Unfeigned Sentence Examples
I addressed the people with the most unfeigned respect.
Work thou in us unfeigned repentance, and move thou our hearts to obey thy holy laws.
Neither sect, it may be added, advocated sensuality pure and unfeigned - the Epicurean least of all.
The pure morality and simple-minded piety of this community seem early to have attracted Spinoza, and to have won his unfeigned respect.
Verse 5, they do n't have a good conscience and unfeigned faith.
Count me not your " enemy because I have told you the truth, " but believe me in unfeigned affection.
And to attest my unfeigned assent and consent hereunto in each particular I subscribe my name this 24th day of Jun.
That his admiration was unfeigned cannot be doubted; she had, however, a jointure of 600 and perhaps a.
On the other hand, there are in the book, in the description of Gargantua's and Pantagruel's education, in the sketch of the abbey of Thelema, in several passages relating to Pantagruel, expressions which either signify a sincere and unfeigned piety of a simple kind or else are inventions of the most detestable hypocrisy.