Untrodden Sentence Examples
The road to that eastern kingdom is not untrodden by the Huns; already they have marched fifteen days from a certain lake, and have ravaged Media."
We were the first to pursue the same goal by an as yet untrodden path.
In the vast untrodden forests farther east there are timber trees of many kinds, incense trees, a great wealth of rubber trees of the Hevea genus, numerous varieties of beautiful palms, sarsaparilla, vanilla, ipecacuanha and copaiba.
Beneath, within a yard of my face, lay the untrodden snow of the moon.
It was very untrodden ground then, so Channel 4 had no idea what we should or should n't do.
Still let the hero from the start In honest sweat and beats of heart Push on along the untrodden road For some inviolate abode.