Unequivocal Sentence Examples
Yet the transformation is unequivocal; and the revised conception no longer seems to connote the theological implications that were at first ascribed to it.
This is the unequivocal testimony of consciousness."
You don't need to defend your thinking you just need to stay unequivocal.
Anyone who expects an unequivocal statement that the UFOs are interplanetary spacecraft is surely being a little naive, to say the least.
The message I got from people was quite unequivocal.
A moral position must begin with unequivocal condemnation, the absence of which could eliminate even the language by which people can communicate.
The first absolutely unequivocal case of HIV ' superinfection ' was reported at the Retrovirus Conference.
Whilst some such classifications may be fairly unequivocal, generating useful schema is an ongoing task.
Constantine lavished patronage to the Church from 312 AD and his own pronouncements seem unequivocal that he was committed to Christianity from 312 AD.
But Boetius denied the accusation in unequivocal terms. He did indeed wish the integrity of the senate.
AdvertisementIn a word, the Hebrew Genesis shows unequivocal evidence of Babylonian origin, but, in the words of Professor Sayce, it is but "a paraphrase and not a translation."
This I take to be the only unequivocal intimation of the sonship of the angels which the Old Testament Church ever got.
France was still trying to weaken the language of the unequivocal undertaking to relate to the ultimate goal of nuclear disarmament.
Ministerial contact with SF was broken off until 'an unequivocal ceasefire ' was restored.
Indeed many people during the evening were grateful for the mayor 's unequivocal commitment to keep swimming pools in Forest Hill.
AdvertisementWill the Prime Minister continue to give his unequivocal backing?
On the 5th November 2003 Mr Justice Moses made an unequivocal statement to the media.
It appears unequivocal in its condemnation of homosexual behavior.
A generation ago, the answer would have been a nearly unequivocal 'no.'
Kooba handbags act as an unequivocal bait for hot Hollywooders.
AdvertisementIn the end, the Miami-Dade study stated "This study has not proven the unequivocal effectiveness of mandatory uniforms."
I also give the Green Party's unequivocal opposition to the building of a multiplex cinema at Crystal Palace Park.
When Lilian died in 1935 Caroline erected a gravestone (pictured) with a very bold and unequivocal message to the world.
Their unequivocal embrace of social conformity is doubly ironic considering they kept themselves apart from others.
We received unequivocal recognition of the high quality ' Swansea experience ' enjoyed by our students.
AdvertisementIn 2000, the nuclear weapons states themselves promised an " unequivocal undertaking " for the " elimination of their nuclear arsenals.
Nevertheless the text of the Washington Agreement was not unequivocal.
Although Selwyn goes some way to explaining away his severity, she remains unequivocal about her opposition to such parenting methods.
It is strong in its unequivocal insistence on personal purity and responsibility, and in the uncompromising simplicity of its fundamental principle.
The retractation imposed upon Cardinal de Noailles, and his replacement in the archbishopric of Paris by Vintimille, an unequivocal Molinist, excited among the populace a very violent agitation against the court of Rome and the Jesuits, the prelude to a united Fronde of the Sorbonne and the parlement.
Gladstone had for some time been convinced of the expediency of conceding Home Rule to Ireland in the event of the Irish constituencies giving unequivocal proof that they desired it.
The result of the contest was never in doubt, however, for the geological evidence, once it had been gathered, was unequivocal; and by about the middle of the century it was pretty generally admitted that the age of the earth must be measured by an utterly different standard from that hitherto in vogue.
The unequivocal stand of Polk and his party in favour of the immediate annexation of Texas and the adoption of a vigorous policy in Oregon contrasted favourably with the timid vacillations of Henry Clay and the Whigs.