Utilization Sentence Examples
They involve high cost in fuel and labour, but permit the utilization of the waste gases.
There has been no more than the slightest beginning made in the utilization of these resources.
This is the age of renewable energy utilization as well as usage.
The question of the utilization of water-power had engaged his attention even earlier, and in 1839 he invented an improved rotary water motor.
It sprang into importance through the utilization of the falls in the river Glommen for driving saw-mills and generating electric power.
The soil in the valleys is volcanic and fertile, but the gradual utilization of natural timber increases the liability to drought, as there are no streams. The climate is variable and rainy.
On the other hand, its electro-positive nature necessitates some care in its utilization.
Lately, huge establishments have been constructed for the utilization of the power contained in the Rhone.
In this field he contributed to our knowledge of the manufacture of iron and steel, sulphuric acid, glass and paper, and in particular worked at the saponification of fats with sulphuric acid and the utilization of palmitic acid for candle-making.
Great advances have been made in the utilization of this property as a result of the growth of the precision grinding-machines, which are able to correct the inaccuracies of hardened work as effectually as those of soft materials.
AdvertisementWe also treat of the utilization of hydrochloric acid for the manufacture of chlorine and its derivatives, which are usually comprised within the meaning of the term " alkali manufacture."
The transition of the principal stock-raising industry from large herds of cattle to small, and the utilization of the ranges for sheep grazing almost exclusively covered a period of over twenty years preceding 1910, during which time many conflicts occurred between range cattle-owners and sheep flockmasters over the use of the grazing grounds.
The cyanide process, introduced about 1890, is now one of the most important factors in the utilization of low-grade and refractory gold and silver ores.
Reverberatory roasting does not admit of the utilization of the waste gases, and requires fine ores and much labour and fuel; it has, however, the advantage of being rapid.
Since admission into the Union the more interesting experiences of the state have been with internal improvements and with banking, which together resulted in serious financial distress; in the utilization of its natural resources, which have been a vast source of wealth; and in the development of its educational system, in which the state has exerted a large influence throughout the Union.
AdvertisementIndustrially the early part of the 19th century was marked in New Jersey by the construction of bridges and turnpikes, the utilization of water power for manufactures, and the introduction of steam motive power upon the navigable waters.
The very heavy rainfall of the district, which is the wettest in England, has led to the utilization of Thirlmere as a reservoir for the water supply of Manchester, over 80 m.
Another policy which he threw his energies into carrying out was the utilization of the economic forces of the Allies in the prosecution of the war.
In 1816 Austria and Bavaria made arrangements for the common utilization IVaviga= g of the upper portion of the river, and since then both governments have been liberal in expenditure on its improvement.
There are other high priority demands for utilization of the underspending such as allowing a degree of carry forward for underspent devolved budgets.
AdvertisementScotland now has the highest level of capacity utilization with one in three firms working below capacity utilization with one in three firms working below capacity.
It should be emphasized that stress echocardiography, which can mimic an ischaemic episode, could potentially increase the risk of SonoVue utilization.
He lectures and organizes courses on agroforestry, sustained yield forestry, forest mensuration, forest planning and harvesting, marketing and utilization.
Results suggested a possible impact on root and physiological parameters and exposure resulted in lower N utilization.
The Smart Suite of products will make pneumatics easier to install and use, and lead to better machine utilization and less downtime.
AdvertisementThis makes recirculation of unreacted sorbent easier, resulting in improved sorbent utilization.
Resource utilization, length of aplasia, overall (OS) and event-free survival (EFS) were assessed for 63 patients.
In the original Land Utilization Survey of Northern Ireland, Symons (1962) identified twelve such natural regions.
The most usual way of providing this power is by the combustion of coal in the fire-box of a boiler and the utilization of the steam produced in a steam-engine, both boiler and engine being carried on a frame mounted on wheels in such a way that the crank-shaft of the steam-engine becomes the driving-axle of the train.
Even in normal circumstances their play and counterplay, attractive and repellent, must be manifold almost beyond conception; for the body may be regarded as a collective organization consisting of a huge colony of micro-organisms become capable of a common life by common and mutual arrangement and differentiation of function, and by toleration and utilization of each other's peculiar products; some organs, such as the liver, for example, being credited with a special power of neutralizing poisons, whether generated under normal conditions or under abnormal, .which gain entrance from the intestinal tract.
For a proper utilization of the condensed acid it is nearly always imperative that it should be as strong as possible, and this forms a second important consideration in the construction of the condensing apparatus.
Thorium dioxide or thoria, Th02, is the most important compound, being manufactured commercially in comparatively large quantities from monazite sands, with a view to its utilization for gas mantles (see Lighting, Gas).
Research Reactor Safety Research reactors continue to be widely used for radioisotope production, neutron beam utilization, material irradiation and other applications.
Short-term fluctuations in demand made for less than optimal utilization.
A recycling facility would improve sorbent utilization and disposal of the by-product is the norm.
Strong deliberate efforts must be made to ease the utilization of the national synchrotron radiation facilities for industrial research (17).
The measure used to determine how well a furnace was running is known as an Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating.
One of the first things you may want to take notice of is the vital point utilization system.
People with lipidoses are born without the genetic codes needed to tell their bodies how to complete a particular part of the fat digestion and utilization process.
The utilization of fat in the body, or fat metabolism, is a complex process, complicated even more by abnormally high levels of cholesterol found circulating in the blood.
Treatment of genetic diseases which impair the absorption or utilization of specific vitamins may require megadoses of the vitamin throughout one's lifetime.
Magnesium-assists in the utilization of calcium and potassium, and functions in enzyme reactions to produce energy.
Phosphorus converts food to energy and supports the utilization of vitamins.
Many substances depend upon others for absorption and proper utilization in the body, and foods naturally contain just what we need to be healthy.
Biotin is is required for the production and utilization of amino acids and fats.
Like most low-carb plans, the high-protein approach focuses on the body's production and utilization of insulin.
Eating the foods raw preserve the enzymes which are used in digestion and utilization of the food as fuel sources for the body.
Many companies that provide uniforms for their employees prefer name patches rather than custom embroidery or screen printed personalization simply because they provide for greater versatility and efficient utilization of assets.
This server calls for the least amount of hardware since web traffic requests usually do not result in high CPU or memory utilization.
The object which Marconi had in view was not merely the detection of electric waves, but their utilization in practical wireless telegraphy.
The exact way in which the utilization or fixation of the nitrogen is effected remains undecided.
The supply of oxygen to a plant is thus seen to be as directly connected with the utilization of the energy of a cell as is that of food concerned in its nutrition.
This great event was preceded by the general Portu- utilization in Europe of the polarity of the magnetic guese ex- needle in the construction of the mariner's compass.
The building and handling of vessels also, and the utilization of such uncontrollable powers of nature as wind and tide, helped forward mechanical invention.
In some cases the depths are stated with reference to sea-level, instead of being taken from the surface, thus greatly facilitating the utilization of the records.
The materials of the native styles of India, however, did not lend themselves to their utilization as in Syria, Egypt and North Africa, where the columns and capitals formed the substructure of the arcades which surrounded their courts.
Towards the end of the 16th century the failure of the alchemists to achieve their cherished purpose, and the general increase in medical knowledge, caused attention to be given to the utilization of chemical preparations as medicines.
We have seen how its utilization in the " structure theory " permitted great clarification, and attempts were not wanting for the deduction of analogies or a periodicity between elements.
Trautenau is the centre of the Bohemian linen industry and has factories for the manufacture of paper and for the utilization of the waste products of the other mills.
Great part of the burden has been borne throughout by the "City Extension Fund," realized from the utilization of the ground formerly occupied by the fortifications and glacis.
Its causes and results are fundamental for the study of ethnology (formation and mixture of races), of political and social history (formation of states and survival of institutions), and of political economy (mobility of labour and utilization of productive forces).
Zirconia, when heated to whiteness, remains unfused, and radiates a fine white light, which suggested its utilization for making incandescent gas mantles; and, in the form of disks, as a substitute for the lime-cylinders ordinarily employed in "limelight."
In 1905 this company began works for the utilization of another water-power at Loch Leven.
California has the greatest area of irrigated land of any state in the Union, and offers the most complete utilization of resources.
The level nature of the great grain farms of the valley led to the utilization of machinery of remarkable character.
Affiliated to the territorial force are officers' training corps, cadets, "veteran reserves," and some of the other organizations mentioned below, the Haldane scheme having as its express object the utilization of every sort of contribution to national defence, whether combatant or non-combatant, on a voluntary basis.
Michael Sturdza also attempted the secularization of monastic establishments, which was carried out by Prince Cuza in 1864, and the utilization of their endowments for national purposes.
They depended mainly on the utilization of natural air currents, trusting for stability and balance to movements in their own bodies, or in portions of their machines which they could control.
On the Pacific coast of America, in New Zealand and in Japan a pilchard occurs (Clupea sagax) which in its characters and habits is so similar to the European pilchard that its general utilization is deserving of attention.
There is therefore, even in the best cases, a wide field for the conservation and utilization of water hitherto entirely wasted.
But, in the utilization of the monks as the best of the Church's forces, the Western Church far surpasses the East, where meditation rather than practical activity is the monastic ideal.
The names given to the plant and to its products in different countries are of interest in connexion with the utilization of the fibre and resin.
It is also required for calcium and phosphorus absorption and utilization.
There can be little doubt that with a fall in price further uses for rubber would arise, leading to an increased demand, and among them may be mentioned its utilization as a road material.
The determinist presuppositions of psy chology (determinist because they involve the applica tion of the causal conceptions of modern science to mental phenomena) have in many instances in no way retarded the utilization of new information concerning mental processes in order to prove the reality of freedom.
His faith made him believe that his adversaries were in the wrong; but how great must have been this faith, which permitted him to undertake the work at a time when mechanical appliances for the execution of such an undertaking did not exist, and when for the utilization of the proposed canal there was as yet no steam mercantile marine !