but its value as a means of communication is almost neutralized by the obstacles in its channel, and seafaring vessels cannot proceed farther up than Tortosa.
The threat of the charge had, however, induced caution on the French side, and for about two hours there was a lull in the fighting, which the Prussians utilized on their right in bringing up reinforcements through the Bois des Ognons.
Through this stretch of dasht the drainage from the main water-divide breaks downwards to the plains of Herat, where it is arrested and utilized for irrigation purposes.
The name radiometer arose from an idea that the final steady speed of rotation might be utilized as a rough measure of the intensity of the exciting radiation.
Many scale-insects are among the most serious of pests, but various species have been utilized by man for the production of wax (lac) and red dye (cochineal).
Remarkable among the other old buildings are the town-hall, of the 14th century and restored in the 17th century, with a crypt, and the Petershof, formerly the episcopal palace, but now utilized as law courts and a prison.
In 1882 he resigned his professorship and utilized his thus increased leisure by travelling in Palestine and Egypt, and showed his interest in the Old Catholic movement by visiting Dellinger at Munich.
The power so developed is generally utilized in the production of electricity, for which there is an abundant use about large collieries.
The two principal processes utilized in making calcium carbide by electrical power are the ingot process and the tapping process.
The result is that although the forms of apparatus utilized for this purpose are all based on the one fundamental principle of bringing about the contact of the carbide with the water which is to enter into double decomposition with it, they have been multiplied in number to a very large extent by the methods employed in order to ensure control in working, and to get away from the dangers and inconveniences which are inseparable from a too rapid generation.
When acetylene was first introduced as a commercial illuminant in England, very small union jet nipples were utilized for its consumption, but after burning for a short time these nipples began to carbonize, the flame being distorted, and then smoking occurred with the formation of a heavy deposit of soot.
These measurements were utilized in combination with appropriate elastic coefficients of the material to find the horse-power transmitted from the engines along the shaft to the propeller.
This vast domain has been utilized to provide homes for settlers, to encourage education, to subsidize railways, and to build the state capitol.
Suitable grounds in the vicinity of the barracks, of which Caesar's Camp, the Long Valley and Laffan's Plain are best known, are utilized for company, battalion and brigade training of infantry, while the mounted branches work over a wider area, and the engineers carry out their practices where most convenient.
Historical priority of development, exceptionally extensive and well utilized water-power, and good transportation facilities are largely responsible for the exceptional rank of Massachusetts as a manufacturing state.
Drift whales were utilized in the earliest years of the colony, and shore boating for the baleen (or " right ") whale - rich in bone and in blubber yielding common oil - was an industry already regulated by various towns before 1650; but the pursuit of the sperm whale did not begin until about 1713.
In 1768 he published a Narrative of some of his early adventures with Anson, which was to some extent utilized by his grandson in Don Juan.
In Mexico, and in Peru especially, the human back was utilized to its utmost extent, and in most parts of America harness adapted for carrying was made and frequently decorated with the best art.
He utilized his father's engineers in the construction of a path or gallery winding up round the Sigiri rock.
Many of the impure substances thus utilized are not strictly phosphorite, but pass under such names as " rock-phosphate," or, when nodular, as " coprolite " (q.v.), even if not of true coprolitic origin.
The area now occupied and utilized by whites is about 38,000,000 acres.
The falls of the Hudson here furnish a fine water-power, which is utilized, in connexion with steam and electricity, in the manufacture of lumber, paper and wood pulp, women's clothing, shirts, collars and cuffs, &c. In 1905 the village's factory products were valued at $4,780,331.
He possessed the interior lines and the central reserve which enables interior lines to be utilized, and a stroke of good fortune prolonged the period in which he could command the situation, for The occupation of Siu-yen was chiefly the work of the brigade pushed out to his left by Kuroki.
This was due largely to the opening up of land which had formerly not been utilized.
The Rock river furnishes water-power which is utilized for manufacturing.
To the advances of the French government he at first turned a deaf ear, but when the rapprochement between the two countries was effected with little or no co-operation on his part, he utilized it for restraining France and promoting Russian interests.
On the ground that an acre of cultivable land under fruit and vegetable cultivation will produce from two to twenty times as much food as if the same land were utilized for feeding cattle.
For this purpose they were first utilized by the French, and in 1857 were introduced into Great Britain.
To obtain an estimate of the accuracy of a gun, as much actual practice as is available must be utilized for the calculation in accordance with the laws of probability of the 50% zones shown in the range table (see Probability.) Ii.
The disadvantage in this process is that the by-products, such as pyroligneous acid, acetone, wood spirit, &c., are lost; as an alternative method, wood is frequently carbonized in ovens or retorts and the volatile products are condensed and utilized.
The potassiferous by-products are utilized for the manufacture of manures.
The wood of the fly honeysuckle is extremely hard, and the clear portions between the joints of the stems, when their pith has been removed, were stated by Linnaeus to be utilized in Sweden for making tobacco-pipes.
The Black river furnishes water-power which is utilized by manufacturing establishments of diversified character.
There is no evidence of any settlement on the site of the present town prior to about 1092, when Bernard Newmarch, after defeating Bleddin ab Maenarch, built here a castle which he made his residence and the chief stronghold of his new lordship. For this purpose he utilized what remained of the materials of the Roman fort, 3 m.
It is a powerful reducing agent, and is frequently employed for this purpose in organic chemistry; thus hydroxy acids are readily reduced on heating with the concentrated acid, and nitro compounds are reduced to amino compounds, &c. It is preferable to use the acid in the presence of amorphous phosphorus, for the iodine liberated during the reduction is then utilized in forming more hydriodic acid, and consequently the original amount of acid goes much further.
In 1913 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature and utilized the whole amount, L8,000, for the upkeep of the school at Bolpur.
The greater part of this region is uncultivated, and only utilized as pasture by the Indians, who form the majority of its inhabitants.
The waterfalls are utilized at a few points to work up into wood pulp the forests of spruce which cover much of Labrador, Quebec and Ontario.
It is to be observed that two different styles of writing are often found in the same manuscript, the difference being utilized for t1e purposes of distinction.
The interest of the place centres in its abbey, which since 1804 has been utilized and abused as a central house of detention for convicts.
Excellent water power is utilized on the island of Kauai in an electric plant.
The mariner's compass, with which this article is concerned, is an instrument by means of which the directive force of that great magnet, the Earth, upon a freely-suspended needle, is utilized for a purpose essential to navigation.
He utilized his power by rejecting the innovations of Antonio da Sangallo, saved the plan of Bramante, and left behind him sufficient drawings to serve the completion of the famous cupola.
The Pincian, the Esquiline, and the south-easterly part of the Caelian hills received essentially their present form by the creation of the Via Sistina, Felice, delle Quattro Fontane, di Sta Croce in Gerusalemme, &c.; by the buildings at Sta Maria Maggiore, the Villa Montalto, the reconstruction of the Lateran, and the aqueduct of the Felice, which partially utilized the Alexandrina and cost upwards of 300,000 scudi.
According to Proclus an angle must be either a quality or a quantity, or a relationship. The first concept was utilized by Eudemus, who regarded an angle as a deviation from a straight line; the second by Carpus of Antioch, who regarded it as the interval or space between the intersecting lines; Euclid adopted the third concept, although his definitions of right, acute, and obtuse angles are certainly quantitative.
This scholarly linguist, equipped with modern methods of scientific research, did not confine himself to the classical period like Csoma, but extended his ' The Capuchin friars who were settled in Lhasa for a quarter of a century from 1719 studied the language; two of them, Francisco Orazio della Penna, well known from his accurate description of Tibet, and Cassian di Macerata sent home materials which were utilized by the Augustine friar Aug.
The walls of the moat were utilized for the cellars of the houses which soon occupied the site of the ramparts, and the ground, which had been covered by the citadel, was laid out in gardens.
It was soon discovered that the faculty of inducing dissociation possessed by the current might now be utilized with some hope of pecuniary success, but as electrolytic currents are of lower voltage than those required in electric furnaces, molten alumina again became impossible.
The Fox river furnishes about 10,000 h.p., which is largely utilized for the manufacture of paper (of which Appleton is one of the largest producers in the United States), wood-pulp, sulphite fibre, machinery, wire screens, woollen goods, knit goods, furniture, dyes and flour.
In the conduct and detection of her correspondence with Babington, traitor was played off against traitor, and spies were utilized against assassins, with as little scruple as could be required or expected in the diplomacy of the time.
In smaller country gardens the enclosure or outer fence is often a hedge, and there is possibly no space enclosed by walls, but some divisional wall having a suitable aspect is utilized for the growth of peaches, apricots, &c., and the hedge merely separates the garden from a paddock used for grazing.
Indeed, it has been proposed to support such roofs to a great extent upon suspension principles, the internal columns of support being utilized for conducting the rain-water off the roof to underground drains or reservoirs.
The different shelves can be planted in succession; and the lower ones, especially those on the floor level, as being most convenient, can be utilized for forcing sea-kale and rhubarb.
Horn, hoof-parings, woollen rags, fish, blubber and blood, after treatment with sulphuric acid, are all good manures, and should be utilized if readily obtainable.
While in flower, orchids may with advantage be removed to a drier and cooler situation, and may be utilized in the drawing-room or boudoir.
The groups of organisms utilized for zoning and correlation by different workers include brachiopods, pelecypods, cephalopods, corals, fishes and plants; and the results of the comparison of the faunas and floras of different areas where Carboniferous rocks occur are generalized in the table below.
The beds of chert are utilized in the pottery industry, and some of the harder and more crystalline limestones are beautiful marbles, capable of taking a high polish.
These waters are utilized as the temporary reservoirs of the superfluous polder water, each system of reservoirs being termed a boezem (bosom or basin), and all lands watering into the same boezem being considered as belonging to it.
As a matter of course the smaller streams have been largely utilized in their formation, while the necessity for a comprehensive drainage system has also contributed in no small degree.
The same fact is indicated by the wide range of organic substances which can be utilized by Penicillium and other moulds, and by the behaviour of parasitic fungi which destroy various cell-contents and tissues.
In the intermittent system the waste heat can, it is true, be utilized either for raising steam (but inefficiently and inconveniently, because of the intermittency), or by a regenerative method like the Siemens, Fig.
Numerous ocean-going liners, most of which fly the Brazilian or the Argentine flag, ply on the Paraguay and the Parana; smaller vessels ascend the tributary streams, which are also utilized for floating lumber down to the ports.
He was the author of a brief epitome of Roman history based upon Livy, which he utilized as a means of displaying his antiquarian lore.
Among the more prominent secular buildings are the Giirzenich, a former meeting-place of the diets of the Holy Roman Empire, built between 1441 and 1447, of which the ground floor was in 1875 converted into a stock exchange, and the upper hall, capable of accommodating 3000 persons, is largely utilized for public festivities, particularly during the time of the Carnival; the Rathaus, dating from the 13th century, with beautiful Gobelin tapestries; the Tempelhaus, the ancestral seat of the patrician family of the Overstolzens, a beautiful building dating from the 13th century, and now the chamber of commerce; the Wallraf-Richartz Museum, in which is a collection of paintings by old Italian and Dutch masters, together with some works by modern artists; the Zeughaus, or arsenal, built on Roman foundations; the Supreme Court for the Rhine provinces; the post-office (1893); the Imperial Bank (Reichsbank); and the municipal library and archives.
This native process is exceedingly wasteful, not more than one-fourth of the leaf-fibre being thereby utilized.
Moreover, the variation of thermal conductivity with temperature is small and uncertain, whereas the variation of electrical conductivity is large and can be accurately determined, and may therefore be legitimately utilized for eliminating the external heat-loss.
He returned to London with a considerable collection of plants and other curiosities, cf which the former were sent to Ray and utilized by him for his History of Plants.
These coming into contact with the roots of plants during their season of active growth, are utilized as direct nourishment for the vegetation.
Westport, a little inland town - platted 1833, a city 1857, merged in Kansas City in 1899 - now a fashionable residence district of Kansas City - was a rival of Independence in the Santa Fe trade which she gained almost in toto in 1844 when the great Missouri flood (the greatest the river has known) destroyed the river landing utilized by Independence.
The present writer sees no reason to doubt that the idea of a national, as opposed to earlier local chronicles, was inspired by Alfred, who may even have dictated, or at least revised, the entries relating to his own campaigns; while for the earlier parts pre-existing materials, both oral and written, were utilized.
An epidemic of cholera in the summer of 1883 gave the British officers their first chance of acquiring the esteem and confidence of their men, and the opportunity was nobly utilized.
The Middlesbrough deposit was discovered by Bolckow and Vaughan in boring for water in 1862 at a depth of 400 yds., but was not utilized, and was again found by Messrs Bell Brothers at Port Clarence at a depth of 376 yds.
Its estuary forms the harbour of Cullera, and its lower waters are freely utilized for purposes of irrigation.
According to a Spanish authority of about 1345, the anonymous Franciscan's Conoscimiento de todos los reinos, " Lancarote" was killed by the Canarian natives; but the castle built by him was standing in 1402-1404, when it was utilized for the storage of grain by the French conquerors under Gadifer de la Salle.
At Trevecca, near the same town, was a theological college for ministerial students attached to the Calvinistic Methodist body, but in October 1906 the institution was removed to Aberystwyth, and the buildings have since been utilized for a preparatory school belonging to the same body.
He and his wife utilized the interval to make a trip round the world, being most warmly received in Australia, and returning by way of India.
John Wallis utilized the intersections of this curve with a right line to solve cubic equations, and Edmund Halley solved sextic equations with the aid of a circle.
But the latter, although himself a mere stripling, had implicit faith in Goethe, and a firm conviction that his genius could be utilized in other fields besides literature.
Objects that do not require annealing are produced by dozens per minute, and all the movements of feeding and stamping and removal are often automatic. The ductility of metals and alloys is utilized in wire and tube-drawing through dies on long benches.
It is utilized in the spindles of machinetools, in the balls and rollers for high-speed bearings, slides, pivots and such like.
His invention was, however, at once utilized by others in France; and in Great Britain, after a few previous attempts on a small scale, it was definitely introduced by James Muspratt in 1823.
But most of the chlorine is utilized for the production of bleaching-powder, of bleach-liquor, and of chlorate of potash.
The flame issuing from the furnace by (o) is always further utilized for boiling down the liquors obtained in a later stage, either in a pan (p) fired from the top and supported on pillars (qq) as shown in the drawing, or in pans heated from below.
By this means the latent heat of the steam, issuing from all pans but the last, is utilized for evaporating purposes, and from half to three-fourths of the fuel is saved.
If, however, the action of the chlorine on the sodium hydrate is prevented, which can be done in various ways, they can both be collected in the isolated state and utilized as has been previously described, viz.
African experience should be utilized in another way.
In The Case Of Mercury The Liquid Itself Can Be Utilized To Conduct The Electric Current.
Lands were, however, purchased which were eventually taken over by the government and utilized for the erection of Millbank penitentiary, begun in 1813 and partially completed in 1816.
One of the chief practical objections to air-engines is the great bulk of the working substance in relation to the amount of heat that is utilized in the working of the engine.
Perforated and otherwise prepared rubber, as well as wire-woven material, are also largely utilized for door and floor mats.
Apart from coal the great and varied mineral wealth of the state has been only slightly utilized.
Deposits of true chalk are utilized in the manufacture of Portland cement for local markets.
The sentiments and passions which his eloquence aroused were, however, watchfully utilized by a more extreme party.
Notwithstanding these elevations, this portion of the state makes a distinct break in the continuity of the Northern and Southern Rockies, giving a broad, relatively low pass utilized by the Oregon Trail in early days, and by the Union Pacific railway at a later period.
That the alphabet was borrowed and adapted independently by different places not widely separated, and that the earliest Greek alphabets did not spread from one or a few centres in Greek lands, seem clear (a) from the different Greek sounds for which the Phoenician symbols were utilized; (b) from the different symbols which were employed to represent sounds which the Phoenicians did not possess, and for which, therefore, they had no symbols.
This property can often be utilized tc, estimate the frequency of the gravest normal mode of a system by means of an assumed approximate type, when the exact determination would be difficult.
The water is almost wholly taken from the rivers, but underflow is also utilized, especially in San Luis Park.
The river furnishes valuable waterpower, which is utilized by the city's manufactories (value of product in 1900, third in rank in the state, $8,103,484, of which only $3,693,792 was "factory" product; in 1905 the "factory" product was valued at $4,774,818), including cotton mills - in 1905 Danville ranked first among the cities of the state in the value of cotton goods produced - a number of tobacco factories, furniture and overall factories, and flour and knitting mills.
The more astute rulers utilized the machinery that they inherited from the Roman government.
Nevertheless the delay was utilized in the completion of inventions necessary for the safe and economical distribution of electric current for the purpose of electric lighting.
Regarding his authorship of a work on the Jews (utilized by Josephus in Contra Apionem), it is conjectured that portions of the Aiywnrrtath were revised by a Hellenistic Jew from his point of view and published as a special work.
Natural gas is utilized for light and heat.
They are soluble in water, their solutions having an acid reaction and an astringent taste; the solutions are coloured dark blue or green by ferrous salts, a property utilized in the manufacture of ink.
Other mosques have been turned into churches or utilized for military purposes.
Latterly five of the bays at the west end had been utilized as the parish church, but in 1873-1875 the 9th marquess of Lothian built a church for the service of the parish, and presented it to the heritors in exchange for the ruined abbey in order to prevent the latter from being injured by modern additions and alterations.
The extensive system of natural waterways, especially in central Sweden, has been utilized to the full in the development of internal navigation, just as the calm waters within the skargard afford opportunity for safe and economical coastwise, traffic. The earliest construction of canals dates from the 15th century, the patriot Engelbrekt and King Gustavus Vasa both foreseeing its importance.
With one exception they all drain westward into the Pacific through short and partly navigable rivers, and some of the lakes are also utilized for steamship navigation.
The Cauvery Falls have been utilized for an electric installation, which supplies power to the Kolar gold-mines and light to the city of Mysore.
At present the oyster is one of the cheapest articles of diet in the United States; and, though it can hardly be expected that the price of American oysters will always remain so low, still, taking into consideration the great wealth of the natural beds along the entire Atlantic coast, it seems certain that a moderate amount of protection would keep the price of seed oysters far below European rates, and that the immense stretches of submerged land especially suited for oyster planting may be utilized and made to produce an abundant harvest at much less cost than that which accompanies the complicated system of culture in vogue in France and Holland.
The device, frequently seen in farmyards, by which the power of a horse is utilized to drive threshing or other machinery, is sometimes described as a "horse-power," but this term usually denotes the unit in which the performance of steam and other engines is expressed, and which is defined as the rate at which work is done when 33,000 lb are raised one foot in one minute.
In 1838 he communicated to the Academy the details of his apparatus, which utilized the revolving mirrors employed by Sir C. Wheatstone in 1835 for measuring the velocity of the electric discharge; but owing to the great care required in the carrying out of the project, and to the interruption to his labours caused by the revolution of 1848, it was the spring of 1850 before he was ready to put his idea to the test; and then his eyesight suddenly gave way.
Its principal affluent is the Rio das Mortes, which rises in the Serra de Sao Jeronymo, near Cuyaba, Matto Grosso, and is utilized by boatmen going to Para.
Metallic antimony was utilized to make goblets in which wine was allowed to stand so as to acquire emetic properties, and "everlasting" pills of the metal, supposed to act by contact merely, were administered and recovered for future use after they had fulfilled their purpose.
It was the genius of Prince Henry the Navigator (q.v.) that co-ordinated and utilized all these tendencies towards expansion.
The next development was on the east side of the river where the natural inlet of Fabian's Bay, inside the harbour mouth, was utilized for the construction of the Prince of Wales's Dock (authorized 1874, opened October 1881, extension opened March 1898).
For the former several of the arches of the city railway have been utilized, and correspond in internal arrangement to like shelters instituted by the Salvation Army in London and various other cities.
After two successful voyages, Eudoxus left the Egyptian service, and proceeded to Cadiz with the object of fitting out an expedition for the purpose of African discovery; and we learn from Strabo, who utilized the results of his observations, that the veteran explorer made at least two voyages southward along the coast of Africa.
A year later he noticed that spongy platinum in presence of oxygen can bring about the ignition of hydrogen, and utilized this fact to construct his "hydrogen lamp," the prototype of numerous devices for the self-ignition of coal-gas burners.
In 1904 electricity, generated by water-power from the rivers, notably the Snake, began to be utilized in mining operations.
His talent for experimental research was utilized in investigation into improvements of the army rifle, and he was largely responsible for starting the Hythe School of Musketry.
Armstrong accepted the resignation without consulting President Madison, but the president later utilized Harrison in negotiating with the north-western Indians, the greater part of whom agreed (22nd July 1814) to a second treaty of Greenville, by which they were to become active allies of the United States, should hostilities with Great Britain continue.
At that date the annual yield is said not to have exceeded 2600 cases; but, the profits on opium having about that time attracted attention, all available ground was utilized for this to the exclusion of cereals, cotton and other produce.
The amalgam is pressed in linen bags to eliminate a quantity of relatively silver-free liquid mercury (which is utilized as such in subsequent operations), and the remaining solid amalgam is subjected to distillation from iron retorts.
On exposure to light it rapidly darkens, a behaviour utilized in photography.
But Ajmere having been ceded to the East India Company in 1818, the Mhair country was soon afterwards brought under British influence, and the predatory instincts of the people were at the same time controlled and utilized by forming them into a Merwara battalion.
In 1909 the State Bureau of Shell Fisheries estimated the annual value of shell fisheries in the state at nearly $6,000,000, of which $500,000 was the value of clams. Monmouth, Ocean and Cape May counties furnish large quantities of menhaden, which are utilized for oil and fertilizer.
The powers of the new parliament were utilized t 4 Dr extending representative institutions.
The fuel used was refined gasoline, and the extreme end of the tail of the fish was utilized for a storage tank with a capacity of one quart.
The areas here given, excepting the Poor Law Union, are those utilized in the Census Returns (see the General Report, 1901).
It is the largest in America, and, with its Hall of Botany, which is utilized in instructing school children in botany, is situated in Schenley Park.
By adding an alcoholic solution of iodine to a solution of the sulphate in acetic acid a compound known as herapathite, 4Qu 3H 2 SO 4.2HI Ie6H 2 O, is obtained, which possesses optical properties similar to those of tourmaline; it is soluble in Iwo parts of boiling water; and its sparing solubility in cold alcohol has been utilized for estimating quinine quantitatively.
Its fabled existence has been utilized by the poets, such as Milton, Pope and Tennyson.
The curious and varied mechanical arrangements by which these supplies of animal food are obtained and utilized are described under the headings of the more important plants.
Having brought the Union Pacific out of bankruptcy into prosperity, and made it an efficient instead of a decaying line, he utilized his position to draw other lines within his control, notably the Southern Pacific in 1901.
Although many convents had been closed and utilized for secular purposes, there were in 1910 no less than 168, including nunneries.
No other Rumanian translation approaches it in style and diction, although the authors, as they own, utilized the older translations, and for the New Testament and the Psalter they utilized Sylvestre's work.
The market-hall was built in 1561-1566 on the site of an older building, some portions of which were utilized in its successor.
The principal water-bearing formations, utilized in Great Britain by means of deep wells, are the Chalk and the New Red Sandstone.
Of natural lakes in Great Britain raised above their ordinary levels that the upper portions may be utilized as reservoirs, Loch Katrine supplying Glasgow is well known.
In later times it was utilized by Russians and Turks, as in the wars of 1828, 1854 and 1878, when it was finally wrested from Turkey.
Free sulphur is also contained as "gas sulphur" in the "spent oxides" of gasworks, which are actually utilized for the manufacture of sulphuric acid.
Good pyrites contains from 48 to 50%, exceptionally up to 52% of sulphur, of which all but from i to 4% is utilized when burning the ore.
When the gas is to be utilized for the manufacture of sulphuric acid the SO 2 must be combined with more oxygen, for which purpose an" oxygen carrier "must be employed.
Part of the street crosses the Denburn ravine (utilized for the line of the Great North of Scotland railway) by a fine granite arch of 132 ft.
During this period, which extended from the end of the 9th century to the middle of the 12th, we can enumerate about forty systematic collections, of varying value and circulation, which all played a greater or lesser part in preparing the juridical renaissance of the 12th century, and most of which were utilized by Gratian.
The possibility of replacing them by a standard form, which could be utilized for performing arithmetical operations, is worthy of consideration; some of the difficulties in the way of standardization have already been indicated (§ 14).
Dewey (1895), contains valuable suggestions (some of which have been utilized in the present article), but it deals only with number as the measure of quantity, and requires to be read critically.
Some of these cells produced muscles and connective tissue; others absorbed and removed waste products, iron salts, calcium carbonate and the like, and so were ready to be utilized for the deposition of pigment or of skeletal substance.
The internal rivers of the state are not utilized for commercial purposes.
The time of comparative quiet that followed was utilized by the king in an attempt to win back some of his lost authority.
It was an appeal to every discontented French vassal to become a traitor under a plausible show of loyalty, and from first to last many such persons utilized it.
But it was not for some years that Edward utilized the advantage that Sluys had given him.
Of special interest is the series of naval records, despatches to and from naval commanders, proceedings of courts-martial, and togs in the Record Office which have never been properly utilized.
Coal, the raw material from which the gas is produced by a process of destructive distillation, varies very widely in composition (see Coal), and it is only the class of coals rich in hydrogen, known as bituminous coal, that can with advantage be utilized in gas manufacture.
This simple and inexpensive arrangement has the further advantage that the producer-gas is utilized immediately after its formation, without being allowed to cool down.
G is the pipe through which the blowing-up gas (Siemens gas) is carried away, either into the open air (where it is at once burned) or into a pre-heater for the blast, or into some place where it can be utilized as fuel.
The greater part of it is now utilized for military and other offices.
The Lapps have had the ordinary fate of a subject and defenceless people; they have been utilized with little regard to their own interest or inclinations.
This troublesome result is utilized and made a means of measurement.
Rivers, Sketch of the History of South Carolina to the Close of the Proprietary Government, 1719 (Charleston, 1856), which was utilized by McCrady in his first volume and was the first history of the colony based on the documents in the Public Records Office.
The romance which has here been utilized shows an acquaintance with Egypt; the narratives are discursive, not laconic, everything is more detailed, and more under the influence of literary art.
Sang and sometimes called a Bertrand's prism, it is the ordinary stream that is utilized.
In the Basque Provinces and in Galicia the cultivable area is quite as fully utilized, but in these the difficulties are not so great.
The contest between Erechtheus and Eumolpus formed the subject of a lost tragedy by Euripides; Swinburne has utilized the legend in his Erechtheus.
We now know that such adaptations are of comparatively small importance, and cannot be utilized for establishing groups higher than genera in a natural or phylogenetic classification.
Stereoscopic lenses can never be powerful systems, for the main idea is the recognition of the depth of objects, so that only systems having a sufficient depth of definition can be utilized.
It is utilized for the history of David, to whom its authorship is attributed.
On his appointment as historiographer of his church in 1835, he went to England, and collected the abundant materials afterwards utilized in his Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of U.S.A. (New York, 1836-1839).
On the other hand, a great advantage is gained in the absorption machine by using the direct heat of the steam, without first converting it into mechanical work, for in this way its latent heat of vaporization can be utilized by condensing the steam in the coils and letting it escape in the form of water.
Each pound of steam can thus be made to give up some 950 units of heat; while in a good steam engine only about 200 units are utilized in the steam cylinder per pound of steam, and in addition allowance has to be made for mechanical inefficiency.
Gordon was not an author, but he wrote many short memoranda on subjects that interested him, and a considerable number of these have been utilized, especially in the work by his brother, Sir Henry Gordon, entitled Events in the Life of Charles George Gordon, from its Beginning to its End.
As in fishes also, the sensory canal system must have been highly developed on the skulls of many labyrinthodonts, and the impressions left by these canals have been utilized by morphologists for homologizing the various elements of the cranial roof with those of Crossopterygians.
The close alliance between pharmacology, therapeutics and clinical medicine has induced many authors to treat the subject from a clinical point of view, while its relationships to chemistry and physiology have been utilized to elaborate a chemical and physiological classification respectively as the basis for systematic description.
Pilocarpine has an action closely allied to that of nicotine, but as it is much less poisonous (the effects produced by small doses being chiefly excessive sweating and salivation), it is capable of being utilized in medicine.
Gold is worked under European direction in the district of Gorontalo, but with only partial success; the search for coal in the southern peninsula has yielded no satisfactory results; tin, iron and copper, found in the eastern peninsula and elsewhere, are utilized only for native industries.
There are many other furnaces in which the same principle is utilized.
I utilized Quinn's precise red-marked settings and on the third try, Howie announced in his quiet monotone that he recognized the house!
Quality - Only open Apis are utilized in Quota Server.
Due to its ability to improve performance its principles are utilized in a number of other areas where physical athleticism is required.
Mucuna also produces its own fertilizer, fixing atmospheric N and storing it in the ground where it can be utilized by other plants.
He first utilized electronic music devices to create imagery, and also deconstructed the TV to create electronic imagery.
It also offers a USB 2.0 and Plug & Play feature which allows the phone to be utilized as a removable hard disk.
The way these mechanisms are utilized will be discussed below under the heading of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) type stretching.
Early in star development hydrogen is utilized to manufacture the element helium.
Thus new material models and innovative methods such as smooth particle hydrodynamics are utilized.
The forage legumes, key to producing soil fertility, are particularly well utilized by the cattle.
Kim et al additionally utilized endoscopic ultrasound to evaluate the deep margins of 4 colonic lipomas.
Negative controls utilized a mouse monoclonal antibody raised against a non-mammalian epitope.
A leaky integrate-and-fire neuron model is then utilized, with the input to the neuron model gained through summing the synaptic EPSPs.
On its being exhausted this cooled air was utilized to extract heat from the portion to be expanded at an expansion orifice.
In theory, this quantum parallelism can be utilized for solving problems which are intractable on any classical computer.
Most fresh produce doesn't travel well so various processes have to be utilized to allow it to last until it reaches our table.
They also utilized an Avo 72 way dimmer rack.
The Committee also noted that all UK gelatin manufactured for these purposes from bovine raw material utilized only imported ingredients.
Pile driving devices are normally part of a larger bespoke drilling rig that is utilized.
These early flights utilized the grass runway at Hatfield.
The estate sawmill is used to convert logs for a variety of end-products, some of which are utilized on the estate.
A semi-structured interview schedule was utilized to facilitate the group discussion.
Honeywell's magnetoresistive sensors are utilized to provide the reliability and accuracy of these small, solid state compass designs.
They utilized the signal of the republicans because they have not a sufficiently loud signalman of their own.
Furthermore, he found that the genetically modified soy utilized 10 to 30 percent more herbicide than conventional soy.
Here feminist approaches that rely upon a radically different ontological position in order to move beyond the mind/body split are utilized.
These procedures are utilized in somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT ), a type of embryo stem cell research, and in IVF.
The space over these rooms is also utilized by constructing 2 storerooms.
In many areas much early building utilized soft sedimentary rocks, which tend to be of relatively low magnetic susceptibility.
A Central Remote Control is utilized which operates the whole system.
This paradigm is heavily utilized in AI, prompting substantial research of the derivation of bounds.
The future appearance and quality of the landscape will reflect how the land and its semi-natural vegetation is utilized and managed.
Firstly, the primary winding must be able to withstand the peak primary voltage across the number of turns which are utilized.
Clients will be asked to note that the period weaponry utilized, albeit replicas, are real, not props.
The Latin noun limes denoted generally a path, sometimes a boundary path (possibly its original sense) or boundary, and hence it was utilized by Latin writers occasionally to denote frontiers definitely delimited and marked in some distinct fashion.
It is an energetic reducing agent, a property utilized in its application in gas analysis to absorb oxygen, and in photography as a developer.
From these surveys were constructed the well-known maps which were forwarded to Duhalde, and which D'Anville utilized for his atlas.
The whole of the available data were utilized by the prince of Monaco in 1905 in the preparation of a complete bathymetrical map of the oceans on a uniform scale, which must long remain the standard work for reference on ocean depths.
It is naturally uncertain how far the traditions of David can be utilized; but they illustrate Judaean situations when they depict intrigues with Israelite officials, vassalage under Philistia, and friendly relations with Moab, or when they suggest how enmity between Israel and Ammon could be turned to useful account.
By considerations based on the kinetic theory of gases (see Molecule) it may be shown that when no energy is utilized in separating the atoms of a molecule, this ratio is 5/3= 1.67.
Only the " free " carbonic acid and that of the bicarbonate can be utilized in the process of photosynthesis by the diatoms and alga.
The coarser particles of the sediments are deposited near the shore as gravels, sand and muds, but the very fine particles remain in suspension in the colloidal form, and some of this may be acted upon by marine bacteria or (it is surmised) even utilized by diatoms as a source of silica.
If this could be co-ordinated and utilized without dissipation, the gas might conceivably be restored to its initial state; but in practice violent local differences of pressure and temperature are produced, the kinetic energy is rapidly converted into heat by viscous eddy friction, and residual differences of temperature are equalized by diffusion throughout the mass.
It is also obtained in the action of potassium cyanide on gold in the presence of air, a reaction utilized in the MacArthur-Forrest process of gold extraction (see below).
Various forms of apparatus are employed for this treatment of the crude bicarbonate - sometimes semi-circular troughs with mechanical agitators on the principle of the Thelen pan (see above) - all acting on the principle that the escaping ammonia and carbon dioxide must be fully utilized over again.
Owing to the enormous quantities of chlorine required for various industrial purposes, many processes have been devised, either for the recovery of the manganese from the crude manganese chloride of the chlorine stills, so that it can be again utilized, or for the purpose of preparing chlorine without the necessity of using manganese in any form (see Alkali Manufacture).
For the early period, on the other hand, he only proves how rapidly the tradition had degenerated since Herodotus; and here his narrations can only be utilized in isolated cases, and that with the greatest caution.
Metallic selenium is a conductor of electricity, and its conductivity is increased by light; this property has been utilized in apparatus for transmitting photographs by telegraphy (see Telegraph).
It is almost insoluble in water, is miscible with absolute alcohol and ether, and dissolves sulphur, phosphorus, resins and caoutchouc. On exposure to the air it dries to a solid resin, and absorbing oxygen gives off ozone - a reaction utilized in the disinfectant called "Sanitas."
Honeywell 's magnetoresistive sensors are utilized to provide the reliability and accuracy of these small, solid state compass designs.
A different water usage exists in Norway, for example, where snowmelt runoff is utilized for hydropower generation.
These procedures are utilized in somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), a type of embryo stem cell research, and in IVF.
And the latest science and most advanced technologies must continue to be sought out and utilized.
We have further utilized in-vitro models to investigate the role of glucocorticoids on trophoblast function (proliferation, differentiation and invasion).
Field research utilized a two-phase sequential mixed methods approach.
This study utilized critical social science methodology based on the work of Habermas (1971).
The railroad would undoubtedly attract business to an area where amenities are under utilized.
The EMCARS conducts its business to ensure that accommodation is utilized most efficiently taking the interests of asylum seekers into account.
The allotments are fully utilized, with a small waiting list.
Identifying who might benefit from this new approach to health care is equally important if scarce resources are to be fully and appropriately utilized.
Molecular sieves, on the other hand, are utilized when the very lowest pressure dewpoints have to be achieved.
To facilitate this change a number of change theories could be utilized to facilitate the change agent to initiate the change.
These links are utilized to inform teaching and to maintain Stirling 's position as a leader in producing world class graduates.
My students are prepared for a career where chemistry and biology are utilized in conjunction with each other.
And in Japan itself memory of defeat at the hands of the US can still be utilized for these purposes.
Google 's Gmail storage capacity should be health fitness utilized for other purposes, according to Gmail user.
The text manipulative powers of computers were utilized in various word processing programs early on in the digital age.
A preemie growth chart can be further understood and utilized by visiting a baby-focused website such as Baby Center.
The final look of the invitation or greeting card will depend on the color scheme utilized, any text added (and the font used), and how busy or refined the look of the card is.
Flatware is one of the most utilized items in the home, and most flatware is composed of durable stainless steel, an alloy composed of steel, chromium and nickel for rust-resistant and luster properties.
Any ATM machine that has the Visa or MasterCard logo on it can be utilized for cash withdrawals.
The fee will be waived if direct deposit to the card is utilized.
Most of these fees can be avoided if direct deposit is utilized.
The two main methods utilized to force you to repay your debt are quite effective.
A property needs to be surveyed to find out if specific renewable energy sources can be installed and utilized.
Japanese herbs are utilized in Japanese medicine, also called Kampo.
Split flues were utilized in the fireplaces to accommodate windows above the mantels.
Rustic and white-washed are two surface treatments you can utilized as well as distressed wood finishes.
These master craftsmen utilized color the way many artists used form.
It is said that Cleopatra utilized this method on her eyes and lips.
It's unique, but not so unusual that it can't be utilized in some way.
This market is primarily utilized by large banks, huge corporations, and the governments of various nations.
One of the first ways cameras were utilized was used to take sensual and erotic photos of women.
Mounted on a Nikon F3 body, the Kodak DCS featured a 1.3 megapixel resolution and utilized a separate over-the-shoulder Digital Storage Unit (DSU) to store images and batteries.
The same format as Dreams Come True is utilized in this cartridge with the main characters being depicted in both head and full body shapes.
Since the muscles of both the upper and lower body are being actively utilized, the equipment is lighter.
There are skills you can use while you are in the heat of the moment, and skills that can be utilized for free floating anger.
Toxey utilized the services of a local fabric factory to make the fabric, which allowed hunters to blend in with forest surroundings while hunting.
There are several types of shorter lessons that can be utilized by youth groups.
The trunk of the coconut palm tree is often utilized for timber and the leaves for roof thatch.
Nonetheless, this opening has been utilized by many faiths and is certainly generic enough to begin your vows.
Claims high success rate if follow-up programs are utilized.
This allows dogs and puppies to remain much cleaner, and these crates are highly utilized for those gloriously coated breeds such as Shih Tzu, Lhasa Apsos, Maltese and Yorkshire Terriers to name a few.
During the latter part of the twentieth century, tattoos were primarily utilized by microcultures, such as motorcycle gangs, street gangs, and punks.
There are many other Internet sources of Grateful Dead tablature to be utilized by guitar players looking to learn their songs.
Now they are utilized more prolifically and some of the opaque and clear glass tile rugs are placed near windows so that the light can filter through to provide great effects.
The space beneath your stairs is often under utilized.
Animal prints are vivacious and fun, but they're best utilized in simple ways, especially as over-using the print can result in an overall unflattering look.
Researchers utilized monozygotic (identical) twins for this research as well as conducting some research with animal subjects.
Goggles are utilized by both professionals and regular people for a number of reasons.
These reviews are a great way to get a feel for the overall conduct of the company and whether or not others that have utilized their services are satisfied.
With full power utilized, you'll be in surveillance mode that allows you to see up to fifty feet ahead of you.
The earliest modern carousel concept we still see today, is derived from a combat exercise that was utilized by Arabian soldiers.
One of the things they utilized was the scan system, much like that of Metroid Prime 1 & 2, allowing you to uncover the secrets of this government agency one bit at a time.
With such simple controls that utilized the uniqueness of the Remote and the Nunchuk, Wii Sports gave you a great introduction into Wii's revolutionary gameplay.
The Wii Remote is well utilized with the different motions for each of the 20+ games.
This can also be utilized to acquire a "Cubis."
Most of the games utilized the pad and 4 buttons, but there were internal programs, like a calendar that you used the stylus for.
The bottom screen allowed users to manipulate games that utilized the touch capabilities.
A few examples utilized thusfar are recording small clips of speech, sounds, etc., shouting commands or blowing bubbles by breathing into the microphone.
There are some universal techniques to use that players have utilized the world over.
Forza Motorsport 4 (2011) utilized the unique Kinect Sensor on the Xbox 360.
Unlike some of the other characters that can more easily link together moves into impressive combos, Blanka is best utilized with a guerrilla-style warfare strategy.
These titles utilized full-motion video to a large extent and received no involvement from Nintendo.
Walkthroughs and guides are particularly useful for role-playing games, whereas cheat codes and secrets are more heavily utilized in shooting, action, and adventure games.
Developers utilized for the first time Dolby Interactive Content Encoding Technology, which allowed game developers to use true Dolby Digital sound during gameplay and rendered cut-scenes.
It used a smooth, oscillating hook that utilized a simple threading technique.
Mid Century Modern, or Eames Era - These modern rockers utilized aluminum, plastic and other modern materials to create mod style with bright colors.
The term GSM refers to the Global System for Mobile Communications, a telecommunications technology utilized by providers such as AT&T, T-Mobile and GCI Wireless.
Any cancer drugs utilized are usually given in smaller doses, which diminishes the severity of their side effects.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT, also called electric shock treatments) has been utilized to relieve symptoms of catatonia and depression in schizophrenics, especially in cases where medication is not effective.
Although production is concentrated in the liver and bone marrow, heme is utilized in various capacities in virtually every tissue in the body.
In some cases, IVIG is utilized to boost the immune system.
Ultrasound waves utilized in detecting the FHR and for the BPP are painless and safe because this method employs no harmful radiation.
However, there are a wide variety of other resources utilized by genealogists to obtain free public birth records.
Time4Learning is based upon Compass Learning, which is utilized in some schools for curriculum and even public school at home options.
Although there are many vital learning skills to be taught the year before your child starts kindergarten, learning can still be kept simple and fun and many free resources can be utilized at this point in your child's education.
The applicant must provide detailed information regarding the type of employment, duration of employment, and skills utilized during a routine workday.
Since most mortgage companies - including Fifth Third Bank - utilize computer programs to approve or deny mortgage applications, a human underwriter is utilized as a safeguard.
Veterans Administration loans are among the most popular and widely utilized benefits available to members of the United States military and veterans.
Even with a rent to own agreement, a closing agent should be utilized, whether it's an attorney or a title company.
Of the $4 million allotted for the program, in early 2009, only $680,000 had been utilized.
Depending on the style of maternity jeans you choose, one of several options will be utilized to allow you to wear the maternity jeans comfortably throughout your pregnancy.
Slow dancing can be utilized for both labor induction and labor pain.
This San Francisco transit system is one of the most complex and organized in Northern California, and is utilized every single day.
There are also a variety of other castles and fortresses that can be utilized with the Adventure Castle to create an entire world of fantasy for your child.
Factory workers also utilized them, because they provided protection from the various types of debris, like grime, grease and dirt.
The traditional spit technology is utilized in infrared rotisseries by using rotisserie burners that generate infrared energy.
Any of those items can be utilized for a stunning proposal.
In fact, these bags are some of the most popular tools utilized in grassroots political campaign efforts today.
Orla Kiely is an Irish designer known for her use of brilliant colors and graphic prints, all utilized on her creative collections of clothing, handbags, accessories, home goods and paper goods.
While the games available on Yahooligans are naturally entertaining, many of them do have an educational value, and can be successfully utilized in a classroom or home school environment.
How do you feel about the way these devices are being utilized?
Two different types of rewards programs are utilized by the website's customers.
Will they be utilized both indoors and outdoors?
Due to the advantages of a custom fitting, minimal padding is utilized in LUST shoes.
In fact, the unstable nature of the design engages those muscles that are generally not utilized with basic types of active footwear.
The first was a U.K. based series that utilized the premise, but none of the characters.
The core families' personal and professional lives were equally utilized to drive the storylines.
Theme songs are also utilized during soap opera award programs, with the corresponding song being played for each winner who approaches the podium.
It is also easier for a tattoo artist to complete a horizontal design, and this leaves room for more detail and advanced skills to be utilized.
Printing out designs that you like in a format that is easily utilized by the artist can save you time and money while allowing you to shop around to your heart's content, until you find a design that you are happy with.
In 1928, Jean-Léon Reutter, a Swiss engineer, built the first Atmos prototype, which used a mercury-in-glass expansion device that utilized temperature alone rather than temperature combined with atmospheric pressure.
Marketing Division Manager where my experience and recruiting ability can be effectively utilized for increased profitability.
Multilevel marketing has had a stigma for several years, often resulting from zealous but misdirected individuals who utilized questionable methods to build their businesses.
You can utilized many small business tax deductions to help minimize your tax bill.
Considering the price ($79) and the selection, it is a worthwhile purchase if other product features are utilized.
A 'home office' must meet the IRS definition, which states that the workspace is regularly and exclusively utilized for business.
Businesses report significant savings when the program is fully utilized among their employees and human relations department.
It can be used to run off a few cards if you run out or utilized to keep operating costs down for small business owners.
To obtain a clerical position where my office skills, and secretarial background will be utilized.
If you own a business you probably have utilized a profit and loss template.
As an update to this article, the Cash for Clunkers program is allowing the rebate money to be utilized on ordered cars due to the depleting inventory at dealeships.
Dealerships must make you aware that fifty dollars of the either $3,500 or $4,500 they receive will be utilized towards dismantling or crushing your clunker trade in.
If you want your list to be honored and utilized, post it in a place where everyone will see it.
Indeed, nutrient values are similar despite the varying fertilizers utilized in the growing process.
The list is also comprised of foods that can easily be utilized in order to make healthy lower carb meal plans.
Body builders and other athletes have utilized calorie and food group cycling eating theories for years.
Medicine balls are versatile and with no set method to do medicine ball exercises, they are utilized in a variety of ways.
They can be utilized as a means to bring the heart rate down a little or to speed it up, depending on the difficulty of the exercise.
Exercise balls are often utilized as part of a lower ab routine.
Resistance band exercises are often utilized in exercise classes designed to strengthen muscles, such as yoga and Pilates.
It takes patience to learn to use various features, and people who are not technologically savvy may choose to purchase a simple monitor instead of one that has a long list of features that may never be utilized.
The word bosu is an acronym for "both sides up" or "both sides utilized."
American Dental insurance is a name utilized by several carriers of dental programs for individuals, families, and employers.
Managed care is utilized by the Georgia Medicaid system, and has been for a few years.
Instead of retirement vehicles, variable annuities are often utilized by business owners in order to insure against liability and business losses.
The immediate annuity is usually utilized by people who already have a large lump-sum of money saved and want to allow that money to grow at a fixed rate while receiving income payments from the account.
About a year and a half was utilized composing songs and rehearsing them 3 nights a week.
The positive side to this theory is that Dr. Perricone utilized the knowledge he derived from it to create skin care programs that would decrease and resist the signs of aging.
The team utilized the latest ingredients, technology and research to create the line, which is designed for daily use.
Citation Theory is utilized when an Internet search engine categorizes certain websites as reliable or trustworthy.
Facebook utilized the power of Microsoft to provide Windows Mobile Smartphone and PDA owners the ability to stay connected around the clock.
Pants utilized the opportunity to provide built-in padding to the players, so when they slid into the base, for example, they were less likely to get hurt.
Everything from Search Engine Marketing to websites to blogs is utilized as effectively as possible in order to gain those vital inches that every business needs over their competitors.
Web marketing is a relatively new development in the marketing world, although there has always been an interest in how the Internet can be utilized to increase market share and decrease marketing expenses.
However, the origin of the hyperlink came from the fact that these early networks were actually research networks utilized to link together libraries of research documents.
The echo() function is probably the most utilized string function in the PHP library.
Those units I use have been utilized and tested thousands of times.
A comfortable bed replaced the cot utilized in Peabody and absolute darkness proved more conducive to sleep than the leaked light that often snuck into our old quarters.
Unfortunately, there were at least four where Howie's abilities could have been utilized.
Was this gift that befell Howard Abbott optimally utilized?
While Dean hadn't read the tome, Cynthia had utilized it faithfully in her recent perpetration of meals.
There were lots of rooming houses but we have no idea how Bird Song was utilized at the turn of the century.
The Deans had utilized the site a half dozen times, including, in December, the council-sponsored full moon nighttime outing, followed by a dip in the town's hot spring pool.
The emergency network had not been utilized, which meant that by morning one of the high-ranking men hiding underground would be on the phone to General Greene to complain about the lack of gin.
The capability was emplaced but never utilized.
Much of the natural gas is piped out of the state into Ohio (even into the northern parts), Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Maryland; within the state gas has been utilized as a fuel in carbon black and glass factories.
Asheville is a market for live-stock, dairy products, lumber and fruits, and has various manufactories (in which a good water-power is utilized), including tanneries, cotton mills, brick and tile factories, and a wood-working and veneer plant.
The Panlaung and Zawgyi rivers from the Shan States flow through the district and are utilized for the numerous irrigation canals.
If thorianite cannot be obtained, monazite, which is more abundant, may be utilized.
At its falls from Lake of the Woods is one of the greatest and most easily utilized water-powers in the world, and from falls lower down the river electric power for the city of Winnipeg is obtained.
Two rapid streams, Poesten Kill and Wynants Kill, flowing into the Hudson from the east, through deep ravines, furnish good water-power, which, with that furnished by the state dam across the Hudson here, is utilized for manufacturing purposes.
This work has been largely utilized by Ignae-Acsady in his excellent Gabriel Bethlen and his Court (Hung., Budapest, 1890).
No troops are now stationed here, and the barracks have been utilized for a jail, a lunatic asylum and other civic buildings.
Sheep have likewise been raised in Piauhy, but there is no market for mutton and their wool is not utilized.
Small fragments, formerly thrown away or used only for varnish, are now utilized on a large scale in the formation of "ambroid" or "pressed amber."
The fore limbs grow simultaneously, and even more rapidly, but remain concealed within a diverticulum of the branchial chambers until fully formed, when they burst through the skin (unless the left spiraculum be utilized for the egress of the corresponding limb).
It has been suggested by several botanists, with considerable plausibility, that the ultra-violet or chemical rays can be absorbed and utilized by the protoplasm without the intervention of any pigment such as chlorophyll.
A great part again is utilized in that increase of the body of the plant which we call growth.
With this assumption, 0.06 is the fraction of the heat energy of the coal which is utilized in the engine cylinders as mechanical work; that is to say, of the 15,000 B.Th.U.
Photographic processes have been utilized not only in reducing maps to a smaller scale, but also for producing stones and plates from which they may be printed.
For the revision of the constitution it is necessary that two-thirds of the members elected to each house of the legislature vote for the call of a constitutional convention, that a majority of all electors voting at the next general election approve the call for the convention, and that the convention consist of as many members as the house of representatives, who shall be chosen in the same manner, and shall meet within three months after the general 1 At International Falls on Rainy River and at Duluth on the St Louis immense water-power is utilized for manufacturing.
Then came World War I, which utilized these institutions and greatly expanded the size of the federal government.
The original farm houses would have utilized the hot coals from the fireplace.