Urges Sentence Examples
People have urges and sometimes things just happen.
Don't fight your urges for me.
He urges that an adequate explanation is impossible on the assumption of a Jewish or Christian origin.
The Wycliffite authorship of the Commentaries on the Gospels, on which the learned editors base their argument, is, however, unsupported by any evidence beyond the fact that the writer of the Prologue to Matthew urges in strong language " the propriety of translating Scripture for the use of the laity."
He urges very rightly that if alteration is carried beyond a certain point it cuts away its own foundation, and so all certainty is destroyed.
One of the edicts is addressed to the order, and urges upon its members and the laity alike the learning and rehearsal of passages from the Buddhist scriptures.
No allusion, however, is made by Moses to this previous demand; he merely urges the same objection as that put forward in iv.
The bishop of St Andrews tells Edward of these events, and urges him to come to the border, to preserve peace.
Briefly summarized, this letter approves of a tariff for revenue with incidental protection, whereas the annual message of the 2nd of December 1845 criticizes the whole theory of protection and urges the adoption of a revenue tariff just sufficient to meet the needs of the government conducted on an economical basis.
He also urges the analogue of " the anointing of the doorposts, which preserved the first-born by things that have no sense."
AdvertisementCyril of Jerusalem, in his instruction of the catechumens, urges them to learn the Creed by heart, but not write it down.
Humanitarian moralists, who hesitate to believe in the retributive theory of punishment because, as they think, its aim is not the criminal's future well-being but merely the vindication through pain of an outrage upon the moral law which the criminal need never have committed, might welcome a theory which urges that the sole aim of punishment should be the exercise of an influence determining the criminal's future conduct for his own or the social good.
Plotinus, however, urges that, as all thought involves difference or duality of some kind, it cannot be the primary fact in the universe, what we call God.
He argues that Hobbes's atomic materialism involves the conception of an objective physical world, the object not of passive sense that varies from man to man, but of the active intellect that is the same in all; there is therefore, he urges, an inconsistency in refusing to admit a similar exercise of intellect in morals, and an objective world of right and wrong, which the mind by its normal activity clearly apprehends as such.
Hume concedes that a compact is the natural means of peace fully instituting a new government, and may therefore be properly regarded as the ground of allegiance to it at the outset; but he urges that, when once it is firmly established the duty of obeying it rests on precisely the same combination of private and general interests as the duty of keeping promises; it is therefore absurd to base the former on the latter.
AdvertisementHe urges that the notion of " good 1 on the whole " is one which only a reasoning being can form, involving as it does abstraction from the objects of all particular desires, and comparison of past and future with present feelings; and maintains that it is a contradiction to suppose a rational being to have the notion of its Good on the Whole without a desire for it, and that such a desire must naturally regulate all particular appetites and passions.
Demosthenes urges that such an enterprise would at present be useless; that it would fail to unite Greece; that the energies of the city should be reserved for a real emergency; but that, before the city can successfully cope with any war, there must be a better organization of resources, and, first of all, a reform of the navy, which he outlines with characteristic lucidity and precision.
Demosthenes urges that it is time to do something, and to do it with a plan.
Dot urges him to seek forgiveness for the past.
So leaving the fallen, he urges haste to make for the fortress of Helm's Deep and safety.
AdvertisementThe chorus / climax is irresistible anyway - Verlaine crooning - " I understand destructive urges / They seem so imperfect.
Recommendation D90 urges all Administrations to ensure that the number of their List A Accounting Authorities does not exceed a maximum of 25.
This Association urges the Scottish Executive to re-establish the previous structure of HSDU National Trainers under the organizational umbrella of Learning and Teaching Scotland.
He regards the Australians as representing the lowest and most primitive examples of this primitive Caucasic type, and he urges that they must have arrived in Australia at a time when their ancestors had no pottery, knew no agriculture, domesticated no animals, had no houses and used no bows and arrows.
The Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, an organization of 1600 leading business men, is a power for varied good in the city; besides its constant and aggressive work in promoting the commercial interests of the city, it was largely influential in the federal reform of the consular service; it studied the question of overcrowded tenements and secured the passage of a new tenement law with important sanitary provisions and a set minimum of air space; it urges and promotes home-gardening, public baths and play-grounds, and lunch-rooms, &c., for employes in factories; and it was largely instrumental in devising and carrying out the so-called "Group Plan" described above.
AdvertisementAmong his more famous hoaxes were the " Edict of the King of Prussia " (1773), already described; the fictitious supplement to the Boston Chronicle, printed on his private press at Passy in 1782, and containing a letter with an invoice of eight packs of 954 cured, dried, hooped and painted scalps of rebels, men, women and children, taken by Indians in the British employ; and another fictitious Letter from the Count de Schaumberg to the Baron Hohendorf commanding the Hessian Troops in America (1777) - the count's only anxiety is that not enough men will be killed to bring him in moneys he needs, and he urges his officer in command in America " to prolong the war.
He began to do this in 1527 in the Libellus visitatorius, which urges pastors to instruct their people in the necessity of repentance, and to bring the threatenings of the law to bear upon men in order to faith.
Mara, the great tempter, appears in the sky, and urges Gotama to stop, promising him, in seven days, a universal kingdom over the four great continents if he will but give up his enterprise.2 When his words fail to have any effect, the tempter consoles himself by the confident hope that he will still overcome his enemy, saying, "Sooner or later some lustful or malicious or angry thought must arise in his mind; in that moment I shall be his master"; and from that hour, adds the legend, "as a shadow always follows the body, so he too from that day always followed the Blessed One, striving to throw every obstacle in his way towards the Buddhahood."
The MCB urges fellow British Muslims to exercise the utmost restraint in the face of these provocations.
It is tragic to see such innocent blood flow on any occasion. ' Christian Aid urges the British government to press for negotiations.
James urges anyone who is in good spirits to sing songs of praise.
Despite these urges, coping with a divorce can be much easier if you do not bring yet another person into the mix.
The recommended dose is one capsule twice daily and the company urges you give it a chance to work.
Boys in their pubescent years will begin to have very active sexual urges that should be addressed in a comfortable and safe environment.
If you or someone you know feels these kinds of urges, please seek help from a licensed therapist immediately.
Having the support of friends and family can help you deal with some of the urges you have because you can talk through them.
Manufacturers are aware of the modern dog's need to address primal urges in a highly civilized environment.
He believed that nothing was done by chance and that everything was motivated by the unconscious - what a dreamer does in their dreams was the way to act on those impulses and urges.
In other words, a person who appears to be lazy because of frequent nap urges during the day may actually be narcoleptic.
The suppressed thoughts and urges emerge while the person is dreaming and he must face the things that he rejects about his inner self in order to find inner peace.
The disorder can cause strong urges to fall asleep during inappropriate times, such as when eating, working, or socializing.
I mean, if you're mom looks down upon you racing her Tahoe down the street, play this game to satiate your urges.
The AAID has created a petition that urges for the boycott of the offending video game and all products distributed by Activision.
The child's urges for independence may challenge parents' authority.
Kleptomania involves urges to steal and repetitive acts of unnecessary theft.
Nevertheless, they experience frequent strong urges to urinate.
More and more women are feeling that it's okay to act on their sexual urges.
Television and movies have made women feel freer to pursue their sexual urges.
Verragio urges anyone questioning the authenticity of a ring to contact the company directly for help verifying authenticity.
If he can incorporate control over some of his passionate urges, he'll emerge a stronger man for it and will certainly enjoy a longer life.
Christmas craft freebies make it easy to satisfy your creative urges while sticking to a tight budget.
Knowing where Callie's heart is, he urges her to tell Erica how she feels about her.
Although there is a verse within the Bible which urges people to avoid tattoos and any other marks on the body, this verse falls within the Old Testament and therefore is disregarded by some Christians.
Free craft projects can be a great way to satisfy your creative urges while sticking to a tight budget.
She urges schools to employ nutrition counselors and to remove fast food items from their menus in an effort to help students make the right dietary choices.
The body craves foods for a reason and when you assess the craving, you may find that a bowl of fruit or some crunchy vegetables will satisfy the urges.
In 2008, Evil Urges was released to good reviews from the press and long term fans of the band.
On the album, Eminem raps about going to dispose of his wife's body with his daughter and urges a character in another song to murder his girlfriend and the person she is cheating with.
He opens his home to his followers and urges them to become deaf, blind and mute to understand his teachings.
Ebony chastises her baby's daddy about being immature and selfish, then urges him to start acting like a father.
Before long, Bella and Edward fall deeply in love, driving Edward into a vicious inner battle between his natural urges and his unnatural love for a human girl.
All the time she was eating, Gladys prattled on about her magnificent dreams of the snow-covered landscape of faraway planets and the lustful urges of their alien inhabitants.
As it was to a cat of the latter kind that Linnaeus gave the name of Felis catus, Pocock urges that this title is not available for the European wild cat, which he would call Felis sylvestris.
He urges that the similarities of some of the primitive races of India and Africa to the aborigines of Australia are indications that they were peopled from one common stock.
Thus converted into an enemy, Gawain urges his uncle to make war on Lancelot, and there follows a desperate struggle between Arthur and the race of Ban.
This seeming pedantry is, however, atoned for by the clear practical aim of his sermons, the noble ideal he keeps before his hearers, and the skill with which he handles spiritual experience and urges incentives to virtue.
There is extant a letter of Pope Clement III., dated the 8th of June 1188, in which Clement alludes to two of Joachim's works, the Concordia and the Expositio in Apocalypsin, and urges him to continue them.
In his Letter the saint in very strong language urges the Christian subjects of the British king not to have any dealings with their ruler and his bloodthirsty followers until full satisfaction should have been made.
On the one hand, his whole formulation of Evolution in mechanical terms urges him in the direction of materialism, and he attempts to compose the mind out of homogeneous units of consciousness (or" feeling ")" similar in nature to those which we know as nervous shocks; each of which is the correlative of a rhythmical motion of a material unit or group of such units "(§ 62).
History is not, he urges, to' be divided "by a middle wall of partition" into ancient and modern, nor broken into fragments as though the history of each nation stood apart.
Further, he urges that all historical study is valueless which does not take in a knowledge of original authorities, and he teaches both by example and precept what authorities should be thus described, and how they are to be weighed and used.
He here urges that the foundation of all true learning is a " sound and thorough knowledge of Latin," and draws up a course of reading, in which history is represented by Livy, Sallust, Curtius, and Caesar; oratory by Cicero; and poetry by Virgil.
In this besides giving an historical account (founded on Dr Robert Hamilton's valuable work On the National Debt, 1813, 3rd ed., 1818) of the several successive forms of the sinking fund, he urges that nations should defray their expenses, whether ordinary or extraordinary, at the time when they are incurred, instead of providing for them by loans.
Alan urges the detective to follow up certain leads he perceives.