Unfortunately Sentence Examples
Unfortunately, this session was unsuccessful.
Unfortunately, the news was disappointing.
Unfortunately, he has said nothing to me about you.
Unfortunately, the trip to dreamland was short in duration.
Unfortunately, someone had torn out the page.
Unfortunately, it was another dead end.
Unfortunately, the call went to voice mail.
Unfortunately, life gets in the way a fair amount of the time.
Unfortunately, it seems that way.
Unfortunately, he did not miss the child until the following morning.
AdvertisementHe and Fred walked down the road, unfortunately meeting a half-dozen friends from town en route.
Unfortunately, there was nothing to quicken the healing of his neck.
Unfortunately, I think you might be right.
Unfortunately, the new president was unequal to the task of composing the differences in his party.
But, unfortunately, another man saw fit to pay it.
AdvertisementUnfortunately she could not grant my request, but I hope, Count, I shall be more fortunate with you, he said with a smile.
Unfortunately, there is no one left alive to salute the LeBlanc and Betsy and I want our adopted daughter Claire to know she is fully a part of our lives.
Unfortunately, it occurred over night and we couldn't fix the time in spite of three attempts to do so.
Unfortunately, Descartes is too lordly a philosopher to explain distinctly what either understanding or will may mean.
But, unfortunately, I struck my foot on a rock and fell forward into the cold water.
AdvertisementUnfortunately, we didn't learn of the murder until a week after it occurred, making it impossible for Howie to "witness" the scene.
Unfortunately, the man didn't know who his handler was.
Unfortunately, you are a Council member.
She would, doubtless, have made a model tsaritsa of the pre-Petrine period, but, unfortunately, she was no fit wife for such a vagabond of genius as Peter the Great.
Unfortunately Poland profited little or nothing by this great triumph, and now that she had broken the back of the enemy she was left to fight the common enemy in the Ukraine with whatever assistance she could obtain from the unwilling and unready Muscovites.
AdvertisementAt this period the preceptors of the tsarevich had the highest opinion of his ability; but, unfortunately, it was not the sort of ability that his father could make use of.
Unfortunately, you were far more careless calling your tip line and a telephone code was noted and remembered by the operator.
Unfortunately, All Souls being a later foundation, the college at Higham Ferrers was not affiliated to it, and so fell with other colleges not part of the universities.
Unfortunately, the breeze was in her favor.
Unfortunately, Jackson realized too late that Cassandra was a crazy bitch, and needy as hell.
Garay, when on his way to Santa Fe, was unfortunately murdered by a party of Indians, Minuas (Mimas), three years later, while incautiously sleeping on the river bank near the ruins of San Espiritu.
In 1898 a composition was made with him, the terms of which were unfortunately not defined with sufficient clearness, and he retired into the Tambunan country, to the east of the range which runs parallel with the west coast, where for a period he lorded it unchecked over the Dusun tribes of the valley.
They use fresh ingredients but unfortunately have limited vegetarian choices.
Unfortunately, she couldn't think of an explanation that would be true and make him feel better.
I wouldn't do it if we were the first but unfortunately, we won't be the last, either.
Unfortunately, 'No Trespassing' is a more familiar sign to this sport, than this one.
Unfortunately, Arnie needs a babysitter, someone who can hush up anything he says that he shouldn't.
The merits of this weir in being easily raised against a strong current and in allowing of the perfect regulation of the discharge, are unfortunately, under ordinary conditions, more than counterbalanced by the necessity of carrying the drum and its foundations to a greater depth below the sill of the weir than the height of the weir above it.
The climate indeed which favours tropical profusion of jungle growth - still steaming heat - is that most favourable for the cultivation of tea, and such climate, unfortunately, is often trying to the health of Europeans.
Carlyle meanwhile was suffering domestic troubles, unfortunately not exceptional in their nature, though the exceptional intellect and characters of the persons concerned have given them unusual prominence.
In adopting verse instead of prose as a medium of expression, Schiller showed that he was prepared to challenge comparison with the great dramatic poets of other times and other lands; but in seeking a model for this higher type of tragedy he unfortunately turned rather to the classic theatre of France than to the English drama which Lessing, a little earlier, had pronounced more congenial to the German temperament.
Unfortunately, it is very sparing of details.
Unfortunately at this point our best authority ceases; and we cannot well explain the changes which brought about the Christianization of the Normans and their settlement in Normandy as vassals, though recalcitrant ones, of the West Frankish kings.
He was unfortunately hardly less marked for cruelty and faithlessness.
Unfortunately, the precise age of the formation from which it was obtained is unknown, but it is considered probable that it dates from the later Tertiary.
Unfortunately the reports transmitted to us differ so widely that it is almost impossible to determine what Pytheas himself stated.
Unfortunately Buckle either could not define, or cared not to define, the general conceptions with which he worked, such as those denoted by the terms "civilization," "history," "science," "law," "scepticism," and "protective spirit"; the consequence is that his arguments are often fallacies.
The regent had great qualities, both brilliant and solid, which were unfortunately spoilt by an excessive taste for pleasure.
Unfortunately, there is very little evidence in the biblical history for the subsequent career of Samaria, but it is clear that the old Israel of the dynasties of Omri and Jehu received crushing blows.
Unfortunately the events of his age are shrouded in obscurity, but one can recognize the return of exiles from Babylon to Jerusalem and its environs - now half-Edomite - and various internal rivalries which culminate in the Samaritan schism.'
In December 1904 Lord Curzon entered upon a second term of office, which was unfortunately marred by a controversy with Lord Kitchener, the commander-in-chief, as to the position of the military member of council.
Probably the best example of this type of mounting applied to a refractor is that made by the elder Cooke of York for Fletcher of Tarnbank; the polar axis is of cast iron and the mounting very satisfactory and convenient, but unfortunately no detailed description has been published.
He set to work to restore some of these ruins, to reconstitute and pacify the Papal State, to put an end to the Schism, which showed signs of continuing in Aragon and certain parts of southern France; to enter into negotiations, unfortunately unfruitful, with the Greek Church also with a view to a return to unity, to organize the struggle against heresy in Bohemia; to interpose his pacific mediation between France and England, as well as between the parties which were rending France; and, finally, to welcome and act as patron to saintly reformers like Bernardino of Siena and Francesca Romana, foundress of the nursing sisterhood of the Oblate di Tor de' Specchi (1425).
Unfortunately the manner of carrying it out discredited a policy neither unjust nor bad in itself, increasing its importance in the political struggles of the time.
Californians had been very friendly to Americans, but Larkin's intimates thought they had been tricked, and the people resented the stealthy and unprovoked breaking of peace, and unfortunately the Americans did not known how to treat them except inconsiderately and somewhat contemptuously.
Unfortunately, as yet no record is preserved which can with any probability be dated earlier than the 7th century B.e., and the Phoenician influence had by then nearly ceased.
Unfortunately, it is not clear how many sibilants were distinguished in Greek pronunciation, nor over what areas a particular pronunciation extended.
The literary form which preserved the works of the great historians was unfortunately wanting, or was not sufficiently valued, in the case of the grammarians.
The passage is unfortunately corrupt, but it is at least clear that in the time of Solon, according to Diogenes, there were complete copies of the poems, such as could be used to control the recitations.
The countries where neither is in force are still, unfortunately, very numerous.
Unfortunately, the return of age is amongst the less satisfactory results of a general enumeration, though its inaccuracy, when spread over millions of persons, is susceptible of correction mathematically, to an extent to make it serve its purpose in the directions above indicated.
The public opinion that affects the national budget is unfortunately too often lacking in the most important towns, not excluding those in which political life is highly developed.
Numerous examples of Volta's original piles at one time existed in Italy, and were collected together for an exhibition held at Como in 1899, but were unfortunately destroyed by a disastrous fire on the 8th of July 1899.
Unfortunately, prudential motives hindered the publication of the whole evidence; the people, consequently, were still ignorant of the magnitude of the crime, and, till recently, biographers of Bacon have been in a like ignorance.
Unfortunately for James, he could neither adopt nor carry out Bacon's policy.
This prudent advice was unfortunately rejected.
Unfortunately, the extant remains of Brythonic are scanty; but in the Roman period it borrowed a large number of Latin words, which, as we know their original forms, and as they underwent the same modifications as other words in the language, enable us to trace the phonetic changes by which Brythonic became Welsh.
The term " animism," which embodies Tylor's classical theory of primitive religion, is unfortunately somewhat ambiguous.
Unfortunately it is only in his capacity as a prisoner that we can trace it.
Unfortunately for this identification, it encounters at once a formidable, if not fatal, objection.
The following statistics, taken from Hooper's Statistics of the Woollen and Worsted Trades of the United Kingdom, give an idea of the extent of the trade in yarns and fabrics of the alpaca type; unfortunately statistics for alpaca alone are not published.
The yarns are capable of being dyed brilliant colours, but, unfortunately, the colours are not very fast to light.
Unfortunately, the specimen quoted in the New Eng.
Chronology unfortunately forbids us to accept this little episode as true.
Unfortunately, however, no alteration was made in the law of debt, and the attempt to regulate the rate of interest utterly failed.
The portrait, which was unfortunately adopted by Carlyle, has neither pedigree nor probability.
Unfortunately, the sudden, noiseless revolution of the 6th of November 1697, which made Charles XII.
Unfortunately corruption crept into the expenditure of the large sums necessary to carry out this programme.
Unfortunately, a recrudescence of the excitement over the boundary dispute was occasioned by the irritation created in Argentina by the fact that, pending a decision, Chile was constructing roads in the disputed territory.
A small step in the right direction was made in 1900 by engaging the services of an official of the Prussian forest department, but unfortunately, beyond sending him to inspect the Mazandaran forests belonging to the Crown, and employing him to lay out a small plantation in the Jajrud valley, east of Teheran, nothing was done.
Many members of the clergy, particularly those of the higher ranks, have very liberal ideas and are in favor of progress and reforms so long as they are not against the shar, or divine law; but, unfortunately, they form the minority.
Unfortunately, he did not boast the confidence of the queen-mother; and this circumstance greatly strengthened the hands of those enemies whom an honest minister must ever raise around him in a corrupt Oriental state.
Unfortunately, on the evening of a reception dinner given in his honour, Emin met with an accident which resulted in fracture of the skull.
Unfortunately his genius never had full scope, and his opportunity came too late.
It is possible that the hybridizing of the potato with one or other of the wild types of tuberous Solanums may give rise to a variety which shall be immune, though unfortunately most are themselves liable to the attacks of the fungus, and one of the few crosses so made between the common potato and Solanum Maglia has exhibited the same undesirable trait.
Attached to the hotel de ville is a fine belfry of the 15th century, but unfortunately it was seriously damaged by fire in 1879.
Unfortunately, however, it is clear from a comparison of his map with the evidence furnished by Tacitus and other Roman writers that the indications which he gives cannot be correct.
Baguet's Chrysippus (Louvain, 1822) is unfortunately very incomplete.
Unfortunately for the Turks many of the "redoubts" were open at the gorge.
Unfortunately in consequence of the systematic destruction of all Bohemian writings which took place through the agency of the Jesuits, after the battle of the White Hill (1620), a large part of this controversial literature has perished.
Every facility was granted by Mehemet Ali, who in 1825 appointed him one of a commission to examine the district of Sennaar; but Brocchi, unfortunately for science, fell a victim to the climate, and died at Khartum on the 25th of September 1826.
Unfortunately, the situation in the Northern Caucasus remains tense.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of the websites I visit these days have absolutely terrible titles that hurt their online business.
Unfortunately, there is now a problem with the real time clock.
Unfortunately we cannot take fraud tip-offs that do not relate to the East Herts District.
Unfortunately, at some point most toddlers develop this resistance into full-blown tantrums.
Unfortunately, the tribes revolted again and Severus sent an army with the orders to kill every tribesman they met.
We managed to find some Crinoids, Corals and Shells but unfortunately found no trilobites which are much more rare.
Unfortunately, to avoid cattle trypanosomiasis, farmers are often forced away from these more productive grazing lands to marginal areas.
Unfortunately, this Opinion was so turgid as to be almost incomprehensible and did little to clarify the specific points at issue.
Any footwear returned in simply the box we are unfortunately unable to refund.
Unfortunately she was very underweight on arrival weighing only 2.3 kilos at nearly 13 months old.
Unfortunately some of the thinking seemed unfaithful to the Bible.
Unfortunately they appeared to be under-rehearsed and it looked pretty ungainly at times.
Unfortunately, risks which are inherently unknowable will always be able to surprise even the most expert user of the " risk radar " .
Unfortunately, all of the internal conflict comes to naught; we're completely unmoved.
Unfortunately for Robbins, she failed to get up-and-down on the 13th hole and made bogey.
Unfortunately, Allen failed to inject any real venom into the strike, allowing Williams to claim the ball at a second attempt.
Unfortunately the weather intervened and the occasion had to be canceled as the site was just too waterlogged.
Unfortunately, there has been little or no research into the correct charging wattages of discharge lamps.
Unfortunately, much of what is advertised as carnauba wax these days is far from it.
Unfortunately neither of these studies controlled for gender in the subject groups however both studies identified the same weakness with the method of limits.
Unfortunately Prince Rupert is cursed and becomes a werewolf every full moon.
Unfortunately, it is something you need to think about fairly soon after beginning work because some closing dates for courses are very early.
Unfortunately although this did look OK to start with it soon started to look a bit yucky.
Unfortunately his extremely zealous brand of police work means that Starsky burns through partners faster than his beloved Gran Torino goes through spark plugs.
But, unfortunately, the assumption as to the number of atoms in the molecules of these two compounds was an arbitrary one, based on no valid evidence.
Unfortunately for Frederick, a part of the Aragonese nobles of Sicily favoured King James, and both John of Procida and Ruggiero di Lauria, the heroes of the war of the Vespers, went over to the Angevins, and the latter completely defeated the Sicilian fleet off Cape Orlando.
Stephanus (1550), but the notes, besides embodying all previously existing collections of various readings, add a vast number derived from his own examination of many new MSS, and Oriental versions (the latter unfortunately he used only in the Latin translations).
Unfortunately, in no part of the Spanish oversea possessions did the restrictive legislation of the home government operate more harshly or disadvantageously to the interests of the colony; it was a more effective hindrance to the development of its resources and the spread of civilization over the country, than the hostility of the Indians.
Unfortunately the homology of the functional series does not by any means end the uncertainty connected with the marsupial dentition; as there is also a difference of opinion with regard to the serial homology of some of the cheek-teeth.
The form Persepolis (with a play on 71-ports, destruction) appears first in Cleitarchus, one of the earliest, but unfortunately one of the most imaginative annalists of the exploits of Alexander.
These are generally regarded as mere archaisms, and unfortunately the majority of them are in words of whose origin and meaning very little is known, so that (for all we can tell) in many the -s- may represent -ss- or -psas in osatu = Lat.
But if we accept either view we have still to examine the process of construction in detail, with a view to ascertaining the stages by which proteid is built up. Here unfortunately we find ourselves in the region of speculation and hypothesis rather than in that of fact.
The caliph's librarian, Abu Jafar Muhammad Ben Musa, wrote a geographical work, now unfortunately lost, entitled Rasm el Arsi (" A Description of the World "), which is often referred to by subsequent writers as having been composed on the model of that of Ptolemy.
Unfortunately the spread of cultivation is fatal to these oases (they are often called " islands " by the inhabitants); the axe and the plough ruthlessly destroy them.
Unfortunately, on almost every point on which he touches, the statements of Gildas are vague and obscure.
Unfortunately they tell him of its curse, and prophesy death to him if he keeps it.
Unfortunately we are reduced to inference and conjecture with regard both to his life and to the extent of his literary activity.
Hiero through his long reign was the stanch friend and ally of Rome in her struggles with Carthage; but his paternal despotism, under which Greek life and civilization at Syracuse had greatly flourished, was unfortunately succeeded by the rule of a man who wholly reversed his policy.
The centre of Florence, which was becoming a danger from a hygienic point of view, was pulled down in 1880-1890, but, unfortunately, sufficient care was not taken to avoid destroying certain buildings of historic and artistic value which might have been spared without impairing the work of sanitation, while the new structures erected in their place, especially those in the Piaza Vittorio Emanuele, are almost uniformly ugly and quite out of keeping with Florentine architecture.
The city is growing in all directions, and a number of new quarters have sprung up where the houses are more sanitary than in the older parts, but unfortunately few of them evince much aesthetic feeling.
Unfortunately her brilliant and commanding qualities were vitiated by an inordinate pride and egoism, which exhibited themselves in an utter contempt for public opinion, and a prodigality utterly regardless of the necessities of the state.
To the law of " recapitulation " he unfortunately applied Hyatt's term " parallelism," a term which is used now in another sense.
The latter view is unfortunately confirmed by the undoubted fact that Caesar treated with scant respect the historical institutions of Rome, which with their magnificent traditions might still have been the organs of true political life.
Complete original Gnostic works have unfortunately survived to us only from the period of the decadence of Gnosticism.
For other and older Coptic-Gnostic texts, in one of which is contained the source of Irenaeus's treatises on the Barbelognostics, but which have unfortunately not yet been made completely accessible, see C. Schmidt in Sitzungsberichte der Berl.
Unfortunately, however, he had all the Hohenzollern tenacity of personal power without the Hohenzollern genius for using it.
The Aldine (Venice, 1516) was unfortunately based on a very corrupt MS. The first substantial improvements in the text were due to Casaubon (Geneva, 1587; Paris, 1620), whose text remained the basis of subsequent editions till that of Coraes (Paris, 1815-1819), who removed many corruptions.
Unfortunately the parties were unable to agree as to the principles upon which regulation should be based.
Unfortunately, like other northward-flowing rivers, it does not lead down to a frequented sea, and so bears little traffic except for the northern fur-trading posts.
Some of the books he wrote have unfortunately disappeared - in particular the De spectaculis, De baptismo, and De virginibus velandis in Greek; his works in Latin on the same subjects have survived.
The Sanskrit dictionary was unfortunately destroyed by a fire which broke out in the printing establishment.
As Whip the Master of Elibank earned high praise for his energy and tact; but he was somewhat unfortunately mixed up with the " Marconi Scandal " in connexion with Mr. Lloyd George and Sir Rufus Isaacs, as having invested part of the Liberal Party funds in American Marconi shares in which he, with them, was speculating - a transaction hotly debated in Parliament in 1913.
This popular work, which has given him most of his fame, is unfortunately but a second or third hand compilation.
Unfortunately his extemporaneous speeches were commonplace, in very bad taste, fervently intemperate and denunciatory; and though this was probably due largely to temperament and habits of stump-speaking formed in early life, it was attributed by his enemies to drink.
That of Nautilus, which would be most important in this inquiry, is unfortunately still unknown.
The monument has unfortunately been altered.!
George V., the new king of Hanover, who was unfortunately blind, sharing his father's political ideas, at once appointed a ministry whose aim was to sweep away the constitution of 1848.
Campbell-Bannerman " a policy of huge armaments," unfortunately is a policy from which it is impossible for any country to extricate itself without the co-operation, direct or indirect, of other nations.
Unfortunately considerations of luminosity compel the observer often to widen the slit much beyond the range within which the theoretical value of resolving power holds in practice.
Unfortunately for Sir Thomas More, a lord chancellor is not merely a judge, but has high political functions to perform.
Unfortunately the antagonism between physostigmine and atropine is not perfect, and Sir Thomas Fraser has shown that in such cases there comes a time when, if the action of the two drugs be summated, death results sooner than from either alone.
At the same time he admits, firstly, that to mark the barrier between unconscious and conscious is difficult; secondly, that it is impossible to trace the first beginning of consciousness in the lower animals; and, thirdly, that " however certain we are of the fact of this natural evolution of consciousness, we are, unfortunately, not yet in a position to enter more deeply into the question " (Riddle of the Universe, 191).
But, unfortunately, he did not mean the logical inferences described in the Organon and the Novum organum.
But, unfortunately for Fechner, the very opposite conclusion followed from the presuppositions of his parallelistic metaphysics, and from the Leibnitzian view of the conservation of energy, which he was the first in our time to use in order to argue that a physical cause cannot produce a psychical effect, on the ground that physical energy must be exactly replaced by physical energy.
On the contrary, he treats the law of collision with other laws as an application of the third law of motion, because it is now unfortunately so taught in books of mechanics.
Unfortunately it does not seem to share the longevity characteristic of most parrots, and none that has been held in confinement appears to have long survived, while many succumb speedily.
For our knowledge of this subject we are indebted chiefly to Icelandic literary men of the 12th and 13th centuries, who gave accounts of many legends which had come down to them by oral tradition, besides committing to writing a number of ancient poems. Unfortunately Icelandic history is quite unique in this respect.
These creatures have no proper English name, and are generally known as hyraxes, from the scientific term (Hyrax) by which they were for many years designated - a term which has unfortunately had to give place to the earlier Procavia.
Unfortunately, the pope failed to deal satisfactorily with the highly complicated situation in Italy; and the result was that, on the 27th of September 1370, he returned to Avignon, where he died on the following 19th of December.
Unfortunately, in the time that followed, Urban was guilty of the grossest errors, pursuing his personal interests, and sacrificing, all too soon, that universal point of view which ought to have governed his policy.
Unfortunately all the warnings and admonitions of the pope fell on deaf ears, though he himself parted with his mitre and plate in order to equip a fleet against the Turks.
One scandal followed hard on the other, and opposition naturally sprang up. Unfortunately, Savonarola, the head of that opposition, transgressed all bounds in his wellmeant zeal.
Unfortunately, on the 1st of May, an attack of apoplexy cut short the life of this pope, who seemed peculiarly adapted for the reformation of the Church.
Unfortunately they contain practically nothing that is not of Christian origin.4 On the death of Aurelius Hatra aided Niger against Septimius Severus in 194; Osroene rose against Rome, and Nisibis was besieged and other Roman places taken; but Septimius Severus appeared in person (195), and from Nisibis as headquarters subdued the whole country, of which he made Nisibis metropolis, raising it to the rank of a colony, the Sinjar district, where Arabs from Yemen had settled, being incorporated.
Unfortunately, with all his gifts, Christian was no statesman, and was incapable of a consistent policy.
Leading from the fine cloisters, also the work of Bramante, is the former refectory, on the walls of which Leonardo da Vinci painted his celebrated "Last Supper," a work which is unfortunately in a bad state of preservation.
The courage and resourcefulness of their youthful leader inspired the people to make heroic sacrifices for their independ- of the ence, but unfortunately such was the revulsion of feeling against the grand pensionary, that he himself and his brother Cornelius were torn in pieces by an infuriated mob at the Hague (loth of August).
William unfortunately died, on the 22nd of October 1751, aged forty years, leaving his three-year-old son, William V., heir to his dignities.
This brittleness has therefore in general to be mitigated or " tempered," unfortunately at the cost of losing part of the hardness proper, by reheating the hardened steel slightly,
But in the crucible and the open-hearth processes the temperature attainable is limited by the danger of melting the furnace itself, both because some essential parts of it, which, unfortunately, are of a destructible shape, are placed most unfavourably in that they are surrounded by the heat on all sides, and because the furnace is necessarily hotter than the steel made within it.
Sea otters are, unfortunately, decreasing in numbers, while the demand is increasing.
Unfortunately for the Church, he was not elevated to the see of York until his energies were exhausted.
With respect to arithmetic and algebra, the science of numbers, he expresses an equally definite opinion, but unfortunately it is quite impossible to state in any satisfactory fashion the grounds for it or even its full bearing.
The dates of the most significant passages are unfortunately uncertain.
Unfortunately for him, the lectures broke away from tradition.
Unfortunately they were childless, and the instrument of cession of 1598 provided that in case they should die without issue, the Netherlands - should revert to the crown of p S ain.
The death of the i nfant heir a few months later (6th of February 16 99) unfortunately destroyed any prospects of a peaceable settlement of the Spanish Succession.
His work The Book of Icelanders is unfortunately lost, but an abridgment of it, Libellus Islandorum, made by Ari himself, contains a significant reference to Vinland.
Horsford, in a number of monographs (unfortunately of no historical or scientific value), fixed upon the vicinity of Boston, where now stand a Leif Ericsson statue and Horsford's Norumbega Tower as testimonials to the Norse explorers.
Unfortunately the method cannot be applied to good conductors, like the metals, because the difference of temperature between the surfaces may be five or ten times less than that between the water and steam in contact with them, even if the water is ener-, TABLE I.
Ever since Russia had become the dominant Baltic power, as well as the state to which the Gottorpers looked primarily for help, the necessity for a better understanding between the two Scandinavian kingdoms had clearly been recognized by the best statesmen of both, especially in Denmark from Christian VI.'s time; but unfortunately this sound and sensible policy was seriously impeded by the survival of the old national hatred on both sides of the Sound, still further complicated by Gottorp's hatred of Denmark.
Unfortunately only the foundation and a few Doric capitals and other architectural fragments remain; they were coated with stucco which was brightly painted.
Unfortunately the names are all otherwise unknown; but we learn from the inscriptions that they are for the most part those of local magistrates and municipal dignitaries of Pompeii.
Dr Wallich's attribution of this and other specimens subsequently sent in to the genus Camellia, although scientifically defensible, unfortunately diverted attention from the significance of the discovery.
Unfortunately, none of these can be said to be exclusively satisfactory.
Unfortunately, Diodorus does not always quote his authorities, but his general sources of information were - in history and chronology, Castor, Ephorus and Apollodorus; in geography, Agatharchides and Artemidorus.
But, unfortunately, he had altogether neglected that very part of our literature with which it is especially desirable that an editor of Shakespeare should be conversant.
The details of this narrative are unfortunately lost, as the genuine conclusion of Mark is not extant.
But unfortunately for Germany the papal chair at this time was occupied by Innocent III., a pope who emulated Hildebrand in ambition and in statesmanship. At first vacillating, but by no means indifferent, Innocent was spurred to action when a number of princes met at Spires in May 1200, declared Philip to be the lawful king, and denied the right of the pope to interfere, lie was also annoyed by Philips attitude with regard to a vacancy in the archbishopric of Cologne, and in March 1201 he declared definitely for Otto.
Unfortunately the council of Constance, which met mainly through the efforts of Sigismund in 1414, marred its labors by the judicial murders of John Huss and of Jerome of Prague.
Unfortunately, however, it was necessary to enter upon the discussion of the fundamental laws, a subject presenting many opportunities for the display of rhetoric and intellectual subtlety.
Unfortunately, this movement was too often connected with political reaction, and the working classes were inclined to believe that the growth of religion was valued because it afforded an additional support to the social and political order.
Sophia was an accomplished woman of high intelligence, but unfortunately the relations between the royal pair were far from cordial and finally ended in complete disagreement, and the breach between them continued until the death of the queen in 1877.
Unfortunately the victorious generals at Arginusae, through negligence or owing Xenophon, Hell.
Unfortunately, those who took possession of this field were not very honourable.
To exhibit the importance of the sacred book for the whole mental life of the Moslems would be simply to write the history of that life itself; for there is no department in which its all-pervading, but unfortunately not always salutary, influence has not been felt.
The principal text is the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus in the British Museum, written under a Hyksos king c. 1600 B.C.; unfortunately it is full of gross errors.
Manethos history; unfortunately the papyrus is very fragmentary and preserves few reign-lengths entire, and Manethos evidence seems very untrustworthy, being known only from late excerpts.
Unfortunately famine compelled the garrison of Kassala to capitulate on the 3oth of July of that year, and Osman Digna hurried there from Tamai to raise a force with which to meet the Abyssinian general, Ras Alula, who was preparing for its relief.
Unfortunately, too, for Norway's independence, the native gentry had gradually died out, and were succeeded by immigrant Danish fortune-hunters; native burgesses there were none, and the peasantry were mostly thralls; so that, excepting the clergy, there was no patriotic class to stand up for the national liberties.
Unfortunately everything had been left so vague, that it was an easy matter for ultra-royalists like Svane and Nansen to ignore the privileges of the Estates, and even the Estates themselves.
Unfortunately the king was bent upon still further emphasizing the plenitude of his power.
Unfortunately, he adopted the French ideas of excise, and the French methods of imposing and collecting taxes - a system known as the Regie.
Six years afterwards, unfortunately for his fame, he joined in the first partition of Poland, by which he received Polish Prussia, without Danzig and Thorn, and Great Poland as far as the river Netze.
She exercised over him that influence which a stronger character always exercises over a weaker, whatever their respective positions; and unfortunately it was seldom a good influence, for Theodora (q.v.) seems to have been a woman who, with all her brilliant gifts of intelligence and manner, had no principles and no pity.
It undoubtedly belongs to the Indo-European family, but its earlier forms cannot, unfortunately, be ascertained owing to the absence of literary monuments.
Unfortunately, however, these merits are usually connected with a less admirable characteristic - contempt for tradition.
But all attempts to remove the accused from the civil prison in Saragossa to that of the Inquisition raised popular tumults, which in the end led to Perez's escape across the Pyrenees, but unfortunately also furnished Philip with a pretext for sending an army into Aragon and suppressing the ancient.
The great library of Nineveh was to a considerable extent his creation, and scribes were kept constantly employed in it copying the older tablets of Babylonia, though unfortunately their patron's tastes inclined rather to omens and astrology than to subjects of more modern interest.
Lightfoot's posthumous fragment (Notes on Epistles of St Paul, 18 95, pp. 2 37-3 0 5) unfortunately breaks off at vii.
The objects excavated by Place, together with the objects found by Fresnel's expedition in Babylonia and a part of the results of Rawlinson's excavations at Nineveh, were unfortunately lost in the Tigris, on transport from Bagdad to Basra.
But unfortunately intelligent criticism was exactly what they never received.
Acacius, the pupil of Eusebius and his successor in the see of Caesarea, wrote a life of him which is unfortunately lost.
Unfortunately, about this time the Jesuits, who thus thrived on political intrigue, and who were deeply implicated in treasonable correspondence with Spain, had obtained a complete ascendancy over the secular priests, who were for obeying the civil government as far as possible and keeping free from politics.
Unfortunately the statements concerning some points are very contradictory.
Patriotism, insight, courage, statesmanship, energy, - these great qualities were indisputably his; but unfortunately they were vitiated by obstinacy, suspicion and a sulky craftiness, beneath which simmered a very volcano of revengeful cruelty.
Unfortunately these reforms, excellent in themselves, suggested the standpoint not of an elected ruler, but of a monarch by right divine.
Unfortunately Madame Kovalevsky did not live to reap the full reward of her labours, for she died just as she had attained the height of her fame and had won recognition even in her own country by election to membership of the St Petersburg Academy of Science.
They had hoped to save the Church, but unfortunately the result of their efforts, generous as they were, was that the schism increased in bitterness, and that instead of the unity for which the Church craved, three popes continued to flourish.
Unfortunately these differences, growing out of the opposite policies of the two countries at the court of Madrid, increased in each succeeding year; and a constant but sterile rivalry was kept up, which ended in results more or less humiliating and injurious to both nations.
Unfortunately Polybius, like most modern scientific historians, was no artist.
He was a high officer of loyalty and probity, and unfortunately for himself had a wife of extraordinary beauty.
It seems needless to give references to the voluminous discussion in newspapers and periodicals concerning the authenticity of a wax bust of Flora acquired in 1909 for the Berlin Museum and unfortunately ascribed to Leonardo da Vinci, its real author having been proved by external and internal evidence to be the Englishman Richard Cockle Lucas, and its date 1846.
The amount is not large, though unfortunately it is not exactly known, owing to the fees being treated in many cases as extra receipts, and deducted from the expenditure of the departments by which they are received, so that this part of the national expenditure is not shown in the accounts at all.
The payers of income tax, unfortunately, are not one class but many, and although the rate of duty is the same, the definition of income seems imperfect, so that many pay on a much larger assessment of income than seems fair in comparison with other incomes of nominally the same amount, but really of much greater value when all deductions from the gross sum are fairly reckoned.
The quality of the coal is good, but unfortunately it contains a large amount of ash, the average being as high as 17%.
Unfortunately his writings, with a few exceptions, are still in MS. He is the author of the first history of the Rumanians in Dacia written according to the standards of Western science.
The synagogue is one of the oldest in Europe, and the adjoining cemetery - part of which has unfortunately been destroyed in the course of the modern sanitary improvement of this part of Prague - has great historical interest.
Giusto Fontanini's Storia arcana della vita di Pietro Sarpi (1863), a bitter libel, is nevertheless important for the letters of Sarpi it contains, as Griselini's Memorie e aneddote (1760) is from the author's access to Sarpi's unpublished writings, afterwards unfortunately destroyed by fire.
Unfortunately, she, in common with the rest of South Africa, was subsequently swept into the seething vortex of contemporary politics and controversy.
When it is possible to obtain pure cornutine, which is unfortunately very expensive, the precautions necessary in other cases may be abrogated.
His Commentary on the Liber Feudorum is considered to be one of the best of his works, which were unfortunately left by him for the most part in an incomplete state.
Now comes a great change, unfortunately difficult to follow whether in the fossils or in the modern embryos.
What remains of Walter's building is a rich example of the Christian-Saracen style, disfigured, unfortunately, by the addition of a totally unsuitable dome by Ferinando Fuga in 1781-1801.
Unfortunately the account of the teachings of Nigantha Nata-putta given in the Buddhist scriptures are, like those of the Buddha's teachings given in the Brahmanical literature, very meagre.
How far the details of the scheme are Alfreds own, how far they were developed by his son Edward the Elder, it is unfortunately impossible to say.
Unfortunately for England the kingly power was in the hands of an incapable holder, and feudal anarchy found a plausible mask by adopting the disguise of loyalty to the rightful heiress.
Unfortunately for himself the third Henry inherited the continental cosmopolitanism of his Atigevin ancestors, and found himself confronted with a nation which was growing ever more and more insular in its ideals.
This, unfortunately, turned out to be the beginning, not the end, of troubles.
Unfortunately for England his ambition was to be tile mirror of chivalry rather than a model administrator He took up and abandoned great enterprises with equal levity; he was reckless in the spending of money; and in times of trouble he was careless of constitutional precedent, and apt to push his prerogative to extremes.
Unfortunately for himself he made the mistake of requiring too much from Baliolforcing him to cede Lothian, Tweeddale and the larger part of Galloway, and to promise a tribute.
Unfortunately the new government proved wholly unable either to conduct the struggle with France successfully or to pluck up courage to make a humiliating peacethe only wise course before them.
Lord Durhams conduct was, unfortunately, marked by indiscretions which led to his resignation; but before leaving the colony he drew up a report on its condition and on its future, which practically became a text-book for his successors, and has influenced the goveinment of British colonies ever since.
Unfortunately, before its terms reached Greece, the British minister at Athens had ordered the resumption of hostilities, and had compelled the Greek government to submit to more humiliating conditions.
This note, the adoptionof which would have ensured peace, was accepted at St Petersburg; at Constantinople it was, unfortunately, rejected, mainly on Lord Stratfords advice, and in opposition to his instructions from home.
Unfortunately the conference failed, and the war went on for another year.
This horrible outrage naturally created indignation in France, and it unfortunately became plain that the conspiracy had been hatched in England, and that the bombs had been manufactured in Birmingham.
The language of the public press and of Englishmen visiting Denmark confirmed theimpression which the words of the prime minister had produced; and there is unfortunately no doubt that Denmark was encouraged to resist her powerful opponents by the belief, which she was thus almost authorized in entertaining, that she could reckon in the hour of her danger on the active assistance of the United Kingdom.
Unfortunately, Dr Jamesons original plans had been framed at the instance of Cecil Rhodes, the prime minister at the Cape, and many persons thought that they ought to have been suspected by the colonial office in London.
The negotiations thus commenced unfortunately failed.
Unfortunately, the expectations which had been formed at the time of the dissolution were disappointed.
Of the European Jurassic (or Oolitic) mammals our knowledge is unfortunately very imperfect; and from the scarcity of their remains it is quite probable that they are merely stragglers from the region (possibly Africa) where the class was first differentiated.
St John of the Studium (Emir= Achor Jamissi) is a basilica of the middle of the 5th century, and the oldest ecclesiastical fabric in the city; it is now, unfortunately, almost a complete ruin.
Another work on what has sometimes been termed the metaphysics of language appeared from his pen in 1828, under the title of Ober den Dualis; but the great work of his life, on the ancient Kawi language of Java, was unfortunately interrupted by his death on the 8th of April 183 5.
So beneficial is the action that for years there prevailed the unfortunately erroneous belief that Chian turpentine is actually curative in this condition.
But unfortunately the temporary exigencies of criticism made it necessary for Green to emphasize the metaphysic of the self, i.e.
Of the north there are the sagas of Kormak (930-960), most primitive of all, a tale of a wild poet's love and feuds, containing many notices of the heathen times; of Vatzdeelasaga (890-980), relating to the settlement and the chief family in Waterdale; of Hallfred the poet (996-1014), narrating his fortune at King Olaf's court, his love affairs in Iceland, and finally his death and burial at Iona; of Reyk -deela (990), which preserves the lives of Askell and his son Viga-Skuti; of Svarf-deela (980-990), a cruel, coarse story of the old days, with some good scenes in it, unfortunately imperfect, chapters I-10 being forged; of VigaGlum (970-990), a fine story of a heathen hero, brave, crafty and cruel.
The use of bronze was perhaps introduced about 1450 B.C. The craniological evidence is unfortunately at present insufficient to show whether the introduction of metal coincided with any particular invasion either from Britain or the European continent.
We can unfortunately derive no further assistance from external sources and must therefore examine the native traditions.
His missionary activity unfortunately is extremely obscure.
This reform may have helped to foster the cultivation of the native literature, and it is possible that we owe to it the preservation of the Ulster epic. But the Irish were unfortunately incapable of rising above the saga, consisting of a mixture of prose and verse.
This was, however, unfortunately not the last of the boroma.
The tithe war followed, and this most oppressive of all taxes was unfortunately commuted (1838) only in deference to clamour and violence.
Unfortunately Egyptologists have rarely a wide knowledge of the myths of the lower races, while anthropologists are seldom or never Egyptologists.
The two surviving species of Sequoia afford an illustration of the persistence of an old type, but unfortunately most of the Mesozoic species referred to this genus do not possess sufficiently perfect cones to confirm their identification as examples of Sequoia.
Unfortunately, our knowledge of the later floras in the southern hemisphere is very incomplete, but a similar transformation appears to have characterized the vegetation south of the equator.
It is unfortunately still very difficult to correlate even approximately the strata on the two sides of the Atlantic, and there is great doubt as to what strata belong to each division of the Tertiary period even in different parts of North America.
Ward was, unfortunately, killed in the assault of Tseki, and his successor, Burgevine, having had a quarrel with the Chinese authorities, Li Hung Chang, the governor of the Kiang-su province, requested General Staveley to appoint a British officer to command the contingent.
The fact that justice and firmness were succeeded by injustice and weakness tended naturally to the outbreak of revolt, and unfortunately there was a leader ready to head a rebellion - one Mahommed Ahmed, already known for some years as a holy man, who was insulted by an Egyptian official, and retiring with some followers to the island of Abba on the White Nile, proclaimed himself as the mandi, a successor of the prophet.
Had the British government listened to the representations then made to them, that, having conquered Egypt, it was imperative at once to suppress the revolt in the Sudan, the rebellion could have been crushed, but unfortunately Great Britain would do nothing herself, while the steps she allowed Egypt to take ended in the disaster to Hicks Pasha's expedition.
Unfortunately for the consistency of the Kritik, Kant does not attempt to work out systematically the elements involved in knowledge before considering the subjective processes by which knowledge is realized in consciousness.
The bast fibres of Cannabis are the hemp of commerce, but, unfortunately, the products from many totally different plants are often included under the general name of hemp. In some cases the fibre is obtained from the stem, while in others it comes from the leaf.
Unfortunately, most of the day was consumed with similar thoughts.
Unfortunately, the potential mate must be brought into the fold, even if doing so sinks the proverbial ship.
Unfortunately, it was a rural location, difficult to pin point other than a general location.
I'd seen those confusing dials and switches hundreds of times in the past, but unfortunately, never paid them a lick of attention.
Unfortunately, none of them knew what to do with an Oracle.
Unfortunately, she rarely fell for vampires.
Unfortunately, the right content can prove frustratingly elusive.
The outcome depended on Bill Rice who unfortunately succumbed to defeat.
Unfortunately she did not know very much about the indigenous aborigines.
Unfortunately, car exhaust fumes have given the formerly abundant ferns a hard life.
Unfortunately, in the Thatcherite times we live in greed such as this is not only now accepted by is actively encouraged.
The promise of media reform which gathered momentum in the 1980s and 90s unfortunately did not actualize into performance.
Unfortunately it just doesn't have the allure to make you feel like you are there in the theater.
The story of a chairman of the Library Committee who sent his lunch hours reading childrens ' comics was unfortunately not apocryphal.
Unfortunately, Treves ' youngest daughter died from perforated appendicitis.
Unfortunately I also judged that AC Milan would win - on the basis that they were favorites and therefore got the ascendant.
Unfortunately for us, all three were killed by " lone assassins.
Unfortunately my wife's auntie (Barbara) who is also a great friend to us was diagnosed with Lupus a few years ago.
Unfortunately, the supporting infrastructure does not enable the browsers to properly authenticate the origin of these proxy settings.
Unfortunately " covering ones backside " is a necessary precaution in these days of litigation.
Unfortunately what has been written about the label has been either sparse, speculative or utter balderdash.
Unfortunately with all the success ballast I couldn't repeat this performance in the second race.
Unfortunately, these plantations strip the land bare of its lowland forest.
Unfortunately a dramatic collapse followed and some poor batting saw the home side finish on a measly 111 all out.
This late Type 56 has a permanently attached folding triangular bayonet which unfortunately is missing.
Unfortunately this has not worked too well, particularly during the recent troubles, and most beekeepers now operate on their own.
Unfortunately our lines are constantly tied up with low-level non-emergency calls, some of which defy belief.
Unfortunately, Coventry has just returned home after an all-night bender at the local watering hole.
Unfortunately, I haven't yet found a rich benefactor to cover the costs of this site, or the research I do.
Unfortunately £ 250 grand is just a very small tip of a very big ice berg.
What is disguised as patriotism is nothing more than racial bigotry and arrogance and unfortunately the English are the worst offenders.
Unfortunately, with twenty-three minutes completed, the USA fell behind in somewhat bizarre circumstances.
Unfortunately, their ideological blinders prevent many on the Left from seeing it.
I am unfortunately a dumb blond that has no man at the moment to do this for me.
This unfortunately often hurts the bridesmaid 's chances of looking pretty during the ceremony.
Unfortunately my dad decided we should go to see a bullfight.
Unfortunately, there is no law to stop children watching bullfights - they are admitted for free.
Unfortunately it's for 40 male cadets only per week.
But unfortunately, most of them are singing more Soca then traditional calypso, which was born out of stress and struggle.
Unfortunately, many of Elvis ' tunes did not meet my need for some brain candy.
Unfortunately, they are not listed in the index to the printed catalog.
Unfortunately, the budget could not stretch to Russian caviar!
Unfortunately, it fails to go celestial for no obvious reason.
Unfortunately, in Jack's opinion, the meeting had consisted of mostly ceremonial crap.
Unfortunately there is no evidence of him making a clavichord.
Unfortunately, the weather was perfectly wrong for birding in an elfin cloud forest - it was sunny and very windy.
Unfortunately, the CD now contains one clunker at the very end.
Margaret UK 01/02/2005 Unfortunately, i cannot sit comfortably on hard plastic seats - broken coccyx.
Unfortunately, his central argument - that only collective action can save us from climate chaos - rationalizes the Government latest failure.
Unfortunately, evidential collectivism is not the uniform style of Italian science and/or Australian science, nor even any single laboratory within those countries.
The city has largely escaped the rabid commercialism, which has unfortunately taken such a heavy toll on Canterbury.
Unfortunately, most people don't find those data very compelling.
Unfortunately people appear to see the Garvaghy Road as a parade in isolation in order to wring further concessions from Portadown District.
The Center will open toward the end of 2006 although we have recently heard that unfortunately the main building contactor has gone into receivership.
Unfortunately the iron panning had an undulating surface and did not preserve any evidence for a timber corduroy.
Unfortunately you cannot stop at the denary version as there is no direct co-relation between base 2 or base 16 and base 10.
Unfortunately, these sorts of searches are presently dominated by big corporations with hefty search budgets.
Unfortunately, in 1994 the Jacinta also suffered some quite extensive damage to her main engine crankshaft which subsequently put her out of action.
Unfortunately the locals cooked up a foul concoction of chickens and recently caught crayfish from the local toilet bowl masquerading as a lake.
In its attempt to be in step with contemporary literary criticism, much biblical criticism unfortunately is somewhat obsolete on arrival.
Unfortunately, the Department hasn't bothered to keep any of the old URLs, or provide cross-links into the new database-driven website.
Unfortunately, Sheridan seems to be too cunning for his own good.
Last year they hatched three cygnets, unfortunately only one survived to date.
Unfortunately, Nelsons birthplace was demolished just after his father's death and replaced by the present rectory.
Unfortunately, trickery is not debarred on the stage.
Unfortunately the fourth missed and Paul scrambled home to collect the engraved decanter.
Unfortunately the others were sadly deluded over the best Doctor Who - it's Jon Pertwee, clearly.
Unfortunately these pictures show the sad demise of this giant.
I cannot show some images directly from my scope unfortunately because I don't own the 30mm diameter Zeiss phase telescope.
Unfortunately quite a few trees had to go to get the diggers in there.
Unfortunately, not all his students are so diligent or so capable as their tutor.
Unfortunately these 5 tracks tend to bleed into one another like a mid tempo funeral dirge.
Unfortunately, my magnetic kit didn't have enough connectors to make a dodecahedron, so here is a child's ball instead.
The history of reformed dogmatics on this subject does not buttress your point unfortunately.
Unfortunately, only the bride and bridesmaids dresses and hired wedding attire is covered.
It was unfortunately drowned out by too load music in particular the drummer.
Her son also became a brilliant painter - unfortunately, he was also one of Montmartre's most notorious drunkards.
Unfortunately many educationists in the field of language studies - compulsory or otherwise - seem to have a different attitude.
Although there are no magical elixirs, the news wires are, unfortunately, littered with stories about the dark underside of man.
Unfortunately, the Faculty cannot help unless the difficulties are produced by an unforeseen emergency or change of circumstances.
Unfortunately, with tragic results, the other mirror image enantiomer causes genetic damage in the fetus resulting in physical deformities of the limbs.
Tamara Jones Unfortunately, you appear to be dealing with building control officers that are not particularly enlightened with regard to conservation issues.
Unfortunately there was very little pigment present in the sample; what there was had become almost inextricably enmeshed in the wood fibers.
Unfortunately, the companion volumes originally envisioned were not published.
Unfortunately, this seems to be exactly what most evolutionists think.
Unfortunately firebox problems led to premature withdrawal and a further period of storage as a static exhibit at Carnforth.
Unfortunately, they brought many of their artistic ideals with them - including expressionism.
This, unfortunately, brings us to one of the book's few weaknesses in that it presupposes a basic familiarity with Buddhism.
The cast, for all their virtues, unfortunately failed to extract the full humor of this classic farce.
Unfortunately I made a faux pas, greeting Anne with the first thing that popped into my mind.
There is unfortunately, no specific blood or x-ray test for FMS What causes fibromyalgia?
Dublin will always give the fielders a chance, unfortunately Myles Cunliffe was unable to take it.
Unfortunately his potential customers read right to left in Arabic - they saw his product making clean clothes filthy.
Unfortunately the crown was also issued again after a break of forty years, and the new double florin proved unpopular.
Unfortunately, in most cases there was little follow-through on the part of university administrations on a academic or administrative level beyond this lip-service.
Unfortunately findings sometimes may appear fraudulent even when fraud has not taken place.
The oceans, unfortunately for the creatures that live therein, are a virtual free-for-all.
Unfortunately the scenery is somewhat limited by a sea fret.
Unfortunately the view is that effective gene therapy still remains at least five years into the future.
Unfortunately, at some point in its journey round the world, the initial payment hit a comms glitch.
Unfortunately the glad tidings also spread under the moor and the earth gnomes got to hear of the farmer's new son.
These travel updates used a particularly groovy music bed which unfortunately did not make it to the station's launch.
Unfortunately Edmund as very little information about his Uncle, other than he may have become a rear gunner although Edmund is not sure.
Unfortunately, in our desperation to uncover reality, human beings often accept half-truths and lies at face value.
Concert Notes - The single-manual anonymous Italian harpsichord The single-manual harpsichord being used in tonight's concert is unfortunately neither signed nor dated.
Unfortunately, her heart remained in schools and she therefore returned to primary school headship in 2002.
Unfortunately, there are some fairly hefty egos involved.
Unfortunately fear is mostly influenced by heredity and the environment.
Hence the happy hippy " information is for free " days are now unfortunately drawing to a close.
Unfortunately samples of one don't give much statistical confidence, and will only give reliable information in a major holdup.
Unfortunately, not everyone has access to ACS grade ammonium hydroxide.
Unfortunately, tho, the process of carbonization which preserved them has also rendered them, till now, largely illegible.
He is economically illiterate - unfortunately the majority of policymakers are.
Unfortunately, I have not had time to make a vertical illuminator for the Biolam.
This incident clearly angered his mother and unfortunately she behaved in an extremely imprudent manner.
Unfortunately, we quickly found that there are some bugs in Photoshop that make the book inaccurate in some respects.
Unfortunately there's a general incoherence about the plot.
Mr Cottle and Mr Hubbard both being unfortunately indisposed, Mr Mortleman obliged with one of his ever welcome sailor songs.
Unfortunately, the mammoth cost means any government introducing compulsion will use the opportunity to slide out of providing full tax relief inducements.
Unfortunately the two species also interbreed to give hybrids, which makes it extremely difficult to define the genetic purity of a wildcat.
Unfortunately, they have to contend with constant interruptions.
Both euthanasia and abortion are subjects ripe for debate, although unfortunately opposing sides are often intolerant of each other!
Unfortunately, I fail to have any intuitions about " say " !
Unfortunately, on the first night at T1 speeds, I got a rather irate phone call from my up stream provider.
It looks (and reads) better in Microsoft Word, unfortunately i cant seem to get italics to work on the interweb.
Unfortunately, our model could not predict the selectivity of the analogous methyl ketone reaction.
Unfortunately still today people feel ashamed about contracting leprosy.
Unfortunately, Kurdish lexicography is not a matter of simply compiling the data from all the existing dictionaries into one big lexicon.
The American Administration apparently believe that the liberated Iraqis would welcome the liberators with open arms - unfortunately that did not happen.
Unfortunately, these security packages have a short life span.
Unfortunately during the ascent we watched lightning in clouds below to the north, our summit.
Unfortunately most Senators seem to be listening to industry lobbyists more closely than to us.
Food Unfortunately the schools lunchroom is currently unavailable and groups are not allowed to consume food in the Clocktower court.
Unfortunately many drips (excluding diggers of course) means water level rising so may be really major problem by next week.
That is the malign, even malevolent, role of the Daily Mail, which is unfortunately by far the most powerful Tory paper.
The clay maquette for this piece has unfortunately been lost.
However, we could have a refreshment stop which was unfortunately marred for some by dreadfully poor service.
Unfortunately in the semi finals we faced a very strong team from Loose, and in a very competitive match lost 2-0.
Unfortunately, his clarity of writing totally disappears when he is covering the actual maths.
Unfortunately, her appeals to the ' ancient matriarchy ' are ahistorical, and her analysis of the Ring itself simple.
Unfortunately, the deer that have been grazing in spring pastures don't have the gut microorganisms necessary to digest this food.
Unfortunately such episodes can provoke more mirth than disgust.
Unfortunately, the football, badminton and netball teams had similar misfortunes.
Unfortunately the one i have suffered a small mishap during recent radio contest.
No official line on what to do if your flat gets decimated by hellfire missiles, unfortunately.
Unfortunately by the time the advertising guys have got their sticky mitts on things the difference is often blurred.
No opportunity to apply lipstick or comb my hair unfortunately, but a nice momento of the day.
Unfortunately most of the species are rather moth-eaten which detracts from their visual value.
Unfortunately, the land within Johnson's Field itself has been recently, regularly mown resulting in much of the interest there being lost.
Unfortunately, the storm seems pretty narked and they all get a megadose of big, bad cosmic rays.
Unfortunately aluminum nitride in particular has angular particles which are abrasive, leading to excessive mold wear.
Membership rule at unfortunately she came in the clubhouse associated with a. More than anything i've learned how London society notables.
Unfortunately, there is no fixed level of noise which constitutes a noise nuisance.
They have unfortunately become increasingly obstructive in providing such data.
Unfortunately the death scenes aren't up to much and most of them happen off-screen.
Unfortunately the only treatment is to put ointment in her eyes on a daily basis.
Unfortunately I can't find a good free one.
Unfortunately this is not as easy as it may sound; biomass is wholly organic and thus has a short shelf life by nature.
Unfortunately it is all too often overruled in favor of departments which push specific interests.
Unfortunately, failing public sector IT projects are no longer the exception and huge cost overruns can be confidently predicted.
Unfortunately, the muscles finally succumb to the strain of chronic overuse.
Unfortunately, burning these fuels creates substantial environmental pollution that damages the ozone layer.
Unfortunately, a very paltry amount of time was given to that amendment, as so often happens in another place.
Unfortunately while descending he falls into the boiling pan in the fire below and perishes.
Unfortunately, running an organization involves completing a considerable amount of time-consuming paperwork.
Unfortunately the discussions failed to bring peace between the two factions.
Randy Greif, always interesting, contributes a subdued, lightly percussive composition that unfortunately sounded a bit muddy.
Unfortunately, due to a shortage of trained military personnel, the crew is a little unorthodox... .
Unfortunately, holding open the tiny pinholes that are seen in real life would take ten times the experimentally measured yield stress.
Unfortunately, the narration is too self-consciously poetic, so judging by his gallery comments Frankie wouldn't think much of his own voiceover.
A superb climb, unfortunately getting polished now due to its popularity.
Unfortunately, removing nasal polyps does not always prevent them from growing back.
Unfortunately, being nap free she also pooped on the lawn - sigh!
Unfortunately, live telephone support can get pricey in a hurry.
Unfortunately, the patent filing does not prioritize or conclusively confirm any specific method one way or the other.
Unfortunately, we weren't even privy to views of Rhino Point, let alone Mount Meru, as the cloud was low.
The stern section has an iron wheel shaft and a large spare propeller, which has unfortunately collapsed.
Unfortunately, these men were paid by results and ultimately became agents provocateurs.
Unfortunately taking up residence at Number 11 may augur less well for the lad's batting prowess in the years to come.
Unfortunately counseling psychology is not yet a funded training.
Unfortunately, the natural pyrethrins are unstable in light; they are of limited use in agriculture due to their rapid breakdown.
Answering questions Unfortunately, your presentation does not end once you have finished what you have to say.
Unfortunately, they have gone quiet on these issues and have instead lectured the Chinese on the need to revalue the renminbi.
Always capable of bringing a smile to the room with his witty repartee, his words of wisdom are not unfortunately, repeatable here.
Unfortunately the medals were not ready in time for the civic presentation and cardboard replicas had to be presented in lieu.
Unfortunately within a couple of years the Nelsons acquired a reputation for poor steaming.
Unfortunately rather than then playing through the whole six episodes, at the end of each one it automatically reverts to the titles menu.
Unfortunately grown ups will often dismiss this as a normal attachment to an imaginary friend and may even ridicule the child.
Unfortunately foot and mouth disease has brought this season to a premature close and cruelly robbed me of this opportunity.
Unfortunately birds continuing to decline in numbers include robins, jackdaws and tree sparrows.
Unfortunately water levels were falling rapidly and it became increasingly rocky toward the end of the trip.
Unfortunately we have no rye to sell from this year's harvest.
Later, unfortunately, the tide went out and we hit a sandbank but the rest of the activity was fantastic.
Unfortunately some heavier wheelchairs and pavement scooters cannot be taken on the bus.
Unfortunately this young sculptress was at that time modeling a bust of C__ .
But the Government's proposed new deals over the car purchase, unfortunately welcomed by union leaders like Tony Woodley, are absolutely shameful.
Unfortunately, some joker has decided that it would be a good idea to plant a shrubbery at the base of the pylon.
Unfortunately Mike's viral head cold had developed into bacterial sinusitis and he had no option but to return home.
Unfortunately it doesn't explain why some people have thicker skulls than the rest of us.
Unfortunately, Malcolm turned his ankle in this section on the treacherously slippery boulder floor.
The experience of hypnagogic illusions also seems far more rare than ordinary dreaming in sleep. Unfortunately, while these phenomena have been carefully studied by officially scientific characters, in England orthodox savants have disdained to observe crystalgazing, while in France psychologists have too commonly experimented with subjects professionally hysterical and quite untrustworthy.
He unfortunately espoused the cause of Louis, duke of Anjou, and while aiding that prince in his attempt to recover the kingdom of Naples he died of the plague, leaving his realm to his son, Amadeus VII., the Conte Rosso or "Red Count" (1383-1391); the latter added Nice (1388) and other territories to his domains.
Most unfortunately for posterity, the Greeks wrote mainly on perishable materials, and hence the chief records even of their later civilization have vanished.
Unfortunately he was called by the irony of fate to fill a great office, in which.
Unfortunately for the consistency of historical writing, the view taken of Rousseau's biography affects those of Grimm, Diderot, Mme.
Unfortunately, Venice, for her own safety's sake, insisted on the publication of Wladislaus's antiTurkish alliance; the Porte, well informed of the course of Polish affairs, remained strictly neutral despite the most outrageous provocations; and Wladislaus, bound by his coronation oath not to undertake an offensive war, found himself at the mercy of the diet which, full of consternation and rage, assembled at Warsaw on the 2nd of May 1647.
Schelling was prematurely thrust into the position of a foremost productive thinker; and when the lengthened period of quiet meditation was at last forced upon him there unfortunately lay before him a system which achieved what had dimly been involved in his ardent and impetuous desires.
Unfortunately the vertebrate host of this form is not yet known.
Unfortunately the methods pursued were as little reasonable as those adopted by the medieval Jewish Rabbis; instead of the context being studied as a whole, with a view to the recovery of its literal sense, each single verse was considered separately, and explained as an allusion to some obscure myth or as embodying some mystical meaning.
The original manuscript first belonged to Montmerque, and then passed into the possession of Le Roux de Lincy, who prepared an annotated edition; unfortunately this material, together with the original MS., was lost in the incendiary fires which took place under the Commune (1871).
Perhaps therefore the custom of public recitation was exceptional, 4 and unfortunately we do not know when or by whom it was introduced.
Bacon seems indeed to have been a lawyer of the first order, with a keen scientific insight into the bearings of isolated facts and a power of generalization which admirably fitted him for the self-imposed task, unfortunately never completed, of digesting or codifying the chaotic mass of the English law.
It is an age of conscious selection as between ideal systems. Instead of necessitating a wasteful and precarious elimination of inadequate customs by the actual destruction of those who practise them - this being the method of natural selection, which, like some Spanish Inquisition, abolishes the heresy by wiping out the heretics one and all - progress now becomes possible along the more direct and less Comte's own term " fetishism " was most unfortunately misleading (see Fetishism).
Ethelweard gave himself the bombastic title "Patricius Consul Quaestor Ethelwerdus," and unfortunately this title is only too characteristic of the man.
Unfortunately, Mr Hofmeyr's influence was more than counterbalanced by an emissary from the Free State, Mr Abraham Fischer, who, while purporting to be a peacemaker, practically encouraged the Boer executive to take extreme measures.
Segregation was the one general method of fighting the disease; but, unfortunately, it was misunderstood by the people and led to some deplorable outbreaks.
Unfortunately such allusion to these disconnected certainties as alone might be introduced here would be too brief for comprehension, and we are forced to select a few of the broader hypotheses for a treatment that may seem dogmatic and prejudiced.
Some traces of this confused fashion of regarding sense-perceptions are left even in the Kritik, specially perhaps in the Aesthetik, and they give rise to much of the ambiguity which unfortunately attaches to the more developed theory of cognition.
Unfortunately, electricity pylon number collecting is not the only pastime popular during August.
Answering Questions Unfortunately, your presentation does not end once you have finished what you have to say.
Unfortunately we could n't bring the Sevens as they were grounded on Saturday afternoon after rainstorms of biblical proportions hit Norfolk !
The detailed rationale for the selection of variables to be measured was (unfortunately) implicit rather than explicit.
Unfortunately the prospect of selling virtual West Cornwall holidays lies firmly in the realm of science fiction.
Unfortunately this is now a receptacle for village litter and dead leaves.
Unfortunately they were busy nest building just beyond a reedy island.
Unfortunately, its only the remains of a mouse, as regurgitated by an owl.