Unhappy Sentence Examples
He was unhappy about something.
She was suddenly lost in the unhappy never after.
Pierre's gloomy, unhappy look struck her.
This morning I took a bath, and when teacher came upstairs to comb my hair she told me some very sad news which made me unhappy all day.
The unhappy king did the only thing possible in the circumstances.
I didn't want to lose you, but I didn't want you to be unhappy like mother either.
I'm sorry you're unhappy with my questions, but I need to know why you suddenly needed a girl after going five years without any.
She needed to be unhappy, he reminded himself.
Actually, it had been, but it wasn't an unhappy one.
The first volume of Alexander Kisfaludy's Himfy, a series of short lyrics of a descriptive and reflective nature, appeared at Buda in 1801, under the title of Kesergo szerelem (Unhappy Love), and was received with great enthusiasm; nor was the success of the second volume Boldog szerelem (Happy Love), which appeared in 1807, inferior.
AdvertisementIn 1543 he had been married to his cousin Mary of Portugal, who bore him a son, the unhappy Don Carlos, and who died in 1545.
That infantile paralysis is an infection, and that its unhappy sequels are now treated with more hope of restoration, has been indicated already.
The poor girl is very unhappy.
Yet again, Saul had been chosen by Yahweh to free his people from the Philistines; he had been rejected for his sins, and had suffered continuously from this enemy; Israel at his death was left in the unhappy state in which he had found it; it was the Judaean David, the faithful servant of Yahweh, who was now chosen to deliver Israel, and to the last the people gratefully remembered their debt.
Reiske's first years in Leiden were not unhappy, till he got into serious trouble by introducing emendations of his own into the second edition of Burmann's Petronius, which he had to see through the press.
AdvertisementIf so, that would leave her with an unhappy husband.
Her early rages were an unhappy expression of the natural force of character which instruction was to turn into trained and organized power.
Your child seems sad and unhappy most of the time.
I think it hurts him to see you so unhappy.
Katie must have noticed they were not satisfied with their relationship, but how could she know why they were unhappy when even they didn't know?
AdvertisementWhy should I be unhappy?
She glanced up, unhappy at how little of an effect her magic had on him.
I don't want you to ever be unhappy.
I can't believe it was to make you unhappy.
Alex had done nothing to indicate he was unhappy with things the way they were now – and yet, he was definitely troubled about something.
AdvertisementAlex might be unhappy that she hadn't asked him to help – because he was working – but he'd probably be glad to know she hadn't called Gerald.
Carmen wouldn't cheat, and Gerald wouldn't intentionally take her away, but if she was unhappy enough, Carmen might leave.
Abominable, unnatural as Peter's conduct to his unhappy and innocent son undoubtedly was, there is no reason to suppose that he ever regretted it.
To quiet the people and save the unhappy victim, two officers volunteered to conduct him to the senate house and there place him in arrest.
The 9th earl, George, descended from this Gilbert, died unmarried, and his nephew, who followed, was succeeded by his grandson Francis, chiefly memorable for his unhappy fate.
He hadn't thought himself unhappy; he'd never thought about it at all.
If you hadn't done something, she would have walked out of his life and they would both have been very unhappy.
Addresses were presented to him at Southampton, Birmingham and other towns; he was officially entertained by the lord mayor of London; at each place he pleaded the cause of his unhappy country.
The war between the rival emperors, Frederick of Austria and Louis of Bavaria, and the interdict under which the latter was placed in 1324 inflicted extreme misery upon the unhappy people.
In the midst of these unhappy surroundings religion became more inward in men of real piety and the desire grew among them to draw closer the bonds that united them to one another.
His associations with his principals were unhappy; the expedition was beset by many difficulties, and finally La Condamine separated from the rest and made his way from Quito down the Amazon, ultimately reaching Cayenne.
I hope she is not lonely and unhappy.
That is the only thing that makes me unhappy.
Repressed anger, hostility or sexual tensions unknowingly released by an unhappy subject wreak havoc.
A couple of unhappy wives are tempted to infidelity, a spurned lover tries to kill himself, a famous writer disappoints a fan.
I am an unhappy wretch, and it is all his fault, for he ought to have known his own condition.
If the cat is unhappy with a situation, the sound may become louder or more intense.
You may feel unhappy about the direction of your life, or you may feel frustrated by some of your personal relationships.
Does your son or daughter walk through life visibly unhappy?
But you seem so unhappy.
If he knew Alex was making her unhappy, he'd be upset.
The slaves of the leno and the lanista were probably in most cases not only degraded but unhappy.
Towards the close of the 17th century the province began to be overrun by the Mahrattas, and in 1718 the Delhi government formally recognized their right to levy blackmail (chauth) on the unhappy population.
She was married to him in 947; but after an unhappy union of three years Lothair died (November 22, 950).
The next three years he spent at Brantwood, mainly in retirement, and unhappy in finding nearly all his labours interrupted by his broken health.
In carrying out the regime of Rampolla, which was, in every respect, a bad imitation of that of Antonelli, the Vatican left no stone unturned in its attempt to coerce the conscience of the French royalists; it did not even stop at dishonour, as was evidenced by the case of the unhappy Mgr d'Hulst, who, in order to evade the censorship of his pamphlet on Old Testament criticism, had to abandon both his king and his principles, only to die in exile of a broken heart.
For the next two years all Hungary was convulsed by a horrible civil war, during which the unhappy young king, who fought for his heritage to the last with desperate valour, was driven from one end of his kingdom to the other like a hunted beast.
He travelled on the continent, made an unhappy marriage in 1786, and again went to sea.
Poland was incapable of maintaining its independence at the time of the first partition (1772), and the division of the unhappy country was forced on by Austria and Prussia.
It continued in the hands of the Moguls, with occasional revolts, till 1770, when it was ceded to the Mahrattas, from which time up to 1818 the unhappy district was the scene of a continual struggle, being seized at different times by the Mewar and Marwar rajas, from whom it was as often retaken by the Mahrattas.
His friends there exerted themselves to obtain for him the office of keeper of the royal library, but Frederick had not forgotten Lessing's quarrel with Voltaire, and declined to consider his claims. During the two years which Lessing now spent in the Prussian capital, he was restless and unhappy, yet it was during this period that he published two of his greatest works, Laokoon, oder fiber die Grenzen der Malerei and Poesie (1766) and Minna von Barnhelm (1767).
His character had no doubt suffered under his long embarrassments and his unhappy marriage.
During these unhappy years he took refuge in literature.
The match was an unhappy one, owing partly to incompatibility of temper, but still more to the mischievous interference of the jealous queen-mother.
When he is unknown, not achieving or acting, he will feel rootless, insecure, anxious, and be unhappy.
She also rejected suggestions that the trade was unhappy at being associated with rap stars.
It is distinct from being unhappy, however terrible that may be.
Theseus story before, but SB loves them, so not unhappy to hear it again.
This representation of a disastrous marriage enables Moore to explore mental turmoil and an unhappy ending.
He, along with others in the know, was deeply unhappy about the added spin.
With almost no lines, Williams creates a broken, desperately unhappy man out of a character it would be easy to simply despise.
The soldier emperors were understandably unhappy at having a large minority of dubious loyalty in the threatened provinces of the east.
The girl was terribly unhappy, but she was glowing with her deed too.
Or you may feel unhappy about their staying over at the homes of friends whose parents you may not know.
It helped to answer many of my questions about why plants that were supposed to flourish in shade seemed unhappy in certain shaded areas.
British women left unmoved by sex Seven million British women are unhappy with their sex lives, according to a new survey.
He called himself unhappy wretch at being suspected of treason toward a man for whom he would have given his life.
One small boy, however, goes home - an unhappy home made wretched by ' abrasive loss ' .
He served against Chmielnicki and the Cossacks and was present at the battles of Beresteczko (1651) and Batoka (1652), but was one of the first to desert his unhappy country when invaded by the Swedes in 1654, and actually assisted them to conquer the Prussian provinces in 1655.
This infernal sentence was actually carried out, and, life still lingering, the half-roasted carcass of the unhappy wretch, who endured everything with invincible heroism, was finally devoured by half-a-dozen of his fellow-rehels, who by way of preparation had been starved for a whole week beforehand.
The Piedmontese fought with great bravery, and the unhappy king sought death in vain.
Even in the animal world, the highest stage of nature, he saw a failure to reach an independent and rational system of organization; and its feelings under the continuous violence and menaces of the environment he described as insecure, anxious and unhappy.
There is no reason to doubt that they were secretly smothered on or about the 15th of July by his agent Sir James Tyrrell, or that the bones found buried under a staircase in the fortress two hundred years after belonged to the two unhappy lads.
I do miss Red Farm and the dear ones there dreadfully; but I am not unhappy.
You do not know Him and that is why you are unhappy.
But today she quite forgot that and was hurt that he should be angry with her without any reason, and she felt unhappy.
Don't force the cat to interact with the dog; this will only make the animals angry and unhappy with you.
Cheating often occurs sometime after a person decides they are unhappy.
Here Churchyard enriched himself at the expense, it is to be feared, of the unhappy Irish; but in 1552 he was in England again, trying vainly to secure a fortune by marriage with a rich widow.
He appears to have made a very unhappy marriage at this time, and returned to the Low Countries.
The chief authority for Churchyard's biography is his own "Tragicall Discourse of the unhappy man's life" (Churchyardes Chippes).
The governor and council appoint all judicial ' The constitution of 1776 provided that the Congress which framed it " assume the name, power and authority of a House of Representatives "; that said house choose twelve persons to be " a distinct and separate branch of the legislature by the name of a Council that the Council appoint a president; that civil officers for the colony and for each county (except clerks of court, county treasurers and recorders) should be appointed by the two houses; and that " if the present unhappy dispute with Great Britain should continue longer than this present year, and the Continental Congress give no instruction or direction to the contrary, the Council be chosen by the people of each respective county in such manner as the Council and House of Representatives shall order."
This was attributable to the lingering yet potent influence of an unhappy past was held by some; while others attributed the weakness to the viceregal office and the effects of a sham court.
The suit was purposely protracted, and at length, in 1620, the unhappy woman, then in her seventy-fourth year, was arrested on a formal charge of witchcraft.
In the general confusion following on Charles Albert's defeat on the Mincio and his retreat to Milan, where the people rose against the unhappy king, Fanti's courage and tact saved the situation.
The union proved childless and unhappy, and in 1780 the countess fled for refuge from her husband's drunken violence to a convent in Florence, where Charles had been residing since 1 774.
His first wife, Catherine, daughter of Magnus I., duke of Saxe-Lauenburg, bore him in 1 533 his eldest son Eric. This union was neither long nor happy, but the blame for its infelicity is generally attributed to the lady, whose abnormal character was reflected and accentuated in her unhappy son.
The campaign that followed, after some initial reverses, culminated in the crushing victory of the allies at Leipzig (October 1618, 1813),and was succeeded by the joint invasion of France, during which the German troops wreaked vengeance on the unhappy population for the wrongs and violences of the French rule in Germany.
Such was the object of the canal then excavated, and it answered its purpose; but the sacrifice of life was enormous (fully 20,000 workmen perished), and the labor of the unhappy fellahin was forced.
Meanwhile Osman Digna, who had fled from Kufit to Kassala, wreaked his vengeance upon the unhappy captives at Kassala.
In 1568 he was the real leader of the rebellion against Eric, but took no part in the designs of his brother John against the unhappy king after his deposition.
Nothing did more to bring the two peoples together than religion, after the Reformation, yet, by an unhappy turn of affairs, and mainly thanks to one man, John Knox, few causes were more potent than religious differences in delaying that complete union which nature herself seemed to desire.
Meanwhile the many noble and dissatisfied pensioners of England adopted Protestantism, which also made its way among the barons, burgesses and clergy, so that, for political reasons, James at last could not but be hostile to the new creed; he bequeathed this anti-protestantism, with the French alliance, through his wife, Mary of Guise, and the influence of the house of Lorraine, to his unhappy daughter, Mary Stuart.
The marriage was unhappy; James was eternally occupied with the business of his cause and the feuds of his adherents; Clementina lost her gaiety and became causelessly jealous; and her retreat to a convent in 1725 was a greater blow to the cause than the failure of Atterbury's plot (1720), the alleged treason of Mar and the splits in the Jacobite party.
After an unhappy childhood, he studied at Heidelberg, and at the age of twenty entered the Benedictine monastery of Sponheim near Kreuznach, of which, in 1485, he became abbot.
It may, like the Stoic, assert freedom by holding aloof from the entanglements of real life, or like the sceptic regard the world as a delusion, or finally, as the " unhappy consciousness " (Ungliickliches Bewusstseyn), may be a recurrent falling short of a perfection which it has placed above it in the heavens.
From the first, however, it was clear that Friederike Brion could never become the wife of the Frankfort patrician's son; an unhappy ending to the romance was unavoidable, and, as is to be seen in passionate outpourings like the Wanderers Sturmlied, and in the bitter self-accusations of Clavigo, it left deep wounds on the poet's sensitive soul.
The marriage was a very unhappy one, the husband having no qualities that could appeal to a woman who, whatever the censorious might say of her moral character, was distinguished to the last by a lively intellect and a singular charm.
Noteworthy, again, is the appeal to religious and ethical considerations in order to prevent injustice to the widow and fatherless and to unhappy debtors; statutory laws are either unknown, or, more probably, are presupposed.
Three years after this unhappy marriage Louis entered upon his stormy political career.
An unhappy adventure in love deepened his sense of failure, but he became betrothed to Maria White in the autumn of 1840, and the next twelve years of his life were deeply affected by her influence.
It was at this period of his life, when his inner troubles of spirit harmonized with the unhappy external conditions of his lot, that he began an earnest and prolonged study of the Bible; and from this time dates the tone of extreme pietism which is characteristic of his writings, and which undoubtedly alienated many of his friends.
His marriage with Pomponia was very unhappy, and he was much under the influence of his slave Statius.
Having bought in 834 territories at Samarra, a small place situated a few leagues above Bagdad, he caused a new residence to be built there, whose name, which could be interpreted "Unhappy is he who sees it," was changed by him into Sorra-man-ra`a, "Rejoiced is he who sees it."
Some not-recognized are not unhappy (negative).
An unhappy propensity to duelling, the origin in Arkansas of the bowie-knife, - from an alleged use of which Arkansas received the nickname, which it has always retained, of the " toothpick state," - and other backwoods associations gave the state a reputation which to some extent has survived in spite of many years of sober history.
By character and temperament unfitted to stand alone, her life had been unhappy and tragical from its isolation.
The closing years of Akbar's reign were rendered very unhappy by the misconduct of his sons.
The severest measures had been tried, especially against the priests' unhappy partners.
Political troubles and the unhappy condition of the Jews probably furnish the explanation; hence also the abundance of Palestinian haggadic literature in the Midrashim, whose " words of blessing and consolation " appealed more to their feelings than did the legal writings.
At the age of forty he married Johanna Henrietta Trosiener, then only twenty, but the marriage owing to difference of temperament was unhappy.
After the conquest of Peru by the Spaniards in the 16th century the natives were subjected to much tyranny and oppression, though it must in fairness be said that much of it was carried out in defiance of the efforts and the wishes of the Spanish home government, whose legislative efforts to protect the Indians from serfdom and ill-usage met with scant respect at the hands of the distant settlers and mine-owners, who bid defiance to the humane and protective regulations of the council of the Indies, and treated the unhappy natives little better than beasts of burden.
One of these experiments was an unhappy marriage - undertaken merely that he might have a salon - which, after a year's duration, was dissolved by mutual consent.
In 1791 Fessler was converted to Lutheranism and next year contracted an unhappy marriage, which was dissolved in 1802, when he married again.
With fifty or a hundred ships they would fall upon some unhappy region, harry it for many miles inland, and offer battle to the landsfolk unless the latter came out in overpowering force.
But the vikings were now showering such blows on the northern states that their unhappy monarchs could think of nothing but selfdefence.
From the point of view of his English subjects his main achievement was that he restored iii almost every detail the well-organized bureaucracy which his ancestor had created, and with it the law and order that had disappeared during Stephens unhappy reign.
The unhappy king was compelled to promise to forget and forgive this offence, and was then restored to a certain amount of freedom and power; the barons believed that when freed from the influence of Gaveston he would prove a less unsatisfactory sovereign.
Their unhappy master was forced to abdicate on the 20th of January 1327, his fourteen-year old son being proclaimed king in his stead.
The nation was too proud to accept defeat, and persevered in the unhappy attempt to reverse the fortunes of war.
But, while the meeting was still going on, Tyler went off to the Tower with a part of his horde, entered the fortress unopposed, and murdered the unhappy chancellor, Archbishop Sudbury, the treasurer, and several victims more.
No faith was kept with the unhappy Richard; he was placed in close and secret confinement, and denied the ordinary comforts of life.
But his piety inspired him to redouble the persecution of the unfortunate Lollards, whom his father had harried only in an intermittent fashion; and his sense of moral responsibility did not prevent him from taking the utmost advantage of the civil wars of his unhappy neighbors of France.
After a long trial, carried out with elaborate formality and great unfairness, the unhappy Joan was found guilty of proclaiming as divine visions what were delusions of the evil one, or of her own vain imagination, and when she persisted in maintaining their reality she was declared a relapsed heretic, and burnt at Rouen on the 30th of May 1431.
He then moved to London, and which was being threatened by Kentish levies raised in Warwicks name, delivered the city, and next day caused the unhappy Henry VI.
As regards domestic agriculture, it has been often stated that the I5th century was the golden age of the English peasant, and State of that his prosperity was little affected either by the the rvral unhappy French wars of Henry VI.
The obloquy under which Jameslaboured increased when the Thirty Years War broke out (1618), and when his daughter Elizabeth, whose husband, the electorpalatine, was the unhappy claimant to the Bohemian crown (1619), stood forth as the lovely symbol of the deserted Protestantism of Europe.
Ever since the independence of the South African Republic had been virtually conceded by the convention of 1884, unhappy differences had prevailed between the Dutch and British residents in the Transvaal.
He was a statesman of integrity, ability and determination, whose good qualities are too apt to be overlooked in consequence of his connexion with the unhappy fate of Maximilian.
Men of good birth (nearly always, too, of Celtic blood on one side at least), they leave Iceland young and attach themselves to the kings and earls of the north, living in their courts as their henchmen, sharing their adventures in weal and woe, praising their victories, and hymning their deaths if they did not fall by their sides - men of quick passion, unhappy in their loves, jealous of rival poets and of their own fame, ever ready to answer criticism with a satire or with a sword-thrust, but clinging through all to their art, in which they attained most marvellous skill.
In 1 777, on Voltaire's advice, Villette married Mademoiselle de Varicourt, but the marriage was unhappy, and his wife was subsequently adopted by Voltaire's niece, Madame Denis.
Then came the unhappy events connected with Milan's divorce from Queen Natalie.
Her only daughter Frederica had contracted in 1748 an unhappy marriage with Charles Eugene, duke of Wurttemberg.
The next task was to relieve Paris of Bonaparte, who had already refused to repeat Hoches unhappy expedition to Ireland and to attack England at home without either money or a navy.
At the end of a year La Barre was replaced by the marquis de Denonville, a man of ability and courage, who, though he showed some vigour in marching against the western Iroquois tribes, angered rather than intimidated them, and the massacre of Lachine (5th of August 1689) must be regarded as one of the unhappy results of his administration.
His life with Joanna was rendered extremely unhappy by his infidelity and by her jealousy, which, working on a neurotic temperament, precipitated her insanity.
His days at Westminster, Southey thinks, were " probably the happiest in his life," but a boy of nervous temperament is always unhappy at school.
Gabriel, I didn't know you were unhappy with me.
If you want her tumor to slow its growth, you'll ensure she's unhappy, Wynn advised.
Alex had done nothing to indicate he was unhappy with things the way they were now – and yet, he was definitely troubled about something.
Alex might be unhappy that she hadn't asked him to help – because he was working – but he'd probably be glad to know she hadn't called Gerald.
You were the one who was so unhappy about everything.
Rob realized she was unhappy and he felt no loyalty to any of them.
Etta Jenks has nothing new to say about this male-dominated business, which thrives on vulnerable wannabe actresses with unhappy childhoods.
Mc Donald's in Vietnam - unhappy meal The conditions for workers in Vietnam are pretty appalling.
With Barnardo's help, an unhappy childhood need not lead to a bleak future.
Also, an uncomfortably high proportion of clients were unhappy about their housing circumstances and we have been working on this.
Apart from being inspired by his great heart and immense compassion for these unhappy people, Dr. Rodocanachi was also acting from another impulse.
I knew Robert was deeply unhappy with the rightward drift of the Conservatives.
This takes place in earthlight and here commemorates the unhappy end of the British sf imprint Earthlight.
It's an unhappy fact that there are simply far too many unwanted pets in this world just waiting for a home, and it takes a special heart to adopt a homeless animal.
Recently, the Brittany has decided that he is unhappy in the crate and begins barking almost immediately.
It may be used in the flower garden or the pleasure ground, but it soon turns yellow and unhappy looking if exposed to much sunshine.
You'll only end up being unhappy with your instrument and having to shell out for a new one far sooner than if you have spent a little more to begin with.
Black meant the wearer was tense, stressed and unhappy.
For example, if you're unhappy about wrinkles around your eyes, opt for a fringed cut to frame that area, and just brush the fringes forward when you style.
If you are unhappy with your results, consult a professional who can better guide you to the right color and product for your specific hair type.
If the water leaks in then the whole point of wearing goggles is lost and may make the child unhappy and not want to be underwater, even with goggles on.
Going on a date and unhappy with your dull-colored eyes?
That said, however, if you are unhappy with the selection that you do find online, then you should not hesitate to talk to your ophthalmologist, as he or she will be more equipped to direct you on how you can find a larger selection.
If you're currently unhappy with your contact lenses or you don't enjoy wearing bifocals or reading glasses, check with your eye doctor.
The longer they have to wait, the more stars disappear, and the more unhappy they get.
All characters in the game are very expressive, and you can see the levels of unhappy emotions represented by small clouds that will appear above their heads.
It is definitely helpful to read through your manual and purchase spares of commonly repaired parts to prevent unhappy campers in the event something breaks down.
Here are some of the common things that pop up on family cell phone plans that make consumers unhappy.
Children raised with this parenting style are often moody, unhappy, fearful, and irritable.
Children who refuse to join any extracurricular activities yet appear unhappy or have no friends may be suffering from emotional problems such as depression or low self-esteem.
Rather they tend to be lonely, unhappy, angry, young, and single parents who do not plan their pregnancies, have little or no knowledge of child development, and have unrealistic expectations for child behavior.
Some children masturbate frequently because they are unhappy or under stress or are reacting to punishment or pressure to stop masturbation completely.
Pacifiers can be particularly useful for unhappy babies who are difficult to comfort.
When a child is excessively shy, when shyness is persistent and results in high levels of anxiety in social settings and leads to social withdrawal and parents feel that their child is unhappy being shy, they should seek professional help.
It blocks the vital flow of universal energy, often making you feel stuck in a rut, tired and unhappy.
Many women are unhappy with their natural brow shapes and opt for a more subtle, defined, sleek look through various beauty treatments.
An eyebrow transplant is a good choice if you are currently unhappy with your brows, and are looking for a permanent solution to regain confidence in your looks.
Chances are you'll be unhappy with the results and end up replacing each one for a more effective model.
If at any time you find yourself unhappy with your current hairdresser, perhaps it's time to start considering other top salons and stylists in your area.
Whether it's an irregular growth pattern or a mere abundance of growth, removing all of their pubic hair can help a man who's unhappy with their brief areafeel more confident.
Although many people are adamantly opposed to quitting their job because of a colleague's misconduct, you may want to ask yourself if the added stress is worth sticking around in a place that is making you unhappy.
Camp nurses must be empathetic and often need to console unhappy or ill campers.
However, before purchasing the appliance online be sure to check the online retailer's return policy as you may need to return the item if you are unhappy with the purchase.
If a dog seems to be unhappy in its costume, take it off immediately.
Meaning your ex would be motivated to change because she was unhappy with herself.
However, it's not because they're unhappy with the site.
If you're unhappy with your current romantic situation, you most likely have one or more of the following issues with your significant other.
This is why if you are looking to find out whether your relationship is unhealthy, you are most likely unhappy and unsatisfied with your partner.
Vera Bradley was started by two friends who were unhappy with the darkly colored, masculine choices for most luggage that was on the market.
The ups and downs of this relationship will leave most Virgos feeling unhappy.
Virgo men don't make the easiest fathers to get along with, but this isn't because they are cold or unhappy in the role.
The Virgo man knows this on some level, and this state of affairs can make him very unhappy.
Cheer Bear can't bear the thought of anyone being unhappy!
Was I unhappy with my contact lenses before I saw this commercial?
They don't want their customers to be unhappy for any reason, so they offer an exclusive "No Fuss" Guarantee, which allows you to return shoes for any reason with their "SmartLabel System," designed to make returning hassle free and easy.
Sometimes, spoilers can re-energize a fan's interest in a daytime soap, particularly if they've been unhappy with focus on some characters and lack of focus on others.
Drop Dead Diva began with blonde model Deb having a car accident and attorney Jane shot by an unhappy client.
An infected nose piercing creates an unhappy state of affairs and can be potentially dangerous.
You can then incorporate those behaviors more frequently into your daily life and be prepared to avoid those behaviors that make you unhappy with yourself.
Many children waver between resentment and guilt, unhappy with the situation that has befallen the family, yet ashamed of the way they sometimes feel about their brother or sister with autism.
As any business owner knows, one happy customer may tell four or five others and make recommendations for future sales, while an unhappy customer will tell sixteen others not to shop.
Every job involves some type of stress, whether it relates to dealing with unhappy customers, covering for co-workers who don't pull their weight, finding money to pay the company's bills, or any number of other types of stressors.
While you may be unhappy with your job, this letter remains in an employee's file long term.
You can't return a car because you are unhappy with its color.
This type of diet is not focused on outward appearance and the excess weight that makes us unhappy, but instead focuses on the scientific interior of our bodies which is what determines our over all health.
Hormone fluctuations, careless or hurtful words overheard, financial problems, in other words life, can make us feel unhappy or unattractive.
If you're unhappy with your breasts or buttocks, experts say working out these areas naked in front of a mirror can help you define and shape and them better.
An Internet search will show Sears customers who are unhappy about the service -or lack of service- they received with their Sears warranty.
Unhappy with her wardrobe, Ms. Bach took a pair of jeans and cut most of the legs away, creating the now-famous Daisy Duke-style shorts.
While the cost of a high-end lingerie item can be daunting, if you care for your piece properly, you won't be unhappy.
If a woman is unhappy with the size or shape of her breasts, wearing a sexy bra can enhance her appearance and allow her to feel more confident.
Clarkson was unhappy with her management, which was supplied by Idol co-creator Simon Fuller, for failing to increase her success outside of the US.
Brian Dunkelman parted ways with the show in a mutual decision - he was open about his dislike of the show, and Fox Networks were said to be unhappy with his performance.
Nothing makes a band as unhappy as being forced into the role of one-trick pony, and it didn't take long for Radiohead to tire of taking to the stage in front of audiences only interested in hearing them play Creep.
Elizabeth Cade was a lonely woman - lonely and unhappy.
Lori and Josh had everything going for them, but they were unhappy with each other.
Gabe nodded, uncertain if he should be relieved she wasn't rejoicing to be away from him or worried that she was unhappy.
She leaned the broom against the wall, unhappy to see the creature but feeling bad for it.
Tim was the quiet one and when Jim cried, everyone on the block knew he was unhappy.
Gay visited him in Edinburgh, and Pope praised his pastoral - compliments which were undoubtedly responsible for some of Ramsay's unhappy poetic ventures beyond his Scots vernacular.
The universe is merely blind Will, not thought; this Will is irrational, purposeless and therefore unhappy.
The world being a picture of the Will is therefore similarly unhappy.
Mill expressly says that his childhood was not unhappy.
We must provisionally affirm life and devote ourselves to social evolution, instead of striving after a happiness which is impossible; in so doing we shall find that morality renders life less unhappy than it would otherwise be.
The chief poets of the transition are Fazil Bey, Wasif, notable for his not altogether unhappy attempt to write verses in the spoken language of the capital, `Izzet Molla, Pertev Pasha, `Akif Pasha, and the poetesses Fitnet and Leyla.
David Hume summed up his admiration for Douglas by saying that his friend possessed "the true theatric genius of Shakespeare and Otway, refined from the unhappy barbarism of the one and licentiousness of the other."
This operation is called gastrostomy and may be the means of giving many weeks of comfort to the unhappy patient - provided that its performance is not too long postponed.
A strong man, Captain Grey, was at last sent over from Australia to restore peace and rescue the unhappy colony from bankruptcy and despair.
Incredible as it may seem, the expedition to place the false Demetrius on the Muscovite throne was a private speculation of a few Lithuanian magnates, and similar enterprises on the part of other irresponsible noblemen on the Danube or Dniester brought upon unhappy Poland retaliatory Tatar raids, which reduced whole provinces to ashes.
Although his pontificate had been so stormy and unhappy that he is said to have regretted on his death-bed that he ever left his monastery, nevertheless Eugenius's victory over the council of Basel and his efforts in behalf of church unity contributed greatly to break down the conciliar movement and restore the papacy to the position it had held before the Great Schism.
The unhappy course of this campaign, culminating in the fall of Gran, brought him once more into disfavour, and he was deprived of the seal of office (November 19).
For a time he was not unhappy, but the debts which he had contracted in Hamburg weighed heavily on him, and he missed the society of his friends; his health, too, which had hitherto been excellent, gradually gave way.
The unhappy Bel is successes.
Into the obscure details of this unhappy campaign it is unnecessary to enter; one fact stands out clearly, that Essex endeavoured to carry out a treasonable design.
In Berlin Schopenhauer was lonely and unhappy.
Their leaders renounced allegiance to the regent; she ended her not unkindly, but as Knox calls it "unhappy," life in the castle of Edinburgh; the English troops, after the usual Elizabethan delays and evasions, joined their Scots allies; and the French embarked from Leith.
An attempted monarchical revolution, planned by the queen and a few devoted young nobles in 1756, was easily and remorselessly crushed; and, though the unhappy king did not, as he anticipated, share the fate of Charles Stuart, he was humiliated as never monarch was humiliated before.
The French subsidies, which might have sufficed for a six weeks' demonstration (it was generally assumed that the king of Prussia would give little trouble to a European coalition), proved quite inadequate; and, after five unsuccessful campaigns, the unhappy Hats were glad to make peace and ignomini- YearsThe Sevenar.
Neither must it be forgotten that in the previous war in 1745 an unhappy young lieutenant, Baker Phillips by name, whose captain had brought his ship into action unprepared, and who, when his superior was killed, surrendered the ship when she could no longer be defended, was shot by sentence of a courtmartial.
But this full effect has only been worked out in the lapse of ages; the Tantra literature has also had its growth and its development, and some unhappy scholar of a future age may have to trace its loathsome history.
Berenice, daughter of Salome, sister of Herod I., and wife of her cousin Aristobulus, who was assassinated in 6 B.C. Their relations had been unhappy and she was accused of complicity in his murder.
This work, the Biathanatos, is an attempt to show that "the scandalous disease of headlong dying," to which Donne himself in his unhappy moods had "often such a sickly inclination," was not necessarily and essentially sinful.
The unhappy man's emotion destroyed his power of digestion.
Among the many troubles which broke down King Henrys strdng will and great bodily vigour in those unhappy years, rebellion in England was not one.
This was a most unhappy inspiration, and drove into neutrality or even into the kings camp many who had previously inclined to the party of reform.
Gavestons unhappy career came to an.
It was certainly unhappy in its preparations for the struggle.
She sat down to watch, unhappy with how her morning had gone so far.
Have you ever seen a film with an unhappy ending?
She felt that he had been very ill-used, and was quite unhappy in having to communicate what had passed.
A handsome drifter and the unhappy wife of a boorish innkeeper conduct an affair which leads them to murder.
This left two ferries covering the North Isles, a situation that stretched Orkney Ferries resources and left many islanders unhappy with the service.
I became very isolated and insular, very unhappy.
I have had many periods in my own life when I have been downright miserable and unhappy.
Christopher spends a lot of time with Koman and his beautiful, unhappy niece Radha.
There will be instances when a client seeks a further expert opinion because they have been unhappy with the content of the first opinion.
A blocked sink is an unhappy sink... You may never need to use a plunger again.
The result of akusala kamma of a lesser degree conditions rebirth in other unhappy planes, such as the animal world.
However, even for such a person there may be an unhappy rebirth.
Miscarriage, often recurrent, is another unhappy complication of lupus.
Peter, by his first marriage, had a son, the unhappy cesarevich Alexius (q.v.), who figures more largely in imaginative literature than in history - a narrow-minded, obstinate, pious youth, who had no sympathy with his father's violent innovations, and was completely under the influence of the old Muscovite reactionary faction.
The sordid incidents of her rise, and the insolence with which she used her triumph, had alienated all hearts from the unhappy woman.
This unhappy state of affairs was aggravated and perpetuated by the intrigues set on foot at Constantinople against successive governors of the island, the conflicts between the Palace and the Porte, the duplicity of the Turkish authorities, the dissensions of the representatives of the great powers, the machinations of Greek agitators, the rivalry of Cretan politicians, and prolonged financial mismanagement.
It is said that reverence and love for their departed relatives was a marked feature in the character of the aborigines, and that the Spaniards made use of this as a bait to trap the unhappy natives.
You have no idea how unhappy, how lonely, I feel when you are like that.
Jim is unhappy and goes into a sulk for a while.
We have read the theseus story before, but SB loves them, so not unhappy to hear it again.
Unhappy triad This combination of knee injuries has earned itself the famous name of ' The unhappy triad of O'Donoghue ' !
We are unhappy about certain aspects of the proposed changes to the regime for IFAs.
There is a two-stage appeal process for anyone unhappy with the initial response they receive.
What happens if I am unhappy with a decision?
I am unhappy with some aspect of City & Guilds !
I guess we should take it that Robin Stacey is a touch unhappy with the situation....
If the supporter is unhappy with the reply they can refer the matter to the Club Chairman.
He has no more conditions to commit evil deeds leading to an unhappy rebirth.
Maybe I let Helen 's unhappy marriage with Francis cloud my decision not to marry him.
All well-fed birds sing loud; No birds, that sing loud, are unhappy.
It is probably wise to avoid driving for at least four weeks; insurance companies may be unhappy should a problem arise earlier.
One small boy, however, goes home - an unhappy home made wretched by ' abrasive loss '.
My unhappy dalliance with the public school system has blessedly come to its end.
Other reviewers were unhappy with the performance of the voice command option.
Shopping at a regular store gives you the opportunity to try on clothing and inspect merchandise before you buy it, which reduces the risk that you will be unhappy with an item once you make a purchase.
If you are ready to purchase a new box, are unhappy with your current cat box or are preparing to bring a new cat home, you'll have to make the decision about which type of litter box you want.
The more you know, the less likely you will be unhappy with interest rates, penalties and fees..
For example, you wouldn't want two vegetarian families unhappy with another family's plans to raise grass-fed beef.
If you are unhappy with the appearance of your eyelashes and desire longer, stronger, and fuller lashes, try either a prescription product such as Latisse or one that can purchased over the counter.
If you're unhappy with your stats you can always delete them and start over.
Make sure that you do not over-exercise your dog as this can lead her to become unhappy.
Remember to check in on the dog periodically, or else it will become unhappy and possibly get sick, prompting a trip to the vet.
Experiencing high levels of anxiety will lower your productivity levels at work and make you feel unhappy in life.
Planning and foresight can eliminate the last minute crisis of an unfinished project or an unhappy client.
Don't feel guilty about being happy about the breakup (unless he's unhappy, then feel bad for him; but since it was such a short relationship, I'm guessing he's not too heartbroken).
If you are unhappy with your purchase, can you return it?
He spent most of his unhappy childhood in constant motion.
Unhappy with the decision, Letterman left the network in 1993 to host The Late Show with David Letterman on CBS.
His father was unhappy with his family's life there and constructed a houseboat from salvage lumber, then set sail down the Ohio River.
Not all free puppies wind up with an unhappy ending, but the potential is there when decisions are made on the spur of the moment.
Unhappy customers don't leave very good tips.
If you are unhappy with your rating, you can repeat it for a better score.
Many children draw pictures that reflect punitive images to explain unhappy experiences.
If you find that you are unhappy with all of the offers, keep looking.
If you're in an unhappy relationship and worried about living single, remember that being on your own can be a great experience.
I hid and covered up the last five yrs. of an unhappy marriage.
When couples are unhappy, the frequency and quality of sex usually goes down.
The match can be quite unhappy for some.
She may even have to pause to recognize that she's feeling upset or unhappy because in her mind, she's off on some distant adventure.
Scorpio wants quite a few things from her lover, and her mate will surely feel the unpleasant sting of her dismay if she's unhappy in any area of her love life.
Contestants were women who felt plain or were unhappy with their looks.
His family, who had been unhappy about their relationship, refused to get involved in Sophia's life.
If you're unhappy with your complexion, it may surprise you to learn that the best skin care tips are quite simple.
Dean swung by the Beaumont Hotel and dropped off Jennifer Radisson's camera, not unhappy to be rid of the reminder of the prior evening.
If it was silly, it wouldn't make you so unhappy.
Similar, too, was the revelation, when freedom of speech was at last allowed, of the unhappy effect of the long divorce of the intellect of the country from any experience of practical politics.
It seems unhappy only when we compare it with the normal life of a boy and decline to imagine its peculiar enjoyments and aspirations.
Thus the Magyars were saddled with two rival kings with equally valid titles, which proved an even worse disaster than the Mohacs catastrophe; for in most of the counties of the unhappy kingdom desperadoes of every description plundered the estates of the gentry, and oppressed the common people, under the pretext that they were fighting the battles of the contending monarchs.
His job is to consider complaints made by prisoners who remain unhappy with the answer they have received from the Prison Service.
Our duty, my dear, is to rectify his mistake, to ease his last moments by not letting him commit this injustice, and not to let him die feeling that he is rendering unhappy those who...
My mother-in-law came to me in tears and said that Helene was here and that she implored me to hear her; that she was innocent and unhappy at my desertion, and much more.
He pointed to his manuscript book with that air of escaping from the ills of life with which unhappy people look at their work.
Sonya was unhappy at the separation from Nicholas and still more so on account of the hostile tone the countess could not help adopting toward her.
The princesses Aline and Sophie sit whole days with me, and we, unhappy widows of live men, make beautiful conversations over our 'charpie', only you, my friend, are missing... and so on.
He had learned that as there is no condition in which man can be happy and entirely free, so there is no condition in which he need be unhappy and lack freedom.
Should you be unhappy with the outcome or with the action taken, you may address your complaint to OC Admin Sqn.
Capitol Records were unhappy with the initial recordings of the songs and wanted something with a bit more crossover potential.
The rumored reason is that Manilow was unhappy with Midler's behavior on a talk show they were both taking part in.
He was unhappy with the popularity the band had earned with Head on the Door and Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me. During the same time, he relapsed into drug use.
The way children responded to unhappy people was touching.
So fatally were the internal affairs of that magnificent but unhappy country bound up with concerns which brought the forces of the civilized world into play.
With declining prices for farm produce came that year of unhappy memory, 1879, when persistent rains and an almost sunless summer ruined the crops and reduced many farmers to a state of destitution.
The fraternity of White Penitents buried the body with great ceremony, and performed a solemn service for the deceased as a martyr; the Franciscans followed their example; and these formalities led to the popular belief in the guilt of the unhappy family.
And she smiled, happy for her friend and not too unhappy with her choice of husband-to-be.
Denton wasn't nearly as unhappy as he was going to be when he found out she was skipping the state.