Untrue Sentence Examples
It was untrue to be sure, but still it was terrible, and she could not help thinking of it.
It wasn't completely untrue; Mr. Tim was in Colorado.
The history of this untrue relation is curious.
Whatever the reason, a journalist whose story turns out to be inaccurate, unfair or untrue will very justifiably earn public derision.
So the first question is what is his real motive for saying something so untrue?
This grotesque and obscene version of events is plainly untrue.
Police charged him with making an untrue statement in order to obtain a passport.
Can an untrue story tell the truth about human nature or how we should behave?
The common assertion that a boy needs a father is being shown to simply be untrue.
They want to get a clear picture of the individual, not something that is untrue, exaggerated or otherwise insignificant to them.
AdvertisementShe claims that it is untrue but there are others who feel that it did happen.
In reading the service he altered or omitted phrases which seemed to him untrue, and in reading the Scriptures pointed out errors in the translation.
As the great anarchist fantasist Michael Moorcock has pointed out, this is precisely untrue.
We cannot believe a proposition which we know to be untrue.
Then our news sources were delighted to pound us with horror stories of wholesale slaughter - which turned out to be entirely untrue.
AdvertisementThe whole place is just so tasteful it is untrue.
This is demonstrably untrue in the majority of cases.
Donât let the fact that this is manifestly untrue shake your resolve.
It is totally untrue that wage checks have not always been honored.
However, their claim to reach the Windmill proved untrue.
AdvertisementIt is also an expression that is rapidly becoming untrue for two reasons.
If it rings untrue in any aspect, then it feels as tho the reality is being twisted simply to serve the comedy.
A "paradox" has been compared with a "paralogism" (7rapa, X6 yos, reason), as that which is contrary to opinion only and not contrary to reason, but it is frequently used in the sense of that which is really absurd or untrue.
Rooney was also awarded damages of £ 450,000 from News International for similar untrue allegations.
We do not have to go on believing untrue stories, Bauer said.
AdvertisementThe traditional charge of cannibalism has been very persistent; but it is entirely denied by the islanders themselves, and is now and probably always has been untrue.
Yet it would be unjust to ignore the many brilliant and sometimes valuable thoughts that are scattered throughout the writings on Naturphilosophie - thoughts to which Schelling himself is but too frequently untrue.
He tried also, as far as he could, to distinguish between the certain, the probable, the doubtful and the untrue.
The old charge of cannibalism may be generally said to be quite untrue.
He is frequently untrue to the more comprehensive conception which dominates his work as a whole.
As advertising hyperbole it certainly sounded impressive--even if it was untrue.
Well, at least he quietly dropped his demonstrably untrue prior claim that tolls are a useful anti-congestion measure.
He later admitted that he had provided untrue information to the Inland Revenue.
The claim that Muslims acted only in defense is patently untrue.
It is quite untrue to say that there is nothing outside the Orthodox Church.
But Mick Cull (Sheffield) said it was untrue to suggest otherwise -- branches got all the help they needed.
It is quite untrue to claim that there has been any kind of a crackdown.
Completely untrue of course but how do we persuade them otherwise?
This can make it seem as though ocean pollution is out of our hands, however this is untrue.
This trend is one instance wherein the labels not only don't tell the whole story; they often make up a story that is completely untrue.
This is untrue and the palm tree can grow in almost any type of soil as long as they are kept well-drained and in temperatures of 72 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.
Early reports suggested a heart attack or an overdose of anti depressants, but these suggestions proved to be untrue.
Jamie Lynn always seemed the most level headed of the Spears sister, but that assumption turned out to be decidedly untrue when she announced in January 2007 that, at the age of 16, she is pregnant.
All of which proved to be untrue until recently when word got out that the music power couple applied for a marriage license in the small town of Scarsdale Village, New York, located about 30 minutes away from their TriBeCa loft.
Again, ringing very similar to Tiger Woods' ongoing ordeal, Jesse James issued a strange public apology stating that although most of the allegations were untrue, he was "...sorry for the grief" he has caused his wife and children.
Although this is typically untrue, networking with other homeschoolers does provide extra opportunities to spend time with their peers.
It also isn't untrue to say that you had advanced as far as possible in your former position, and so are looking for a new job with opportunities for long term success.
Women with longer hair may feel their hair loss is more severe because of the length and mass of hair that sheds; however, this is most likely untrue.
While it has never been conclusively proven that the story of the Amityville Horror is untrue, subsequent owners of the home have had no experiences in the house, and the Lutz family now says that their story is "mostly true".
There are also a number of other women have said that, although they do find the shoes comfortable, they think the toning claim is completely untrue and won't buy them again.
Rado has since withdrawn his support of this version of the production, finding to be untrue to the spirit of the musical.
The Annals of the North, the Annals of Krung Kao (Ayuthia) and the Book of the Lives of the Four Kings (of the present dynasty) together form the only more or less connected history of the country from remote times down to the beginning of the present reign, and these, at least so far as the earlier parts are concerned, contain much that is inaccurate and a good deal which is altogether untrue.
Suffolk, in his defence on the 13th of March, denied them as false, untrue and too horrible to speak more of.
This notion was being generally ridiculed as untrue, when Lessing found in Mendelssohn the realization of his dream.
It Feudelism is of course untrue to sayas was so often done by early historiansthat he introduced the feudal system into England.
So read, Sidonia and Benjamin Disraeli are brought into close resemblance by Disraeli himself; for what in this description is untrue to the suspected fundamentals of his character is true to his known foibles.
It is allowable to deceive an enemy by fabricated despatches purporting to come from his own side; by tampering with telegraph 1112Ssages; by spreading false intelligence in newspapers; by sending pretended spies and deserters to give him untrue reports of the numbers or movements of the troops; by employing false signals to lure him into an ambuscade.
Similarly the notion of Conscience as a special faculty giving its pronouncements immediately and without reflection cannot be maintained in the face of modern psychological analysis and is untrue to the nature of moral judgment itself.
In examining such points we are apt to forget that the contradictions by which a story is shown to be untrue are quite different from those by which a confessedly untrue story would be shown to be the work of different authors.
The accusation was perfectly untrue, but this style of political controversy was common, and was adopted by Canning.
Moreover, both in drawing and in colouring there is frequently much that is untrue to nature, so that it has not uncommonly happened for them to fail in the chief object of all zoological plates, that of affording sure means of recognizing specimens on comparison.
The accounts of the palaces of the native kings must be taken with some reserve, from the tendency to use descriptive terms not actually untrue, but which convey erroneous ideas taken from European architecture; thus what are called columns of porphyry and jasper supporting marble balconies might perhaps be better described as piers carrying slabs, while the apartments and terraces must have been more remarkable for number and extent than architectural grandeur, being but low one-storied buildings.
According to another account, she had joined the Amazons against him because he had been untrue to her in desiring to marry Phaedra.
Sorority girls are often stereotyped to be shallow and immature, but it is untrue for most girls that I know.
This story, though obviously untrue in some respects, gives valuable information by connecting Dr Craig with Napier and Longomontanus, who was Tycho Brahe's assistant.
The malcontent nobles met at Zelena Hora (Griineberg) on the 28th of November 1465, and concluded an alliance against the king, bringing forward many - mostly untrue - accusations against him.
King Francis, then at his court of St Germain-en-Laye, is said to have wept for the loss of such a servant; that he was present beside the death-bed and held the dying painter in his arms is a familiar but an untrue tale.
But though Napoleon knew that de Beausset had to say something of this kind, and though in his lucid moments he knew it was untrue, he was pleased to hear it from him.