User Sentence Examples
They provide information such as reviews and user ratings.
The User assumes any and all risk of damage, injury, or death, from use of the Contents.
The rector, vicar or incumbent is a corporation-sole, in whom is vested the freehold of the church and churchyard, subject to the parishioners' rights of user; their rights of burial have been enlarged by various acts.
The study of telephone economics showed that the proper basis for charging was the " message-mile," on the theory that the user should pay according to the facilities offered and the extent to which he made use of them.
This chisel is passed into an iron pencil having at the end guards, between which the point of the chisel projects, so that it is impossible for the user to cut beyond a certain depth.
The Portuguese form of emphyteusis is called aforamento; the landlord parts with the user of his property in exchange for a quit-rent (foro or canon).
The standard sections in use are numerous and varied, and from time to time a steel user has occasion to design a new steel shape because no existing section is suitable.
By continued user of the same land for some years and discharge of the public obligations in respect of it in addition to the ciss or payment as tenant, a ceile became a subowner or permanent tenant and could not be evicted.
The user can obtain tracks of the motion of individual atoms or plots showing the relationship between thermodynamic quantities.
The Agreement is made by and between LoveToKnow Corp. with its principal place of business at LoveToKnow Corp, a California Corporation and each user of the Contents, system, or networks (“Userâ€).
AdvertisementIn English practice hydraulic lime is slaked by the user.
The change was pertaining to use of your user id and password.
An email address to an email alias is automatically forwarded to an existing user.
Omega also has a powerful concept of input and output filters to allow the user to work with existing transliteration schemes, etc.
However, in certain documented situations, a CAT may pose a danger to the user.
AdvertisementCan your notes comprise a user manual?
Jack is a fairly confident web user who has developed a feel for how long to allow for information gathering.
Defining architecture, ascribing meanings, is a joint task between designer and user.
The search engine will examine the query, extract nouns and noun phrases and construct a query for the user.
Each user, even a novice, is able to quickly design complex measurement tasks using the standard control command syntax.
AdvertisementThe average user is strangely absent, like the laborer in eighteenth century landscape painting.
Case closure, where service user has achieved abstinence or left the program.
New User Administration tab to allow administrators to set no home folder for advanced users.
These are quicker, cheaper, less adversarial and provide a better outcome for the court user.
Thus the ' landscape ' can be simplified by only including the ' closest ' most appropriate metadata aggregation matching the user's definition.
AdvertisementOn the upper agora we use signposts the user can select to start a tour to the most important " sights " .
Primer Aligner allows the user to align their primer, functional domain, or sequence fragment of interest to the complete genome alignment.
The system always allows the user to cater for the inherent ambiguity in its Level 1 sources.
For embedded annotation there will be a single document stored, which (we assume) the user can access.
For more than 50 user names, please email us your requirements and we'll come back to you to finalize payment arrangements.
User groups have demonstrated that mobile subscribers have an average attention span of just 90 seconds.
As a Registered User you will be able to select to receive automatic e-mails when new content is posted within any of these sections.
It was only possible to move the user's avatar along the line of sight.
I believe there are a couple people who have enabled user avatars on their sites (not counting the Gravatar system ).
The user may later use the backspace or left arrow to access the skipped fields.
Automatic processes, intended to work on the user's behalf, are, however, a two-edged sword.
If you are a user of eBay then the chances are... the term " shill bidding " .
The user then has to transfer over to the separate bidet, adjusting the water temperature to suit.
Using the interactive map of Canada the user can view the distribution of the different wetland regions including boreal, mountain and arctic.
If the Company waives a breach of Agreement by the User, that waiver is limited to the particular breach.
The user should look for minor bugs in or on the system.
Modern Class II microbiological safety cabinets designed to meet the current British Standard give a high degree of protection to the user.
Written to assist the Linux user in configuring a cable modem for internet access using a cable modem for internet access using a cable network.
The new features include Electronic casebooks, New Books List and User Services all of which are explained in more detail below.
Single user licenses installed on to one computer require the CD-ROM to be physically present when Iolis is accessed.
Thus the user can measure bond lengths, interatomic distances, angles between bonds and planes; create centroids and more.
There is growing evidence that ecstasy use can alter the chemistry of a user's brain, with potentially serious consequences in later life.
To view the video clips, the site requires the user to first select a video player.
Information on each page is specific to the topic or task and there is no unnecessary clutter to distract the user.
The user who is playing the online games should have an internet connection in his PC.
From a remote console, an authorized user has the ability to perform centralized management, configuration and administrative functions across multiple zones.
Throughout the project User Vision provided valuable usability consulting and testing input.
These can then each be allocated to the useful four-way controller for easy access that suits user needs.
Microsoftâs original Xbox controller was a wash out despite undergoing thousands of hours of user testing.
Dual frequency operation enables the user to implement a measured ionospheric correction.
The fourth option allows the user to specify a variance covariance matrix for the shocks.
Thanks to quick releases and a user friendly press-button system it is possible to mount the crane in less than 10 minutes.
With a simple metal clip that fits into pockets, the stick and/or crutch can readily be attached to the user's clothing.
The professional user can adjust any operation via numerical input and can precisely monitor the results using an online densitometer.
A range of interests and needs among the user base widens the market and lessens dependence on a single group.
The user chooses a destination using their mobile phone.
Sherlock Holmes, the fictional detective in Arthur Conan Doyle's books, was a regular cocaine user.
If the user cancels the dialog, the attributes will not reflect any changes made by the user.
Select Entry Copy User ID or Copy Password, then paste these into the site's authentication dialog.
In a known drug user, sweating, involuntary sniffing and pupillary dilation are helpful physical signs of early withdrawal from opiates.
Enabled can be used to temporarily disable a user from entering the system.
The buttons on the left take the user to topics of specific relevance to electricity distribution.
These reports will be identified by Code '29 LO ' in the ' User Info Key ' column of the input docket.
A view only user can view meetings from the calendar and calendar archive, and view any associated documentation for a meeting.
The system has an alarm that warns of highs or lows, allowing the user to adjust the insulin dosage.
By opening and closing the drawers of a a file cabinet interface the user can control both the machines and the projected images.
When the user has finished reading the e-book it can be deleted from the handheld device in order to make space for another text.
Prof. Simon Bottrell - User of sulfur isotopes to establish pathways of pollutant sulfur uptake in forest and peatland ecosystems.
All transmissions are digitally encrypted for secure conversations up to 10m away from the mobile phone, bringing true wireless freedom for user convenience.
This will include all user groups motorized, equestrian, walkers and people with disabilities.
Eulogy Writers - Information for the user to write his or her own eulogy Writers - Information for the user to write his or her own eulogy or funeral verse.
A key factor in the process is the needs of the end user, in this case the food company.
The onus is on the user to apply a critical faculty.
It has been our understanding, possibly faulty, that user representatives were commonly marginalized in decision-making processes in the last exercise.
Enter the user's Mail Address to which the inbound faxes should be sent.
The user moves a fingertip around a grid of raised bumps and the motion is tracked by the highlight on the screen.
But where the mission of the computer center ends - the user's fingertips striking the keyboard, ours begins.
The grubby fiver goes, tho, to Steve Dickinson who takes us back to 1982 and the very first issue of Sinclair User.
Did you know that if you were a registered user you could add this article to your clipped articles folder?
Refer to Section 3.4 of the Outlook User Guide to find out how to set up and use sub folders.
The Default font face renders the text in the default font specified by the user's browser.
Typical usage would be to allow a user to select a particular font.
Global WiFi Plus gas forklift Completes Another Multi User industry standards forklift Wi-Fi Installation FT.
Some of the topics recently discussed were Interactive Whiteboards that seem to be becoming more user friendly and in more and more workspaces.
This layer of abstraction allowed the user interface front-end to be conveniently separated from any audio device specifics.
Number of times the user expresses frustration or satisfaction.
The costs of doing away with passwords will pay back handsomely when you consider support calls and user frustration.
Using a list of keywords and synonyms provides a wider net for a resource which can then funnel the user to the relevant resource.
Remember that in /etc/passwd each user was given a default gid.
I was a die-hard wintel user for many years, paying only the occasional admiring glance at Macs.
Windows XP has what is called a Graphical User Interface, or GUI (pronounced gooey ).
Furthermore, the user can reduce the number of color gradations to make images look like illustrations.
Because it's extremely granular, you can set and enforce different policies for any user or class of users.
The service is reviewed through the use of user questionnaires and focus groups.
Use This Mailbox For Should enable user defined groupings.
Tips for Effect Brushes The Effect Tool in Corel PHOTO-PAINT can be incredibly handy if you're an experienced user.
This will copy Presenter and the question files on to the user's hard disk and make an icon to run it from.
Each user will be allocated storage space on the file server's hard disk.
Finally, financially hard-pressed school districts might get such services free from a nearby Linux User Group.
All floors and finishes so affected will pose some hazard to the floor user.
It's an added bonus if employers consider seats with integral headrests that support the user's head, neck and spinal chord.
The user believes he/she is responsible for the events, not the computer system.
Here the user is about to decide on just how much energy he/she would like to save.
From here the user can get full details of the legislation by clicking on the relevant hyperlink to the piece of statute they require.
Enquire used hypertext, which allowed the user to jump from one document to another through clickable links.
The soft hyphen tells the user agent where a line break can occur.
The plain hyphen should be interpreted by a user agent as just another character.
Iceni identity used to confirm the user has access to this resource.
If you would like to join too, e-mail to be allocated a user id and password.
In order to complete the questionnaire, you will need to have a user name and a login id.
You will be sent a user id to use for feeding back via this site.
User ID verification The NJR Center will need to verify the identity of each new NJR user.
Note it is considered improper to warp the user's cursor in general.
The police investigation was not pursued as the service user was deemed incapable of appearing as a witness and his father had refused permission.
Trying to reboot into Safe mode failed - whether by user inexperience, or not - I am not sure.
This should help finding the origin of type errors without detailed knowledge of type inference on the user side.
Nets also give the user a peaceful night where any biting insects are prevalent.
Together with the user group defined previously as the active integrators, there are now four user types, as described below.
There is nothing easier for a hacker or ill intentioned IT user than to get this message.
The interface will allow a two-way interaction between the user and the computer.
User data files will also be completely interchangeable between the two systems.
Imagination system features are brought to the user under Windows user-friendly interface.
A web-based interface allows a user to select data from various data sources for a specified target geography.
A mobile telephone style MoODS would be carried in a pocket and only interrogated when the user thought they required assistance.
A dose of cannabis which could cause intense intoxication in a na"ve user may have little or no effect in a regular cannabis user.
In a regular user of cannabis, acute intoxication by the drug would have little effect on performance.
Sites that repeat the Flash intro each time the same user visits the home page raise the ire of most web users.
Obstacles at this range have been deemed irrelevant to the blind user and the range reduced to 3.2 meters.
Would you like it if user Jane had the rights to delete files in you home directory?
For instance, in pine at heaven, user Joe sends mail to user emi.
The user must first know the encryption key that he can use to secure communications.
Even attempts to simulate user keystrokes that would otherwise lead to firewall shutdown are detected and blocked.
It is capable of determining latitude, longitude, and altitude of the individual user.
The wheelchair spaces are integrated into our seating layout so that a wheelchair user can sit with their family and friends.
Unlike conventional garden tools, the unique ratchet mechanism allows the user to exert maximum leverage with minimum effort.
If the user switches locales, the application just loads a different bundle.
We use the term native locale to describe the locale that has been chosen as the preferred locale by the user or system administrator.
This sample demonstrates the automatic account lockout ability, as well as how to unlock a user once the account is locked out.
Beside listening with the high-quality earphones provided, the user can play the music over the built-in loudspeaker for shared enjoyment.
The 96K lynx is supplied with an additional eight-page 96K User Manual, which briefly explains each of the new commands.
Could simple job aids be used in place of lengthy workbooks and user manuals?
For instance, the initial application may be user and training manuals but it can be used later to generate operations and maintenance manuals.
The other items are updated based on the payment method used by the user to checkout.
In this issue's QL User, Quentin Lowe gives us his first impressions of Sir Clive's new micro.
The problem is that B. User included the document source for the page as a text/html mime attachment.
When the user activates the mouse in this region the co-ordinates are downloaded wrapped as a chemical/x-pdb mime type.
In order to support that flexibility, the user has to write an import program in the integrated modeling language mistral.
Different modes guide the user through the best route for their mode of transport.
Written to assist the Linux user in configuring a cable modem for internet access using a cable network.
The user would need only a modicum of computer know-how in order to adapt the program for personal use.
In addition V12 has been made more user friendly than previous versions and has a very modular approach.
It also uses monads for the user interface, although not in the underlying mechanism for defining circuits.
The 10g monofilaments are replaceable providing the user with a reliable and reproducible test.
By simply moving the mouse around the screen the user moves a High Res Loupe displaying the job at 100% .
The Chat 50 can also replace headphones and headsets that can quickly become uncomfortable, restrict movement and tether the user to the device.
This work has contributed a user model and tailoring mechanism to the W3C SMIL language for integrating multimedia.
The matrix-vector multiplication routine must be supplied by the user.
Put your user name in the User Name field.
System will also Ned to link user back to new sample entry page Can we prevent users creating multiple samples with the same name?
Can I buy Palmtop User magazine in the shops, or at my local newsstand?
It is not intended for indefinite use in which the user continues to obtain nicotine from use of the NRT product.
This is run automatically nightly to scan all user home directories and disinfect any files found to contain viruses.
If the user is happy with the default change then they can continue as normal.
Author Displays the name of the user who created the object.
Note that having the user merge relies primarily on the user to not accidentally omit some changes, and thus is potentially error prone.
This sort of strategy takes the operator and user closer and closer to an almost one-to-one relationship.
We are also able to provide one-to-one, group or document based training on a technical or a user level.
The user can initially opt for a demonstration mode, which clearly explains the main features of the program.
Equation display is automatically optimized for the resolution of the user's screen.
Normally there is some logging mechanism to make the extra messages optional for the user.
Controls are also provided to allow the user to dynamically resize the individual panes.
Case Four Mrs. Davidson's son was diagnosed as having paranoid schizophrenia and was also a heavy user of alcohol.
Request a password reminder [previous] If any user has forgotten their password, they can request a password reminder.
We also calculate the perplexity of the different user models.
Their new range includes the Model 252 Analog, and three new user programmable photometers.
In both modes the user may perform photometry using either the traditional aperture method or using optimal extraction.
The animation allows the user to select from a number of fluorescence photomicrographs and vary the amount of astigmatism in the optical system.
He may want to change his user name to the pied piper from now on.
So we are now going to create a Start button that the user will activate to resume the movie playback.
Navigator 5 also allows the user to create there own poi be it your favorite restaurant or even a contacts office.
To enter the user mode from the (power on) supervisor mode, the user stack pointer is first preset to $ 2000.
They can also discover resources and collect them in a personalized portal, a 'personal information environment', matching appropriate resources to the user.
You'll find your short user name by opening System preferences and selecting the Users Preference pane.
You must be logged on as a page owner or as an authorized user with the appropriate page or item-level privileges.
A sub admin can grant the same sub admin privileges to another user.
Describe how a roaming user profile can be used to support multiple users who are sharing the same computer.
Needs Explanation -- only pseudo user accounts will be routinely created in the database by computing staff.
A set of multiple choice exam questions are available for the user to test their understanding of the subject.
Every user has been allotted a quota depending on their course requirements.
The user must subtract the reservoir deficiency R from the sample radiocarbon age in this case.
Ragnarok server and my user is Agronin What format you play it on?
Some customers prefer this type of citrus reamer because the user is not required to hold the orange while it is reamed.
He was then recaptured in 2004 to become User Support Manager at Exeter.
A Champion chair user won't have to struggle to operate the recliner.
St Richard's User Group Provides facilities for community members to meet, socialize and enjoy recreation.
Thus, the user should use left recursion wherever reasonable.
Distance is super soft, super smooth and equally effective and user friendly if used on a multiplier or fixed spool reel.
The user can interact with the results and find out why each result is present and also reorder the results based on various criteria.
Asynchronous replication (offline) is possible, which can be initiated by the user or controlling client.
Without limitation, no user shall make any speculative, false or fraudulent reservation or any reservation in anticipation of demand.
No user intervention such as refilling a reservoir is required.
User accepts full responsibility for any use of the product.
In proactive retrieval, the issue of controlled change impacts the user interface.
Even without electronic full-text retrieval, there are various other reasons for such a user preference.
This results in an improved user experience and increased revenue for website publishers.
Once a user is validated into the certificate revocation system, the user can suspend or activate any certificates in real time.
The calculator must respond to user input in some form (such as a button click or mouse rollover ).
This user has Windows XP Home edition SP 2. They have a linksys wireless router and they use AOL 9.0 Security Edition.
Consideration should be given to traveling rear-facing when a wheelchair user cannot use a safety belt or harness for some reason.
I learned some neat stuff in this chapter, but the key take-home message is that you should always sanitize and screen user input.
In terms of user perception, the handover is virtually seamless.
A four-point wheelchair restraint system is installed with a personal lap and diagonal seat belt for the wheelchair user.
A traditional kitchen is a comfortable, user friendly kitchen - ensure there's some comfy seating around.
Dialog An implementation of a commonly used interaction semantic to prompt for auxiliary input from the user, such as a filename.
With all of these legal shenanigans, the poor Blackberry user can be forgiven for not knowing which way to turn.
The berry induces sleepiness during which the user experiences revelatory dreams.
The initial spurt of interest was due to the end user population also being virgin territory.
The meter was held in place on the user's hand by a strong elastic strap into which the fingers were inserted.
Rendering of nested font style elements depends on the user agent.
A user supplied subroutine providing the dipole at any configuration space is a program requirement.
New security issues arise when the user may not be trusted, or the user and the host computer's owner are mutually suspicious.
The means of identification on magnetic tapes is shown in the magnetic tape file specification User Guides.
When turning on the machine, the user is greeted with a particularly tasteful rendered Manhattan DVD logo.
It is Morgan Stanley Dean Witter's first annual survey of the UK business telecom user base.
Effortless Teleconferencing With MeetingPoint any authorized user can set up and conduct a teleconference from any tone phone from anywhere in the world.
Images have alt text to describe the image to the user.
How will you allow the user to calibrate the thermometer to his desired settings?
Here the user has free access to the entire toolbox and free reign as to what to do.
On 15 March, we launched new guidance on user trusteeship.
This could render the user unable to extend the current track any further.
The selection stage should give the user as much help as possible in resolving this uncertainty.
One user reported reducing the need to clean the underside of the stencil from once every five prints to once every thirty.
Unfortunately, risks which are inherently unknowable will always be able to surprise even the most expert user of the " risk radar " .
Focus groups, written evaluation, and transaction logs were used to gather data and understand actual usage and user needs.
Once inside your building can a wheelchair user get to use all customer areas or make use of your service unaided?
The main screen allows the user to hide or show the first, second or answer digits.
The new Verona power chair enables the user to achieve a very high degree of independence.
The end user - the consumer - can also switch.
The CD covers all aspects of driving for this age group, from gaining their license through to becoming a safe road user.
The user is prompted for every selected vertex, which label it should have.
They have hand grips to assist user, one horizontal and two vertical vials, plus a front ' PLUMBSITE'¨ viewing vial.
To view the video clips, the site requires the user to first select a video clips, the site requires the user to first select a video player.
If you're a wheelchair user, opt for a heavy-duty vinyl.
Participation in these surveys is completely voluntary and the user therefore has a choice whether or not to disclose this information.
This page provides a walk-through of the PIE pages that a user might see via HL.
Midway is the very well-done User's Guide, which helped me get up to speed quickly.
To fully understand the concepts and functions of the programs, the user should be familiar with surface X-ray diffraction, eg.
The Agreement is made by and between LoveToKnow Corp. with its principal place of business at LoveToKnow Corp, a California Corporation and each user of the Contents, system, or networks (“Userâ€).
A user provides the initial structure function or quark distribution as a subroutine or as a data file.
I 'm on ragnarok server and my user is Agronin What format you play it on?
We describe efficient randomized algorithms whose probability of error can be controlled by the user.
User Rating - nee Posted on 23 / 06 / 2006 Without doubt the best retailer online, far superior to Amazon.
A Champion chair user wo n't have to struggle to operate the recliner.
St Richard 's User Group Provides facilities for community members to meet, socialize and enjoy recreation.
For this reason we strongly recommend only one user at a time on a rectangular trampoline.
Ecstasy acts to reduce appetite and disrupts the user 's ability to regulate body temperature.
A set of programs was required which the user could operate without much knowledge of computers.
If all of your organization 's user data and databases resides on one host, then you must ensure maximum protection for that device.
All trainees will receive a comprehensive set of user notes, which may be retained for future reference.
A user can use a web to retrace the path taken in a previous research session.
Our user might be less aware that when he performs a Google search the results are retrieved from a cache.
This is an issue we will revisit in light of further user consultation.
Not niche The need... ork separation, and bandwidth throttling per user with revocable credentials or general kinematics com passwords.
The calculator must respond to user input in some form (such as a button click or mouse rollover).
We begin with a roundup of news from user groups around the UK.
To summarize, never trust the user. computer workstation furniture Always sanitize the input !
A user evaluation found the scannable text to be 92% more usable than the original, flat version.
A traditional kitchen is a comfortable, user friendly kitchen - ensure there 's some comfy seating around.
The self-explanatory, multi-lingual user interface makes administration easy.
Unix based web servers allow a convenient shortcut to accessing files placed in the directory public_html in the user 's home directory.
The questions are based on semantic factors of spoken French, the user must choose the correct meaning to a slang phrase for example.
Can I use smart cards to control user 's identity?
However it was the User Support Group 's responsibility to provide the framework and solicit missing documentation from the teams/individuals responsible.
Every mode requires the user to specify a bedpost directory.
Manual sphygmomanometer with an easy to read liquid crystal display Very robust User adjustable deflation using thumb wheel.
The meter was held in place on the user 's hand by a strong elastic strap into which the fingers were inserted.
Merge projects where you have a more than one person working on a project or subcontract work to another user.
Most likely, you try and update a subset of attributes on user objects.
We do n't want more " until user agents " caveats sullying the purity of our specs.
Harry will send a copy of his full survey results to the User group.
New security issues arise when the user may not be trusted, or the user and the host computer 's owner are mutually suspicious.
The editor provides complete syntax coloring with user selected colors and fonts.
The key is having good teachers who are also good system administrators on hand to help the user along.
Into action with Delphi Tim Anderson uses TAction components to clean up this code and present a richer user interface.
We approached the takeup of such novel mobile services from the perspective of user innovations.
User interfaces to this database allow searches for proteins containing specific combinations of domains in defined taxa.
It is Morgan Stanley Dean Witter 's first annual survey of the UK business telecom user base.
The combined platform will surpass internet telephony company Skype, which currently boasts a user base of around 100 million.
The user selects J, K, T or J DIN thermocouple input from the front panel.
Titration of the dose in response to service user 's requirement rather than the absolute levels of dose is essential.
Add the user account under which you will be doing development to the tomcat group in /etc/group.
You should only attempt to resize or move top-level windows in direct response to a user request.
In effect, this is an auxiliary clutch enabling the user to disengage instantly the drive tot eh rear roller.
These systems allow the user to key in the figures from a simple return on their touch-tone phone.
Its functionality must be transparent in order to avoid disturbing the user in the process of course building.
Collaborating with pump manufacturers to to adapt treadle pump design in response to user needs.
The user supplies a " discrimination " which simply truncates the lower values in the output map.
Unfortunately, risks which are inherently unknowable will always be able to surprise even the most expert user of the " risk radar ".
Any thread created using the Threads Module will unmask this signal prior to entering user code.
The first contact is usually made through email, enticing the unwary user to an infected site.
On the other hand, if a user searches for " web " many engines will search for it in lowercase and uppercase forms.
Computer Associates - forgotten user ID 's 30/03/2005, System administrators know it, and so do the hackers.
For example, the Mental Health Research Network has produced good practice guidance on service user involvement in mental health research.
Some older user agents do n't support anchors created with the id attribute.
This article provides an introduction to building graphical user interface frontends for command-line utilities using Tcl and the Tk toolkit.
Google 's Gmail storage capacity should be health fitness utilized for other purposes, according to Gmail user.
Lawtel is a closed user group service offered on British Telecom 's Prestel viewdata system.
In parallel, the early demonstrations of what became the Prestel viewdata service included showing some programs initiated from user terminals.
If you 're a wheelchair user, opt for a heavy-duty vinyl.
Midway is the very well-done User 's Guide, which helped me get up to speed quickly.
The aim of these notes is to save the user of MGP from jumping to too many wrong conclusions.
To fully understand the concepts and functions of the programs, the user should be familiar with surface x-ray diffraction, eg.
Virality is a great way to leverage your user base to spread your sales and marketing message and grow your business.
With each new user, the network had become more valuable.
Start with simple ride-on toys that require the user to push the floor with her feet like Radio Flyer Retro Rocket or the Inch Worm.
In other words, many rockers, especially the wooden and wicker versions, don't stay in one place, requiring the user to constantly scoot the rocker back to its original position on the floor.
Digital baby monitors can easily be purchased off the Internet, and many retailers offer user reviews and comments that can give you a frank and honest look into the product's usability.
Combing through user reviews can give buyers a good idea of how easy the product is to operate and how reliable it remains over time.
It is also a fairly good idea to peruse the user reviews as many baby monitors simply do not live up to their claims whereas others will surprise you with their durability.
Read the user comments there as well before making a decision.
There are also links to brief reviews for each site, including pros, cons, overall, user rating, and editor rating.
This is called MSC or UMS compatability, so if you are a Mac user, you should talk to a customer service representative at the store to find out if the MP3 player meets this requirement.
For the PC user, the main compatability issue is making sure that your computer's specifications meet the minimum requirements for the device.
They carry both medium and dark roasts and have good descriptions as well as a user friendly site.
Modern ovens are available with a host of special features, but you may not need some of these if you’re a standard user.
Designs have changed to keep the user in mind.
Read performance reviews of the latest motorcycle models at, Also find dealer ads and user forums. posts user ratings of many phone brands and models.
Mobiledia also serves up user reviews and rebate deals on a variety of cell phones.
Check your user agreements and read carefully.
For the average user, a budget-minded PC is a better bargain, but if you can afford it, you can't really go wrong with an Apple computer either.
Oftentimes you can check the appropriate size in your automobile's user manual, but if you can't find the information there, most shops that sell car audio equipment will have a catalog or some other resource to help you on your way.
They are ideal for the casual user and great for working out since there are no moving parts inside it that can cause the music to skip (like CD players).
The end user should also be considered, since the parent's needs should be addressed as well.
Don't forget to read user reviews on websites such as, which can give an extremely useful insight into a product.
It does not have wheels, so the user will have to use a little manpower.
These binoculars are waterproof, fog-proof and are considered the best binoculars overall for the average user.
Not all computers come with a base that allows the user to recharge their laptops and notebooks at the end of the day.
Books are organized by their condition and you'll find feedback ratings for each user as well.
When rubber balls were introduced, iron clubs were crafted, followed later by lighter and more technologically advanced materials that were constructed for the user's comfort as well as optimal performance.
Online places such as eBay and have a healthy supply of older iPods because the product inventory is user generated.
Wood construction requires no special tools and is very easy for the beginning kitplane user to learn.
For the casual user who needs a quick answer or two, an online dictionary is beneficial.
Overall, the editors gave it 3.5 of five stars and the average user gave it three of five.
Things noted there that potential buyers should look at include length of auction, seller feedback, other auctions by that user, text of the auction, seller history, and more.
If you are buying used machines check the user's feedback (eBay) and examine the pictures closely.
All of the products from Gator come with easy-to-read user manuals and product documentation for do-it-yourself installation.
Read user feedback, and determine if the website has been reliable in the past.
Most systems come with around 1 GB of RAM but you may want to upgrade it if you plan to be a heavy laptop user.
A basic user will need a medium-powered computer or even something even less powerful.
If you plan on doing everything on a computer-which includes everything from running PowerPoints to sending and receiving e-mail to creating graphs-then you are a heavy user.
You can install a different operating system on a netbook or dual boot them, so if you are Linux user, it may be hard to find one with a proprietary Linux installed on the computer, but you'll be able to swap the OS out.
When buying GPS tracking watches, as is the case with buying any other electronic product, it is important to consider the features that you desire the most, as well as design, build quality, user interface and warranty.
An automatic oiler will keep the chain lubricated, and an anti-vibration system will minimize vibrations for the user.
This type of user only needs to surf the Internet, check e-mail and use simple office suites.
If you edit videos or pictures or you plan on using a graphic design program, then you’re a multimedia user.
If you just want a laptop that does it all, then you are probably a power user.
On most laptops, this is Windows, but if you are a Mac user, then you’ll get the Mac OS.
The ASUS Eee PC T91 is geared toward the user who wants a tablet for fun and entertainment.
However, many have liberal return policies and also offer user reviews.
While the interface is almost always through a web browser, each manufacturer goes about offering this administration access in a different way with different user interfaces.
Many cat videos featured on the web are simply reproductions of the aforementioned video, which is a reproduction of several other user videos.
Computer users are accustomed to pop-up programs that ask if the user wants their username and password saved.
If there are fraudulent charges on your account, you may have to agree to press charges against the unauthorized user, which requires a police report.
Reports can be run as frequently as needed and merchants can assign multiple passwords and accounts for each user.
These accounts grant the user rewards for purchases, and the rewards vary according to the terms of the accounts.
This is an enhanced benefit over other gift cards which usually only allow the user of the gift card to monitor its usage.
The user of the card can only spend up to the amount of money that has been loaded onto the card.
It is up to the user to ensure the company offers the services needed.
Most cards may be personalized with a photo of the user, which can help in protecting the user's account from fraudulent charges.
As a business or a personal user, it is important to know the benefits of working with any company in advance.
This process is necessary to ensure that the information you supplied is valid, and that you are indeed an authorized user on the account from which you want to make payments.
This service enables the user to always ensure their account is in good standing.
Previous Washington Mutual User ID and passwords may be used to access accounts here.
You will need to select a user name and password that you will use to sign on to your account.
Once you have provided the requested information so Discover can verify your identity, you will advance to the next screen where you can create a custom user ID and password.
This will be the user ID and password that you use to log in any time you want to sign on to the account center online, so make sure it is something that you can remember easily.
After you have picked your user name and password, you will be asked to set your custom options.
When you register, you will select a user ID to access all of the online services for your account.
Your user ID has to be between eight and 32 characters long and has to contain at least one letter and one number.
As a new user, you will need to visit the Chase Enrollment Page where you will choose a User ID and password to set up your account.
To pay your bill, log on to the Sears Card payment website and enter your user name and password.
Frequently, this happens without the user even realizing it.
The first step is to create a user ID and password at the company's secure account center.
As the user makes purchases the available balance decreases until he or she adds more money.
The American Express Online website is very user friendly.
Upon providing your user ID and password, there is a drop box that allows you to check and pay your bill.
Such methods include automatic timeouts, self-selected user IDs and passwords, personal security keys and a 128 Secure Sockets Layer website for secure browsing.
Each of these prepaid cards gives the user some flexibility.
The Bank of America World MasterCard user can get rewards for travel, merchandise and special events.
The length of this offer is dependent on the user's creditworthiness.
The OnePass Plus Card is a Continental MasterCard that allows the user to earn miles to spend on future flights.
These gift cards give the user the ability to use the balance on the card at merchants accepting Visa.
The user can use it for up to the balance available on the card.
Visa's Zero Liability policy protects the user if the card is lost or stolen.
Once you hand out the holiday card, the card is active and the user can begin using it.
It is often a good idea to provide the purchase verification slip to the user.
It categorizes its cards by rewards, financial options and intended user.
Many companies offer a tiered-structure for rewards, based on the types of purchases the user makes.
The user can redeem the points for purchases of entertainment products, discounts or other merchandise.
It offers 25,000 bonus miles for signing up, plus 5000 bonus miles by adding an authorized user.
A secured card requires the user to make a cash deposit to establish the account.
Luckily, thousands of consumers have used CardWeb before you, which has inspired its creators to make it very user friendly.
The Continental Airlines OnePass Plus Card allows users to earn 25,000 bonus miles for signing up, and then earn 5000 bonus miles when you add an authorized user to your card.
Annual fees are fees the user must pay each year to keep the card active.
Purchases made with the card withdraw funds from the user's account balance.
The user determines which account he or she would like to link to this account.
Both the partner business and the user of the card will benefit from using these cards on a regular basis.
When the card user makes a purchase using the card, he or she earns points.
When necessary, user guides for property settlements and custody arrangements are also included.
This allows the user to sit with her back pressed firmly up against the surface of the chair, with all areas of the back supported.
This allows each user to customize the chair to meet their specific support needs.
A tilt mechanism synchronizes the seat and back movement, enabling the user to recline and move forward with ease.
Craftmatic beds are made with the choice of an optional built-in massage unit that supplies the user with a variety of different massage combinations.
If you're environmentally minded and are a user of a personal computer, you have probably wondered whether or not there are ways to recycle ink cartridges.
For more information on possible interactions Drug Digest has a very user friendly data base which includes herbs and medications, their interactions with each other, and with foods and beverages.
This affordable, user friendly program lets you upload a photo of your own room so you don't have to second guess any aspect of your design.
Used as vessels, undermount and drop-in sinks in bathrooms and farmhouse sinks in kitchens, copper ages naturally showing both the marks of the artisan who created it and the user.
Mirrored cabinets offer a number of benefits to the bathroom user that a separate cabinet can take away.
The program can be challenging for first time users, but the website offers tons of tutorials and user tips to help you navigate the process.
Swag lamps offer multiple benefits to the user, including their visual appeal.
Famous Shimmer Brick Compact Blush - Five shades of blush in one, providing the makeup user to create the most natural effect possible - one of Bobbi Brown's most successful products.
Every woman's makeup collection is different, and not every bag is right for every user.
Hello DanaFirst, let me say that I'm not a big makeup user.
Many magnifying mirrors are lighted, which allows the user to simulate a salon experience within the comfort of his or her own home.
Lights, teamed with magnification, provide the user with the optimal setting in which to touch up the face.
The result is a unique, simultaneous view that offers the user a variety of angles to examine.
Many compact travel makeup mirrors are magnified in great strength, allowing the user to focus on specific facial features one at a time.
The wide-reaching, extendable arm of a wall mount mirror is an outstanding feature that allows the user to pivot the mirror accordingly and examine all areas of the face.
They are as convenient to travel with as they are to use at home, and they provide the user with a crisp image that makes makeup application a breeze.
My top choices for very user friendly eye shadows come from Makeup Forever Cosmetics USA because they allow you to create personalized "trio palettes" you fill with eye shadow colors you can choose for yourself.
I've been a loyal user for years, and here are just some of the reasons I love it.
At this user friendly site you can also find licensed area professionals as well as popular questions and answers about this unique craft.
The makeup is designed for all day wear by the user and comes in different colors, textures and styles that are designed to compliment nearly any complexion.
The site editor is an experienced Internet user, always ready to share the tips and tricks picked up while spending hours online.
Grow Cube brings a unique sort of game play for any age user.
It also gives the user a chance to test a game before deciding on whether or not to purchase it.
This site prides itself on having a low number of fake profiles, a high level of security and an easy user interface.
Each User will indemnify and hold harmless the LoveToKnow Corp.
Along with this basic information, you will need to select a password and user name before you can get started.
Under your user pic, there should be a link to visit your blog.
While any MySpace user can send you a message through the site, only those on your friends list can comment on blog posts.
After creating an account, you have the option of adopting a pet or obtaining one from a current user by trading or buying with currency won from the site's games.
Simply type in your friend's Naruto user ID and this will create the private game room.
If you have questions, though, you will be able to get the contact information for the user either in the ad itself or at the top of the listing.
ViaMichelin offers maps and directions as well as tourist attractions and the Michelin Guide, which adds in restaurants based on user reviews and ratings.
The burping action is performed by the user.
The application is designed to evaluate the user's current skill level and assigns tasks accordingly.
Some sites will allow an Internet user to download the Mavis Beacon application for free, but only on a trial basis.
The user may be limited to using it only a few times before having to buy a subscription to continue working with it.
The site boasts an easy-to-use graphic user interface that will have you playing with your new virtual best friend in no time.
While many of the pets resemble animals you know, when you browse other user's pets, you'll notice they've been changed strangely, mostly in different colors.
While not having as large a user database as Second Life, Kaneva relies heavily on activities like shopping and entertainment.
The advanced user includes those in high school, college or in the general world.
The World Book Online Reference Center is the comprehensive encyclopedia you'll find if you have an advanced user's account.
Choose a user ID you can easily remember.
Every user ID is unique, so if the one you choose is already taken, EBay will prompt you to choose a new one until you select one that no one else has chosen.
Like your user ID, your password should be unique and not reflect any part of your email address or ID.
You've read and accept the User Agreement and Privacy Policy.
Having modes that allow the user to optimize shots will create the best photos.
It may sound obvious, but user guides often have tips and hints to help the photographer use proper settings and lighting.
Can a user quickly mount a new lens to the SLR?
Many times, raters may have prior camera biases (such as being a fan of Nikon cameras when reviewing a Canon camera) or encounter problems with a camera that are unique to that user.
This camera was shaped like binoculars and would allow the user to photograph and save up to eight pictures with a 640 x 480.
This camera had an internal hard drive and the user had to upload the photographs to a computer in order to view them.
Increasing the storage capacity also increased the number of photos the user could save.
These cameras provide instant gratification for the user because the photos can be viewed on LCD screens, uploaded to the Internet and printed at photo kiosks just about anywhere.
Photos and videos can be added to a user's account from the web, email, mobile phone or a computer.
In addition, this application can be used in a variety of ways on social networking sites and eBay; all a registered user has to do is create a link between the sites.
A digital camera is the sum of its capabilities and user options.
Despite the confusion that surrounds GIMP's user interface, it's easy to learn how the tools and features function.
If you still find GIMP's user interface confusing, check out this video tutorial.
Digital cameras come in a variety of shapes, sizes and formats with any number of user features.
Photoshop Elements is designed with the advanced home user in mind.
Elements is a lighter version of Photoshop that offers a simpler graphical user interface (GUI).
Canon also introduced a "Live View" feature on the 40D which allows the user to use the LCD display to view the image in the same way a point-and-shoot camera does.
The D90 is a blend between functionality and cost and makes an excellent entry level camera or upgrade for a Nikon user.
Since Photoshop's array of tools is vast and varied, this is a very helpful breakdown of the important features for different user groups.
If you have a Canon camera, you should consult a Canon camera user manual for tips and instructions on how to get the most out of your photo-taking device.
To find your user manual, locate and click on your camera's model from the list below.
The Digital SLR product line most definitely requires a Canon user manual, as they are sophisticated and complex, designed with professional photographers in mind.
Canon camera user manuals take the guesswork out of taking great photos.
Using a Canon camera user manual enriches the user experience by uncovering hidden features and professional techniques most consumers do not know about.
Digital SLR cameras, in particular, have a lot of associated lingo due to their advanced features and user options.
Additionally, the camera offers a Depth of Field Mode in which the user can successfully balance exposure and frame depth for a unique look.
If you don't want to commit to the download before seeing the program in action, search the program's user forums for videos and screenshots illustrating the program at work.
Most digital scrapbooks kits have detailed instructions and many are quite user friendly for a beginner.
Once a design is selected, the user instructs the Wishblade to begin cutting the design.
Very user friendly, the first step is to click on a slideshow.
The average drug user starts smoking marijuana at age 14, and those who abuse alcohol may begin as early as age 12.
When a live person isn't available to keep watch over the room, Mobert, a Chat Center bot, is on the lookout for inappropriate language, even in user names.
Poetry America is another source with user uploaded poetry.
Another cool feature of the site is that everything a user does on the site (such as make a comment on a post or log in), the user scores points.
Later, when enough points are gained, a user can cash them in for prizes like CD's or a Nintendo Wii.
Some have an elastic band that goes around the head, while others have a handle on them for the user to hold.