Unhealthy Sentence Examples
The climate is for the most part temperate and healthy, but it is hot and unhealthy on the coast.
The climate is in general very hot and unhealthy, the rainfall being very heavy.
Its large eyes appeared young and unhealthy, almost dropsical.
Everywhere it is most unhealthy, and inhabited only by tribes who seem proof against malaria.
It was unhealthy and unprosperous.
The site is so unhealthy that even the Circassians who settled there twenty years ago have almost all died off or emigrated.
A range of low hills affords shelter on the west and south-west; but on every other side there are drained, though still unhealthy, marshes, stretching away to meet the central Walachian plains.
On the other hand, they may give off unhealthy fumes and produce unpleasant odours.
The climate is generally unhealthy during that period and the months following.
Young plants a few inches high are usually attacked; the leaves, beginning with the lower ones, turn yellow, and afterwards become brown and drop. The plants remain very dwarf and generally unhealthy, or die.
AdvertisementThe water-supply is very unhealthy.
The climate of the coastal zone and deeper valleys is hot, humid and unhealthy, malarial fevers being prevalent.
Retalhuleu, among the southern foothills of the Sierra Madre, is one of the centres of coffee production, and is connected by rail with the Pacific port of Champerico, a very unhealthy place in the wet season.
The south-western plain, though rendered unhealthy by lagoons, and central Aetolia yield good crops of currants, vine, maize and tobacco, which are conveyed by railway from Agrinion and Anatolikon to the coast.
The town itself is unhealthy and strangers especially are apt to be attacked by fever.
AdvertisementToo much water is as unhealthy for plants as too little water.
Eating out does not have to be synonymous with unhealthy food.
Hitherto Ostia does not seem to have been very unhealthy.
The climate is naturally good, but continued neglect of sanitary precautions has made the city unhealthy.
Climate, &c. - It was formerly the custom to speak of the Malay Peninsula as an unhealthy climate, and even to compare it with the west coast of Africa.
AdvertisementThe intricate water-ways and the stubborn Venetian defence baffled all his attempts to reach Rialto; the summer heats came on; the Lido was unhealthy.
The modern Nezib or Nasibin consists of some 4000 inhabitants, largely Jews, who pay tribute to the Shammar Bedouins., The neighbourhood, we are informed by Arab writers, was at one time richly wooded, but is now somewhat marshy and unhealthy.
Although liable to great extremes of temperature, and to a very scanty rainfall, the district is not unhealthy.
The Palazzo del Tribunale (law courts) is a fine building, and the upper town contains several good houses of rich proprietors of the province; while the lower portion is unhealthy.
There is a wide variation of climate for so small a territory, the higher elevations of the Sierra de Ajusco being cold and humid (the Mexican Central crosses the range at an elevation of 9974 ft.); the lower spurs mild, temperate and healthy, the lower valleys subtropical, hot and unhealthy.
AdvertisementThe summer climate in the confined space within the town is excessively hot and unhealthy.
The climate of the coast-lands is moist and hot, and extremely unhealthy, malarial fever being prevalent and deadly.
Though situated near the mountainous section of southern Buenos Aires, the immediate vicinity of the city is low and swampy, its water is brackish, and it has been decidedly unhealthy; but a water supply from the Sauce Grande, 50 m.
Saltmaking is by no means an unhealthy trade, some slight soreness of the eyes being the only affection sometimes complained of; indeed the atmosphere of steam saturated with salt in which the workmen live seems specially preservative against colds, rheumatism, neuralgia, &c.
They were long worked by convict labour, owing to their unhealthy atmosphere; and exemption from military service is granted to miners who have worked at Almaden for two years.
The place was formerly very unhealthy, but this has been to a large extent remedied by the establishment of water-works, a good supply of water being derived from the river Banka.
The island is densely wooded (in marked contrast with the opposite Peruvian shore), and is considered unhealthy throughout the greater part.
Astura was the site of a favourite villa of Cicero, whither he retired on the death of his daughter Tullia in 45 B.C. It appears to have been unhealthy even in Roman times; according to Suetonius, both Augustus and Tiberius contracted here the illnesses which proved fatal to them.
The work of packing is a most disagreeable and unhealthy operation which is best relieved by erecting the chambers at a higher level and placing the casks underneath, communication being made by means of traps in the chamber-bottom, so that the packers can do their work FIG.
Havana, originally founded by Diego Velasquez in 1514 on an unhealthy site near the present Bataban6 (pop. in 1907, 15,435, including attached country districts), on the south coast, was soon removed to its present position, was granted an ayuntam.iento (town council), and shortly came to be considered one of the most important places in the New World.
The climate of the district, although cooler than that of Calcutta, is very unhealthy, and the people have a sickly appearance.
The most unhealthy period of the year follows immediately after the rains, when malaria is prevalent, especially in northern India.
Port Louis, which is governed by an elective municipal council, is surrounded by lofty hills and its unhealthy situation is aggravated by the difficulty of effective drainage owing to the small amount of tide in the harbour.
This region bears the reputation of being the most unhealthy in all India, and in many parts only the acclimatized aborigines can withstand its deadly malaria.
The town is very old and irregularly built, and the climate is unhealthy; nevertheless it has a lively export trade in sugar and coffee and is a regular port of call.
The climate of the coast district is hot, moist and unhealthy, with a season of heavy rain lasting from May to November, during which time variable winds, calms and tornadoes succeed one another.
Some places, such as Bidi in Sarawak, for instance, are notoriously unhealthy; but from the statistics of the Dutch government, and the records of Sarawak and British North Borneo, it would appear that the European in Borneo has in general not appreciably more to fear than his fellow in Java, or in the Federated Malay States of the Malayan Peninsula.
The winter here, especially in the elevated region of the Paramera and the waste lands of Avila, is long and severe, but the climate is not unhealthy.
In 1700 the East Indian Company established a factory here; but the place was found to be unhealthy, and the Company's servants were finally attacked by the natives, whom they repulsed with great difficulty.
On the Mediterranean coast, unhealthy salt marshes alternate with rich plains of pleasant and productive huertas or gardens, such as those of Alicante and Denia.
The coast lands are unhealthy and have earned for Sierra Leone the unenviable reputation of being "the white man's grave."
There are localities in the open country and on exposed elevations where healthy conditions prevail, but the greater part of this region is considered unhealthy.
The forest and river scenery of the neighbourhood of Stettin is picturesque, but the low level and swampy nature of the soil render the climate bleak and unhealthy.
Only a small part of the state, the climate of which is very unhealthy, is capable of cultivation; the rest is covered with rocky hills, forest and brushwood.
The climate of the city was originally very unhealthy, but it has improved greatly of recent years with modern sanitation and drainage.
The climate is mild, but humid, and rather unhealthy.
The station, which is very unhealthy, is at the top of a cliff 25 ft.
Gordon, who succeeded him in 1874, abandoned the station on account of its unhealthy site, removing to Lado.
The climate is generally hot and humid, but not unhealthy.
He disliked the psychological school of art, believing it to be essentially morbid and unhealthy.
The largest island, Lontor, was found too unhealthy to be the site of the principal settlement; but the climate of the islands generally, though hot, is not unhealthy.
This marks the site of the ancient Sipontum, the harbour of Arpi, which became a Roman colony in 194 B.C., and was not deserted in favour of Manfredonia until the r3th century, having become unhealthy owing to the stagnation of the water in the lagoons.
The former has been of slight service in the development of the country because of the unsettled and unhealthy character of the coast region, and the high mountain barriers between its natural ports and the settled parts of the republic. There are only two commercial ports on the coast, Tumaco and Buenaventura, though there are several natural harbours which would be of great service were there any demand for them.
In one episode, owner of The People's Revolution brings Allie to tears by making a few comments about how she looked unhealthy because she was so thin.
Michaels' own show debuts in 2010, and will give her the chance to help families struggling with unhealthy lifestyles.
He is also among the third season's cast of Donald Trump's reality show, Celebrity Apprentice.On Losing It, Curtis Stone will start off by clearing out the kitchen and tossing all of the unhealthy, processed foods.
These purists believe nothing they put in or on their bodies should be tainted with unhealthy chemicals.
If your skin is unhealthy and unattractive no amount of makeup will be able to hide that fact.
However, we now know that tanning is extremely unhealthy and should be avoided at all costs.
Tobacco causes skin aging because it exposes an individual's body, including the skin, to heavy toxins and unhealthy chemicals.
As much as we love to emulate the beautiful people, the fact of the matter is it's dangerous and unhealthy.
If you have unhealthy habits, get the help you need to overcome them and watch with amazement as your skin instantly improves once you eliminate the excess toxins.
It receives the waters of the Atrato, Bacuba, and a number of small rivers, and penetrates the land about 50 m., but has very little commercial importance because of the unhealthy and unsettled character of the neighbouring country, and because of the bar across its entrance formed by silt from the Atrato.
As a result the coastal plain is covered with swamps and tangled forests, and is extremely unhealthy, except at a few favoured points on the coast.
Mining enterprises and climate drew them into the highlands of the interior, and there they have remained down to the present day, their only settlements on the hot, unhealthy coast being the few ports necessary for commercial and political intercourse with the mother country.
Its elevation above sea-level is only 105 ft., and its climate is hot but not unhealthy.
The climate is hot, and in the low-lying, swampy districts very unhealthy; the prevailing winds are north-west and south-east, the former hot and dry from the arid districts west of Mesopotamia, the latter bearing much moisture from the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean.
The Tapajos, running through a humid, hot and unhealthy valley, pours into the Amazon 500 m.
The climate of Bhandara is unhealthy, - the prevailing diseases being fever, small-pox and cholera.
It occupies a beautiful but somewhat unhealthy position between the southern end of Lake Vetter and two small lakes, Roksjd and Munksjd.
The climate is humid and unhealthy.
The climate, especially from November to April, is somewhat enervating to the Englishman, but not unhealthy.
His prison at Ham was unhealthy, and physical inactivity was painful to the prince, but on the whole the regime imposed upon him was mild, and his captivity was lightened by Alexandrine Vergeot, "la belle sabotiere," or Mdlle Badinguet (he was later nicknamed Badinguet by the republicans).
The climate, though not generally unhealthy, may be inclement in winter and hot in summer.
The tract in which Andkhui stands is fertile, but proverbially unhealthy; the Persians account it "a hell upon earth" by reason of its scorching sands, brackish water, flies and scorpions.
While the climate of the north and south, especially the south, is eminently healthy, and even the intensely heated Sahara is salubrious by reason of its dryness, the tropical zone as a whole is, for European races, the most unhealthy portion of the world.
The Guadalquivir basin is likewise divided by the configuration of the ground into a small upper portion of considerable elevation and a much larger lower portion mainly lowland, the latter composed from Seville downwards of a perfectly level and to a large extent unhealthy alluvium (Las Marismas).
The climate is unhealthy, perhaps owing to its position in a low valley, 4400 ft.
The climate is unhealthy for Europeans.
The climate, although hot and damp, is not unhealthy.
The neighbourhood is now very unhealthy, and it may be presumed that the process of depopulation, caused by increasingly unhealthy conditions and diminishing sources of food supply, was gradual.
I also seem to have an unhealthy addiction to Sky News!
The NFWI believes this trend is fuelled by the increasingly aggressive promotion of unhealthy food to children.
But many of today's most eminent barristers tend to feel this trend is unhealthy and that a wide range of experience is important.
A healthy plant is also more efficient in using energy and accumulating biomass than an unhealthy one.
The world, in the person of those we meet, must shape our lives or else we become unhealthy caricatures of ourselves.
Undoing years of chaotic or unhealthy eating takes time.
However, you have probably not bought this book just to understand unhealthy jealousy.
This radial ley gradually fanned out over a distance with the result that several kilometers of Strathardle became affected by unhealthy radiations.
There was a powerful unhealthy energy ley passing through the building from this modern cemetery.
Those of us who work in upland path repair can often succumb to a rather unhealthy obsession with the state of footpaths.
While paying lip-service to democracy they perpetuate an unhealthy oligarchy.
Make-up didn't quite hide the dark rings under her eyes or the unhealthy pallor of her skin.
There is an unhealthy preoccupation with that kind of thing and an almost absent concern about being with Christ, seeing Christ.
On one occasion a black-tip reef shark took an unhealthy interest in one of the team's fins.
I have used only one of these on an unhealthy spiral.
Her unhealthy interest in buying men over the internet appears to have unleashed a torrent of trackback spam.
Secondly, an unhealthy dualism that exalts " spirituality " over concrete action and practice is not only profoundly unchristian, but also dangerous.
Chemicals can infuse the air with a scent that mimics fresh aroma, but in some cases they can actually make the air unhealthy.
So even the benefits of the tracking devices may be part of a distinctly unhealthy pattern that negates the benefits.
Churches become centered on a particular person in a way that is deeply unhealthy.
Because sensible eating is about distinguishing between healthy and potentially unhealthy foods â for us!
Not only would that be extremely unhealthy, employers would not be impressed.
The 1990s became an increasingly unhealthy decade for the nuclear non-proliferation regime.
I suppose this is the reason the climate is considered so unhealthy.
One of the healthy waves had somehow become unhealthy.
Dehydration is probably the major cause of feeling unhealthy on the trail.
However, it also reveals that many of the remaining cells look unhealthy.
If you've stopped growing and still gaining weight, you need to take care it doesn't get unhealthy.
He bought a vigna in the Borgo near the Vatican, and thereon erected a sumptuous palace after designs by Bramante; and it was here, in the summer of 1503, that he entertained the pope and Cesare Borgia at a banquet that went on till nightfall despite the unhealthy season of the year, when ague in its most malignant form was rife.
Notwithstanding that Freetown possesses an abundant and pure water-supply, drawn from the adjacent hills, it is enervating and unhealthy, and it was particularly to the capital, often spoken of as Sierra Leone, that the designation "White Man's Grave" applied.
A letter received by her in that cold, dark and unhealthy castle, of which fifteen years before she had made painful and malodorous experience, assured her that her son would acknowledge her only as queen-mother, and provoked at once the threat of a parent's curse and an application to Elizabeth for sympathy.
On one occasion a black-tip reef shark took an unhealthy interest in one of the team 's fins.
Some aspect of the shrine room was apparently keeping the unhealthy spiral at bay.
At what point does a liking of a band turn into an unhealthy obsession?
Many of the problems of later life are the result of an unhealthy lifestyle in earlier years.
In the next chapter, I will discuss the ABCs of unhealthy envy.
Because sensible eating is about distinguishing between healthy and potentially unhealthy foods â for us !
But it would be really unhealthy just to have Robbie Williams.
If you 've stopped growing and still gaining weight, you need to take care it does n't get unhealthy.
Most of us agree that the current state of affairs is unhealthy in various ways.
A small tree can be young, or it can be an unhealthy old tree.
Smooth, glossy bark indicates a young tree, while thicker rough bark means the tree is older, but unhealthy.
These plants haven't had sufficient light growing up and are likely to remain unhealthy.
If you buy too many, the fish may not have enough room to swim, and is otherwise an unhealthy environment for them.
Often people think a plump kitty is cute, but the reality is that an overweight cat is likely an unhealthy cat.
When we got him six months ago, he was an unhealthy farm kitten weighing only two pounds.
Cat food that has a lot of cereal or vegetable fillers is actually unhealthy for your cat.
Some protesters of clay litters even theorize that bentonite can coat the intestines, preventing the absorption of nutrients and causing an overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria.
However, if the balance is thrown off, the earth's temperature could begin to rise to unhealthy levels as excess energy is not allowed to escape back into space.
Naturopaths taught that a diet based on red meat as the primary protein source was unhealthy and would lead to disease and ill health.
An individual taking ginseng or fo-ti to improve his vitality will not be aiding his condition with an unhealthy sedentary lifestyle and a diet that processed and, thus, devoid of essential nutrients and antioxidants.
It's also important to avoid eating unhealthy foods filled with empty calories.
When anger is excessive or destructive, however, it becomes unhealthy and can cause problems at home, work, and school.
Use this list to determine if you are practicing unhealthy behaviors.
Rarely do most people take time to take care of themselves, often choosing unhealthy options to help unwind and deal with stress.
Therapists who work with clients suffering from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) will help them see that their thoughts are unhealthy.
Spending too much time in front of the computer, like spending too much time in front of the television, can also lead to unhealthy snacks and a lack of physical activity.
Help your teens think critically about unhealthy messages pertaining to body shape and physical appearance.
Another way to make better choices and avoid temptation is to rid your house of all unhealthy foods - you can't eat what you don't have.
If you think ahead you won't search for things to eat and then opt for something unhealthy because you can't remember or think of something healthy to eat.
Adolescent cliques that endorse illegal and unhealthy activities, however, are not good for teens to join, nor are they good for the parents of the teens who join them.
Usually the unhealthy snack options are replaced with healthier versions, such as fruit juice instead of soda, and apples instead of chips in the vending machines.
Cooked foods are acidic, creating a pH imbalance in the body and resulting in unhealthy environments that may encourage disease.
It's safe to say that, if you've been existing on a diet of fast food or other unhealthy options, and you switch to a healthy plan that includes an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, you will notice many beneficial changes.
The halfway house is to help discourage you going back to an unhealthy environment.
It is possible that the cultural influences which encourage unreasonable standards of physical attractiveness may lead some men to develop the unhealthy behaviors associated with anorexia.
Depriving your body of food it craves, ignoring physical signals of hunger, and defining yourself as good or bad depending on whether you've stayed on your diet or broken your diet are all unhealthy behaviors."
Shortness of breath, bad colds and flu symptoms, yellowish (coffin) fingernails, eyes looking lowly and dimly lit up were signs of the unhealthy aspect of smoking cigarettes.
If necessary, keep a list of smoking side effects on your fridge, hang pictures of smokers' lungs around your home and office, and do whatever it takes to remind you how unhealthy this habit is.
People who are anorexic may try to hide their unhealthy relationship with food, but it's usually not possible.
Much of these relationships remain unconfirmed, and he has stated on his website that he finds such talk "irrelevant and unhealthy."
Eating disorder support group Caring Online points fingers at Hollywood for creating unrealistic body ideals and putting pressure on women to go to extreme lengths to attain unhealthy body weights.
The American Medical Association has spoken out against top party college rankings, arguing they encourage students to base their choice of a university on decisions that could be unhealthy.
Orijen uses air-tight packaging to help preserve freshness - Some other companies add unhealthy chemicals like ethoxyquin and BHT as preservatives.
Many of the kibbles sold in grocery stores contain unhealthy ingredients that you would never knowingly serve if it were easier to decipher the labels.
As we learn to truly understand those food labels, we realize how important it is to feed a balanced, protein based diet to our pets, and avoid kibbles that are high in cereal fillers and unhealthy fat sources.
In most cases, an underweight dog has experienced malnutrition, whether it's due to an unhealthy diet, lack of food or a worm infestation.
Innova believes these things are as unhealthy for your pet as they are for you.
If we do not buy the products that are unhealthy for our pets, then the big companies' bottom line will begin to show red.
One reason that fiberglass is such a popular choice for whelping boxes is the fact that the surface area is nonporous, keeping it from absorbing bodily fluids that may harbor unhealthy substances and making it is easy to clean.
Unfortunately some breeders may try to sell a sick dog as an exotic, such as marketing an unhealthy puppy that is small for its age as a tea cup size dog.
Nudists claimed that an excess of shame and modesty bred psychological complexes, unhealthy relations between the sexes, and produced bodies that were both unhealthy and an affront to beauty.
Unhealthy material should only be composted if you manage your compost pile with strict controls and can be sure that the compost pile will reach a temperature of at least 120 F and remain at that temperature for two to three weeks.
If your composting practices are more casual, don't put unhealthy material in the pile.
Mildew removal is the only way to stop the spread of this unsightly and unhealthy problem.
If you're working to bring a lawn back from an unhealthy state, you might find that it needs more nitrogen than Ringer Lawn Restore organic fertilizer can provide.
The oil is then whipped with nitrogen, which makes the consistency similar to that of a hydrogenated oil without the unhealthy side effects.
As an added bonus, you will automatically reduce annoying insects because most pests feed on plants that are unhealthy.
Using organic herb seeds for all of our herbal needs allows us to keep unhealthy chemicals and other manmade substances out of our bodies.
This is unhealthy and potentially dangerous to both the woman and the baby.
It can cause their udders to get so large that the cow has difficulty in walking or their udders become unhealthy.
Organic food does not contain known unhealthy substances and fillers.
Applegate Farms was started by Stephen McDonnell in the 1970s in response to his desire to eat meat without the additives that made it unhealthy.
She has appeared on Celebrity Fit Club, a reality show that helps celebrities shed pounds, but she always maintains her fuller figure and doesn't intend to starve herself to make a weight that's unhealthy for her.
This unhealthy mindset is comparatively recent - if you look at the beach movies from the 1950s and 1960s, a lot of the stars might be considered plump by today's skewed standards.
It's as unhealthy to be severely underweight as it is to be very overweight, but many plus size women and men fall into a category of good health.
However, since Renn once had to starve herself down to an unhealthy weight in order to work and is now a famous model at a normal size, it should still be considered a healthy step.
Exercise your body and brain with regular activity, manage your weight and refrain form unhealthy habits like excessive drinking.
People with this disorder have an unhealthy expectation of disaster, often focusing on potential hazards to health, family and work.
The lenses can also be used in special effects if it is necessary to make the actor look especially beat up and bruised or unhealthy.
It's true - your favorite game developers want you to develop an unhealthy pallor from sitting in front of a cathode ray tube all the time.
While video game are a nice diversion, spending too much time immersed in a pixelated universe is unhealthy.
Abnormal jaundice can be dangerous, particularly in preterm or unhealthy newborns.
Children who live in poverty and suffer from malnutrition, unhealthy living conditions, and improper or inadequate medical care are at a higher risk.
Overproduction and overexcretion of porphyrins causes low, unhealthy levels of heme and certain important enzymes, creating various physical symptoms.
Parents should call their pediatrician if the child shows unhealthy physical or emotional symptoms that may be in response to family problems or transitions.
The highly stressful and competitive attitude prevalent at colleges and in professional sports affects the world of children's sports and athletics, creating an unhealthy environment.
It is quite possible to be a vegetarian yet eat an unhealthy fast-food or junk food diet.
In the 1940s, attachment to a special object was regarded as a childhood problem reflecting an unhealthy relationship between the mother and the child.
Sometimes parents unwittingly attempt to control their children with double or mixed messages; doing so is unhealthy for their relationship to one another.
Children are also often told it is wrong or unhealthy, myths that are not supported by medical research.
Antipas had a rather unhealthy obsession with the young dancer, and the performance with the seven veils convinced him to offer Salomé anything she desired.
It is important to keep layered haircuts well cared for, otherwise the layers can look damaged or unhealthy.
Unhealthy hair is caused by poor maintenance, from improper brushing, washing, and too few and far in-between visits to the hair stylist.
Hair is a part of the human body, and if it is treated badly, your hair will follow suit and be unhealthy as well.
Color can add vibrant attitude to your style, but dull, unhealthy hair can lead to a bad hair day no matter what shade you choose.
Eliminate unhealthy habits and substances such as smoking, caffeine, and carbonated sodas.
Homes needing certain repairs, such as the repair of unsafe or unhealthy conditions, can be repaired using ADDI money.
Any unhealthy habit will make it harder to conceive.
Too many images of weight gain isolated only to the belly can lead to unhealthy pregnant body images.
Unfortunately, a substantial number of women are unable to stop their unhealthy eating habits even during pregnancy.
A woman may even make healthy food choices during her pregnancy, but revert to unhealthy habits after the baby is born.
This does not make their diet unhealthy, but it does make it harder to manage nutrient intake.
Drinking too much and having an unhealthy body weight can also contribute.
When you're too busy to cook, this will help reduce the temptation to grab unhealthy snacks.
Women who smoke or lead an unhealthy life can encounter problems with conception.
Relieving yourself in the water and other outside areas is not only disgusting, it's unhealthy.
It's jealous and insipid comments like these, some would argue, that contribute to the unhealthy attitude towards food and body image so prevalent in our culture today.
Is this just another scam, like all the other snake oil peddlers preying on people with thinning or unhealthy hair?
Having said that, some vitamins are indeed helpful in livening up unhealthy hair.
It used to be believed that tropical oils like coconut oil and palm oil were unhealthy oils that caused high cholesterol.
Eating foods high in vitamin E as opposed to supplementation can help you avoid unhealthy buildup of vitamin E or vitamin E toxicity.
According to WebMD, probiotic supplements have the ability to lower the level of unhealthy cholesterol in the blood stream and ease high blood pressure.
It also prevents scalp flaking and itching, which can result in hair loss or unhealthy, dull hair.
If your hair is thinning, it may be best to check with your doctor to rule out illness as a cause of unhealthy hair.
Many people who prefer air popped popcorn cite medical concerns over possible unhealthy side-effects of consuming microwaved popcorn.
One of the reasons that people stay in unhealthy relationships is because both partners are willing to live in a fantasy world of how things used to be.
Once the infatuation stage of the relationship has ended and the 'real' jealous, controlling, unhealthy, self starts showing up, each partner puts their head in the sand to what is happening.
This is the 'how' and 'why' unhealthy relationships continue well past their prime.
I point out the different personality types in order to break down how entwined the two of are in an unhealthy way.
The professional will help you separate things out so that you can sort the healthy from unhealthy parts of the relationships and then set some professional and personal limits with this man.
An unhealthy relationship means that one or both partners behave in ways that stir up insecurities rather than reduce them.
Some individuals are drawn to unhealthy relationships because there is so much excitement surrounding them.
This pattern is both unhealthy and breaks down any trust the relationship might have once had.
Do you and your partner's relationship exhibit the signs of an unhealthy relationship?
Be aware of the following signs of an unhealthy relationship so you can prevent these issues in your healthy relationship or solve serious issues that are already present.
This is detrimental to your relationship because one of you will become frustrated with it and attack through one of the other signs of an unhealthy relationship.
As you've probably noticed, one unhealthy factor in a relationship can snowball into another to create larger, more complex problems.
This is why if you are looking to find out whether your relationship is unhealthy, you are most likely unhappy and unsatisfied with your partner.
If you are in an unhealthy relationship, you and your partner can implement changes to make it healthier.
Keep healthy snacks where your children can get them and unhealthy snacks where they have to ask for them.
Children who are inactive and eat unhealthy diets often turn into adults with weight-related health problems.
Thrown into the mix is Robbie Rotten, a villain who wants the entire town to be unhealthy and lazy.
Not only is being overweight unhealthy, it puts kids at risk for self-esteem and future health issues.
It can be tempting to opt for unhealthy food at the grocery store, especially when the prices of fresh meat, fruit, and vegetables are on the rise.
I think manufacturers have stepped up to the plate and are trying to break the misconception that all coupons are for processed, unhealthy items.
Food stamps do not distinguish between healthy and unhealthy foods.
The thinner bones place the boys at risk for unhealthy bone development and broken bones.
In particular, plastic containers may contain unhealthy chemicals that have the potential to contaminate food.
This is not possible, and can be dangerous -- or at the very least, quite unhealthy.
If you are a vegetarian who frequently partakes of guacamole with chips and beer, cheesecake and chocolate bars, you are probably going to be overweight, and unhealthy to boot.
The very mindfulness required is a good prescription for changing unhealthy lifestyle and eating patterns.
Many of these are very restrictive or even unhealthy.
Later Atkins books recommend avoiding unhealthy fats.
And those models who do look like their pictures are usually eating and living unhealthy, even obsessive, ways to maintain that look.
It may stem from emotional trauma, abuse, an unhealthy body image, or low self-esteem.
This is good news because it means one day of unhealthy behavior doesn't ruin us for the long term.
Roberts' protocol is frequently deemed as unhealthy by doctors and other health professionals.
Allow yourself to eat something you really want that is unhealthy, but not on a daily basis.
While McDonalds nutrition may be perceived as unhealthy, creating a healthy meal is attainable with the right information.
However, this does not give you license to drink calorie laden, unhealthy alcoholic drinks such as mudslides, beer, or fruity mixed cocktails.
I started to read how certain vegetarian cooked food was actually also toxic, unhealthy and bad for you even though it is vegetarian!
The reasons may be serious, or they may be simply a result of slipping into unhealthy habits.
Once you've lived with your healthy eating plan for a few weeks you won't even miss the unhealthy junk you were eating before.
Rather than giving you 35 points to do with what you wish and possibly make unhealthy food choices, emphasis is placed on making smarter choices that leave you satisfied longer.
Did you know that, according to US Department of Health and Human Services, 310,000 to 580,000 deaths are directly related to unhealthy eating and inactivity?
Premature deaths due to unhealthy eating and inactivity tops deaths caused by guns, drugs, alcohol, sexual behavior, and even motor vehicles!
Nutrition experts agree that unhealthy eating costs money.
To steer clear of these unhealthy options, it's important to recognize and understand nutrition basics.
Research shows that people consume many unhealthy chemicals and toxins, like pesticides from the foods they eat.
A detox diet can be safe; it can also be unhealthy if you don't know what you're doing.
If you feel unhealthy on a vegan detox diet - or any diet plan for that matter, you should talk to your doctor and try another eating plan.
Unhealthy fad diets are passing trends that sometimes produce results, but often lead to the dreaded "yo-yo" dieting syndrome.
How do you tell if a diet is unhealthy or not?
The following list of unhealthy popular fad diet plans offers the reasons why they are not good for you.
These diets are unhealthy because they deprive your body of necessary and essential vitamins and nutrients.
Just like all fads, the popularity of unhealthy fad diets is fading.
When you're desperate to lose weight, you can sometimes fall prey to unhealthy diet plans or unscrupulous business people.
The differences may not be quite as dramatic (fast food joints are kings when it comes to conjuring up ridiculously unhealthy dishes) but it's useful Eat This Not That-type information nonetheless.
Learn the difference between healthy and unhealthy fats, and the different types of oils.
People continue to find success with the Atkins diet meal plans, although there are those who also proclaim this diet is an unhealthy way to lose weight.
Like all types of eating plans, low carb diets can be nutritionally balanced or unbalanced, healthy for our bodies or unhealthy for them, full of tasty delicious foods or bland tasteless choices.
Overall, study after study has exposed what most nutritionists and even many general consumers already suspected; that fast food is simply unhealthy.
However, the fast food chains do promote a way of life that is unhealthy and has partly contributed to the increase in chronic illnesses that plague a large portion of the population.
Another problem critics cite with fast food chains is that they market their unhealthy foods to children.
Some find this type of marketing unethical because it's a fact that most fast foods are especially unhealthy for young and developing children.
What makes a fad diet unhealthy is that a single food, even a healthy food, does not meet nutritional requirements needed to promote good health.
In addition, the company hires psychologists who work with clients as they try to change their unhealthy eating habits.
All of these factors may lead to weight gain, but you should never use them as an excuse for an unhealthy weight.
While there are some variances from one fad diet to the next, most are simply unhealthy.
Given the healthy emphasis on fresh fruits, vegetables and grains, combined with reducing unhealthy foods and cooking methods such as frying, the diet is healthy and could be low-calorie.
Since it also stabilizes your blood sugar, you are less likely to snack on unhealthy, high sugar and carbohydrate snacks later in the day following a healthy breakfast of oatmeal.
After you have eliminated unhealthy foods, you have many options available to you that will not only prove satisfying, but also help keep you feeling full so that you are less likely to snack on something you shouldn't.
Whenever you reach for a low calorie product, always check the nutritional information to make sure you are not substituting one unhealthy ingredient for another.
People who don't understand counting carbohydrates and how they affect blood sugar look at this Induction Phase as an unhealthy and unbalanced diet.
These guidelines are set to offer Australian adults and children advice about healthy food choices and to prevent unhealthy habits, weight gain, and food-related illnesses.
If you force yourself to eat food that tastes like cardboard to you, chances are you won't stick to your diet, but instead will end up hunting down unhealthy foods you do like!
In the same way, when you do eat something that really isn't part of your healthy diet plan, don't let it cause you to backslide to unhealthy eating as a way of life.
While it is very unhealthy to maintain a weight higher than a healthy weight, it is also unsafe to carry too little weight.
This approach to eating is a form of what is known as Natural Hygiene, and while the diet is not really unhealthy as long as you eat a varied diet, the claims made by the Diamonds were not supported by scientific data.
Others, like saturated fats and trans fats, are unhealthy types of fats and should be also limited in a low fat diet.
Removing these from your diet will reduce your unhealthy fat intake.
Trans fats have been proven unhealthy, but are not found in natural coconut oil which is the variety recommended for this diet.
While the end result may look the same, diet tips and secrets of the rich and famous may range from healthy lifestyle choices to some extremely unhealthy decisions.
Unhealthy dietary and lifestyle practices will take their toll on both your appearance and general wellness.
The diet gained popularity, although the traditional medical establishment eschewed Atkins' recommendations, suggesting the diet was unsafe and unhealthy.
In fact, with a few substitutions, you can still enjoy family favorites without the unhealthy fat.
If exercise is harder, you may be less active which can lead to further unhealthy increases in weight.
Regular exercise gives you a means to control your weight and prevent unhealthy weight gain.
Your diet and activity must find that sense of equilibrium between the essential and the unhealthy.
These families have a much better chance of finding affordable medical coverage than the families who include members with unhealthy habits or a history of certain aliments.
A family may attempt to be fit and avoid unhealthy habits, but nonetheless winds up in the category of high risk because of a history of medical problems that are not a result of lifestyle choices.
Honey, We're Killing the Kids- Parents get to see, through technology, their kids as they age and attempts to curb unhealthy habits so changes can be made.
Above sea-level, the climate is hot, humid and unhealthy, and the conditions for permanent settlement are apparently unfavourable.
The unhealthy lagoons contain abundance of fish.
The most unhealthy period is from 1st May to 31st October, when there are, from time to time, outbreaks of typhoid, small-pox, diphtheria and other epidemics.
This, of course, means that a new station, where clearing, digging, and building are in progress, is often unhealthy for a time, and to this must be attributed the evil reputation which the peninsula formerly enjoyed.
The climate on the coast is hot, humid and unhealthy.
The intervening distance, through country exceedingly unhealthy for white men, and therefore promising no traffic except raw materials, does not seem a likely field for rapid railway extension.
Owing to the noxious exhalations of the surrounding forests the town is so extremely unhealthy during the hot weather as to have acquired the title of the "Abode of the Plague."
It is generally applied to the definite unhealthy condition of body known by a variety of names, such as ague, intermittent (and remittent) fever, marsh fever, jungle fever, hill fever, "fever of the country" and "fever and ague."
Augustus is said to have conducted here a colony of veterans,' but the place never had any great importance, and the lagoons behind it made it unhealthy, though the construction of the Via Domitiana through it must have made it a posting station.
The climate of the protectorate is very hot, but not unhealthy for Europeans if reasonable precautions be taken.
Thus it encouraged an unrestrained emotionalism, rank superstition, an unhealthy asceticism, and the employment of artificial means to induce the ecstatic state.
Lardaceous disease, however, here and in other regions, now appears to be due to the specific toxins of pyogenetic micro-organisms. In stone of the kidney a great advance has been made in treatment by operative means, and the formation of these stones seems to recent observers to depend less upon constitutional bent (gout) than upon unhealthy local conditions of the passages, which in their turn again may be due to the action of microorganisms.
The situation is low and unhealthy, but the territory is fertile, rice, cereals and sugar being grown.
The climate is very hot in the summer months and unhealthy.
Steel-grinding was notoriously unhealthy, and manufacturing processes generally were less favourable to life than agricultural.
The surrounding country is mostly deep swamp and the station is most unhealthy; mosquitoes are present in millions.
The climate is unhealthy - fever, smallpox, dysentery and rheumatism being the prevailing diseases.
In 1636 he was appointed rector (or perhaps only lecturer) of Rochford in Essex, which was so unhealthy that he had soon to leave it, and in 1639 he was elected to the perpetual curacy of St Mary Aldermanbury in London, where he had a large following.
The climate is by nature unhealthy, the supply of running water being small, and that of stagnant water, from which arises a fatal malaria, being considerable.
Descending to the lowlands on either side of the plateau, the temperature rises steadily until the upper limit of the tropical region, called tierras calientes, is reached, where the climate is hot, humid and unhealthy, as elsewhere in the forested coastal plains of tropical America.
But neither the severe climate nor the neighbourhood of wild and warlike hillmen shook their faith, and in the course of half a century, in one of the most unhealthy and unfertile localities in the Caucasus, they transformed this wilderness into flourishing colonies, and continued to live a Christian and laborious life, making friends with, instead of fighting, the hillmen.
The modern village (pop. 2300) is rendered unhealthy by rice-fields.
His attention was drawn to this subject about 1850 by the unhealthy condition of Munich.
He returned to Paris in declining health, and did not long survive the unhealthy sojourn on the Bidassoa; after some political instruction to his young master he passed away at Vincennes on the 9th of March 1661, leaving a fortune estimated at from 18 to 40 million livres behind him, and his nieces married into the greatest families of France and Italy.
The " woolly aphis," " American blight," or " larch blight " (Eriosoma laricis) often attacks the trees in close valleys, but rarely spreads much unless other unhealthy conditions are present.
It was undertaken in 1903, during the administration of President Rodrigues Alves, as part of a vast scheme to improve the sanitary and traffic conditions of the city, including the construction of a new shore-line and filling in the shallow parts of the shore, which had long been considered one of the prime causes of the unhealthy state of the city.
The modern village, which is sometimes called Nea Psara because the inhabitants of Psara were transferred there in 1821, is on unhealthy low-lying ground near the sea.
There is great natural beauty in the surroundings, but the mountains render the town difficult of access from the interior, and give it an exceptionally hot and unhealthy climate.
Only of certain districts, however, can it be said that they are positively unhealthy; to this category belong some parts of the Holland provinces, Zeeland, and Friesland, where the inhabitants are exposed to the exhalations from the marshy ground, and the atmosphere is often burdened with sea-fogs.
Even the Pedias (ancient Pediaeus) does not reach the sea in summer, and its stagnant waters form unhealthy marshes.
Favourable variations of constitution will soon show themselves, and these should be carefully selected to breed from, the tender and unhealthy individuals being rigidly eliminated.
The second part of the act deals with unhealthy dwellinghouses, and requires the urban district council to take steps for the closing of any dwelling-houses within their district which are unfit for human habitation.