Urates Sentence Examples
Sleep may overtake the patient in the midst of the sweating stage, and he awakes, not without some feeling of what he has passed through, but on the whole well, with the temperature fallen almost or altogether to the normal, or it may be even below the normal; the pulse moderate and full; the spleen again of its ordinary size; the urine that is passed after the paroxysm deposits a thick brick-red sediment of urates.
The cells which line them and also the cavities of the tubes contain urates, which are excreted from the blood in the surrounding bodycavity.
This cavity contains an irregular mass of whitish tissue, the fat-body, consisting of fat-cells which undergo degradation and become more or less filled with urates.
When the worn-out cells are broken down, the urates are carried dissolved in the blood to the Malpighian tubes for excretion.
The uric acid excreted in the urine (mostly in the form of urates) is markedly diminished.
Horsfield's tortoises fed on cat or dog food frequently die from renal failure or from impacted bladder stones of solidified urates.
Horsfield 's tortoises fed on cat or dog food frequently die from renal failure or from impacted bladder stones of solidified urates.