Utility-knife Sentence Examples
A very popular multi-purpose utility knife that accomodates " standard " stanley type blades.
The utility knife has a blade that is between the chef's and the paring knives in length.
The utility knife does all sorts of prep jobs and is good to have around when the chef's knife is otherwise being used or dirty.
Excess paper can be cut away with a utility knife for a finished edge.
Trace around a purchased frame to hand cut your own frame with a utility knife.
The corners are cut precisely, and any trimming that needs to be done can be done with scissors or a utility knife.
A utility knife can be used to do away with extra material missed by the coping saw.
Since cutting vinyl tiles with a utility knife is not recommended, consider renting a vinyl tile cutter from a home improvement store.
Use a utility knife to trim your work, and employ a rasp to refine the edges.
To make accurate cuts, use a utility knife and drywall T-square to make scoring cuts through the top layer of drywall paper and into the underlying gypsum.
AdvertisementFinish the cut by folding the panel away from you until it gives way and cut the back paper at the fold with the utility knife.
To bevel butt joints, or short ends, make a one-eighth inch, 45-degree cut on both panel ends with a utility knife to prepare the seam for taping.
Use a drywall T-square and a new, sharp utility knife to help you.
Turn the panel around and then use the utility knife to cut the paper on the back.
Test a few of the tiles with the utility knife by running the knife around the edge of the seam.
AdvertisementHold the iron about 1/2-inch above them to soften them, and then scrape them up with the utility knife.
Score any caulk with a sharp knife or utility knife to help make this part easier, and avoid peeling away any paint on the inside of your home.
If using spray foam, don't spray too much as it expands; if the foam spreads beyond the wall, you will have to trim the excess away with a utility knife.
Berber tiles can be easily cut to size and shape using a standard utility knife.
You can cut most carpet tile with a pair of shears or a utility knife.