Unexpected Sentence Examples
Her breath escaped in an unexpected sigh.
The unexpected information was coming so fast it was hard to absorb.
Just an unexpected memory, I guess.
But then something totally unexpected happened.
His gentleness was unexpected as he examined the wrapped injury.
How will they feel about an unexpected guest?
The offer of a truce gave the only, and a quite unexpected, chance of saving the army.
Yeah, so did I, but we had some unexpected help.
He dwelled on the unexpected lack of emotion.
She wanted nothing to do with this world or its inhabitants, despite that unexpected, intimate connection with the most beautiful man she'd ever seen.
AdvertisementI can follow the threads, but no one else can, and there's always the chance that something unexpected gets caught up in them.
An unexpected heat jarred her to her core, and the earth beneath her feet shook violently enough to rattle her teeth.
Brandon Westlake, the only other guest of long standing, was off on an early morning photo shoot but an unexpected prodigal returned to Bird Song just as the second batch of cinnamon rolls rolled out of the oven.
The bonus of his day helping her out of her funk turned out to be an unexpected surprise.
Engulfed by a wave of homesickness, she turned away, shrugging off the unexpected emotion.
AdvertisementThe fixed given points of intuitionalism furnish Hamilton with one of his arguments in his unexpected development towards a sceptical or " faith philosophy."
When by the aid of man they surmount these, they often dominate with unexpected vigour the native vegetation amongst which they are colonists.
Napoleon was surprised by the news of Prussia's mobilization; he had come to regard her as a negligible quantity, and now he found that her unexpected sensitiveness on points of honour was about to revivify the Third Coalition against France.
It was necessary to fight an unexpected battle at Smolensk to save our lines of communication.
I missed Betsy desperately and the idea of a couple of unexpected days with her was inviting, regardless of the reason.
AdvertisementWe have to foJiow the fortunes of unexpected allies, upon whom in no small measure his success depended.
To the Israelites, however, it was a miracle, an unexpected intervention on the part of Yahweh, and the first of many marvels which he performed on behalf of the people of his choice.
His unexpected recovery revived his father's hopes for his education, hitherto so much neglected if judged by ordinary standards; and accordingly in January 1752 he was placed at Esher, Surrey, under the care of Dr Francis, the well-known translator of Horace.
Recent investigation has thrown a new and unexpected light on the art, the monuments and the topography of the ancient city.
As in Limulus, so in Scorpio, this unexpected somite and its appendages disappear in the course of development.
AdvertisementThe force was, however, compelled to retreat owing to the unexpected appearance of the main Zulu army, which nearly outflanked the British.
The reawakened power of life that had seized Natasha was so evidently irrepressible and unexpected by her that in her presence Princess Mary felt that she had no right to reproach her even in her heart.
He never wanted to deal with the unexpected in his personal life again.
But this " critical value " of the force is found to depend in an unexpected manner upon the hardness of the steel; the critical value diminishes as the hardness becomes greater up to a certain point, corresponding to a yellow temper, after which it increases and with the hardest steel becomes very high.
Grave as most of his writings are, they include a short description of a crossing from Jersey to Granville, in which he satirizes English character and customs, and reveals an unexpected sense of humour.
The chuckle was as welcome as it was unexpected.
The picture of the Blessed Virgin and Child, which De Rossi ascribed to the 2nd, if not to the 1st century, has received an unexpected proof of its antiquity.
In the middle of the summer Princess Mary received an unexpected letter from Prince Andrew in Switzerland in which he gave her strange and surprising news.
My wife's pronouncement wasn't unexpected.
She surprised by her unexpected visit and I am sorely inconvenienced by her presence that blocks my egress.
Some experiments were next undertaken with the view of ascertaining how far magnetic changes of length in iron were dependent upon the hardness of the metal, and the unexpected result was arrived at that softening produces the same effect as tensile stress; it depresses the elongation curve, diminishing the maximum extension, and reducing the " critical value " of the magnetizing force.
Though the overthrow of the imperial dynasty was totally unexpected throughout, the new regime was accepted without any disturbances.
The citizens were so pleased at this unexpected occurrence that they willingly lent the king £¦000 in 1488, which he required for military preparations against France.
He was delighted at the unexpected rapidity of his pupil's progress, but could not abandon the edifice of argument he had laboriously constructed.
While many side effects are undesirable, some can provide an unexpected benefit.
It's a great way to showcase something new, unexpected, and incredibly sweet.
Adult women who want a fun, unexpected look for their bedroom might also choose a zebra style bed set in purple.
If you keep these earthquake safety tips in mind, you are more likely to be safe if the unexpected happens.
Being aware of seasonal safety issues and knowing how to protect yourself from both common and unexpected summertime dangers helps ensure a happy and healthy summer for everyone.
For example, the ocean poses dangers of riptides, unexpected high waves and currents while a lakeside beach may pose health dangers from bacteria in the water or possible injury from diving into unknown shallow water.
Without this mirror, you'll find yourself constantly being blindsided by unexpected workloads, projects and co-workers.
This can be an exciting search, since these old records may offer unexpected information and reinforce your connections to your ancestors.
One direct result of this pragmatism was unexpected.
Fortunately the Prussians here derived an unexpected advantage from the shape of the ground, and indeed from the weather.
But Piero's unexpected energy upset the schemes of his enemies.
The totally unexpected AngloPrussian alliance had justified the arguments of his enemies that England was impossible, while his hatred of France prevented him from adopting the only alternative of an alliance with her.
However due to the long incubation of the disease there may still be an unexpected positive.
However, genetically modified plants could also contain unexpected high concentrations of plant toxicants.
The writing is sharp and the plot full of unexpected twists and turns.
There is a fee to taste, but in Napa Valley that is not to be unexpected.
Realize that a simple snowstorm that's unexpected could derail your ability to find home.
Allow time for the unexpected bison jam or to catch a second eruption of a phenomenal geyser.
An unexpected encounter with a southern hawker did that for me this weekend.
Through this unexpected and obscure principle of "dialectic Hegel claimed to fulfil his programme of interpreting everything as manifest necessary truth of ideal relationship. It all must be so and you see it must.
This is the principle of the kaleidoscope, an optical toy which received its present form at the hands of Sir David Brewster about the year 1815, and which at once became exceedingly popular owing to the beauty and variety of the images and the sudden and unexpected changes from one graceful form to another.
My Numo is a great place to find fun and sometimes unexpected games.
If the child experiences any unexpected neurological problem, the parent should have the child evaluated by a physician.
They may become fearful that another unexpected disaster will strike them or members of their families.
Keeping the glove compartment stocked with a roll of glucose tablets can help in the case of an unexpected low on the road.
Complications include wound infections, unexpected opening near the repair site, and rarely, meatul stenosis, a narrowing of the urinary tract opening.
However, when a child is dyslexic, there is often an unexpected difference between achievement and aptitude.
They are more susceptible than adults to the effects of certain medicines and may have unexpected reactions.
Although unexpected or persistent bleeding from anywhere is a warning sign of cancer and should be investigated, nosebleeds are rarely a sign of serious illness.
The idea is to establish enough of a movement vocabulary that the audience can relate to the dance routine, but then to push the edges of the unexpected just often enough to keep them engaged and thoughtful about the piece.
Grief comes in many forms and it doesn't always arrive as an unexpected event.
Emo individuals favor a sharp, unexpected look.
Punk hair styles are most frequently recognized by their unusual, unexpected colors and contrasts.
The book was originally intended to appear in Rome, but unexpected obstacles interposed.
Dr Wallis Budge visited several of the far southern sites and made some tentative excavations, but no extensive explorations were undertaken until an unexpected event produced a sudden outburst of activity.
This was wholly unexpected, and if, as seems probable, the evidence stands the test of criticism, it is a new historical fact of great importance.
His narrative is badly arranged and full of unexpected digressions.
In the same way some individuals show a special tendency to poisoning by doses of certain drugs which are harmless to the great majority of mankind, and hence we get unexpected or unusual results, these arising from special susceptibility on the part of certain organs.
Howie's unexpected enthusiasm was contagious, to all but Quinn.
He slammed the door closed, subduing her hysterical strikes with unexpected gentleness until she lay strapped to the cold table, weeping.
Her eyes were warm with tears and her heart racing from the unexpected confrontation with the distressed ex-deity who viewed her as expendable less than a week before.
Maybe the underworld was having some effect on her. She'd been fatigued since arriving, but she'd explained it away with the fact she'd had little sleep and an unexpected pregnancy.
The totally unexpected resolution is both shocking and perfectly apt.
We are unprepared or prepared to be unprepared, for the unexpected arrival of any Other.
But an unexpected return of warm monsoon weather hit, causing a massive avalanche.
The unexpected reggae backbeat mainly coming from Tommyâs direction added a new dimension to the song.
Salomon Olembe filled the left-back berth allowing Batty an unexpected chance in the Premiership.
There are snide cops and leggy blondes, and the inevitable dead bodies, which pop up at inconvenient and unexpected moments.
We also have access to a smaller conference hall for exhibitor presentations, which is an unexpected bonus.
Further, unexpected experiences may also lead to reluctance to participate raising the question of when perseverance in following up participants becomes coercion?
The cumulative effect is completely unexpected, unsettling and yet somehow oddly compulsive.
His paintings, with their unexpected juxtaposition of objects, are a deliberate defiance of common sense.
It was an entire night of art, people, amazing and unexpected delight.
Typically Wilson provides a denouement that is truly strange and unexpected.
To how many questions did this unexpected denouement give rise?
The week started with an unexpected detour to Tenerife.
In some strange, unexpected and unwanted way, the president has again become a dissident, a dissident from his own government.
That of course means that there will be an unexpected dissonance within what would have been clearly identifiable scientific, yet artificial parameters.
She also took swift actions to ensure rider safety and minimize distress and delay after the unexpected death of a French athlete's horse.
Expect the unexpected massive glacier calves and breathtaking wildlife soaring eagles and humpback whales.
This is called pulmonary embolism or PE and is a common cause of sudden, unexpected death.
Again, another reason why apparent Chinese exceptionalism shouldn't be that unexpected.
However, players can be cruelly exposed whenever a ball or opponent does something unexpected.
Increasingly, too, more and more unexpected kinds of people are leaping the footlights and taking to the stage themselves.
The story of elephants being frightened of mice probably came about because elephants are frightened of sudden, unexpected noises or movements.
The juxtaposition of contrasts is much unexpected and provokes outright hilarity.
The relative excess of valine homozygotes in sporadic CJD aged less than 50 years is unexpected.
Every time we played through something different or unexpected happened because of our total inexperience and naivety.
During a polymer injection molding process, an unexpected periodic pattern is often observed on a molded product surface.
It was painted black inside with plaster peeling off the walls and all kinds of weird paintings and staues hanging about in unexpected places.
This unexpected relationship brings out new and previously latent aspects of the object.
Accuracy it doesn't some faceless minion preventing any The Howes Insurance Agency unexpected.
In such cases there is an unexpected primary incident which makes the case newsworthy in the first instance.
She thought about unexpected power outages, about wandering the wrong way in pitch darkness.
In this project the pupils gained unexpected results when they dropped vegetable peelings into a fryer.
They reluctantly agree and their unexpected visitor then regales them with four tales of horror, which he claims are true.
It is therefore unexpected to find that the Harris lines did not remodel.
The closure of our little ruse at this time was both unexpected and hilarious.
The speakers were interesting and the unexpected cream scones were a bonus!
Also remember that experiments may have their own setup scripts which could affect your private setup scripts which could affect your private setups in unexpected ways.
An unexpected mortgage shortfall is a real burden, added to by a sudden hike in future payments.
A series of unexpected and often ludicrous juxtapositions ensure that this collection of interconnected stories never become staid.
Sit high up - if bored you can always admire the unexpected statuary and mirrors decor.
Some people find they experience sudden unexpected surges of anxiety.
The research team also tape-recorded lessons and used this evidence to explore unexpected findings from the coded observations in more detail.
Other excerpts are more unexpected, with Stephen Cummings sounding timeless on the shimmering rolling thunder of All For Love.
For the present, most doctors remain relatively unconcerned about the unexpected outcome of this isolated report.
As you might have noted by now, it is usual to discover something unexpected when things seem to be becoming a bit routine.
The essence of poetry is invention; such invention as, by producing something unexpected, surprises and delights.
Either they had not realized the significance of their family history, or the results indicate something totally unexpected, and very unwelcome.
From there my life took a totally unexpected turn from which, I believe, I will never turn back.
Basketball Watching the US team slip to a late defeat against Lithuania was a wholly unexpected pleasure.
Last night he did this, then did something entirely unexpected.
The large increase in BNP councilors is discouraging but not altogether unexpected.
There are three reasons for this - somewhat unexpected - change of tack.
They bring the news she has waited for years to hear, yet it is completely unexpected.
But it has unexpected, unintended and frequently unexamined powers to do other things which could undermine a free state in many ways.
The speed of their attack is quite unexpected because they actually appear quite ungainly.
The final unveiling of Bad Wolf was unexpected but slightly unclear.
Their music delivers impassioned vocals, beautiful soaring melodies with sparkling guitars, unexpected rhythms which unleash power and restraint in equal measures.
There had been an unexpected windfall of half a million pounds more in License Fee income than expected.
But the crisis passed with the unexpected death of Henry, soon followed by that of the pope on the 20th of April 1314 at Roquemaure-sur-Rhone.
In this she was probably aided by Albany, who had been in Rome, and who found an unexpected ally in the queen-mother, Margaret being temporarily alienated from the English party by her brother Henry's opposition to her divorce.
To this cause we may ascribe his constant efforts to dazzle France by grandiose adventures and by swift, unexpected movements.
Moreover, he stated subsequently that he thereby hoped to excite other naturalists to share with him the investigations he was making on a subject which had hitherto escaped notice or had been wholly neglected, since he considered that he had proved the disposition of the feathered tracts in the plumage of birds to be the means of furnishing characters for the discrimination of the various natural groups as significant and important as they were new and unexpected.
That, however, complete conduction should arrive with alternations only ten times slower than light was an unexpected and remarkable fact, which verifies the presumption that the process of conduction is one in which the dynamic activities of the molecules do not come into play.
A rider with an insecure seat is apt to be thrown by any unexpected movement the horse may make; and, without a firm seat, the acquirement of good hands is well-nigh hopeless, because, when the balance is once disturbed the insecure rider will have to depend on something else for the maintenance of his seat, and this generally takes the shape of "riding on the horse's mouth," a practice as cruel as it is ugly.
That it was unexpected there can be no doubt; and it was only by extraordinary perseverance and perspicuity that Bradley was able to explain it in 1727.
The unexpected occurrence of these worms in pools and puddles, often in great numbers, has given rise to myths about showers of worms. They occasionally make their way into the human stomach with the drinking-water and are vomited; but this is a case of pseudo-parasitism - they are no true parasite of man.
In the delineation of character by graphically significant speech and action, introduced at unexpected turns, left with happy audacity to point their own meaning, and pointing it with a force that the dullest cannot but understand, he takes rank with the very greatest masters.
But the remarkable " Ostend Manifesto " (see Buchanan, James), the outcome of their conference, was quite unexpected, and Marcy promptly disavowed the document.
In the middle of this trough came an unexpected turn of events which resulted in another windfall in publishing royalties.
The speakers were interesting and the unexpected cream scones were a bonus !
Also remember that experiments may have their own setup scripts which could affect your private setups in unexpected ways.
By lunchtime, the car parks were full and a sizable crowd were enjoying the unexpected sunshine.
Why is a black night sky filled with sharp bright stars is always so completely unexpected and so utterly breath-taking?
The introduction of squealing guitars and manic Drum ' n ' Bass powerfully brings this Deliverance -style movie to an unexpected climax.
The exploration of the atomic and subatomic world brought them in contact with a strange and unexpected reality.
A poor contact in the electric sunroof switch can cause it to open at unexpected times.
Police are linking the two incidents and reminded elderly and vulnerable people to be suspicious of all unexpected callers.
He claimed a win in the hammer and third in the discus to provide unexpected but highly valuable points.
An unexpected bonus was a toboggan ride down from the Wall on an aluminum track several kilometers in length.
And we begin to see a new way, a resurrection life springing up in the most unexpected of places.
The Snooker option is a great and an unexpected bonus in a Pool game.
Sudden unexpected death accounted for 18% of all deaths among patients with epilepsy.
Very uplifting it was, perhaps about the unexpected arrival of love?
The best prevention against these outrages is to use a door chain to prevent unexpected callers from entering your house.
It was but the stagger of a sudden and unexpected surprise.
Along with the unseasonable weather, some unexpected moths also appeared, well outside what I would call their normal flight times.
Here the warmish weather had been an unexpected ally.
The unexpected letter from my sister gave me the boost I needed to make it through my day.
The unexpected ramification made the buyers hesitant about signing the lease.
On a granular level, of course, the unexpected often happens; a funding source suddenly dries up, a new customer appears seemingly out of nowhere.
Though you may be the most iconoclastic of entrepreneurs-you hate bureaucracy, meetings, strategies-you probably also hate what happens when you run into unexpected trouble.
When you accept that your startup is no more than a working hypothesis and that unexpected developments can change this hypothesis, you possess the agility necessary to change.
You're going to run into criticism and crises and all sorts of situations you've never experienced before, so expect the unexpected.
She provides flexibility and dependability in unexpected situations.
You must be prepared for unexpected delays and unanticipated problems with your children.
However, sitting down with a pen and paper and thinking carefully about what to purchase can reap unexpected rewards.
The carols playing in the background, the thrill of finding just the right item, and the ability to browse for unexpected gifts can make shopping at the mall, boutiques, or other retailers rewarding.
Even if you plan ahead, an emergency like a broken vehicle or an unexpected injury could deplete your funds very quickly.
Purchasing pet insurance for cats is one way to protect yourself against hefty, unexpected veterinary bills.
For some owners, an unexpected health emergency could become a financial crisis.
Always have a cat collar and leash ready for unexpected trips to the vet.
You might own your home for ten years, gradually increasing your equity, until one day an automobile accident or unexpected illness results in thousands of dollars of medical expenses.
The student has an unexpected expense and has no choice but to put it on the card.
Unexpected interest rate increases - Cardholders stated that the interest rates for their cards were unexpectedly increased without notice.
Even parents who are cooperative and tolerant of one another often find themselves facing unexpected roadblocks as they work out housing and visitation arrangements.
Southwestern furniture lends itself to this kind of unexpected use because the pieces are so interesting and attractive.
Black will complement most wall, carpet, and curtain colors as well, so it makes an easy, even if unexpected, choice.
It isn't hard to make a platform bed, and this bedding option has some interesting and unexpected advantages.
One of the most pleasant parts of owning an "old house" is finding those unexpected surprises -- those parts of the house that have been covered up during one of (usually) many remodeling projects.
The hardware used for unique window treatment ideas can come from some unexpected sources.
This typically will give you more than enough time to handle any setbacks, obstacles or unexpected issues that can arise during a remodeling job.
For example, use an unexpected woven sea grass upholstered armchair paired with a tea stained slip-covered sofa accompanied by a white washed pickled wood floor and a multi colored cowhide area rug.
Relish in the simplicity and unexpected comforts of makeshift homemaking and create a rustic country style decor all of your own.
Be prepared to have money set aside for renovations and unexpected repairs.
Obviously it should compliment the existing décor, but it's also a great opportunity to add an unexpected or luxurious touch.
You may find the perfect color for your kitchen in a very unexpected place.
Add a wow factor to your Easter table with the unexpected.
Mix and match styles to create your own look, and don't be afraid to include the unexpected.
He likes to use unexpected color combinations to give his clients a one-of-a-kind look.
Do something unexpected - Just because your table is round doesn't mean your tablescape has to be predictable.
Use the light fixture above and your tablecloth to add something unexpected.
Other options, such as hands free and adjustable cosmetic mirrors, are also available to allow you to look your best even in awkward or unexpected conditions, especially when using a makeup mirror on a flat surface is impractical.
The newest addition to the Curve family is Kicks, a modern scent with unexpected scent combinations.
Sandalwood, oakmoss, ylang ylang, musk, wet ozone and pheromones add unexpected flavors of their own to this bright, youthful scent.
Go mod with this very slick, unexpected glossy set from FurnitureNY.
And if you're looking to pump up your look for summer, opt for loads of color in unexpected shades of pink and purple.
On the other hand, there are real working LED lights surrounding the mirror, which is an unexpected element that can come in handy for those working in darker areas.
Many companies offer unexpected shades during Halloween season.
Captured by some of the world's most heady, intriguing and beloved ingredients, the scents bring together unexpected elements.
Of course, scent chemistry is a very personal, individual thing, but that these notes work together at all is also rather unexpected.
For a dramatic, stage- ready Rhianna makeup look, play with dark eye shadows and pair them with an unexpected pop of bright pink lipstick.
This is certainly unexpected for a McEvoy product in my personal experience.
Fantastic photographs contain the unexpected.
A photograph of the birthday boy or girl peeking at their presents before the party would be a more unexpected photo.
The Internet offers hundreds of chat rooms, community forums and specialized websites dedicated to sharing this nostalgia with like-minded people, which adds an unexpected bonus of sheer fun.
Nutritious fast food options are often found in unexpected places.
Of all the birds that were served on that first Thanksgiving Day, partridge is one that is flavorful and sure to be unexpected at your table, making your Thanksgiving dinner a memorable one.
Many scrapbookers tend to make arrange their books in chronological order, but mixing photos from different time periods can be a way to add an unexpected twist to your project.
Sometimes unexpected events, like the wind blowing away your beach umbrella or your child dumping sand on her head, are great fodder for creativity.
This gives you the opportunity to extend your ski season, but it has some unexpected benefits.
Make a schedule so you are productive but leave yourself some room for breaks and time to deal with the unexpected.
If you can adopt the ability to think calmly and clearly when something unexpected happens, then you will have gone a long way toward dealing with the main causes of stress in our lives.
Make sure not to overload your schedule, always leave room for unexpected things and breaks.
Unexpected layoffs, increased job responsibilities, and a high-stress job can all make anger management in the workplace a challenge.
Keep in mind that this schedule is not set in stone, so if you find something unexpected creeps into your day don't panic.
If you generally look at situations as positive learning experiences, you will experience less stress than if you anticipate the worst and look at anything unexpected negatively.
Buy a few extra gifts, such as boxes of candy to give to unexpected guests that bring you a gift.
Addressing responsibilities in the second quadrant in a timely manner allows you more time to deal with urgent matters that are unexpected whenever they arise.
Although more widely accepted in society today, teenage pregnancy is not always a welcome discovery and for many teens, abortions are the one and only way to contend with what is often an unwanted and unexpected pregnancy.
That means, if something unexpected comes up, like a car repair, you have no money to pay for it.
Over time, you will have enough money saved to either help pay for an unexpected event or for an extra special item.
In recent years, many cooks and chefs have taken to using the fruit not only in traditional desserts but also in unexpected ways in savory dishes.
Berries, bananas, apples, carrots and beets all make sweet, nutritious juice ingredients, but think outside the box with tropical fruits and unexpected veggies.
It should be unexpected but still fit with the theme of your wedding or your personalities.
Using a slightly different color combination during the holidays will be an unexpected touch to your wedding.
Despite the unexpected challenges it turned out to be an astoundingly wonderful wedding and the start of a very happy marriage.
These beautiful and flirty creatures are a great way to add romance to a wedding theme in a creative, unexpected way.
Check out the recent release by Clay Walker called 'Fore She Was Mama for an unexpected but amusing twist on the traditionally sentimental songs.
Something unexpected is the selection of Wedding Berries at Bella Regalo.
For a summer wedding, be prepared for unexpected showers and high temperatures as well.
Instead, use a motif, monogram, or typefaces that are fitting to the venue and set the appropriate tone, but are slightly more personal or unexpected.
Even if you've chosen the perfect venue, circumstances can intervene with unexpected disruptions and challenges.
For example, crab apples can be used as an unexpected and attractive filler for your flowers, or you might choose grapes to augment purple wedding flowers.
Wedding colors for fall 2010 are rich, velvety, and in some cases, unexpected.
By mixing them in with the deep and bold tones of the cooler months, however, they still work as unexpected wedding colors for fall 2010.
Modern color combinations are all about the unexpected.
The combination may seem slightly unexpected, but offers just the right pop of color to bring interest to otherwise plain bedding.
If you have an eye for the unexpected, consider taking advantage of the many funky, unique shower curtains available on the market today.
Designers go out of their way to shake these patterns up further by mixing in unexpected colors for added interest.
If you're thinking of surprising someone special with something completely unexpected, consider a unique towel gift basket.
While it's surprising to hear about a celebrity dying, it's even more shocking to find out the death was unexpected.
The one common element among these stars is that all died fairly young, way too soon and in completely shocking and unexpected ways.
The game became an unexpected hit, and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (2000) ranked as the number one game for more than a month.
Johansson sang the song Summertime for the album Unexpected Dreams - Songs from the Stars.
Her relationship with Armstrong received the most scrutiny in the press because their split after a two and a half year courtship was completely unexpected.
His death was sudden and completely unexpected.
He was visiting Manhattan at the time of his sudden and unexpected death.
West and his mother were extremely close and since her unexpected passing, he claims that he has never taken the proper time to grieve his loss.
After his sudden and unexpected death, Hollywood pays their respects to Corey Haim.
As the show progressed, however, Seaborn became more of a secondary character, due to the unexpected popularity of some of the other actors and characters.
A bright lime green boy's vest and tie is an unexpected burst of color welcome in multiple scenarios.
While these incidents are extremely rare, knowing what may happen in unusual situations can help passengers be prepared for the unexpected.
The unexpected mix should enchant all members of the family.
This ensures a more pleasurable voyage and minimizes unexpected last minute expenditures that can so often break the bank.
Dog owners may need to sell their pets because of unexpected allergies, moving, new puppies, inability to care for the animal, or incompatibility.
If you don't have pet health insurance, is this vet willing to set up payment plans for large, unexpected bills?
Pet insurance is a way for pet owners to plan for the unexpected, to give them "peace of mind" knowing that their pet will be taken care of just in case the unexpected does happen.
Dogs are masters of the unexpected, and a single move may ruin the set up you've created.
Dogs often react to an owner's pregnancy in unexpected ways.
A Great Pyrenees Mountain Dog, lovingly referred to as a Great Pry, is strikingly beautiful to behold and moves with a sense of gracefulness unexpected from a dog of its size.
This will give the soil time to warm up and eliminate any danger of unexpected cold snaps.
Because they are sensitive to cold, it is important to cover the seedlings at night if you experience an unexpected cold snap after the plants have sprouted.
Read the fine print carefully and be sure to budget extra for the unexpected.
Pocket doors can be stylish and unexpected design elements too.
Keep a sport coat at your desk to wear over your shirt for an unexpected meeting.
It's not everyday one gets the opportunity to wear a vibrant top that turns heads and maybe even starts conversations, but sometimes it can just be downright fun to embrace the unexpected.
Even if the weather doesn't call for them, unexpected conditions may arise at any time, and a good pair of thick, warming socks can feel very comforting while snuggled up in a tent or sitting around a campfire.
The 1960s consisted of bright colors and sometimes even unexpected styles.
Your new organic skin care custom product formulation may be just what you've always dreamed of, but to make sure that there aren't any unexpected surprises, take the time to be an enlightened consumer.
This way, if the neighbor's dog digs up all your seedlings or an unexpected frost hits, you will still have a few extra organic seedlings on hand and won't need to resort to buying nursery seedlings to replace the ones you lost.
Something like the Michela Printed Dress is a bit different for Easter, but the sleeveless sheath style renders it classic, even if the geo-print is unexpected.
Having a black formal dress as part of your wardrobe means you are always prepared for a special occasion even if it is unexpected.
Though they have been a mainstay in wardrobes around the world for centuries, the tunic's modern appeal is something quite fresh and unexpected.
You will, though, find that they're available in a veritable rainbow of colors, ranging from neutrals like black and brown to more unexpected choices like fuchsia and lime green.
In fact, it often looks best when it is worn with something slightly unexpected, like a floaty dress or a bold tunic.
Snow sports lovers and backpackers need essential warmth and protection from unexpected rainstorms and showers.
Sexy plus size open cup teddies UK are a great way to surprise that special man in your life with something a little unexpected and a whole lot naughty.
Skidding is the most common unexpected winter driving condition, but with the proper snow driving safety techniques, drivers can minimize the dangers of a skid.
While Tylenol is considered a safe drug for short-term use, it can cause unexpected problems when taken in doses higher than prescribed.
Before you head out, pack a few essential items to keep you safe in case something unexpected occurs and you are delayed or experience car trouble on the way.
Like businesses, a school should have an emergency health and safety plan to deal with unexpected situations that threaten the security of pupils and staff, or have the potential to interrupt normal operations.
A winter driving safety kit can help you avoid a lot of unexpected trouble.
Traveling for three or more days with someone you don't live can present unexpected issues.
This way, you can budget ahead of time, and several months out, helping to ensure that your budget numbers stay relevant and don't get knocked off course when the unexpected arises!
For an unexpected change of color, violet lenses will surely turn heads.
They sometimes feature unexpected materials, like denim, leather, and Swarovski crystals, in intricate portraits of skulls, dragons, and other popular picks in vintage tattoos.
Changing your eye color to something unexpected can be fun and will shock those around you.
Sometimes he makes them modern by pairing an unexpected lens color with them, like blue or dark red, whether in movies or real life.
Retro glasses can top off an entire retro look or can be worn with modern or preppy styles to achieve a cool, unexpected look.
They're big, wide, and have an unexpected combination of curves and angles.
Another unique feature of this Danish line is the unexpected detail used on each frame.
Other frames may feature a brightly colored stripe or a bold interior frame color that adds a pop of unexpected style.
The ride itself has been darkened to provide a spookier, more unexpected ride as many areas of the ride are now pitch black and riders cannot see the upcoming twists and dips.
By creating trio near the bottom of the screen, you can make many (oftentimes unexpected) chain reactions.
That said, these Jewel Quest chain reactions can cause some frustration, especially if you're working on a particular tile only to have an unexpected disappearance take away that all important gleaming skull, for example.
These unauthorized modifications may void your Wii's warranty and cause other unexpected problems.
You can easily find many interesting, amusing, and unexpected PSX cheats for thousands of titles at cheat sites like www.gamefaqs.com and www.gamespot.com.
Below is a list of several of these strange, unexpected instances that can be encountered during your missions.
This can sometimes result in unexpected matching sets, which in turn can cause other matching sets, and so on.
Who knows, something fantastically unexpected may have happened and it's up to you to clean up the mess.
Unexpected placement of ordinary styles, such as a ponytail placed on the very top of the head instead of a more traditional location or overuse of hair accessories such as mini-clips or small ponytail holders.
Some individuals use chunking as a method of infusing ultra-bright, unexpected shades into their natural hair color.
Sure, they may not spark the same sort of enthusiasm as a hit song or a your favorite tipple, but there's no denying the allure of a strand or two of unexpected pink lacing its way through a mane of healthy hair.
The availability of everything from clip-on highlights to temporary color makes it possible to experiment with this unexpected color before ever taking the plunge into something more permanent.
Long, loose locks may be a great look, but if the wedding is on a beach or in an outdoor location that may have unexpected breezes, an untamed style can be problematic.
With his penchant for the unusual and unexpected and his ability to pull off just about any style with a smile on his face, Malakar inspired a few long-haired guys to add some life to their own locks.
Funky and unexpected, they make great use of texture.
Go bold and express your outrageousness with an unexpected punk hair color.
This style is also great if any unexpected inclement weather arises because hair will still look smooth and polished.
For a new take on an old classic, try pulling the bun slightly askew, which will look polished and classic, but slightly unexpected.
If you have your own feathers, be sure to find out if you can bring them and how much it will cost to avoid disappointment and unexpected fees.
Ask about hidden fees or other expenses to avoid being blindsided by unexpected costs.
Be sure to verify exactly what is expected of you when you are approved for benefits so that you will not experience any problems, such as an interruption in benefit or unexpected loss of eligibility for unemployment compensation.
Home Inspection Specialists provides general home inspections and roofing inspections within the Chicago Metropolitan Area and Chicago suburbs to help protect you against unexpected home system failures and associated repair bills.
Obtaining a mortgage refinance in Ontario Canada can be a good way to get funds for many of life's unexpected surprises.
This unexpected development was particularly prevalent with homeowners who had obtained second mortgages, increasing the total amount they owed.
You may also find yourself constantly interrupted by phone calls, errand requests, and unexpected visits from family and friends who don't understand that you're really working.
Although ultrasounds are not performed for the purpose of determining a baby's gender, they often provide this unexpected benefit.
Many women worry that their water will break at an unexpected moment or that they might not recognize the beginning stages of labor, but your instructor will go over some of the early warning signs to put you at ease.
It covers you for unexpected illness related to your pregnancy, providing a portion of your usual salary while you're unable to work.
This may be an unexpected event in your life, but if it does happen, you'll be better off if you have a plan in place first.
In the event that this happens, a couple are naturally faced with a difficult dilemma of an unexpected and, in some cases, unwanted pregnancy.
For some couples, the unexpected shock may result in a happy event while others may be devastated by the news.
Unexpected complications during a pregnancy can also lead to unforeseen time off from work.
While it can be an advantage to have paid time off for part of your maternity leave, this may be a problem if you need to miss work at a later date due to your newborn's unexpected illness.
Immunizations and well-baby visits plus unexpected trips to the doctor are also noteworthy.
If the mother will be taking time off work, factor those costs in and plan for the unexpected.
Unexpected bleeding and cramping during pregnancy makes many women wonder "Can I get my period if I'm pregnant?"
Bed rest often comes as an unexpected surprise, so many women have concerns about the financial implications of being confined to their home.
This way, in the event that something unexpected occurs, you'll have all the necessary phone numbers right there at your fingertips.