Unemployment Sentence Examples
The unemployment rate in Ouray was one-point-four.
Not everyone can get unemployment benefits.
You should not have a complacent attitude toward unemployment.
These communities have been affected by the decline of the deep mining industry, resulting in environmental dereliction, unemployment, and depopulation.
This can cause massive unemployment if you do not watch this carefully.
The Blair government reduced the unemployment figures by using intimidation at the job centers.
Idle industries have cast workers into unemployment, human misery, and personal indignity.
The prospect of unemployment and no wages were not inductive to pleasure.
The free market forces they support would mean soaring inflation, rising prices and growing unemployment.
Frictional unemployment is the result of inevitable time lags resulting from imperfect mobility between jobs.
AdvertisementAnother cause I would suggest for the severity of the youth unemployment problem is buck passing.
The unemployment ratio represents a snapshot of the position of the labor market at a given point in time.
The wages were never high enough to enable the journeyman weaver to tide over periods of unemployment.
One consequence of the agrarian agitations was the increased use of machinery and the reduction in the number of hands employed, which if it proved advantageous to the landlord and to the few laborers retained, who received higher wages, resulted in an increase of unemployment.
In March 1902 agrarian strikes organized by the leg/fe broke out in the district of Copparo and Polesine (lower valley of the Po), owing to a dispute about the labor contracts, and in Apulia on account of unemployment.
AdvertisementThe main reason is almost incontrovertible; it is the long duration for which unemployment benefits are payable.
They have fled a country with 18 per cent unemployment, the highest figure in the 25-nation bloc.
By 2002, the time of filming, unemployment is through the roof and rural campesinos are agitating for political representation.
The main purpose of the QLFS is to provide internationally comparable statistics on the levels and changes in employment, unemployment and economic inactivity.
Moreover, whatever the starting point the unemployment ratio will very quickly converge to the same stable level.
AdvertisementOne factor that had a high correlation coefficient was the rate of unemployment.
We find that religion accounts for about half of the unemployment differential in our two samples.
Neither fascism nor mass unemployment could be used to impose discipline over labor.
There was major disinvestment in schools, hospitals and transport, record unemployment, severe homelessness, insufficient housing.
Add rising unemployment and economical downturn in to the mix, and things get very interesting.
AdvertisementHappiness economics would target unemployment beyond what is economically efficient to what is optimal for well-being.
Youth unemployment has been virtually eradicated in many areas.
The low unemployment Ace refers to is being sustained by this very flaky marginal demand.
He has been recently working on cumulative causation models of growth, unemployment hysteresis and international technology spillovers.
Any unemployment is equilibrium unemployment and arises from labor market imperfections.
They are the party of mass unemployment, of high inflation and mortgage misery.
For the first time for fifty years Britain has the lowest unemployment of any major industrialized nation.
Without any real consultation with the PCS, Government Ministers calmly cast tens of thousands of mainly poorly paid public servants into unemployment.
At the regional level, there is some evidence for convergence in unemployment rates.
The data also showed that the unemployment is particularly rife among women.
If there is a recession in the economy, then this will lead to unemployment rising / falling.
He proposes similar thought experiments to cover contingencies such as unemployment and having a poor endowment of marketable talent.
New Deal was launched earlier in the day (6 April 1998) across Northern Ireland in order to tackle long-term unemployment.
Consumer confidence is falling against a backdrop of high consumer debt and fear of rising unemployment.
Article 150 The State shall extensively establish financial institutions for the common people, with a view to relieving unemployment.
Some of the difference results from involuntary unemployment or involuntary early retirement, reflecting labor market distortions.
There was mass unemployment at the end of the Napoleonic wars, in 1815.
Simply raising the level of aggregate demand in the economy will do little to alleviate the problem of structural unemployment.
Nor would he release the Belgian prisoners, as they supplied him with a useful labor force, whereas Belgium already had widespread unemployment.
The rate of claimant count unemployment remained at 5.2 percent.
The rate of youth unemployment is 35% compared to national average of 15% .
Medicaid eligibility unemployment for a similar policy we have had.
Poland, for example, has an unemployment rate of 20 percent, despite its wealth of skilled workers.
This dead-end job was the best I could do in a country wracked with unemployment (over 30% ).
Insurance against unemployment was.
This was the opening salvo launched by a sculptor at an Unemployment Benefit Tribunal hearing.
This was quite easy for him as young Jews in the garment trade often became seamen in times of seasonal unemployment.
However, domestic consumption and investment remained subdued due to near record unemployment and uncertainty about the future.
In truth, the local communities were hardly likely to swoon with delight at the prospect of a localized response to unemployment and poverty.
A similar study in Newcastle revealed unemployment to be twice as common in teenagers with arthritis, than others.
Mankiw has had an abiding intellectual fascination with A W Phillips '1958 postulation of a trade-off between wage inflation and unemployment.
To follow these we examine the Phillips Curve (the trade-off between unemployment and inflation).
Frictional Unemployment This type of unemployment reflects job turnover in the labor market.
Moreover similar means the unemployment rate-current expanded section eligibility.
The last year has seen the number of people claiming unemployment benefits fall to its lowest level for nearly thirty years.
New Data about the PACT Area The latest local unemployment figures for the PACT area are shown below.
The rate of youth unemployment is 35% compared to national average of 15 %.
By contrast, Europe is stagnating and burdened with double digit unemployment, and Asia is floundering in the wake of financial collapse.
This dead-end job was the best I could do in a country wracked with unemployment (over 30 %).
If you plan on paying your nanny yourself, however, you will need to pay the taxes, which will include federal unemployment, state employment, disability, Medicare, and Social Security.
Unfortunately, life in Haiti is difficult for its residents as political unrest and high unemployment continue to plague the country.
If you are unable to make any payment towards your debts, due to unemployment or having too much debt, debt counseling is not beneficial since this method of debt repayment does require monthly payments.
Lenders cannot come after you, for example, if your only source of income is unemployment, disability payments or Social Security payments.
Pregnancy and voluntary unemployment do not qualify as eligible events.
Independent contractors are prohibited from requesting a balance cancelation due to unemployment.
Parents will submit tax returns, termination letters, payroll check stubs, medical records of any disability, or evidence of receipt of government assistance such as unemployment benefits.
Should a substantial change in circumstances occur, such as unemployment, the amount of child support to be paid may need to be altered.
These feelings intensify if you don't have savings to get you through your financial obligations during your unemployment.
And to all the Tom Cruise fans who feel LoveToKnow Celebrity has been too tough of the egotistical mega power, read Tom Cruise Goes on Unemployment to find out what tough really is.
Lost their jobs due to the economy and are on unemployment.
If you're unemployed and looking for a way to go back to school to improve your financial future and family security, contact your local and state unemployment offices.
A sticky, corrosive web of high unemployment, record numbers of incarceration and low levels of education have teachers very worried indeed.
Make sure you keep the people happy, or they will leave causing massive unemployment.
Make sure people are happy, or risk having them leave, causing massive unemployment.
Unemployment by either or both parents causes financial hardships and social and emotional strain, which can disrupt family life.
The emergence of widespread homelessness, substance abuse (especially crack and methamphetamines), unemployment, increased incarceration rates, street violence, and HIV/AIDS have all impacted poor communities.
Delinquent and antisocial behaviors in young children, particularly those who live in environments where poverty, unemployment, and drug addiction are common, are early danger signs.
Unfortunately, the unemployment rate for women and those with high school and college graduates is higher than the rate for men and less educated workers.
Overall, the unemployment rate is around 6.3%.
The other difficulty is that unemployment rates are high.
Jobs in Germany can by tricky to find due to the high unemployment rate.
The eastern part of Germany is generally the least expensive region, but unemployment rates are higher there than in other parts of the country.
However, the unemployment rate is around 12 percent, and it will be exceptionally hard for a non-German speaker to find employment there.
It's worth noting, though, that a large portion of the unemployment is concentrated in what used to be East Germany.
The unemployment rate was 10.3% as of 2006, according to Index Mundi.
Many states are now allowing you to file unemployment online.
This can be an excellent alternative, cutting down the time one has to spend at an unemployment office.
For those who need to file unemployment, want to find out if they qualify, or would like to report job search information, it may be possible to do so from home.
One of the first steps in getting unemployment benefits is to determine if you qualify.
If you believe you qualify or may qualify for unemployment benefits, there is no reason not to apply.
After you fill out the appropriate information, the unemployment office will notify you if you qualify or not.
Locate the state's unemployment offices online.
You can also find a link to the state's unemployment website through the state's department of labor office.
These are just a few of the state unemployment sites.
There is never a cost to get information about filing unemployment from a state, or to make a claim.
To file unemployment online, you will need to have your personal identification information, your Social Security number, and any proof of employment for the last months.
The process is similar to filling out unemployment forms at a local office, just done online.
The process of filing an unemployment claim online is usually a systematic approach.
Most states do not offer an instant approval process for unemployment.
You will still need to wait for the office to approve your request for unemployment insurance.
The unemployment website for your state may offer a variety of other tools and forms alongside filing a claim.
This is often a requirement to continue to receive unemployment benefits.
To find out if you qualify for unemployment, visit your state's department of labor website.
Instructions, how to videos and tutorials are available online on most websites to help you through the process of applying for unemployment.
Applying for unemployment benefits has become easier than it was just a decade ago.
In most states people are able to apply for unemployment online instead of having to stand in line for hours to request benefits.
To find out if you qualify for unemployment, start by visiting the Department of Labor website for your state to learn how to start the application process.
The process of requesting unemployment benefits starts with filing out a claim form, which allows representatives for the state where you live or are applying for benefits to determine if you qualify.
Most states allow individuals to file unemployment online, or you may need to contact your local unemployment office to apply in person.
Trade related unemployment might find additional claim options here as well.
These are just a few of the states that offer online unemployment applications.
To apply for unemployment benefits, you will need to have specific information to complete the application.
You'll need to choose a login name and password when you apply for unemployment online.
You will use them to gain access to your account to learn if your application has had approval and to reapply for unemployment benefits during the time you are receiving benefits.
Some states allow you to do this reapplication online while others make you come in to the unemployment office to show proof of your search for a job.
Applying for unemployment benefits is a systematic process.
Once you start to receive your unemployment benefits, you will likely need to file weekly or bi-weekly claims to continue to receive your check.
Be sure to know when the unemployment week starts (Sunday or Monday) and how often you need to file.
Depending on the specific center, you may be able to get help to deal with the loss of your job, filing a claim for unemployment benefits, and referrals to other local agencies who may be able to provide help.
To file for unemployment benefits, individuals need to meet specific qualifications.
The Federal-State Unemployment Insurance Program provides individuals who have lost a job through no fault of their own with monetary assistance until they can secure future employment.
Each state defines what scenarios qualify an individual for unemployment benefits.
State laws define eligibility for unemployment insurance.
State laws define eligibility for unemployment.
To file a claim for unemployment, an individual needs to contact the appropriate State Unemployment Insurance office after becoming unemployed.
Most states allow you to file a claim for unemployment online or over the phone.
For those who may have worked in a different state than they live, or those that worked in multiple states, contact the state unemployment insurance agency of the state you now live in.
The second week of unemployment is the first week that is eligible for unemployment benefits.
Once an individual files for unemployment, they are required to maintain eligibility for benefits by filing a weekly or biweekly claim.
In some states, individuals must come in to their local unemployment office on a specific day and time scheduled to them for an interview.
At the time of applying for unemployment, any reason for job loss other than "lack of work" often requires a determination made about eligibility.
For those who are unable to obtain unemployment benefits, or who become disqualified at a later time, there is an appeal process.
In addition, an employer may also appeal the state's decision to provide or not provide an individual with unemployment benefits.
When you file for unemployment, if you are approved you will receive benefits.
This is usually due to high unemployment rates.
To learn more about unemployment insurance, visit the Department of Labor.
During an economic downturn or a recession, the number of people losing their jobs climbs causing the unemployment rate to steadily increase.
When slow economic conditions occur in many countries at the same time, businesses around the world face massive layoffs, business restructures and company closings and unemployment rates clim on an international basis.
Typically, filing an unemployment compensation claim is the first action required during layoffs.
See the list of state offices published on the United States Department of Labor's (DOL) website to find contact information for the agency in charge of unemployment compensation in your state.
Be sure to verify exactly what is expected of you when you are approved for benefits so that you will not experience any problems, such as an interruption in benefit or unexpected loss of eligibility for unemployment compensation.
Generally, to keep receiving unemployment benefits following a layoff, you must be engaged in an active job search process and be available and able to work.
In some states, registration with the local Career One Stop center is also required during layoffs, or unemployment for another reason, in order to remain eligible for unemployment benefits.
If you are out of work for a while, you may want to apply for financial assistance programs beyond the scope of unemployment compensation.
This includes unemployment benefits and compensation.
The sooner you file for unemployment benefits, the sooner you'll begin receiving them.
You may also find out just how much unemployment compensation you will be able to collect between jobs depending on how long you were with your current (or if you've already been laid off, former) employer and what your current salary is.
The procedures for signing up for unemployment insurance vary from one state to another.
If you need to apply for benefits, the first thing you'll need to do is locate the agency responsible for overseeing the unemployment compensation program in your state.
There is a comprehensive directory of state unemployment insurance offices on the U.S. Department of Labor's website.
In many states, it is possible to file for unemployment online or by telephone, while in others applicants are required to complete paper-based application forms.
Regardless of your state of residence, you'll be required to furnish information about yourself and your work history when you apply for unemployment compensation.
Position - The position lost has to be one for which the employer paid unemployment insurance premiums on your behalf.
Previous Earnings - Each state has specific requirements regarding the length of time a personal has to have and the amount of money he or she has to have earned prior to becoming eligible to receive unemployment.
Reason for Termination - In most states, people are eligible for unemployment only if job loss did not result from a voluntary resignation or termination for cause.
Prior Unemployment Claims - There are annual limits on the number of weeks an individual may receive unemployment.
Are you wondering what your local unemployment offices can assist you with now that you've lost your job?
Find out more about your benefits, compensation, unemployment laws, and get help finding a new place to work.
At your local office, you can apply for unemployment benefits and compensation (or an extension).
The state disability program covers unemployment as a result of an illness or injury that was the result of your job.
Please keep in mind that if you are an independent contractor, you will probably not be eligible for unemployment benefits.
In addition, the unemployment office can assist you in finding a new job.
You won't be able to collect unemployment benefits and compensation forever, so one of the one-stop career centers could come in handy for you.
If you're curious about unemployment rates, how they compare to the national unemployment rates, and other statistics for your state, you can often find them on your state's website.
You can find out what the unemployment laws are for your state and then locate an unemployment office (or one-stop career center) near you.
Because each state can make its own unemployment laws, rules, and programs, you'll need to contact your local office.
Your unemployment office can be just what you need to get back on your feet after job loss.
The people there are trained and willing to help you, so find your local unemployment office as soon as possible so that you can take advantage of the resources available to you.
The cause and effects of unemployment is a hot topic, because unemployment touches so many people.
For much of the 1980's and 1990's, America experienced a low level of unemployment; however in 2008 and 2009, unemployment soared to over ten percent, the highest it had been for more than twenty five years prior.
While it is clear that unemployment is a problem, it may be less clear why unemployment happens, and what its results are?
The cause and effects of unemployment are as varied as they are wide-ranging.
In order to understand the problem of unemployment in the United States, you must understand that there are several different types of unemployment.
For example, seasonal and frictional unemployment are two forms that never go away.
The season causes additional employment for one type of industry and an increase in unemployment for another.
Frictional unemployment, another type of unemployment, is simply the level of unemployment maintained by individuals who are "in-between" jobs.
Therefore, unemployment is, in many cases, to be expected-even in a totally healthy, growing economy.
The type of unemployment that concerns most Americans is what's called "cyclical" unemployment, which depends on how the economy is doing.
Cyclical unemployment is caused by the rise and fall of economic and investment activity in the United States and throughout the world.
In general, unemployment affects all corners of the globe at the same time to some degree, for everyone lives in a "global economy" wherein the inability to spend and stimulate growth in one nation adversely affects another.
Unfortunately, unemployment caused by an economic downturn is difficult to turn around due to the inability of nonworking individuals to spend money.
In other words, unemployment is often a vicious circle, with the effects felt through every layer of the economy, and it often gets worse before it gets better.
When you begin to understand the cause and effects of unemployment, it is easy to see why governments react the way that they do.
Unemployment claim filing is not a complicated task, but one, which does require organization and time from the applicant.
Applying online for unemployment insurance is possible in most areas of the United States.
Applicants will be required to document the reason for unemployment and dates worked for all employers the previous 18 months.
Specific governmental guidelines determine who is eligible for unemployment compensation.
Reviewing qualification information online or contacting a staffer at the state unemployment department, will clarify filing facts at no cost to the applicant.
Opening an unemployment claim requires contact with the state unemployment office.
Displaced workers can accomplish this task by logging onto the state's unemployment website or scheduling an appointment to speak with a caseworker.
The unemployment claim filing process takes several weeks.
The designated state agency processes unemployment benefits to displaced workers.
The Internal Revenue Service considers unemployment checks as taxable and they count as income when filing annual taxes.
Workers who left a paid position without just cause or terminated for misconduct do not qualify for unemployment compensation.
Self-employed individuals do not qualify for government unemployment benefits.
Before logging onto the Internet or scheduling a meeting at a local unemployment office, gather all necessary information.
Status as a United States citizen or legal work permit is required for unemployment insurance.
Should a denial of benefits be determined, the displaced worker has the right to appeal the decision by completing the appropriate form either online or in person at the local unemployment office.
In conjunction with filing a claim for unemployment, a displaced worker must also complete documents with the state job services office.
Individuals receiving unemployment benefits cannot turn down a valid job offer and continue to receive benefits.
Displaced workers granted unemployment benefits must adhere to all rules governing the acceptance of an unemployment check or risk discontinuation of funds.
As of November 2009, unemployment benefits continue for 26 weeks.
There are many things that you must keep in mind when answering the question of "how do I file for unemployment insurance in Canada?".
Much of what needs to be completed at the time of application depends on the type of unemployment you are claiming.
The required documents for each type of unemployment are quite different and you must make sure to include them all in order to ensure your claim is approved.
In order to file for unemployment insurance in Canada, you can visit your local Service Canada office, or fill out an application online at Service Canada's online website.
If you have questions, telephone or in person customer support can help you answer the question of "how do I file for unemployment insurance in Canada" and the telephone numbers to reach this support are also available on the website.
Re-processing your claim using your original code ensures you will not have to go through the mandatory two week waiting period before receiving your unemployment benefits.
Regular unemployment benefits are those benefits received due to being laid off from a job because of lost production.
If your employer submits ROEs electronically to the Canadian government, there is no need to obtain a copy from your employer because it will be on file with the unemployment office.
These types of applications for unemployment insurance in Canada can be completed out in three ways.
Keep in mind that in order to receive benefits from unemployment, you will need to start this new application within four weeks of your last day on the job.
Unemployment benefits in Canada can also be collected for maternity or parental leave.
This type of unemployment sustains income for those who leave their jobs temporarily to care for a newborn child or to care for a child that was recently placed with them through the adoption process.
You can also collect unemployment benefits if you are temporarily injured or become ill and cannot work.
In this case, unemployment benefits will sustain your income through the required time you need off in order to recuperate.
To apply for this type of unemployment insurance, you need to supply all of the same information necessary to apply for regular unemployment benefits.
However, you will also need to have a your physician fill out a medical certificate that can be submitted to unemployment that indicates when you will be eligible to return to your job.
Compassionate care unemployment benefits can be collected by anyone who is required to stay home and care for a family member that is either temporarily ill or gravely ill.
For someone taking care of a temporarily ill family member, unemployment benefits can be collected for six weeks.
For those staying home to take care of a gravely ill family member, unemployment will sustain income for a duration of 26 weeks prior to the death of the family member.
In order to collect such unemployment benefits, you will need to provide all of the information and documentation that is required to collect regular unemployment benefits.
You cannot apply for unemployment insurance in Canada if you have caused your own job loss.
For instance, if you were fired or let go from a job for not adhering to proper safety requirements or for taking too much time off, then you are not eligible to receive unemployment benefits.
Unemployment applies only in those special situations when you lose your job due to no fault of your own.
However, those who are eligible now have an answer to the question, "how do I file for unemployment insurance in Canada."
When it comes to qualifying for unemployment insurance, Ontario workers are subject to different rules depending on where they live.
The unemployment insurance program is designed to provide temporary financial support to workers who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own.
To qualify for benefits, an individual must be working for an employer who deducts unemployment insurance premiums from his or her pay check.
For employees who work in the province of Quebec, the unemployment insurance premium rate is set at $1.38 for every $100 of salary earned (up to the maximum insurance amount of $42,300).
To apply for unemployment insurance, Ontario residents are required to submit a Record of Employment (ROE).
Unemployment insurance recipients must serve a two-week waiting period before any benefits will be paid.
The following table for the number of insurable hours required for collecting unemployment insurance benefits and the number of weeks an unemployed person may receive them is current as of December, 2009.
Unemployment Insurance benefit in Canada is a payment made to qualified individuals who are unemployed.
In most situations, unemployment insurance benefits go to those who are out of work through no fault of their own.
Before 1996, the Canadian system of unemployment benefits was Unemployment Insurance.
At that time, it changed its name to Employment Insurance, due in part to the negative stigma of unemployment.
The government of Canada does not contribute to the payment of unemployment benefits.
If you find yourself unable to find employment and have lost your job due to a loss that is not your fault, it is your right to file an application for unemployment insurance benefits.
If you are in Ontario, find more information on unemployment insurance in Ontario specifically.
The unemployment insurance benefit in Canada is not a specific amount for each person.
Before you can find out whether or not you are eligible to receive unemployment compensation benefits after losing your job you will need to fill out an unemployment application form.
If you become unemployed, you will need to complete the official unemployment application form for the state where live or where the last job you held was located in order to find out whether or not you qualify for benefits.
Most states offer online unemployment application processing.
If you aren't certain which agency in your state is responsible for administering the unemployment compensation program, you can get the information you need from the U.S. Department of Labor's website.
You'll be provided with the names, website addresses, and contact information for the organizations responsible for processing unemployment claims and providing related services in the location where you live.
Once you are connected with the right agency, you will be able to being the process of submitting your application for unemployment benefits.
Each state has very specific requirements about the circumstances under which an individual is eligible to receive unemployment benefits.
While unemployment application forms vary from one state to another, the type of information applicants are asked to provide is similar everywhere.
It's important to be aware that you'll only be considered eligible for unemployment benefits if the reason that you are unemployed is not a result of your own actions.
Pay history - Since the amount of unemployment compensation awarded to eligible applicants is based on earnings, you'll need to provide documentation of the rate of pay you were earning at your previous job.
Typically, individuals who are not willing or able to seek and accept suitable employment are not eligible for unemployment benefits.
Once you have completed the appropriate unemployment application form, the information you submitted will be reviewed and a determination regarding your eligibility will be made.
Are you looking for information about how to claim unemployment benefits?
The only way you can be certain regarding whether or not you can receive unemployment benefits is to file a claim in the state where you live or where the last job you held was located.
The determination regarding whether or not you qualify for payments under your state's unemployment compensation insurance fund will be made by officials who represent the agency that administers the program in your state.
Reason for Job Loss - The unemployment compensation program is designed to provide gap income between jobs for people who become unemployed due to factors that are beyond their control.
You will only qualify if you held a job for which your employer paid into the state unemployment insurance fund on your behalf.
Additionally, if you were working as an independent contractor rather than as an employee, you will not qualify for unemployment.
Length of Employment - The length of time that you spent working for your former employer can have an impact on whether or not you qualify for unemployment compensation following job loss.
Prior Unemployment Claims-Each state's program has a limit on the number of weeks an individual can collect unemployment benefits during any twelve month period.
Availability for Work - If you are not currently willing or available to accept suitable work if it is offered to you, your attempt to claim unemployment benefits will likely be denies.
If you feel there is a chance that you are eligible to receive benefits, you will want to fill out the documentation that your state requires from individuals who want to claim unemployment benefits.
The majority of funds are typically dedicated to providing training to those who live in areas with particularly high unemployment and who meet income requirements.
The process of getting unemployment benefits differs in each state.
Sometimes referred to as "unemployment insurance" the weekly payments given to eligible out-of-work individuals are provided by state governments according to rules established by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Information about and applications for receiving unemployment benefits are offered at Workforce Development Centers.
Receiving unemployment benefits depends on whether your application for benefits is approved by the state.
Proving that you are not responsible for being unemployed will probably be the most challenging aspect of completing an application for unemployment benefits.
If you are disabled, you will most likely need to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance rather than unemployment.
There are six main types of unemployment benefits.
After approval of your application, most states permit you to continue getting unemployment for 26 weeks, although you may be able to collect under the extended benefits plan for an additional 13 weeks.
That half is the amount of unemployment insurance you receive.
If you can prove that you are unemployed due to no fault of your own and properly complete an application, you should have no problem getting unemployment benefits.
In the case of vouchers, a homeowner can receive temporary help meeting their mortgage responsibilities during emergency times such as unemployment or illness.
This company saw the necessity to seek out homeowners in foreclosure, especially once unemployment hit an all time high.
When housing prices declined, followed by the recession of 2009-2010 and high levels of unemployment, many people found that they were unable to continue making their mortgage payments.
Cathedral Shelter of Chicago strives to help the homeless community overcome problems of addiction and unemployment through a wide range of programs such as tutoring and counseling.
As energy costs and the unemployment rate continue to rise in many communities, families often have a difficult time paying for childcare.
Because the majority of Gaza's families are refugees, there are high unemployment and high poverty levels.
The applicant or another adult member of the household has a hardship, such as medical problems, disability, homelessness, pregnancy or unemployment, that may push the applicant's household income below the federal poverty level.
While it's true that many of us could use a little extra here and there, especially when living on a reduced income or dealing with unemployment, what really makes a difference is how we spend and save.
Unemployment compensation helps many people get through this difficult spot, but it’s not enough to replace your entire salary.
Common reasons for these gaps include unemployment, maternity leave, and travel.
However, consider the impact on your resume, unemployment income and other financial resources.
Front pay is often added to make up for loss of job, length of unemployment and future losses due to the discrimination.
These taxes include federal income tax withholding, Social security and Medicare taxes, and the federal unemployment tax.
Employers pay federal unemployment tax (FUTA) separately from income tax, Medicare taxes and Social Security taxes.
Employers qualify to use the less complicated 940 EZ if they paid unemployment taxes in only one state and they paid the taxes by January 31.
The program works by providing you with counseling, training and other forms of assistance to help you to establish your business in lieu of obtaining unemployment insurance.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the unemployment rate in October 2009 was 10.1%.
This was the highest level of unemployment during the entire recession.
Even with interest rates expected to remain low, vehicle availability and unemployment rates are expected to keep the average consumer from purchasing new vehicles due to disposable income levels.
Unemployment data, sales figures, and production statistics can change quickly.
The Huffington Post report by Tom Krisher predicted that the U.S. auto industry would only recover slightly throughout 2010, but that unemployment and other U.S. economic problems would plague the auto market as well.
Now, however, layoffs and switching jobs are commonplace, so the need for financial assistance during times of unemployment is often a reality.
Unemployed workers translate into less eager consumers on the economy, so naturally, unemployment is a big issue among political leaders.
When a person becomes unemployed they can go to their local unemployment office and file a claim for benefits.
Although the benefits do not start immediately, people can receive unemployment benefits for several weeks, as long as they continue to search for a job.
Unemployment benefits recipients must periodically verify that they are actively searching for work; without the verification the benefits cease.
Although some people see the act of collecting unemployment benefits as undesirable and aggressively pursue new employment, others welcome the benefits as a sort of paid break from work.
The first thing a person should do when laid off from a job is apply for unemployment, before even sending out that first resume.
The process for applying for unemployment differs from state to state.
In some states people can apply online or by phone, while in others they must go to the unemployment office in person.
Unemployment offices are run by each state's department of labor and can easily be found by using the online directory.
Another question on the application will be whether or not the person would like to have taxes taken out of the unemployment checks.
Even after being approved for unemployment benefits, applicants need to apply for unemployment again every two weeks, usually using the same method he or she used to apply the first time (in person, by phone or online).
All the applicant has to do is assert continued unemployment and need for compensation and prove he or she is actively looking for work by providing names and contact information for companies he or she has applied to.
In California, unemployment insurance benefits are available to some people who are between jobs.
Under California legislation, your unemployment must be "through no fault of your own."
Once you apply for California unemployment insurance, the claim runs for a 12-month period.
The goal of the California Unemployment Insurance program is to provide some financial support to people who have lost their jobs.
If you live in New York State and you've recently become unemployed, New York State unemployment insurance benefits are available to help you make ends meet while you are looking for work.
Unemployment insurance benefits in New York are covered by taxes that all employers pay to the state.
When a worker becomes unemployed due to cutbacks, layoffs or any other reason that is not the fault of the employee, then that employee could potentially qualify for New York State unemployment benefits.
If you work part-time, do you earn less than the allowed level to receive unemployment benefits?
However, if you gather together the information that you need beforehand you can smoothly navigate the application process and start receiving your unemployment checks as soon as possible.
If you have all of this information handy when you fill out the online unemployment application form, you'll be able to sail through it much more quickly than if you don't have the information available.
For example, people who decide to quit their job, or people who are fired for negligence, would not qualify for unemployment benefits.
Once you've been approved for New York State unemployment insurance benefits, it's important to respond promptly to any questions or correspondence you receive.
Also, keep in mind that unemployment benefits are established as a way to give workers a "safe" period where they can look for work without worrying so much about lack of income.
Minnesota unemployment insurance is offered to people who have lost their jobs.
Unemployment insurance is available to employees who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own.
If you quit your job or were fired, you will not be able to collect unemployment benefits.
If you were self-employed or worked as an independent contractor, then you would not be eligible for unemployment benefits.
You should apply for unemployment insurance benefits as soon as you lose your job or your hours are reduced.
You have two choices when it comes to how you will receive your Minnesota Unemployment Insurance benefits.
The funds can be deposited to your account electronically, or you can ask to have them loaded onto an unemployment debit card.
If you want to have the funds put into your checking account you will need to complete and submit a Direct Deposit form to the Minnesota Unemployment Insurance Program office, along with a blank check marked "Void."
The amount that you will receive in unemployment benefits is based on how much you were earning in the base period before you lost your job.
If you have exhausted your unemployment benefits and still haven't found a job, you may be able to get financial help from the Emergency Unemployment Compensation plan.
Eligible individuals can get up to 33 weeks of income support at the same rate as their unemployment benefits.
Since you must request unemployment benefits for each week that you are without work, there is no need to contact the Unemployment Insurance office when you start a new job.
Your claim for unemployment benefits runs for one year from the date you apply for them.
If you lose your job before the year is up, simply contact the Unemployment Insurance office to reactivate your claim.
In response to the recession that hit the United States in late 2007, President Obama put into practice both an increase in the length of time people could receive unemployment benefits and a COBRA stimulus package.
Unlike the extension on unemployment benefits, there is no time extension on how long a person can get COBRA coverage.