Up to Sentence Examples
She started crying and holding her arms up to Carmen.
If you're feeling up to it.
Lisa glanced up to find Giddon watching them thoughtfully.
He had some catching up to do, especially with Quinn.
It was up to her now.
Beginning at his dusty oxfords and indigo blue jeans, her scrutiny continued up to a neatly tucked in worn white cotton shirt with the sleeves rolled up to mid arm.
Is your ankle up to a two-step?
It was a foolish thing to say, given the circumstances, but she was up to her eyeballs with this lingering bad mood.
She walked up to the road while he waited in the truck.
She pulled the covers up to her chin and met his gaze solemnly.
AdvertisementDetermination was her motivation to stand up to the bully.
As he opened the door, a police car pulled up to the curb.
We drive up to Vermont every spring.
The rest was up to her.
Even your parents had to come up to see you.
AdvertisementWhen Alex approached Carmen about giving Tessa some money, she said it was up to him, but keep in mind that the issue could have been something like drugs.
He was unusually coordinated for such a large man, at least any she had seen up to now.
His grip on her arm loosened and she stiffened as his hand slid up to her throat.
Yancey rolled his eyes at his mother and turned his palms up to God.
He was quiet long enough to rouse her interest, and she glanced up to determine the cause of his silence.
AdvertisementHe washed and bellied up to the table, proving his statement as he delved into the food.
Half an hour later, her eyes swollen and her chest sore from sobbing, she turned her face up to the warm water in the shower.
Howie shot up to a sitting position.
In any event, I should bring him up to date.
Do you think you're up to it?
AdvertisementFrankly, I don't think either of us can stand up to this kind of pressure.
Cautiously, she crept up to the door and peered around it, jerking her head back instinctively when she spotted Yancey unlocking a door to an inner office.
No. I was thinking about driving up to my parents place today.
The house rules had been set up to protect the girls from him.
Instantly his hands came up to her elbows, forcing her arms around his neck.
We've known since he took you up to his parent's house.
Everyone was so supportive - even her parents, who came up to meet Brandon as soon as they heard the news.
She glanced up to find Brandon lounging against the door jam of her bedroom doorway.
Are you angry with me because I didn't want to go up to see your parents?
When you went up to visit his parents, how much time did you spend with them, and how much time did you spend on the ranch?
He let the wagon pull ahead and crossed behind it, speeding up to reach the seat from the other side.
If he had buttered up to her, it was merely to make his job easier.
I took my risks when I joined this group and I'm willing to face up to my responsibilities.
She crawled toward the sound and snuggled up to his warm body.
A glance out the window revealed that the snow had piled up to four or five inches.
He didn't wear a coat today and his shirtsleeves were rolled up to reveal brown muscular forearms.
A tall figure darkened the doorway and she looked up to find Cade watching her.
That meant she would have to drive to town tonight, and she wasn't feeling up to it.
I know what you're up to and thanks for the concern, but I'm fine now.
Instead, her fingers slid across the smooth muscles and up to his neck, drawing his mouth down harder on hers.
If you opened the place up to tourists, the ranch would lose its purity... but it seems such a waste.
It was the cowards' way out, but right now she wasn't up to confronting him.
The morning sunlight did the trick as the clock showed seven and I looked up to see Betsy pulling on her bathrobe.
He came up to the cabin the week before he was leaving for the seminary, four or five years later.
We still have more tests we could run but up to twenty four to forty eight hours; I'm pretty close on both time and location.
Betsy raced up to the bedroom and returned with her lap top computer.
Proving their accuracy is up to the authorities.
I think I'll mosey up to New England.
I'll be as quiet as a kitten in slippers as I creep up to the bedroom.
It will be up to Howie.
She came up to Keene to talk to me.
Coming up to bed, Ben?
I glanced up to see Martha headed toward my door.
I looked up to see Molly and Bumpus approaching.
What's she up to?
Ronnie doesn't know any of those people and he keeps saying I should step up to the plate, like it's the least I could do 'cause he already tolerates me like a bad case of hemorrhoids.
Then I asked, "Have you brought the others up to speed on what's been happening?"
I'd leave that up to his cousin Martha.
I read Martha's note to us and brought Betsy up to date on my conversation with Julie.
The bottom line is; it's up to you, Howie.
Howie must have come up to her as his voice replaced hers.
We both looked up to see Molly standing there.
Julie and Molly had catching up to do so they adjoined to their room, with plans for the pool later.
We caught up to the ambulance at the emergency room entrance just as attendants were removing a stretcher.
Detective came up to us, his phone in hand.
While he never owned up to it, Betsy and I knew he retained records of ventures into the deeper past, where Howie refused to go.
I turned on the equipment, though without Howie hooked up to it, there was no absolutely no point in doing so.
That's up to you but you'll need me to operate the machines.
I was a nervous wreck as we pulled up to a large vehicle that operated as some sort of command center.
We caught up to accident in six or seven minutes.
As we alighted, an officer I recognized from the command center strolled up to us.
His reminded her of a cobra about to strike, though he'd pulled the gun up to his shoulder.
I gotta make it up to her somehow.
Yully trotted up to her wing and pulled a spare blanket out of the main linen closet.
Jenn's gaze flew up to the strange vamp, and she followed his gaze.
The number of beings capable of killing one was less than five, and the last thing they needed was an Original Being showing up to complicate matters.
As she hopped the short distance from rocks to the ground leading up to the compound, she caught the silhouettes of two men against the cloudy sky.
Her gaze went up to Jule.
Sofia watched the scenery turn from urban to rural and recognized the roads leading up to Skyline Drive, the scenic route running through the mountains of northern Virginia.
The thought of drinking from him made her sick, and she pushed herself up to vomit.
She didn't know if it was meant for her or the woman sidling up to him.
But this time, he suspected Dusty would live up to his legend.
She drove up to the elevator entrance on the side of the draw.
Her eyes dropped to what was left of the other three then flew up to the wall.
She spotted the maroon drops on the pad of one thumb and drew his hand up to her lips.
Darkyn tipped her chin up to meet her gaze.
Deidre reached up to him and fluttered kisses across his face and neck.
Deidre pushed herself up to see his face.
That's up to other people, not us, but I can tell you we'll miss you terribly and we'd love to have you stay a part of our family.
She added, "And you grew up to be nice."
Martha sighed and popped up to a sitting position.
We're renting a Jeep and going up to see it tomorrow.
Joseph, smiling for the first time in Dean's memory, said he and Ginger planned to walk about town and perhaps hike up to the nearby Box Canyon waterfall.
I'd have been shocked if he didn't take his sweet time going up to the mine.
They snuck up to our property—up in the mountains!
Dean looked up to see just such an opportunity present itself.
They pulled up to Bird Song but Dean made no effort to alight.
One look told her he'd been up to no good.
Let's chalk it up to an inactive spring.
Dean asked, jumping up to move the meat from the splattering grease.
With Fred's approval, he dashed up to the old man's room to fire up his computer and do so.
To get away from the temptation and bring Cynthia up to date, he left the festive group of plunderers and joined his wife in their room.
The funny thing is, they're creeping up to the wrong food bowl.
A young girl—not Melissa—rushed up to Billy and hugged him like a war bride.
Both Paul and Joseph Dawkins and Brandon Westlake have been lining up to use Fred's equipment.
They asked if he was injured and assured him they'd hoist him up to the road.
Dean was seated on the step of a rescue vehicle when Lydia was pulled up to the road.
She took his hand to lead him up to the porch where Fred stood.
Fred hesitated as he rocked up to a sitting position.
Claudia called for order as Fred's friends chatted with a pair of women in the last row, no doubt bringing the new arrivals up to speed.
He left it at the desk, as he wasn't up to the small talk a personal delivery would entail.
Instead, he grabbed a plate of Cynthia's scrambled eggs and bacon and hauled the heaping plate up to his room.
He sauntered up to the table.
Just as I ran up to the wreck, it blew.
I think now that he knows you were on the mountain and you suspect something about the vodka, he realizes you heard the siren so he's setting it up to look like it was me, not him, who chased Billy.
But what Lydia suggested he was up to was the worst kind of criminal sexual harassment.
He brought Cynthia up to speed on his meeting with Lydia after confirming there was no further word on Martha's disappearance.
He brought her up to date.
We'll take you up to your land.
He filled one pad and then another as they brought him up to speed, while Mrs. Lincoln nudged his pencil for attention.
He pulled to a stop, jumped from the Jeep, and ran up to them.
Deidre ran back up to her room and looked over the assortment of shoes.
Confused, she turned her back to him and pulled her shirt up to expose the marking.
Deidre gasped, gaze flying up to him.
Around the farm and at school, he rolled his left sleeve up to make all available use of the deformed appendage, but when he dressed for church he always wanted it covered.
Her gaze continued up to the large western belt buckle that hugged his flat abdomen.
It wasn't like in the old house, where she would have slept cold, got up to a colder house and had to start a fire in an old stove, then wait an hour until she could no longer see her breath.
Carmen was waiting for Alex outside the clinic with Destiny one day when the red-headed man strolled up to the car.
She backed the car up to turn around.
Do you feel up to it?
Avoiding her eyes, he pulled the covers up to her chin and turned the lamp off.
She glanced up to find him staring at the spot on the floor.
He was quiet a moment, and finally she looked up to determine his response.
He seemed up to discussing it now.
He'd wanted to make it up to her for her life ending too soon.
Gabe climbed them, forced to go sideways to make it up to the top.
His hand slid up to her elbow, and he drew her into him, until his warmth and scent enveloped her.
He was getting tired of surprises and men he didn't want to see popping up to meet him.
She didn't feel up to it.
I told her to walk through the portals, and where she ended up, was up to me.
Still cold from the chilly beach, she went up to her room and changed into jeans and a sweater.
She reached up to her head, surprised it wasn't bandaged and she still had all her hair.
She focused on the chart he held up to the light.
It was four-thirty, and she'd never seen a cop along this stretch leading up to the nearest metro station.
She stepped back even more and clenched the purse to her body, distracted as a sleek black car pulled up to the curb.
Two, someone in our organization knew what she was when they set her up to be Toby's human guardian.
He caught up to her in the hallway.
In the distance was a dark swath of park leading up to the lit-up Eiffel Tower, which was larger than she'd imagined.
She rested on her back for a short time before forcing herself up to sit up and look around.
Instead, she drew herself up to her just above average height, and confirmed, He nearly killed me.
Molly rolled one legging up to display a tattoo similar to the tattoo around Katie's neck.
She was barely on her feet and debated whether or not she'd get up to turn off the light or fall asleep right there.
A shadow blocked the hot Caribbean sun, and she looked up to see Rhyn in his pterodactyl form circling above them.
You ever find it odd you feel comfortable waking up to find me here?
Gabriel put the gems away and looked up to see her slight frame standing beside the sarcophagus.
She looked up to find both hideous beasts staring at her, drooling.
Almost done! she belted and scrambled up to lock the door.
Sasha was far too chopped up to be alive.
And thank you for talking me up to Mr. Hardy.
Romas caught up to her and swept her into his arms for a quick kiss.
Evelyn left Kiera's room with a frown, uncertain how to make everything up to her friend.
He pushed her sleeve up to see her band.
She caught up to Mansr at long last.
If it were up to me, I'd take you back to Qatwal and mate you to one of my brothers, but Evey forbade it, he snapped.
She trotted to catch up to them, trailing.
He looked up to see the boy standing above him, holding out a small spiral notebook.
Donnie turned and ran up to her, gave her a hug and then scampered from the parlor as she entered.
Dean got up to get a fresh piece of pie.
Donnie ran up to his mother and gave her a hug.
Go up to bed now, Donnie.
Dean returned to Bird Song and brought Cynthia up to date on his conversation with Sheriff Weller over a quiet lunch of soup and grilled cheese.
After last summer's adventures, we're up to any task!
No other guests were due to arrive for a few days and with the housework up to date, thanks to the temporary help of Janet, the Deans decided to try out the fresh snow on the cross country trails on Red Mountain.
Dean asked as Ryland skied up to his son and tried to console him.
Some guy came up to him—not a skier, but whoever he was, it frightened the boy.
Dean waited, up to his elbows in flour.
I'll leave that research up to Fred.
The group walked up to the ice park climbing area from Bird Song.
While Dean had wandered up to the area with Cynthia's son Randy on a few occasions, she had steadfastly stayed away.
They came up to a steel trestle that held the ancient penstock above an open gorge.
All were out of sight below except for Mick and Penny who were just now scrambling up to the path.
There was a small clearing where the trail opened up to a spectacular view of winter time Mount Abrams.
He strolled up to them as if he was on a city street, not alone in the Colorado woods.
She reached up to unclasp her now-blonde hair, dropping it in a cascade about her shoulders.
Just then he looked up to see Jerome Shipton sauntering down the stairs.
He looked up to see a shocked Donald Ryland step out of his room.
When Dean looked up to where Edith Shipton had stood, she had retreated up the stairs.
I'll ice climb during the day, then drive back up to Grand Junction.
She plans to move up to Grand Junction, so Donnie can be near me.
He can't expect to keep sneaking up to visit her indefinitely and hope to get away with it.
After milling about until nearly nine o'clock, the entire group began to trek up to the ice park and, as Claire Quincy put it, view this craziness.
We have to get you up to Indiana.
You're not thinking of going up to Indiana are you?
Everyone was pretty damn busy wrapping him up to haul him out of there, just trying to keep him alive.
Dean managed to whistle down a young boy who agreed to use his snow blower on Dean's unfinished sidewalk, for an amount Dean considered ridiculous, but he knew he needed to get up to snuff on Shipton's fall before he was totally on the defensive.
He left Bird Song, telling Janet where he was going and together with Fred, hiked up to the ice park to where Shipton had fallen.
As Dean and his stepfather neared the bridge, they looked up to see a uniformed City of Ouray police man pointing at him.
That means it's up to you and me to solve this caper.
He looked up to see the stars beginning to twinkle as the clouds moved out.
Too much time bellying up to the bar?
Just west of the intersection, he pulled up to Cimarron Books, a small combination bookstore and coffee shop.
I'm not sure I'm up to this job anymore.
Donald brought Donnie up to meet me, before the cops dragged him back down here.
Dean brought Fred up to date on not only the telephone call to his wife, but his meeting with Weller and his speculation that Cynthia might have seen Donnie Ryland near the accident scene.
I sent her up to the ice park.
Donald talked about some sort of joint custody when he brought him up to meet me.
Donnie blushed and Martha pretended she didn't hear so it was up to Dean to introduce her.
When the two returned to Bird Song, Donnie met Martha at the stairs and tugged her up to his and Edith's second floor room.
Stopping her seemed not to enter Dean's mind as she placed a chair in the middle of the room, looking up to make sure it was directly beneath the hanging brass fixture.
You're just not up to your usual detective-sharpness so I'm taking on the bulk of this here investigation.
That she give birth to the baby and march up to the parsonage steps?
He considered stopping for a beer or two but realized bellying up to the bar was no solution to life's problems.
I could tell something happened because everyone was running up to the area but Donnie was just skipping down the trail.
Fred offered to go up to Duckett's Market for boxes and give up closet space to temporarily store the large pile.
You'd have to get back up to where you started anyway, unless you're going out in another direction.
Mick and I will take you up to the ice park if you want to give it a go.
As Dean peddled up to Bird Song, he saw no unfamiliar cars.
I'm going up to the ice park!
I can't see why the fact that he used a pen would send you dashing up to the ice park and half kill yourself.
The whole business with Annie Quincy leads up to a similar suicide.
Sarah usually made her beaus understand that vampirism isn't all it is cracked up to be, and she would not wish this life on anyone.
The power ended up to be hardly worth the aggravation.
At times he couldn't reach, and it would be up to Sarah.
Let's just chalk this up to a pleasant hour with a stranger.
She pursed her lips in a pout, and then jumped up to a music cabinet and opened a drawer.
As they neared the car, he held the keys up to her.
She held one up to an ear.
She brushed her lips up to his ear.
We had such a fun time at Elisabeth's and when we got home we had a nightcap and went up to bed and, well, you know...When we were done, we talked for a while and then he asked me.
She went up to tell Connor what had happened then back down to the drawing room.
Sarah sighed and tilted her head up to him.
She glanced up to find that date smiling down at her.
Sarah brought Elisabeth up to speed about the Halloween gala and asked if she would like to help plan it.
She pulled the collar up to her nose and inhaled deeply.
He considered the first night they met and how differently it would have played out if he had caught up to her in the parking lot.
Nikolai trotted after them and backed up to the sofa between Jackson and Elisabeth.
He pulled up to the front of the house and ran straight to the fridge.
I'm going up to the music room for a while.
I'll make it up to you later.
The full-length, sequined halter gown she wore clung to every curve and sported slits on both sides clear up to the hip.
Connor had made his way up to them.
He carried the sleeping wolf upstairs, placed her on the bed, and then pulled a chair up to wait.
Elisabeth was setting up to work in her studio as Jackson stood in the doorway, arms crossed, watching her.
I was so tired last night I didn't even wake up to add wood.
I told you it was his idea to come up to see me.
They sprinted across the floor and leaped up to the elevated platforms, poking their soft muzzles into the stanchions to gobble the grain.
She stood and scooted her chair up to the cabinets.
Carmen had her door open and was exiting the car when she glanced up to find Alex ready to help her out.
She sat down and pulled her chair up to the table, glancing to see how Bill would react.
She plopped down in the chair and pulled her socks off, holding her feet up to the stove.
She snatched the blanket and modestly drew it up to her chin.
So that was why you came up to watch the goats kid.
So he had come up to entice Katie back.
What are they up to?
It was Katie who had said he was coming up to watch the goats kid.
Her hands operated on their own as they pushed against the inside of his shirt collar and snaked up to his neck.
He strode up to Alex as he joined them.
Planning ahead was a good thing up to a point.
You told me you were coming up to see the goats give birth.
Alex lifted his brows and turned his palms up to the ceiling in defeat.
His dark gaze returned to the box, and he reached up to the earpiece as he moved away from the others.
Flares went up to the east and south.
Her eyes flickered up to him then down again.
He looked up to find Dan studying him closely.
He followed Tony through the underground world and up to the town above.
Death was waiting for Gabriel when he dozed off. He'd planned on staying awake and moving so she wouldn't catch up to them, but even he needed a short nap after three straight days of grueling travel in the underworld.
He didn't feel up to the task, not when failure meant breaking the man he viewed as his brother.
He looked up instinctively, sensing something different about this thunder. It didn't sound like the rumbling thunder he'd heard in the mortal world. It sounded like an explosion in the sky. The jungle canopy blocked his view, so he leapt up to catch the branch of the nearest tree. He scaled the tree quickly, stopping only when he broke through the layers of leaves. More tiny explosions came, and he twisted to see what they were.
Dean felt a movement behind him and looked up to see a young man in his early twenties looking down at him.
Dean began packing up to leave but Mayer drew him aside.
If it sank up there, it'd most likely float up to the surface after a few days or a week and then drift back down this way with the tide.
Vinnie, you son-of-a-bitch, you'll be a dead man if I catch up to you!
Dean walked up to the open driver's side window, startling the man behind the wheel, mid-bite in his hamburger.
I got to catch a plane back up to Boston—tickets for the Symphony and stuff like that.
She, in turn, brought him up to date.
I've been up to the Whitney Motel.
I get to clean up the crumbs on the Byrne business and you get to play chauffeur for the federal guy—take him up to meet your old football buddy.
Sackler brought Dean up to date on his recent stay with Baratto but nothing of importance was learned.
Larry Harrigan was packing up to leave.
No one can follow the car and beat the pick up to the spot— it happens too quickly.
I know, because the twins always went up to Scranton on Wednesday night 'cause that's when this country and western band they liked played.
You should come up to Parkside.
Dean sped up to 80 miles an hour and turned across three lanes to an exit while the Ford tried vainly, but unsuccessfully, to follow.
She was sobbing uncontrollably and he pulled her soaked frame up to him, trying to wrap his raincoat around her shaking body.
She caught up to him at the door, surprising him with the quiet of her bare feet on the carpet and gave him a hug from behind, burying her head against his back and holding on for a long while.
Fred was back at it with his notes and was anxious to bring Dean up to date on the progress he'd make in Dean's absence.
Earlier he'd signed up to take his July vacation in Iowa, biking the 400 miles across that state on a seven-day bike tour known as "RAGBRAI," named for the sponsoring Des Moines Register newspaper.
If he isn't up to it, give me a call!
Dean asked to have Cynthia call when she felt up to it but he didn't mention that someone had broken into his home too.
In the first two hours at his desk, 20 people came up to Dean inquiring about poor Fred O'Connor.
Each time Dean put the Byrne disappearance to rest in his mind, another nagging item popped up to renew his attention.
It was enough that he'd inadvertently set her up to be burglarized by two hoods who might have killed her had she been home.
Every time we're a whisker away from nailing Byrne, something crops up to slam the door in our face.
The two men downed a second cup of coffee as Dean brought Fred up to date, relating his phone conversation with Cece Baldwin.
I guess dad's dying and all finally caught up to her.
I don't know what Arthur Atherton is up to but he has no more evidence your husband is alive than the man in the moon.
Did you fess up to her?
We ran a quick check on him and he was up to his ass in debt.
Later that evening, while Dean and his stepfather were filling their faces with apple pie and ice cream and feeling sorry for themselves about their lack of progress in finding Byrne, a young man strolled up to them with a smile on his face.
Where did you catch up to Jeffrey Byrne?
I only heard your voice once—when you biked up to Bascomb Place.
Indigo jeans outlined the long lean muscles in his thighs, and the sleeves of his western shirt were rolled up to reveal tanned muscular forearms.
Who's going to take you up to the mountain now?
Waking up to a cold house wouldn't be near as bad after a night sleeping next to his warm body.
Hopefully he hadn't come over to walk her up to the mountain.
Back in bed, she pulled the covers up to her chin.
When he didn't answer, she looked up to see why.
A slow smile worked its way up to his eyes.
When she spotted something below the tree line, she walked up to investigate.
She got a large garbage bag out of the house and went back up to the deer carcass.
Friday morning Alex called and said he was picking her up to go out for the evening.
For all she knew, he could be in debt up to his eyeballs.
Boots crunched on gravel and she looked up to find Alex watching her.
She glanced up to find him watching her.
I hope I can live up to your expectations, Mrs. Barnett.
After a brief moment of thanks, she looked up to find Alex watching her.
The flush crept up to her cheeks.
She gasped with surprise and looked up to find Josh standing at the gate watching her with a strange expression.
Alex walked up to the gate and gazed down at her with a somber expression.
Do you think we could ride up to the mountain?
I'm up to a little adventure.
What have you been up to?
She had a feeling of being watched and glanced up to find Alex lounging on the window seat, watching her reflectively.
She heaved the heavy luggage up to the bed.
The next day the nurse got her up to walk.
The twins came barreling up to her, nearly knocking her down.
As if she had been in a dream and was now waking up to reality.
A sound caught her attention and she glanced up to see Alex entering the corral on Ed.
It's up to you.
He had a hand on her waist and Carmen glanced up to find Katie watching them intently.
She leaned back against the wall and drew her knees up to her chest.
What was he up to?
I just wanted to go up to that room.
Instead they walked up to the road and around to the house.
She's always throwing it up to me — how good he is.
Do you feel up to going to see her?
She ran faster to catch up to him and saw the small group at the bottom of the hill.
Dustin ran up to the young man Jenn assumed was his master, and the golden eyes at once told her who this Damian was.
It sidled up to him and wound between his legs until he picked it up.
Jenn's troubled gaze flickered up to him again.
And then, it's up to my wits to keep me alive.
He couldn't imagine waking up to find an Other sitting in the corner.
Darian's gaze flew up to her face.
With a lick of her lips, she flickered her gaze up to his again then down, a smile playing across her face.