Us Sentence Examples
You didn't tell us it was her birthday.
I hope he likes us all.
Let us hear the rest.
Let us examine our prison and see what it is like.
What's going to become of us now?
Let us wait until evening.
He worries about all of us, you know.
I just don't think it's a good idea for us to be out here alone.
I don't think they're with us any more.
If you change your mind, you know where to find us then.
AdvertisementWould you slow down before you kill us both?
He wants us to do everything he says without question.
This will take us most of the way.
Let us attack them!
No, Pete spotted them afore they saw us, so we got away.
AdvertisementIt shows us at our best and at our cruelest.
Nonsense, you're not putting us out, but you're more than welcome to use the phone... and please call me Sarah.
Gentlemen, let us act!
It works for us.
Yes, I am, but please don't let us do like that....
AdvertisementThey don't scare us much.
He's a big horse, but I couldn't make him carry the two of us in that terrain.
We were delighted when Brandon called and told us he was bringing a friend.
You would set all Russia against you and every one of us would feel ashamed to wear the uniform.
Why don't we go out for supper tonight - just us and the kids?
AdvertisementSo tell us, how is your life in Arkansas?
Let us put the bar there.
The Emperor has deigned to summon us and the merchants.
Very possibly the theater of war will move so near to us that...
Going that way will put us further away from Ashley, but it will give us two advantages.
The rest of us were equally distraught, especially Howie.
I can see plenty of nice gardens and fields down below us, at the edge of this city.
We only know that yesterday came a Rain of Stones upon us, which did much damage and injured some of our people.
None of us has the time to do that—but in the future, with my system, wisdom will operate at processor speeds.
Thank you for inviting us.
She looked at each of us in turn.
As for us, Count, we get along on our pay.
What is your sorcery good for if it cannot tell us the truth?
Let us see your arts, and the sorceries you are able to perform.
Let us all be a happy family and love one another.
Father took us to see steamboat.
Dr. Bell went with us himself to the electrical building, and showed us some of the historical telephones.
No, if one of us has to get snowed in up here, I'd rather it was me.
Mother usually knows what she is about, but she made a mistake this time; for you are sure to escape us unless you come too near, and you probably won't do that.
The idea was that it would be great to make machines that behaved like us and, through that, we could harness their abilities.
The thick wood is not just at our door, nor the pond, but somewhat is always clearing, familiar and worn by us, appropriated and fenced in some way, and reclaimed from Nature.
And do you know, Daddy, the day before yesterday we ran at them and, my word, they didn't let us get near before they just threw down their muskets and went on their knees.
I let our stupid house rules stand between us for a long time, but I was the one who finally broke them.
They won't expect us to go that way, and we can move around in the lava field without leaving tracks.
They allowed us to grind the spices, pick over the raisins and lick the stirring spoons.
Funny makes us laugh.
The rest of us will be along soon.
You take care of yourself and come visit us sometime.
Diablo. He's Yancey's method of relieving stress and getting away from us women once in a while.
I was awoken by the gunshot and both of us drove the roads around the perimeter of the property but neither heard nor saw his vehicle.
They haven't defeated us yet, and Jim is worth a whole army.
For, if we told you truly, you might escape us altogether; and if we told you an untruth we would be naughty and deserve to be punished.
More precisely, we will probably teach machines to teach themselves how to process it for us and surface findings to us.
No human could ever do this, for in these purely computational matters, machines are vastly superior to us, and always will be.
That brings us back to the need to share data—and to our online example with Amazon, and our offline example with our salesperson.
Perhaps we all have such remarkable abilities but are impaired in a way—maybe the rest of us have a disease to which these savants are immune.
So where does that leave us in our quest to end disease?
Those differences are part of what makes us unique.
How will all of this help us end disease?
This will likely not ever be perfect, but any insight it can offer us is a gain.
For computations, we developed processes that required us to perform many intermediate, error-prone steps to achieve an answer.
There are not many left of us old friends!
You all have been so nice to us, and we've enjoyed our stay.
It's wandering around in circles and it's not at all afraid of us.
I want the closeness of having them live with us.
None of us would win a beauty contest, would we?
The pure uniqueness of what we did virtually demands that there exist somewhere a record of what transpired and the terrible toll the results exerted on those of us involved.
Both of us were new to New York City, and had few or no friends.
Each of us maintains our own apartment, but when Betsy is in town, we spend most nights together.
Martha smiled at us.
Only he, unknown to any of us, was as yet absent from our lives.
He smiled and joined us for a glass.
Betsy and Martha, now practically best friends, conspired together against the rest of us until they owned most of the board.
The rest of us were spiraling toward bankruptcy when Howie turned to Martha.
Betsy was in the kitchen, baking scones for a mid-morning snack, while the rest of us were lounging around the main room vetoing each other's suggestions.
I wasn't sure that bit of philosophy got us anywhere.
Howie remained silent during verbal our exchange, looking form one of us to the other, content to let us orchestrate the production.
Just tell us what to do.
If he can get us better and timelier information and direct us to the best place to call in our tips, we're miles ahead.
Each of us took turns thanking Merrill Cooms personally on the phone although he insisted it was unnecessary.
He now knew there were five of us although no other information was conveyed to him.
As each of us spent five full days a week together, we agreed to go our own ways on weekends, establishing an outside life.
Each of us was relieving our daily pressure with other interests.
Together we let a dog choose us at the local humane society.
Brennan thanked us for the name and said he'd try to run down his whereabouts.
So was Merrill Cooms who told us his investment was paltry compared to getting, as he called him, "that monster Cummings."
No eyes can ever see us together!
In truth, the raw information funneled to us was transmitted as received after passing through our office.
While we were free to play with it, nothing was required of us.
The four of us unanimously disagreed.
While none of us opted for involvement, Howie's insistence was the first time he hadn't acted like a tethered toddler.
Betsy offered as the five of us brainstormed.
New local acquaintances never questioned us about work and we displayed no interest in anything pertaining to crime or mayhem.
No one had learned to duplicate his settings nor did any of us want to be so educated.
I was surprised the FBI didn't press us on some of these more prominent cases.
You're going to tell us Howie isn't a virgin anymore, aren't you?
One of us chatted with Merrill Cooms weekly, simply keeping in touch with our benefactor.
While Merrill Cooms knew there were five of us and had spoken to each, we'd never identified which one of us held the gift.
I so informed Mr. Cooms and between us, a patient doctor relationship was arranged for Howie.
Later the same day, he informed all of us he was getting needed help, as he put it.
The license plate was from Missouri and Howie managed to recite the numbers to us together with a detailed description of the car, an older Buick.
He too was excited with Howie's success and promised to keep us informed.
However, we feared no threat from either, nor did we feel they wished to identify us.
No handshake for Julie; she gave each of us a robust hug.
None of us believed it was.
He obviously knew he owed us an explanation but I sensed he would wait us out until someone asked.
While Daniel Brennan was aware of us as a group, he and I were the only ones that spoke directly.
I volunteered no more information, nor did he want it, doubly so now that he might be suspected of having ties to us because of the frequent inquiries he made.
Is this tied to us?
I prayed she'd take my warning seriously and maybe give us some helpful press in the bargin.
Even the trash-can liner newspaper that caused us to be hunted down by reward-sniffing hounds has backed off, terminating their contest.
If the Federal Government is continuing to dog us, they are doing so clandestinely, as we've heard nothing of their activities.
We adults passed banalities back and forth while Howie opened wine, of an obvious expensive vintage us Gustefsons only admired.
Molly continued to hold Clair, even feeding her a bottle as Martha explained the mechanics of capturing mother's milk while the rest of us pretended not to listen.
I don't want him to see us!
Let us walk up, and see where the doors lead to.
Many large and fierce bears roam in the Valley of Voe, and when they can catch any of us they eat us up; but as they cannot see us, we seldom get caught.
The dama-fruit is the most delicious thing that grows, and when it makes us invisible the bears cannot find us to eat us up.
But come, my children; let us explore the mountain and discover which way we must go in order to escape from this cavern, which is getting to be almost as hot as a bake-oven.
We consider ourselves very beautiful in appearance, for mother has told us so, and she knows.
The mother dragon may come down and catch us here.
After you went up in a balloon, and escaped us, I got back to Kansas by means of a pair of magical silver shoes.
So let us cease this talk of skull crushing and converse upon more pleasant subjects.
So don't let us keep it waiting a single minute.
He prayeth best, who loveth best All things both great and small; For the dear God who loveth us, He made and loveth all.
He makes us pay taxes and gives us nothing in return.
He sends soldiers among us to take away our liberty.
Give us a few days to learn what sort of laws you will make for us, and then we will say whether we can submit to them or not.
So, let us go on with the work that is before us.
And people say that fortune comes to us in our sleep.
In the end, our fundamental challenge is to become better individuals, and technology offers little help on that front; it is up to each one of us to solve that for ourselves.
We post pictures, the progress of our relationship, and people can follow our "us" page.
The choices we make to test options never before contemplated will tell us all kinds of new things about ourselves.
It will make us all profoundly wise, wiser than the wisest person who has ever lived.
Before we take that further, let's consider something the Internet has taught us about ourselves.
These tell us something about ourselves we didn't know before.
Today, it is hard for us to imagine what that time was like.
This goal is within our grasp—and with the vaccine presently priced at about thirty cents a child, shame on us for not ending polio once and for all.
Smallpox has been with us for thousands of years.
We are most horrified by that which strikes closest to us and reminds us of our own mortality.
The factors that enable us to solve for and eliminate disease are getting better all the time, like wind at our back, pushing us forward.
And then we come to Greece, the home of Hippocrates, the "Father of Modern Medicine," who left us not just the oath that bears his name but also a corpus of roughly sixty medical texts based on his teaching.
Certainly some of the medical practices of the ancient world, such as bloodletting and the use of leeches, seem to us at least misguided and at worst, barbaric.
The 1960s brought us hip replacement, the artificial heart, a liver transplant, and a lung transplant.
The 1990s brought us a hepatitis A vaccine and artificial muscles.
The same happenchance brought us the learning that children in schools with fluorescent lights get fewer cavities than those in schools with incandescent lighting.
This method will allow us to treat the entire world as a controlled experiment in retrospect.
A record of all human activity, with anonymity safeguards in place, will allow us all to become part of the solution by putting our minds to work on the problems of the world.
Metallurgy gives us steel with which we can fashion either swords or plowshares.
Technology allowed us to peer deeper into the mysteries of the miniscule.
Better microscopes gave us more information, more ways to unlock the secrets of life.
Economically, we understand the world around us in terms of scarcity.
The notion of scarcity is so ingrained in us and so permeates the world today, it is difficult to imagine a world without it.
So they threw their sabots, a kind of clog shoe, into the machinery to break it—an act that gave us the word sabotage.
Nanotechnology will give us metals that don't bend, or bend and yet remember their original shape.
That brings us back to the thousandfold increase in wealth, which the world will soon experience.
But I expect that technology and free enterprise will take us across a threshold where things formerly regarded as scarce will not be so any more.
Three centuries later, it became a hereditary right and came with a daily ration of two pounds of bread ("Hey, you don't expect us to cook the free grain, do you?") and occasionally included meat, olive oil, and salt.
But as we grew up, reality set in that market forces did not allow those activities to pay enough to support us, so at some point we all figured out we had to "earn a living."
And that meant, for too many of us, ditching what we loved to do and doing the work of a machine.
I base that expectation in part on the fact that today, many of us already live in more comfort than the richest king in the world did two hundred years ago.
Trade and the division of labor have given us vast amounts of wealth.
Technology has made us ever more productive.
In addition, how food affects us unquestionably has a lot to do with genetic factors, and because everyone has a different genetic makeup, different foods affect each of us differently.
The issues are difficult because fundamentally none of us knows the ultimate effects.
But in the meantime, hunger will stay with us even in the world of plenty.
The only thing that separates us from that world is this thing called civilization.
By declaring a pretty broad range of things worth killing and dying for, we say that each of those is more precious to us than human life.
I was keenly surprised and disappointed years later to learn of their acts of persecution that make us tingle with shame, even while we glory in the courage and energy that gave us our "Country Beautiful."
The cause of the destruction of the French army in 1812 is clear to us now.
It came from us.
I don't want her to wake up in a strange room and not be able to find us.
Sit down and have breakfast with us.
Then I wondered if you were putting on a show for her to prove nothing was going on between us.
But what we do with our time after work is strictly between the two of us.
I thought you were upset because Mary caught us together.
We'll hear him the same as when he's in here, but he won't be disturbed by us when we talk.
Jane, our GPS, as Betsy named her, didn't let us down and we found our friend's cabin at the end of a dusty road, hungry for dinner after a six hour drive.
She led us into a large room, dominated by a pot belly stove.
His mother pushed him off on us because he stayed up here in New Hampshire because he stayed here a couple of summers growing and she thought visiting might jar something loose.
Oblivious as we were at the time, this meeting of the five of us was the beginning of a relationship that fused our lives together in a way we never would have imagined.
Quinn lit the large stove to stave off the cold as rain pounded the metal roof above us.
It was easy for us to recognize Martha's pain with the subject.
A roll of the dice changed the lives of all of us and hundreds of others forever.
Several minutes stretched into ten or more with neither of us closing our eyes.
Martha called after us.
While the rest of us breathed a sigh of relief, Howie remained uncomfortable.
He picked at his food while the rest of us wolfed down stacks of pancakes and melt in your mouth sausage, the finest breakfast I'd eaten in years.
I'd wait for him come to us.
The characters were as tangible as all of us standing in this room.
Thanks for sharing it with us.
You have to promise whatever happens, it stays with us five of us.
Three of us sat around the table while Quinn continued to read in a corner rocker.
He looked at each of us in turn.
The four of us retreated to the first floor, amid a rain of questions while he remained upstairs.
Howie kept us in suspense until we assumed our seats around the table.
None of us admitted to the possibility that the visions were real visits to the past.
How many times have any of us been involved in an event remotely exciting?
The meat was meant for outdoor grilling, but the rain kept us inside.
Quinn joined us briefly for dinner.
The Red Sox were in town to take on the Yankees, a revered experience for us died hard fans.
Promise this will be between us.
Neither of us mentioned the subject since we left New Hampshire.
Even if Brockville proved to be all he described, what would that tell us?
I guess I'd try to convince Quinn to let us use his stuff.
Whatever happens, it's not going beyond the five of us.
The trip took us out of the District on the Maryland side as we headed west through picturesque rolling hills and farm lands.
Our GPS guided us up and down and around and around for the next hour and a half.
With his hands to his face, he burst into tears, shocking us.
A red brick municipal building stood at the far end of the street ahead of us.
Betsy called to her and she stopped and smiled as Betsy introduced us as interested tourists.
The woman introduced herself as Annie Mae Wilkie and informed us she was the treasurer of Brockville, in addition to holding several other positions.
She was eager to answer our questions and invited us into the building.
Little conversation took place as each of us kept our thoughts to ourselves.
You're the only one of us who is his longtime friend.
Our work concerns electrostatic forces; force fields that surround us everywhere.
We assumed Howie would beg for the five of us to be in attendance.
Everyone was tired so after perfunctory greetings over a single glass of wine for those of us drinking, we retreated to our sleeping quarters.
We all climbed the stairs as Quinn greeted us.
Quinn joined us, looking more interested than earlier.
When I rose and asked if we were ready to begin another session, he was eager to join us on our trek to the basement.
Martha brewed coffee for us and hot chocolate for Howie.
Howie jumped on Betsy, startling us.
He didn't convey his conclusions to us.
None of us would admit it out loud, but each harbored the same thought.
Howie continued to look to us for direction while remaining adamant we exclude so much as mention of what we were doing to anyone outside our group.
Howie, ever hyper about the security of our endeavors, forbid our even discussing any interim results by phone, thereby leaving us in the dark.
Howie was due within the hour so only Quinn and Martha met us at the door.
The four of us gathered in the Le Blanc living room as soon as greetings were exchanged.
He insists you two be with us before we move forward.
There are tests I could conduct that would give us direction and maybe some answers but he refuses to even discuss them.
Martha looked at it longingly while the three of us emptied one in no time with Quinn doening the lion's share.
She looked at her husband, the most closed minded among us, when she spoke.
Just don't tell us how you do it.
Howie directed the four of us to go someplace nearby, inside or outside, and not divulge the location.
In spite of the lateness of the hour, the rest of us were far too hyper for sleep.
Howie was as excited as us once we could transport him more precisely.
He wouldn't let us do any sort of test like what he just proposed until you guys arrived.
When Howie is unable to verify what we do perhaps he'll let us investigate what's causing his mind to create these fantasies.
Our visions continued to keep us awake long into the night.
Each of us could find separate areas to be alone but remain close to each other.
None of us divulged what we did.
I don't know who among us was the most nervous.
Betsy turned on a tape recorder as Howie reclined on the bed, turning away from us.
In retrospect, it was a miracle none of us fainted.
This Cooms guy said he'd fix us up any place we wanted, didn't he?
To ask Brennan directly might lead to us so I made up a story we were checking old cases to see if someone released from prison might have returned to this type of crime.
I see on the internet another one of us was caught!
Hundreds of printed reports covered our premises like a winter blizzard making us look as busy as a toy store at Christmas.
If pressure was applied to Daniel Brennan, it was never passed on to us.
I'd love to put this behind us but it takes time.
The police detective helped us by perjuring himself.
The four of us were put to shame in jeans and sweat shirts.
This was more evidence of Howie's ineptness at the everyday chores the rest of us took for granted.
Molly appeared less shy around Howie than us, acting more casual toward him as if he was a member of her family.
When we first accepted Mr. Cooms' generous funding, we established this secure connection in case he ever had a need to contact us.
Howie had tried to explain to us that when he was under, as he called it, he had trouble telling if he was speaking aloud.
He scorned all the rest of us for not holding on to our prizes, as he called them.
Will you kindly tell us which way your mother went to get on top the earth?
Let us be ready, for we may be sent for any minute.
I refer to history extensively in these pages because I believe historical people are exactly like us, only in different circumstances.
Up until now, we have thought of the Internet as a place to store information, and we have depended upon search engines to help us find it.
As they died, they shouted, 'Communist Party, Chairman Mao, save us.'
Then war can become obsolete, as foreign to us as slavery and public hangings.
For Christ's sake think of us! cried his wife, referring to the rumors of war and the enemy.
We all knew about his family, but the way he acted, it was as if he wanted to hide them from us.
He thinks you are better than us.
She thinks Alex is abandoning us.
But you don't believe us.
You've always taken care of us.
I told you there was nothing going on between us.
She has great understanding of us.
I don't want things to be professional – not for you here and not between us.
It's our home and you're more than a sitter or maid to all of us.
It hasn't been easy - for either of us.
We couldn't afford an apartment right now - even with the two of us.
We can't expect them to make an exception for us.
At the funeral, you didn't even set with us.
Sweetheart, let's not let this come between us.
Don't pay any attention to him, Fritz, he's just tryin' to scare us.
It might be the last trip for all of us.
They've got mules to eat now, why would they want to follow us?
But if they don't want our food, why would they follow us?
If they did, they'll be looking for us.
Will they follow us?
Don't let it come between us.
Whatever their reasons, they treated us well.
Eventually they even set us free.
I never would have believed he would run off and leave us like that.
Do you think you could scare us up a warm snack?
Between the two of us we ought to be able to carry them down to that room.
No. You'll eat with us.
You eat with us.
If you decide you want to go, you can leave with us tomorrow morning.
Remember when Claudette interrupted us in the kitchen?
I knew I had ruined everything between us.
None of us felt the excitement of the afternoon.
If we could convince him to give you free rein to helping us with him remaining totally in the dark, we'd both have what we want.
Perhaps, Daniel Brennan could get out of the kitchen but the five of us would be left sitting on the stove.
We were picked up by Martha and arrived just as Quinn and who'd ferried Howie pulled in behind us.
Let's see what Brennan can do for us.
I told him I had no idea how you accomplished what you did but you were a crystal ball of an asset to us.
He agreed to keep our conversation limited to the two of us and is willing to listen to you.
Tell Brennan he has carte blanch to give us everything within reason we might need.
Four of us, sans Martha, shared a bottle of bourbon with Quinn drinking two for each of ours.
We were provided with a database that allowed us to identify various vehicles.
There was helpful information for us to improve observation techniques.
Brennan offered to pay us but we collectively agreed to not become wards of the government.
What could possibly be more important to us than saving lives?
You don't know anything about us.
You must want more from us; at least knowledge of whom we are and what exactly we do and how we do it.
You've asking nothing of us?
How can you trust us?
Personally, the thought we might work together in one location, absent the hectic schedule presently exhausting us, made me giddy and set my mind a-tumble with possibilities.
We never-the-less decided to postpone discussion until the following day when, as Martha said, we had a night of rumination and our wits about us.
Our nervous quintet settled in, ordered wine for the drinkers and waited for one of us to start the conversation.
We've skated around saying nothing since Ben played us Mr. Cooms' conversation.
I, for one, would like to find a secure place in a medium size town, with all of us living nearby.
There's this God-given gift hanging up there like a paper moon that only the five of us can make happen.
The way we're operating is killing us.
I have the least rewarding job of any of us so my desires are directed to family and this mind boggling venture Howie is taking us on.
The way Mr. Cooms cautioned us hit home with me.
I'm not sure anyone else in our group was in shape to drive home after our champagne celebration of the scary new life each of us agreed to embrace.
Are we certain the tips this woman cited can't be traced back to us?
I don't see how these calls could be tagged back to us.
That's where the three of us grew up.
All five of us would be employed in various capacities at very generous salaries.
Each of us received a six figure hiring bonus.
An overseas bank account in the company name contained a balance of one million dollars as startup funds for us to secure quarters for the enterprise.
Each of us nervously cut ties with our past by giving notice, making moving plans and advising our few friends and relatives.
The house was far too large for us with five bedrooms and three baths but Betsy had plans!
Howie surprised us all by buying a fairly large home north west of town on the Old Walpole Road.
Mortgages for all of us were quickly processed through a private bank owned by one of Merrill Cooms' entities.
Once she was comfortable with us she opened up, displaying a sharp and inquisitive mind.
We can't let this fall apart on us, Ben.
I knew from the start we were a house of cards in a windstorm, but you were the glue that held us together.
All of us are feeling the pressure plus you have a new baby and a cranky husband who isn't helping you a bit.
I'm sorry, but he really doesn't need it with what Mr. Cooms has done for all of us.
It took us two hours to come ten miles from the airport and Julie had to direct him the last mile and she just got here herself.
With luck, he'll tell us if it's our man or some local hoods trashing Julie's place.
After some negotiations Martha was allowed to remain in bed while the rest of us, Claire included drove back to our house.
Molly remained enthralled with the baby and paid no attention to what the rest of us were doing.
Neither of us believed that to be the case.
Will Howie not love us anymore?
We all make errors sometimes but those who care keep right on loving us.
Now that Molly had confessed more knowledge than any of us suspected, I felt obligated to tell Martha the full story before she learned it from overheard conversation or from Molly directly.
She's put all of us in incredible danger!
So now there are seven of us, counting Molly.
Do I think he'll find us from Julie's letter, one of maybe thousands; it's unlikely.
If this monster is truly stalking us, it's worth the risk of being more forward with Mr. Brennan.
He hasn't given us any reason to distrust him.
Neither of us mentioned her conversations with Quinn, or the lack thereof.
Molly joined us, dressed in a new outfit Betsy purchased for her the prior day.
These people we point out to the authorities... they must hate us beyond all reason.
Each and every one of them wants to kill us!
Maybe do to us what they did to those victims.
A man stopped to talk to us and tried to pat Bumpus.
A ringing telephone interrupted us.
I went around back because Howie said the key he left with us fit the back door.
Then he's still after us?
If this other maniac Bryce could find us, so can he.
I agreed with my wife but pointed out even though Bryce had tracked us down, I couldn't think of any other slip ups besides Julie's contest that would point to us.
I don't know which of us was the more upset.
Our operation is unraveling in front of us.
Whatever he says, there's a direct tie back to us!
Lord knows how many crazies that will send after us!
He thanked us and I thanked him for all his generosity.
Last night we ran a session on the little boy Betsy texted us about.
God; they wouldn't do that, not without telling us!
She was frightened out of her wits, like the rest of us but it's not like her to just drop out of sight, unless Quinn talked her into it.
No. She addressed it to us and said she hates to do it but it's time to stop what we've all been working on for the last nine months.
I thought when all this was behind us, we could reminisce about it and maybe revel in all the good we managed to accomplish.
It would be our secret; how we started, how we were a party to something that never happened before in history, and probably never will again; what we did and why; just the five of us.
Why did they leave us; they were his friends?
He probably thought we'd have talked her out of leaving, or at least into leaving their new identities with us.
I read Martha's note to us and brought Betsy up to date on my conversation with Julie.
She agreed it was Julie's place to tell Howie about the letter she sent and how it impacted the rest of us.
This monster had managed to find Merrill Cooms, forcing us to acknowledge his abilities.
Might he be nearly as close to us as Owen Bryce had been?
The next morning Molly beat us awake by enough time for her to make oatmeal and toast and hand deliver it to our bed.
He agreed that Bryce must have located us by way of Julie's entry in the million dollar contest.
He told us so if he heard the child crying, we'd no he had company.
First off, I don't have the words to tell you how grateful I am for what you and your guys did for us.
He's been camping in Keene for a week, looking for us.
I poured us a second glass of wine as Betsy leaned back and closed her eyes, finally relaxing.
The idea of any of us going out to California is another matter.
I'm sure both of us would have rather had our discussion in Molly's absence.
You could drop Molly and me off at Logan airport for the ten o'clock flight to California, be in Philadelphia by early evening, and fly out to join us the next morning.
All I could think was once again, we were oh so close, but he'd alluded us.
The three of us packed for three days only, as if so limiting our clothing changes would force our return more quickly.
Traffic was light and Molly kept us entertained with her chatter.
Reverend Humphries made us all good Christians.
I mean most of us raped women and that was it.
All the main line murderers, gangsters and gang bangers looked down on us sex offenders like puke on the sidewalk but the pecking order didn't stop there.
A seating place was cleared for us near the front.
It's only a matter of time before the hand of the law is laid upon us.
A five minute walk found us at the waterfront and beach.
The third room was for Howie who was busy on the telephone when four of us arrived.
It's our actions that put us in harm's way.
I'd feel much better if he returned with us but if he insists on staying, it's his choice.
You're a smart guy and between us, maybe we could fix it so I could go back.
He minimized the situation and thanked us for the excitement we'd given to the start of his retirement.
She'd summoned Quinn home from California to tell us, unknowingly bringing him to his death.
We were nearly across the empty floor before a clerk spotted us.
The three of us were outside and secure in my new van without further incident.
I couldn't tell if the look he gave me was incredulity or concern but he grabbed my arm and led me outside where a suited man who must have topped six foot five was walking toward us.
He's been stalking us all the way from New Hampshire where he killed two friends of ours.
Detective came up to us, his phone in hand.
A little while and we'll be where no one will find us as we play our games.
It took us some time to ties his activities together.
He waited for me to continue but when I didn't he asked, "Do you suppose if there were a tipster, he or she could help us out?"
He so insisted on multiple times that none of us either questioned him.
Just the three of us are in residence, soon to be two.
According to his notes, far more experiments were conducted than were ever discussed with us.
Her daughter is secure in the sealed room beneath the barn so it is only the two of us in my cabin.
The unspeakable deeds of this animal who held us were well known to me, vicariously, through the notes of Howie's visits to his past.
However, his knowledge of us, and especially me, was either limited or incorrect.
Locating us wasn't as a result of Julie's contest entry or from the break in of her apartment.
Do you realize how many thousands of people tried to find us?
One of us discovered this ability last fall, quite by accident.
It takes two of us and an electronic apparatus to create the dream-like trance that lets one of us see episodes from the past.
Both of us tried to remember details of Quinn's actions when he set up a session.
While we'd both been witness scores of times, neither of us had paid much attention.
Let us talk like gentlemen.
As we alighted, an officer I recognized from the command center strolled up to us.
I just hoped and prayed somehow his contact of Ben or Howie could be used to locate us.
Concrete walls surrounded us and the door, the only opening was a massive solid wood hulk.
The ceiling above us was divided with half the room beneath a concrete slab and the remainder under what appeared as thick planking, well out of reach to either of us.
The thought of us residing in utter blindness petrified me!
Neither of us was proficient at using a saw and we'd managed only two rungs when exhaustion caught up with us and the light faded for permanently.
Hard work made us thirsty and hungry as well.
The two of us took breaks and walked together, six paces, turn, six paces, turn, six paces, turn.
He'll hurt us both.
Tomorrow, this world will be destroyed if one—or both—of us don't step up.
My dear, what I do, I do for us and our future.
He led us here.
It's time for us to go.
Molly woke me with a rib crushing hug as she pointed to a single star-like dot of light gloriously hanging above us!
Claire Elizabeth is one of us now and bears the surname Gustefson, not Leblanc as her birth certificate reads.
I doubt the trip will ever come about as each of us seems content with our hands-off, albeit revered, relationship.
There are no boundaries for us.
Thanks. It's been a bit rough lately for both of us.
You want us to keep him or cut him loose?
Dusty won't let us have pets.
But there will be a few thousand bad guys within a stone's throw of us …" "Pull in everything we can from the east coast sectors," Dusty said.
Any of us in the field receive it, he said and held up his iPhone.
You do enough for us anyway, she said.
You want us to prep a clean-up crew?
I need to be at full strength to send us back through the portal.
None of us can leave without the others.
None of us are gonna survive this!
Didn't stop to think we might be in the middle of helping when you sucked us dry?
We got a war to fight and women waiting for us.
If her powers grow enough, she'll not only prevent us from stitching up the tear between realms, but she'll open the doorway between the two worlds.
So you sapped us to keep her from absorbing our power.
She's hiding from us somewhere nearby.
You know they're at war with each other and playing games with us here on earth.
Which is why I want us to reach an agreement.
He'll follow us, won't he?
Take us somewhere safe, where your father won't know where to find you.
It just took the rest of us a while to shake off the bonds.
My father will find us.
It's better for both of us, and it's the only real way I can protect you from him.
Also understand that I'll kill anyone who comes between us and my plans, he warned.
I'm happy you're among us.
Whatever is between us is only getting stronger.
My father will kill us.
There are few of us.
He hides from us too well.
We all serve the same cause of protecting those weaker than us from evil.
The autumn equinox is almost upon us.
It will be a new start for us.
The Originals have a truce that's older than all of us combined.
Grande and Pierre are joining us from our European front.
You have any other magic tricks for us?
Han says she's progressing pretty quickly, though since none of us know how to train her, it's hard to tell.
Are there more of us?
There aren't many of us, and we're all over the world, but we're really close-knit.
Sofi, none of us are normal.
When it's just us, you run.
Dusty, can you pick a site and relay it to us?
You are coming with us, mademoiselle, he said to Traci.
You're too nice to be involved with any of us.
Darkyn's bitch will get us into Hell.
Gabe's will get us into the underworld.
Your parents will miss us.
They're glad to get rid of us.
But remember this; we love you— all of us here, Fred included.
We'd give anything if you could stay with us.
That's up to other people, not us, but I can tell you we'll miss you terribly and we'd love to have you stay a part of our family.
You just have to trust us.
You've never given us cause to punish you.
He introduced us, Pumpkin said.
I just hope there isn't something truly important she's trying to tell us but is too afraid to say.
Trust us to understand and maybe help.