Unusually Sentence Examples
Last October I heard of an unusually bright little girl in Texas.
After the service, Alex was unusually silent.
Maybe he was unusually hungry.
She was unusually pleased by the idea.
He was unusually tender and kind to me, and for a brief space the shadow lifted.
But Bordeaux was an unusually good-looking man - and that spelled trouble.
It was a fine day, sunny after rain, and the air was unusually pure.
Only blindness could have prevented her from knowing that she was unusually attractive.
Mary stood by, unusually quiet, but when Cade left she found her voice.
Alex was unusually quiet through breakfast and she assumed he was thinking about that darkness thing.
AdvertisementThey are the only ones, Darkyn's growl was unusually soft, almost a purr.
He was unusually coordinated for such a large man, at least any she had seen up to now.
Frustrated when he was around, she couldn't help but feel unusually alone when he was gone.
The bloodied arm was making her unusually lightheaded.
Kris watched the door to the guest bedchamber close, unusually hopeful about his discovery.
AdvertisementHer unusually swift stride outdistanced both of them.
This skull is unusually schizognathous, the vomer (v.) being very small, and the maxillo - palatine process (mxp) much aborted.
The few supplies she had would barely last the night, especially since the flow was unusually heavy.
Darian looked unusually calm.
Golitsuin was unusually well educated.
AdvertisementEven Mr. Cade had hinted that it was unusually large.
His gaze was unusually intense as he struggled to control his emotions.
Their expressions were unusually sober.
Evelyn sounded unusually pensive.
But Fred was being unusually patient.
AdvertisementAlex was back by lunch and unusually quiet when they sat down to eat.
The wood covers were unusually cool to his touch, and a shiver went up his arm.
The Mosquito Indians, of whom there are several tribes, are an unusually intelligent people, short of stature and very dark-skinned.
As nearly every house is surrounded by a courtyard or garden, the town covers an unusually large area for the number of its inhabitants.
He was unusually tall, and possessed in advanced years a strange and rather terrifying air of sombre majesty.
For an unusually long period this particular poetry had occupied public and professional opinion, and all the commonplace things about it had been said and re-said to satiety.
The years spent at Jena were unusually productive; indeed, the completed Fichtean philosophy is contained in the writings of this period.
Bricked vault tombs were discovered containing bodies outstretched (not contracted); the deposits were of an unusually fine character and comprised silve, alabaster and even iron.
The very large mass of detail collected at these inquiries entails an unusually long time spent in compilation; the statistics of population, accordingly, are available considerably in advance of those relating to production and industries.
That year, however, was an unusually bad year; the lamperns, from their scarcity, fetched £8, ios.
Unlike Australia, its geological structure is unusually varied, and owing to its instability, it includes, for its size, an unusually complete series of marine sedimentary rocks.
He had written a popular history of the late war, the first volume having an immense sale and bringing him unusually large profits.
The original materials for a life of St Columba are unusually full.
All plant life has a remarkably large proportion of subterranean growth, because of the necessity of getting moisture from the earth and not from the air; hence roots and tubers are unusually well developed.
When, on the outbreak of the Swedish war of 1809, the emperor ordered the army to take advantage of an unusually severe frost and cross the ice of the Gulf of Finland, it was only the presence of Arakcheev that compelled an unwilling general and a semi-mutinous army to begin a campaign which ended in the conquest of Finland.
Freeman remarks, "it is an excellent example of a small cathedral of its own style and plan, with unusually little later alteration."
Nevertheless along the whole line some kind of surveillance was established long before the close of 1861, and, in proportion as the number of vessels available increased, the blockade became more and more stringent, until at last it was practically unbreakable at any point save by the fastest steamers working under unusually favourable conditions of wind and weather.
Hence field fortifications played an unusually prominent part, time and material being available as a rule for works of solid construction.
Buchan describes the island-studded portion of the western Pacific as the most extensive region of the globe characterized by an unusually heavy rainfall.
The abnormal connective tissue in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome leads to trouble with wound healing and unusually stretchy skin.
A manicurist patient of Dr. Stuart Nordstrom pointed out that the odor of a temporary tooth cap was unusually similar to that of the materials used to mold porcelain nails.
If you're under-eye skin is unusually transparent, you are more likely to exhibit circles no matter what you do.
It may seem like Italy has an unusually large number of different police forces, but when you think about it, it's no different in most countries.
This mountainous district, having the sea to the west, records an unusually heavy rainfall.
An unusually able ruler, connected by marriage with the powerful Servian dynasty of Nemanya, and by treaty with the republic of Ragusa, 2 Kulin perceived in the new doctrines a barrier between his subjects and Hungary.
The weather during the whole of October had been unusually wet, the swollen Danube overflowed the low ground and the roads had become quagmires.
As a whole the coasts are unusually mountainous, and Greenland forms in this respect an interesting exception, as there is no other known land of such a size so filled along its coasts on all sides with high mountains and deep fjords and valleys.
Its harbour was extremely busy and the surrounding country unusually fertile.
Sankey were found by Ewing to give the following results, which, however, are regarded as being unusually favourable.
On the other hand, an unusually large tergal plate, whether terminal or in the series, is not always due to fusion of the dorsal plates of once-separate somites, but is of ten a case of growth and enlargement of a single somite without formation of any trace of a new somite.
Silver fox is one of the most valuable of all furs, as much as £480 having been given for an unusually fine pair of skins in 1902.
The place was modernized about a generation ago by Zia Pasha, the poet, when governor, and is now an unusually well built Turkish town with good bazaar and khans and a fine clock-tower.
Gardens extend for miles along the river, and the bazaars and khans are unusually large.
The air is unusually dry, owing to the proximity of the Kalahari Desert on the west and to the interception on the east by the Drakensberg of the moisture bearing clouds from the Indian Ocean.
The Prussian army, now called the "Army of the Main," of three divisions (one being unusually strong), had next to deal with the 7th (Bavarians) and 8th (other South Germans) Federal corps in the valley of the Main.
In 663 it founded the settlement of Acrae, in 643 Casmenae, 4 and in 598 Camarina, of which the first was unusually far inland.
His compendium is entirely wanting in originality, and perhaps unusually destitute of common sense, but it became so popular as to be reprinted up to the end of the 16th century.
The substance of that knight's alleged travels in India and Cathay is stolen from Odoric, though amplified with fables from other sources and from his own invention, and garnished with his own unusually clear astronomical notions.
The scars left by the fallen leaves are unusually large and prominent.
A feature of the new city is the unusually large proportion of woods and arable land within its bounds.
The earthquake shocks of the 30th and 31st of July 1909 were unusually severe throughout southern Mexico, reducing Acapulco and Chilpancingo to ruins and shaking the city of Mexico severely.
The agricultural resources of Mexico are large and unusually varied, as they comprise some of the cereals and other food products of the temperate zone, and most of the leading products of the tropics.
His genius was unusually rich and versatile; his artistic conscience always alert and sober.
As these lakes are great reservoirs and settling basins, the rivers which empty them are unusually steady in level and contain beautifully clear water.
The horses of Batangas are unusually strong and active.
In the presidential election of 1880 the Republican party carried the day after an unusually quiet canvass, a result largely due to popular contentment with the then existing state of public affairs.
To the unbroken splendours of his military career, to his honourable and conscientious labours as a parliamentary statesman, life unusually prolonged added an evening of impressive beauty and calm.
The choir is largely constructed of brick, and thus affords an unusually early example of the use of this material in English ecclesiastical architecture.
Finally, the Philippine Rhynchornys is represented by a rat with two pairs of molars and a long shrew-like nose, the zygomatic arch of the skull being also placed unusually far backward.
Many of them, like ungulates, are specialized for swift running, and have unusually long limbs, with ridges developed on the articular surfaces of the lower bones; the clavicles are more or less reduced; the thorax is more compressed than usual, with a narrower breast-bone; and there is a marked tendency to the reduction or loss of the lateral toes, more especially in the hind limb.
The short-tailed rabbit of the western United States (Brachylagus idahoensis) is the sole member of a group allied in general characters to the typical Lepus, but distinguished by the unusually short tail.
The rainfall is unusually heavy.
That the vegetation during this period was unusually exuberant there can be no doubt, and that a general uniformity of climatic conditions prevailed is shown not only by the wide distribution of coal measures, but by the uniformity of plant types over the whole earth.
Learned he was not, but he had naturally bright and clear understanding, an unusually good memory, and a marvellous capacity for taking pains.
Its situation is very beautiful, the moist climate (mean annual rainfall, 74 in.) fostering on the steep surrounding hills a vegetation unusually luxuriant for the latitude.
The pharmacopeial tincture may be given in doses of five to fifteen minims, and the infusion has the unusually small dose of two to four drachms - the dose of other infusions being an ounce or more.
The Swedish Expedition (17) of 1899-1902, engaged in measuring an arc of the meridian in Spitsbergen, were unusually well provided spectrographically, and succeeded in taking photographs of aurora in conjunction with artificial lines-chiefly of hydrogen-which led to results claiming exceptional accuracy.
If it exists, it is presumably confined to cases when the auroral discharge comes unusually low.
His reign was unusually long for a Greek tyrant, and his career furnished a model for other rulers and invaders of Sicily.
The town is unusually well and solidly built, good stone being obtained near at hand.
The succession of archaeological types revealed in them has been tabulated by Petrie in his Diospolis Parva; and the detailed publication of Reisners unusually careful researches is bringing much new light on the questions involved, amongst other things showing the exact point at which the prehistoric series merges into the 1st Dynasty, for, as might be surmised, in many cases the prehistoric cemeteries continued in use under the earliest dynasties.
Most of us can wake somewhere about a desired although unusually early hour, if overnight we desire much to do so.
They are unusually interesting from the fact that many of the exposed slabs in the walls of the chambers are ornamented with spirals and other devices, rudely incised.
The Langaza tomb had unusually elaborate architectural ornaments and two pairs of doors, one of wood, the other of marble.
The family tie between all the Carlyles was unusually strong, and Thomas regarded his father with a reverence which found forcible expression in his Reminiscences.
He delivered an address there on the 2nd of April 1866, unusually mild in tone, and received with general applause.
The antlers make their appearance at an unusually early age.
The elevation at which human residence is possible seems to be unusually high in Ecuador.
He took the various degrees in an unusually brief time.
As is always the case with large-eared animals, the tympanic bullae of the skull are of unusually large size; the size varying in the different genera according to that of the ears.
A majority of the members elected to each of the two houses suffices to propose a constitutional amendment, which the people may then accept by a mere majority of all votes cast at an election for the legislature (an unusually democratic provision); no more than three amendments, however, can be proposed or submitted at the same time.
The fundamental principle of the System der Ethik is carried out with great strength of thought, and with an unusually complete command of ethical material.
All schools are generously supported, salaries are unusually good, and pension funds in all cities are authorized by state laws.
A portion of this province in which weak rocks predominate gives an unusually broad valley region, known as the Valley of Virginia, drained by the Shenandoah river, and the headwaters of the James, Roanoke, New, and Holston rivers, which dissect the broad valley floor into gently rolling low hills.
Here the articulation of the ocular segment is unusually distinct, and here two characters quite foreign to all the preceding groups come into view.
Thus, though the generally higher proportion of females in the community may seldom be enough to depress more than slightly the death-rate as a whole, it has a substantial effect upon it at the ages where women are in more marked numerical predominance, as in later life, and in places where the number of domestic servants is unusually great.
If we add to this account that he seems to have been of an unusually amiable disposition we have a fairly complete picture of his mental character at this critical period of his life.
As his advancement at the bar was unusually rapid, his uncle's influence may have been exerted in his behalf.
The tract is unusually interesting, for in it he discusses at some length the limits of science, the origin of things and the nature of primitive matter, giving at the same time full notices of Democritus among the ancient philosophers and of Telesio among the modern.
His judgment was unusually clear, his principles solid and well founded, his sincerity and honesty beyond question; and to these qualities he united an admirable style, lucid, precise and well balanced.
Although the whole of Kamrup appears from time to time to have been united into one kingdom under some unusually powerful monarch, it was more often split up into numerous petty states; and for several centuries the Koch, the Ahom and the Chutia powers contested for the Assam valley.
The tower, at the intersection of the nave and transepts, is of unusually massive proportions, being 30 ft.
It is true that, primarily a soldier, his whole ambition was directed towards military glory; but he was also an unusually sharp-sighted politician.
In three of them at least - the whey cure, the grape cure and the meat cure-a diminution in one or other of the solid constituents of food is associated with the ingestion of an unusually large quantity of water.
The books of travel of this century are unusually important because their authors were often the first Europeans to visit or at least to study the countries they refer to.
His language in approval of the resistance of the colonists was unusually bold, and perhaps no one but himself could have employed it with impunity at a time when the freedom of debate was only imperfectly conceded.
The Latin is unusually clean for the times, and is generally fairly classical both in vocabulary and construction.
But the Bulgarians had skilfully exploited their primacy during the first war to induce the European press and public to regard Serbians and Greeks as mere satellites,' and, as is not unusually the case with successful propaganda, they had come to believe in it themselves, fortified in the belief by fulsome compliments addressing them as the "Prussians of the Balkans" and the "Japanese of the West."
The line of the defenders was unusually dense; Edward, in forming up on an equal front with greatly superior numbers, found his army almost hopelessly cramped.
Galen, who in his youth was carefully trained in the Stoic philosophy, was an unusually prolific writer on logic. Of the numerous commentaries and original treatises, a catalogue of which is given in his work De propriis libris, one only has come down to us, the treatise on Fallacies in dictione (IIepi TWV KaTa T1jv M Gi' oocio-µarouv).
At this time Lyons was the centre and to a great extent the headquarters of an unusually enlightened society, and indirectly it is clear that Rabelais became intimate with this society.
It has a soft paste with irregular layers of light and dark colour and is covered with unusually green poppy leaves.
His appointive power is unusually large.
Its rostrum is unusually long, being five-sixths of the body length in the female, and slightly shorter in the male.
New Orleans was unusually healthy and orderly during the Butler regime.
Nevertheless, as indicated by the unusually large proportion of farmers who either own their farms or pay cash rent for them, farming usually is profitable.
His power of appointment is unusually extensive and the advice and consent of the council (instead of that of the Senate as in other states) are required for his appointments.
The result was three pups, all in make and markings pure terriers, and one of the three was regarded as an unusually good specimen of the breed.
Marsivan is an unusually European place both in its aspect and the commodities procurable in the bazaar.
The wood consists of tracheids, with circular bordered pits on their radial walls, and in the late summer wood pits are unusually abundant on the tangential walls.
The town itself consists of well-built and unusually handsome native bazaars, and of spacious streets devoted to European commerce.
The egg of the pilchard is very easily distinguished from other pelagic eggs by the unusually large space separating the vitelline membrane from the contained ovum.
His fortitude is the more extraordinary because his domestic feelings were unusually strong.
Originally devoted (as Gordon's Hospital) to the instruction and maintenance of the sons of poor burgesses of guild and trade in the city, it was reorganized in 1881 as a day and night school for secondary and technical education, and has since been unusually successful.
In these the tentacles are stunted or suppressed and the mesenteries are ill-developed, but the sulcus is unusually large and has long cilia.
The special characteristic of the breed is that the ewes take the ram at an unusually early period of the year, and cast ewes are in demand for breeding house lamb for Christmas.
The climate of Indiana is unusually equable.
Indiana is unusually well served with railways, which form a veritable network of track in every part of the state.
But the contemporary literature of the French Revolution requires to be read in an unusually critical spirit.
In the end, thanks to an unusually powerful memory and determined energy, he acquired a knowledge of seven or eight tongues besides his own, including ancient and modern Greek.
In Sweden the few farms of the Swedes who inhabit the region are on the lake shores, and the traveller must be rowed from one to another in the typical boats of the district, pointed at bow and stern, unusually low amidships, and propelled by short sculls or paddles.
The wild life of the Servian highlands is unusually varied.
In 1903 he was elected as a representative of the Catholic Centre party in the Reichstag, and soon, by virtue of his unusually varied activities, took a leading position in the parliamentary party.
The Irish government was given to him for ten years on unusually liberal terms. He ingratiated himself with both races, taking care to avoid identification with any particular family.
Hence the student must be prepared to find that, for the most part, there are no sharp divisions to mark the extent of the various races composing the population, but than the number of what may be termed " transitional " peoples is unusually large.
In view of the gravity of the occasion Philip made an unusually extended appeal to public opinion by convoking the states-general at Notre-Dame in Paris (1302).
The unusually outspoken and pointed expression, however, of his disinclination to submit to Muscovite duplicity or to "pin-pricks" or "unmannerliness" from France was criticized on the score of discretion by a wider circle than that of his political adversaries.
Anne's and Sacred Heart of Mary, both Roman Catholic. The municipal museum of art, in Jefferson Avenue, contains some unusually interesting Egyptian and Japanese collections, the Scripps' collection of old masters,other valuable paintings, and a small library; free lectures on art are given here through the winter.
Aldrich was a man of unusually varied gifts.
The young penguins, clad in thick down, are born blind and are fed by the parents for an unusually long time before taking to the water.
The Temple of the Magician crowns an unusually steep pyramid 240 X 180 ft.
The ferry over an unusually deep and narrow part of the Euphrates has been used from time immemorial in the passage from North Syria to Haran (Charrae), Edessa and North Mesopotamia, and was second in importance only to that at Thapsacus, by which crossed the route to Babylon and South Mesopotamia.
Birejik was the scene of an unusually cruel massacre and persecution of Armenians in 1895.
He felt unusually protective of the vulnerable human on the bed before him.
Her gaze was unusually steady and clear, as if she were already a legendary Oracle capable of seeing through whatever was before her.
The demon relented after a brief struggle, but something about its unusually quick surrender bothered her.
Ingrid was unusually quiet.
The HL was unusually candid about its reliance on policy and principle as well as precedent.
Unusually, grazing levels appear to be low enough to allow the development of mountain avens heath on slopes open to grazing animals.
They may worry about simple things like dropping a cup, forgetting a name or becoming unusually bad-tempered.
Unusually the castle has two baileys both of which originally had stone walls.
Unusually, however, she has also reached the same successful heights playing tenor banjo.
Most unusually, within 4 days, he was transferred to 2 Nd battalion, Border Regiment.
At the center of the room is the State Bed, made of an unusually rich material - crimson silk damask brocaded in gold.
They describe an English speaking ab initio student of German who exhibited an unusually strong tendency to use word coinage and lexical innovation.
You have behaved in an banana guide unusually considerate manner.
It is unusually harsh criticism, especially coming from a close ally.
Hallucinations, unusually vivid daydreams or nightmares, are not uncommon for ventilated GBS patients.
In bonds, they bet that interest rates will remain low, inflation benign and borrower default levels at unusually low rates.
They consolidated their hold on what were, in terms of western European norms of the time, unusually large demesnes.
Unusually, the play has yet another denouement; perhaps more important than the revelation of Cassie's affair with Michael.
Here the female identity of family devotion intersects unusually with ' male heroics of action ' (70 ).
Unusually downstairs had been turned into a trashy 80s disco for some golf tournament.
Unusually, we are also told the number of dietary items in the data dredge, namely 67.
Note that the flash drives we have claim to require 500mA, which is unusually high for a flash drive.
Andy, unusually effusive, was able to provide details of the " French Connection " .
James Vaughan gave an unusually unemotional performance as an Arab emissary.
One hot morning, feeling unusually energetic, we caught the number 10 bus to Coral Bay.
The clock has a " dead-beat escapement " which would make it unusually accurate for a long-case clock.
Investigations, our experienced team include ex Inland Revenue inspectors and unusually for a local firm we also deal with special compliance office cases.
The last part of his talk mentioned that while working on a particular female figurehead he unusually took deliver of another.
Dry Fly ' Dry Fly ' is a passionate fly fisher who, unusually, fishes dry fly exclusively and with no exceptions.
In an unusually frank and forthright address at th... read more.
Ankyloglossia is a congenital oral anomaly characterized by an unusually short lingum frenulum on the underside of the tongue.
Barry Gunner, as the reverend gentleman whose daughter is the first to be stricken by devil fever, has unusually good diction.
Unusually, it combines this hardness with a degree of toughness, so the deposit can stand up to high stress contact.
Here, UNISON successfully overturned an injunction granted in an unusually trenchant judgment by a deputy High Court judge.
Poodles are unusually sensitive to vocal intonation, probably one of the reasons they are so easy to train.
If you wake up with a headache and feel unusually irritable, measure your blood sugar at about 3am.
At the unusually late age of 38 Prior had become a formal logician.
Patients with persistent generalized lymphadenopathy do not have unusually large lymph nodes.
However, in an unusually clear example of jury nullification, the pair were acquitted, and the order was accordingly discharged.
Another remote risk to life is from unusually severe reactions to hyperstimulation of the ovaries by the hormones used to induce multiple ovulation.
Unusually for sheep they barely moved to avoid us as we walked past.
It appears that for officials the national identity of Ukrainian peasants was an unusually sensitive matter.
That Sunday afternoon, once the unusually persistent headache had cleared, I staggered in to try the food.
A popular calling place for walkers and more unusually for thirsty helicopter pilots - there is a helicopter pad outside!
The LPS also interacts unusually with the cationic cyclic peptide polymyxin (PMB) to enhance rather than suppress pro-inflammatory cytokines (1 ).
Unusually satirical today, he plies the unwilling veil across, now prostrate in humility.
We fulfilled all our build up targets and during the days set aside for exhibitor snagging our Service Desk was unusually quiet.
In particular, the group included an unusually large quotient of female composers.
The warning signs are an increase in size or discomfort of an exostosis after growth has stopped, or unusually rapid growth of one.
As well as the bone comb, an unusually large red deer metapodial skate was recovered.
Unusually, some houses have restrictive covenants written in which prevent certain activities being carried out.
Young Sidney studied piano at the Blackheath Conservatoire, where he soon displayed evidence of an unusually retentive memory.
Unusually, Professor Scott has his office in the outpatient department rather than in the nearby Weston education center where academic rheumatology is based.
Devon produced serges or " long ells ", unusually long cloths with combed wool warps and carded wool wefts in a twill weave.
Each of the target countries has experienced unusually severe climatic conditions in recent years, often with life-changing consequences.
The apartment is very comfortable and unusually spacious, especially for the center of Val d'Isère.
I was quite speechless at this unusually brave behavior.
He writes that the winter freeze has been unusually severe, which accounts for the ice stalagmites.
In the 54th minute Adie Orr came on to replace Dave Swarbrick who had been unusually subdued.
It isn't clear that people with neuromuscular diseases are unusually susceptible to the nerve or muscle damaging effects of statins.
Notice the unusually tall streetlights - they're tall enough for traffic on the sliproad, but serve the mainline as well.
Animals that appear unusually tame may be dying of rabies.
The veteran actor makes his man of the cloth both admirable and ambiguous - the heart and soul of an unusually thoughtful film.
An epidemic of acquired systemic toxoplasmosis involving an unusually high number of cases of ocular disease occurred in 1995 in Canada.
Unusually two red tridents follow each other down George Street.
After performing about a zillion tests, we found a 1-inch alloy dome tweeter that has unusually smooth response along with excellent power handling.
Except during unusually cold or windy weather, leave the roof ventilators slightly open throughout the night.
Unusually oriented with west at the top, it includes a vignette of Powhatan.
However, I have since been told that, unusually, this church is opened up on summer weekday afternoons.
We've found that this regrowth rarely achieves maturity, and only in unusually wet areas is repeat action necessary.
Unusually for a walking jacket there are underarm zips too.
But it was as a literary critic of unusually clever style and an original vein of wit, that he first became known to the public, with his volume of essays entitled Obiter Dicta (1884).
For the ratio of the mean value of I + to the mean value of I_, the Letter Q Is Employed By Gockel (55), Who Has Made An Unusually Complete Study Of Ionic Charges At Freiburg.
In spite of an unusually large crop of scandals about him we cannot but believe that he bore an honourable character, and his integrity is vouched for by Thucydides in such strong terms as to exclude all further doubt on the question.
The Fancies Chaste and Noble (acted before 1636, printed 1638), though it includes scenes of real force and feeling, is dramatically a failure, of which the main idea is almost provokingly slight and feeble; and The Lady's Trial (acted 1638, printed 1639) is only redeemed from utter wearisomeness by an unusually even pleasingness of form.
He will incline to the first of these alternatives when cheapness of first cost is a desideratum, but, except in unusually favourable circumstances, the resulting line, being full of sharp curves and severe gradients, will be unsuited for fast running and will be unable to accommodate heavy traffic economically.
The design combines ample boiler capacity with large adhesive weight and moderate axle loads, but except on heavy gradients or for unusually large trains requiring engines of great adhesion, passenger traffic can be more efficiently and economically handled by four-coupled locomotives of the eight-wheel or Atlantic types.
As puppies, however, bulldogs are highly intelligent and unusually docile and affectionate, and if well trained retain throughout life an unusual sweetness of disposition, the universal friendliness of which makes them of little use as guardians.
Among the upper classes it was unusually broad and was made to stand out in 2 Old Babylonian sculptors who represent the enemy as naked (Meyer [see bibliography below], pp. 12, 70 seq., 116), conventionally anticipate the usual treatment of the slain and wounded warriors.
Thus the Prussian infantry encountered unusually obstinate resistance and the troops engaged rapidly slipped from all superior control.
Balkan unrest had shown itself in unusually ominous form as early as the beginning of May 1912.
Year after year he lay patiently in a dungeon, compared with which the worst prison now to be found in the island is a palace.2 His fortitude is the more extraordinary because his domestic feelings were unusually strong.
They are not like cups between the hills; for this one, which is so unusually deep for its area, appears in a vertical section through its centre not deeper than a shallow plate.
Unless you 're an unusually saintly figure, you 've done things in your life that you knew were wrong.
It is n't clear that people with neuromuscular diseases are unusually susceptible to the nerve or muscle damaging effects of statins.
Notice the unusually tall streetlights - they 're tall enough for traffic on the sliproad, but serve the mainline as well.
Unusually there are tall herb ledges at low altitude with species such as wood vetch Vicia sylvatica and melancholy thistle Cirsium heterophyllum.
In some years, irruptions of other thrush species occur, perhaps with the onset of unusually cool weather in southwest China.
Unusually two red Tridents follow each other down George Street.
Hurricane Katrina is an unusually strong tropical cyclone to hit the USA.
Get messaging instantly Christmas 2004 An unusually chatty Paul Townsend tweaks the Registry and takes full control of his instant messaging client.
We 've found that this regrowth rarely achieves maturity, and only in unusually wet areas is repeat action necessary.
The teachers at my new school seem unusually arrogant and condescending.
Will has a dark side and has become unusually well-versed in macabre pranks.
It might be unusually large, it might be in a perfect location, or it could have important structural features essential to the nature in which you'll be running your business.
The cat will become unusually irritable during this phase.
Originating in the mountains of Turkey, the Turk developed an unusually long coat for protection from the harsh Turkish winters.
You can also set your account up to send fraud alert statements and warnings in cases where unusually account activity is present.
If he/she seems unusually depressed or is having trouble in school, considering enlisting the support of a therapist trained to deal with the issues surrounding children and divorce.
If you need an unusually sized table with additional leaves, or you have a specific style in mind, consider having a table custom built.
For example, read the Top 10 Unusually Long and Interesting Words or Top 10 Words with Remarkable Origins.
Canon strives to retain its lofty position in the ranks of digital imagery by installing finely constructed optics free of flaws, and the Rebel T2i's unusually high-quality optics are no exception.
It's unusually high for someone your size.
Sometimes you want your toes covered, like when you haven’t been able to get a pedicure or when the temperatures are unusually cool at nighttime.
She is unusually strong and often shown physically fighting (and winning) against people twice her size.
The flowers are of a delicate azure blue, or are white with a yellow tube, and are unusually large for the genus.
It grows from 4 to 8 inches high, and has deep violet flowers, unusually large for its size.
While most windows are made in standard sizes, it is not uncommon to find some unusually sized windows in older homes.
This is unusually short for a trench, but it can allow for some versatility, looking better with jeans than a longer coat might.
Goggles and Glasses has quite a few silver-toned frames that house unusually colored lenses.
He can control sand and even create more sand if it's needed and use it for offensive or defensive moves.Gaara has unusually light blue eyes with no visible pupil.
Of course, additional cleanings may be required if your RV is not parked in a covered area and it is exposed to unusually heavy amounts of tree sap and other substances that may result in particularly difficult outdoor cleaning challenges.
Women with ITP may experience unusually heavy or lengthy menstrual periods.
Major symptoms are paleness, shortness of breath, unusually fast or strong heart beats, and tiredness.
Cloudy areas on the lens of the eye (cataracts) frequently develop at an unusually early age.
As in NF-1, the chance of brain tumors developing is unusually high.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)-A condition in which a person (usually a child) has an unusually high activity level and a short attention span.
The connective tissue in the intestines, arteries, uterus, and other hollow organs may be unusually weak, leading to organ or blood vessel rupture.
Other joints are also unusually loose, leading to recurrent partial and total dislocations.
In addition, if the patient has a high white blood cell count, electronic counting may yield an unusually low platelet count because white blood cells may filter out some of the platelets before the sample is counted.
The genetic mechanisms associated with the disease are unusually complex.
The baby with colic tends to be unusually sensitive to stimulation.
A physical examination may reveal signs of substance abuse in the form of needle marks, tracks, trauma to the inside of the nostrils from snorting drugs, unusually large or small pupils.
Intermittent explosive disorder involves unusually aggressive and violent outbursts.
Dwarfism is a term applied broadly to a number of conditions resulting in unusually short stature.
Children are considered unusually short if they fall below the third percentile of height for their age group.
If a child has unusual infections, unusually severe infections, infections with unusual organisms, or unusual complications of usual infections, a doctor should be consulted to evaluate for possible immune deficiency.
The skin is unusually sensitive to light and blisters easily if exposed to sunlight.
If the child's skin rash is unusually severe, the doctor may prescribe hydroxychlorethotrexate (Plaquenil).
Excessive masturbation and other unusually sexualized kinds of behavior are more closely associated with sexual abuse itself.
It is characterized by low hemoglobin and unusually small and fragile RBCs (microcytosis), although the RBC count may be normal.
Commonly, the fore-brain fails to divide into lobes or hemispheres (holoprosencephaly), and the entire head is unusually small (microcephaly).
The eyes may be unusually small (microphthalmia) or one eye may be absent (anophthalmia).
Many patients with gastrointestinal symptoms will have diarrhea and fatty, greasy, unusually foul-smelling stools.
In some babies, hemophilia is suspected immediately when a routine circumcision (removal of the foreskin of the penis) results in unusually heavy bleeding.
Unusually heavy or spicy meals should be avoided before bedtime as indigestion might act as a trigger for night terror arousals.
He had been unusually quiet and solemn lately.
Who could deny looking at those smooth bronzed features and delicious chocolate eyes that he was an unusually handsome man?
The metal clippers felt unusually cold in her clammy grip.
Brady waited, unusually interested in her answer.
The day had been unusually hot and humid, and she wiped sweat from her forehead.
On the way home Alex was unusually quiet, his lips a thin line and his jaw rigid.
He settled into a fighting stance, unusually satisfied at the prospect of engaging her at any level.
Unusually dissatisfied at the idea of releasing a potentially fun prey into the wild, Xander remained a moment longer.
Possibly those domesticated cats with unusually short and bushy tails may have a larger share of European wild-cat blood; while, conversely, such wild cats as show long tails may have a cross of domesticated blood.
Another African breed is the Mombasa cat, in which the hair is reported to be unusually short and stiff.
It is written in unusually picturesque and vigorous language, and is based on the Roman de toute chevalerie, a French compilation made about 1250 by a certain Eustace or Thomas of Kent.
A letter like this, clear cut in its thought, teeming with ideas emanating from an unique religious experience, and admirably adjusted to known situations, bears on the face of it the marks of genuineness even without recourse to the unusually excellent external attestation.
Whereas formerly the farmer was to some extent compensated by a higher price for a smaller yield, in recent years he had had to compete with an unusually large supply at greatly reduced prices.
Although we cannot yet define the conditions under which exopterygotous wings are suppressed or unusually developed, yet we know that such fluctuations occur.
It is a town of unusually wide streets and one-storeyed adobe houses, being so laid out and built because of earthquakes.
The place figured frequently as a frontier fortress in the wars of the Romans and the Parthians, its brick walls being unusually thick and its citadel very strong.
Three years later, at an unusually early age, he was elected a member of the Academy of Sciences, and in 1804 he accompanied Gay Lussac on the first balloon ascent undertaken for scientific purposes.
Pop. (1890) 18,020; (1900) 25,656, of whom 4478 were foreign-born, an unusually large and influential part being Bohemians; (estimate, 1906) 29,380.
An unusually bloody battle ensued, in which the French efforts were chiefly directed against the allied right, held by the Spaniards.
The work is highly imaginative and often grotesque, but it is pervaded by an unusually high ethical enthusiasm.
The powers of the governor are unusually small.
The typical genus is represented by the degu (Octodon degus) and several nearly related species; other genera being Ctenomys, Octodontomys (Neoctodon), Aconaemys, Spalacopus and Abrocoma; the latter taking its name from its unusually soft fur.
The average increases of invested capital and products for each decade from1850-1900were, respectively, 189.26% and 152.9%; in 1900 the capital invested ($776,829,598, of which $732,829,771 was in establishments under the "factory system"), and the product ($ 1, 2 59,73 0, 168, of which $1,120,868,308 was from establishments under the "factory system"), showed unusually small percentages of increase over those for 1890 (54.7% and 38.6% respectively); and in 1905 the capital and product of establishments under the "factory system" were respectively $975,844,799 and $1,410,342,129, showing increases of 33.2% and 25.8% over the corresponding figures for 1900.
Immediately after finishing his course at the Ecole Polytechnique he was appointed repetiteur there, an office which he had discharged as an amateur while still a pupil in the school; for it had been the custom of his comrades often to resort to his room after an unusually difficult lecture to hear him repeat and explain it.
Occasional hard rock ridges rise to a moderate elevation above the general level, while areas of unusually weak Triassic sandstones have been worn down to form lowlands.
No one can have read Miss Keller's autobiography without feeling that she writes unusually fine English.
As I walk along the stony shore of the pond in my shirt-sleeves, though it is cool as well as cloudy and windy, and I see nothing special to attract me, all the elements are unusually congenial to me.
Yet, for my part, I was never unusually squeamish; I could sometimes eat a fried rat with a good relish, if it were necessary.
It is unusually hard, owing to the recent severe but transient cold, and all watered or waved like a palace floor.
Then it would suddenly seem to him that it was not she but he was so unusually beautiful, and that that was why they all looked so at him, and flattered by this general admiration he would expand his chest, raise his head, and rejoice at his good fortune.
His face was so unusually triumphant that Pierre rose in alarm on seeing it.
And she saw Mademoiselle Bourienne, with her ribbon and pretty face, and her unusually animated look which was fixed on him, but him she could not see, she only saw something large, brilliant, and handsome moving toward her as she entered the room.
A few minutes later Prince Andrew rang and Natasha went to him, but Sonya, feeling unusually excited and touched, remained at the window thinking about the strangeness of what had occurred.
The head is unusually small and the back of the head is prominent.
In addition, a pregnant woman carrying a child with Edwards' syndrome may have an unusually large uterus during pregnancy, due to the presence of extra amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios).
An unusually small placenta may be noted during the birth of the child.
Some children also become unusually sensitive to light, while others may be unable to walk or talk.
These ages correspond with starting school, and transitioning through middle school or junior high school, both unusually stressful periods.
Because some strains of the disease are unusually drug-resistant, cultures are grown from the patient's bacteria and tested with a variety of drugs to determine the most effective treatment.
Many children are tense and unusually active, even as infants.
Hypocalcemia in a child with DiGeorge syndrome is unusually difficult to treat.
About 80 to 90 percent of children with AD also have unusually high levels of an antibody called IgE in their blood.
Children who fantasize a lot have unusually good inner resources for amusing themselves.
During pregnancy, your body undergoes many changes that may cause you to feel unusually fatigued.
You're a competitive athlete and have been training unusually hard.
If your breasts feel tender or your nipples are unusually sensitive, it's wiser to look for some of the other early signs of pregnancy before you jump to any conclusions.
You can look great in this unusually constructed suit for $125.00.
Her hair is unusually straight and she isn't the least bit wet.
The tank style reveals plenty of skin, while the unusually cut hem lends the top a visually intriguing element.
If you suspect he is cheating, start writing down unusually things that you notice.
Your child has become unusually aggressive or easily frustrated.
Your child seems unusually interested in death or talks about suicide.
Is the child unusually gifted, have learning deficits, or have special interests that would be best served by a special program?
If you find a pair going for an unusually low price, you should approach with caution.
Although SAS shoes are predominantly known as walking or orthopedic shoes, the SAS sandals are popular, especially amongst women, for being an unusually comfortable sandal that doesn't necessarily look like it's designed for problem feet.
However, infection can interfere with healing and make the site unusually painful.
Glyphs make cool tattoos because they're unique to the zodiac theme and because they're interesting to look at and unusually shaped.
Speech may lack inflection or be unusually high pitched.
You may be able to spot an unusually high interest in just certain topics, such as in dinosaurs or astronomy.
The obsessive behavior may involve an unusually intense interest in a subject or object such as memorizing the entire US highway road system map or spinning objects for hours.
His observations while serving as superintendent at Earlswood Asylum over the course of three decades included unusually advanced skills and talents in patients with low IQs.
Having an unusually intense ability to concentrate on a task or favorite subject for hours.
An unusually shaped card with heavy metal embellishments is likely to require extra postage.
The key to their popularity in gourmet cooking is that unusually large size.
Not only are the designs more "innocent," but the patterns themselves are unusually stylized.
Unusually, it took a full two years to complete, but it proved to be time well spent.
The album took an unusually long time to record.
X-Wings are, unusually, faster-than-lightspeed capable; this is the equivalent of a carrier-based fighter of today being able to fly to the moon.
Inside sparkled a diamond choker with an unusually worn, plain charm of a half-sun, half-moon pierced by an arrow.
He devoted himself particularly to the study of the classical languages, and became unusually proficient in Latin composition.
These natural advantages make possible the production of pig iron at an unusually low cost.
The constitutional history of Aegina is unusually simple.
Jesus is but a man in whom this reminiscence is unusually strong, and who has consequently attained to unusual spiritual excellence and power.
The aye-aye, Chiromys (or Daubentonia) madagascariensis, is an animal with a superficial resemblance to a longhaired and dusky-coloured cat with unusually large eyes.
Their mutinies were frequent and dangerous, and at last, in 1682, an unusually serious outbreak led Peter the Great to compass the abolition of the force.
The streets of Portland are generally well paved, are unusually clean, and, in the residence districts, where the fire of 1866 did not extend, they are profusely shaded by elms and other large trees - Portland has been called the "Forest City."
The town is very picturesque, both from its magnificent position and also from the unusually large number of fine 13th-century houses and palaces which still exist in its streets.
She is unusually intelligent, charming... and then she is pretty, uncommonly pretty, and agile--she swims and rides splendidly... and her voice!