Uprightness Sentence Examples
His career was distinguished by uprightness, by piety, by a devotion to duty, by courage and consistency.
His ability and uprightness were known, and he at once entered on such a successful career in the profession to which he had been brought up that at the age of twenty-five, we are told, he was already rich.
The uprightness and good sense of its leaders did not compensate for the weakness of their political connexions.
The family was distinguished for piety, uprightness, and solidity of character.
Much depends on the personal qualities of the president and his power of inspiring the people with trust in his courage and his uprightness.
Of these the two most fundamental were (as has been already indicated) wisdom - in its highest form philosophy - and that harmonious and regulated activity of all the elements of the soul which Plato regards as the essence of uprightness in social relations (&Kac06uv77) .
But he was remarkable for conscientiousness and uprightness, and a firm adherence to what he believed to be right.
The scepter of your kingdom is a scepter of uprightness; you have loved righteousness and hated wickedness.
His convictions gained weight from the simplicity, uprightness and diligence of his character; but they need a more effective justification than he was able to give them.
The uprightness and sincerity of his character won the friendship of many to whom his philosophy was repugnant.
AdvertisementThe mere fact that he was able to attract to himself so considerable a body of respectable followers, including such men as Ellwood, Barclay, Penington and Penn, is sufficient to prove that he possessed in a very eminent degree the power of conviction, persuasion, and moral ascendancy; while of his personal uprightness, single-mindedness and sincerity there can be no question.
This fact determined the stadtholder, Maurice of Nassau, to support the orthodox party - a party to which he inclined the more readily that Olden Barneveldt, the grand pensionary, the man whose uprightness and abilities he most dreaded, sided with the Remonstrants.
He was quick-tempered, but of kindly disposition, intelligent and patriotic, and he left a reputation of unblemished honesty and uprightness.
His great learning was equalled by the modest simplicity of his life and the uprightness of his conduct.
The agricultural labourer has preserved the uprightness, diligence and sobriety which characterize the Turkish peasant; but the richer inhabitants of the cities are grossly sensual.
AdvertisementLord Moira's sound judgment on public affairs, combined with his military reputation and the uprightness of his character, won for him a high position among the statesmen of the day, and he gained an additional prestige from his intimate relations with the prince of Wales.
He had an intense admiration for the great generals of Napoleon, and his uncompromising spirit, bold uprightness and independent views marked him as a man to be suspected.
I do not value chiefly a man's uprightness and benevolence, which are, as it were, his stem and leaves.