Unequal Sentence Examples
Upper Austria is divided by the Danube into two unequal parts.
The workmanship is unequal, curtness alternating with redundance, and carelessness with elaboration.
This canonical form depends upon j having three unequal linear factors.
I was like little Ascanius, who followed with unequal steps the heroic strides of Aeneas on his march toward mighty destinies.
Unfortunately, the new president was unequal to the task of composing the differences in his party.
A range of granite mountains forms a backbone which divides the peninsula into two unequal portions, the larger of which lies to the east and the smaller to the west of the chain.
Revolts broke out and Passerini showed himself quite unequal to coping with the situation.
These chapters are of very unequal length.
But the unequal strength of the ordus and political and other reasons have prevented this organization from being carried out.
In Argolis and Euboea especially a form with legs of unequal length is found / 4.
AdvertisementIn other Pectinibranchia (and such variations are representative for all Mollusca, and not characteristic only of Pectinibranchia) we find that there is a very unequal division of the egg-cell at the commencement of embryonic development, as in Nassa.
On the theory that the phenomena are wholly due to unequal ionic velocities this result would mean that the cation like the anion moved against the conventional direction of the current.
Two wheels of unequal height are commonly fitted to the front of the beam.
The History of Colonel Jack is an unequal book.
He would never consent to become a "doctor," because he thought the title carried with it responsibilities to which he felt himself unequal.
AdvertisementAs regards his poems proper, of which there are two long ones, the Henriade and the Pucelle, besides smaller pieces, of which a bare catalogue fills fourteen royal octavo columns, their value is very unequal.
In 1762, at the age of eighteen, he went up to Konigsberg with the intention of studying medicine, but finding himself unequal to the operations of the dissecting-room, he abandoned this object, and, by the help of one or two friends and his own self-supporting labours, followed out his earlier idea of the clerical profession by joining the university.
But the only name of first rank in preaching is that of Augustine, and even he is curiously unequal.
The latter office he held for fortythree years, during which time he wrote over 360 compositions for the church and much instrumental music, which, though unequal, deserves more consideration than it has received.
The united fleet was formidable rather in number than in quality; the battleships were of very unequal value, and the faster vessels were tied to the movements of many " lame ducks."
AdvertisementThe historical value of these lists is very unequal; a careful study of the names often proves the lateness of the source, although an appreciation of the principles of genealogies sometimes reveals important historical information; see Caleb, Genealogy, Judah.
If the loads are very unequal in magnitude or distance this condition may be satisfied for more than one position of the loads, but it is not 0 difficult to ascertain which position gives the maximum moment.
Now, except for very short bridges and very unequal loads, a parabola can be found which includes the curve of maximum moments.
Within a year the court was brought into sudden disfavour with the country by two events of unequal importance, but both exciting.
Though very unequal, and exceedingly simple both in style and construction, it contains some charming melodies, and is written throughout in the most refined taste.
AdvertisementHis papers, which were republished in a single volume with the title Die Mechanik der Wdrme (3rd ed., 1893), are of unequal merit.
The Confederate commanders proved themselves quite unequal to the crisis, and 15,000 men surrendered with the fort on the 16th of February.
It was wholly unequal to the task of blockading the many towns from which privateers could be fitted out.
When the segmentation is unequal one of the megameres gives rise by successive divisions to two primary mesoderm cells called mesomeres; these divide to form two masses of cells called mesoblastic bands.
When the war began the British naval forces were unequal to the work of blockading the whole coast.
Though the struggle was unequal, their attitude of resolute opposition to the Lombards gained for them great weight among the people, who felt that their archbishop was a power around whom they might gather for the defence of their liberty and religion.
If the shoots produced are not sufficient in number, or are badly placed, or very unequal in vigour, the head should be cut back moderately close, leaving a few inches only of the young shoots, which should be pruned back to buds so placed as to furnish shoots in the positions desired.
It consists of two distinct and unequal portions, Bavaria proper, and the Palatinate of the Rhine, which lie from 25 to 40 m.
The pins E, F rise out of the back of the fixed plates A and C, at unequal distances from the axis.
The rotation, by destroying the contacts, preserves this unequal distribution, and carries B from A to C at the same time that the tail K connects the ball with the plate C. In this situation, the electricity in B acts upon that in C, and produces the contrary state, by virtue of the communication between C and the ball; which last must therefore acquire an electricity of the same kind with that of the revolving plate.
Although the sewing, which is necessarily done by hand, the sections being of so unequal and tortuous a character, is rather roughly executed, the matching of colours and qualities is excellent.
It is an irregular building in Gothic style, with a high pointed roof, and flanked by four towers of unequal dimensions.
But digitalis is indicated whenever the heart shows itself unequal to the work it has to perform.
The poverty of the Sicilian population is accentuated by the unequal distribution of wealth among the different classes of society.
In point of style and artistic effect, the different parts of the Koran are of very unequal value.
Nevertheless during her lifetime the system worked fairly well; but her pupil and successor, Eric of Pomerania, was unequal to the burden of empire and embroiled himself both with his neighbours and his subjects.
The eight series of Monochlamydeae, containing 36 orders, form groups characterized mainly by differences in the ovary and ovules, and are now recognized as of unequal value.
When Justinian came to the throne, his troops were maintaining an unequal struggle on the Euphrates against the armies of Kavadh I.
Such a view gets over the difficulty arising from the unequal length of the two halves of the Decalogue.
By other fractures and unequal movements of upheaval or depression portions of the older rocks have been brought up within the bounds of the younger, and areas of the younger have been enclosed by the older.
The varying texture of this rock, its irregular foliation and jointing, and its ramifying veins of pegmatite give it very unequal powers of resistance.
It is of unequal merit, being best in places where the author was most imterested, especially in points of the development of law.
Later political fervour has grouped him with the author of the Wallace, and treated the unequal pair as the singers of a militant patriotism.
A similar kind of segregation may take place in the formation of the repeated parts of an organism, so that symmetrical repetition may be compared with normal heredity, and be due to the presence of similar factors in the divisions of the embryonic cells, whilst the differentiation of repeated parts may be due to the unequal distribution of such factors and be comparable with variation.
The lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, though unequal in their composition and belonging to different dates, serve to exhibit the vital connexion of the system with Christianity.
The presence of the iron core has been made visible by the splitting of the figure, owing to the unequal contraction of the two metals.
Though he distrusted his powers and declined the responsibility of supreme command, there is nothing in his career to show that he would have been unequal to it.
From the gorge of the Indus to that of the Brahmaputra, a distance of 1400 m., the Himalayas form an unbroken watershed, the northern flank of which is drained by the upper valleys of these two rivers; while the Sutlej, starting from the southern foot of the Kailas Peak, breaks through the watershed, dividing it into two very unequal portions, that to the north-west being the smaller.
The highlands of the peninsula, which are cut off from the encircling ranges by the broad Indo-Gangetic plain, are divided into two unequal parts by an almost continuous chain of hills running across the country from west by south to east by north, just south of the Tropic of Cancer.
Elphinstone was an old man, unequal to the responsibilities of the position.
After devoting some time to the inquiry he found that by combining lenses formed of different kinds of glass the effect of the unequal refrangibility of light was corrected, and in 1733 he succeeded in constructing telescopes which exhibited objects free from colour.
It differs from the Algol type in having two unequal minima separated by two equal maxima.
Supposing that the two stars are of unequal surface brilliancy, the magnitude at minimum will depend on which of the two stars is the nearer to us, accordingly there are two unequal minima in each revolution.
When the angular momentum is too great for the usual spheroidal form to persist, this gives place to an ellipsoid with three unequal axes; this is succeeded by a pear-shaped form.
But the two princes proved unequal to their task and did not support Mohallab sufficiently, so that the Kharijites gained more than one victory.
From these groups a lofty range runs southwards, dividing the empire into two unequal parts.
The irregular flowers have five sepals united at the base, the dorsal one produced into a spurred development of the axis; of the five petals the two upper are slightly different and stand rather apart from the lower three; the eight stamens are unequal and the pistil consists of three carpels which form a fleshy fruit separating into three one-seeded portions.
These volumes were largely written under Mr. Bancroft's direction and control by an office staff, and are of very unequal value; they are a vast storehouse of detailed material which is of great usefulness, although their judgments of men are often inadequate and prejudiced.
Cult divides into two unequal parts, the stimulation of the religious emotions and the control of piety.
If two such W2 0 - - hyperboloids E, F, equal or E T unequal, be placed in the closest possible contact, as in fig.
The subdivision of a poem like the Iliad or Odyssey among different and necessarily unequal performers must have been injurious to the effect.
At the same time, in judging the apparently inhuman way in which the Sudras were treated in the caste rules, one has always to bear in mind the fact that the belief in metempsychosis was already universal at the time, and seemed to afford the only rational explanation of the apparent injustice involved in the unequal distribution of the good things in this world; and that, if the Sudra was strictly excluded from the religious rites and beliefs of the superior classes, this exclusion in no way involved the question of his ultimate emancipation and his union with the Infinite Spirit, which were as certain in his case as in that of any other sentient being.
In 62 Burrus died, it was said by poison, and Seneca retired from the unequal contest.
The country is still continuing to rise, but at an unequal rate; of nearly 3.3 ft.
He ascertained the distribution of electricity among several spheres (whether equal or unequal) placed in contact in a straight line; and he measured the distribution of 2 In 1878 Clerk Maxwell repeated Cavendish's experiments with improved apparatus and the employment of a Kelvin quadrant electrometer as a means of detecting the absence of charge on the inner conductor after it had been connected to the outer case, and was thus able to show that if the law of electric attraction varies inversely as the nth power of the distance, then the exponent n must have a value of 2 t Isua.
The fibre is decidedly inferior to flax and hemp in strength and tenacity; and, owing to a peculiarity in its microscopic structure, by which the walls of the separate cells composing the fibre vary much in thickness at different points, the single strands of fibre are of unequal strength.
The bibliography of Arnold of Brescia is very vast and of very unequal value.
The two valves of the shell are unequal in size, and of different shape; the left valve is larger, thicker and more convex, and on it the animal rests in its natural state.
The scanty rainfall in many parts of South Africa and its unequal distribution necessitates a system of artificial irrigation unless much of the land be allowed to remain uncultivated.
Throughout 1789 and 1790 Gustavus, in the national interests, gallantly conducted the unequal struggle with Russia, finally winning in the Svensksund (9th-loth July) the most glorious naval victory ever gained by the Swedish arms, the Russians losing one-third of their fleet and 7000 men.
The last years of his life were spent in comparative poverty and isolation, as even the Esterhazy-Forchtenstein estates were unequal to the burden of supporting his fabulous extravagance and had to be placed in the hands of curators.
But their strengths were in reality very unequal.
The relation between a lord and his vassals, implied in the oath of fealty, has been extended to states of unequal power; it has been found convenient to designate certain states as vassal states, and their superiors as suzerains.
The arrangement of senatorial representation is very unequal; and the densely populated counties are under-represented.
These captacula are of unequal length, highly contractile and extensile, easily thrown off and regenerated.
If a rigid rod, or a wing with a rigid anterior margin, be made to vibrate, the vibration is characterized by an unequal jerky motion, at the end of the down and up strokes, which contrasts strangely with the smooth, steady fanning movement peculiar to natural wings.
Jacobi, he extended these results to curves and surfaces of unequal order.
She struggled long against her powerful kinsfolk, nor did she know happiness till near the end of her life, when she abandoned the unequal strife, and found repose with Francis of Borselen, Ruward of Holland, her fourth husband.
In Taxus the body-cell eventually divides into two, in which the products of division are of unequal size, the larger constituting the male generative cell, which fuses with the nucleus of the egg-cell.
Taxes in his view must come out of rent, or profit, or the wages of labour; and he observes that every tax which falls finally upon one only of the three sorts of revenue "is necessarily unequal in so far as it does not affect the other two," and in examining different taxes he disregards as a rule this sort of inequality, and confines his observations "to that inequality which is occasioned by a particular tax falling unequally upon that particular sort of private revenue which is affected byl it."
Meanwhile the year 1635 saw the production of Mddde, a grand but unequal tragedy.
D, Diagram illustrating the process of budding by unequal division.
In division a vertical constriction divides a zooid into two equal or unequal parts, and the several parts of the two corals thus produced are severally derived from the corresponding parts of the dividing corallum.
The sultan Abdul Aziz, thought unequal to the crisis, was hastily deposed; he was either murdered or led to commit suicide; and insurrection in Bulgaria was stamped out by massacre.
These main subdivisions are of unequal size and importance.
By the unequal development of the secondary cortex the stem becomes twoor three-lobed; the roots, which branch dichotomously, spring from the furrows between the lobes.
The yield, which is rough, unequal and woody in texture, is called virgin cork, and is useful only as a tanning substance, or for forming rustic work in ferneries, conservatories, &c. Subsequently the bark is removed every eight or ten years, the quality of the cork improving with each successive stripping; and the trees continue to live and thrive under the operation for 150 years and upwards.
At this period the unequal and uncertain talent of Cooper would seem to have been at its best.
As, however, the armaments and finances of Servia were unequal to a conflict with Austria-Hungary, while Great Britain, Russia, France and Italy counselled peace, the skupshtina, meeting in secret session on the 11th of October 1908, determined to avoid open hostilities, and sent M Milanovich, the minister for foreign affairs, to press the claims of Servia upon the powers.
Maelsechlainn, taken by surprise and feeling himself unequal to the contest, endeavoured to gain time.
As seen from the above table the density of the population is unequal in the various crown lands.
It had to wait two centuries after the revolution of 987 before it was strong enough to take up the dormant tradition of an authority like that of Rome; and until then it cunningly avoided unequal strife in which, victory being impossible, reverses might have weakened those titles, higher than any due to feudal rights, conferred by the heritage of the Caesars and the coronation at Reims, and held in reserve for the future.
He tried to import more method into the very unequal distribution of taxation, less brutality in collection, less confusion in the fiscal machine, and more uniformity in the matter of rights; while he diminished the debts of the much-involved towns by putting them through the bankruptcy court.
The polarizing action of such crystals is due to the unequal absorption that they exert on polarized streams. Thus a plate of tourmaline of from I mm.
Plane polarized light gives in general two streams of unequal intensity when examined with a rhomb, and for certain positions of the crystal there isonly one emergent stream.
Elliptically polarized, partially elliptically polarized and partially plane polarized light give with Iceland spar two streams of, in general, unequal intensity, neither of which can be made to vanish.
Poynting, is before analysation to impress unequal rotations upon the plane of polarization of the two parts of the field, either by means of an active medium, or by oblique transmission through glass plates.
He explained this effect by supposing that the Volta contact electromotive force varied with the temperature, so that the exact balance was destroyed by unequal heating.
Heavy taxation, aggravated by unequal distribution of the burden, owing to insufficient survey of the assessable property, has also contributed to the decline of this and other branches of Spanish farming.
Poschinger has also edited a series of works in which anecdotes, minutes of interviews and conversations are recorded; they are, however, of very unequal value.
In the end, however, he decided to continue the unequal struggle.
Flowers in which the number of parts in each whorl is the same, are isomerous (of equal number); when the number in some of the whorls is different, the flower is anisomerous (of unequal number).
When the petals are equal as regards their development and size, the corolla is regular; when unequal, it is irregular.
Changes are produced in the whorl of stamens by cohesion of the filaments to a greater or less extent, while the anthers remain free; thus, all the filaments of the androecium may unite, forming a tube round the pistil, or a central bundle when the pistil is abortive, the stamens becoming monadelphous, as occurs in plants of the Mallow tribe; or they may be arranged in two bundles, the stamens being diadelphous, as in Polygala, Fumaria and Pea; in this case the bundles may be equal or unequal.
According to the amount of union of the lobes and the unequal development of different parts of their surface an infinite variety of forms is produced.
The suture is often towards one side in consequence of the valves being unequal.
The affinities of the Dinoflagellata are certainly with those Cryptomonadine Flagellates which possess two unequal flagella; the zoospores or young of the Cystoflagellates are practically colourless Dinoflagellates.
The Thames being unequal to the supply of the large demand for this delicacy, large quantities of whitebait are now brought to London and other markets from many parts of the coast.
Leuckarti, the arrangement is more complicated, the steles showing a differentiation into a central and a peripheral system; the secondary growth was extensive and unequal, usually attaining its maximum on the outer side of the peripheral steles.
In process of time it became one of the most hated and most grossly unequal taxes in the country, but, though condemned by all supporters of reform, it was not abolished until 1790.
These sections, which are of unequal length, are - (1) i.
The outer surfaces of the walls are usually divided by a horizontal moulding into two unequal zones, the lower one plain with a band of sculptured ornaments at the base, and the upper elaborately sculptured.
In the construction of furnaces provision has to be made for the unequal expansion of the different parts under the effect of heat.
Saxony is on the whole the most fertile province of Prussia and excels all the others in its produce of wheat and beetroot for sugar, but the nature of its soil is very unequal.
We have evidence for point mutations, recombination, gene conversions, and unequal crossing-over within and between homologs at this complex locus.
Secondary Water Scarcity Failings of management may lead to scarcity with unequal distribution.
Its use in the private sector has shown it risks making payment divisive and unequal.
Next, divide the dough into two unequal pieces.
No feature of the Old Regime, indeed, was so objectionable as the unequal legal status of its subjects.
Blood pressure in both arms - unequal blood pressures suggests proximal vascular occlusion.
However, his country would only support such a treaty if it did not allow unequal stockpiles of fissile materials.
What creature but man, in the brotherhood created by nature, has made brothers unequal?
Likewise, the flows of resources from Humanity's supposedly " common resource base " are grossly unequal.
The'space for free exchange ' the WSF saw itself as was inherently unequal and many sidelined people and even movements complained bitterly.
Taken together, these studies suggest equal resources to economically unequal groups did not level the playing field.
Thus, if economic relationships are fundamentally unequal, then political and ideological relationships will both reflect - and help to reinforce - inequality.
All this said, we remain a deeply unequal society.
This has always been problematic, because modern society has almost always been highly unequal.
However, their methods prove unequal to the task facing them.
Despite that fact, children's experience of life in Wales remains extremely unequal.
To prevent Britain from becoming even more unequal the Government must re-think its plans.
I feel so unequal to the exertion of hearing and seeing.
An object of equal breadth and color throughout, seen against a background of various colors will appear unequal in breadth.
For that reason partnerships formed around existing organizations may seem very unequal to other participants.
For module (i) the t-Test two sample assuming unequal variance was employed.
Dear young people avoid the unequal yoke it is contrary to the word of God.
Others are unequally yoked to unbelievers, every day proving how unequal the yoke is.
The pope on his side grants the temporal sovereign certain rights, such as that of making or controlling the appointment of dignitaries; engages to proceed in harmony with the government in the creation of dioceses or parishes; and regularizes the situation produced by the usurpation of church property &c. The great advantage of concordats - indeed their principal utility - consists in transforming necessarily unequal unilateral claims into contractual obligations analogous to those which result from an international convention.
Visible differences in the chromosomes have even been observed, especially in insects, which are due apparently to an unequal division by which an additional or accessory chromosome is produced, or in some cases one or two extra chromosomes which differ in size from the others.
Love has shown that the great features of the relief of the lithosphere may be expressed by spherical harmonics of the first, second and third degrees, and their formation related to gravitational action in a sphere of unequal density.'
Perhaps his impressions were too gloomy; his whole enthusiasm had been for the Corsicans, who still maintained an unequal struggle against the French; he deeply resented his father's espousal of the French cause; and dislike of the conquerors of his native island made him morose and solitary.
Fully admitting the extraordinary execution of the engravings, every ornithologist may perceive that as portraits of the birds they are of very unequal merit.
The magnitude of this separation would obviously depend on the magnitude of the substituent group, which may be so large (in this case propyl is sufficient) as to cause unequal horizontal deformation and at the same time a change in the vertical direction.
The wonderful overture is more highly organized and less unequal than that of Tannhduser; and although Wagner uses less L eit-motif than Weber (see Opera, ad fin.) and divides the piece into " numbers " of classical size, the effect is so continuous that the divisions could hardly be guessed by ear.
In the case of unequal width the bands cannot be black; but if h = k, the finiteness of 2g does not preclude the formation of black bands.
It was objectionable on account of its unequal incidence, of the harassing investigation into private affairs which it entailed, and of the frauds to which it inevitably led.
The cock bird, when, to use the fenman's expression, he has not "his show on," and the hen at all seasons, offer no very remarkable deviation from ordinary sandpipers; outwardly there is nothing, except the unequal size of the two sexes, to rouse suspicion of any abnormal peculiarity.
Pebrine manifests itself by dark spots in the skin of the larvae; the eggs do not hatch out, or hatch imperfectly; the worms are weak, stunted and unequal in growth, languid in movement, fastidious in feeding; many perish before coming to maturity; if they spin a cocoon it is soft and loose, and moths when developed are feeble and inactive.
But his son proved unequal to his task, and in 1862 was forced to abdicate (see Otho, king of Greece).
The subject of natural history was treated, not from the point of view of mere science, nor from that of sentiment, nor of anecdote nor of gossip, but from that of the author's fervent democratic pantheism, and the result, though, as was to be expected, unequal, was often excellent.
The reasons for this unequal distribution is due in part to poverty.
The unequal treaties The victorious allies wanted their pound of flesh.
The lower forms of life prefigure man in unequal degrees of imperfection; they exist for his sake, but they are not regarded as representing necessary antecedent conditions of human existence.
Bhagalpur is a long and narrow district, divided into two unequal parts by the river Ganges.
While we recognize in the De Rerum Natura some of the most powerful poetry in any language and feel that few poets have penetrated with such passionate sincerity and courage into the secret of nature and some of the deeper truths of human life, we must acknowledge that, as compared with the great didactic poem of Virgil, it is crude and unformed in artistic design, and often rough and unequal in artistic execution.
Suppose then that we have a conductor charged with electricity,we may imagine its surface to be divided up into small unequal areas, each of which carries a unit charge of electricity.
The above expressions for the capacity of an ellipsoid of three unequal axes are in general elliptic integrals, but they can be evaluated for the reduced cases when the ellipsoid is one of revolution, and hence in the limit either takes the form of a long rod or of a circular disk.
This is actually the case; the Carboniferous, Cretaceous and Jurassic systems (qq.v.) contain coal-bearing strata though in unequal degrees,- the first being known as the Coal Measures proper, while the others are of small economic value in Great Britain, though more productive in workable coals on the continent of Europe.
The rainfall is also very unequal in distribution throughout the year, as also between the same periods of different years, and as between the different parts of the state.
Kemp, were enlisted on the white side, and with their tribesmen did much to make unequal odds still more unequal.
Some posthumous fragments of another opera, Daphnis et Chloe, were printed in 1780; and in 1781 appeared Les Consolations des miseres de ma vie, a collection of about one hundred songs and other fugitive pieces of very unequal merit.
At last Lee's men had lost heart in the unequal struggle.
The sixteen volumes of the Campaigns of the Civil War (1881-1882) and the Navy in the Civil War (1883) (written by various authors) are of very unequal merit, but several of the volumes are indispensable to the study of the Civil War.
For in requiring these religions to impart certain prescribed religious truths, and to inculcate the highest moral tone, it burdened them with problems to which they were unequal.
The polyphyletic law was early demonstrated among invertebrates by Neumayr (1889) when he showed that the ammonite genus Phylloceras follows not one but five distinct lines of evolution of unequal duration.
They are six in number, median, ventral and dorsal, and two unequal lateral pairs.
The egg is holoblastic, but the segmentation is very unequal, recalling that of marine annelids and of molluscs.
The winters are usually long and severe, and the summers cool and salubrious, but the diversity of surface together with unequal distances from the sea cause marked variations for the different regions.
The most interesting point about the morphology is the fact that two chromatic bodies, of very unequal size, are almost invariably to be recognized.
His health, however, was unequal to the strain, and after a short sojourn in Algiers he settled in London and adopted the profession of literature.
Though Unequal In Execution, It Contains Passages Of Exceptional Beauty And Power.
Segmentation in these is very unequal, and results in the formation of small cells called micromeres and large cells called megameres, as in fig.
Most of the streets of the old city are parallel and cross at right angles, but they are narrow and enclose blocks of unequal size.
The unequal intensities observed indicate a difference in the effectiveness of the channels through which energy is lost, and this need not be connected with the ultimate state of equilibrium when the body is kept at a uniform temperature.
Eternity in such an unequal partnership wasn't even worth considering.
The chief of his other contributions to optics was the explanation of the rainbow - an explanation far from complete, since the unequal refrangibility of the rays of light was yet undiscovered - but a decided advance upon his predecessors, notably on the De radiis visas et lucis (1611) of Marc-Antonio de Dominis, archbishop of Spalato.
Fogs and hail are rare, but, as in all treeless countries, the rain comes in unequal quantities, and cloudbursts are not unknown.
There is not a very large amount of food-material present in the egg of this snail, and accordingly the cells resulting from division are not so unequal as in many other cases.
With all its defects, Der fliegende Hollander is the most masterly and the least unequal of Wagner's early works.
He was, however, easily influenced and was unequal to the government of the Empire bequeathed to him by his father.
Hittorf (1853) to the unequal speeds with which he supposed the two opposite ions to travel.
Hittorf and many other observers have made experiments to determine the unequal dilution of a solution round the two electrodes when a current passes.
The valves are also in some species very unequal in their respective thickness, as may be seen in Productus (Daviesiella) 1 llangollensis, Davidsonia verneuilii, &c., and while the space allotted to the animal is very great in many species, as in Terebratula sphaeroidalis, it is very small in others belonging to Stro phomena, Leptaena, Chonetes, &c. The ventral valve is usually the thickest, and in some forms is six or seven times as great as the opposite one.
If each of these axes successively is placed parallel to the lines of force in a uniform field H, we shall have = 12 = 13=K3H, the three susceptibilities being in general unequal, though in some cases two of them may have the same value.
The yoke has two projecting pieces C, C' at unequal distances from the knife-edges, and separated from the blocks B, B' by narrow air-gaps.
Under these conditions there is no doubt that the star would appear to be fairly resolved, since the brightness of its external ring system is too small to produce any material confusion, unless indeed the components are of very unequal magnitude.
The original investigation of Stokes, here briefly sketched, extends also to the case where the streams are of unequal width h, k, and are separated by an interval 2g.
It consists in an unequal number of chromosomes passing over to each of the daughter nuclei, so that one may become hypochromatic, the other hyperchromatic. When this happens the resulting cleavage of the cytoplasm and nucleus is also unequal.
But, in spite of attempts at equalization, rates remain very unequal in London, and varied in 1908 from 6s.
When boiling water is poured into a glass vessel, the vessel frequently breaks, on account of the unequal expansion of the inner and outer layers.
Finding himself unequal to the labour of teaching, he resigned his professorship in 1785, and devoted himself to the revision of his lectures, which he published (1792) under the title of Principles of Moral and Political Science.
At Boghaz Keui, Euyuk and Jerablus, the facial type is very markedly non-Semitic. But not much stress can be laid on these differences owing to (i) great variety of execution in different sculptures, which argues artists of very unequal capacity; (2) doubt whether individual portraits are intended in some cases and not in others.
It is difficult to lay down rules for the treatment of cases where the refraction of the two eyes is unequal.
In August 1674 he fought his first great battle at Seneffe, where, though the struggle was not unequal, the honours lay with Conde.
Although the whole conception of the work implies that confusion of the provinces of poetry and history which was perpetuated by later writers, and especially by Lucan and Silius Italicus, yet it was a true instinct of genius to discern in the idea of the national destiny the only possible motive of a Roman epic. The execution of the poem (to judge from the fragments, amounting to about six hundred lines), although rough, unequal and often prosaic, seems to have combined the realistic fidelity and freshness of feeling of a contemporary chronicle with the vivifying and idealizing power of genius.
But let it be observed, first, that to reduce the huge and confused mass of pre-existing law into the compass of these two collections was an immense practical benefit to the empire; secondly, that, whereas the work which he undertook was accomplished in seven years, the infinitely more difficult task of codification might probably have been left unfinished at Tribonian's death, or even at Justinian's own, and been abandoned by his successor; thirdly, that in the extracts preserved in the Digest we have the opinions of the greatest legal luminaries given in their own admirably lucid, philosophical and concise language, while in the extracts of which the Codex is composed we find valuable historical evidence bearing on the administration and social condition of the later Pagan and earlier Christian empire; fourthly, that Justinian's age, that is to say, the intellect of the men whose services he commanded, was quite unequal to so vast an undertaking as the fusing upon scientific principles into one new organic whole of the entire law of the empire.
The efforts made at repression were pitifully unequal.
The The two " halves " are unequal in size.
From Lord Guilford 's description, I have been able to ' reconstruct ' such an unequal temperament which fulfills the necessary criteria.
Likewise, the flows of resources from Humanity 's supposedly " common resource base " are grossly unequal.
The 'space for free exchange ' the WSF saw itself as was inherently unequal and many sidelined people and even movements complained bitterly.
Despite that fact, children 's experience of life in Wales remains extremely unequal.
Another situation where an unequal division may be ordered is where one person is considered to be at fault for the breakdown of the marriage.
An unbalanced translocation involves the unequal loss or gain of genetic information between two chromosomes.
There may be unequal amounts of nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, so that one eye will be in focus while the other will not.
Avoid stones that are lopsided or unequal in length on both sides.
It doesn't matter if the injustice is small, like dividing a chocolate bar in unequal halves, or a large one like drawing up an international peace treaty.
Internally it is a polygon of sixteen unequal sides, and the cupola is supported by sixteen ribs, springing from the same number of columns.
With horses only just recovering from an epidemic, they proved quite unequal to the task of catching the Cossacks, who swarmed round them in every direction, never accepting an engagement but compelling a constant watchfulness for which nothing in their previous experience had sufficiently prepared the French.
It should be noted, however, that another cause would be competent to explain the unequal dilution of the two solutions.
Only an arm of the river, the Danube Canal, so called because it was - regulated and widened in 1598, passes through the city, dividing it into two unequal parts.
The electoral districts so formed are expected to be equal in proportion to the number of inhabitants; but this method has led to much abuse in the past, through the making of unequal districts for partisan purposes.
The total valuation is then divided into three equal parts, representing three groups of electors very unequal in number, each of which elects an equal number of delegates to the municipal duma.
These four groups, however, were of unequal importance, and thanks to this arrangement the English, although weakest in point of numbers, were able to exercise the same influence in the council as if they had formed a fourth of the voters.
The lyrics of Anthony Varady (1875, 1877) are somewhat dull and unequal in tone; both he and Baron Ivor Kaas, author of Az itelet napja (Day of Judgment, 1876), have shown skill rather in the art of dramatic verse.
In like manner may be treated other cases, such as that of a primary wave-front of unequal principal curvatures.
The motion of a jet impinging on an infinite barrier is obtained by putting j = a, j' = a'; duplicated on the other side of the barrier, the motion reversed will represent the direct collision of two jets of unequal breadth and equal velocity.
The explanation of the difference of focus upon the two sides as due to unequal spacing was verified by Cornu upon gratings purposely constructed with an increasing interval.
For our knowledge of their doctrinal system, however, we still depend chiefly upon the sacred books already mentioned, consisting of fragments of very various antiquity derived from an older literature.8 Of these the largest and most important is the Sidra' rabbd (" Great Book"), known also as Ginza - ("Treasure"), consisting of two unequal parts, of which the larger is called yamina (to the right hand) and the smaller s'znala (to the left hand), because of the manner in which they are bound together.
This history, as we now have it, is extracted from various sources of unequal value, which are fitted together in a way which offers considerable difficulties to the critic. In the history of David's early adventures, for example, the narrative is not seldom disordered, and sometimes seems to repeat itself with puzzling variations of detail, which have led critics to the unanimous conclusion that the First Book of Samuel is drawn from at least two sources.