Unnecessarily Sentence Examples
At times, tho, it felt unnecessarily sordid.
The opportunity for Mexican farmers and society to benefit from biotech maize has been unnecessarily delayed.
Her friends told her she was worrying unnecessarily, a perfectly natural reaction for a new mom.
William of Occam, a 14th century logician, wrote " Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily.
In the end, Gorak indulges in a couple of ironic plot points that seem unnecessarily morbid.
When I worked for the force we never believed in persecuting motorists unnecessarily.
I will, however, without hopefully unnecessarily prolonging the subject try to respond to a number of points made.
Moving onto the film, I did't find it unnecessarily violent at all.
The text explanations of concepts are unclear and unnecessarily wordy, not the worst out there but certainly nothing to scream about.
There is much in this contention that is sound, but Rieder seems to go unnecessarily far in denying altogether that Merswin wrote any of the mystical books.
AdvertisementIt was necessary to prevent the enemy from receiving information; it was necessary to avoid publishing information that would unnecessarily alarm British people or their Allies, or mislead neutrals as to the progress of the war; and it was also necessary for British censors to pay due regard to the censorship policies of other countries with whom Great Britain was associated.
Make succinct, salient points, avoiding jargon and unnecessarily complex information.
In the meanwhile, however, the firm 's reputation could be wrongly tarnished in the eyes of the regulator and resources expended unnecessarily.
The following may seem unnecessarily harsh, but an unvarnished view is essential as we consider what unions and government ought to do next.
It can make your game unnecessarily difficult if the shoes you are wearing are too heavy.
AdvertisementGas grill buying tips can help you find the grill of your dreams without unnecessarily draining your pocket book.
Interfering unnecessarily can lengthen this process or even short-circuit it altogether, creating lingering resentment between your established pets and the newly adopted cat.
How can people change their minds about saving for what they want vs. incurring debt unnecessarily?
Is the body type that they are featuring representative of a healthy range, or is it unnecessarily restrictive?"
I don't want to scare you unnecessarily, but some bitches do not live through labor when complications arise.
AdvertisementThe load times are unnecessarily long for games that require very little processing power.
It's essential to pack nutrient-rich food that will provide you with the energy necessary to endure the strenuous nature of the activity that you are engaged in without weighing down your pack unnecessarily.
This can use up both data and battery unnecessarily.
Patients with PTSD are unnecessarily vigilant; they may experience survivor guilt, and they sometimes cannot concentrate or experience joy.
She should check her doctor's c-section rate to see if it is unnecessarily high.
AdvertisementIn addition, try wearing a longer bang rather than a super short bang to ensure the already long oval shape isn't unnecessarily lengthened.
However, supplementing without your doctor's guidance is unnecessarily and could be dangerous.
There are also a number of people following low-fat, low-carb, or low-calorie diets who might find sweets unnecessarily tempting.
If a potential partner seems to be trying to create a deeper relationship than you are looking for, walk away before someone gets unnecessarily hurt.
While spending more unnecessarily does not help you save, it is worth taking a look at the prices if you will be in need of the items in the near future.
A telephone is an essential tool for every family and business, but all the different features and amenities that come with that phone can unnecessarily add fees and charges to the bill.
In comparison, the site defines frugal as "not wasteful; not spending freely or unnecessarily; thrifty; economical."
Shipping costs drive up the price of the shoes unnecessarily.
If you're new to the study of yoga and your studio is located 40 minutes from home in an area with minimal parking, you may become unnecessarily discouraged.
Like all sports, cheerleading carries a risk, but cheerleading dangers do not have to be unnecessarily high if you take the proper safety precautions.
If you don't think about the best way to systematically clean the room before you begin, you may find yourself exerting extra effort or repeating tasks unnecessarily.
Younger children are likely to become unnecessarily frustrated by this task.
Diabetics should avoid skipping meals and snacking unnecessarily between scheduled eating occasions.
So much of the expense of the handling, both of freight and of passengers, was independent of the length of the journey that a mileage rate sufficiently large for short distances was unnecessarily burdensome for long ones, and was bound to destroy long-distance traffic, if the theory were consistently applied.
This is the vascular or haemal system (formerly and unnecessarily termed pseudhaemal).
If be less than this, the images overlap too much; while if greatly exceed the above value the images become unnecessarily separated.
The turf is taken off either with the breast plough - a paring tool pushed forward from the breast or thighs by the workman - or with specially constructed paring ploughs or shims. The depth of the sod removed should not be too thick or burning is difficult and too much humus is destroyed unnecessarily, nor should it be too thin or the roots of the herbage are not effectually destroyed.
Geiger (Urschrift and Uebersetzung, p. 305) very unnecessarily supposed that this was everywhere the original reading, and that it had been changed to soften the enormity ascribed to the ancient Hebrews.
Perhaps Gertz deserved his fate for "unnecessarily making himself the tool of an unheard-of despotism," but his death was certainly a judicial murder, and some historians even regard him as a political martyr.
His attitude toward the war and especially his vote for George Ashmun's amendment to the supply bill at this session, declaring that the Mexican War was "unnecessarily and unconstitutionally commenced by the President," greatly displeased his constituents.
But there was to be no embarking on a general scheme of reforms, which would increase unnecessarily the responsibilities of the protecting power and necessitate the indefnite prolongation of the military occupation.
Yet, precisely because he met the world so seldom in easy dialogue, he was unnecessarily dogmatic in controversy; and many a bottle of wine went to pay for lost wagers.
It is notorious among engineers that retaining walls designed in accordance with the well-known theory of conjugate pressures in earth are unnecessarily strong, and this arises mainly from the assumption that the earth is merely a loose granular mass without any such adhesion.
The clause seems unnecessarily harsh and violent in its wording; but it must be remembered that Johns character was well known, and that it was useless to stand on forms of politeness when dealing with him.
Somewhat unnecessarily the prime minister went on to condemn the clergymen of the Church of England who had subscribed the Thirty-nine Articles, who have been the most forward in leading their own flocks, step by step, to the very, edge of the precipice.
Any talk of an imminent collapse of the al-Saud regime is unnecessarily alarmist.
I could see what an unnecessarily argumentative, selfish person I had become, and this made me feel even worse.
He was aggressive, combative, sudden of quarrel, and he often seemed unnecessarily bitter of speech.
They have, however, found the 1994 requirement unnecessarily burdensome.
Why is it all so bloody, unnecessarily complicated?
The process of complaining is a sham, made unnecessarily complicated.
Investigate all possible legal action There are penalties in law for people who are unnecessarily cruel to animals.
To display a complete dynamic model here would be unnecessarily cumbersome.
Speedier notification of proposed discontinuance, for example, has reduced the wasted effort on upgrading files unnecessarily.
Otherwise, and as we are seeing, divisive notions result which can unnecessarily cause disunity and segregation in society.
The EIS believes that the new structure of assessments, however estimable the intentions, has become unnecessarily complex.
To do any less is to unnecessarily put the developing fetus at risk for neural tube birth defects.
Also, he would frequently reverse the camp commandant's decisions if he thought that they were unnecessarily harsh.
We have not incorporated these into our website as we believe that they are unnecessarily intrusive and decrease website accessibility.
It is possible for linguists, like anyone else, to use special lexis unnecessarily, or to descend into a kind of jargon.
With five minutes left, Carl Furlong unnecessarily abused a linesman, and was given a straight red.
Documents can be made available subject to licensing conditions but these must not unnecessarily restrict possibilities for re-use and cannot restrict competition.
Age limits for entry to training schemes should not be unnecessarily restrictive to exclude groups of staff.
The thyroid function varies and too much thyroxine can be harmful if taken unnecessarily.
The combined effect of both matters was that warrants to apprehend accused persons, sometimes in matters of relative triviality, were granted unnecessarily.
His writing style is unnecessarily pretentious.
While it may seem at first to be unnecessarily expensive to hire someone to do this, compare the translation quality with the translation that you were able to get for the same text online.
The critical examination of the nature and growth of this compilation has removed much that had formerly caused insuperable difficulties and had quite unnecessarily been made an integral or a relevant part of practical religion.
A mine, however, may be over-developed, which results in loss of interest on the capital unnecessarily locked up for years by excessive development, and involves additional cost for the maintenance of such openings until they are needed for active mining operations.
These appliances as indicated should not be unnecessarily expanded, but when expanded they should, wherever practicable, be converted into actively moving flying surfaces, in preference to fixed or inert dead surfaces.
The mistake is often made of sinking large and expensive shafts, or driving costly tunnels, before it is fully proved that the deposit can be worked on a scale to warrant such developments, and, indeed, too often before it is known that the deposit can be worked at all; and in too many cases large amounts of money are thus unnecessarily lost by over-sanguine mine managers.
The United States, nevertheless, insisted that such prohibition was indispensable on the grounds - (t) that pelagic sealing involved the destruction of breeding stock, because it was practically impossible to distinguish between the male and female seal when in the water; (2) that it was unnecessarily wasteful, inasmuch as a large proportion of the seals so killed were lost.
While in some cases these laws are unnecessarily stringent and tend to restrict the business of mining yet on the whole they have had the effect of reducing greatly the loss of life and injuries of miners where they have been well enforced.
In his thirteenth year his father died, leaving the family well-to-do; the home at Woodford was broken up, as being unnecessarily large; and in 1848 William Morris went to Marlborough, where his father had bought him a nomination.