United nations Sentence Examples
The United Nations sent its own peacekeepers to the highly volatile regions affected by the fighting.
President Bush announced that diplomacy had failed and consequently the United States has the right to enforce United Nations resolutions to overthrow brutal regimes.
The United Nations has estimated that earth's population will pass nine billion by 2050, and ten billion by 2100.
Panama was party to four anti-terrorism resolutions passed in the United Nations.
United Germany in the UN The unification of the two states dramatically changed Germany 's membership of the United Nations.
Daniel K participates in the United Nations mandated Kimberley Process and only uses diamonds from conflict-free sources.
Street with tall someone or older applies only to floating united nations.
The United Nations has estimated that the havoc wreaked by climate change could create up to 50 million refugees.
The United Nations - The United Nations' Division for Sustainable Development has a wealth of information on the issue.
There are currently six exchanges trading in carbon credits, and each sale is monitored by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
AdvertisementWith its size, the Oxford English Dictionary is the standard by which many academic institutions and publications, as well as world groups like the United Nations go to when there's a dispute with spelling or pronunciation with words.
The demand for meat is producing an enormous environmental strain, to the point where a United Nations report cited meat as a significant contributor to environmental problems at every scale.
In 2001, she became a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
She has been honored by the United Nations for creating a Colombian children's charity.
Her Scottish parents lived there because Fisher's father, a banker, worked for the United Nations.
AdvertisementShe visits refugee camps around the world and has been named a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador.
A 2007 report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations found that organic agriculture contributed less greenhouse gasses to the environment.
The United Nations expressed concern that unwarranted fear of the vaccine would begin spreading the disease in developing countries and ultimately in developed countries as well.
The United Nations estimates 60 million children and infants have been abandoned by their families and live on their own or in orphanages in the world.
World Health Organization (WHO)-An international organization within the United Nations system that is concerned with world health and welfare.
AdvertisementThe United Nations Observer Mission in Sierra Leone (UNOMSIL) was retained to help monitor the cease-fire.
According to the United Nations Population Fund, 13 people share one cultivated hectare in Vietnam.
But while the Church proclaims its strictly hierarchical character to the world, the United Nations lies about itself.
In 1960, for example, he was sent on a one-man fact-finding mission by the United Nations into the chaos of the Congo.
The sums at the disposal of the United Nations are vast, and the way it spends them often hugely wasteful.
AdvertisementThe continuing and necessary support given to the people of Palestine in their fight for self-determination on the basis of United Nations Resolution 242.
Farrell is a general in the United Nations World Food Programme.
The United Nations Building is such an example.
In fact, the flags which adorn the hotel's porte cochere represent the countries that participated in the drafting of the United Nations Charter in the hotel's Garden Room.
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) was started by Sir Julian Huxley, who at the time was a world-renowned biologist from England, and also the director of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
International Paint Pals-This site was developed in conjunction with the United Nations School Bus.
In 1971, Ingo Swann was employed at the United Nations.
He led a fact-finding mission by the United Nations into the chaos of the Congo.
I will not support any UK military action which has not been approved by the United Nations under international law.
The United Nations Security Council should act swiftly to bring about pressure on both sides to stop the carnage.
Second, the UN coordination mechanism must become a wider clearinghouse for all humanitarian demining activity, not just that of the United Nations.
No wonder, even the United Nations has begun to follow the unwritten dictum.
There are honorable grounds for upholding the authority of the United Nations and opposing American global domination.
Mr Kharazi flew to Baghdad despite the United Nations air embargo on flights to Iraq.
They demand the right for United Nations inspection teams to inspect his 8 presidential palaces.
Baghdad is under United Nations ' trade sanctions following its 1990 invasion of Kuwait.
The United Nations World Food Programme was so inspired by this success that pilot programs for an exchange were launched in twenty-one countries.
The United Nations began last year to try to quash Iraq 's surcharges by imposing a system of retroactive pricing on Iraqi oil.