Unquestioning Sentence Examples
The system of government is autocratic, "unquestioning obedience" being required throughout all ranks.
But the sanctions of this law were vaguely and, for the most part, feebly imagined; its principles were essentially unwritten, and thus referred not to the external will of an Almighty Being who claimed unquestioning submission, but rather to the reason that gods and men shared, by the exercise of which alone they could be adequately known and defined.
Whatever the case, their unquestioning loyalty was comforting.
At once he welcomed the new "power" with an unquestioning evidence which could be shaken by neither the remonstrances or desertion of his dearest friends, the recantation of some of the principal agents of the "gifts," his own declension into a comparatively subordinate position, the meagre and barren results of the manifestations, nor their general rejection both by the church and the world.
We may notice, in the first place, that the conception of morality as a code which, if not in itself arbitrary, is yet to be accepted by men with unquestioning submission, tends naturally to bring into prominence the virtue of obedience to authority; just as the philosophic view of goodness as the realization of reason gives a special value to self-determination and independence (as we see more clearly in the post-Aristotelian schools where ethics is distinctly separated from politics).
But he does not seriously trouble himself to argue with egoism, or to weigh carefully the amount of happiness that might be generally attained by the satisfaction of egoistic propensities duly regulated; a supreme unquestioning self-devotion, in which all personal calculations are suppressed, is an essential feature of his moral ideal.
But irreverences of this kind, as well as the frequent burlesque citations of the Bible, whether commendable or not, had been, were, have since been, and are common in writers whose orthodoxy is unquestioned; and it must be remembered that the later Middle Age, which in many respects Rabelais represents almost more than he does the Renaissance, was, with all its unquestioning faith, singularly reckless and, to our fancy, irreverent in its use of the sacred words and images, which were to it the most familiar of all images and words.
There were those who neither believed the predictions nor looked for success in war, but destroyed their last particle of food in unquestioning obedience to their chiefs command.
The Epicureans, again, from their unquestioning acceptance of the " dogmas " 2 of their founder, almost deserve to be called a sect rather than a school.
As Gramsci also noted, what people often call ' common sense ' is the unquestioning acceptance of these notions.
AdvertisementAs members of the General Committee they had sworn blind, unquestioning obedience on a sacred image, a dagger, and a pistol.
The sisters have a French rather than an English outlook which can be seen in the unquestioning obedience Janie gives to her sisters.
However, the British IV Corps, led by their apparently unquestioning commanders, did mount an attack.
It is the almost unquestioning foundation of world order, the main object of individual loyalties, the chief definer of people's identity.
Of Marston Moor he writes, "we never charged but we routed them"; and thereafter his battles were decided by the shock of closed squadrons, the fresh impulse of a second and even a third line, and above all by the unquestioning discipline and complete control over their horses to which he trained his men.
AdvertisementThey do not want unquestioning acceptance of the status quo.
People did not stay on with unquestioning loyalty in the hopes of getting a good pension.
He blends the right ingredients beautifully to elicit unquestioning belief from his readers.
With the unquestioning support of a mother who has always chosen to protect him.
It is the almost unquestioning foundation of world order, the main object of individual loyalties, the chief definer of people 's identity.
AdvertisementHis keenly logical intellect, and his impatience of authority where it clashed with his own convictions, quite unfitted him for that unquestioning obedience which the Church demanded.
From the ecclesiastics Basil likewise insisted on unquestioning obedience, and he did not hesitate to depose by his own authority a metropolitan who was at that time the highest dignitary of the Russian Church.
The sultan's reply was couched in the vaguest terms, and the Cretans were ordered to render unquestioning obedience to the authorities.
His work, Monumenti delle anti christiane primitive, is the first in which the strange misconception, received with unquestioning faith by earlier writers, that the catacombs were exhausted sand-pits adapted by the Christians to the purpose of interment, was dispelled, and the true history of their formation demonstrated.
Scholasticism he condemned on account of its unquestioning submission to Aristotle.
AdvertisementThe Perfect formed the ordained priesthood, were women no less than men, and controlled the church; they received from the Believers unquestioning obedience, and as vessels of election in whom the Holy Spirit already dwelt, they were adored by the faithful, who were taught to prostrate themselves before them whenever they asked for their prayers.
God's will, which all men should obey, was revealed in the Law, and though He might appoint governors over them, He remained their King, and no governor who was not a prophet - God's mere mouthpiece - could command their unquestioning obedience.
No site, no legend, is too impossible for the unquestioning faith of these simple-minded men and women.