Units Sentence Examples
Our reserve units were able to join up, and the fight was at an end.
This place only has 12 units.
But however small the units it takes, we feel that to take any unit disconnected from others, or to assume a beginning of any phenomenon, or to say that the will of many men is expressed by the actions of any one historic personage, is in itself false.
I will be here only another few moon-cycles and will work with you to teach you the different units and their capabilities.
Dean motioned to one of the units.
For simplicity, he assumes I + and I_ each equal 0.25 X106 electrostatic units.
This gives a convection current of 2.7 X108 electrostatic units, or about 1/27 of the conduction current.
Here we are concerned only with their earlier history, which is put for convenience under this heading in order to separate the account of the period when they formed practically a single area for historical purposes from that of the time when Holland and Belgium became distinct administrative units.
But if we consider two bodies each of mass m and one of them moving with velocity v relative to the other, only 4mv 2 units of work is available from this system alone.
The ultimate value of numerical inquiries must depend on the equivalence of the units on which they are based.
AdvertisementEvery plant is thus found to be composed of a number of these protoplasmic units, or, as they may preferably be termed, proloplasts, all of which are at first exactly alike in appearance and in properties.
The former is concerned with the division of the earths surface into major districts characterized by particular plants or taxonomic groups of plants, with the subdivision of these floristic districts, and with the geographical distribution (both past and present) of the various taxonomic units, such as species, genera, and families.
Protopodite, endopodite, exopodite, and epipodite were considered to be the morphological units of the crustacean limb.
Such groups are interesting in that they are vegetation units whose physiognomy is, in a broad sense, related more to climatic than to edaphic conditions.
Finally, within any district of constant or fairly constant climatic conditions, it is possible to distinguish plant communities which are related chiefly to edaphic or soil conditions; and the vegetation units of these definite edaphic areas are the plant formations of some writers, and, in part, the edaphic formations of Schimper.
AdvertisementHe showed that all the organs of plants are built up of cells, that the plant embryo originates from a single cell, and that the physiological activities of the plant are dependent upon the individual activities of these vital units.
This conception of,the plant as an aggregate or colony of independent vital units governing the nutrition, growth and reproduction of the whole cannot, however, be maintained.
It is clear, however, that an equal quantitative division and distribution of the chromatin to the daughter cells is brought about; and if, as has been suggested, the chromatin consists of minute particles or units which are the carriers of the hereditary characteristics, the nuclear division also probably results in the equal division and distribution of one half of each of these units to each daughter cell.
Boveri in fact has put forward the view that the chromosomes are elementary units which maintain an organic continuity and independent existence in the cell.
Its author, with a considerable mathematical and mechanical bias, reckoned entirely with the quantity, not with the quality of his units, and relied almost implicitly upon his formulae.
AdvertisementIn addition to this there is compulsory service in the National Guard (a) in the first class, consisting of men between seventeen and thirty years of age, liable for service with the standing army, and numbering some 15,000; (b) in the second class, for departmental service only, except in so far as it may be drawn upon to make up losses in the more active units in time of war, consisting of men from thirty to forty-five years of age, and (c) in the third class, for local garrison duty, consisting of men between forty-five and sixty years old.
The large Adminis- territorial units of administration created by Peter the trative Great were broken up into so-called " governments " reforms. (gubernii) and further subdivided into districts (uyezdy), and each government was confided to the care of a governor and a vice-governor assisted by a council.
In America, the basic units have been the ton-mile and the passenger-mile, and these figures are now required to be furnished to the Interstate Commerce Commission and to most of the state commissions as well.
Unfortunately, from the tenable theory that the intensity of a sensation increases by definite additions of stimulus, Fechner was led on to postulate a unit of sensation, so that any sensation s might be regarded as composed of n units.
His general formula for getting at the number of units in any sensation is S = C log R, where s stands for the sensation, R for the stimulus numerically estimated, and c for a constant that must be separately determined by experiment in each particular order of sensibility.
AdvertisementIndependent local developments of art before the middle of the 2nd millennium B.C. suggest the early existence of independent units in various parts, of which the strongest was the Cnossian.
The county and the township are the units of the rural, the city and the village the units of the urban local The provision for circuit courts was first made in the constitution by an amendment of 1883.
These fortresses, garrisoned not by the king, as in Norman England, but by their possessors, would only strengthen the power of the feudatories, and help to dissipate the kingdom into a number of local units.
In explanation of these facts it is supposed that each element has a certain number of " units of affinity," which may be entirely, or only in part, engaged when it enters into combination with other elements; and in those cases in which the entire number of units of affinity are not engaged by other elements, it is supposed that those which are thus disengaged neutralize each other, as it were.
Compounds in which all the units of affinity of the contained elements are engaged are said to be saturated, whilst those in which the affinities of the contained elements are not all engaged by other elements are said to be unsaturated.
According to this view, it is necessary to assume that, in all unsaturated compounds, two, or some even number of affinities are disengaged; and also that all elements which combine with an even number of monad atoms cannot combine with an odd number, and vice versa, - in other words, that the number of units of affinity active in the case of any given element must be always either an even or an odd number, and that it cannot be at one time an even and at another an odd number.
The number of units of affinity active in the case of any particular element is largely dependent, however, upon the nature of the element or elements with which it is associated.
Changes of the first and second kind, according to our views of the constitution of molecules, are probably of very rare occurrence; in fact, chemical action appears almost always to involve the occurrence of both these kinds of change, for, as already pointed out, we must assume that the molecules of hydrogen, oxygen and several other elements are diatomic, or that they consist of two atoms. Indeed, it appears probable that with few exceptions the elements are all compounds of similar atoms united together by one or more units of affinity, according to their valencies.
They now add the proportion which these units of length have to nature, or state how many of these units are contained within some local measure of length.
His contributions to the theories of Elasticity and of Waves rank high among modern developments of mathematical physics, although they are mere units among the 150 scientific papers attached to his name in the Royal Society's Catalogue.
The heading "Measurement of Dynamical Quantities" includes the topics units, measurements, and the constant of gravitation.
Pressure from Hungary and Byzantium gradually welded these isolated social units into a single nation, whose ruler was known as the Ban.
The redif cavalry is not organized with large units, and in time of war would be employed as divisional troops.
Behind these all Prussia was overrun by newly formed units, (3 rd and 4th battalions) raised from depot companies, conscripts for 1807, and old soldiers rejoining after sickness or wounds.
The principal object of this more recent research has been the determination of the quantitative amount of chemical change associated with the passage for a given time of a current of strength known in electromagnetic units.
When one gramme of zinc is dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid, 1670 thermal units or calories are evolved.
In this manner the diffusion constant can be calculated in absolute units (HC1= 2.49, HN03 = 2.27, NaC1=1.12), the unit of time being the day.
From the observed motion of the node of Venus, as shown by the four transits of 1761, 1769, 1874 and 1882, is found Mass of (earth +moon) _Mass of sun 332600 In gravitational units of mass, based on the metre and second as units of length and time, Log.
When a current of strength i is suddenly interrupted in the primary, the increment of induction through the secondary is sensibly equal to 47rin/l units.
The downward course of the curve is, owing to hysteresis, strikingly different from its upward course, and when the magnetizing force has been reduced to zero, there is still remaining an induction of 7500 units.
An experiment by Ewing showed that by the operation of stretching an annealed iron wire beyond the limits of elasticity the permeability under a magnetizing force of about 3 units was reduced by as much as 75%.
The greatest weight supported in the experiments was 14,600 grammes per square cm., and the corresponding induction 18, Soo units.
The instrument exhibited by Thompson would, without undue heating, take a current of 30 amperes, which was sufficient to produce a magnetizing force of woo units.
The effective number of turns in the coil surrounding the test rod can be varied by means of three dial switches (for hundreds, tens and units), which also introduce compensating resistances as the number of effective turns in the coil is reduced, thus keeping the total resistance of the circuit constant.
The highest induction reached in these experiments was 45,350 units, more than twice the value of any previously recorded.
The elongation is generally found to reach a maximum under a magnetizing force of 50 to 120 units, and to vanish under a force of 200 to 400, retraction occurring when still higher forces are applied.
Experiments were afterwards made with rods of iron, nickel, and cobalt, the external field being carried up to the high value of 1500 units.
Even under so " moderate " a load as 33 kilogrammes per square mm., the induced magnetization of a hard-drawn nickel wire in a field of 60 fell from 386 to 72 units, while the residual was reduced from about 280 to io.
The anticipated reversal was duly found by Chree, the critical point corresponding, under the moderate stress employed, to a field of about 120 units.
Bidwell," who, adopting special precautions against sources of error by which former work was probably affected, measured the changes of thermo-electric force for iron, steel, nickel and cobalt produced by magnetic fields up to I Soo units.
Applying the principle of the conservation of internal energy, he demonstrates that for iron in a field of woo units and upwards the E.M.F.
With small magnetizing forces the hysteresis was indeed somewhat larger than that obtained in an alternating field, probably on account of the molecular changes being forced to take place in one direction only; but at an induction of about 16,00o units in soft iron and 15,000 in hard steel the hysteresis reached a maximum and afterwards rapidly diminished.
Lettish units were shelled on Dec. 30 from a British mine-layer in the harbour of the new capital - Riga.
The Baltic Landeswehr, unsupported by the other units, were engaged with Esthonian and Lettish forces near Wenden, and were defeated.
The Grafschaft became thus merely a bundle of rights inherent in the soil; and, the count's office having become his property, the old counties of Gauen rapidly disappeared as administrative units, being either amalgamated or subdivided.
Under Manchu rule the aimaks became converted into the same number of military corps, each composed of so many hoshuns as military units.
It is true that we obtain this result by subtracting 3 from io by means of a subtractiontable (concrete or ideal); but this table merely gives the generalized results of a number of operations of addition or subtraction performed with concrete units.
We must count with something; and the successive somethings obtained by the addition of successive units are in fact numerical quantities, not numbers.
When we are familiar with the treatment of quantities by equations, we may ignore the units and deal solely with numbers; and (ii.) (a) and (ii.) (b) may then, by the commutative law for multiplication, be regarded as identical.
We cannot solve the equation 7X =4s.; but we are accustomed to subdivision of units, and we can therefore give a meaning to X by inventing a unit w s.
Let X and Y be the related quantities, their expressions in terms of selected units A and B being x and y, so that X=x.A, Y = y.
For graphical representation we select units of length L and M, not necessarily identical.
Graphic representation thus rests on the principle that equal numerical quantities may be represented by equal lengths, and that a quantity mA may be represented by a length mL, where A and L are the respective units; and the science of graphics rests on the converse property that the quantity represented by pL is pA, i.e.
In the graphic method of representation the sign - may be taken as denoting a reversal of direction, so that, if + 3 represents a length of 3 units measured in one direction,-3 represents a length of 3 units measured in the other direction.
These values are assumed to be independent, so we have 2n(n - I) derived units of the second species or order.
Associated with these new units there is a system of extensive quantities of the second species, represented by symbols of the type = Ei 121 [i=I, 2,...zn(n - I)].
Every unit of the rth species which does not vanish is the product of r different units of the first species; two such units are independent unless they are permutations of the same set of primary units e i, in which case they are equal or opposite according to the usual rule employed in determinants.
As in quaternions, so in the extensive calculus, there are numerous formulae of transformation which enable us to deal with extensive quantities without expressing them in terms of the primary units.
If, in the extensive calculus of the nth category, all the units (including i and the derived units E) are taken to be homologous instead of being distributed into species, we may regard it as a (2'-I)-tuple linear algebra, which, however, is not wholly associative.
It should be observed that while the use of special units, or extraordinaries, in a linear algebra is convenient, especially in applications, it is not indispensable.
On the 16th the Hungarian Government declared in favour of personal union, and next day Hussarek published an imperial proclamation, dividing Austria (not Austria-Hungary) into four federal units (German, Czech, Yugoslav and Ukrainian) and leaving the Poles to make their own decision.
The commander-in-chief's first duty was to create a field army out of the tangle of units in Cape Colony.
Under this division some of the recognized administrative units were greatly altered in area or even abolished, and the capital status of several cities was apparently affected.
The metric weights and measures have been officially adopted by Venezuela, but the old Spanish units are still popularly used throughout the country.
The prince, seeing the opportunity for a battle, immediately issued orders for an enveloping attack on Miinchengratz by his whole army, but, owing to distances and the number of units now requiring direction, it was late in the following day before all were in readiness for action.
On the other hand, the Prussians were new to the battlefield, and the reaction after the elation of victory was intense; moreover, if what happened at Hiihnerwasser affords a guide, the staff would have required some days to disentangle the units which had fought and to assign them fresh objectives.
It is well known that in the vegetable kingdom the protoplasm of one cell frequently overflows into that of cells adjacent - that there is, as it were, a continuous network of protoplasm (idioplasm of Nageli) prevailing throughout vegetable tissues, rather than an aggregation of isolated units.
Hamilton had cabled home asking for reinforcements and for very large drafts that were needed to bring the depleted units under his command up to their war establishment.
Subordinate to the deputy commissioners are assistant commissioners, extra-assistant commissioners and myooks, who are invested with various magisterial, civil and revenue powers, and hold charge of the townships, as the units of regular civil and revenue jurisdiction are called, and the sub-divisions of districts, into which most of these townships are grouped.
A column of about 600 men cooperated with French forces in the operations in Cameroon and other units aided in the defence of northern Rhodesia.
I n a straight uniform current of fluid of density p, flowing with velocity q, the flow in units of mass per second across a plane area A, placed in the current with the normal of the plane making an angle 0 with the velocity, is oAq cos 0, the product of the density p, the area A, and q cos 0 the component velocity normal to the plane.
The resultant hydrostatic thrust across any diametral plane of the cylinder will be modified, but the only term in the loss of head which exerts a resultant thrust on the whole cylinder is 2mU sin Olga, and its thrust is 27rpmU absolute units in the direction Cy, to be counteracted by a support at the centre C; the liquid is streaming past r=a with velocity U reversed, and the cylinder is surrounded by a vortex.
The French metric system is the official standard of weights and measures and is in use in the custom-houses of the republic and in foreign trade, but the old units are still commonly used among the people.
The ratio of marriages is approximately 8.46 per thousand units of the population, and the ratio of divorces is 1.36 per thousand.
On the one hand, his whole formulation of Evolution in mechanical terms urges him in the direction of materialism, and he attempts to compose the mind out of homogeneous units of consciousness (or" feeling ")" similar in nature to those which we know as nervous shocks; each of which is the correlative of a rhythmical motion of a material unit or group of such units "(§ 62).
And he admits (§ 63) that if we were compelled to choose between translating mental phenomena into physical and its converse, the latter would be preferable, seeing that the ideas of matter and motion, merely symbolic of unknowable realities, are complex states of consciousness built out of units of feeling.
The unit of mechanical force in the " centimetre, gramme, second " (C.G.S.) system of units is the dyne, which is approximately equal to 1/981 part of the weight of one gramme.
If the two small conducting spheres are placed with centres at a distance d centimetres, and immersed in an insulator of dielectric constant K, and carry charges of Q and Q' electrostatic units respectively, measured as above described, then the mechanical force between them is equal to QQ'/Kd 2 dynes.
If a small conducting body is charged with Q electrostatic units of electricity, and placed in any electric field at a point where the electric force has a value E, it will be subject to a mechanical force equal to QE dynes, tending to move it in the direction of the resultant electric force.
In the same manner, if an electrified body carries a positive charge Q electrostatic units and is placed in an electric field at a place where the electric force or electromotive intensity has a value E units, it is urged in the direction of the electric force with a mechanical force equal to QE dynes.
Returning to the case of the charged body with the space around it cut up into electric cells by the tubes of force and shells of potential, it is obvious that the number of these cells is represented by the product QV, where Q is the charge and V the potential of the body in electrostatic units.
An electrified conductor is a store of energy, and from the definition of potential it is clear that the work done in increasing the charge q of a conductor whose potential is v by a small amount dq, is vdq, and since this added charge increases in turn the potential, it is easy to prove that the work done in charging a conductor with Q units to a potential V units is z QV units of work.
Thus, consider a sphere uniformly charged with Q units of positive electricity.
The quantity of electricity which must be given to the sphere to raise it to unit potential is therefore R electrostatic units.
The above method is especially useful for the determinations of very small capacities of the order of Ioo electrostatic units or so and upwards.
It has been shown above that the potential due to a charge of q units placed on a very small sphere, commonly called a point-charge, at any distance x is q/x.
With this definition of temperature 0, if the heat H is measured in work units, the expression of Carnot's principle for an infinitesimal cycle of range do reduces to the simple form dW/d9=H/0.
By the method of empirical psychology, he examined man first as a unit in himself and secondly in his wider relations to the larger units of society and the universe of mankind.
No lines of march were assigned to the several units, consequently the confusion became so great that though the distance to be traversed in no case exceeded six miles, only the right wing and centre reached their destinations as night was falling.
A few scattered units managed to escape, and the left wing retreated unmolested, but at the cost of about 3000 casualties the Allies inflicted a loss of 6000 killed and wounded and 9000 prisoners on the enemy, who were, moreover, so shaken that they never recovered their confidence to the end of the campaign.
The first objective and part of the second were carried on time and without great difficulty, but the left of the ist Canadian Div., swinging to the left against Marquion, was checked for a time, until reinforcements, including units of the 11th Div., came up to complete the capture of the village and its defences.
The right division, the 52nd, successfully carried out this operation with a portion of its forces, while other units crossed the canal on the right in conjunction with the 63rd Div., and met with severe resistance.
In the numerical expression of absolute densities it is necessary to specify the units of mass and volume employed; while in the case of relative densities, it is only necessary to specify the standard substance, since the result is a mere number.
Yet some such isolation of the subject matter of this science was demanded at the moment of its birth, just as political economy, when first started, had to make a rigid severance of wealth from other units.
It is to be noticed that each number is the sum of the numbers immediately 35 above and to the left of it; and 35 that the numbers along a line, termed a base, which cuts off an equal number of units along the top row and column are the co efficients in the binomial expansion of (I+x) r - 1, where r represents the number of units cut off.
Most of the barracks can accommodate not only the units they are constructed for, but also detachments going through courses of instruction.
Besides the troops in barracks, during the drill season there is often a considerable force in camp, both regular troops from other stations and militia and volunteer units, so that, including the regular garrison, sometimes as many as 40,000' troops have been concentrated at the station for training and manoeuvres.
He was too good a soldier to waste his reserves and only brought up a few units of the second line to help the disordered brigades of the first.
The universal is the real; it is that which gives coherence and individuality to the particulars of sense which apart from it are like the routed or disbanded units of an army.
The towns elected (until 1856) the deputies to the general court, and were the administrative units for the assessment and collection of taxes, maintaining churches and schools, organizing and training the militia, preserving the peace, caring for the poor, building and repairing roads and bridges, and recording deeds, births, deaths and marriages; and to discuss questions relating to these matters as well as other matters of peculiarly local concern, to determine the amount of taxes for town purposes, and to elect officers.
It consists of three parts, which were formerly independent administrative units, the Altstadt (old town), to the west, Lobenicht to the east, and the island Kneiphof, together with numerous suburbs, all embraced in a circuit of 92 miles.
No standards of weighing or measuring were known, but the parts of the body were the units, and money consisted in rare and durable vegetable and animal substances, which scarcely reached the dignity of a mechanism of exchange.
The result of the discussion was that Bern was won over to the side of the reformer, who apprehended the whole struggle of Protestantism as turning directly on the political decisions of the various units of the Confederation.
By prearrangement, no doubt, uniformity may be obtained in regard to most of the main statistical facts ascertainable at a census, at all events in the more advanced units of the empire, and proposals to this effect were made by the registrar-general of England and Wales in his report upon the figures for 1901.
This use of formulae for dealing with numbers, which express magnitudes in terms of units, constitutes the broad difference between mensuration and ordinary geometry, which knows nothing of units.
The failure seems (§ 2) to be due to difficulty in realizing the numerical expression of an area or a solid in terms of a specified unit, while the same difficulty does not arise in the case of linear measure or liquid measure, where the number of units can be ascertained by direct counting.
The commutative law for multiplication is directly illustrated; and subdivisions or groupings of the units lead to such formulae as (a+ a) (b + 0)=.
Calculations involving feet and inches are sometimes performed by means of duodecimal arithmetic; i.e., in effect, the tables of square measure and of cubic measure are amplified by the insertion of intermediate units.
On any line OX take a length ON equal to xG, and from N draw NP at right angles to OX and equal to uH; G and H being convenient units of length.
Then we may, ignoring the units G and H, speak of ON and NP as being equal to x and u respectively.
Conference between sister churches for counsel is provided for; so that, while autonomous, they do not live as isolated units.
Marshal Oyama sent his principal staff officers to stimulate Nogi to fresh efforts, and some exhausted units of the besieging army were replaced by fresh troops from Japan.
The customer cannot obtain current for electric lighting until he has placed in a slit a certain coin - say, a shilling - entitling him to a certain number of Board-of-Trade units - say, to 2 or 4, as the case may be.
His principal reforms were the subdivision of the artillery divisions into separate independent units, the formation of artillery brigades, the establishment of a committee of instruction (1808), and the publishing of an Artillery Journal.
It has been maintained since the times of the early Greek philosophers, and possibly even more remote ages, that matter is constituted of independent indestructible units, which cannot ever become divided by means of any mutual actions they can exert.
The corollary, that the electric resistance of a metal can be determined in absolute units by experiments on the reflexion of heat-rays from its surface, is a striking illustration of the unification of the various branches of physical science, which has come in the train of the development of the theory of the aether.
Thus over a great part of Europe the Catholic Church was split up into territorial or national churches, which, whatever the theoretical ties which bound them together, were in fact separate organizations, tending ever more and more to become isolated and self-contained units with no formal intercommunion, and, as the rivalry of nationalities grew, with increasingly little even of intercommunication.
The numbers have been changed from kilogramme-metre to poundfoot units by Colonel Ingalls, and employed by him in the calculation of an extended ballistic table, which can be compared with the result of the abridged table.
With metric units, measuring P in kg., and C in litres, the G.D.
The country is divided into arrondissements and communes, with most of the apparatus of self-government enjoyed by the corresponding units in France.
The two standards, the cubic inch and the cubic decimetre, may not be strictly comparable owing to a difference in the normal temperature (Centigrade and Fahrenheit scales) of the two units of extension, the metre and the yard.
The forms of the four primary standards representing the four units of extension and mass are shown in figs.
Authoritative standards and instruments for the measurement of electricity, based on the fundamental units of the metric system, have been placed in the Electrical Laboratory of the Board of Trade.
Though no line can be drawn between ancient and modern metrology, yet, owing to neglect, and partly to the scarcity of materials, there is a gap of more than a thousand years over which the connexion of units of measure is mostly guess-work.
In the absence of the actual standards of ancient times the units of measure and of weight have to be inferred from the other remains; hence unit in this division is used for any more or less closely defined amount of length or weight in terms of which matter was measured.
Except in a few cases, we shall not here consider any units of the middle ages.
A constant difficulty in studying works on metrology is the need of distinguishing the absolute facts of the case from the web of theory into which each writer has woven them -- often the names used, and sometimes the very existence of the units in question, being entirely an assumption of the writer.
Another defect in the evidence of coins is that, when one variety of the unit of weight was once fixed on for the coinage, there was (barring the depreciation) no departure from it, because of the need of a fixed value, and hence coins do not show the range and character of the real variations of units as do buildings, or vases, or the actual commercial weights.
In weights of the same place and age there is a far wider range; at Defenneh (29), within a century probably, the average variation of different units is 1/36, 1/60, and 1/67, the range being just the same as in all times and places taken together.
Average variation may be said to range from 1/40 to 1/70 in different units, doubtless greatly due to defective balances.
If, as seems probable, units of length may be traced in prehistoric remains, they are of great value; at Stonehenge, for instance, the earlier parts are laid out by the Phoenician foot, and the later by the Pelasgo-Roman foot (26).
It should be borne in mind that in early times the larger values, such as minae, would be transmitted by commerce, while after the introduction of coinage the lesser values of shekels and drachmae would be the units; and this needs notice, because usually a borrowed unit was multiplied or divided according to the ideas of the borrowers, and strange modifications thus arose.
Again, there are many theories of the equivalence of different cubic cubits of water with various multiples of talents (2, 3, 18, 24, 33); but connexion by lesser units would be far more probable, as the primary use of weights is not to weigh large cubical vessels of liquid, but rather small portions of precious metals.
So far this later research appears to confirm the opinion of Böckh (2) that fundamental units of measure were at one time derived from weights and capacities.
All quantities stated in this article without distinguishing names are in British units of inch, cubic inch or grain.
From that time it is one of the principal units in the literature (Didymus, &c.), and is said to occur in the temple of Augustus at Pergamum as 13.8 (18).
There is, however, fair evidence for units of 17.30 and 1.730 or (1/12) of 20.76 in Persian buildings (25) and the same is found in Asia Minor as 17.25 or (5/6)ths of 20.70.
We now pass to units between which we cannot state any connexion.
Other units are the suklum or (1/2)U=5.4, and cubit of 2U=21.9, which are not named in this tablet.
Here there are no monumental data known; and the literary information does not distinguish the closely connected, perhaps identical, units of these lands.
If this unit haS any connexion with the kat, it is that a kat of gold is worth 15 shekels or 1/4 mina of silver; this agrees well with the range of both units, only it must be remembered that 129 was used as gold unit, and another silver unit deduced from it.
More likely then the 147 and 129 units originated independently in Egypt and Babylonia.
A duck-weight of Camirus, probably early, gives 8480; the same passed on to Greece and Italy (17), averaging 8610; but in Italy it was divided, like all other units, into unciae and scripulae (44).
In coinage it is one of the commonest units in early times; from Phoenicia, round the coast to Macedonia, it is predominant (17); at a maximum of 230 (Ialysus), it is in Macedonia 224, but seldom exceeds 220 elsewhere, the earliest Lydian of the 7th century being 219, and the general average of coins 218.
A voltmeter is therefore one form of electrometer, but the term is generally employed to describe the instrument which indicates on a scale, not merely in arbitrary units but directly in volts, the potential difference of its terminals.
Since there are 8760 hours in a year, if such an instrument were connected continuously to the circuit it would take up energy equal to 263,000 watt-hours, or 260 Board of Trade units per annum, If the cost of production of this energy was only one penny per unit, the working expenses of keeping such a voltmeter in connexion with a circuit would therefore be more than £i per annum, representing a capitalized value of, say, £io.
This legal capacity rendered them liable to military service as heavy-armed fighting men, and as such they were enrolled in the military units called centuriae.
The cities thus privileged, however, though receiving complete Roman citizenship, were not, as the logic of public law might seem to demand, incorporated in Rome, but continued to exist as independent urban units; and this anomaly survived in the municipal system which was developed, on the basis of these grants of citizenship, after the Social War.
The gens in turn was regarded as an expansion of the family, as was the state of the gens; and members of these larger units by worship of common ancestors - usually mythical - kept alive the feeling that they were a single organic whole animated by a common soul and joined in consanguinity.
It one regards the larger units, they held naturally a little more of the total population of the countryjust a third (33.1%; ten times their proportion of the countrys total in 1790); and they grew a little faster.
The traffic on these, measured in units moved one mile, was 28,797,781,231 passenger-miles, and 214,340,129,523 freight miles.
Denoting the number of units in AB by 4c, we can express BB 1j B 1 B 2,.
The Above Expression Must Therefore Be Diminished By The Number Of Units In 4, Or By () W (This Notation Being Used To Denote The Quotient, In A Whole Number, That Arises From Dividing X By 4).
At present the quantity of electricity it carries, and also its mass, may be determined, and we can therefore derive units of length and of mass from our electrical measurements.
Leibnitz, again, having become equally dissatisfied with Cartesianism, Spinozism and the Epicurean realism of Gassendi, in the latter part of his life came still nearer than Spinoza to metaphysical idealism in his monadology, or half-Pythagorean,half-Brunistic analysis of bodies into monads, or units, or simple substances, indivisible and unextended, but endowed with perception and appetite.
From these two arbitrary hypotheses about corporeal motion, that it requires indivisibly simple elements, and that it offers only passive resistance, he concluded that behind bodies there must be units, or monads, which would be at once substantial, simple, indivisible and active.
His theory of bodies involved an idealistic analysis neither into bodily atoms nor into mathematical units, but into mentally endowed simple substances.
Proceeding on this suggestion, and misled by the mathematical expression which he had given to Weber's law, Fechner held that a conscious sensation, like its stimulus, consists of units, or elements, by summation and increments of which conscious sensations and their differences are produced; so that consciousness, according to this unnecessary assumption, emerges from an integration of unconscious shocks or tremors.
But he had also to endure countless objections to his mathematical statement of Weber's law, to his unnecessary assumption of units of sensation, and to his unjustifiable transfer of the law from physical to physiological stimuli of sensations, involving in his opinion his parallelistic view of body and mind.
Thus, according to him, in the first place reason forms a cosmological " ideal " of a multitude of simple units related; secondly, it forms a psychological " ideal " of a multitude of wills, or substance-generating activities, which communicate with one another by ideas so that will causes ideas in will, while together they constitute a collective will, and it goes on to form the moral ideal of humanity (das sittliche Menschheitsideal); and, thirdly, it forms an ontological " ideal " of God as ground of this moral " ideal," and therewith of all being as means to this end, and an " ideal " of God as world-will, of which the world is development, and in which individual wills participate each in its sphere.
In subdividing the strata of the Carboniferous system and correlating the major divisions in different areas, just as in other great systems, use has to be made of the fossil contents of the rocks; stratigraphical units, based on lithology, are useless for this purpose.
The careful investigations of recent years have shown that in several groups of fungi we cannot be content to distinguish as units morphologically different species, but we are compelled to go deeper and analyse further the species.
The ultimate elements of experience must be real units, capable of being represented or imagined in isolation.
Whence then do these units arise?
The next simplest case consists in the mutual interchange of two affinity units, and so on.
In addition, each would leave behind depot troops to form the nucleus on which the 2nd ban Landwehr and the Landsturm would eventually be built up. The total number of units of the three arms in all branches may be stated approximately at 2200 battalions, 780 squadrons and 950 batteries.
The latter are bought at horse-fairs and private sales, unbroken, and sent to the 25 remount depots, whence, when fit for the service, they are sent to the various units, as a rule in the early summer.
It is almost certainly due in large measure to a progressive change in one or both of the units of frequency.
The usual strength of the corps is, 2 infantry divisions (4 brigades, 8 or 9 regiments, 32 or 36 battalions), 1 cavalry brigade (18 squadrons), and 1 artillery brigade (16-18 batteries or 128-144 field-guns), besides technical and departmental units and in some cases fortress artillery regiments.
The troops under Colonel Parsons, Royal Artillery, who beat the Dervishes at Gedaref, were so short of British officers that all orders were necessarily given in Arabic and carried to commanders of units by Arabs.
During the whole of the war the chief cause of complaint was the refusal of the authorities to permit the correspondents to identify the units taking part in particular operations, or, in other words, to name the troops engaged.
The rule prohibiting them, except in rare cases, from describing the achievements of the different units, who were thus robbed of the glory to which they were entitled, had most unfortunate results.
The silicates and aluminates of which Portland cement is composed are believed to exist not as individual units but as solid solutions of each other, these solid solutions taking the form of minerals recognizable as individuals.
Such units frequently occur in pairs, one member of the pair being characterized by the presence, the other by the absence of a problematical body at least comparable with a ferment, the result of the presence or absence being a notable modification of the whole organism or of parts of it.
And in the Anguttara we find set out in order first of all the units, then all the pairs, then all the trios, and so on.
Pennefather had been reinforced by the Guards' brigade and a few smaller units.
The separate tribal units of Arabia, more or less impotent when divided and at war with one another, received for the first time an indissoluble bond of union from the prophet Mahomet, whose perfect knowledge of human nature (at least of Arab human nature) enabled him to formulate a religious system that was calculated.
The districts are partitioned out into lesser tracts, which are strictly units of administration, though subordinate ones.
Each of these armies is organized in divisions, nine in number, based on the principles that the troops in peace should be trained in units of command similar to those in which they would take the field, and that much larger powers should be entrusted to the divisional commanders.
The Philippine " municipality " is an administrative area, often sparsely settled, is often called a town, and may be compared to a New England township; the municipalities are the units into which the provinces are divided.
But the specific heat of water is often stated in terms of other units.
The difficulties arise in connexion with the determination of the quantities of ice melted or steam condensed, and in measuring the latent heat of fusion or vaporization in terms of other units for the comparison of observations.
It is generally employed to denote the number of units of mechanical work or energy which, when completely converted into heat without loss, would be required to produce one heat unit.
The numerical value of the mechanical equivalent necessarily depends on the particular units of heat and work employed in the comparison.
On account of its practical convenience, and its close relation to the international electrical units, the joule has been recommended by the British Association for adoption as the absolute unit of heat.
The Value Of The International Electrical Units Has By This Time Been So Accurately Determined In Absolute Measure That They Afford A Very Good, Though Indirect, Method Of Determining The Mechanical Equivalent Of Heat.
The Values Of The Total Heat Observed By Regnault, As Reduced By Shaw, Also Show A Very Fair Agreement, Considering The Uncertainty Of The Units.
This Unit Has The Advantage Of Being Independent Of Thermometry, But The Applicability Of These Methods Is Limited To Special Cases, And The Relation Of The Units To Other Units Is Difficult To Determine.
The following table shows the density with which stars brighter than the ninth magnitude are distributed in each of nine zones into which Seeliger divided the heavens and more generally recognized that the stars are not unrelated; they are parts of a greater system, and we have to deal with, not merely the history of a number of independent units, but with a far vaster conception, the evolution and development of an ordered universe.
The first four corps of this reserve army (the V.), which were made up of units drawn from the II.
The Italian attacks, handicapped by the limitation imposed, made little headway, though they prevented the dispatch of Austrian units already under orders for the eastern front.
In the first days of the attack some Italian units, badly placed and badly handled, showed only a feeble opposition.
Until the view of the individual units with which we are so far familiar has undergone radical revision, the primary inquiry must be into the forms of a class-calculus.
They take thought and " the given " as self-contained units which, if not in fact separable, are at any rate susceptible of an abstraction the one from the other so decisive as to constitute an ideal separation.
It was in the pressing to its extreme consequences of the conception of uncompromising identity which is to be found in Leibnitz, that the contradictions took their rise which Herbart aimed at solving, by the method of relations and his doctrine of the ultimate plurality of " reals," The logic of relations between conceptual units, themselves unaltered by the relation, seems a kind of reflection of his metaphysical method.
He starts, that is in logic, with conceptual units apparently self-contained and admitting of nothing but external relation, but proceeds to justify the intrinsic relation between the matter of his units by an appeal to the fact of the coherence of all contents of thought.
Indeed, if thought admits irreducible units, what can unite?
His constructions are based on the idea that the imaginaries d - 1 represent a unit line, and its reverse, perpendicular to the line on which the real units 1 are measured.
In its essential nature a set is a linear function of any number of " distinct " units of the same species.
It was not, however, the fact of their being placed under the bishop that constituted these towns as separate jurisdictional units.
Such examples as existed of even semi-federal union were very loose in structure, and the selfishness of the component units was the predominant feature.
He was especially anxious as the units which had suffered heavily during the last offensive were but newly filled with fresh drafts, and he had found reason before to fear the influence of some of the men fresh from the depots.
He had enough men, though a number of his units were below strength, while others were battle-worn and others again had suffered much from an intestinal disease that had been prevalent in the valleys of the Natisone and the Judrio; and he had enough guns, in spite of the withdrawal of the Allied artillery, though he would doubtless have been glad of a larger reserve.
Corps, newly reconstituted with units from other corps, and commanded by Gen.
For it was now known in Cividale and Udine that the behaviour of some of the troops had been very unsatisfactory, that men of some units had been quick to surrender, while others had retreated before they were heavily attacked.
Army, and this meant that the retiring units of the II.
Army would be so hampered by disbanded soldiers and fugitive civilians that most of them could scarcely hope to get back as units.
Cadorna had intended to put the battered units of the II.
There is no question about the weak resistance of certain units in line, nor can it be denied that other troops, among the reserves, became temporarily infected with a spirit that led to what many observers likened to a strike.
Units of this kind are called absolute on account of their fundamental and invariable character as contrasted with gravitational units, which (as we shall see presently) vary somewhat with the locality at which the measurements are supposed to be made.
This acceleration is denoted by g; its value at Greenwich is about 981 centimetre-second units, or 322 feet per second.
If we take as rough values a=21 X,o6 feet, g=32 foot-second units, we get a velocity of 36,500 feet, or about seven miles, per second.
All other units are derived from these.
Some of these derivative units have special names assigned to them; thus on the C.G.S.
In any general dynamical equation the dimensions of each term in the fundamental units must be the same, for a change of units would otherwise alter the various terms in different ratios.
Application of Force to Mechanism.Forces are applied in units of weight; and the unit most commonly employed in Britain is the pound avoirdupois.
To say that it displaced the centre of gravity in politics and commerce, substituting the ocean for the Mediterranean, dethroning Italy from her seat of central importance in traffic, depressing the eastern and elevating the western powers of Europe, opening a path for Anglo-Saxon expansiveness, forcing philosophers and statesmen to regard the Occidental nations as a single group in counterpoise to other groups of nations, the European community as one unit correlated to other units of humanity upon this planet, is truth enough to vindicate the vast significance of these discoveries.
The Central India agency is divided for administrative purposes into eight units, two classed as residencies and six as agencies.
The allotment of the land-tax to units (juga) of equal value whatever might be the area, was a contrivance similar in character.
The creditor has the right of claiming the aid of the law against the defaulting municipality; and the amounts, the terms, and the time of duration of local debt are supervised in order to prevent injustice to particular persons or improvidence with regard to the revenue and property of the local units.
These labours laid the foundation on which was subsequently erected a complete system for the absolute measurement of electric and magnetic quantities, referring them all to the fundamental units of mass, length and time.
The British Association for the advancement of science appointed in 1861 a committee on electrical units, which made its first report in 1862 and has existed ever since.
The two systems of measurement were called respectively the electrostatic and the electromagnetic systems (see Physical Units).
Maxwell suggested new methods for the determination of this ratio of the electrostatic to the electromagnetic units, and by experiments of great ingenuity was able to show that this ratio, which is also that of the velocity of the propagation of an electromagnetic impulse through space, is identical with that of light.
Abraham, showed it to be very close to the best determinations of the velocity of light (see Physical Units).
Succeeding Maxwell as Cavendish professor of physics at Cambridge in 1880, he soon devoted himself especially to the exact redetermination of the practical electrical units in absolute measure.
He followed up the early work of the British Association Committee on electrical units by a fresh determination of the ohm in absolute measure, and in conjunction with other work on the electrochemical equivalent of silver and the absolute electromotive force of the Clark cell may be said to have placed exact electrical measurement on a new basis.
The oke, equalling 2.8 lb avoirdupois, and the donum, about 4 of an acre, are the chief units.
The army troops, divisions and mounted brigades consist of 56 regiments of yeomanry; 14 batteries and 14 ammunition columns R.H.A., 151 batteries and 55 ammunition columns R.F.A., 3 mountain batteries and ammunition column, and 14 heavy batteries and ammunition columns R.G.A.; 28 field companies, 29 telegraph companies, railway battalion, &c., R.E.; 204 battalions infantry (including to of cyclists, the Honourable Artillery Company, and certain corps of the Officers' Training Corps training as territorials); 60 units A.S.C.; 56 field ambulances, 23 general hospitals and 2 sanitary companies R.A.M.C. Told off to the defended seaports are 16 groups of garrison artillery companies and 58 fortress and electric light companies R.E.
Indeed, a cardinal principle of the Indian forces, British and native alike, is that the units are maintained in peace at full war effective, often a little above their field strength.
An electrometer is an instrument for measuring difference of potential, which operates by means of electrostatic force and gives the measurement either in arbitrary or in absolute units.
The work required to cleave asunder the parts of the first fluid which lie on the two sides of an ideal plane passing through the interior, is per unit of area 2T 1, and the free surface produced is two units in area.
This having been effected, let us now suppose that each of the units of area of free surface of fluid (I) is allowed to approach normally a unit area of (2) until contact is established.
On the whole, then, the work expended in producing two units of interface is 2T1+2T2-4T'12, and this, as we have seen, may be equated to 2T 12.
In the case of diphtheria the antitoxic power of the serum may reach Boo units per cubic centimetre, or even more.
Ban units, was 287,000, almost exactly io% of the population.
Reserve units forming four weak divisions, each equal to two-thirds of a normal division.
Half of it was killed, wounded or captured, the other half, in units or small parties, made its way to the only friendly stronghold now remaining openYannina (Janina) in Epirus.
The boundaries of the parishes, the fundamental units of English political geography, are very often either rivers or watersheds, and they frequently show a close relation to the strike of the geological strata.
These again are subdivided into 14,080 parishes (1901), the smallest ecclesiastical units, which are grouped for certain administrative purposes into 810 rural deaneries.
It is distinguished from ethnology, which is devoted to the study of man as a racial unit, and from ethnography, which deals with the distribution of the races formed by the aggregation of such units.
There are many denominational charities, especially Mormon, the entire state being divided into ecclesiastical units or " stakes " for charity organization.
Sometimes also, when a charge upon a commodity is not of such a figure as to be easily divisible among the ordinary units of retail consumption, so that it can be passed on to a consumer of the articles in the form of an increased price, it may remain fixed upon those who first pay it, at least for a time.
To establish, therefore, any fair account of the incidence of indirect taxes on different classes of the community, real classes being distinguished, and not a mere rough grouping into so-called classes of units who are altogether heterogeneous, is probably beyond the skill of man.
In thus reverting to the crudities of certain Pythagoreans, he laid himself open to the criticisms of Aristotle, who, in his Metaphysics, recognizing amongst contemporary Platonists three principal groups - (1) those who, like Plato, distinguished mathematical and ideal numbers; (2) those who, like Xenocrates, identified them; and (3) those who, like Speusippus, postulated mathematical numbers only - has much to say against the Xenocratean interpretation of the theory, and in particular points out that, if the ideas are numbers made up of arithmetical units, they not only cease to be principles, but also become subject to arithmetical operations.
But in November 1894 the Thames rose to about 80 such units, and old records on the Severn bridges show that that river must on many occasions have risen to considerably over 100 units.
The native states comprise in all 353 separate units, which are administered either by political agents or by the collectors of the districts in which the smaller states are situated.
The successive groups or units thus formed are called denominations.
The letters or symbols descriptive of each denomination are usually placed after or (in actual calculations) above the figures denoting the numbers of the corresponding units; but in a few cases, e.g.
Similarly, in the metric system he cannot mentally compare two units, one of which is t000 times the other.
There appears therefore to be a tendency to use some larger number than ten as a basis for grouping into new units or for subdivision into parts.
Thus, while arithmetical numbering refers to units, geometrical numbering does not refer to units but to the intervals between units.
Similarly where multiplication has arisen out of the subdivision of a unit into smaller units, we can again subdivide these smaller units.
Quotients.-The converse of subdivision is the formation of units into groups, each constituting a larger unit; the number of the groups so formed out of a definite number of the original units is called a quotient.
There is no satisfactory name for the operation, as distinguished from partition; it is sometimes called measuring, but this implies an equality in the original units, which is not an essential feature of the operation.
Comparison, Addition and Subtraction of Fractions.-The quantities 4 of A and 7 of A are expressed in terms of different units.
Thus "-4 of A " no longer means two of the units, three of which make up A; it means that A is multiplied by the fraction 3, i.e.
Thus, if we take a shilling as a unit, we may divide it into 12 or 48 smaller units; but corresponding coins are not really portions of a shilling, but objects which help us in counting.
Similarly we may take the farthing as a unit, and invent smaller units, represented either by tokens or by no material objects at all.
The second involves the idea of equality as a necessary characteristic of the units or subunits that are used.
The simplest case, in which the quantity can be expressed as an integral number of the largest units B involved, has already been considered (§§ 37, 42).
We need therefore consider numerical quantities only, our results being applicable to numbers by regarding the digits as representing multiples of units in different denominations.
The principal units of length, weight and volume are the metre, gramme (or gram) and litre.
Other units are derived from these by multiplication or division by powers of io, the names being denoted by prefixes.
There are also certain special units, such as the hectare, which is equal to a square hectometre, and the micron, which is i o l ?
The following tables are given as illustrations of the arrangement adopted elsewhere in this article; the entries in any column denote multiples or submultiples of the unit stated at the head of the column, and the entries in any row give the expression of one unit in terms of the other units.
Even before the Conquest the lands of the magnates were to a large extent held in scattered units, not in solid patches.
Unfaltering use is made of that conception as a key to all religious and moral problems. Usually, apologists and divines are hampered by the fact that, beyond a certain limited range, men cannot be regarded as separable moral units.
A similar constitution of the body is more clearly seen in the Chaetopod worms. In the Vertebrata also a repetition of units of structure (myotomes, vertebrae, &c.) - which is essentially of the same nature as the repetition in Arthropods and Chaetopods, but in many respects subject to peculiar developments - is observed.
The name "metamerism " has been given to this structural phenomenon because the " meres," or repeated units, follow one another in line.
The national army consists of three bans or classes; the first is the field army, the units of the second exist in peace as cadres only, the third is unorganized.
The army consisted of a number of tribes, each commanded by its own chief, and acting as so many independent units without cohesion.
In order to explain the Peltier effect, Kohlrausch further assumes that an electric current, C, carries a heatflow, Q= ABC, with it, where " A is a constant which can be made equal to unity by a proper choice of units."
The British infantry brigade consists as a rule of four battalions (or about 4000 bayonets) with supply, transport and medical units attached; the cavalry brigade of two or three regiments of cavalry.
Currents from the ten-thousandth of an ampere to ten thousand amperes, electrical pressures from a minute fraction of a volt to 100,000 volts, come within the range of his instruments, while the private consumer of electric energy is provided with a meter recording Board of Trade units.
Gauss's system of absolute units to electromagnetism, Thomson took up the question, and, applying the principles of energy, calculated the absolute electromotive force of a Daniell cell, and determined the absolute measure of the resistance of a wire from the heat produced in it by a known current.
This involves the expenditure of a quantity of work W, the amount in any particular case being found by the equation W = Q2 - Q I, where W is the work, expressed by its equivalent in British thermal units; Q2 the quantity of heat, also in B.Ther.U., given out at the higher temperature T2; and Q i the heat taken in at the lower temperature T1.
Each pound of steam can thus be made to give up some 950 units of heat; while in a good steam engine only about 200 units are utilized in the steam cylinder per pound of steam, and in addition allowance has to be made for mechanical inefficiency.
Gauss did for magnetic quantities, that it is both theoretically and practically possible to define them, not merely by reference to other arbitrary quantities of the same kind, but absolutely in terms in which the units of length, time, and mass are alone involved.
There are two elements to each of the source units.
These units are a great alternative to fixed, split or mobile air conditioners.
Operational Conversion Units train qualified aircrew for different aircraft types.
In the last three years it has distributed 200,000 units on compilation albums around the world.
It comprises a gite complex and business with four 2-bedroom, fully renovated and equipped furnished apartments with capacity to create another four units.
Many units deployed without the necessary body armor for their troops.
On 19th December the electric units were withdrawn and steam locomotives and stock hurriedly assembled to provide an emergency replacement service.
The Army Groups or the units subordinate to them respectively assigned additional tasks to the Einsatz Groups and their subsections.
American augers also offers several mud pump units for use in auger boring or pipe jacking.
Both were situated east of the extant excavation units prolonging their east-west axis.
Both India and Pakistan are pressing ahead with development and testing of longer-range ballistic missiles and are inducting additional SRBMs into missile units.
We would not want to see any artificial barriers placed in the way of appropriate recognition of new units of assessment.
The LCA comprises 75% tertiary basalts, the remainder being the older, underlying units.
There is a well-equipped kitchen with fitted oak units and three pretty bedrooms, the master bedroom having a four-poster bed.
These units had BR Mk 3 bogies, the motor bogie with 8 '9 " wheelbase, trailer bogie with 8 '6 " wheelbase.
At Newcastle, we have used the units on Fungal, Prokaryotic and Plant Diversity to supplement our general botany and microbiology courses.
Then units then usually expressed Brian to getting online.
These sub units belonged to the First infantry brigade of the First Infantry Division.
Units can be linked together to create a larger bund if required.
The rolling year total for double deck busses in June was down only 24 units or 2.5 per cent to 937 units.
Cadet contingents from the nation's 400 Sea cadet contingents from the nation's 400 Sea Cadet Units joined the crew of The Ark for the historic voyage.
In the darkest days of WWII sea cadets from units around the country volunteered to plug the gap in the thin blue line.
Installation does not include any carpentry required to install into kitchen units.
The air cavalry can help effect vital liaison between the units.
Its cheep compared to the other units on the market but it also looks and feels very cheep.
A range of matching panels and interior units produced from high quality 18mm white melamine faced chipboard.
Having placed action chits, then place priority chits indicating the order in which units will attempt their actions.
Both units incorporate the latest digital circuitry with protective coated electronics in a waterproof sealed case.
Transmitter Small sealed units that contain the electronic circuitry needed to produce radio signals.
The U.S. Government owns and operates 30 fuel cell cogeneration units, the world's largest fleet of fuel cells.
The brigade commander gives highest priority support to units located in contaminated areas.
Fan-coil units with electronically commutated fan motors are being supplied by Smiths Environmental for Berkeley First's Paragon development in Brentford.
The study guide for each module is divided into units, roughly comparable with a week's study.
Units have five coaches, driving trailer, two trailers, trailer buffet and driving trailer composite.
Each of the outdoor units incorporates twin DC rotary compressors - unique to Toshiba.
Lido Vacation Rentals In sarasota, florida, delightful studio apartments to 3 bedroom condominium units, located at the lido islander.
It is hard to avoid this conflation of autonomous sources of income within a rural household economy and break it down to discrete units.
The service moves some 500,000 units per year in the UK alone and employs almost 400 sub contractors to deliver the service.
These units prevent hull corrosion due to small electrical current leaks.
Kitchens Avoid units at eye level, your space will seem less cramped.
Strength significantly improved without changes in motor units by EMG or in serum creatine kinase levels.
Passive units incorporate a built-in crossover; Remote Active units include a G41 crossover module.
Calling a bet the cards they then units then daydreaming anything that.
Furthermore, the recently announced £ 27m Witness Care expansion will introduce dedicated Witness Care Units across England and Wales.
He said Iraqi air defense units had fired on the planes.
Sensors - These two units house the balanced diaphragms used to detect the pressure differences between the tubes.
These units are very discreet, being difficult to detect from just a few meters away.
Kitchen - 4m x 4m, recently restored with new units including dishwasher, small fridge, storage.
Fitted with an attractive range of wall, base and drawer units which house the integral dishwasher and integral fridge.
Contemporary maple kitchen units with blasted glass cabinets, granite work surfaces, fitted dishwasher, refrigerator and chrome Range cooker with canopy.
Multiple air conditioning units to ensure proper heat dissipation.
Four out of five units of assessment were rated internationally distinguished, with two rated internationally outstanding.
If the units are in fairly good condition and only look dated, just replace the doorknobs, handles and taps.
A basic, yet high performance range of air handling units for use with distribution ductwork.
The difficulty of using Auditory Training Units with headphones has been overcome with the use of insert earphones supplied by the Ewing Foundation.
The air Wing of Coast Guard is operated from two stations and six air enclaves and has ten air units.
We specialize in design, installation, servicing and maintenance of diesel powered generating units and ancillary equipment.
Such units had previously been the strong arm of Serbian ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and Croatia.
Ball units with circlip grooves are not ex stock items.
A definition differentiates a given concept from all others and keeps its units distinguished in a person's mind from all other existents.
However, for the purpose of the cross-testing experiment, all PSV results were recorded to the nearest 0.1 PSV units.
All members would also be encouraged to carry a fire extinguisher in their units or cars.
In America, the FBI has set up three separate units to investigate computer extortion.
Security depends on self-weight of the units and / or mechanical fasteners to battens.
Poliomyelitis causes an overall loss of motor units; therefore, the remaining units must innervate many more muscle fibers than they did originally.
Units of the sarcoplasmic reticulum surround the contractile fibrils in the interior of cardiac muscle cells.
All units come fully fitted to the highest standards for comfortable modern living.
On the F4 1000S and 1+1, these units are made with aluminum instead of steel flanges.
Next time you might be going saltwater fly-fishing, you unzip the trout units and zip on your saltwater units.
For our main hospital based units we rarely use formaldehyde.
The site also provides the mathematical formulae for the units given.
Engineer units can increase the hardness of the battle command asset by constructing field fortifications.
The U.S. Government owns and operates 30 fuel cell cogeneration units, the world's largest fleet of fuel cell cogeneration units, the world's largest fleet of fuel cells.
You can create your own custom units, and write your own scenarios -- or even full-blown campaigns.
In addition, 60 units could also represent a gamete about to divide to form 2 gametes.
In time, it will contain a systematic historical gazetteer covering the administrative units of Great Britain over the last two centuries.
There has been an increase in consultant geriatricians ' presence on acute medical units.
Similarly, glazing units feature laminated glass on the external leaf and toughened glass on the internal leaf.
Green is provided by the mineral glauconite, which is common in some of the more marine units.
If these filtering units get inflamed (swollen) for some reason (see causes) this is called glomerulonephritis.
In general, Cretaceous greensands and limestones or Tertiary basalts rest unconformably on a range of older Mesozoic rock units.
These units use limestone to absorb the sulfur which produces gypsum as a waste product.
When clamping together protect units by using hardboard off cuts or similar behind the clamp jaws.
At the same time, concrete haunches were formed to support the road deck units.
It is the number of cycles per second, represented by units as s -1, also called hertz, Hz.
The final year completes the academic study - there are optional units to broaden the horizons.
Some people may require hospitalization in psychiatric units to get them over such events.
All units have running hot water and are fully carpeted with...
Issue likely to mhpi housing units families referred through to great lengths.
Units provide highly reliable, contactless operation with the high resolution, excellent repeatability, and low hysteresis.
However you may purchase separate caller id units to link to your phone.
Also, the game demands an HD screen - units can become indistinct on older TVs.
These sub units belonged to the First Infantry brigade of the First infantry brigade of the First Infantry Division.
The remaining inoculum was diluted and plated; inoculum concentration was determined to be 1 x 10 5 colony forming units per ml.
The capabilities will include ground-based interceptors, sea-based interceptors, additional Patriot units and sensors on land, sea and space.
Data can be logged to a PC via the serial interface which has the capacity to handle up to 256 units.
However, at presentation with relapse, she had received 2 units of red cells and 2 units of platelets which were not irradiated.
Juggernaut units, then defeat the remaining ones in less than five minutes.
In SI units the specific heat capacity is the amount of heat required to raise 1 kg mass through 1 degree Kelvin.
Dining kitchen fitted with wall and base units and sold inclusive of kitchen white goods.
These useful units have several sets of contacts and an adjustable time knob on the front, plenty of applications!
Prices start at £ 95 lambskin Medically tanned lambskin that is used in special care units for babies.
The destinations and connectivities of these repeating units of eight cells, at the point where they join the lamina, is being determined.
In 1897, the use of metric units for trade was made lawful.
Standard products include a range of single and double lecterns, tables, chairs and credenza units.
All combat units and some CS and CSS units have combat lifesavers.
In the UK, we tend to prefer smaller units for increased liquidity.
Coming soon... photos... Often damage to, or wear on units is minimal, but enough to prevent sale at full list price.
My battle plan worked fairly well, kill off the weaker units with bow fire, then out maneuver the harder stuff.
The corps must now coordinate the passage of lines by changing the AD weapons status of the ground maneuver units.
I have taken several Units which appear to have lower overall mean marks than other groups of Units.
Units turn in found materiel to maintenance collection points.
Supply personnel make plans to upload as much materiel as possible with the maneuvering units.
This is a universal view of causality and determinism where humans are essentially mechanistic, emotionally driven carbon units.
We provide commercial units to let west midlands to let as well as commercial units to let to rent west midlands and commercial property.
The Durham also has a polyurethane midsole to suit heavier runners, which is bolstered with rear- and forefoot Air cushioning units.
The Iraqi units include the military, police and Interior Ministry forces.
The balance sheet non-equity minority interest includes amounts raised from the sale of units.
Allow small units to accomplish missions that would normally require a larger force.
It contains friction modifier which is recommended for limited-slip units.
This system is completely modular and a whole range of units can be built, but here are a few examples of kits.
Amount of substance mole mole mol The amount of substance that contains as many elementary units as there are atoms in 0.012 kg of carbon-12.
A polymer is a long molecule made up of lots of repeating units called monomers.
Morphology is the study of the way words are formed from smaller units called morphemes.
These vastly enlarged motor units make it possible for fewer motor neurons to do the work of many.
The projector has a number of effects units which can be added using mountings similar to those shown.
Units under the inner engine nacelles, each consisting of one wheel and two shock absorber struts.
Whether employed in distinct units or as individual lances they differed from the Hungarian nobility in that they were highly disciplined professionals.
He names them the Auxiliary Units, a deliberately nondescript title.
We shall use decimal notation for units in this module.
It utilizes sealed silos, transfer conveyor and mixing units to minimize environmental nuisance to the local residents.
Each qualification contains a number of units from the appropriate National Occupational Standard.
A senior obstetrician must be available, day or night in most obstetric units.
In Sweden the services are government run with the social work elements being built into hospital optometry units.
Worse still the 1999 Mars climate orbiter ended in pieces simply through failure to spot a mix-up of metric and imperial units.
Given that South Africa has a large generation overcapacity, the aim is clearly to export these units.
The poetry pamphlets are reported by hospice staff to have been well received in these care units.
The country kitchen is furnished with mahogany units and has a pantry to one side.
That, except for the first word in the letter, the name 'Paul ' occurs only in these units enhances their chiastic parallelism.
This may be achieved through a single larger unit or created through the combination of two adjacent units with a moveable partition.
After 1864 the home Royal Navy used the white pennant and colonial naval units used the blue.
Both the spectral and time-interval profiles have the units of frequency, and together they can explain most pitch perceptions.
This means the use of small permanent magnets rather than super-conducting types as found in hospital MRI units.
Units are meant to offer a safe place for you.
These enhanced doors use polyamide thermal break technology and are designed to accept glass units up to 32mm thick.
Units made entirely from the controlling nation's populace are therefore exceptional, and usually trained to elite level.
Into these units, a porphyry complex, the Rio Blanco porphyry complex, the Rio Blanco Porphyry System, was intruded.
Port Welcomes New Tenants The Port's thriving property portfolio has seen strong demand for its wide range of units in early 2004.
The default file includes definitions for all familiar units, abbreviations and metric prefixes.
The light output from the units can be varied over a very wide range and is either preset or controlled via a Serial link.
We also raise the demand of the abolition of specialist police units like the riot squad, whose function is to attack legitimate protests.
January 2002 Can nurses working in remote units accurately request and interpret radiographs?
The computer system alerted all military units to take up a state of operational readiness.
Unlike other units, You can quickly override the memory by just pulling out any of the 32 control knobs for temporary readjustment.
These units give students an opportunity to develop real-world mathematical understanding.
The current conducted by the busbar system is supplied by large industrial special purpose designed power conversion rectifier units.
Electoral Battle Units formed to defend Chávez in the recall referendum of August 2004 have morphed into Endogenous Battle Units.
Work's with a lot of pupil referral units to help meet the specific needs of vulnerable young people.
With help from construction industry charity Crash, the newly refitted hostel provides 11 bed spaces in five self-catering units.
Government statistics indicate that there has been decreasing reliance in the primary phase on separate provision (in special schools or units ).
Teaching units are offered on particular days of the week and are not rescheduled for part-time students.
The Constabulary is currently conducting a review of its Family Units.
Russian Futurists, into smallest possible units retaining motivic power (' zaums ') and resembled for maximal rhythmics.
Some military units in Iraq have refused orders that they consider too risky.
The demand for colored cladding is increasing as the number of colored roofline, window, door and conservatory units grows.
Consider fitting some units that are open fronted or have clear safety glass so that foodstuffs and cooking utensils can be seen.
The sample group was obtained by simple random sampling from 105 licensed units in the United Kingdom.
Intercalation of shallow marine deposits with these two units indicating active sedimentation during falling sea-level.
And infra-red sensors pick up signals from the hand-held remote control units used to manually adjust the lighting brightness.
The walls were units of resin bonded plywood covered with asbestos sheeting.
The center units also feature green tinted display glass shelving.
The layout is built on MDF baseboards supported on steel shelving units.
In the old system of pounds shillings and pence all the units were used.
If what you say is true, then why are units not limited to keep the free frequencies, including sidebands inside the bandwidth?
When choosing the kitchen units you must choose new sideboards that will complement your whole new kitchen.
Aerogel is made by high temperature and pressure critical point drying of a gel composed of colloidal silica structural units filled with solvents.
Built in kitchen units, wall units, stainless steel sink, hob, double oven, dishwasher, fridge, cooker hood extraction.
Simple chlorination units using sodium hypochlorite (bleach) help to ensure potability to point of use.
In some units, the idea of creating soviets was discussed.
Now we have units of creation that function in a Newtonian space-time.
Colleges could teach the core units to combined classes of students studying a number of engineering specialisms, thereby improving the economics of teaching.
Spectrograph module The spectrograph module The spectrograph module contains a number of individual spectrograph units.
This is why astronomers are developping multi-field spectroscopy where integral field units replace the lenses or slits in a multi-object spectrograph.
Air handling STB and STE units are provided as standard with a duct spigot outlet for connection to ductwork.
To assist business start-ups e.g. via ' nursery units ' where administration, security etc. is shared to minimize costs to individual businesses.
The units offer a variety of learning objects designed to appeal to the range of learning styles.
In India, as in many other countries, employers frequently subdivide their units.
The units of R are percent sucrose equivalent; the units of C are parts per million (ppm ).
The vendor offered to modify the affected units to eliminate the power reset after a voltage surge.
The other units give a broad swathe of ages.
Disaggregating the learning units gives you the power to create a personally tailored learning unit.
By introducing modern cellular manufacturing techniques, it has also increased output from 12 to 70 units a month.
This page includes a conventional geologic map of the region and a map that characterizes the assemblage of stratigraphic units as distinct terranes.
Our units of study are designed to stimulate critical thinking about the topic by both you and your students.
Wall and floor mounted units with worktop over and splashback tiling between.
Rigid, mechanical or hydraulic folding units with a choice of 7mm or 8mm tines are available.
Some units have promoted Day case tonsillectomy, but its use is dependant upon favorable population characteristics.
Within each zone, we carry out transects composed of a line of survey units.
These units were then transfused into a group B RhD positive patient.
Case 5 This 77 year-old, previously transfused female presented with gastro-intestinal bleeding and required an urgent transfusion of 2 units of red cells.
Kitchen units, shower tray, toilet, sink, etc can all now be fitted.
The units include troopers, reconnaissance vehicles, tanks, antiaircraft and so on.
Temporary units for those displaced by the tsunami are still being assembled.
The turntable units were chosen from British turntable units were chosen from British Turntable's extensive portfolio of standard vehicle display revolves.
The problems with these units is that their very ubiquity forces landlords to compete with each other for tenants driving down rents and yields.
You cannot set a dose greater than the n umber of units remaining in the reservoir.