Upwards-of Sentence Examples
Above these steamers ply to Fort Edmonton, a point upwards of 800 m.
The Wallaroo and Moonta mines, discovered in 1860 and 1861, proved to be even more valuable than the Burra Burra, the Moonta mines employing at one time upwards of 1600 hands.
Three years later, however, Godfrey was murdered, and although the raids of the Northmen did not entirely cease for upwards of another century, no further attempt was made to establish a permanent dynasty in the land.
The source of the river is in the highlands of the Vindhyas, upwards of 2000 ft.
In December 1898 communication was established by the Marconi method between the East Goodwin lightship and the South Foreland lighthouse; and this installation was maintained for upwards of a year, during which it was the means of saving both life and property.
To priests and choristers, for example, of the proprietary or endowed orders were assigned 24 per annum if they were upwards of sixty years of age, 16 if upwards of 40, and 14, 8s.
At the close of the 19th century there were upwards of loo such societies in the world, with more than 50,000 members, and over 150 journals were devoted entirely to geographical subjects.'
To these follow the tanagers (Tanagridae), with upwards of forty genera (only one of which crosses the border), and about 300 species; the piculules (Dendrocolaptidae), with as many genera, and over 200 species; the ant-thrushes, (Formicariidae), with more than thirty genera, and nearly 200 species; together with other groups which, if not so large as those just named, are yet just as well defined, and possibly more significant, namely, the tapaculos (Pteroptochidae), the toucans (Rhamphastidae), the jacamars (Galbulidae), the motmots (Monotidae), the todies (Todidae), the trumpeters (Psophiidae), and the screamers (Palamedeidae); besides such isolated forms as the seriema (Cariama), and the sun-bittern (Eurypyga).
The Oriental Subregion comprises all the countries and numerous islands between the Palaearctic and Australian areas; it possesses upwards of seventy families, of which, however, only one is peculiar, but this family, the Eurylaemidae or broadbills, is of great importance since it represents all the Subclamatores.
The Semitic race is represented by upwards of 5,000,000 Jews.
AdvertisementThe publications of the Imperial Russian Historical Society of St Petersburg, amounting to upwards of 100 vols., are of great value.
The subsoil was composed principally of clay and sand, and the railway had to be carried over the moss on the level, requiring cutting, and embanking for upwards of 4 m.
The spring tides rise upwards of 30 ft., and in a channel usually so shallow form a serious danger to shipping.
The surface of the country is uneven, being traversed by the Vindhya ranges, a peak of which near Raysen is upwards of 2500 ft.
The cultivation of the palm is indeed the principal occupation; and though the dates are inferior to those of the Barbary States, upwards of 2 2, 500 tons are annually exported.
AdvertisementTwo of the docks are for the accommodation of the fishing fleet, which, consisting principally of steam trawlers, numbers upwards of 500 vessels.
Though this society, the earliest probably in the United Kingdom, soon counted upwards of 300 members, it existed little more than 20 years.
The extent to which the annual production of the leading fodder crop may vary is shown in the table by the two consecutive years 1893 and 1894; from only nine million tons in the former year the production rose to upwards of fifteen million tons in the latter, an increase of over 70%.
The number of imaginal disks in an individual is large, upwards of sixty having been discovered to take part in the formation of the outer body of a fly.
However, to have conceived the idea of executing a work on so grand a scale as this - it forms three folio volumes, and contains one hundred and eighty-five coloured and one hundred and forty-eight uncoloured plates, with references to upwards of two thousand four hundred generic names - was in itself a mark of genius, and it was brought to a successful conclusion in 1849.
AdvertisementThe library of San Marco contains upwards of 35,000 printed volumes and about 10,000 manuscripts.
The former has been laid out since 1875, and includes upwards of 2300 acres, with more than loo m.
In 1875 there were said to be upwards of loo cotton dealers in Manchester, but from that time onward their members steadily declined.
Other houses of the Brothers of Common Life, otherwise called the "Modern Devotion," were in rapid succession established in the chief cities of the Low Countries and north and central Germany, so that there were in all upwards of forty houses of men; while those of women doubled that figure, the first having been founded by Groot himself at Deventer.
There were upwards of 1000 prize causes each year between 180 3 and 1811, in some years upwards of 2000.
AdvertisementIt is the general medium of communication throughout the archipelago from Sumatra to the Philippine Islands, and it was so upwards of three hundred and fifty years ago when the Portuguese first appeared in those parts.
The Moplahs, who number upwards of a million, are believed to be descended from Arab immigrants, who landed on the western coast of India in the 3rd century after the Hegira.
The earliest literary papyrus is that known, from the name of its former owner, as the Prisse papyrus, and now preserved at Paris, containing a work composed in the reign of a king of the fifth dynasty, and computed to be itself of the age of upwards of 2500 years B,C. The papyri discovered in Egypt have often been found in tombs, and in the hands, or swathed with the bodies, of mummies.
The expenditure was arrived at in the manner previously described - and when the general budget came to be made up the severest pruning was found necessary, the original demands of the various ministries and departments having resulted in a deficit of upwards of £T 9, 000,000.
In March 1897 the floating debt was calculated by a financial authority in the Fortnightly Review to amount to upwards of £TJ5,000,000, which might be compressed to £T25,000,000 since a large proportion was certainly composed of salaries in arrear and other items of a similar kind which the government would never, under any circumstances, make good.
In consequence of the piling up of the exterior public debt as described above, it amounted after the issue of " general debt " in 1875 to £T1 9 o,750,000, and swallowed up annually upwards of Tio,000,000, or nearly half the revenue of the empire as it was then constituted.
He raised the regular forces of the country to a total exceeding 100,000; the pay of the Janissaries was by him increased, and their ranks were brought up to an effective of upwards of 12,000.
Its acceptance was however the signal for a series of massacres in almost every town of importance throughout Asia Minor, which there is but too strong evidence for suspecting were committed with the connivance of the authorities, and in which upwards of 200,000 persons are computed to have perished.
These belong to the new or European school, which, in spite of the bitter opposition of the partisans of the old Oriental system, has succeeded, partly through its own inherent superiority and partly through the talents and courage of its supporters, in expelling its rival from the position of undisputed authority which it had occupied for upwards of five hundred years.
The allies now confronted him with upwards of 86,000 men, including 16,000 cavalry.
The whole army, upwards of 120,000 men, could therefore have - been concentrated against Lannes and Augereau by the afternoon of the 13th, whilst Soult could only have intervened very late in the day, and Davout and Bernadotte were still too distant to reach the battlefield before the 14th.
By daybreak on the 74th, the anniversary of Elchingen, upwards of 60,000 men stood densely battalions were sent forward, and these, delaying their advance till the fog had sufficiently lifted, were met by French skirmishers, and small columns, who rapidly overlapped their flanks and drove them back in confusion.
By nightfall upwards of 100,000 men, encumbered with at least 20,000 wounded, were crowded together on the little island scarcely a mile square, short of provisions and entirely destitute of course of all hospital accessories.
The crops being still green, and nothing else available as forage for the horses, an epidemic of colic broke out amongst them, and in ten days the mounted arms had lost upwards of one-third of their strength; men died of sunstroke in numbers, and serious straggling began.
Cyr, who had relieved Macdonald on his extreme left, had only 17,000 men left under arms against upwards of 40,000 Russians under Witgenstein; and to the south Tschitschagov's army, being no longer detained on the Turkish frontier, peace having been made, was marching to join Tormassov about Brest-Litewski with forces which would bring the total of the two well over ioo,000 men.
In this manner by the end of March upwards of 200,000 men were moving towards the Elbe,' and in the first fortnight of April they were duly concentrated in the angle formed by the Elbe and Saale, threatening on the one hand Berlin, on the other Dresden and the east.
It took Blucher time to extricate his troops from the confusion into which the battle had thrown them, and the garrison of Leipzig and the troops left on the right bank of the Elster still resisted obstinately - hence no direct pursuit could be initiated and the French, still upwards of 10o,000 strong, marching rapidly, soon gained distance enough to be reformed.
To meet these forces the emperor could not collect men in all, of whom upwards of 10o,000 were held by Wellington on the Spanish frontier, and more were required to watch the debouches from the Alps.
There are about 34,000 Jews occupying a quarter of their own in the north-western part of the city; while in a neighbouring quarter dwell upwards of 6000 Christians, chiefly so-called Chaldaeans or Nestorians.
The list of Greek authors whom Clement has quoted occupies upwards of fourteen of the quarto pages in Fabricius's Bibliotheca Graeca.
Directly under the altar is situated the pantheon or royal mausoleum, a richly decorated octagonal chamber with upwards of twenty niches, occupied by black marble urnas or sarcophagi, kept sacred for the dust of kings or mothers of kings.
Glacial action determined the direction and character of the rivers, made numerous swamps, and, by scouring out rock basins, damming rivers and leaving morainal hollows, determined the character and formation of the lakes, of which Minnesota has upwards of io,000, a number probably exceeding that of any other state in the Union.
Expeditions of Sibley in 1863, and General Alfred Sully (1821-1879) in 1864, eventually drove the hostile Indians beyond the Missouri and terminated the war, which in two years had cost upwards of a thousand lives of settlers and volunteers.
Brachiopods first appear in the Lower Cambrian, and reached their highest development in the Silurian, from which upwards of 2000 species are known, and were nearly as numerous in the Devonian period; at present they are represented by some 140 recent species.
Moreover, it is not constant, being an apparently arbitrary function of H or of B; in the same specimen its value may, under different conditions, vary from less than 2 to upwards of 5000.
From its duration and frequent battles and sieges this war involved an immense sacrifice of life to Brazil, the army in the field having been constantly maintained at between 20,000 and 30,000 men, and the expenditure in maintaining it was very great, having been calculated at upwards of fifty millions sterling.
The library now contains upwards of 220,000 volumes, and more than 7000 MSS.
A war ensued which lasted for upwards of ten years and the principal events of which are described under Bolivar, a native of Caracas and the leading spirit of the revolt.
Steinmetz was a different man from Bonin, and easily held his own against the disconnected efforts of his adversary, ultimately driving the latter before him with a loss of upwards of 5000 men.
In about two hours the t2 Prussian battalions and 3 batteries found themselves assailed by upwards of 40 Austrian battalions and zoo guns, and against such swarms of enemies each man felt that retreat from the wood across the open meant annihilation.
The cod spawns in February, and is exceedingly prolific, the roe of a single female having been known to contain upwards of eight millions of ova, and to form more than half the weight of the entire fish.
Land is held in large estates, some of them upwards of loo sq.
The Rhine is said to receive, directly or indirectly, the waters of upwards of 12,000 tributaries of all sizes.
Before joining the Rhine the Ill runs almost parallel with it and at no great distance for upwards of 50 m.
The first Rhine steamer was launched in 1817; and now the river is regularly traversed by upwards of a hundred, from the small tug up to the passenger saloon-steamer.
It is estimated that upwards of a million daily enter and leave the City alone as the commercial heart of London, and a great proportion of these travel in and out by the suburban railways.
Its upheaval above the great sea which submerged all the north-west of the Indian peninsula long after the Himalaya had massed itself as a formidable mountain chain, belongs to a comparatively recent geologic period, and the same thrust upwards of vast masses of cretaceous limestone has disturbed the overlying recent beds of shale and clays with very similar results to those which have left so marked an impress on the Baluch frontier.
It is worthy of remark that of these schools 29 were Mahommedan, and that there were 176 schools for girls in which upwards of 2000 pupils were taught.
In all upwards of 300,000 acres are subject to irrigation under these schemes.
During the herring season (June to September) the population is increased by upwards of ro,000 persons.
It has an area of upwards of eight acres, is easy of access, and affords anchorage for vessels of every size.
The deposit lies partly under the foreshore of the river Duddon, and a company has expended upwards of 120,000 upon a sea-wall and embankment to protect the mine from the sea.
By the adoption of this system in one large plantation in the West Indies, crushing upwards of 1200 tons of canes per day, the labour of sixty-four hands was dispensed with, and was thus made available for employment in the fields.
There were 173 of these factories working in Cuba in 1908-1909, among which the " Chaparra," in the province of Oriente, turned out upwards of 69,000 tons of sugar in the crop of about 20 weeks, and the " Boston " had an output of about 61,00o tons in the same time.
The majority of the inhabitants are Protestant, with a strong tendency towards Pietism; but the Roman Catholics number upwards of 40,000, forming about one-fourth of the total population.
Early in 1838 Ewald received a call to Tubingen, and there for upwards of ten years he held a chair as professor ordinarius, first in philosophy and afterwards, from 1841, in theology.
His manuscripts, many of which are now in the British Museum, were sold by auction in 1757 for upwards of £50o.
A little to the south-west of the town are the remains of a large Roman aqueduct, of which upwards of sixty pillars are still standing.
There were in 1906 upwards of a thousand houses, many of them substantially built of brick.
The greater part of Baden belongs to the basin of the Rhine, which receives upwards of twenty tributaries from the highlands; the north-eastern portion of the territory is also watered by the Main and the Neckar.
At the peace of Westphalia in 1648 Metz, with Toul and Verdun, was formally ceded to France, in whose possession it remained for upwards of two centuries.
Then followed a duel - the one great cavalry duel of the war - between upwards of two thousand horsemen a side.
These large plants have from 40 to 50 ridges, on which the buds and clusters of spines are sunk at intervals, the aggregate number of the spines having been in some cases computed at upwards of 50,000 on a single plant.
For upwards of a hundred years it remained the chief source of information for the general reader, and is still not wholly obsolete.
Various computations were made at different times, from Biblical sources, as to the age of the world; and Des Vignoles, in the preface to his Chronology of Sacred History, asserts that he collected upwards of two hundred different calculations, the shortest of which reckons only 3483 years between the creation of the world and the commencement of the vulgar era and the longest 6984.
From the time of the emperor Yao, upwards of 2000 years B.C., the Chinese had two different years, - a civil year, which was regulated by the moon, and an astronomical year, which was solar.
The possessions of the Spaniards in Peru were now confined to the castles of Callao, which Rodil maintained for upwards of a year, in spite of all the means that could be employed for their reduction.
This decree, as soon as it was published in Prague (March 9, 1410), led to much popular agitation, and provoked an appeal by Huss to the pope's better informed judgment; the archbishop, however, resolutely insisted on carrying out his instructions, and in the following July caused to be publicly burned, in the courtyard of his own palace, upwards of 200 volumes of the writings of Wycliffe, while he pronounced solemn sentence of excommunication against Huss and certain of his friends, who had in the meantime again protested and appealed to the new pope (John XXIII.).
In preparation for his work Bengel was able to avail himself of the collations of upwards of twenty MSS., none of them, however, of great importance, twelve of which had been collated by himself.
The ravages of sleepingsickness between 1901 and 1909 destroyed upwards of a quarter of a million people, and the whole of the native population had to be removed from the lake shores and the Sese Islands; but nevertheless the protectorate continued to make steady progress in civilization and in the development of its material resources.
Connected with the university are a valuable library, occupying the palace built for Louis Bonaparte, king of Holland, in 1807 and containing upwards of 200,000 volumes and MSS.; a museum of natural history; an ophthalmic institute; physical and chemical laboratories; a veterinary school; a botanic garden; and an observatory.
The national library, which has upwards of 225,000 volumes, occupies the old St Augustine Church, dedicated in 1692 and devoted to its present use by Juarez in 1867.
The upper town preserves some part of the fortifications which protected it when, previous to the plague of 1630, the city had upwards of 30,000 inhabitants.
Christmas Harbour on the north and Royal Sound on the south are noble harbours, the latter with a labyrinth of islets interspersed over upwards of 20 m.
It has been calculated that in the period 1620-1640 upwards of 22,000 Puritan emigrants (the figures have been placed as high as 50,000) sailed from British and Dutch ports.
The employment of children under fourteen years of age in any mercantile establishment, business office, hotel, restaurant or apartment house is also forbidden, except that in villages and in cities of the second or third class children upwards of twelve years of age may be so employed during the summer vacation of the public schools.
Declining calls to Breslau, Tubingen, and thrice to Bonn, Hug continued at Freiburg for upwards of thirty years, taking an occasional literary tour to Munich, Paris or Italy.
It has yielded four bronze swords, ten socketed spear-heads, forty celts or axe-heads and sickles, fifty knives, twenty socketed chisels, four hammers and an anvil, sixty rings for the arms and legs, several highly ornate torques or twisted neck rings, and upwards of two hundred hair pins of various sizes up to 16 in.
These have yielded upwards of 4000 implements, weapons and ornaments of bronze, among which were a large proportion of moulds and founders' materials.
There are upwards of 3000 miles of railways and steam tramways in Netherlands India, but these are almost entirely in Java; elsewhere only Sumatra has a few short lines.
The principal temple is sacred to Siva, and is said to have been rebuilt or enlarged by a leper emperor, who came south on a pilgrimage and was cured by bathing in the temple tank; upwards of 60,000 pilgrims visit the temple every December.
Cotton-spinning by jennies was first introduced by Robert Joy and Thomas M ` Cabe of Belfast in 1777; and an estimate made twenty-three years later showed upwards of 27,000 hands employed in this industry within 10 m.
In their phy s ical properties, the olefines resemble the normal paraffins, the lower members of the series being inflammable gases, the members from C5 to C14 liquids insoluble in water, and from C16 upwards of solids.
In 1845 the population was estimated at 3000, of whom about 500 were slaves and strangers, and upwards of 1200 children; in 1905 it amounted in round numbers to 7000.
The university library contains upwards of 190,000 volumes and 6000 MSS.
He also issued numerous appeals, with the result that in 1841, when he resigned his office as convener of the church extension committee, he was able to announce that in seven years upwards of f300,000 had been contributed, and 220 new churches had been built.
In brief, under President Diaz's rule the history of Mexico is mainly economic. In the six financial years1893-1894to1899-1900inclusive the yield of the import duties increased by upwards of 80%; the revenue from ogressic stamps over 60%, though the duties were reduced; the postal revenue from1895-1896to1899-1900rose 60%; the telegraph revenue over 75%.
Payments of arrears, now amounting to upwards of 4000 florins, was not, however, in the desperate condition of the imperial finances, to be hoped for; and he was glad, while retaining his position as court astronomer, to accept (in 1612) the office of mathematician to the states of Upper Austria.
There are five dry docks, and upwards of i 2 m.
In 1871 the British frigate "Megaera" was wrecked here, and most of the 400 persons on board had to remain upwards of three months on the island.
The quantity of brick tea thus exported in 1904 was upwards of 10 million lb.
The land rises in a succession of richly wooded heights till it culminates in a central peak, upwards of 5000 ft.
Among other educational institutions are a conservatory of music, school of fine arts, normal school, a national library with upwards of 260,000 volumes and a large number of manuscripts, maps, medals and coins, the national observatory on Castle Hill, the national museum now domiciled in the Sao Christovao palace in the midst of a pretty park, a zoological garden in the suburb of Villa Isabel, and the famous Botanical Garden founded by Dom Joao VI.
That the silkworm is subject to many serious diseases is only to be expected of a creature which for upwards of 4000 years has been propagated under purely artificial conditions, and these most frequently of a very insanitary nature, and where, not the healthy life of the insect, but the amount of silk it could be made to yield, was the object of the cultivator.
There are upwards of 400,000 specimens, arranged in twelve classes, so as to mark the great epochs in the history of art.
These are now collected in upwards of thirty volumes in the final edition.
Its culms and leaves afford excellent fodder for cattle; and the grain, of which the yield in favourable situations is upwards of a hundredfold, is used for the same purposes as maize, rice, corn and other cereals.
The library contains upwards of 250,000 volumes and 600 MSS., and among the other auxiliary establishments are an anatomical hall and museum and botanical gardens.
For some time, probably for upwards of thirty years, both the facts of the life of Jesus and His words were only related orally.
Of these upwards of 70 are known in England and some 20 more in Scotland.
The library numbers upwards of 230,000 volumes; and the antiquarian museum contains a valuable collection of Roman relics discovered in the neighbourhood.
The Pincian, the Esquiline, and the south-easterly part of the Caelian hills received essentially their present form by the creation of the Via Sistina, Felice, delle Quattro Fontane, di Sta Croce in Gerusalemme, &c.; by the buildings at Sta Maria Maggiore, the Villa Montalto, the reconstruction of the Lateran, and the aqueduct of the Felice, which partially utilized the Alexandrina and cost upwards of 300,000 scudi.
Thus by diplomacy as well as by force of arms Catholic France made possible the continued existence of a Protestant Germany, and helped to create the balance of power between Catholic, Lutheran and Reformed within the Empire, that, crystallized in the Peace of Westphalia, fixed the religious boundaries of central Europe for upwards of two centuries.
The success of his association of chemistry with botany is shown by the fact that soil has been made to bear wheat without intermission for upwards of half a century without manure.
Gratuitous instruction of a very high order is afforded by the Board of Trade to upwards of 2000 pupils.
He was, perhaps, the most universal genius of his age, and is said to have written upwards of a hundred different works, the chief part of which have remained unpublished.
The largest producer is Spain, with upwards of 350,000 tons, including the cupriferous pyrites.
Withering, who, in his Account of the Foxglove (1785), gave details of upwards of zoo cases chiefly dropsical, in which it was used.
The great gopuram, or gate-pyramid, is one of the most imposing buildings of the kind, rising in twelve stories to a height of upwards of 100 ft., and ornamented with a profusion of figures of men and animals formed in stucco.
Thomson's estimate of the mass, must be upwards of forty times that of the hydrogen molecule.
Its length is upwards of loon m., and its extreme breadth exceeds Boo.
The North German plain is dotted with upwards of 500 lakes, covering an area of about 2500 sq.
In the remaining parts of western Germany, on the shores of farther Pomerania, and in East Prussia, it amounts to upwards of 24 in.
According to the statistics furnished in the Vierteljahreshefte zur Statistik des deutschen Reiches for 9o5, the receipts amounted to upwards of Io,000,000 for 1903, and the expenditure to somewhat less than this sum.
The capital collected was upwards of 5o,ooo,ooo.
By the end of the 14th century there were upwards of a hundred monasteries, chiefly in Italy; and in the 18th there still were eighty, one of the most famous being San Miniato at Florence.
Paches cleared the Asiatic seas of the enemy, reduced the other towns of Mytilene and returned to Athens with upwards of 1000 prisoners.
In 1880 the influence of the international " scramble for Africa " made itself felt by the establishment under the recognized protection of the French government of two French firms which opened upwards of thirty trading stations on the Lower Niger.
A bed of rock-salt in the Zechstein at Sperenberg near Berlin has been proved by boring to have a thickness of upwards of 4000 ft.
The Wye is the chief river, and forms the boundary between the county and Radnorshire on the north and north-east, from Rhayader to Hay, a distance of upwards of 20 m.; its tributary, the Elan, till it receives the Claerwen, and then the latter river, continue the boundary between the two counties on the north, while the Towy separates the county from Cardigan on the north-west.
On some of the platforms there are upwards of a dozen images, now thrown from their pedestals and lying in all directions.
The town owes its importance entirely to being the headquarters of the maharaja of Burdwan, the premier nobleman of lower Bengal, whose rent-roll is upwards of £300,000.
The surface is for the most part undulating, but on the whole little above sea-level; the highest elevations are in the south-east, where Cretaceous hills (the oldest geological formation on the island) reach heights of upwards of 350 ft.
The number of wild flowering plants may be estimated at 900, upwards of 270 of which are peculiar to the Canaries.
The excess of females over males, which in 1900 amounted to upwards of 22,000, is partly explained by the fact that few women emigrate.
At Cherrapunji in the Khasi hills it averages upwards of 500 in.
In the Bombay Deccan districts they cover generally upwards of 60% of the grain area, or an even larger proportion in years of drought.
There are upwards of 12,000 silk power-looms in operation, and the value of the annual output in this branch alone is estimated at £ 3, 000,000.
The reaction against the inevitable tendencies towards mitigation and relaxation led to a number of reforms that produced upwards of twenty different congregations within the order, each governed by a vicar-general, who was subject to the general of the order.
Of other buildings may be mentioned the Library, with upwards of 80,000 printed books and many valuable MSS., the stately palace with its gardens and orangery, the former Benedictine nunnery (founded 1625, and now used as a seminary), and the Minorite friary (1238) now used as a furniture warehouse.
Now in Homer there are upwards of 80 second aorists (not reckoning aorists of " Verbs in µc," such as i'ar,Y, i,3rpv), whereas in all Attic prose not more than 30 are found.
The first part of the alimentary canal consists of the pharynx or branchial sac, the side walls of which are perforated by upwards of sixty pairs of elongated slits, the gill-clefts.
As to the timber trade, there are upwards of 500 saw-mills, employing 21,000 men, and with an output valued at over £3,000,000 annually.
The largest known deposits are those in the Lake Superior region, near Keweenaw Point, Michigan, where masses upwards of 400 tons in weight have been discovered.
The number of species decreases according to geographical distribution from south to north; thus while upwards of 1000 are found in Skane, there are only about 700 in the midlands, 500 in the lower parts of southern Norrland and less than 200 in the extreme north.
Almost exactly half the total area is under forest, its proportion ranging from 25% in Skane to upwards of 7 0% in the inland parts of Svealand and in the south of Norrland.
About the time of setting out on his Indian expedition he was described as a most comely man, upwards of 6 ft., tall, well-proportioned, of robust make and constitution; inclined to be fat, but prevented by the fatigue he underwent; with fine, large black eyes and eyebrows; of sanguine complexion, made more manly by the influence of sun and weather; a loud, strong voice; a moderate wine-drinker; fond of simple diet, such as pilaos and plain dishes, but often neglectful of meals altogether, and satisfied, if occasion required, with parched peas and water, always to be procured.i During the reign of Nadir an attempt was made to establish a British Caspian trade with Persia.
In conjunction with other young men he founded in May 1833 the celebrated charitable society of St Vincent de Paul, which numbered before his death upwards of two thousand members.
These hills run in rocky and precipitous parallel ridges, in some places upwards of 2200 ft.
Specimens of jaettegryder or giant's cauldrons may be seen at Gaardaasen and Vindalsbugt, some upwards of 2 3 ft.
It has a public library (1864), with upwards of 17,000 volumes, and about 12 m.
The north and north-west portions of the lower peninsula - including the counties of Roscommon and Missaukee, parts of Wexford and Ogemaw, and those to the north and northwest of these - are occupied by a rolling plateau which attains an elevation at its highest point, north of its centre, of upwards of 1100 ft.
Amongst the more important plateaus are the Assab or Kibyen country, having a general level of upwards of 4000 ft., and the Sura country, also reaching to elevations of from 3000 to 5000 ft.
With his Glaubenslehre he took leave of theology for upwards of twenty years.
The hospital itself accommodates upwards of 500 men, but a system of out-pensioning was found necessary from the outset, and now relieves large numbers throughout the empire.
New docks were opened in 1892, which cost upwards of two millions sterling.
On one of his luxurious entertainments he is said to have spent upwards of X2000.
The city is well laid out for the most part, the streets crossing each other at right angles; Yonge Street, the chief artery, running north from the bay, was constructed as a military road in 1796, and extends under the same name for upwards of 30 m.
General Dearborn captured it at the head of a force of upwards of 2000.
But from 1784 to 1792 upwards of 300 acts were passed dealing with the construction of new roads and bridges.
He built and endowed a grammar-school at a cost of upwards of X500, educated and maintained a large number of poor children at his own charge, and provided the more promising pupils with means of studying at the universities.
Advancing from Bombay Sir Hugh Rose relieved Saugor on the 3rd of February, after it had been invested by the rebels for upwards of seven months.
Early in 1842, after a few months' rest, he accepted a curacy in Cheltenham, which he retained for upwards of four years.
Within a period of six years, it is said, upwards of 3000 were either killed or captured.
He had his country houses and fisheries, and when he travelled to attend parliament his retinue amounted to upwards of ioo persons.
They stretch southwards for upwards of 500 m., with a breadth of io to 20 m.
The Roman Catholics are mainly Poles, of whom there are upwards of 1,000,000 in Posen, while the great bulk of the 900,000 Germans are Protestants.
The royal library (1798) contains upwards of 500,000 volumes, including some early illuminated MSS., a valuable collection of coins and medals and some fine antique gems. In addition to the royal palace already mentioned, there are the palaces of the queen-dowager, of the prince of Orange (founded about 1720 by Count Unico of Wassenaar Twiekels) and of the prince von Wied, dating from 1825, and containing some good early Dutch and Flemish masters.
Tarangole, for instance, on the Khor Kohs, has upwards of three thousand huts, and sheds for many thousands of cattle.
In March 1769 the expedition arrived at St Malo, with the loss of only seven out of upwards of 200 men.
The policy of the nationalists, who now aimed at the political union, under the king-emperor, of all Serbo-Croats in Austria-Hungary - upwards of 4,50o,000 - was less visionary than the older Illyrism, and less aggressively Panslavist.
It drains an area of upwards of 21,000 sq.
There are upwards of nine hundred publishers and booksellers in the town, and about eleven thousand firms in other parts of Europe are represented here.
One dark winter night in 1855, during a terrific gale, 24 sailing ships and 60 lighters went ashore off the mouth and upwards of 300 persons perished."
I O a perfect and sincere observance of religion for upwards of thirty years.
By his will he bequeathed upwards of £100,000 to the United States of America to found the Smithsonian Institution.
From this establishment alone the yearly output is about 25,000 bee-hives, and upwards of ioo millions of the small wooden boxes used for holding combhoney.
In Eclipse's pedigree there are upwards of a dozen mares whose pedigrees are not known, but who are supposed to be of native blood.
The area drained by the Douro and its tributaries is upwards of 37,500 sq.
The rates are assessed on an assumed annual value, which in 1900 was £1,417,547, corresponding to a capital value of, upwards of £28,000,000.
That he was an ambitious man, fond of power, and haughty in his attitude to those who differed from him in opinion, may be granted, but it must also be conceded that he sought for power in order to confer invaluable services upon his country, and that impatience of opposition was not unnatural in a man who had exercised an almost supreme control of administrative affairs for upwards of three decades.
In accordance with the saltatorial habits of the members of this order, the vertebrae, which number from 40 to 60 in the Caudata, to upwards of in the Apoda, have become reduced to Io as the normal number, viz., eight praecaudal, one sacral and an elongate coccyx or urostyle, formed by coalescence of at least two vertebrae.
It has a library of upwards of ioo,000 volumes and its transactions have been published bi-annually since 1849.
Short, catchy, top level domain names are selling for upwards of $ 5,000 on the domain aftermarket.
Bet Fred are the world's biggest independent bookmakers, with upwards of 500 betting shops in the UK.. .
Estimates put it that the number of jobs open to students from any degree discipline at upwards of 50% .
Theft of trade secrets and critical technologies -- what we call economic espionage -- costs our nation upwards of $ 250 billion a year.
It comprises upwards of 11,000 volumes, and is patronized by about 80 members, who each subscribe one guinea per annum.
For upwards of three years I have endured a perfect martyrdom.
However, in the Himalaya upwards of 80% of flow in the major longitudinal rivers is glacial meltwater.
Throughout that extent upwards of fifty hills afford abundant pasturage, many of them being green to the summit.
For erecting the pavilion at a cost of upwards of £ 200, the committee issued shares to be taken up by members.
Nor is it obvious why the judges should conclude that legal personhood only starts at upwards of 24 weeks.
Farmers in upland areas may be losing upwards of 5% of lambs to fox predation.
Rights groups say that upwards of 1,000 people - mainly unarmed civilians - were killed by government troops.
At present there are upwards of fifty hand-loom weavers employed, the webs being chiefly plain silk.
In 1881 the limits were increased as above, and the province now contains upwards of 73,956 sq.
The great alluvial plain is one of Australia's most notable inland features; its extent is upwards of 500,000 sq.
It is encircled by a wall measuring upwards of a mile in circumference, and is prettily planted with trees, on one of which the last emperor of the Ming dynasty (1644), finding escape from the Manchu invaders impossible, hanged himself.
But even after the omission of all cometary objects we can still count in the solar system upwards of five hundred bodies, almost every one of which pronounces distinctly, though with varying emphasis, in favour of the nebular theory.
On the withdrawal of Leicester from the Netherlands in August 1587, Johan van Oldenbarneveldt, the advocate of Holland, became the leading statesman of the country, a position which he retained for upwards of thirty years.
Examples of reduplication are - ajar-ajar, a sainted person; ajar-berajar (or belajar), to be learning and teaching by turns; similarly there are forms like ajar-mengajar, berajar-ajaran, ajar-ajari, memperajar, memperajarkan, memperajari, terbklajarkan, perbelajarkan, &c. Altogether there are upwards of a hundred possible derivative forms, in the idiomatic use of which the Malays exhibit much skill.
Naxos, the largest and most fertile island of the group, contains the highest mountain in the Cyclades (Zia, 3290 ft.); the island annually exports upwards of 2000 tons of emery, a state monopoly the proceeds of which are now hypothecated to the foreign debt.
Its antiquity is not, indeed, comparable to that of ancient Egypt or Greece, but no country besides Japan can boast a living and highly developed art that has numbered upwards of twelve centuries of unbroken and brilliant productiveness.
The true ferns, including tree ferns with a height of upwards of 60 ft., were associated with many plants possessing a fern-like habit (Cycadofilices) and others whose affinities have not yet been definitely determined.
The Quai Mehemet Ali, which lies along the canal for upwards of a mile, contains the chalet occupied by Ferdinand de Lesseps during the building of the canal.
The commerce of the country is furthered by upwards of 2000 m.
The Cistercian abbeys at Kirkstead, Louth Park, Revesby, Vaudey and Swineshead, and the Cistercian nunnery at Stixwould were founded in the reign of Stephen, and at the time of the Dissolution there were upwards of a hundred religious houses in the county.
There is a surplus vested in the trustees of upwards of 500 pounds.
Our subject 's father was a yeoman farmer who rented land on which he kept upwards of a hundred sheep.
They may cost upwards of several hundred dollars which is unaffordable to most parents.
The cheapest sound-only baby monitors will typically cost less than 40 US dollars whereas a full-featured baby camera setup will be sold for upwards of several hundred dollars.
If you're in the market for a video game console and you don't want to plunk down upwards of $200, then this guide is for you.
It makes a good choice for anyone who wants to get serious about online gaming and doesn't mind spending upwards of $400.
Top of the line laptops such as these can cost one upwards of $2,000.
The largest kitty gyms may be packed with features and cost upwards of several hundred dollars.
If you weren't planning on spending upwards of $50.00 on your pet's dinner bowls, then Tzarina has a wide variety of glazed cat bowls that are easily affordable.
Many items are also marked as eco-friendly, and some of their cat gyms are so exquisite that they are practically nature itself, although this kind of nature may cost you upwards of five hundred dollars.
These cabinets come in different sizes, and the nicer versions can cost upwards of several hundred dollars.
After that, the books are paid for each month and can cost upwards of ten dollars.
Today, there are upwards of 20,000 artisans practicing this trade, and with the demand just now hitting its stride in the United States, we expect this industry to continue to expand and thrive.
Remember that you'll spend upwards of fifty dollars for a night on the town with a special someone--dinner, a movie and a drink afterwards adds up!
New prom dresses can cost upwards of $100 with some as expensive as $1000.
Expect to pay double the average dress cost, upwards of thousands of dollars, for a designer frock.
Extravagant cakes can cost upwards of twelve dollars.
Florida Gulf Beach Weddings has several packages available, starting at $600 for the Party of Two (no photographer) and goes upwards of $2,900 for the Beach Wedding Celebration.
Home decorations come in a variety of price points, from around 20 dollars to upwards of 100 dollars or more.
Some parents reportedly paid upwards of $2,000 for tickets to the sold-out Best of Both Worlds tour.
The fraternal twins are expected to net upwards of $11 million, with every dime going to charity.
Coleman, who was reportedly making upwards of $100,000 per episode, was broke by the time the show ended, claiming his parents and advisors pilfered his trust fund.
However, you will have truly entered the realm of designer children's clothing when your eyes come to rest on a flawless silk chiffon D&G girls' gown that costs anywhere upwards of 400 dollars.
That means an online graduate program can cost upwards of 24 to 30 thousand dollars for the total degree.
Many out-of-state programs can cost you upwards of $5,000 a semester for your online degree program.
Whereas a two-day cruise to the Bahamas in an ocean-view cabin would cost upwards of a thousand dollars, Carnival's Cruise to Nowhere in the same stateroom would run about 50 percent less.
In addition, since most cruises to Hawaii from San Francisco last upwards of two months, and not the typical six or seven nights, you will want to get help from a travel expert on how to plan for such a long sailing.
There are upwards of thirty kinds, differing more in leaf than in their flowers, which are mostly white, though sometimes purple and very variable in size.
Umbrella Pine (Sciadopitys Verticillata) - A stately evergreen tree attaining a height of upwards of 100 feet in its own land, and forming a dense pyramid of verdure of remarkable beauty.
Depending on the type of pick that you like, you can spend upwards of five dollars for as few as a half-dozen picks.
Throughout the years, there have been upwards of twelve former band members such as Ben Guzman, Grant Barry, Carlos de Garza and Matt Wong.
In general, the cost of ceramic tiles can range quite dramatically, from as little as $.99 a square foot to upwards of $50 a square foot for designer tiles.
A typical kitchen renovation can take upwards of eight weeks from start to finish.
For the right jacket, you might spend upwards of $1000 and even if that's not a major investment for you, it's still worth making sure you have the jacket that works best.
These sweaters often cost upwards of $100-$200.
Some of the Spy looks, including their brand new Diamond Glace, can cost upwards of $900.00!
The arcade machines do not come cheaply, however, as they cost upwards of $8,000 each.
Some very high-end exclusive wineries can pay upwards of $1.50 to even $3.50 for a single cork!
Depending on the model and condition, prices can vary dramatically from about $50 to upwards of $500.
Depending on the area to be treated, the cost of laser hair removal can range from $50 to upwards of $900 per session.
The cost of these courses vary widely from region to region, but can run from $50 per class upwards of several hundred dollars plus textbooks.
Some managers make an average of $35,000 a year, while more experienced operations managers make upwards of $60,000 a year.
The store offers a wide selection of prints, however you'll find that the more complex styles typically run upwards of $20.00 each.
You can often find kids' bikinis for less than $20.00 or upwards of $50.00 or more, depending on where you shop.
Expect to spend around $100.00 for a short suit, and upwards of $200.00 for a long full-bodied suit.
Even non-designer brand swimsuits can run upwards of $100 to $200.
Take care in purchasing a used bike as well, since these may have been modified to reach speeds upwards of 30 mph and more, depending upon the modifications.
This line also has the women's designer fashion price tag, so expect to pay upwards of $300 for a cashmere sweater.
You should expect to pay anywhere from $100 to upwards of $1000 for celebrity gown replicas.
While the $200 price tag is steep for a blender, it is significantly lower than the high-end Vitamix blender, which is held as the gold standard by those raw food and juicing proponents and can cost upwards of $500.
Their higher end models include a capacity of 2.0 cubic feet and cost upwards of $800.
This theme is best for a large party, as there can be upwards of 78 separate assignments (12 lords leaping, etc).
The Gift Basket Pros-With Christmas gift baskets ranging from under $20 to upwards of $250, you are sure to find the right basket for your budget.
However, some elaborate animal costumes can sell for upwards of $100.
They range in price from roughly $200 to upwards of $1,000.
Prices range from $2,500 for a simple design or semi-mount to upwards of $20,000 for a luxuriously detailed ring.
You are likely to pay upwards of 5 dollars per pound depending upon the brand and the amount you purchase.
Crocodile wallets may run upwards of $2000 in some cases, and are available in a spate of neutral, practical shades (think black, camel and dark brown).
Likewise, the price of these beds can range from under $100 to upwards of $10,000.
Trading cards typically cost between $4 and $5, although the larger decks can cost $15 and the collector's tins cost upwards of $30 or more.
Some smaller, lightweight models can be as low as 300 dollars, while other models can cost upwards of 2,500 dollars.
Nanny care, as well, is also much more expensive with a price tag of $350.00 to upwards of $700.00 per week according to Baby Center.
Most less expensive cameras have at least three and sometimes upwards of six.
These stackable offers give you the chance to save upwards of $400 on select HP merchandise.
Fortunately, your checkbook can rest easy, since many similar styles would be upwards of $500 if purchased from higher-end designers.
Classic Uggs typically range in price from $140 to upwards of $300.
Depending on the design and whether or not you get your Z Coils customized, these shoes can run upwards of $250 to $300.
While some designs run upwards of $100, others can be found for slightly less, especially if you shop discontinued styles or at outlets.
Many top designers such as Manolo Blahnik and Jimmy Choo run upwards of several hundred dollars, thus inspiring a vast seasonal array of less expensive knock-offs.
Savings range between 10 to upwards of 25 percent of rack rates.
If you are looking to own an authentic Jacob & Company, be prepared to spend upwards of $30,000.
When spending upwards of $5,000, you will want to purchase your lady's timepiece from a reliable dealer who can provide you with a certificate of authentication.
It is especially difficult to find one in running order, which is why an operating Robert Roskell pocket watch is usually worth upwards of five to ten times what a non-running watch will sell for.
Pop culture collectors agree and will shell out upwards of $90 to own one.
Expect to pay anywhere from $1000 upwards of $10,000 or more.
Although some yoga mats can cost upwards of $100, the Yoga Accessories Extra Thick Deluxe Yoga Mat provides many of the features of the more expensive mats for under $20.
Expect to spend upwards of $100 or more.
For a 200,000 dollar 30-year term policy, IntelliQuote.com found policies ranging in price from 224 dollars a year (Great West) upwards of 446 dollars a year (Transamerica Occidental Life).
For full time coverage, you can expect your plan to be upwards of $5000 a year, but prices vary according to style, size, and type.
In fact, by the year 2000, it was the number four reinsurer and was earning upwards of $8 billion in premiums from customers all across the globe.
Prices are generally between $50 and $200, with some items costing upwards of $500.
Basic items will run you $50 to $200, while some of the more exclusive labels cost upwards of $1000.
Most styles are under $25, with sizes go upwards of an extra large.
But unfortunately, this is pretty rare and a unit will contain upwards of twenty.
You can pick up a high-end pair of white panties, made by a haute couture designer, in Neiman Marcus and spend upwards of 50 dollars.
The first few seasons featured only a handful of participants, but as the show has gained popularity with viewers seasons have been extended to include upwards of thirty teens.
These creams are very affordable (ranging anywhere from $10 to upwards of more than $100) a tube or bottle.
They were all originals, upwards of $20,000 each.
You just spent upwards of nine-thousand dollars on suits and you don't want to try them on?
During his tenancy of office the system adopted at Shanghai was applied to the other treaty ports, so that when on Mr Lay's resignation Mr Hart was appointed inspector-general of foreign customs, he found himself at the head of an organization which collected a revenue of upwards of eight million taels per annum at fourteen treaty ports.
From the date when Mr Hart took up his duties at Peking, in 1863, he unceasingly devoted the whole of his energies to the work of the department, with the result that the revenue grew from upwards of eight million taels to nearly twenty-seven million, collected at the thirty-two treaty ports, and the customs staff, which in 1864 numbered 200, reached in 1901 a total of 57 0 4.
It is divided between some twenty firms. The premises of Bass's brewery extend over Soo acres, while Allsopp's stand next; upwards of 5000 hands are employed in all, and many miles of railways owned by the firms cross the streets in all directions on the level, and connect with the lines of the railway companies.