Unmarried Sentence Examples
He died unmarried in February 1880.
David Dean was 38 years old and the only unmarried detective.
On the death of the latter unmarried in 1871, it passed in succession to two collateral heirs, the 8th and 9th.
Of his daughters, three died unmarried; the others were Isabella, who married into the family of Coucy,.
Of the population above fifteen years old 55.87% of the men and 33.6 9% of the women were unmarried.
By this time the members of the Habsburg family were thoroughly alarmed at the indifference or incompetence of the emperor; and their anxieties were not diminished by the knowledge that he was in feeble health, was unmarried, and had refused to take any steps towards securing the election of a successor.
His son, the 5th duke, William John Cavendish Bentinck-Scott (1800-1879) died unmarried.
Suffrage is extended to all Mexican citizens who possess honest means of livelihood, the age limit being 18 for the married and 21 for the unmarried.
He was saved from their fate by two divine messengers who spent the night in his house, and next morning led Lot, his wife, and his two unmarried daughters out of the city.
She does not appear in Homer, although according to Xanthus (regarded by some as a fictitious personage), to whom Stesichorus was indebted for much in his Oresteia, she was identical with the Homeric Laodice, and was called Electra because she remained so long unmarried ('A-MKTpa).
AdvertisementSheppard College (1840) is an affiliated foundation for unmarried daughters of these widows.
His autograph manuscripts and his large and valuable library passed to his eldest son, Philippe du Fresne, who died unmarried in 1692.
After a brief but great episcopate of fifteen months, he died, unmarried, on the 23rd of January 1893.
Even Gautier, while he contends that chivalry did much to refine morality, is compelled to admit the prevailing immorality to which medieval romances testify, and the extraordinary free behaviour of the unmarried ladies.
About 403, some years after his return from the East, Vigilantius wrote his celebrated work against superstitious practices, in which he argued against relic worship, as also against the vigils in the basilicas of the martyrs, then so common, the sending of alms to Jerusalem, the rejection of earthly goods and the attribution of special virtue to the unmarried state, especially in the case of the clergy.
AdvertisementAlthough nearly half the male missionaries (Protestant) are unmarried, these are exceeded in number by the unmarried women; and consequently, the husbands and wives being equal, the aggregate of women in the Missions is greater than the aggregate of men.
His daughter Charlotte survived her father less than two years, dying unmarried at Bologna in November 1789, at the early age of thirty-six.
It is deemed disreputable for a young man not to marry when he has attained a sufficient age; there are, therefore, few unmarried men.
He died unmarried at Langau, near Annaberg, on the 5th of May 1525.
He died unmarried, at Frankfort, on the 22nd of October 1863.
AdvertisementHe had one sister, Christiana, who died unmarried, and a brother Ludwig, who served in the campaigns of Napoleon.
As a rule married women wear brighter colours than unmarried ones.
Among Pathans they are called partog or partek (pardek), and those of unmarried girls are of white, while married women wear them of susi, a kind of coloured silk or cotton.
The exemption continues after his death so long as there is an unmarried widow or an unmarried minor child.
A homestead not exceeding $1000 in value, and held by a husband and wife or by a widow or widower with an unmarried daughter or an unmarried minor son, may be held exempt from seizure and sale by legal process.
AdvertisementLiving mainly abroad during the concluding years of his life, he died unmarried at Cannes on the 23rd of April 1866 when his title became extinct.
According to this constitution the sovereignty resides in the nation, but suffrage is restricted to married citizens over twenty-one and unmarried citizens over twenty-five years of age, not in domestic service, who can read and write, and who are the owners of real estate, or who have capital invested in business or industry, or who receive salaries or incomes proportionate in value to such real estate as investment; and as 75% of the population is classed as illiterate, and a great majority of the labouring classes is landless, badly paid, and miserably poor, it is apparent that political sovereignty in Chile is the well-guarded possession of a small minority.
Two of their sons reached maturity - John, who died in 1805, and William Henry John, who died unmarried in 1832.
The men and unmarried girls go practically naked, the married women wearing a goatskin dyed red.
Maurice died in 1625, also unmarried.
The 9th earl, George, descended from this Gilbert, died unmarried, and his nephew, who followed, was succeeded by his grandson Francis, chiefly memorable for his unhappy fate.
A nephew three times succeeded to an uncle, and then the title devolved upon a cousin, who died unmarried in 1856.
Among his qualifications the most peculiar is that he must be unmarried, which, since the secular priests are compelled to marry, entails his belonging to the "black clergy" or monks.
Bishops must be unmarried, and Priests And Deacons Must Not Contract A Second Marriage.
He died unmarried, and seemed so little susceptible to female influence that he was styled a Mars without a Venus.
He died unmarried on the 2nd of October 1786.
He died unmarried and was succeeded by his brother Floris I.
He is called the "Maiden," and died unmarried on the 9th of December 1165.
He died, unmarried, on the 26th of January 1902.
The earl of Richmond had been selected by the conspirators as their figure-head mainly because he was known as a young man of ability, and because he was unmarried and could therefore take to wife the princess Elizabeth, and so absorb the Yorkist claim in his own.
If the queen had remained unmarried, it is possible that the friction which had arisen in 1839 might have recurred in 1841.
Amongst such protests, which generally dwelt a good deal on the want of provision for unmarried women, may be mentioned three in successive centuries.
He was about to offer his services to the Church Missionary Society, when a disaster in Cornwall deprived him and his unmarried sister of the provision their father had made for them, and rendered it necessary that he should obtain a salary that would support her as well as himself.
The idea of Artemis '.s a virgin goddess, the "queen and huntress, chaste and fair," which obtained great prominence in early times, and seems inconsistent with her association with childbirth, is generally explained as due to her connexion with Apollo, but it is suggested by Farnell that irapOE'os originally meant "unmarried," and that "Apreµcs 7r-ap9Evos may have been originally the goddess of a people who had not yet the advanced Hellenic institutions of settled marriage.
They are physicians, protectors of the weak and old, especially of elderly unmarried women.
The Brehon Laws assume the existence of married as well as unmarried clergy, and when St Patrick was seeking a bishop for the men of Leinster he asked for " a man of one wife."
His grandson Lewis, the 3rd baron (16J5-1724), was created earl of Rockingham in 1714, and was succeeded by his grandson Lewis (c. 1709174J), whose brother Thomas, the 3rd earl, died unmarried in February 1746, when the earldom became extinct.
A homestead law exempts from judgment liens and forced sale a homestead not exceeding $2000 in value and consisting either of a farm not exceeding 160 acres or of property not exceeding two lots in a city or village; the exemption, however, does not extend to mechanics', labourers' or vendors' liens upon said homestead or to a mortgage upon it that has been signed by both husband and wife or by an unmarried claimant.
The third daughter, Mary Sophia, died unmarried in 1828.
The annual marriage-rate was for many years considerably below the average of Australia generally, a condition sufficiently accounted for by the continued emigration of men unmarried and of marriageable ages; this emigration had ceased in 1900, and the marriage-rate may be taken as 7.8 per thousand.
Neither husband nor wife acquires by marriage any interest in the property of the other; the earnings of the wife are her sole property and she has the right to make contracts as if unmarried.
For unmarried bridesmaids, the best bridesmaid's gift is the bouquet tossed by the bride at her reception.
Nevertheless the Church still demands celibacy for all unmarried people.
We should also note that most unmarried cohabitants are in opposite sex couples; their legal position is still a cause for concern.
Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Unmarried and same-sex couples.. .
George Bogle of Daldowie died in 1782, and was succeeded in it by his son Robert, who died there unmarried in 1808.
Unmarried, he has no family responsibilities (although he does have 39 godchildren with no doubt hopeful parents ).
A move to allow only heterosexual unmarried couples to adopt was not put to a vote.
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There is evidence here of female shame at unmarried motherhood, but Evans focuses on the images of resourceful, vengeful women.
Inviting Guests ' Unmarried partners Whether to invite the unmarried partners of your desired guests is a common and contentious dilemma.
This can include an unmarried same-sex or opposite-sex partner, or a civil partner.
Unmarried women were called spinsters, as they spent a lot of their time spinning, rather than bringing up children.
For centuries this was the work of every woman, hence the term spinster for an unmarried girl.
All legitimate children shared equally in the father's estate at his death, reservation being made of a bride-price for an unmarried son, dower for a daughter or property deeded to favourite children by the father.
He died unmarried, and the earldom became extinct, the barony (see below) passing to his brother Robert.
Especially let the unmarried postpone it.
All the unmarried ladies and even the married ones except the very oldest rose.
Are there no women living unmarried, and even the happier for it?
Young ladies, married and unmarried, liked him because without making love to any of them, he was equally amiable to all, especially after supper.
But he did not run after the unmarried girls, especially the rich heiresses who were most of them plain.
Her mother was Elizabeth Sewell an unmarried servant girl.
In addition, most of today's television families are made up of divorced, separated, estranged or unmarried couples with blurred parenting roles and children with a wide range of emotional and psychological challenges.
Since 1970, the number of co-habitating unmarried couples has quadrupled.
On September 21, 1967, a young, unmarried Mississippi couple gave birth to a baby girl who would later become Faith Hill.
Many of these single parents live with an adult partner, sometimes even the unmarried father of their child.
For example, 33 percent of Caucasian children lived with fathers who were unmarried but cohabiting with another adult.
Similarly the infant mortality rate for unmarried mothers is often more than 83 percent higher than the mortality rate for married women.
Some families have only one parent; others are combinations based on second marriages; still others are comprised of unmarried couples living with or without children.
An increasing divorce rate and a rise in the number of infants born to unmarried mothers were in large part responsible for forcing the abandonment issue into public consciousness in the 1970s.
Single men adopted some children, and unmarried couples adopted some children in the same period.
More than one half of African-American children, nearly one third of Hispanic children, and one fifth of Caucasian children live with a single parent because of divorce and unmarried mothers.
After learning that she was upset and stressed because she was unmarried, her midwife had the couple married and the woman shot right into labor.
Red envelopes filled with lucky money are given to children and unmarried adults.
If you're giving a personalized Christmas gift to an unmarried woman, think twice before using a monogram that includes her maiden name.
In England, it was customary for unmarried women to eat gingerbread men as a ritual to help them meet suitable husbands.
While the unmarried may have reservations about dating someone whose previous marriage did not work out, the Christian who has been through a divorce knows first hand how complicated the subject can be.
While there are no statistics on the number of multiracial relationships amongst unmarried couples, it has surely grown even more than the marriage rate.
If the ring wearer is both unmarried and not engaged, the Claddagh ring is worn on the right hand with the crown pointing toward the heart.
A self-employed business owner who is the sole breadwinner for a family of six needs much more life insurance than an unmarried man who is simply looking for a way to make sure his funeral expenses will be paid after his death.
Born in 1901, Phillips became pregnant at 19, unmarried and alone, she turned to radio sermons when her child was stillborn.
Family members that are eligible for enrollment include your spouse, unmarried children under the age of 22, and certain disabled children who may be older than 22.
Marital status - Married drivers have lower insurance rates than unmarried or divorced drivers.
Domestic partner insurance may be available to unmarried couples under an employer or a private health insurance plan.
It's as though sexual appeal is just for young, unmarried women and once a woman is over a certain age, she is wisest to stop thinking of herself as sexy, because no one else will.
The series followed four unmarried couples on an island where various temptations were thrown at them in an effort to lure them from their existing relationships.
Gene Simmons' and his Playboy Playmate of the Year partner, Shannon Tweed, have been happily unmarried for more than 20 years.
Suleman was unmarried, unemployed, and lived with her mother.
Well, people can get UNmarried, you know.
Of the whole population in 1901, 575% were unmarried, 36.0% married, and 6.5% widowers or widows.
Anne Boleyn, however, remained unmarried, and a series of grants and favours bestowed by Henry on her father between 1522 and 1525 have been taken, though very doubtfully, as a symptom of the king's affections.
Dying unmarried, when the earldom therefore became extinct, Charles was succeeded as Viscount O'Neill by his brother John Bruce Richard (1780-1855), a general in the British army; on whose death without issue in 1855 the male line in the United Kingdom became extinct.
She had thirteen children - Frederick Henry, drgwned at sea in 1629; Charles Louis, elector palatine, whose daughter married Philip, duke of Orleans, and became the ancestress of the elder and Roman Catholic branch of the royal family of England; Elizabeth, abbess and friend of Descartes; Prince Rupert and Prince Maurice, who died unmarried; Louisa, abbess; Edward, who married Anne de Gonzaga, "princesse palatine," and had children; Henrietta Maria, who married Count Sigismund Ragotzki but died childless; Philip and Charlotte, who died childless; Sophia, who married Ernest Augustus, elector of Hanover, and was mother of George I.
Later cadets were John, brother of the 3rd earl, who carried the standard at Crecy, became captain of Calais, and was summoned as a peer in 1350, but died unmarried; and William, brother of the 4th earl, who was distinguished in the French wars, and succeeding to the lands of the Lords Abergavenny was summoned in that barony 1392; his son was created earl of Worcester in 1420, but died without male issue in 1422; from his daughter, who married Sir Edward Neville, descended the Lords Abergavenny.
Prynne died unmarried, in his lodgings at Lincoln's Inn, on the 24th of October 1669, and was buried in the walk under the chapel there.
Tradition asserts that her father, Don Pedro Fernandez de Castro, and her mother, Dona Aldonca Soares de Villadares, a noble Portuguese lady, were unmarried, and that Inez and her two brothers were consequently of bastard birth.
From the negotiations for the marriage of his daughter Sophia it appears that he had landed property in more than one place, and he had obtained on lease in 1722 a considerable estate from the corporation of Colchester, which was settled on his unmarried daughter at his death.
Among whites for every ioo unmarried men there were 6 5.33 unmarried women; there were 93.04 married women for every ioo married men, and 173.81 widows for every ioo widowers.
In 1817 the death of Princess Charlotte (only child of the prince regent, afterwards George IV., and wife of Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, afterwards king of the Belgians), had left the ultimate succession to the throne of England, in the younger generation, so uncertain that the three unmarried sons of George III., the dukes of Clarence (afterwards William IV.),.
He died, unmarried, on the 28th of May 1808.
Both of them died unmarried.
For every family in which there is a wife, a minor son, or an unmarried daughter, a homestead not exceeding $loon in value, or personal property not exceeding $500-in value, is exempt from sale for the satisfaction of debts.
Among Pathans there are two kinds of kurta (kamis or khat); one worn by married women called giradana khat is dark red or blue, embroidered with silk in front; the jalana khat worn by unmarried women is less conspicuous for colour and ornament.