Usu Sentence Examples
Sherburne states that Recorde also published Cosmographiae isagoge, and that he wrote a book De Arte faciendi Horologium and another De Usu Globorum et de Statu temporum.
Ushu, frequently mentioned in the Amarna letters, makes it probable that Usu or Uzu was the native name.
It was published (1589) by Giacomo Castelvetri, who had married his widow, with the title Explicatio gravissimae quaestionis utrum excommunicatio, quatenus religionem intelligentes et amplexantes, a sacramentorum usu, pro pier admissum facinus arcet, mandato nitatur divino, an excogitata sit ab hominibus.
In an " Adm onitio " on the seventh page Napier states that, although in that place the mode of construction should be explained, he proceeds at once to the use of the logarithms, " ut praelibatis prius usu, et rei utilitate, caetera aut magis placeant posthac edenda, aut minus saltem displiceant silentio sepulta."
Beside the De Rerum Natura, he wrote De Somno, De his quae in aere fiunt, De Mari, De Conietis et Circulo Lacteo, De usu respirationis, &c.