Users Sentence Examples
Fair trading to it will penalize Toyota Avalon sat to end users.
Tobacco is a powerfully addictive drug that most of its users would like to quit using.
An optional add-on 3D molecule viewer is available for Windows users - see below.
For example, some users do not understand the meaning or the syntax of domain names.
They were remiss to ignore the small, but growing contingency of users.
Users can also scan film with a traditional film holder and the built-in transparency adapter.
How to Find Archive Material For access to archive material users should contact the archivist in advance.
Alcatel will also continue to supply Qualcomm hardware to users under a long-term licensing arrangement.
Nevertheless, most adolescents will not go on to be drug users.
When these users gain confidence or want to use more advanced zipping features, the full WinZip Classic interface is just a click away.
AdvertisementUse this screen to specify aliases or users to assign to the workflow step.
Contributors Adds or deletes specific aliases or users by name.
Across a network, you cannot delete annotations created by other users.
The need for users to be aware of the options contained within web browsers enabling them to alter the appearance of web pages.
As a consequence, users of current systems have been conditioned to operate in isolation, thus creating an archipelago of information islands.
AdvertisementCocaine users have significant atherosclerosis in their cerebral arteries.
On some forums deleting attachments may be limited to certain users or groups.
The default value is no, which allows users to be trusted once they successfully authenticate themselves.
Users of industrial automation are more likely to specify linear motor systems rather than separate linear components.
Available in Playback Mode, the D-Lighting function lets users select images with excessive backlight or insufficient flash.
AdvertisementUsers with autoloaders or tape libraries can now fully automate backups by creating any number of media pools using barcoded tapes.
Ongoing discussions with users will be an important part of achieving the correct balance.
Admin users will see a brief ballon and system tray icon which allows the updates to be installed before the scheduled time.
Its also worth bearing in mind what most users want from the web.
A focus solely on congestion reduction may bring economic benefits to some road users; it will not necessary improve the safety of all.
AdvertisementThis is partly due to the bizarre ' iSync is updating your bookmarks ' error that users of the latest beta have been getting.
Then multiple users can insert citations, scan, and generate bibs simultaneously.
Group Policies are like putting blinkers on the users.
Vodafone boss Arun Sarin has set his company a target of winning 10 million 3G phone users by March 2006.
This not only helps improve accessibility for disabled users but also for search engine bots.
Together with a color printer there is also a braille embosser for users who require output in Braille embosser for users who require output in braille.
But this will cause more breakage and the users will be required to do more to fix things.
The site also allows users to register for a regular email bulletin on related issues.
This group of criminally involved problem users commits very large amounts of shoplifting, burglary and other crime to finance drug purchases.
With so many laptop users frequently working on the move, what are the options for the traveling businessperson?
Cocaine is still seen as the upmarket club and sex drug of choice and its use confers social cachet and respectability on its users.
The users have a small video camera mounted on top of their computer monitor.
However, unless these products are complemented by Epson consumables to match, users cannot expect to fully capitalize on their investment.
Course content is appropriate for ascent capture end users as well as Solution Providers, integrators and consultants who are certified in Ascent Capture.
Barcode users no longer have the dilemma of choosing between the reliability of solid-state CCD readers and the speed of laser scanners.
Sophos Anti-Virus is one of the first vendors to attain independent certification of their ability to protect Windows 2000 users from virus attack.
It lets users analyze their personal daily food intake, including total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium.
Plus, Web pages are full of prompts to help users navigate the site, adding to the visual clutter.
Some users inject cocaine into a muscle or vein; or it is converted into a smokable form called freebase.
Privacy Policy AES is fully committed to ensuring the privacy of its website users.
Reprocessors can supply compactors for large users of EPS packaging (supermarkets and electronics companies ).
For example, many IDL users have the gcc compiler installed on their systems.
For photo portraits, users can remove red-eye effects and enhance the complexion of subjects with a Beautify Skin option.
Such publications are not always readily comprehensible to the applied statisticians who will be the most frequent users of the methods.
Users can download music conveniently using an online music store from their personal computer or directly via air.
It is suggested that users of databases which cannot accommodate multiple keywords should simply concatenate the two terms.
Ethical conduct is a particular concern among more vulnerable service users.
The numbers of users in these categories is too small to draw more than the following tentative conclusions.
Yellow buoys mark the area reserved for sail training to avoid conflict from other water users.
Conference - This feature allows the connection of up to six internal telephone users to communicate with each other.
However, heroin does cause severe constipation among regular users.
This enables users to print laser output for less than 1 penny a page, cheaper than most network copiers.
Accessing materials on line Users can launch web-based courseware, networked CBT and multimedia through their browser.
High-quality, easy to use PDF creator for all users.
Policy General Users must note that all system authentication credentials assigned to them are for their own personal use.
Field target crossbows are usually hand-made, often home-made by their users.
Case studies illustrate the text and hyperlinked cross-references help users to access related subjects and other sites such as the ASA.
If you use cryptic, abbreviated names then you will receive cryptic email messages and your users will see cryptic, abbreviated error messages.
Basically, public key cryptography requires access to users ' public keys.
Users have an expectation of the standby time without making the handset too cumbersome with a large battery.
Home users and small businesses can help the Nation secure cyberspace by securing their own connections to it.
Supports source-level debugging, using the original DSP56600 code as source, making debugging very simple even for users who have limited Star*Core knowledge.
One common scam is the creation of " shadow " domains that funnel users to a site by using deceptive redirects.
Polish Nouns helps Macintosh users to learn and practice declension of nouns.
This group allows users to meet each other and the data depositors.
Using this configuration, end users connect to a virtual desktop on the company's application servers, which all run VNC server.
Upon system start-up, users are presented with comfortable access to ten, instead of just one, computer desktops.
The Siphon bag is designed specifically for wheelchair users who have limited dexterity or balance.
Users may also submit their own powder diffraction data.
Oral cancer occurs several times more frequently among snuff dippers compared with non-tobacco users.
The Careers Service has been used by a number of students who are wheelchair users or who have a mobility disability.
Of these 1,981 people were physically disabled and 702 were wheelchair users.
Some think that existing users on the yearly rate would feel unfairly discriminated against.
Once airborne pilots should fly away from the hill so as to minimize any disturbance to stock or other users.
The end users should be experienced drivers who are familiar with the system.
In fact many industrial users have already become much more energy efficient.
Network users, such as generation companies, large industrial customers and suppliers, actually generate and consume the electricity carried by the network.
The users wear active stereo LCD shutter glasses, which are controlled by an infra-red emitter.
The proportions of car users encumbered by either luggage or shopping are shown in Figure 26.
Indeed many professional users will only entrust their valuable recordings to HHB media.
All users of the NJR data entry system need to register via the NJR Helpline.
Can we block new users around times of big matches (ESP red matches) - I bet you have already thought of this.
Mortality decreased with increasing duration of use and was lower among current users than among women who used estrogens only in the distant past.
Usability evaluations by you or experts - these techniques are done by usability experts or the resource developers themselves rather than the end users.
A short audio excerpt is available for general users.
We obviously have to ensure the security of our school students whilst meeting the expectations of adult users.
Safe environment E-learning offers experiential learning simulations where users can practice how to use complex systems or handle difficult real world situations safely.
Users should note that some parts of the project are currently experimental.
Users and developers should understand that use of this element should be currently considered experimental.
Wide benefits 7. For road users, there could be many potential advantages in a tolled expressway linking Birmingham and Manchester.
FrontPage extensions Users can enable or disable Microsoft FrontPage Extensions at any time with the click of a button.
There is a training function to help users gain familiarity with the on screen use of the product.
Users can now familiarize themselves with the amazing linguistic features of this powerful communication tool.
Last week local users gave an affectionate farewell to Jay Chauhan, who had served the Belsize community for 25 years as its manager.
The users ' browser will in this case automatically fetch the page from the new location.
With the integrated fingerprint reader, users encrypt files using fingerprint authentication, combining convenience with strong notebook security.
Checks on standards at large users of metalworking fluids have resulted in the serving of Notices requiring improvements.
But filters are n't foolproof - sites and users can get round them - so do stay involved.
The project is establishing a generic framework within which enterprise tools can be used to assist users in their tasks.
Magix Music Maker 2003 fulfills a similar function, allowing users to also add their own live instruments and vocals to the mix.
It has caused fury among the road's 60,000 daily users.
It also tends to be either too fast thus slightly garbled or too slow especially for expert users.
Even better, because the S/MIME system used is pretty generic, Windows users can understand the signatures too.
By falling stock markets chairman sir George by business users.
No problem, said Yahoo last week, Yahoo mail users can have a gigabyte too.
Because it's extremely granular, you can set and enforce different policies for any user or class of users.
I led a community project with the Princes Trust, clearing an overgrown graveyard which was thought to be used by drug users.
Observing users using the GUI it seems to work well and is pretty intuitive.
Over the coals hands in the users google gulp.
I think those who are not habitual users of PCs might get rather exasperated with it.
Users risk having their system compromised by hackers unless they apply security updates, issued by Mozilla on Friday.
These can deter hackers from following authenticated users transactions with the image server over the network.
With a non-slip surface and easy grip handrails, it is equally suitable for ambulant users with reduced mobility.
There are many more questions, not just from the supplier perspective but also from the end users, their organizations and strategic has.
The Help desk The help desk The Help Desk is the first point of contact for most users of the university computing service.
Wheelchair users must be accompanied by 2 helpers whilst within Longleat House.
And since most people who get hep C are people who are injection drug users, there is little political will to help.
Clearly many of our new users are family historians.
In turn critical, strident, scholarly, personal, moving and ultimately hopeful, it brings together the views of professionals and users.
But Time has received hundreds of complaints from readers and Web users.
Changes to this page can really hurt the mental model users have formed of the web site over time.
As a growing number of users choose to use online services only the location of the library service becomes immaterial to them.
Visually impaired users who cannot see the screen need a screen reader to read back what they have typed.
The accuracy of a biometric system could be defined as its combined ability to reject impostors and accept valid users.
Secondly, there is the more general, almost impressionistic, message given to all road users by the treatment of offenders.
Mud is a major feature of the newly inaugurated Compunet service for 64 users.
Starting with the iMac in 1997, the range of computers aimed at home users always had inbuilt CRT or LCD displays.
If Web sites are to become socially inclusive, all users must be able to enjoy shared experiences.
The cost to users of continuously infused drug is half this cost.
Some sites set up users ' logins to automatically initialize the Wisconsin Package.
David Leiper explains how the concept and ' art ' of distributed intelligence can help end users solve this particularly thorny problem.
His ideas for a globally interconnected set of computers would allow all users to access information on any subject, anywhere.
As discussed above, two systems may have technical interoperability while the users of the systems may not enjoy purpose interoperability.
However, they tended to have become involved with drugs at an earlier age than recreational users.
Drugs, which directly trigger happiness in users, provoke irectly trigger happiness in users, provoke ire.
Sites that repeat the Flash intro each time the same user visits the home page raise the ire of most web users.
Easy to learn and simple to use, I-View CAD allows users to view piping isometrics in 3D.
Many users paying magazine joker card what they want.
Users can type or enter data using the full-sized keyboard or write with the Dana stylus directly onto the screen.
Users do not need extensive knowledge of AutoCAD or MicroStation to produce 3D piping models with I-View CAD.
Printers Teaching Network Users Microsoft Windows The University of Sussex Computing Service maintains the laser printer in 5A17-5A18.
Because of the questionable legality of what we were doing, all proposed users had to be approved individually.
Personal arguments between users should, if becoming lengthy, be continued by personal e-mails.
The achievement of the digital library will be more than a program for delivering services to our remote users.
Users must show a current matriculation card or library ticket on entering the Library or on request from a member of the Library staff.
Ensure good linearity for users who don't use CSS by coding your HTML elements in the order they need to be read in.
The student linkup form uses cookies to allow users to fill in more than one linkup form uses cookies to allow users to fill in more than one linkup form.
The student linkup form uses cookies to allow users to fill in more than one linkup form.
Although 'be lite ' is aimed at light users, it is not light on features.
The most obvious way to allow non-computer literate users access to sources is via natural language dialog.
The PubMed tutorial is designed to assist users in employing the National Library of Medicine's journal literature search system in their research.
Linux users tend to spend lots of time under Linux, they are a bit out of touch with the windows world.
Users may choose not to receive these mailings by not selecting to be added to our mailing list.
For users that aren't familiar, the trunk contains the development mainline - that is the stable code that you should be using.
Mandrake mandrake Mandrake users can get packages for all of the video programs from the Penguin Liberation Front web site.
We do not provide manpower for users ' work except by specific prior agreement.
Built-in magnifying lens and luminous markings for night navigation are other important features for the most demanding users.
The various classes of users (stakeholders) of the OFR should be considered when determining materiality.
The derivation is quite mathematical, so some users may wish to skip this section.
Something like ' Invalid File Offset ' will be utterly meaningless to most users.
There is much more to the care of drug users than prescribing methadone.
It would be short-sighted for any health care professional to assume that, once on prescribed methadone, all users are stabilized.
Using microcosm, the group has developed a distributed link service in order to allow users to create their own links to documents.
They are available in three bandwidths, for dialup modem and broadband users.
Non card users in card scheme stores paid considerably more for an average basket 44.
Users could also specify tab groups in order to facilitate general keyboard navigation.
System will also Ned to link user back to new sample entry page Can we prevent users creating multiple samples with the same name?
For other nuclides, permitted activities are much lower and users must be careful to keep within the limits.
Users must not use threatening, abusive, or otherwise objectionable language in either public or private messages.
It does enable us to focus on the readily observable aspects of users ' behavior.
Chicanes require road users to negotiate an obstacle, therefore encouraging them to slow down.
Wireless Designs only shares data with selected companies after providing users the ability to either opt out of or opt into the sharing.
Offering brilliant viewing due to the multi-coated optics, users find this a great companion on the water.
Details of the currently nominated optician can be found in the Central Purchasing ' Users Guide to Purchasing ' file.
Create a specialist library for service users, their families and visiting optometrists based at our Low Vision Center.
Users will be a mouse-click away from speaking to the entire postgraduate orthodontics community and will hopefully engage in broad discussion.
A logon message is in place on the system advising users of the planned outage.
We do not track what individual users read, but instead how well each page or content area performs overall.
A high dose will produce more disturbing effects on the users mind, including paranoia.
To help users we qualify all links that go to external websites or downloadable files with hints in square parenthesis.
They accidentally produced the toxin MPTP, and this caused the drug users to develop parkinsonism almost overnight.
Integrated self-service password reset decreases help desk costs even further by allowing users to reset forgotten passwords securely.
Authorized Users are faculty, staff, students and walk-in patrons of its libraries.
For most computer users a 17 inch LCD is the optimal desktop pc monitor.
Skype 2.0 allows users to conference call up to ten people simultaneously without affecting the performance of other applications.
Online powered by MCI Internet allows users to fully personalize their Yahoo!
Prescribing services should also offer treatment which does not include pharmacotherapy, including treatment for opiate dependence and crack users.
What services do you offer for camera phone users?
Both of these are users of Jolly phonics, the UK based phonics program.
Chartered physicist - Peter Milford will give his expert advice on security issues that affect small to medium business users.
Users can also pay to include their tracks on the sites radio playlist.
Users with mouses can hover the pointer over an image to read the text description.
If no one has cast a vote then users can delete the poll or edit any poll option.
How To Rank High On MSN Search The new MSN Search is quickly gaining popularity among internet search engine users.
Due to the low positioning of the laptop screen and the fixed keyboard, most laptop users maintain a hunched body posture while working.
You'll find your short user name by opening System preferences and selecting the Users Preference pane.
It is anticipated they will also create a significant 'public' school space to engender pride among the building users.
We're in the process of adding some vector primitives to address the needs of CAD users, as well.
The workshop is managed on a daily basis by experienced printmakers who are there to support workshop users.
Parliament has passed these laws to protect the privacy of radio users.
Southampton Solent University is highly proactive in providing the best possible access for less able users in most of our premises.
They don't really solve the problem of getting users up on the new OS.
Describe how a roaming user profile can be used to support multiple users who are sharing the same computer.
It is quite possible for users in close geographical proximity to receive services with different speeds.
The majority of existing pump users received their consumables via the insulin pump distributor.
Webmail Users Delete the email without downloading the attachment purge your trash folder All Users We recommend protecting your PC and data from viruses.
Wheelchair users and buggy pushers may wish to return by the same route, making it into a linear walk.
You would be working closely with service users, carers and staff, including qualified Occupational and Arts Therapists, .. .
At many stations, staff can arrange to provide portable ramps for wheelchair users.
Blind web users may use a screen reader to ' speak ' the content of the web page to them.
Provide users with information on how to seek recourse if they encounter problems.
Ideally, users should be able to use free text, with the system providing a knowledge representation framework.
A significant number of users still use 800 x 600 screen res.
This may involve residential respite or support provided in the service users own home.
On the other hand, limiting use to a single copy on a single PC seems unduly restrictive, to most users at least.
Corel PHOTO-PAINT® X3 â This professional image-editing application lets users quickly and easily retouch and enhance photos.
Does Wanadoo prohibit users from using third party adsl modem routers?
Runtime copies can be distributed royalty free to unlimited numbers of users.
Only fairly technically savvy users would pick that up from the tips page.
Users of tower scaffolding must either be persons trained to erect the scaffolding or persons accompanied by a trained individual.
Among the many users of machine learning systems are a new wave of computer scientists calling themselves " data miners " .
The CD-ROM includes a research facility which enables users to assemble their own multimedia scrapbook.
Adjustable seat - This upright bike includes an adjustable seat, providing a more comfortable workout for a variety of users.
The camera has a unique swivel lens design that gives users the flexibility to capture images from nearly any angle - including self-portraits.
These reforms have to become self-sustaining, driven by the wishes of the users not the producer.
For that reason, we recommend letting users use the setup wizard for their initial setup wizard for their initial setup.
At present there is a dire shortage with approximately one interpreter to every thousand BSL users.
These other sites may send their own cookies to users, collect data, or solicit personal information.
A relatively small proportion of web users are using IE5 and even its support for XML is quite skimpy.
Protect your business from malicious code from websites and in emails, reduce unwanted spam and prevent users from accessing inappropriate websites.
Wireless LAN for private and home-office users Wireless solutions are increasingly penetrating the private sphere.
An extra layer of security over the top provided by its users should be enough to keep the spooks at bay.
The text is liberally sprinkled with useful tips enabling all users to get the very best out of Windows.
We need such places for nature to work its wonders, not squandered for a catering area for more car users.
Rates for pc users are shown in pounds and pence sterling per hour, and rates for Mac users are shown in US dollars.
Consequently, an unnatural, rather stilted way of speaking would be required that the users may tire of quickly.
A pleasant stroll can be had along the promenade which is also suitable for wheelchair users.
Users can place this 20 cm subwoofer vertically or horizontally.
This will include open discussions, moderated by editors, with topics suggested by users and virtual letter pages for the journals.
The site is always running super fast, so users never get bored waiting!
The project identified some solutions to achieving flexibility, including allowing users to accrue a surplus for contingencies.
This includes stuffing alt tags that users are unlikely to view.
We employ different security techniques to protect such data from unauthorized access by users inside the company.
Conversely, it is business users who are still the main users of mobile wireless technology, using 3G Mobile Data Cards.
This will directly benefit users of radiation thermometry resulting in tighter process control with the associated environmental benefits.
The same goes for users of steroids, diuretics, and major tranquilizers.
Level access to auditorium with 2 spaces for wheelchair / scooter users and 8 spaces for wheelchair transferees at back of auditorium.
In the libraries visited, this profile characterized some of the male unemployed library users aged 18-25 and school truants.
We used to get truckers powering through on the M6 shouting all the regular users.
Within the Library a gate provides a means of entry for wheelchair users and others who are unable to use the turnstiles.
However, existing reference only users will need to obtain a barcode to be able to operate the turnstile.
The bands will also be used to activate the entry turnstiles to wet change areas providing extra security for users.
It also expanded coverage of the Intent platform, providing programming tutorials for Amiga users.
Users cannot easily change the typeface on paper documents.
A study is presently underway to assess whether there is risk to such users from the exposure to river water containing sewage.
The probe is optimized for amplitude and bandwidth, in order to present small scale surface undulations of a high spatial frequency to users.
Drawbacks Not many, although some users may find the straightforward bar design somewhat uninspired.
As such, their online presence is practically unknown to internet users resulting in lost revenue.
The largely unquestioned ' Users get what we give them ' attitude was being transformed into the ' What do users want?
They have almost no text and are almost completely unreadable for Lynx users.
Many workers,make a lot of assumptions about users and feel unskilled in working with them.
As a result, even unsophisticated users can use them.
The information in all these records is accessible to authorized users.
All registered users get future updates free of charge.
For example, suppose a telecommunications company had measured customer satisfaction performance among its mobile phone users at 95 per cent.
In our testing with disabled users and these different adaptive technologies, we have found that some screen readers work better than others.
Five More Internet Studies for experienced Internet users exploring topics with legal relevance.
The number of young adult drug users starting treatment has risen by more than 50 per cent in the last five years.
More than 1 in 20 of the world's population are Internet users.
There are 44 service users aged 69 to 104 who will be affected by the decision.
It is also hoped that more users from within further education will find the system user-friendly.
This includes entry-level videophones and desktop PC solutions for SOHO users.
For television channels and content producers, Google Video can increase viewership by providing Google users with information on future airings of relevant programs.
The hackers use ' zombie PCs ', infected by viruses such as MyDoom and Bagle, making law-abiding users and businesses unwitting participants.
Users will not bother to return if they donât think anything new has been added since their last visit.
So can discrete voice recognition users easily make the transition to continuous voice recognition?
This overlooks any concept of free will or personal volition among users in gaging their level of intoxication.
This is a major time waster for blind or visually impaired users who are using these access tools.
Says arthur Wellington allow users of big businesses games as you.
Significantly enhanced, Digital Watercolor paint now stays wet between sessions, enabling users to start one session where the last one ended.
Workers to head packages over five years users is n't whipping.
Installation is simple, with a step-by-step wizard walking new users through the whole process.
Perhaps most importantly, the coming release of the SYSTRAN translation workbench represents a shift in the attitude of MT developers toward users.
A simple downloadable workbook has also been created to help users work through the tour.
It is suspect users who should be targeted, not the whole world at large.
This presentation covers the most frequently asked questions from users of the zetasizer range for both dynamic light scattering and zeta potential measurements.
In 2000, Africa had fewer than five million Internet users.
As of the end of 2012, the Internet has more than two billion users.
Webmail Users Delete the email without downloading the attachment Purge your trash folder All Users We recommend protecting your PC and data from viruses.
I often found that power switches on radial arm saw, etc. was on and positioned for the right-handed users.
Computer users participate by running a free program on their machines that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data.
Some of it is only readable by local users.
Potential users can check the impact of the scheme by logging on to the ready reckoner on our website.
It determines where users must access multiple security levels in near real-time.
Internet users who were briefly deprived of Google access Monday will recover quickly.
The scratchpad facility enables users to change the number held in the last number redial memory whilst call in progress.
It would be remiss to ignore the small, but growing contingency of Linux users.
Sites that rely on Javascript or cookies can be rendered unusable to theses users.
A system of assurances of supply would help persuade nuclear energy users to renounce national enrichment and reprocessing facilities.
First, computer snooping, or spying on computer users, is a reprehensible practice that invades our privacy.
Blackberry users got a reprieve from threats of sales call service disruption as the NTP patent case came to a close.
I then ask if they know what their users want and the answer is always a resounding 'No '.
He wanted vehicles to be more respectful of other road users.
Reference Retriever saves RefViz 2 users time by eliminating the need to perform the same search on multiple data sources.
Return on investment is now the key focus for most users.
Excessive reverberation reduces the clarity of speech, particularly for hearing aid users.
Provides users with the ability to revise existing knowledge or learn new material.
Of internet users chief executive richard segal whose own stock traded for.
Since then there has been a steady but growing rumble of discontent among tribunal users, advisers and the judiciary.
Most importantly, Inventor Series offers wannabe 3D users a safety net.
Scalable graphics can help users with low vision make sense of an image at a size that best suits their needs.
Among the many users of machine learning systems are a new wave of computer scientists calling themselves " data miners ".
Users can even output entire scrapbook pages complete with cropped, edited photos.
Adjustable Seat - This upright bike includes an adjustable seat, providing a more comfortable workout for a variety of users.
By downloading a small, self-executing program, end users can receive true hands-on assistance from your help-desk or sales staff.
Although the system has expanded far beyond the university, the self-interest of Net users perpetuates this hi-tech gift economy.
For that reason, we recommend letting users use the setup wizard for their initial setup.
The theme of this year 's workshop, the seventh in the series, is Supporting Our Users.
These are just some of the applications which have been answered by users of Micro Saint, the discrete-event simulation package for Windows.
Claria 's pop-up then siphons away the resulting users.
Users with slower connections can also download individual chapters in Adobe Acrobat format by using the links on the left hand side.
The powders are snorted up the nose, mixed in a drink or, by some heavy users, prepared for injection.
Competitions change on a regular basis and contributions are forever being solicited from users.
Users can submit articles and photographs on spate irrigation to the online libraries of articles and photos.
Only registered users can vote in polls so as to prevent spoofing of results.
We expect all users of Our Services to abide by the above stated goals.
Windows Genuine Advantage is a stepped-up effort by Microsoft to boost the number of Windows users who pay for the operating system.
Click popularity sorting algorithms track how many users click on a link and stickiness measurement calculates how long they stay at a website.
Despite all the stopgap measures, the BRC was unable to develop to meet the changing requirements of its users.
This rule does not apply to cases where users subscribe a public folder which is shared by all domains.
The site is always running super fast, so users never get bored waiting !
In contrast, Net users are engaged in the slow process of superseding capitalism.
Systems are available to support users lying on their side, or in a prone or supine position.
Users swap tales a shame there internet 's prime sports-betting banks internet service.
Enigma comfortably fits the bill with its highly responsive synchro tilt finely tuned to match the users body size and weight.
All NewsGator products synchronize seamlessly, enabling users to read their RSS feeds anywhere, anytime, with any device.
Diamond is the UK 's new synchrotron source due to come on line for users in January 2007.
Secondly, users may use words in their queries which are synonyms of words used to index documents.
This includes stuffing ALT tags that users are unlikely to view.
For users requiring a bespoke or tailored web solution then the form below should be filled in.
It is tamper proof to prevent end users from trying to disable its settings.