Unflavored Sentence Examples
Due to its unflavored character, vodka is perfect to fortify other spirits and mix with a variety of ingredients with successful results.
Whether flavored or unflavored, many are packaged as drink mixes or intended to mix into a blended concoction to create a frothy milkshake-like beverage.
It is also advisable to consume unflavored and unsweetened yogurt and kefir products, although many people have an initially difficult time appreciating the sour taste of these foods.
It comes in flavored and unflavored varieties and is available in a number of products that mimic ground meat, bacon bits, chicken patties, meatballs, and other meat products.
The following recipe for green curry can be made with beef-flavored, chicken-flavored, or unflavored textured vegetable protein.
Instead, you might want to consider offering him an unscented, unflavored Nylabone.
Seltzer is unflavored soda water or sparkling water.