Upheld Sentence Examples
First as regards the transmitting part, one essential element is the antenna, aerial, or air wire, which may take a variety of forms. It may consist of a single plain or stranded copper wire upheld at the top by an insulator from a mast, chimney or building.
The magnitude of the defeat, unprecedented in American history, was generally considered as due in part to the unwarranted character of the charges made by Cox himself during the campaign, but chiefly to a widespread revolt against the recent course of President Wilson, whose policies Cox upheld.
Church refused to ordain her because of her sex, and the refusal was upheld by the General Conference at Cincinnati in 1880.
That body thereupon gave Kansas the power needed, and its action was upheld by the Federal Supreme Court.
The tribal organization of the Bechuana is maintained, and native laws and customs, with certain modifications, are upheld.
He staunchly supported the patriarch Ignatius against his rival, Photius, at Constantinople; he upheld the rights of Teutberga, who had been repudiated by her husband, Lothair II.
To its unification Austria was the chief obstacle; she owned Lombardo-Venetia; she controlled the three duchies, whose rulers were Austrian princes; and she upheld the autocracy of the king of Naples and that of the pope against all revolutionary movements.
It upheld courage and enterprise in obedience to rule, it consecrated military prowess to the service of the Church, glorified the virtues of liberality, good faith, unselfishness and courtesy, and above all, courtesy to women.
Personally a devout Catholic and opposed in principle to the spread of sectarianism in Poland, Sigismund was nevertheless too wise and just to permit the persecution of non-Catholics;' and in Lithuania, where a fanatical Catholic minority of magnates dominated the senate, he resolutely upheld the rights of his Orthodox subjects.
He is said to have studied under St Anselm at Bec. About 1076 he taught with great success at Paris, where, as the associate of William of Champeaux, he upheld the realistic side of the scholastic controversy.
AdvertisementHe took a prominent part in the Adoptionist controversy, and wrote against the views of Felix of Urgel, especially as upheld by Elipandus of Toledo.
Liberal-minded as he was, he held that "the will of the nation should be a law to the king," and he boldly upheld the freedom of the press as the surest of safety-valves.
Here he was conspicuous as an ardent free-trader and an uncompromising advocate of "States Rights," opposed the protectionist tariff bills of 1824 and 1828, and consistently upheld the doctrine that slavery was a domestic institution and should be dealt with only by the individual states.
The two brothers were enthusiastic imperialists, and with persistent courage they upheld the cause of their sovereign during his two absences in Italy.
However, in October 1139 Henry died suddenly, but his young son, Henry the Lion, was recognized at once as duke of Saxony, while his brother, Welf, upheld the fortunes of his house in Bavaria.
AdvertisementThe Council of Nicaea in 325 upheld the bishops, but Meletius was allowed to remain bishop of Lycopolis though with merely nominal authority.
After Amenemhs death he fully upheld the greatness of the dynasty in his long reign of forty-five years.
Holstein was now restored to Denmark, and Prussia and Austria consented to take part in the conference of London, by which the integrity of Denmark was upheld, and the succession to the whole monarchy settled on Prince Christian, youngest son of Duke William of SchleswigHolstein-Sonderburg-Gliicksburg, and husband of Louise of Hesse, the niece of King Christian VIII.
In January Alexander had still upheld the ideal of a free confederation of the European states, symbolized by the Holy Alliance, against the policy of a dictatorship of the great powers, symbolized by the Quadruple Treaty; he had still protested against the claims of collective Europe to interfere in the internal concerns of the sovereign states.
Lethington was to be tried, but his armed friends mustered in great numbers, and, secure in the castle, he and Kirkcaldy upheld the cause of Mary.
AdvertisementThe court of arches upheld the bishop, but its decision was reversed by the privy council.
Nor yet was he a Zealot, for the quietistic ideal is upheld (ix.), and the kingdom is established by God Himself (x.).
This meant that throughout all Germany medieval ecclesiastical rule was to be upheld, and that none of the revenues of the medieval church could be appropriated for Protestant uses.
He upheld Reid's psychological method and expounded the "common-sense" doctrine, which was attacked by the two Mills.
In these writings he consistently upheld the doctrine of civil liberty against the pretensions of the papacy.
AdvertisementBacon took a considerable share in the debates, consistently upheld the prerogative, and seemed yet to possess the confidence of the Commons.
In Egypt the relation was curiously reversed; the earth-god Keb was the husband of Nut, the sky, represented sometimes as a woman, overarching the earth and supported on hands and feet, sometimes as a gigantic cow, upheld on the outstretched hands of Shu, the atmosphere.
He upheld American rights in Samoa, pursued a vigorous diplomacy with Italy over the lynching of eleven Italians, all except three of them American naturalized citizens, in New Orleans on the 14th of May 1891, held a firm attitude during the strained relations between the United States and Chile (growing largely out of the killing and wounding of American sailors of the U.S. ship "Baltimore" by Chileans in Valparaiso on the 16th of October 1891), and carried on with Great Britain a resolute controversy over the seal fisheries of Bering Sea, - a difference afterwards settled by arbitration.
During his concluding years the archbishop appears to have upheld the papal authority in England, although not to the injury of the English Church.
The resources of Sweden were still very far from being exhausted, and, during 1710 and 1711, the gallant Magnus Stenbock upheld her military supremacy in the north.
His eldest son, Hamza Mirza, upheld his fortunes to the utmost of his power, reduced the rebel chieftains, and forced the Turks to make peace and retire; but he was stabbed to death by an assassin.
As against the Magyars, he upheld the view that the unity of the monarchy must not be shaken, and he therefore offered a determined resistance to the attempts of the party of independence to intrench on the rights of the Crown in military matters.
The fair fame of Great Britain has more than once been upheld in South Africa at the instigation and by the conduct of these intrepid pioneers.
Pedro and a handful of exiles upheld the cause of Maria II., who returned to Brazil in 1829.
In this review and in his numerous books he vigorously upheld the orthodox faith against the Dutch "modern theology" movement.
Wollaston upheld the "intellectual" theory of morality, and all his reasoning is independent of any authority or evidence derived from revelation.
He took his seat in the Senate and his election was upheld by the Senate committee on the judiciary, whose report was adopted (26 March 1866) by a vote of 22 to 21, his own vote carrying the motion; but, because of the objection of Charles Sumner, he withdrew his vote on the 27th of March, and was thereupon unseated by a vote of 23 to 21.
Such by-laws will therefore be upheld, unless it is clear that they are uncertain, repugnant to the general law of the land, or manifestly unreasonable.
Charles the Bald, however, upheld the rights of Ansegisus at the synod of Ponthion.
Timothy Dwight (1752-1847) urged the use of the means of grace, thought Hopkins and Emmons pantheistic, and boldly disagreed with their theory of " exercises," reckoning virtue and sin as the result of moral choice or disposition, a position that was also upheld by Asa Burton (1752-1836), who thought that on regeneration the disposition of man got a new relish or " taste."
His place in the Edwardean theology is principally due to his defence against the Universalists of his father's doctrine of the atonement, namely, that Christ's death, being the equivalent of the eternal punishment of sinners, upheld the authority of the divine law, but did not pay any debt, and made the pardon of all men a possibility with God, but not a necessity.
On his accession to power William upheld the Hooks, Iv i»iam and secured their ascendancy.
On the 26th of November 1741 Prague was stormed by an army consisting of Bavarians, French and Saxons which upheld the cause of Charles, elector of Bavaria, who claimed the succession to the Bohemian throne and to the other domains of the house of Habsburg.
He strongly upheld in the House of Commons the measures taken, first by Mr. Macpherson and then by Sir Hamar Greenwood, to restore law and order in that country; and definitely refused to interfere in the case of the Lord Mayor of Cork who, sentenced to imprisonment for conducting a rebel organization, went on hunger-strike and eventually succumbed in gaol.
He distinguished himself by the vigour with which he upheld the Senate against the encroachments of the chamber, but in 1895 failing health forced him to resign, and he died in Paris on the 26th of October 1896.
After America's entrance into the World War he upheld pacifism, and in Sept.
The sentence was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court March ro 1919, and he entered prison April 13.
An eight-hour labour law was passed in 1891 and was upheld by the state supreme court.
The Senate upheld the President; the House of Representatives voted down his policy; and finally both houses accepted the English Bill, by which Kansas was virtually offered some millions of acres of public lands if she should accept the Lecompton Constitution.'
Then came rapidly a succession of blows at the supports by which the Tudor monarchy had been upheld.
Scarcely any one wished to see the Laudian ceremonies upheld.
If the Commons wished to be rid of him because he upheld the prerogative, the kIng was equally desirous to be rid of him because he looked coldly on the looseness of the royal morals.
Even so, the issue of the struggle was for long doubtful, and there were moments when it might have ended by a policy of wise concession; but the Americans, though reduced at times to desperate straits, had the advantage of fighting in their own country, and above all they found in George Washington a leader after the model of the English country gentleman who had upheld the standard of liberty against the Stuarts, and worthy of the great cause for which they fought.
Its standards have also been upheld with varying success in great co-operative undertakings, such as the Dictionary of National Biography, the Cambridge Modern History, and Messrs Longmans Political History of England.
The marquis Lafayette, doubly popular as a veteran of the American War and as one of the nobles who heartily upheld the cause of the Assembly, was chosen commandant of the new civic force, thenceforwards known as the National Guard.
At the council of Frankfort in 794 Alcuin upheld the orthodox doctrine, and obtained the condemnation of the heresiarch Felix of Urgel.
Thus there had become current the conception of a " state of nature " in which individuals or single families lived side by side - under none other than those " natural " laws which prohibited mutual injury and interference in the free use of the goods of the earth common to all, and upheld parental authority, fidelity of wives, and the observance of compacts freely made.
He introduced Christianity, and, though he was subsequently murdered, Norwegian supremacy was upheld, and continued till 1386, when the islands were transferred to Denmark.
The right of precedence in consultation of the oracle (7rpoyavrEia) was transferred from Athens to Philip. While indignant Athenians were clamouring for the revocation of the peace, Demosthenes upheld it in his speech "On the Peace" in September.
However, Otto died first (983), leaving a three-year-old son, Otto III., and Lothair, hoping for Lorraine, upheld the claims of Henry of Bavaria, who wished to oust Otto.
Anne de Montmorency, now head of the government in place of the headstrong chancellor Duprat, for four years upheld a policy of reconciliation and of almost friendly agreement between the two monarchs (1531-1535).
Chalais was beheaded at Nantes in 1626 for having upheld Gaston of Orleans in his refusal to wed Mademoiselle de Montpensier, and Marshal dOrnano died at Vincennes for having given him bad advice in this matter; while the duelist de Boutteville was put to the torture for having braved the edict against duels.
The views of the bishop were upheld and henceforth authority was divided.
Although no obstinate adherent of antiquated forms and prejudices, he firmly upheld the fundamental truths of Christianity.
The second (1906), creating a railway commission, was endorsed by a political party in state convention, was printed on the same ballot-paper with the names of the party candidates for office in order to secure for it all " straight " party votes, and by this procedure, which was upheld by the state supreme court in 1907, it was adopted.
Against the former he upheld the prerogative of the bishops; against the latter he asserted that it was impossible for a bishop to disregard the commands of the Holy See.
The Catholic party, upheld by the empress, would not appoint an unfrocked seminarist, a notorious heretic, to a chair of Biblical exegesis.
The decisions which he wrote, many of which were regarded as radical at the time, were all upheld by the courts.
Appeal court judges, at a second appeal in 1996, contradicted those in the first appeal and upheld the conviction.
The Law Lords unanimously upheld the Court of Appeal's decision to overturn the ban on the license originally imposed by the High Court.
Provincial members expressed bewilderment at all this and the EC recommendation was upheld, not with full authority, forty three to twenty three.
The High Court upheld an exclusive jurisdiction clause, thereby giving itself jurisdiction to hear a dispute.
The California State Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of Proposition 21, a juvenile crime initiative, passed by voters in 2000.
The guilty verdict was upheld by the Court Of Appeal, despite claims of police corruption.
However the stewards gave him a hearing and to everyone's disbelief upheld his objection.
And despite the libel laws demanding that she prove deliberate distortion by Irving, the final judgment upheld every major aspect of her defense.
Where complaints are upheld, we may be required to make apologies and sometimes ex gratia payments.
The King's preliminary challenge, on the grounds of sovereign immunity, was upheld.
The High Court upheld an exclusive jurisdiction clause, thereby giving itself jurisdiction clause, thereby giving itself jurisdiction to hear a dispute.
The First Chamber upheld the legality of the quotation under certain circumstances, maintaining that its use must be considered on a case-by-case basis.
I think another tradition that should be upheld, is for the best man to offer the newlyweds some advice on marriage.
On the arms quot nides recalled be upheld only.
Nevertheless, the Court was convinced of the increased risk of injury caused by Culkin's exposure to asbestos and upheld the 1993 ruling.
He upheld the papacy in principle, regarded Austria as the great enemy of Italian regeneration, and believed that the means of expelling her were only to be found in Piedmont.
The first of these, decided in 1890, upheld the verdict of a jury awarding damages to the Moores Lime Company, which had sustained a secondary boycott because it had sold material to a contractor who had been boycotted by Bricklayers' Union No.
Some upheld a rival claimant to the throne in Tvrtkovic, a legitimate son of Tvrtko, and all took sides in the incessant feud between Bogomils and Roman Catholics.
In theology he upheld the Arminian against the Calvinist position, but always with courtesy and fairness; his resignation on doctrinal grounds of the superintendency (1768-1771) of the countess of Huntingdon's college at Trevecca left no unpleasantness.
The doctrines of Sikhism as set forth in the Granth are that it prohibits idolatry, hypocrisy, class exclusiveness, the concremation of widows, the immurement of women, the use of wine and other intoxicants, tobacco-smoking, infanticide, slander and pilgrimages to the sacred rivers and tanks of the Hindus; and it inculcates loyalty, gratitude for all favours received, philanthropy, justice, impartiality, truth, honesty and all the moral and domestic virtues upheld by Christianity.
But what Barnabas did see with full reasoned conviction, he was staunch in upholding; thus he upheld the general cause of Gentile freedom from the obligation of circumcision (as distinct from perfect religious equality with Jewish believers) at the Jerusalem conference (Acts xv.).
At an assembly of 1629, Lubeck, Bremen and Hamburg were entrusted with the task of safeguarding the general welfare, and after an effort to revive the League in the last general assembly of 1669, these three towns were left alone to preserve the name and small inheritance of the Hansa which in Germany's disunion had upheld the honour of her commerce.
His views on the Eucharist upheld the metaphorical against the literal interpretation of the word "body," but he asserted that believers partook of the sacrament more for the sake of others than for their own, though later he emphasized it as a means of grace for the Christian life.
In Italy, during the emperor's absence, his cause had been upheld by Enzio and by the ferocious Eccelino da Romano.
Nevertheless, the Court was convinced of the increased risk of injury caused by Culkin 's exposure to asbestos and upheld the 1993 ruling.
McCann is scathing about the British state and its defenders who have created and upheld bloodshed, bigotry and oppression in Ireland.
We disagree again because I think that as long as correspondence works the suppositions of science are being upheld.
A subsequent appeal in December 1999 upheld that conviction.
Note that this decision has been upheld on appeal.
However, in this case the ET 's finding of unfair dismissal was upheld on the grounds of the company 's behavior.
Its decision was upheld by a valuation tribunal but quashed on appeal.
You have almost no rights that you can rely on to be upheld by a court.
All of these are deeply relevant to the post-tsunami response and must be consistently upheld by every agency.
The President 's discretionary foreign policy powers to establish different standards for NGOs and foreign governments were thereby upheld.
The court therefore upheld the parents ' challenge to the Secretary 's decision.
The judges upheld the verdict of the original jury.
This layer is often on the table rather than upheld with a tier, then additional tiers are stacked above.
Two days before her burial, a Florida court upheld a ruling that the former Playboy model should be buried in the Bahamas despite pleas from her estranged mother, Virgie Arthur, who wanted Smith buried in Texas.
At Men's Warehouse, certain standards must be upheld.
Only a small percentage of those injuries are debilitating, however, and many claims would not be upheld by a court.
The Wonder Wheel was built in 1918 and is a protected NYC landmark upheld by the National Register of Historic Places.
But standards still had to be upheld, and a woman could not show bare skin.
The Supreme Court upheld the copyright as part of a larger ruling, but many in academic circles believe the copyright is either expired or invalid.
But as in Ireland so Cromwell's policy in Scotland was unpopular and was only upheld by the maintenance of a large army, necessitating heavy taxation and implying the loss of the national independence.
In December 1654 Penn and Venables sailed for the West Indies with orders to attack the Spanish colonies and the French shipping; and for the first time since the Plantagenets an English fleet appeared in the Mediterranean, where Blake upheld the supremacy of the English flag, made a treaty with the dey of Algiers, destroyed the castles and ships of the dey of Tunis at Porto Farina on the 4th of April 1655, and liberated the English prisoners captured by the pirates.
The vigour and success with which he organized the national resources and upheld the national honour, asserted the British sovereignty of the seas, defended the oppressed, and caused his name to be feared and respected in foreign courts where that of Stuart was despised and neglected, command praise and admiration equally from contemporaries and from modern critics, from his friends and from his opponents.
In practical wireless telegraphy the antenna is generally a collection of wires in fan shape upheld from one or more masts or wooden towers.
During eight years (1806-1814) the chief places of the island had been garrisoned by British troops; and the commander of the force which upheld the tottering rule of Ferdinand at Palermo naturally had great authority.
Yaroslav, surnamed the Great, a man of commanding personality, was the last grand-prince who upheld vigorously the old system.
In the expected war with Poland, which followed quickly, the Russians were so successful that the arrangement was upheld; but it was soon found that the Cossacks, though they professed unbounded devotion to the Orthodox tsar, disliked Muscovite, quite as much as Polish, interference in their internal affairs, and some of their leaders were in favour of substituting federation with Poland for annexation by Russia.
Facing the main entrance is a small open shrine, consisting of a cornice and dome upheld by four pillars.
The drill is thus allowed to fall freely, instead of being partly upheld by the buoyancy of the water, as in earlier wells.
In 754 he assembled at the palace of Hiereion 338 bishops, by whom the worship of images was forbidden as opposed to all Christian doctrine and a curse pronounced upon all those who upheld it.
In 1859 he returned to Italy, where he opposed Cavour, and upheld federalism against the policy of a single Italian monarchy.
The rival legislatures united, organizing under the Nicholls government, which the commission found was upheld by public opinion.
His Demokratenbiichlein (1849), in the main a discussion of the Aristotelian theory of the state, and Die Athener and Sokrates (1837), in which, contrary to the almost universal opinion, he upheld the procedure of the Athenians as perfectly legal and their verdict as a perfectly just one, also deserve notice.
Crispi was compelled to resign office, although the judicial authorities upheld the invalidity of his early marriage, contracted at Malta in 1853, and ratified his subsequent union with Signora Barbagallo.
But while it was found impossible to enforce the staple or to close the Sound against the Dutch, other features of the monopolistic system of trade regulations were still upheld.
None the less Richard, whom even the French crusaders accepted as their leader, upheld the failing cause of the Frankish Christians with valour and tenacity.
Against Crypto-Calvinists he upheld the Lutheran view of the eucharist in his Repetitio sanae doctrinae de Vera Praesentia (1560; in German, 1561).
It was at this juncture that Tertullian, the most famous theologian of the West, left the Church whose cause he had so manfully upheld against pagans and heretics.
This work, like his Historia politica y literaria de los trovadores (1878-1879), is inaccurate, partial and unscientific; but both books are attractively written and have done great service to the cause which Balaguer once upheld.
The Turkish ambassador in London was informed by Sir Edward Grey, foreign secretary, that if it were found that Turkish suzerainty in Egypt were incompatible with the rights of the British government to interfere in Egyptian affairs, and with the British occupation, the British position in Egypt would be upheld by the whole force of the empire.
Complaints were not upheld in 217 cases, and upheld - in whole or part - in 162 cases.
They have thus upheld the true contractual nature of concordats and the mutual juridical obligation which results from them.
Public opinion upheld the government in its attitude, for all persons of common sense realized that the suspension of the public services could not be permitted for a moment in a civilized country.
The fighting spirit of the people of for iveness and endurance, upheld Guru Nanak's g p was roused and satisfied by the spiritual and military leader.
The question was referred for arbitration to the emperor of Austria, whose award published in 1880, upheld the contention of the Indians, and affirmed that the suzerainty of Nicaragua was limited by their right of self-government.
Even Ptolemy had a vague conception of a force tending toward the centre of the earth which not only kept bodies upon its surface, but in some way upheld the order of the universe.
Therefore he upheld to the full extent of his influence the cause of Germany against the Entente.
As for the author, he was no Essene, for he recognizes animal sacrifices and cherishes the Messianic hope; he was not a Sadducee, for he looks forward to the establishment of the Messianic kingdom (x.); nor a Zealot, for the quietistic ideal is upheld (ix.), and the kingdom is established by God Himself (x.).
It shows the influence of Arminian theology against Calvinism, which was vigorously upheld in the Quin-particular formula, put forward by the synod of Dort in 1619 to uphold the five points of Calvinism, after heated discussion, in which English delegates took part, of the problems of divine omniscience and human free-will.
Later, he upheld Elias, lord of La Fleche, against William Rufus, king of England, and on the recognition of Elias as count of Maine in 1100, obtained for Fulk the Young, his son by Bertrade de Montfort, the hand of Eremburge, Elias's daughter and sole heiress.
Thus Berengar of Tours (999-1088) upheld the symbolic character of the Eucharist and the superiority of the Bible over tradition.
But could Christians sufficiently numerous to deserve a long discussion by St Epiphanius in 374-377, who upheld the Synoptists, stoutly opposed the Gnostics and Montanists, and had escaped every special designation till the bishop nicknamed them the " Alogoi " (irrational rejectors of the Logos-Gospel), dare, in such a time and country, to hold such views, had the apostolic origin been incontestable ?
Former tributaries have given place to others developed with reference to the distribution of more or less easily eroded strata, the present longitudinal valleys being determined by the out-crop of soft shales or soluble limestones, and the parallel ridges upheld by hard sandstones or schists.
The two towns also, by the decision given as arbitrators at Payerne (30th December 1530), upheld their alliance with Geneva, condemned the duke to pay all the expenses of the war, and confirmed the clause as to their right to occupy Vaud; they also surrounding the exercise of the powers of vidomne by the duke with so many restrictions that in 1532 the duke, after much resistance, formally agreed to recognize the alliance of Geneva with the two towns and not to annoy the Genevese any more.
An inland extension from the coastal plain in north-central Texas leads to a large cuesta known as Grand Prairie (not structurally included in the coastal plain), upheld at altitudes of 1200 or 1300 ft.
Sentence of excommunication was passed on Friedrich in April 1871, but he refused to acknowledge it and was upheld by the Bavarian government.
An end was thus made of the "carpet-bag governments" conducted by Republican politicians from the North, some of which were very corrupt, and had been upheld mainly by the Federal forces.
In 1835-1837 and 1839-1841 Johnson was a Democratic member of the state House of Representatives, and in 1841-1843 of the state Senate; in both houses he uniformly upheld the cause of the " common people," and, in addition, opposed legislation for " internal improvements."
The suggestion has been made by Allmann and recently upheld by Schepotieff that Rhabdopleura is related to some of the Graptolites.
This being insufficient, partial extracts from papers found in Sidney's study, and supposed only to be in his handwriting, in which the lawfulness of resistance to oppression was upheld, were next relied on.
The British government at once protested against this infraction of international right, and through long and troublesome negotiations firmly upheld Canada's claims in the matter.
The case attracted much attention; and it is often erroneously said that the court upheld the disfranchising clauses of the Alabama constitution.
They upheld the cause of the people against the moneyed interests, but the charge was often brought that they appealed to the baser passions.
Speranski went on to say that honor, l'honneur, cannot be upheld by privileges harmful to the service; that honor, l'honneur, is either a negative concept of not doing what is blameworthy or it is a source of emulation in pursuit of commendation and rewards, which recognize it.
Rugby football is upheld by such notable teams as Blackheath and Richmond.