Unpleasant Sentence Examples
Let's not think of unpleasant things right now.
I can make it unpleasant for you.
It would be an excellent opportunity to get out of this house with its unpleasant memories.
It was a sobering and unpleasant question.
The trip to Fayetteville wasn't as unpleasant as she had anticipated.
It is a colourless gas, possessing an unpleasant pungent smell.
There was an unpleasant Englishman who declared in 1699 that he found" Money Their God, and Large Possessions the only Heaven they Covet."
Actually, her first morning of sickness had been unpleasant, until she discovered the cause was pregnancy.
On the other hand, they may give off unhealthy fumes and produce unpleasant odours.
He forced calmness into his voice as the thought of a wayward body resurrected very unpleasant memories.
AdvertisementWith closed stoves much less heat is wasted, and consequ;ntly less fuel is burned, than with open grates, but they often cause an unpleasant sensation of dryness in the air, and the products of combustion also escape to some extent, rendering this method of heating not only unpleasant but sometimes even dangerous.
The coarse evergreen color of the small fir trees scattered here and there among the birches was an unpleasant reminder of winter.
His son Jean Antoine served with distinction through all the later campaigns of the reign of Louis XIV., and especially distinguished himself in 1705 at the battle of Cassano, where he was so severely wounded in the neck that he had ever after to wear a silver stock; yet he never rose above the rank of colonel, owing to an eccentric habit of speaking unpleasant truths to his superiors.
Broken glass tends to be quite unpleasant.
Samples dating from the old sodium days are still in existence, and when they exhibit unpleasant properties the defect is often ascribed to the metal instead of to the process by which it was won.
AdvertisementAs unlicensed blood-letters, certain land-leeches are among the most unpleasant of parasites that can be encountered in a tropical jungle.
Napoleon's face wore an unpleasant and artificial smile.
This will save you from unexpected and unpleasant surprises in the future.
It generally contains a large amount of uncombined alkali, and that, with its unpleasant odour of coco-nut oil, makes it a most undesirable soap for personal use.
A more unpleasant side to the question is that he gave the king a safe conduct, which was afterwards seen by Sir Donald Stewart, before he left the palace, and presumably for a bribe; and he took an armlet and rings from the bodies of the princes.
AdvertisementPlease do not think either of these very unpleasant thoughts.
With proper planning and prevention, you can avoid unpleasant burns while enjoying the great outdoors.
You should still review the ingredients carefully, as one of them may be an allergen for you, but you can overall feel confident that you are not introducing anything problematic to your largest organ during this unpleasant juncture.
While your foremost concern might be deciding what exactly to wear for each occasion, you may also want to pay heed to the unpleasant problems brought on by mosquitoes.
Understanding bee sting treatment can be crucial when you find yourself faced with that unpleasant sting.
AdvertisementShe said she could make it unpleasant for me.
This "Palace language" appears to have come into existence from a desire to avoid the employment in the presence of royalty of downright expressions of vulgarity or of words which might be capable of conveying an unpleasant or indelicate idea other than the meaning intended.
Now insects that possess noxious attributes, and the same is true of other animals, usually have a conspicuous warning coloration which appeals to the eyes of enemies and helps them to remember more easily the cause of an unpleasant experience, helps in fact to establish a psychical association between a particular style of coloration and a nasty taste or a painful wound.
Such an affair was unpleasant in its suggestion, said Tommy, tommy had meant to attack her forehead.
Imagine how unpleasant stagnant air or water can be, likewise if we stagnate we feel unpleasant.
Being up to my neck in cold water whilst trying to get readings from a temperamental compass and clinometer sounded deeply unpleasant.
Perhaps, this is a draw back to the time when visitors would experience the unpleasant whiffs emanating from the SeaPro fish-rendering plant.
Either way, there is an unpleasant whiff of charred flesh about these tales.
Kagome Inuyasha... 3 [View of the nearby mountains.] fx wind whoosh... Inuyasha { off } An unpleasant wind.
The FA's decision to award him the job was accompanied by a small eruption of unpleasant xenophobia.
They felt pretty yucky, very unpleasant with dull pain.
The weak point in the system is that episcopal superintendence being exercised in every case by a plurality of individuals there is no one, moderator or senior member, whose special duty it is to take initial action when the unpleasant work of judicial investigation or ecclesiastical discipline becomes necessary.
I flared up and said much that was unpleasant and even rude to him.
It was unpleasant to Prince Andrew to meet people of his own set in general, and Pierre especially, for he reminded him of all the painful moments of his last visit to Moscow.
Considering the unpleasant side effects of some medications, the prospect of naturally controlling your blood pressure may prove to be the most compelling of the three reasons why exercise is important.
If you do not track your progress, you are fumbling in the dark hoping to get a lucky break more often than the other, more unpleasant kind of break.
Not spending enough time on warming up and cooling down can result in cramps in your calf muscles, which can be especially unpleasant when they wake you up in the middle of the night.
It will also prevent unpleasant surprises and unexpected costs at the dentist office.
If they do so they are inviting an unpleasant visit from the Internal Revenue Service.
The Grinch has a very unpleasant personality.
They can rub the nipple, which is not necessarily unpleasant, but it is not expected from a bra and can thus be unsettling.
Fahrenheit 451 (1953) is a tale in the vein of Brave New World and 1984; a tale of an unpleasant future in which independent thought is suppressed to the point where books are banned and, when discovered, burned.
The fae disguise their nature, particularly those considered "too dark" or unpleasant for the humans to know about.
However, since they can be unpleasant to have to look at every day, there's no good reason to live with them either.
It's a simple, if somewhat unpleasant, mix of bacteria, dead skin cells and sebum that clog the skin's pores, resulting in a raised, often red mound.
You don't necessarily have to spend hours outdoors in order to earn yourself a dreaded badge of honor courtesy of a mosquito's unpleasant bite.
A toenail fungus is certainly unpleasant, but it can be treated.
If you're dealing with some unpleasant toenail symptoms, then you probably already know you've got something unpleasant going on.
She never mentioned Lori or the man who had stabbed him – or anything else unpleasant.
To her horror, the idea was unpleasant.
She was surprised to feel a strange zap of energy, different than Gabriel's warmth but not unpleasant.
Sometimes Jeff had this notion about protecting me from anything unpleasant.
Sooner or later she and Alex would run smack into the middle of something unpleasant.
It is an ambercoloured, fuming liquid possessing a very unpleasant irritating smell.
German stamps were introduced from Berlin; the occupied towns were garrisoned by the Landwehr; and requisitions on a large scale were demanded, and paid for in cheques which, at the close of the war, were to be honoured by whichever side should stand in the unpleasant position of the conquered.
The products obtained by the distillation of petroleum are not in a marketable condition, but require chemical treatment to remove acid and other bodies which impart a dark colour as well as an unpleasant odour to the liquid, and in the case of lamp-oils, reduce the power of rising in the wick by capillary attraction.
He is, in fact, an instance of the tendency, which has so often been remarked by other nations in the English, to drag in moral distinctions at every turn, and to confound everything which is novel to the experience, unpleasant to the taste, and incomprehensible to the understanding, under the general epithets of wrong, wicked and shocking.
As the interval between two tones, and consequently the number of beats, increases the effect on the ear becomes more and more unpleasant.
The minor third a/c" with 88 beats per second shows scarcely any roughness, and when the beats rise to 132 per second the result is no longer unpleasant.
But Sauveur fixed the limiting number of beats for the discord far too low, and again he gave no account of dissonances such as the seventh, where the frequency of the beats between the fundamentals is far beyond the number which is unpleasant.
The first overtone of the second will beat 64 times per second with the third of the first, and at such height in the scale this frequency will be unpleasant.
The controversies excited by his Symbolik (1832) proved so unpleasant that in 1835 he accepted a call to the university of Munich.
The controversy relating to Hodson's moral character is very complicated and unpleasant.
Unpleasant, but not dangerous, is another disease, the so-called "Bagdad date-mark," known elsewhere as the "Aleppo button," &c. This disease extends along the rivers Tigris and Euphrates, and the country adjacent from Aleppo and Diarbekr to the Persian Gulf, although there are individual towns and regions in this territory which seem to be exempt.
His voice is good, his enunciation distinct, and his delivery free from any unpleasant peculiarity or mannerism."
A toxic dose causes unpleasant symptoms, but in certain cases, such as this, it may require very many times a toxic dose to produce the lethal effect.
In other words, whilst one-fiftieth of a grain may cause unpleasant symptoms, it may need more than a grain to kill.
However innocent his own connexion with the company was, it involved him in unpleasant public discussion, and his position became untenable.
Union with the unpleasant is painful, painful is separation from the pleasant; and any craving unsatisfied, that too is painful.
A strong growth of the fungus gives the appearance of mildew on the wood, and produces an unpleasant musty smell.
He came into touch with advanced methods of scientific research, acquired great ability as a writer, keen perception of truth and an unflinching realization of the defects of his own people, and the unpleasant but essential fact that to have better government they must first deserve it.
Miller's position at Gottingen being rendered unpleasant by the political troubles which followed the accession of Ernest Augustus (duke of Cumberland) to the throne of Hanover in 1837, he applied for permission to travel; and in 1839 he left Germany.
He immunized 40 persons without mishap and with no more unpleasant results than those occurring after vaccination.
Pyridine is a colourless liquid of a distinctly unpleasant, penetrating odour.
During the spring and summer months the prevalence of fierce cutting winds, which are shaped by the conformation of the valleys into blasts as through a funnel, following the strike of the valleys either up or down, makes travelling painful and existence in camp most unpleasant.
It is a colourless gas which possesses a characteristic smell, more unpleasant than sulphuretted hydrogen.
It is very unpleasant to take.
His health suffered from the fever which carried off an immense proportion of the soldiers and sailors, but the X 25,000 of prize money which he received freed him from the unpleasant position of younger son of a family ruined by the extravagance of his father.
They possess an unpleasant odour, fume on exposure to air, show a neutral reaction, but combine with acids to form salts.
Relations with Austria-Hungary were also on a very unpleasant footing.
When it is considered that a parting of the clay, sufficient to allow the thinnest film of water to pass, may start the formation of a vein of porous sand in the manner above explained, it will be readily seen how great must be the attention to details, in unpleasant places below ground, and below the water level of the surrounding area, if safety is to be secured.
From June to October travelling is difficult and unpleasant, except in Sind, where the monsoon rains exert little influence.
Other ingredients are a fixed oil, present to the extent of 30%, ergotinic acid, a glucoside, trimethylamine, which gives the drug its unpleasant odour, and sphacelinic acid, a non-nitrogenous resinoid body.
The features are strongly marked, but not unpleasant, the eyes deep set, the beard thick and bushy.
It is likely that Strongbow had no conception of this, and that his first collision with the tribal system was an unpleasant surprise.
He was still full of plans and new ideas, always with the same end in view; and for this reason, in spite of his various enterprises, which were sometimes ridiculous, sometimes unpleasant in their consequences, and his unscrupulousness as to the men and means he employed, he always had a kind of greatness.
It is a colourless gas of unpleasant smell, excessively poisonous, very slightly soluble in water.
An animal ought to be in good condition when being broken in, else it is liable to break out in unpleasant ways when it becomes high-spirited as a result of improved condition.
On the whole it is an unpleasant foul stream running between poisonous banks, and as such it seems to have been regarded by the Jews and other Syrians.
The thought of human-Deidre in the hands of the Dark One made her feel something … unpleasant.
She never mentioned Lori or the man who had stabbed him – or anything else unpleasant.
Maybe it was because he took his time, or because there were so many opportunities that were passed over – whatever the case, it wasn't as unpleasant as she had imagined.
We then tried the London Pride which had acquired an unpleasant slippery aftertaste.
The pulses are of high voltage and low amperage, which makes them, like static electricity, safe but an unpleasant experience.
The process then becomes anaerobic which is the common cause of unpleasant smells.
If you use too much bicarb the bread will be bright yellow and will taste very unpleasant.
Almost certainly only a very small percentage of residents are arrogant unpleasant boneheads.
If we do not develop equanimity there is likely to be aversion because of unpleasant sights and smells or difficult situations.
Problems caused by atrial fibrillation 1 The palpitation itself may be unpleasant.
If the wrong fluid is used it is possible that unpleasant and toxic fumes including formaldehyde could be produced.
He is an unpleasant man, quite horrid, a very nasty man.
They are much more comfortable in 30 degree weather and don't cause unpleasant hot flashes.
Stress can be defined as a perceived inability to cope with an unpleasant or painful life situation.
Alan will have completed the cladding repairs by early October and this will enable us to begin the unpleasant task of applying the lagging.
The program chronicled the day-to-day misadventures of a bunch of rather odd and unpleasant teachers at a third-rate school.
Her past misdeeds are regularly referred to, yet how often are we reminded of Juliet's unpleasant behavior during her first term.
The speed of the descent and the lean trimix left the diver experiencing rather unpleasant nitrogen narcosis.
When bruised the lacewing adults give off a very unpleasant odor.
Once the mental shock of moving unsupported through the air was over, his sensations ceased to be unpleasant, became very speedily pleasurable.
Of course, that might sometimes provoke an unpleasant response.
If you are first down a rope rigged by someone else in your absence - beware unpleasant surprises!
This unpleasant material very often contains a parasitic roundworm, Toxocara Canis, which can cause blindness in humans.
Around 10 per cent of patients will experience some unpleasant sensations of the face which may affect the quality of life.
The fat youth described the town in Poland where I had spent Christmas, and made some unpleasant personal slurs against me.
The slime which covers the skin has a strong but not unpleasant, smell.
Jim and Pam's relationship runs into further trouble, and Cathy gets an unpleasant surprise on her return home.
Today it got out of control - he started verbally abusing me, repetitively using unpleasant swearwords toward me.
It still leaves a rather unpleasant taste in my mouth.
When I skim-read his somewhat turgid and self-centred biography of his father I thought that the old legal eagle must have been pretty unpleasant.
Additionally, the list has been given some spice by including a number of questions which are either bad, unpleasant or downright ugly!
Other modifications to wheels, tires and suspension can also make an already firm ride downright unpleasant.
This pleasant man led a distinctly unpleasant party to its highest ever representation in the House of Commons.
The trains have improved a lot over the years, the journey used to be dreadful, now it is just mildly unpleasant.
Didn't she realize I was a cold, deeply unpleasant man, not interested in anything except himself.
What may be good for some may be thoroughly unpleasant for others.
For the first time, he noticed a rather unpleasant smell in the tunnel.
The combination of these symptoms with the rash can make shingles very unpleasant.
None of my clients has ever found the experience unpleasant.
Their diapers also smell less unpleasant than those of bottlefed babies!
However you may not wish to drink the water, or give it to your family, because it looks or tastes unpleasant.
The City doesn't really seem so very unpleasant.
Yet when the lungs must take over part of the bowel job the breath becomes unpleasant.
There, however, he remained only six months, for certain views on slavery, strongly held and injudiciously expressed, entailed unpleasant consequences, and necessitated his return to England, where he obtained in 1844 the post of actuary to the Legal and Equitable Life Assurance Company.
I do not know any song; and my voice is harsh and unpleasant.
When she was not occupied, she wandered restlessly about the house, making strange though rarely unpleasant sounds.
To be alone was something unpleasant.
Prince Andrew stopped and made a grimace, as if expecting something unpleasant.
Pierre saw that there was a conspiracy against him and that they wanted to reunite him with his wife, and in the mood he then was, this was not even unpleasant to him.
It seemed that all these men, now that they had stopped amid fields in the chill dusk of the autumn evening, experienced one and the same feeling of unpleasant awakening from the hurry and eagerness to push on that had seized them at the start.
Bullets had been flying about the street all the morning, ricocheting off from the walls in a highly unpleasant manner.
If you are first down a rope rigged by someone else in your absence - beware unpleasant surprises !
Draco was as unpleasant as ever, but he now seems more capable, rather than just sniggering in the background.
Past a spacious chamber on the left through a low stony scramble into an unpleasant crawling passage strewn with flood debris.
Jim and Pam 's relationship runs into further trouble, and Cathy gets an unpleasant surprise on her return home.
I developed a feeling that viruses of plants may have some unpleasant surprises in store for us, with possibly serious consequences.
As we develop safes, armored cars, security forces and ghost squads, so thieving develops further in directions we find unpleasant.
Such an affair was unpleasant in its suggestion, said tommy, tommy had meant to attack her forehead.
Additionally, the list has been given some spice by including a number of questions which are either bad, unpleasant or downright ugly !
Did n't she realize I was a cold, deeply unpleasant man, not interested in anything except himself.
A specifically formulated additive to control unpleasant odors in your cat 's litter tray.
Apart from being wasteful, just removing the old Exchange servers may have unpleasant side-effects.
I think that is an unpleasant surprise for many people.
The logs, green lumber, and lumber not completely air dried often exhibit a stong, unpleasant odor.
Their diapers also smell less unpleasant than those of bottlefed babies !
The City does n't really seem so very unpleasant.
Weak evidence suggests that vincristine iontophoresis may have some benefit, but side effects are unpleasant.
The FA 's decision to award him the job was accompanied by a small eruption of unpleasant xenophobia.
By using a word with a negative connotation, Jenny's graduation speech took an unpleasant tone.
His vile mood today has made him an unpleasant person to be around.
Sharon abolishes every conversation that involves unpleasant topics.
Even the woman's voice was unpleasant and supercilious, making her very unattractive to Jon. He liked people who were down to earth.
Toddler Travel doesn't have to be an unpleasant or even traumatic experience for either one of you.
Still, if you aren't comfortable feeding your baby, it can make for an unpleasant experience for you both.
Dressing and undressing an infant can be quite a chore, however, and adjusting a car seat to baby's heavy sleepers and coats can be exhausting as well as unpleasant for baby.
This can make for a far better concert experience by removing one of the most unpleasant parts of going to live events from the equation.
You can always compromise with her, but setting limits in advance can help prevent any unpleasant scenes in public.
Trees are a wonderful addition to any property, providing shade, privacy or blocking an unpleasant view while adding to your home's property value.
Moisture in the air can cause damage to a property by condensing against windows and walls, forming mold and causing wood to rot; it can generally form unpleasant living conditions.
Keep in mind that while the sound is not physically painful, it is very unpleasant and can potentially be emotionally disturbing to your animal friend.
She'll learn that scratching these things is unpleasant and should stop.
Along with the stain is the very unpleasant and unmistakable odor of cat urine.
The product produces a smell that cats find unpleasant and keeps them away from the area.
If your cat's ear is becoming infected, there may be an unpleasant odor.
Manycatowners who adore their pets still claim that enduring their scratching is one of the more unpleasant side effects of keeping a feline.
First, high quality vodka is essentially tasteless; therefore, cheaper vodka may end up cheapening your drink and giving it a bitter or unpleasant aftertaste.
But, that doesn't mean the experience has to be unpleasant.
Not only does the organization handle the day-to-day contact with the creditors (hopefully ending those unpleasant phone calls), but by engaging in a DMP they often waive some or even all extra fees and charges for your pre-DMP mess.
Either way you look at it, you are dealing with one unpleasant human being, or at least to you he is.
In fact, unpleasant odors may result in the need to replace cushions altogether.
The initial bulbs gave off a light that many found unpleasant, but newer models are nicer.
These water conserving fixtures have evolved from those early models, those that were once common to outhouses and campgrounds, with those unpleasant odors and unsanitary conditions.
Too much moisture can slow decomposition of the composting materials and produce unpleasant odors.
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is a perennial plant with a very unpleasant smell.
If you have been taking valerian for more than a month, it is wise to taper off gradually to avoid any unpleasant symptoms.
The drug, Topamax, is one that has been used successfully for migraine prevention; however, it has a number of unpleasant side-effects that may be worse than the problem it is treating.
The next time you feel anxious, before reaching for a medication that may have unpleasant side effects, consider some of the following herbal anti anxiety formulations.
Valerian has a characteristic sweetly pungent smell that many people consider rather unpleasant.
Others may find that unpleasant agave side effects preclude their use of this product.
Others experience unpleasant stomach upset, gas, or cramps.
These can produce unpleasant and even dangerous side effects.
Herbal remedies for hay fever can be a better option, allowing you relief from allergy symptoms while avoiding those unpleasant side effects.
Color awakens one's senses in either a pleasant or unpleasant way, and we all feel differently about individual colors, and coordinating groups of colors known as color schemes or palettes.
Correct furniture placement can mean the difference between a comfortable living room and a cramped unpleasant one.
The latter will create a pungent, unpleasant odor, so you'll want to soak your shells to hopefully extract any dead urchins.
Otherwise, you're in for an unpleasant surprise when they send the first bill.
He can offer tips on how the income you earn will affect your tax liability, so you don't need to worry about any unpleasant surprises on April 15.
After awhile, your family starts to dread when you come home because you are unpleasant to be around or it's like you aren't even home.
Anger is a normal, healthy emotional reaction to unpleasant or irritating circumstances, people, places, or things.
This is when you don't allow your mind to think of unpleasant things by telling yourself to STOP and engaging yourself in a hobby or doing something else that takes concentration.
Often a last attempt at controlling or changing the unpleasant cards dealt to them, hitchhikers live only in the now, and most often ignore any dangers or risks associated with that thought process.
Just thinking about this prospect can be very unpleasant.
They aren't the healthiest forms of whey, and have a taste most people find unpleasant, so they're rarely used in whey protein shakes or products.
If you are not sure whether a venue is "gay friendly" it is best to ask up front to avoid unpleasant surprises.
Buying your wedding gown in a shop in which you're uncomfortable turns dress buying into an unpleasant task.
On Sunday I came home to a most unpleasant surprise.
When combined with alcohol, it produces unpleasant side effects, such as flushing, throbbing headache, nausea, and vomiting.
They include mouth and throat cancer, cavities and gum disease, heart problems, and other unpleasant side effects.
Even if they don't, they're unpleasant to look at.
The symptoms of tobacco withdrawal can cause a person to slip and begin smoking again because these symptoms can be so unpleasant.
Instead, the unpleasant physical symptoms they experience have more to do with the nicotine the tobacco is laced with.
Having a plan in place, such as calling a friend or working on a home improvement project when symptoms become difficult to endure, may help ease the overall unpleasant nature of these symptoms.
As many a waiter and waitress are only to happy to share, there are plenty of sordid tales involving massive orders of food, unpleasant personalities and pathetic tips to top it all off.
After her unpleasant comments, the 23-year old actor decided to turn and make-out with her boyfriend.
Something that might appear minor to others, like seams in socks, can be vastly uncomfortable and unpleasant to a skin sensitive child.
Routes may also be erratic since the ships rely on sometimes uncertain weather to plan their itineraries, and also because of the weather, passengers susceptible to seasickness may have some unpleasant moments on these small vessels.
Your dog will take on an unpleasant odor from the lack of oil in its skin.
While some dogs in rescues have had an unpleasant past, it is a common misconception that most rescued dogs have been abused.
These are all examples of problems behaviors that need to stopped, An electronic dog collars can help you reinforce the "No" command by delivering an unpleasant stimulation that will help you get the message across.
If the building is sufficiently staffed, the area should be well kept and unpleasant smells should be at a minimum.
For the most part, it is an unpleasant habit that usually begins with a puppy's curiosity.
Stool eating, although unpleasant, is not in itself a health problem.
Because these ingredients are not normal canine food, they can lead to digestive disturbances and other unpleasant side-effects including flatulence and irritable bowels.
This is usually when something is unpleasant or hurts us and our subconscious will put things in a place in our brain we do not want to access.
The dog learns to not bark in order to avoid the unpleasant sensation.
Indeed, most dog owners are rightfully hesitant to do anything that would make life unpleasant for their furry friends.
G. plicatus is not very particular, but still some of its varieties require extra care, as they have an unpleasant way of disappearing.
The flowers have often a very unpleasant smell, which lessens their value as garden plants.
The individual blooms are small, but clustered in dense heads, their one fault being a somewhat unpleasant smell.
Sellowi is a good dwarf plant; but the odour of these plants is unpleasant, and they are not worthy of much care.
Their unpleasant odour unfits them for cutting.
If your pile is mostly greens, anaerobic decomposition is likely to take place, and a strong, unpleasant smell will result.
Unshielded lights will produce an unpleasant glare.
Far from being garden pests, these spiders protect both you and your crops from a number of biting, chewing, and altogether unpleasant insects in the garden.
Marigolds, for example, have a strong odor that is unpleasant to many insects and deter them from feeding on tender plants.
It is completely odorless, which is beneficial if you find the scent of tea tree oil unpleasant.
If poor quality base metals are used skin irritations can be caused which are unpleasant and irritating.
Shorts are perfectly fine as long as you wear appropriate underwear to spare your fellow gym patrons from unpleasant sights while you lie down in the leg press machine.
Laying out your clothes the night before is a smart way to make sure there are no unpleasant surprises when you're getting ready in the morning.
Mattresses are covered in chemicals that keep them from catching on fire and prevent mold from growing on them, but breathing in all these fumes can be unpleasant to the person trying to sleep.
If there is too much nitrogen in your compost pile, it will almost invariably develop an unpleasant odor.
For many women, the idea of buying plus sized swimsuits is an unpleasant ordeal.
Make sure you know how any credits will be handled as well so that if you need to return anything, there are no unpleasant surprises.
Anything that is too snug, constrictive or otherwise ill-fitting will eventually make itself known in a very unpleasant way as the night wears on.
If a negative or unpleasant joke happened at school or the office, you have the right to not feel threatened or intimidated, so do not hesitate to report the incident.
Hands falling asleep during sleep can range from unpleasant to annoying.
This can aggravate the unpleasant sensation and pain.
Perhaps the new perspective is a way for you to escape an unpleasant situation or relinquish control.
Roller coaster accidents are an unpleasant reality, but following the proper roller coaster safety tips and understanding what can cause accidents can help riders avoid problems and minimize hazards on their amusement park vacation.
This eventuality was an unpleasant surprise.
Second, the older PC computer games are quite dated graphically and may be somewhat unpleasant to look at.
Sleeping in a traditional tent that has been set up on wet ground can be very uncomfortable and unpleasant.
In extreme cases, some dentists can prescribe an oral device to alter the shape of the roof of the child's mouth, so that it is unpleasant for the child to continue sucking.
Pain is an unpleasant feeling that is conveyed to the brain by nerves in the body.
Inhalant forms of antiasthmatic drugs may cause dryness or irritation in the throat, dry mouth, or an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
A class of drugs, a mixture of opioids and opioid antagonists, has been developed so that patients can be relieved of pain without the addictive or other unpleasant side effects associated with narcotics.
Alternatively, a variety of medications may be used to combat the unpleasant and threatening physical symptoms of withdrawal.
Certain vulnerable children who have had unpleasant social experiences (such as being rejected) or who have poor social skills may develop social phobias.
Cat scratches and bites are also capable of transmitting the Bartonella henselae bacterium, which can lead to cat-scratch disease, an unpleasant but usually not life-threatening illness.
These medications lack the unpleasant side effects of amphetamines, particularly jitteriness and anxiety.
Parents should pay close attention to the child-dentist relationship and voice any concerns, since it is very important to prevent a child from having an unpleasant dental experience.
Others describe anxiety as an unpleasant emotion caused by unidentifiable dangers or dangers that, in reality, pose no threat.
Oral contrast may be unpleasant tasting, although chocolate, vanilla, and fruit flavors may be available.
Because the symptoms of chickenpox are easily recognized and in most cases merely unpleasant rather than dangerous, treatment can almost always be carried out at home.
If mouth blisters make eating or drinking an unpleasant experience, cold drinks and soft, bland foods can ease the child's discomfort.
In some cases, medications may be used to combat the unpleasant and threatening physical and psychological symptoms of withdrawal.
Parents should observe the patient carefully for signs of liver damage, including headache, unpleasant breath odor, and black tarry stools.
Psychiatrists believe that in young children, the motivating factor often is a desire to stay with the parent or caregiver rather than to avoid an unpleasant situation at school.
The acellular pertussis vaccine appears to greatly reduce the risk of unpleasant reactions to the vaccine, including high fever and discomfort following vaccination.
Side effects are usually mild, but may include headaches, nosebleeds, and unpleasant taste sensations.
If the medications that the doctor prescribes do not relieve symptoms or if they cause unpleasant side effects, patients and parents should discuss other choices with their doctor.
Side effects may include headaches, nosebleeds, and unpleasant taste sensations.
Coal-tar salves can help relieve symptoms of nummular dermatitis that have not responded to other treatments, but these ointments have an unpleasant odor and stain clothing.
Understand clearly where fees are require and where they are not before you begin your research to avoid unpleasant surprises.
For some individuals,undergoing a hot wax treatment for the purpose of hair removal is unpleasant, and itdoes hurt.
A boss, manager, or supervisor who is purposely trying to create an unpleasant work environment to force an employee to quit his or her position is also guilty of workplace harassment.
Sharing this answer will make it seem as if you are difficult or unpleasant to work with.
My mom was one of the last generation of women to under go "twilight sleep," and her experience with my birth in 1969 was extremely unpleasant.
They prefer to avoid discussions that involve unpleasant feelings.
This style's longer length is flattering and the added beading or embroidery lets you feel pretty even when you're battling morning sickness, stretch marks, and other unpleasant pregnancy symptoms.
Despite having morning sickness, heartburn, swollen feet, aching backs, and other unpleasant body changes from being pregnant, celebs still manage to look their best while pregnant.
This way, there will be no unpleasant surprises once the pregnancy occurs.
It is the fluctuation of estrogen that is to blame for the unpleasant migraines and can be made worse for women who choose to take the combined (estrogen and progestin)low dose pill.
Since Mirena remains active for five years, this can be a hefty sentence to live through with unpleasant migraines every month.
However, it is best to speak with the midwife you wish to use as well as a representative from your insurance company to make sure there are no unpleasant surprises on this front.
As unpleasant as it may sound, if you can't find a garbage can, you'll have to take your garbage home and throw it away in your own trash bin.
This results in a multitude of bubbles, which can obviously create a rather unpleasant experience for the swimmer.
Horizontal polarization is the light reflected from semi-flat surfaces such as the pavement and sand mentioned earlier, and it is this type of light that causes that unpleasant glare.
The Carlson's has a very mild lemon flavor that isn't unpleasant, while the Barleans tastes like lemon pie.
Harm differs from side effects, which can be unpleasant but won't hurt you or endanger your health.
You can take these liquids directly or mix them with juice if you find the taste unpleasant.
The convenience can also make taking vitamins less unpleasant.
If, however, your diet lacks certain vitamins, you may notices unpleasant changes in your hair such as slower growth or thinning.
Oreck's optional Helios Shield permanent odor absorber captures and removes unpleasant odors, aerosol vapors and chemical fumes, making the air safer and more pleasant to breathe.
Fragrances in the modern home are often for cosmetic purposes rather than practical purposes, although air fresheners are often used to mask unpleasant smells or odors.
Steer clear of using too many scented candles on a dining table centerpiece, however, as the strong smells can overpower the food and become unpleasant.
Tallow candles have a low melting point and give off a rather unpleasant odor, so these candles weren't anything like the ones we enjoy today.
All you'll do is create a lot of unpleasant smoke and a potential fire hazard.
This can result in some rather unpleasant odors!
Whereas at one time home fragrances were used to mask unpleasant smells, such as the smell of pets, tobacco or damp, today home fragrance is used to bring a special scent and aroma into the home to create a unique ambiance or mood.
While most hotel rooms and rental apartments are perfectly clean and hygienic, they often have a chemical smell from cleaning fluids or have more unpleasant smells.
Therefore, aspects of candles that were acceptable, such as the creation of smoke when the candle is burning or unpleasant smells, are no longer desirable.
Unpleasant weather conditions can cause plans to be delayed or canceled.
We may recognize it when a person smells particularly pleasant or unpleasant to us.
However, prolonged contact with gluten can result in the unpleasant symptoms associated with either condition.
In fact, consuming even a small amount of gluten for people who suffer with celiac disease leads to inflammation of the small intestine which can also cause a number of unpleasant and possibly severe symptoms.
Best of all, you won't have to breathe in all the unpleasant fumes during the treatment.
That's one thing about this earth sign; he really doesn't enjoy unpleasant matters and will suffer through some of the worst scenarios just so he doesn't have to effect a change.
When it comes to unpleasant emotional scenes, Virgos will avoid confrontation.
Scorpio wants quite a few things from her lover, and her mate will surely feel the unpleasant sting of her dismay if she's unhappy in any area of her love life.
Although they can have some unpleasant side effects, Ritalin, Concerta, and other similar drugs remain an important part of managing ADHD in children.
Parents should investigate gaming sites thoroughly before granting access to the little ones to ensure they are not exposed to any unpleasant surprises.
However, this doesn't have to be an overly unpleasant task.
Soldiers wear them to keep their feet clean, dry, and warm while in trenches and other unpleasant circumstances.
It is important to remember this when asking or questioning modifications, since personal choices can be a source of unpleasant argument.
While sometimes unpleasant, these are all things to know if you are an aspiring tattoo artist.
An alarm may sound loudly, making an unpleasant buzzing sound and this may result in your rolling over and switching the annoying noise off rather than getting up and facing the day.
If going to yoga class or practicing at home is unpleasant because of a hard surface, a yoga memory foam mat may be the solution to your difficulties.
Because this yoga mat is made of rubber, it has a natural smell that some people may find unpleasant.
Although this can be an unpleasant task for the business traveler, if the company has a well-organized system in place, it can make reporting more efficient for both employer and employee.
Remind yourself that an unpleasant task doesn't take any longer to complete right now than it will a week from now.
Although we go to great lengths to hire and train good managers, it sounds as if you had an unpleasant experience.
You may experience very unpleasant side effects if you eat a high-fat meal while taking this drug.
Exercise need not be strenuous or unpleasant; experts agree that anything that gets a person moving is a step in the right direction.
The reason these food groups (and beverage groups) need to be avoided is that they either stimulate or irritate the bowels, leading to those unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms that IBS sufferers are so familiar with.
Most people find this change in taste unpleasant and begin to avoid foods that taste funny to them.
Fortunately, a diet for diverticulosis can help prevent some of the unpleasant symptoms of more serious conditions.
In most cases, symptoms are unpleasant, but not necessarily harmful to the body.
He or she may also be able to make suggestions on how you can alter your diet to prevent unpleasant symptoms or test you to ensure you aren't experiencing a more serious medical condition.
For those experiencing ketosis signs, it can be quite unpleasant.
I hope it's not that unpleasant.
They would be there tomorrow night, so there was no point in making the remaining vacation time unpleasant.
The thought of human-Deidre in the hands of the Dark One made her feel something … unpleasant.
The idea of spending a day without him was unpleasant, but maybe that was what she needed to do.
Having worked together, they probably shared an unpleasant experience with a difficult customer.
At the time she had been too frightened to notice, but on reflection, being held in his arms wasn't all that unpleasant either.
In small stoves for warming and for cooking, petroleum presents some advantages over other fuels, in that there is no chimney to sweep, and if well managed no unpleasant fumes, and the stoves are easily portable.
But his position as chief minister of Henry's ecclesiastical jurisdiction forced him into unpleasant prominence in connexion with the king's matrimonial experiences.