Unused Sentence Examples
Martha glanced over to the dresser and Dean's unused hairbrush.
All with unused envelopes I might add, all hidden beneath your undershorts?
Later, we complained about Janet's sloppy cleaning when we found traces of mud in an unused room.
The green had been left unused for a number of years.
None of those which fail to survive go unused.
Immense supplies of all kinds were requisitioned for the armies, and were sometimes allowed to rot unused.
Thus the critical period passed by unused, and when the tempests had finally dispersed the defeated remnants of the Great Armada the Dutch had found a general, in the youthful Maurice of Nassau,worthy to be the rival in military genius even of Alexander of Parma.
You may be able to pay further contributions to your pension, which can soak up some unused tax relief.
The unused flight coupons of the failed airlines must be returned with the claim form.
Very much like the bits box for your miniatures, unused decals will always come in handy.
AdvertisementWith a straight-thru or modem cable, connect the modem to an unused serial port on the PC.
The commercial music stations virtually all use 128kbps, despite there being significant unused capacity on most commercial multiplexes.
Read more... What should I do if I will be leaving a car unused for 3 months or more?
Outside, the couple's silver estate car remains unused in the drive.
Unplug the charger and allow the battery to stand unused for a half hour.
AdvertisementThe Registrar has no discretion to exercise in revocation actions, which would allow an unused mark to remain on the Register.
Quot hypothesis as in this article florida self employed health insurance form of unused.
The third Charlton player in England 's squad, defender Casey Stoney, was an unused substitute.
All returned items must reach us in their original condition - unworn, unused, and with tags attached.
Is simply unused to getting such a thorough cleaning.
AdvertisementA discussion ensued as to how and why the unused uncommitted balance sheet resources had occurred.
Any account unused for a period of a year will be removed.
You should be able to get a full refund of the unused portion of the policy.
You can also transfer any unused allowance to your spouse.
Outside, the couple 's silver estate car remains unused in the drive.
AdvertisementAdding a padded seat, colorful pillows, and a new lamp transformed the unused alcove into a cozy reading nook.
Parents just like you wash, iron, and tag their children's unused and outgrown clothing to take to the sale.
Hand your child an unused dish sponge and a few plastic plates, and allow your toddler to mimic your cleaning skills which promotes a useful concept that will someday develop into a function skill.
It works essentially like your computer by reading the original CD, then duplicating itself to the available unused media.
The duplicator will have several drives to accommodate the unused media and a source drive for the original.
Leave a note in the mailbox if it looks like the swingset goes unused, or if it will be removed shortly.
No, it isn't brand new, but it may have been opened and returned, virtually unused and damage-free.
If you don't know a scuba diver who's selling their unused tanks, then don't look for a new tank at the premium outlet mall, try a website like Craigslist or eBay first.
When cleaning time rolls around, you simply lift up the grid to remove the soiled clumps and droppings, and leave the unused litter behind for future use.
Once you have made a recipe that your cat loves, you will want to store the unused portion.
Advertise on sites like Craig's List stating you will haul away old or unused lumber.
Keep the utensils clean, and refrigerate unused portions promptly.
Also throw away any unused portion still in the refrigerator after 48 hours.
These unused cards can be open to fraud if somebody finds and uses the account.
For some of the cards available, if left unused, the available balance may decrease over time slowly.
For example, some cards feature a decrease in value on the card by $2 to $5 per year that the card is unused.
Mission furniture was banished to basements, unused store rooms, and storage sheds, as Americans and Europeans alike fell for the intriguing and unique modern trends that turned an otherwise traditional room into a piece of eclectic art.
Space heaters might also be used to bring additional heat to living space and leaving unused rooms with just enough heat to keep them above freezing.
Keeping non-functioning or unused cell phones out of the landfill is important, but these phones still have something to contribute.
No matter what your passion is, if you have an unused space in your house, such as a spare bedroom, garage, basement or attic, you can turn this space into something truly unique and special.
A letter file that was going unused in the office can turn into a great place to store paper, stickers and envelopes.
Unused coffee mugs with fun graphics can corral paintbrushes and pens.
If you need to grind in bulk, try storing any unused flour in an airtight container in the freezer.
They'll help you keep an accurate record of what you're spending and make it easier to return any unused decorations.
Although there are many places that sell new towels with a retro vibe, you can also browse auction sites for unused or lightly used towels that are actually from past decades of you want an authentic towel.
As you work to form flowers, cover unused gum paste so that it doesn't dry out.
However, if the discount is deep enough, you can always sell any unused items on eBay or through your own yard sale.
Submit any requested documentation to the granting agency by the deadline, or you run the risk of having to forfeit unused funds.
Keep the unused portion refrigerated, and never cook more than you can use up within three days.
Serve the food on clean containers, and promptly refrigerate any unused food if you cook more than one serving.
Back in 1993, contractor Tom Sullivan began buying unused and excess wood flooring from other contractors.
When you're finished, you can always return the unused molding to the home improvement store where you purchased it.
If possible, store any unused propane outdoors in a storage shed or detached garage.
If there are not enough children to fill out the design, the mother's birthstone, diamonds, or an unused birthstone can separate the children's gems.
Keep the unused portion refrigerated and covered.
Rubber rings often go unused and unnoticed in an eyeglass repair kit, so have a peek in your kit and see if you don't have a few extra bands in your set.
Expired but unused tickets can be redeemed for half off a regular admission ticket for the current season, but guests must make that special purchase at the Guest Relations office and no other discounts can be applied to this offer.
You may see unused multi-day passes for sale online, or you might even be approached at the park by someone offering to sell you the passes.
If you want to upgrade your unused tickets for a pass of a higher value, you may do so at any time prior to the expiration date.
No Expiration - This option allows you to "store" your park hopper passes' unused options for another visit.
The no expiration option allows you to keep those unused visits for another trip.
Try to make power gems and hyper cubes in easier levels and leave them unused until harder levels.
Mother 3 is the child of EarthBound 64, taking the unused bits and re-working them to make a new, complete game.
The archives are a storehouse of unused models for the game.
Just as with simple carbohydrates, if you consume an excess amount of complex carbs, unless you burn them off through activity, your body stores the unused carbs as fat.
This means that the book is in unused condition.
What happens to unused minutes when your time is up?
When you sign up for a monthly plan, there's a good chance that you may be left with oodles of unused minutes every month.
Ptosis. If light cannot enter the eye because of the drooping lid, the eye is essentially going unused, which can lead to amblyopia.
Electrical burns may be prevented by covering unused electrical outlets with safety plugs and keeping electrical cords away from infants and toddlers who might chew on them.
Outlet covers should be inserted in all unused outlets as a way to prevent electrocution or electrical shock.
Any unused chocolate can be poured into a clean container and reused the next time you want to make a chocolate candy recipe.
Multiple packages of human hair may also be needed, but make sure that unused packages may be returned.
These items often sit unused in attics and basements, and many people would be more than happy to donate them to an interested child.
Unless your contract states otherwise, you're entitled to your unused vacation days when you're laid off.
Unused minutes rollover each month which is a key benefit for those who don't always need their full quota of minutes.
Because vitamin A is fat soluble, it can build up to toxic levels as unused amounts are stored in body fat.
Without fluid and carbohydrates, a lot of the vitamins and minerals in tablets can't undergo complete metabolic breakdown, so the nutrients pass through the body unused and are excreted.
Krups blade-free can openers can sometimes be found at yard sales and in thrift shops or on websites like Craigslist or eBay, but very rarely can you find one that's been unused or unopened.
The fact that you don't have access to the printed manual for your rice cooker does not mean that you will have to guess at how to use it or that it will have to sit unused in your cabinets.
Take orders for the cookbooks before ordering them so you don't end up with a basement full of unused cookbooks.
Don't let your unwanted furniture go unused, instead donate furniture to a local charity.
Air miles can add up and often go unused.
Donate your time or unused items to a worthwhile Christmas charity effort.
This results in too many costumes sitting unused each Halloween.
Script-O-Rama - A fantastic resource for free movie scripts, this website also has a number of different types of scripts, including revised drafts, final drafts, unused drafts and shooting scripts.
However, as many Batman fans will point out, it is unlikely that they would recast the role and more likely that they would use unused footage of Heath Ledger.
The cause of death was ruled as exposure since the portion of the hospital where she was found was unheated and unused.
If you don't like a purchase, simply return it unused with the original packaging for a full refund, less shipping and handling.
People who are legally selling their used guns may include their unused ammo in the purchase.
Plenty of places are cropping up online for consumers to get rid of their unwanted or unused gift cards.
This allows unused goods to be returned, which is a useful way to protect against duplicate gifts.
These watches may be unused, however, the definition of new may be queried as they are likely to be several years old.
The most meditative of the various styles of yoga, Kundalini Yoga aims to unleash the unused energy resting inside every person who practices it.
An unused conference room or even a quiet corner in the classroom can help the child feel safe.
Having several unused cards isn't as bad as having fewer cards that are near to or are maxed out.
They require a buy-in investment of a product or sales kit with a buy-back guarantee of any unused products should you reconsider and opt out.
Is there an opt out clause where the parent company will buy back unused product from you?
Another is that minutes are only good for limited times, usually 30-90 days and plans don't contain a rollover clause, so unused minutes can expire.
Cut out this initial investment and take old or unused items from around the house, shine them up, and photograph them with strong lighting.
Keep cords to unused appliances neat by folding them up like when they were new and pushing them into an empty toilet paper roll.
These can take the place of the family photos on the mantle for one season, or can be used to decorate a buffet, unused tabletop or even the bathroom countertop!
However, Addicted to Rubber Stamps allows customers to return all unused products within 100 days for a full refund.
Hence, in order to maintain a healthy body weight as we grow older, we need to eat less to keep the unused calories from landing into storage space of hips, thighs, belly and such.
If you are unused to exercise, start with gradual, low-impact options such as walking, and gradually build up to a more active lifestyle.
If you don't send the unused product back within 30 days, you'll be charged.
With the MRA, DentalGuard members can choose to put an unused portion of their annual maximum into an account.
The plan offers subscribers the option of rolling over a portion of their unused benefit to future years.
At the end of the year any unused funds will roll over to the next year.
They walked down and through an unused part of the dungeons.
I thought he might want a refund on his unused rent, not that I'd have given it to him, but he didn't even ask.
It was his great good fortune to find abundant unused material for his Life of Hume, and to be the first to introduce the principles of historical research into the history of Scotland.
After the murder of Duke Alessandro in 1537, Guicciardini espoused the cause of Cosimo de' Medici, a boy addicted to field sports, and unused to the game of statecraft.
The latter two changes counter arrangements to transfer the benefit of unused allowances to a finance lessor.
Auto channel set Quickly programs your channel lineup, usually skipping unused or unavailable channels.
It is not correct English to describe an unused notepad and a pen as a'document ' .
All suppliers have agreed to reimburse pharmacists in full for unused oxygen cylinders.
A local company ' Gates Hydraulics ' donated their waste wood and also constructed the support frames from unused metal piping from their yard.
Gift certificates and any unused portions expire one year from the date of purchase.
Not until the late 10th century were quarries reopened for the extraction of fresh, unused building material.
Quot hypothesis as in this article Florida self employed health insurance form of unused.
I had two unused sprue of plastic Uruk-Hai models lying around spare.
Music copied on f. 100v only; unused ruled staves on the remaining pages.
The third Charlton player in England's squad, defender Casey Stoney, was an unused substitute.
Despite this, the 1946 National Land Fund lay largely unused in the Treasury.
It has 38 rooms, mostly unused, and stands in wooded grounds nine acres in extent.
Music copied in [f. 1v] only; otherwise unused ruled staves.
About 90 million phones are currently lying unused in the UK.
Setting up an online discussion only to see it unused by students or creating unmanageable workloads for you can however be very disillusioning.
Dental First Aid Bleeding from tooth socket Apply biting pressure using a gauze pad or unused tea bag for 15 minutes.
In the case distribute unused medications be worse than unable to obtain.
Unused items can be returned for a full refund at any time.
Care to explain why there are six unused Christmas cards, six Birthday cards..." she began counting, "…and seven Valentine cards, all 'To My Loving Wife,' or some variation thereof?
But it would be limited also by the necessity to leave some wilderness tracts of significant acreage unused.
For safe disposal, unused vials should be reconstituted with a small amount of water then autoclaved.
The processes of soap manufacture may be classified (a) according to the temperatures employed into (I) cold processes and (2) boiling processes, or (b) according to the nature of the starting material - acid or oil and fat - and the relative amount of alkali, into (1) direct saturation of the fatty acid with alkali, (2) treating the fat with a definite amount of alkali with no removal of unused lye, (3) treating the fat with an indefinite amount of alkali, also with no separation of unused lye, (4) treating the fat with an indefinite amount of alkali with separation of waste lye.
Besides, in case of the entire roll not being filled with the text, the unused and inferior sheets at the end could be better spared, and so might be cut off.
Hence the diminished oxidation of the tissues, which leads to the accumulation of unused fat and so to the obesity which is so often seen in those who habitually take much alcohol.
There is a regulating arrangement, by which onehalf of the guide-passages can be shut off in pairs from the water, and at the same time air is freely admitted into these unused passages by pipes which pass through the hinges of the controlling shutter.
Meanwhile the people grew up unused to arms. When Italy between the years 1494 and 1530 became the battlefield of French, German and Spanish forces, it was seen to what a point of helplessness the political, moral and social conditions of the Renaissance had brought the nation.
All land lying vacant or unused, or to which the occupier is unable to produce any title, is vested in the crown.
The young man in his clattering chains stepped clumsily to the spot indicated, holding away with one finger the coat collar which chafed his neck, turned his long neck twice this way and that, sighed, and submissively folded before him his thin hands, unused to work.
The great majority of the people are unused to wheaten bread, using the coarse flour of the mandioca root instead, consequently the demand for wheat and flour is confined to the large cities, which can obtain them from Argentina more cheaply than they can be produced in the country.
We were directed by a friendly voice on our GPS, a previously unused present from my retired parents.
In 1846 he achieved high reputation by his Life of David Hume, based upon extensive and unused MS. material.
Owing to the famine and the disturbed state of the country, which demanded his attention as a large landowner and lieutenant of King's County (from 1831), the instrument remained unused for nearly three years, but since 1848 it has been in constant use, chiefly for observations of nebulae, for which it was particularly suited on account of its immense optical power, nominally 6000.
They looked unused... his mothers' hobby, or was there a sad story?
Otherwise the alcohol will for the most part leave the body unused in the urine and the expired air.
There was no military spirit in a population unused to arms, nor any disinclination to be relieved from an arbitrary and persecuting rule.