Unfair Sentence Examples
Was he being unfair, taking the easy way out?
It was unfair to string Josh along this way.
It's unfair to keep them in the dark on this matter.
You're being unfair to me, Edith.
It would be so unfair to so many people if we quit, but God almighty, it's difficult and scary.
It was unfair to punish him, but his rebuke still stung.
It would be unfair to criticize it from an exacting philosophical point of view.
Betsy absented herself, feeling it unfair to listen if the other couldn't.
But it would be unfair to accept this as evidence of a bargain.
It was a contradictory thought - and totally unfair to Josh.
AdvertisementThe indoor manufactures followed in British prisons are not so varied as the foregoing and have been limited by the protests and objections raised by free or outside labour against alleged unfair competition.
The Portuguese thought the division unfair to them, and protested.
As a woman could not prove her case in the judicial combat, it was felt that the earlier practice gave her an unfair advantage.
The law is defective and unfair in its incidence, and it is not applicable to foreigners.
It is not unfair to connect the apparent failings of Schelling's philosophizing with the very nature of the thinker and with the historical accidents of his career.
AdvertisementThe foreign population of the Transvaal, which was chiefly English, became in a few years more numerous than the Boers themselves, and they complained that they were deprived of all political rights, that they were subjected to unfair taxation, and that they were hampered in their industry and unjustly treated by the Dutch courts and Dutch officials.
It would be unfair to suggest that the inconvenient difficulty with which lie was thus confronted determined his policy, though he was probably insensibly influenced by it.
By every unfair means the commissioners extorted the semblance of a popular vote in favour of incorporation, and France annexed the Netherlands.
The first printed edition of the book, by a certain Blaise de Vigenbre, dates from 1585, is dedicated to the seigniory of Venice (Villehardouin, it should be said, has been accused of a rather unfair predilection for the Venetians), and speaks of either a part or the whole of the memoirs as having been printed twelve years earlier.
It was generally believed that the verdict in the former trial was an unfair one; and this opinion was most prejudicial to Cluentius.
AdvertisementTaken strictly his words state the position of extreme Nominalism; but even if we were not forbidden to do so by other passages, in which the doctrine of moderate Realism is adopted (under cover of the current distinction between the singular as felt and the pure universal as understood), it would still be unfair to press any passage in the writings of this period.
It was so unfair - so true.
While this is legal, many drivers consider the tactic unfair.
Reloaded, and to call it an album is really a bit unfair.
In fact, it would be unfair to ask him to do so.
AdvertisementWhen Descartes complained to the authorities of this unfair treatment, 4 the only reply was an order by which all mention of the name of Cartesianism, whether favourable or adverse, was forbidden in the university.
It would be unfair to charge what is repulsive in their letters wholly on the habits of the times, for wide familiarity with the published correspondence of similar men at the same epoch brings one acquainted with little that is so disagreeable.
Wagnerism was henceforth proclaimed out of the mouths of babes and sucklings; learned musicians felt that it had an unfair advantage; and by the time Wagner's popularity began to thrive as a persecuted heresy he had left it in the lurch.
His unpopularity in the Assembly was extreme, yet he insisted on speaking on the question of the king's trial, declared it unfair to accuse Louis for anything anterior to his acceptance of the constitution, and though implacable towards the king, as the one man who must die for the people's good, he would not allow Malesherbes, the king's counsel, to be attacked in his paper, and speaks of him as a "sage et respectable vieillard."
Late fees and finance fees, levied when payment was received, resulted in at least one lawsuit against General Electric for unfair business practices.
I soon began to realize that the whole business was inherently unfair.
This seemed unfair to people who had declined the scheme or were ineligible.
Under the unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 a contract deemed unfair may be completely void and unenforceable against a consumer.
A full account of his literary activity and ecclesiastical troubles will be found in Abbe Albert Houtin's La Question biblique au XIX e siècle (Paris, 2nd ed., 1902) and La Question biblique au XX e siècle (Paris, 1906), but the latter especially is largely unfair to the conservatives and sadly lacking in religious feeling.
Their references are guaranteed to be solid places that are safe from unfair business practices.
You may think that all these innate skills gives him an unfair advantage when it comes to seducing you.
It's the design itself that is the important thing, and it's a bit unfair to make assumptions and judge someone's character based on where she chooses to place her tattoo.
These CDs can appear unfair to investors, because if interest rates rise significantly, you do not have the option to "call" the CD.
The deals the members excluded from Destiny's Child got are considered by many in the industry to be shady and unfair.
Because of their style of music, Williams inevitably gets compared to Avril Lavigne, though many critics say that is unfair - one actually referred to her as the anti-Avril.
Gosselin claims that the contract he and his family signed was unfair, violates child labor laws, and underpaid himself and his children.
And while they ultimately earn the viewer's sympathy, their situation is so unfair and their creation and purpose is so immoral, that it's very hard to fault them for their reaction.
To compare the movie to the novel would be unfair.
I realize I'm taking advantage of you— I'm being horribly unfair, but things are just too confusing—it's so soon after, okay?
Mrs Crees and Mrs Greaves had protection against unfair dismissal because of their length of service.
Our defamation laws are tricky and, uh, a little unfair but you ca n't defame the dead.
Whatever the reason, a journalist whose story turns out to be inaccurate, unfair or untrue will very justifiably earn public derision.
The names were therefore registered in a manner which took unfair advantage of or was unfairly detrimental to the Complainant's Rights.
He is meeting the £ 2,500 bill to former Manager Brian Hughes for unfair dismissal.
The employe may be able to claim automatic unfair dismissal.
Value of claiming constructive dismissal compensation in Unfair dismissal compensation in Unfair Dismissal Claims Different remedies apply in unfair dismissal cases to discrimination cases.
The drive to diversify the economy by attracting the tourist dollar has brought in a 2 tier system, divisive and visibly unfair.
Unfair dismissal This claim is open to an employe with one year's continuous employment or more.
He said it was unfair to Mr Major, which only goes to show how distance lends enchantment to the view.
However, a British expatriate can bring a claim for unfair dismissal in a few exceptional cases.
Secondly, the argument that paying for higher education out of general taxation would be unfair is an entirely false one.
In October 1999, waiver clauses for unfair dismissal became invalid.
Council Tax is a grossly unfair tax - people are fed up with all the excuses and empty promises.
Farmers suffer too, exploited by supermarkets, overwhelmed by red tape and fighting unfair competition from abroad.
I'm being hugely and grossly unfair and employing needless sarcasm about this, aren't I?
Paraguay has used unfair defensive tactics, not only in competitive matches, but in friendly games and warm-ups for The World Cup.
They are just some of the millions of people whose lives have become a daily struggle for survival because of unfair international trade.
They investigate complaints of unfair dealing and track down and prosecute traders in unsafe or counterfeit goods.
Any basic award of compensation for unfair dismissal made by an industrial tribunal.
The EAT held that the tribunal was allowed to find that delays did not render the investigation unfair.
Disparity of value exploitation involves exchanging labor or some other commodity in a transaction that is manifestly unfair.
Where a dismissal is automatically unfair, an employe may be entitled to be reinstated to their old job.
We take the view this may be potentially unfair.
To have Wales's first 'Prime Minister ' elected in such blatantly unfair circumstances is not an occasions for celebration.
I say it is unfair to expect anything less.
The Acts also protect people with dyslexia against unfair and illegal discrimination.
Considering his want of experience of such rivers as the Nile, and the great difficulties he had to contend with under a succession of ignorant Turkish rulers, it would be unfair to blame him because, until it fell into the hands of British engineers in 1884, the work was condemned as a hopeless failure.
Historians do not usually seem to perceive that Charles was faced by the old quarrel of church and state, in which " fair means " were seen to be unavailing, while " unfair means " only succeeded, after some thirty years, in breaking down the old Presbyterian spirit so much that, after 1688, the state could hold her own.
It would be detrimental, if not devastating, to our system of justice and unfair to private litigants.
I do know that some celebrities I know are wearing clothing that are made from organic products - because it helps the environment, or clothing that is made in "sweatshop free" factories, that don't engage in unfair labor practices.
Three women have filed suit in Los Angeles, accusing TrimSpa and Anna Nicole Smith of "using deceptive business practices" to sell the product, a violation of California's unfair competition law.
Beyond the word of the waiter or waitress who was dealt the unfair lack of tip, this is probably the best proof that a specific celebrity is a poor tipper.Who tops this list?
He claims that he was under-represented in his trial, and that the judge handed him an unfair sentence.
Some online shops are strict (even downright unfair) with their return protocol, so make sure you are clear on it beforehand.
It is unfair to say that the majority of girls' clothing is immodest.
Commonly referred to as police dogs, German Shepherds have received an unfair reputation as being overly aggressive.
If the grandparent and grandchild have already established a close relationship, then it is unfair to both of them to deny the grandparent access simply because the child's parents are divorced.
While there aren't any cheats that will give you an unfair advantage over the competition, there are several Wii Sports cheats that add unique dimensions and control to the motion-sensing game experience.
If both players are trying out different skill levels, points will be adjusted so no one will have an unfair advantage.
It feels unfair to people who don't want to upgrade, but is an unfortunate reality of nearly all technology purchases.
Even cheats that provide you with unlimited ammo or perfect targeting would be unfair to the other players in the game.
The majority of Mario Party DS cheats are not designed to give you an unfair advantage during the game itself.
Just like the bad guys who aren't adverse to using foreign objects in the ring, these Smackdown vs. Raw cheat codes can give you a bit of an unfair advantage as you step into the squared circle.
This may seem odd and unfair but it is true.
Animal activists decry this practice as unfair treatment of animals and demand that the shows be stopped in their tracks.
This strategy can be effective if you suspect that the denial was unfair or the lender did not have enough information to evaluate your application properly.
As a child, even minor injustices probably seemed grossly unfair.
If you do happen to have a performance review while on maternity leave and you get what you feel is an unfair review due to your leave, being pregnant, or being a new parent, it may be discrimination.
You might feel that you are being unfair to current children by wanting to add another child, or you might wonder how you could ever love another one as much as your current child(ren).
The team later went on to be featured elsewhere, both before and after the lawsuit that resulted in a statement from the Center for Science in the Public Interest saying that the ad was, "unfair, misleading and irresponsible".
In the end, it became clear that Zhu Zhu Pets meet all federal toy safety guidelines, and the initial comparison was unfair.
What a heavy and unfair burden we put on the shoulders of someone we say we love.
It is important to be specific in order to alleviate unfair expectations for you or your potential partner.
These lists provide information on clients that have unfair job contracts, don't pay their writers on time, or don't even pay them at all.
It may seem unfair to lump vampires among scientifically-based research into haunted locations, but that's what happens over time, and it can tarnish the reputation of earnest truth seekers in the paranormal community.
This was deemed unfair as larger shows had larger casts, thus creating an improper balance of votes.
There are frequent complaints by U.S. economists that China's policies often limit U.S. business from fully taking advantage of China's economic opportunities because of their unfair trade practices.
Once she wouldn't have thought him capable of something so unfair.
On the flight down to Washington a strange and perhaps unfair thought hit me.
I've been unfair asking everyone to take it on faith.
Perhaps I'm being unfair.
While he had no business clogging up her life with a potpourri of unsubstantiated garbage, it was equally unfair to have a relationship while holding back the truth from someone you cared for.
But to state this alone would be in the highest degree unfair.
The court of Versailles sent Dumouriez to act as commander-in-chief of the confederates, but neither as a soldier nor as a politician did this adroit adventurer particularly distinguish himself, and his account of his experiences is very unfair to the confederates.
Having recovered from the worst effects of the war the Boers, both in the Transvaal and Orange Colony, began in 1904 to make organized efforts to regain their political ascendancy, and to bring pressure on the government in respect to compensation, repatriation, the position of the Dutch language, education and other subjects on which they alleged unfair treatment.
Alaric was an Arian Christian who trusted to the sanctity of Easter for immunity from attack, and the enemies of Stilicho reproached him for having gained his victory by taking an unfair advantage of the great Christian festival.
On the whole his attitude in respect to disputed political principles seems not to have been at first consciously unfair.
The distribution was also unfair as between the different territorial divisions.
While, therefore, it is a profound mistake to regard Bacon as a great constructive philosopher, or even as a lonely pioneer of modern thought, it is quite unfair to speak of him as a trifler.
The judgments of the council were sometimes considered unfair, and were occasionally defied by the states affected.
After three years of strife, ruinous to both sides, he made the first overtures of peace, thus marking an epoch in his foreign policy; though William took no unfair advantage of this, remaining content with the restitution of places taken by the Cliambres de Rtunion, except Strassburg, with a frontier-line of fortified places for the Dutch, and with the official deposition of the Stuarts.
One of his first acts on reaching London was the issue of his Humble Addresses to the Lord Protector, but its effect was weakened by the issue of Prynne's able but unfair Short Demurrer.
People who use the welfare system in this way allegedly take unfair advantage of their fellow citizens.
This could have allowed the auctioneer to impose an unfair price increase.
Unfair Tenancy Terms, Don't get caught Out by the Office of Fair Trading.
Employers will also be barred from including waiver clauses in temporary contracts, which have the effect of removing rights to claim unfair dismissal.
In fact, unfair competition is the goal of Clipper policy.
The letter was a personal attack on the police constable, which I would say was very unfair.
At the same time, however, he insisted (as he did from first to last) on the enormous importance to the country, to the character of its people no less than to its material welfare, of agricultural contentment and prosperity; and he also obtained As a more general recognition of the fact that "the land" had borne fiscal burdens under the old regime which were unfair and unendurable under the new.
If somewhat severe and irritable, he was at the same time scrupulously just, truthful, and steadfast; he never deserted a friend or took an unfair advantage of an antagonist; and on befitting occasions he could be cheerful and even facetious among his intimates.
Everything that reminded him of his past was repugnant to him, and so in his relations with that former circle he confined himself to trying to do his duty and not to be unfair.
But you know you may be unfair.
I just want to rant about how unfair I think the whole situation is.
Any comments you would like posting in the headlines section such as unfair referee decisions etc... please email them to andrewp@chemistry.leeds.ac.uk.
The most unfair, regressive tax of all remains the Council Tax.
I 'm being hugely and grossly unfair and employing needless sarcasm about this, are n't I?
Ever wondered why the Tories are not squealing loudly about how unfair the system is against them at the moment?
Some will say we are being unfair to Shuttlewood with our skeptical, tongue-in-cheek approach.
Lib Dem treasury spokesman Matthew Taylor said, Labor 's tax system is unfair.
To have Wales 's first 'Prime Minister ' elected in such blatantly unfair circumstances is not an occasions for celebration.
It would be unfair to penalize a company that had not formed its plans at that stage or which changes its plans subsequently.
Made it automatically unfair to dismiss workers taking part in industrial action.
It 's easy but unfair to criticize, however, because many charity press officers are volunteers.
It is grossly unfair to blame car users for this.
Gives you an unfair advantage that will show in the profits you make.
Our first reaction This looks like a unfair burden on business.
Under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 a contract deemed unfair may be completely void and unenforceable against a consumer.
He was accused of being an unfeeling monster, the embodiment of unfair and unjust laws.
However, in this case the ET 's finding of unfair dismissal was upheld on the grounds of the company 's behavior.
Appeals for review of results Appeals are considered where there are well-founded reasons for believing a result to be unfair.
It was unfair for him to get punished, though; he hadn’t started the fight.
Collusionis an agreement, usually secret, and often illegal, to limit competition and gain an unfair advantage.
This feature protected the issuer from interest rate changes, but was unfair to bond investors.
Some people feel that it is unfair to keep a cat in the house because this does not give her the quality of life that being outside does.
Through networking and increased awareness, the organization has helped empower cat owners to become active in their communities to protest unfair legislation that targets responsible pet owners.
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) protects consumers against abusive and unfair collection practices.
It would be unfair to say that Cleopatra was not a natural beauty, but it known that she did adorn herself with ancient Egyptian cosmetics to enhance and compliment her striking features.
She disagrees and says I am unreasonable and unfair.
This word describes so many types of designs that it would almost be impossible and unfair to pigeonhole it in a way that limits its potential within your home.
His hairstyles, wardrobe, and hobbies seem to change with each new lover, but April says this is an unfair assessment.
Originally, half the points came from the judges themselves; a practice viewers felt was unfair.
Perhaps it is unfair, and possibly a few bad people ruined the reputation of this majestic breed.
If you're looking for an unfair advantage in battle, these Super Smash Bros.
It can make an impossibly difficult game completable, and it can make online gaming a misery of unfair competition.
Getting fewer dropped calls and a stronger signal can involve many strategies and it would be unfair to say that getting a phone from Bell Mobility is necessarily "better" than getting one from Fido.
It may be a little unfair to base this comparison simply on the clock speed of the processor, as this would be akin to comparing the relative speed of a car based solely on the horsepower rating.
This publication is a creative work fully protected by all applicable copyright laws, as well as by misappropriation, trade secret, unfair condition, and other applicable laws.
A full account of his literary activity and ecclesiastical troubles will be found in Abbe Albert Houtin's La Question biblique au XIX e siècle (Paris, 2nd ed., 1902) and La Question biblique au XX e siècle (Paris, 1906), but the latter especially is largely unfair to the conservatives and sadly lacking in religious feeling.
The equality of representation, granted at the union, at first unfair to Lower Canada, became still more unfair to Upper Canada, as her population first equalled and then surpassed that of her sister province.
He dwelt on the injury to the working classes caused by " dumping " and unfair foreign competition.
In 445 B.C. an unfair decision by the Romans in a frontier dispute with Aricia led, according to the Roman historians, to a rising; the town became a Latin colony 442 B.C., and shortly afterwards it appears as the place of exile of Camillus.
The historians of the city have for the most part described these as unjust and tyrannical exactions, but, looking at the representative and municipal character of the companies, and the purposes to which their contributions were applied, we may regard them as a rough but not unfair mode of taxation.
As the desire to dominate primaries was found to lead to many abuses, both in the way of manipulating the lists of party voters and in the unfair management of the primary meetings themselves, a movement was started for reforming the system, which, beginning soon after 1890, gathered so much support that now in the large majority of the states laws have been enacted for regulating the proceedings at primary nomination meetings.
A new commission was now appointed to inquire into alleged abuses in Wales, and the existing evidence clearly shows how harsh and unfair was the treatment meted out to the clergy under the act of 1649, and also how utterly subversive of all ancient custom and established order were the reforms suggested by the commissioners and approvers.
For the North had proclaimed a blockade of the Southern ports; and it wo-old have been both inconvenient and unfair if Lord Russell had decided to recognize the blockade and had refused to acknowledge the belligerent rights of the Southern States.
The attempt to raise a tithe for the crusade in 1189 failed, however, before a general resistance owing to an unfair assessment.
As treasurer of the navy in 1758 he introduced and carried a bill which established a less unfair system of paying the wages of the seamen than had existed before.
The renewal of the convention was disapproved by certain Liberal politicians, who insisted that the price of sugar had been raised by the convention; and Sir Edward Grey said that the government had intended to denounce the convention, but other countries had urged that Great Britain had induced them to enter into it, and to alter their fiscal system for that purpose, and it would he unfair to upset the arrangement.
In his dispute with his brother, in his controversies with the English and Scottish mathematicians, and in his harsh and jealous bearing to his son Daniel, he showed a mean, unfair and violent temper.
It is in any case unfair to decide questions by disparaging terms, and to argue as if the whole choice were between materialistic or idealistic monism, leaving realism out of court.
After a monstrously unfair trial, he and two other "politicals" were condemned to death, and nineteen others to varying terms of imprisonment (February 1851).
It would be unfair to Butler's argument to demand from it answers to problems which had not in his time arisen, and to which, even if they had then existed, the plan of his work would not have extended.
Often his jealousy for the honour of Rome makes him unfair and one-sided.
Perhaps I was being unfair but everything we'd been able to do was close to ending with a sad whimper, due to the greed of this woman.
Your coming down here was cruel and unfair and I think you know it!
He had always admitted the onesidedness of the English free-trade system, and had supported the desirability of retaliating against unfair competition and "dumping" by foreign countries.
No doubt these romances, taken alone, might give as unfair an idea as modern French novels give of Parisian morals, but we have abundant other evidence for placing the moral standard of the age of chivalry definitely below that of educated society in the present day.