Utilize Sentence Examples
She will only utilize it for common good.
If I can somehow utilize this gift I can't do it without all your help.
Cynthia continued to utilize her camera, apologizing for her time-consuming perfectionism.
Because young people generally understand and utilize technology better than older people, we will see a shift in power and influence toward the young.
The same plants have sometimes a superficial root system in addition, and are thus able to utilize immediately the water from rain showers and perhaps also from dew, as Volkensl maintains.
Perhaps I'll utilize my secure room beneath the barn for the daughter while I interview the mother alone.
How I missed the fresh air and country scenes any painter would utilize his entire palette to capture.
I have this gift I never asked for but it's like I have an obligation to utilize it.
My security system is top notch though I've had little need to utilize it.
With so many people at their house, it was fortunate that the weather was warm and dry so they could utilize the courtyard for the children.
AdvertisementIn addition to these great perennial canals, much has been done since 1878 in enlarging and extending what are known as the " inundation canals " of the Punjab, which utilize the flood waters in the rivers during the monsoon season and are dry at other times.
Nevertheless it is indisputable that, under the single direction of this master-mind, the Danish state was now able, for a time, to utilize all its resources as it had never done before.
When intercourse with the West began, and more especially when Western methods of government and education were first adopted in Siam, the tendency to utilize European words was very marked, but recently there has been an effort to avoid this by the coining of Siamese or Bali compound words.
Little, however, has been done to utilize the deposits, the demands of the colonial markets being extremely limited.
Though we can convert the whole of the energy possessed by any mechanical system into heat, it is not in our power to perform the inverse operation, and to utilize the whole of the heat in doing mechanical work.
AdvertisementThus Microhydra lives amongst Bryozoa, and appears to utilize the currents produced by these animals.
The flood-water is controlled by a system of dams and channels constructed so as to utilize every drop, and the extent of cultivation is limited more by the supply of water available than by the amount of suitable soil.
Denfert-Rochereau, however, understood better than other engineers of the day the power of modern artillery, and his plan was to utilize the old works as a keep and an artillery position.
They know the value of bright colors, however, and how best to utilize them, both supporting and contrasting them with their secondaries and complementaries.
While some moulds (Penicillium, Aspergillus) can utilize almost any organic food-materials, other fungi are more restricted in their choice - e.g.
AdvertisementAll these and many subsequent attempts to utilize it, either loose or mechanically compressed in any way, signally failed.
The first attempts to utilize the explosive power of nitroglycerin were made by Nobel in 1863; they were only partially successful until the plan, first applied by General Pictot in 1854, of developing the force of gunpowder in the most rapid manner and to the maximum extent, through initiative detonation, was applied by Nobel to nitroglycerin.
How best to utilize the fresh troops joining him from England was anxiously considered by Sir I.
The nitrogen-fixing nodule bacteria can be cultivated on artificial media, and many attempts have been made to utilize them for practical purposes.
Hence only in exceptional circumstances is it possible to utilize a large class of widely distributed ores, carrying from Io to 35 per cent.
AdvertisementIf these advantages and requisites are observed, perhaps in time to come some one might know how better to utilize our sketch and cause some addition to be made so as to accomplish that which we can only suggest.
Brown and Escombe have shown that the amount of solar energy taken up by a green leaf may often be fifty times as much as it can utilize in the constructive processes of which it is the seat.
It was proposed to utilize the money set free by this operation to indemnify by a milliard francs the emigres for the loss of their lands at the Revolution; it was also proposed to restore their former privileges to the religious congregations.
It was, however, Berkeley who first sought to utilize the conclusions that were implicit in Locke's starting-point to disprove " the systems of impious and profane persons which exclude all freeedom, intelligence, and design from the formation of things, and instead thereof make a selfexistent, stupid, unthinking substance the root and origin of all beings."
The object of the engineer is so to utilize this flood-water that as little as possible of the alluvium may escape into the sea, and as much as possible may be deposited on the fields.
When British engineers first undertook the management of Egyptian irrigation many representations were made to them of the advantage of storing the Nile water; but they consistently maintained that before entering on that subject it was their duty to utilize every drop of the water at their disposal.
The menu changes often to utilize locally produced meat, fish, fruit and seasonal vegetables.
They have carried the art of irrigation to great per fection, and they utilize every acre of profitable soil.
Several remarkable electric power and lighting plants utilize the water power of the mountains.'
I do not wish to utilize the fortunes of war to humiliate an honored monarch.
Another way to utilize passive solar heat is with silicone filled tubing underneath your floors to provide radiant heat throughout your home.
A group of students can also utilize Blackboard to communicate details and share ideas about a class project or assignment.
In 1847 Lyon Playfair informed him of a spring of petroleum which had made its appearance at Ridding's Colliery at Alfreton in Derbyshire, and in the following year he began to utilize it for making both burning and lubricating oils.
Since John Hollway's and other early experiments of Lawrence Austin and Robert Sticht, no serious attempts have been made to utilize the heat escaping from a converting vessel in smelting ore and matte either in the same apparatus or in a separate furnace.
It was not until the introduction of cotton warps into the Bradford trade about 1836 that the true qualities of alpaca could be developed in the fabric. Where the cotton warp and mohair or alpaca weft plain-cloth came from is not known, but it was this simple yet ingenious structure which enabled Titus Salt, then a young Bradford manufacturer, to utilize alpaca successfully.
Not strong enough to break up the nobility, with its great estates, they were forced to utilize its services and still further to promote its interests; while their dependence on its good-will and assistance led inevitably to incessant gifts of money, lands and men.
The transference of the Curia from Rome to Avignon (1309) had brought the papacy under the influence of the French crown; and this position Philip the Fair of France now endeavoured to utilize by demanding from the pope the dissolution of the powerful and wealthy order of the Temple, together with the introduction of a trial for heresy against the late Pope Boniface VIII.
Rich as the country is in coal and iron, and in water supplies which can be transformed into motive power, the inhabitants were not slow to utilize these advantages, so that the industry of Bohemia made enormous strides during the last half of the 19th century.
In order to utilize the air as a means of transit, the body in motion, whether it moves in virtue of the life it possesses, or because of a force superadded, must be heavier than air.
Provision was made for such a system in the first state constitution, to utilize the school lands set aside in all the North-West Territory by the Ordinance of 1787, but the existing system is of late growth.
But Henry made no endeavour for many years to utilize the papal grant of Ireland, which seems to have been made under the preposterous Donation of Constantine, the forged document which gave the bishop of Rome authority over all islands.
But there was another movement, whose origins went back for many centuries, which they were far from discouraging, and were prepared to utilize when it suited their convenience.
In devising his scheme, Forster endeavoured to utilize, as far as possible, the educational machinery which had been voluntarily provided by various religious organizations.
Through the insistence of Russia an armistice was agreed upon; and Lord Beaconsfieldfor Disraeli had now been raised to the peerageendeavoured to utilize the breathing space by organizing a conference of the great powers at Constantinople, which was attended on behalf of Great Britain by Lord Salisbury.
We reach thus approximately the age when post-Deuteronomic editors were able to utilize such records as Judg.
Among its manufactures are foundry and machine shop products, worsted goods and electrical apparatus; the factories utilize the water power of the falls.
The Fraunhofer formula permits the determination of the most useful magnification of such an objective in order to utilize its full resolving power.
To fully utilize the aperture of the system all dispersing rays in the object-space of the objective must be retained in the imagespace of the illuminating system.
The attempt of the latter to utilize Gordon as a counterpoise to the European financiers having failed, Ismail fell into the hands of his creditors, and was deposed by the sultan in the following year in favour of his son Tewfik.
With so many people in their house, it was fortunate that the weather was warm and dry so they could utilize the courtyard for the children.
I wracked my brains in an attempt to formulate some way we could safely utilize Howie's unique abilities and produce beneficial results without exposing ourselves to God knows what.
While Betsy had located some seemingly compatible cases, everyone wanted to offer input on which ones were the most critical and how or what tip lines we'd utilize.
All she wants to do is utilize this present from the gods to the maximum benefit of mankind without interference and assault on her simple life.
To enable individual data networks to utilize best the new high-speed backbone through the application of switching technology.
Despite the enormous capacity of the human brain, we only utilize on average less than three percent of our potential brainpower.
Additionally, you may utilize your offshore bank to provide captive insurance or real estate brokerage services.
In addition, some fans utilize blade designs that reduce the buildup of dirt.
Progeny vaccinia and human cytomegalovirus particles utilize early endosomal cisternae for their envelopes.
Many of the Nurse Specialists utilize the area including the endocrinology, Dermatology and Allergy nurses.
This service will also utilize comprehensive speech recognition for the first time and will also incorporate features such as Call Return.
The research will utilize complexity theory as a lens to focus on governance frameworks.
Turbine hybrid systems can be used to utilize the energy of the exhaust gases.
Biomimetic sensors utilize a material that mimics the response of human hemoglobin to carbon monoxide.
Another in a succession of films made by the famous illusionist and one of the first films to utilize stop-motion techniques.
Both products are one-step pregnancy tests that utilize a sandwich immunoassay principle.
The fish utilize food sources naturally present in the waters, including freshwater shrimp, benthic invertebrates, snails and insects.
This entitled lessors still to utilize the accrued capital allowance.
But the ruminant is equipped with the rumen microbes to degrade and utilize such material for food production for humans.
These services usually utilize specially adapted minibusses which may also offer hailing at bus stops.
Meanwhile inter-Asiatic intercourse by means of sea-routes had been steadily on the increase since the discovery of the way to utilize the monsoons and to sail directly to and fro across the Indian Ocean (attributed to the Greek pilot Hippalus) had been made.
This peculiar relationship suggests at once a symbiosis, the Fungus gaining its nutriment mainly or entirely from the green plant, while the latter in some way or other is able to utilize the free nitrogen of;he air.
There is, in addition, a series of bacteria which decompose sulphureous compounds and utilize the element thus liberated in their protoplasm (see Bacteriology).
Its purpose was to enable a competent commission, renewable in part each year, to utilize a portion of funds entrusted to it in inquiries on the best methods of furthering the interests of the community, and, when the funds became large enough, to apply their income directly to schemes of betterment.
It was not worth while to master and economize the resources of this earth, to utilize the good and ameliorate the evils of this life, while every one agreed, in theory at any rate, that the present was but a bad prelude to an infinitely worse or infinitely better future.
The enormous extension of surface also facilitates the absorption of energy from the environment, and, to take one case only, it is impossible to doubt that some source of radiant energy must be at the disposal of those prototrophic forms which decompose carbonates and assimilate carbonic acid in the dark and oxidize nitrogen in dry rocky regions where no organic materials are at their disposal, even could they utilize them.
He was the first to apply the telegraph to meteorological research, to have the atmospheric conditions daily indicated on a large map, to utilize the generalizations made in weather forecasts, and to embrace a continent under a single system - British America and Mexico being included in the field of observation.
This holistic approach to exercise will utilize and rejuvenate both mind and body !
The Camberley tactic to utilize inside runners off switch moves paid dividends in returning possession gained from good ruck ball.
How are we to utilize it, then, to prevent it from becoming the instrument of a sacred rite?
For the most part, horses are able to utilize only the organic sulfur in its feed.
Neural synchrony The neural mechanisms underlying perceptual grouping may utilize temporal synchrony.
We utilize anti-CCP testing in our ' early synovitis clinic ' when a positive result influences the decision to introduce early anti-rheumatic drug therapy.
Actors & Performers can utilize NLP techniques in auditions and casting calls to get jobs.
Free calls (including 0800, emergency services and Telewest Customer Care on 150) do n't utilize your usage allowance.
Or alternatively can utilize optional wireless technology to save trailing wires around the house.
These programs may utilize system resources needed to run QuickBooks.
Several examples are given below, and you can also utilize browsers such as Mozilla firefox to read these feeds.
The aim is to provide where appropriate and better utilize existing resources to advance the work among young people.
We utilize open source programs such as joomla and oscommerce to provide the best content managment system for your small business.
Most website owners do not utilize properly what PageRank they already have.
As someone seeking information in audio recording mixing, you search for tips and " reliable " hints to utilize when recording and mixing.
Guessing can also utilize the other senses, such as melting different types of candy bars into diapers and challenging all of the ladies to guess the brand of candy bar by smell and feel.
In addition to getting recommendations from friends, family and colleagues regarding a good roofer, you can also utilize sites like Yelp and Angie's List.
Office Professional is a fully-loaded version most users will never utilize.
If you're shopping but don't have much time or you're shopping online, there are wizards you can utilize.
Using powerful suction, these vacuums utilize multiple rotating heads to dig dirt up and get it on the surface.
Retailers utilize all four or five weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas and the items or products you want may go on sale at different times.
A higher resolution will give you a sharper picture, but you don't need an exceptionally high resolution on a small screen because you won't be able to utilize it.
Appliances and heating units that utilize propane operate very efficiently.
To reach the outlet mall, besides by car, you can utilize the shuttle service from many locations in the Minneapolis/St.
In order to utilize debt settlement, borrowers will need to have the money to pay off the settlement amount in a short amount of time.
Because consulting services can be quite expensive and can lead to even further debt, it may be better to utilize other debt management services or become self-educated about how to reduce debt and budget household finances.
Along with choosing the card's purpose and how the money will be spent, another perk for choosing a card like this is the opportunity to fully customize the card face and to utilize co-branding.
Many consumers utilize a debt consolidation service when they find that their debts have become unmanageable.
Prepaid payment cards allow cardholders to utilize a convenient payment method without going into debt.
Customer Service Fee - If you do not utilize the automated telephone system then you may be assessed a fee for speaking with a representative.
Carefully review the terms on the gift card to make sure that a substantial amount of your balance will not go toward cash advance fees if you utilize the card in this way.
The sources you utilize in your search for online information should depend on exactly what types of questions you have.
You will need a Wells Fargo deposit account in order to utilize the bill payment service.
Internet-based businesses are most likely to utilize such services.
Utilize the available method that you prefer and make sure to always get your payment in before the due date to avoid late fees.
Do you currently utilize overdraft protection on a frequent basis?
It is important to note that not all Walmarts have the capability to accept cash for the purpose of reloading the MoneyCard, and there is a $3 reload fee if you utilize this method.
As one of the premier financial service providers, American Express gives customers a variety of ways to utilize its online services.
Identity theft on the computer can be a big problem, particularly for those computer users who do not utilize anti-virus protection and who supply personal information over the Internet without reservation.
When obtaining information from these companies, find out what sources they utilize as well as how recent the information is because you may find that some of the data touted as recent statistics is actually from a few years ago.
An L-shaped configuration allows you to optimize and utilize the open space below the other bunk bed.
In recent years, the traditional bunk bed has morphed into a two story command center where a child can use the upper deck to sleep and utilize the lower space for school work, storage and a play space that offers privacy and a cozy feel.
Utilize all of your available space in a small dining room by choosing a corner china cabinet.
You may not have a ton of space if you're choosing one of the smaller styles, but you will be able to better utilize the space and have more control over how you display and store your items if you choose a cabinet with adjustable shelves.
When these sources have been used up, the sectors who utilize them will face even more difficult shortages.
You don't have to live in the hot sunny desert to utilize solar.
Some areas have zoning restrictions in place that prohibit the type of equipment you'd need to utilize this energy source.
These layers allow the panels to utilize either different frequencies of sunlight, and/ or artificial light.
This does not mean that water usage is something to be avoided, but rather that it's important to utilize this resource wisely, using what is necessary but avoiding waste.
For example, opening your curtains to allow the sun to warm your home and give you free light on a sunny day is a great way to utilize passive solar energy.
There are two primary methods that are used to utilize solar energy and both employ the use of solar panels.
Scientists are constantly looking for ways to better utilize renewable energy and to find new sources.
When the correct number of solar panels are installed properly and in the correct location, it is possible to utilize the sun's energy to power and heat your home.
If you find that tea bags don't do the trick, there are other folk remedies that utilize familiar herbs.
Other commonly seen color schemes of this style utilize warm oranges and reds inspired by terracotta tiles and pottery.
For a more elegant look, some modern rooms utilize furniture that is influenced by movements like Art Deco and Art Nouveau, along with Asian and post-modern designs.
However, you don't need a huge budget or a beautiful old house to utilize the principles of Victorian interior decorating in your own home; you simply need a little time and creativity.
You can utilize baskets for shelf storage and large units like a toy chest or cabinet storage unit.
Utilize them for style, large quantities and fast shipments to get your job done right.
Most men utilize scent as a source of attraction and to cover up body odors.
During that time, your dentist will apply the bleaching agents and utilize the laser.
Repair Distorted Teeth - for both function and appearance, dentists utilize crowns, veneers and bridges to remake your smile.
Always check references and a photographer's portfolio before agreeing to work with him/her and utilize a makeup artist as well.
Unlike permanent makeup methods that utilize electronic machines, the SofTap® method is relatively quiet.
This is why most professional makeup artists will utilize cosmetic train cases in order to protect their makeup valuables.
Many skilled permanent makeup artists utilize the feathering technique for brow color application.
If you know anything at all about contouring when it comes to regular makeup, you'll utilize that knowledge now.
Since this style typically emphasizes a light touch, one trick to really make the eyes pop while still maintaining that natural appeal is to utilize strategic color to draw attention to the eyes.
On the MAC website, you can utilize their interactive mascara finder to compare formulas fit for your needs.
Makeup tricks for green eyes should utilize makeup colors that enhance, but don't compete with the green of the eyes.
You'll probably go for more elaborate makeup at night, but if you're the type who enjoys minimal makeup, feel free to utilize these makeup tips for a natural look anytime.
There are several reasons that you may want to utilize an online Ouija board.
If you are looking for gifts or tools to teach your children about financial responsibility, utilize their prepaid cards.
You probably already have Flash installed because many websites utilize Flash to run ads, slideshows and video.
To stay current, Merriam-Webster online showcases news stories and recently-spoken quotes that utilize less-common words.
When you want to buy or sell something on EBay, you have to register at the site and provide personal information to utilize the My EBay sign in tool.
These cameras are a bit higher priced than others, but that is because they are new and utilize newer technologies.
In addition to editing and advanced image enhancing, users can utilize Elements to create photo books, collages, and online galleries to share with friends and family members.
Highlight the body and utilize natural lighting to add emotion to the photo.
Some restaurants don't utilize the convenience of food distributors.
For example, some CDs utilize animal sounds such as whale song.
Encouraging individuals to practice new techniques and remember information when not stressed may help utilize the lessons later."
However, once you learn how to utilize your time correctly by effectively maximizing your productivity, you will feel as if you have more hours available to you each day.
It is learning how to develop and utilize the skills, techniques and tools of effective and productive time management and using them to achieve a specific goal.
For example, if you are funny, then utilize your sense of humor.
Utilize magazines as a visual shopping list.
Teens should utilize a calendar or daily planner, writing down a daily schedule and sticking to it.
Most importantly it is vital to accept and utilize all the help that is offered.
For example, one local Ohio chapter provides teens with a list of PDF resources, such as a family interview form, that they can utilize.
You can also utilize GodTube, YouTube, 700 Club, or choose short clips from current movies.
Other activity clubs like the YWCA, Boys and Girls Club and Youth Services may have programs you can utilize.
These byproducts actually aid the human body and are often composed of predigested food molecules your system can utilize easily.
There are plenty of ways to utilize these two colors.
Indoor and winter weddings are much more likely to utilize darker colors to accent the ceremony.
If you plan to give the couple luggage as a gift, it is recommended that you send it or give it to them several days in advance of the actual wedding so they can utilize it during their honeymoon.
You may even be able to utilize other parts of the church such as the fellowship hall and kitchen for reception planning.
A chocolate cake can utilize all of the same decorations that a white cake can.
It can be of value to get other family members involved in therapy and utilize this support system to move forward with full recovery.
If you are interested in learning more about the causes and effects of drug addiction, there are many great resources around the web that you can utilize.
Try recipes for pumpkin cheesecake or cakes that utilize nuts, raisins, and rich spices.
Utilize this when you are making cupcakes for an important occasion of want to make intricate details on top of your cupcakes.
Both have advantages and disadvantages, and depending on the situation, decorators often utilize both premade and homemade fondant in their decorating.
Utilize the colors of Easter to make this outfit appropriate for church attendance or a party.
If you want to get a discount at the beginning of the summer season, you may need to utilize some different tactics.
Whenever possible, utilize your school's meal plan.
Most instructors of online courses utilize a variety of technological tools to convey information and help students retain material.
Distance learning programs utilize unique courses of study and methods of classmate and professor interaction to provide integrated educational experiences.
This eCampus is centered on Web-based classes that utilize Blackboard, a program that allows students to log in and complete their work from any location, at any time.
In truth, only a handful of distance learning programs still utilize print correspondence.
The average project management course will utilize business simulations to set the stage for projects with multiple resources available, specific deliverables requested and requirements that need to be met.
Still, if you don't have a computer with a reliable, fast Internet connection, the best programs for you may be those that utilize e-mail correspondence and digital media that doesn't require the newest and speediest equipment.
More elaborate designs may even utilize glare-resistant transparent flooring to create intricate displays beneath passengers' feet.
Floor-to-ceiling windows in many ships' gyms offer stunning views, or for a taste of sea air, walkers and joggers can utilize the wraparound teak Promenade deck.
Many have wrought iron frames, or solid wooden construction, and most utilize a regular bed pillow for the cushion, depending on the size.
They utilize all the social networks to get the word out and largely depend on the owners and breeders of a particular breed to help out.
Further, many therapy dog organizations utilize the program as an initial screening tool.
Veterinary professionals who offer rehabilitation services for dogs utilize a variety of techniques as they select treatment methods that make sense in light of each animal's specific condition or situation.
It may take some trial and error to figure out which site is best for you, so make sure you look around a bit, particularly when you are just beginning to utilize free online guitar study.
Many home improvement contractors send out occasional marketing materials through the mail, while other companies utilize television and radio commercials.
Outdoor Lighting - Many cities use fluorescent lights for outdoor lighting, and many homeowners utilize this type of outdoor lighting as well.
You can utilize a miter saw, which has no blade tilt, prop the crown molding up against your fence and set the miter angle.
Because this type of water heater doesn't utilize a holding tank like a standard hot water heater, it offers benefits such as on-demand hot water and lower utility bills while being better for the environment.
With the high price of most options, if you want something right, go with a complete change-out; if you want something right now, at least it's good to know there are alternatives out there that will utilize what you already have on hand.
Some systems utilize what's known as a remote mount transformer.
Many necklaces are items of fine jewelry, using superior metals and precious stones or diamonds, and others utilize more affordable materials such as cubic zirconia.
Since perfectly round pearls are very rare, many earrings utilize a near-round or spherical shape instead that might be flattened on one side.
This sounds like an unusual trick, but it's something that many savvy online shoppers like to utilize.
While organic farmers make every effort to limit the herb's exposure to pesticides and herbicides, in some cases the farmer may be granted special permission to utilize limited quantities of certain chemicals.
For example, coffee farms must utilize organic practices for three years prior to actually selling coffee products under an organic label.
By purchasing used clothing, there is no need to utilize valuable resources to manufacture new products.
In their place, organic cotton farmers utilize what is called crop rotation or growing different types of crops each year.
Potassium helps plants to utilize available water and helps keep them alive during drought.
The formulas for this dog food utilize core organic nutrition with minerals in their natural form, probiotics, Omega- and Omega-6 fatty acids and natural antioxidants.
Some products may utilize some organic materials but use conventional cottons or dyes.
You are probably familiar with and utilize some well-known sources for discounted apparel like consignment stores, thrift stores, and online auction venues.
Since hybrid vehicles utilize a lot of electrical power, a malfunction could cause electric jolts of more than 500 volts, which can be fatal.
The majority of people who utilize senior personals are looking for more than a friend, and that's how they'll perceive your intentions.
Senior men want to make sure they utilize proper form and technique as these factors are more important than ever before.
This device, which is worn on the wrist similarly to a watch, claims to utilize acupressure points in order to stop the wearer from snoring and eventually trains the body to stop snoring altogether.
Sometimes families need to utilize both methods.The important thing is to get a good night's sleep free from the sounds of snoring.
This type of battery cannot utilize solar power or DC power sources, as the battery charger needs an actual AC outlet for power.
This popular website also offers plenty in the way of choices, and to help with the selection process, you can also utilize the site's Live Chat service.
The military is one of the organizations that utilize night vision goggles the most.
Night vision technology that can see in near pitch black conditions utilize both IR technology and a digital light amplification technology.
All of the goggles that utilize their F2 technology can keep haze at bay.
They've accomplished this by offering precise fitting (to block the blinding rays of glare), using their High Definition Optics (for clarity) and by employing lenses that utilize various colors to improve depth perception.
It is fairly simple to utilize the replacement service on Sight Direct.
Out in the open water where the fish aren't camouflaged by the mud below, you can utilize gray or brown lenses.
If you're in a hurry, you may not be able to utilize the one-hour labs for your rimless glasses.
In very small doses, they help our bodies utilize vitamin D, and they help slow the effects of skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema.
Other sources of ultraviolet radiation come from black-lights, fluorescent lamps, arc lamps (unfiltered) that utilize various elements such as mercury or xenon, and tungsten-halogen incandescent lamps.
They utilize new advances in technology to get you the best materials and most function in a lightweight style.
Though based on an older frame style, the cat eye glasses of today utilize the newest technology.
They utilize technology to provide clear vision and comfort to those who want to pair eye protection with reading correction.
Each year, it seems, the video game industry posts sales increases due to new franchise releases, new video game systems or innovative games that utilize unique hardware.
Rogue-like games most often utilize randomly-generated stages, meaning you'll never play the same game twice.
If you're looking for an impressive first person shooter game with killer graphics and sound that will utilize your PS3 to its fullest, Resistance is the game for you.
The big disadvantage is that it is harder to develop for and companies may opt to not utilize all the power that the PS3's CELL technology can muster.
Some of the cubes stack, and if you utilize a stack correctly and cause a falling cube to become part of another chain, that is called a "Cubis", and you get bonus points.
Try and only utilize the Xbox walkthrough when you get stuck.
Because game carts are loaded upside-down at the bottom of the system, older Game Boy and Game Boy Color games that utilize a tilt sensor have their controls reversed.
New items, levels and other goodies could be featured if developers chose to utilize it.
There are two WiiWare games you can download that utilize the balance board.
Utilize the Quick Six Shooter technique described above, but press the Y button immediately after the second press of the RT button.
Sony releases the PlayStation 2 and is the first system to utilize the DVD format.
The game was the first to utilize multi-player competitive gaming on a multi-cabinet system.
However, some games fail to fully utilize these features and feel more gimmicky than ground-breaking.
The game will also utilize a new Wii accessory, the Wii Motion Plus.
Make sure that you have the firmware 2.0 update, because without it, you won't be able to utilize themes to customize your PS3 and possibly create your own.
Use this code to give yourself more DNA to utilize in the mating and creation menu.
You don't have to pay for their Internet service to utilize this program since other providers can be used.
So when would a video game inventor utilize a television set for games?
Along the way, Wallace and Gromit will travel to many locations and get a chance to utilize some of Wallace's wacky inventions and gadgets.
They also needed special Wii add ons to utilize the motion technology in a more realistic fashion than the standard controller can provide.
While it is unfortunate that you cannot utilize customized Mii characters in Wii Deca Sports, the variety of events seems to be great for players of all ages.
They also loved the way the balance board interacted with the games and activities, and recommends that you don't just utilize the solo experience.
Wii games for kids utilize the simple and realistic motions in order to play sports and other fun games.
Non-vintage (NV) Champagnes utilize a blend of grapes from multiple years.
If, however, the wines utilize either one or the other grape alone, then they are labeled differently.
Most tabletop chillers that utilize the Peltier effect both heat and cool.
Dry, sparkling wines such as Champagne or other sparkling wine made in the Méthode Champenoise or Charmat method utilize the term Brut to indicate the relative sweetness of the wine.
There are a number of building plans for wine racks that utilize all types of materials to store your favorite bottles of wine.
Complete the look with large area rugs and lamps that utilize geometric shapes or linear lines in the design.
While there is plenty of free information on the Antique Clocks Identification and Price Guide, you will have to pay for a subscription to utilize everything the site has to offer.
Once you become a Good Sam member, it makes sense to stay in campgrounds where you'll be able to utilize your members-only discount as often as possible.
You'll be prepared to make a wise decision about buying or selling an RV when you take the time to utilize the various resources for determining appropriate camper values before making any price decisions.
If you'll be camping in a tent or pop up camper, you can utilize an ice chest to keep food items cool throughout your trip.
When you utilize a conventional cellular phone plan, you typically sign up for a monthly contract with a duration of one to two years depending on the phone you select.
Every time you use the phone, utilize data services or receive a text ,the carrier subtracts minutes from your total.
One thing Microsoft does do well is create partnerships that utilize talents and expertise where it is needed.
If you want something specific, you can also utilize the search function accordingly.
Parents are encouraged to utilize these resources to ensure their child's success in school and in interactions with their peers and later as working adults.
This technique remained uniquely hers until the 1960s when choreographers from all backgrounds began to utilize it in their performances.
If you are on a tight budget utilize this site and other freeshare destinations to keep yourself creative, yet within the law.
Online dance routines can be used for a variety of purposes from rehearsing to performing - there are many reasons to utilize the Internet for learning choreography of all styles and to get inspired by what's already out there.
This means the couple does not utilize the entire dance floor, traveling with large steps as one would see in a typical waltz or foxtrot.
Many ballroom dances involve the couple moving across the entire dance floor; however, the Rumba does not utilize the entire dancing space.
Whether you would like to utilize the services of a small funeral home or instead prefer a large funeral home, the city of Mobile has many different options available.
This is because the wall units, made to fit together in modular units must utilize the corners typically with a desk configuration.
Utilize free online genealogy research sources and tools, and take advantage of free tutorials to help you avoid common pit falls made by amateurs at Ancestral Findings.
It is possible to obtain free public birth records, but you must put on your detective hat and utilize the repertoire of local, regional, county, national and international resources available to you.
Professional hair care lines are expected to utilize the latest hair technology and the finest ingredients known to the hair industry.
Most extensions that utilize human hair are made from processed hair.
As autumn progresses, many people look for ways to utilize their fall styles for different holidays.
However, over the past 80 or so years, Norelco has developed several shavers that are arguably easier and produce a closer shave than most razors that utilize actual razor blades and require water and shaving cream.
Intense conditioning treatments, particularly on the ends of hair, can help avert or control this damage, while shorter styles utilize only healthier hair that is more resilient to the chemical treatments.
If you're unsure about a particular color but want to give it a chance, utilize an online color simulator, such as InStyle's Hollywood Hair Makeover, or visit a hairstylist for advice.
Intense shine is another way to pump up this look; utilize serums that instantly lend your locks a gleam that's radiant whether you're under the lights or not.
Spending some time on the forum and reading and asking questions is a great way to ensure that you are going to be able to utilize this resource in your own home.
You can pay full price for it and get it new at an online or local store or you can utilize one of many sources for used homeschool items.
The training videos delve into the site and how to utilize all the features to help your students learn to be great spellers.
The user forums offer the ability to gather ideas from other homeschooling parents and teachers on different ways to utilize the site, including ideas for studying for a spelling bee competition.
Many parents choose to utilize the materials, buying them from second-hand sources and enrolling the student in the program during the high school years, when a diploma from an accredited school might be more important.
When you're focused on finding a position in this state, it's advisable to utilize multiple resources to search for suitable employment.
Federal funds are allocated to each state to utilize for the purpose of improving economic conditions.
Some companies may also utilize local temporary employment agencies to assist with hiring.
Rather than sending employees to classes or bringing in training professionals, companies that utilize OJT are able to utilize the skills and expertise of people already in the organization's workforce to help train other employees.
This will provide them with an opportunity to learn how to use various types of instructional strategies and to utilize appropriate performance assessment techniques.
Before deciding on one mortgage lender over another, or submitting an application, verify the interest rates listed on the website, particularly if you utilize a website that lists interest rates from several lenders at once.
Chase's website is able to accept applications, and applicants can also utilize the website to get a pre-qualification letter.
I suggest you utilize a rate comparison website such as BankRate.com in order to find out which lenders offer construction loans within your area.
For this reason, it is imperative that people who utilize the services of a broker first make sure that the broker has no complaints on file with the Better Business Bureau or any other organization.
Since most mortgage companies - including Fifth Third Bank - utilize computer programs to approve or deny mortgage applications, a human underwriter is utilized as a safeguard.
Some lenders use escrow as a method by which to collect excess funds without needing to pay interest on the money, but the majority of lenders utilize escrow in a responsible manner.
Once you have become a Household Finance customer, you can utilize the company's sophisticated online customer service system.
When you need to find financing options for a manufactured home it can be beneficial to utilize one of the online mortgage quote services or search engines.
Since 1998, HUD has required lenders to utilize an electronic system for processing FHA insured home loans for single family dwellings.
Mortgage industry professionals who utilize FHA connection have real time access to HUD's computer system that is both direct and secure.
There are a variety of valuable resources on the company's website that individuals shopping for home loans can utilize at no cost.
Borrowers can utilize these resources in order to make as informed a decision as possible.
Professional home inspectors utilize home inspection checklists all the time.
An alternative to going directly to a lender within the Houston area is to utilize the services of a broker service, which accepts you application on behalf of several lenders and then finds the best deal possible.
Once determined, the rate is published by noon UK time so that other lenders and investors can utilize it.
Alternatively, you may want to utilize the services of a mortgage broker who has experience in subprime lending.
An escrow company sets up the mortgage payments, including interest, and the escrow company also issues an annual mortgage interest statement to the buyer to utilize as a tax deduction.
Interest - If you enter into a lease-to-purchase or land contract where the seller doesn't charge interest, you will receive no mortgage interest statement to utilize as a tax deduction.
If you know the estimated amount of your real estate taxes and insurance, utilize a calculator that allows you to input all the information manually.
It is important to note that even if you utilize a mortgage calculator directly from the official website for your mortgage lender, the total mortgage payment estimate is not a guarantee of how much your payment will be.
You do not have to utilize a broker to find the best mortgage deal, but doing so can save time and effort.
Find the group closest to you and utilize the resources available to assist you in obtaining, or renewing, your Texas mortgage broker license.
Be sure to utilize the calculators and prequalification process available through this lender to help you estimate what mortgage amount you qualify for as well as what your monthly mortgage payment is likely to be.
It gives basic instructions that anyone can utilize.
The flaps may hook at the top or the side of the breast or may utilize Velcro to keep the flap in place.
In order to create the most accurate and effective ovulation calculator to predict the best time for conception, you can track the main calendar components and utilize several popular tools as well.
Most pills utilize synthetic versions of estrogen and/or progestin (the synthetic form of progesterone) hormones.
If you are not fond of black, blue and red are other viable options you can utilize.
We have partnered with Vogue to utilize the Conde Nast archives and magazine covers from the late 50's.
Additionally, Pop Sugar allows their visors to post comments, so you can utilize that feature to voice your own opinion, or simply read through them to see what others had to say.
Utilize rash guards for a variety of water sports.
Note too that if you fall in love with the monograms offered here, you can also utilize this same service for any other towels, sheets or luggage you might purchase a the site.
You can still utilize this genre of swimwear to round out the bust line, elongate a torso, or to lengthen out the legs so that you look feminine and attractive.
Third, and finally, when in doubt, utilize the customer service function that is available on many of the sites, including Cyberswim.
Depending on the game, kids also utilize math skills, verbal communication, healthy competitive spirit and best of all, they're having fun!
The majority of the game boards are best used for trivia or games that utilize game cards because the boards have spots for the cards.
This is particularly important when you are dealing with products that utilize fragrances and essential oils.
When it comes to Scentsy combining scents and recipes, even where exact formulae aren't spelled out for you, you can easily utilize your own creativity alongside general guidelines to create customized scents for your home.
Some organizations have staff members or volunteers handle the process of completing grant applications, while others utilize the services of professional consultants for this purpose.
Dance teams that perform more than one style of dance number may be able to utilize one basic leotard, and then change up the costume with accessories to meet the number.
Nearly all dating web sites utilize a profile system to help match like-minded personalities in an effort to achieve the greatest compatibility.