Upanishad Sentence Examples
The kaTha Upanishad says it is like walking on a razor's edge.
The kaTha upanishad says it is like walking on a razor 's edge.
The followers of Ramanuja have split into two sects, a northern one, recognizing the Vedas as their chief authority, and a southern one, basing their tenets on the Nalayir, a Tamil work of the Upanishad order.
And even amongst the adherents of the left-hand mode of worship, many of these are said to follow it as a matter of family tradition rather than of religious conviction, and to practise it in a sober and temperate manner; whilst only an extreme section - the so-called Kaulas or Kulinas, who appeal to a spurious Upanishad, the Kaulopanishad, as the divine authority of their tenets - persist in carrying on the mystic and licentious rites taught in many of the Tantras.
Ganesha's seed mantra is Gam, and verses 7 - 9 of the Ganesha Upanishad comprise a simple meditation upon it.