Undesirable Sentence Examples
Education produced many unforeseen and undesirable practical results.
Again, it is generally recognized to be undesirable to give marks for a smattering.
There were, moreover, public reasons why a change of government was undesirable.
This action is probably due to the digitonin, which is thus a constituent in every way undesirable.
If the conditions are such that the methods of § 61 cannot be used, or are undesirable as giving too much weight to particular ordinates, it is best to proceed in the manner indicated at the end of § 48; i.e.
A papal legate, in Bruce's time, was no more safe, if his errand was undesirable, than under John Knox, when Mary Stuart wore the crown.
Nevertheless the political situation was still embarrassing, for as the whole country beyond the range of British effective military control was masterless, it was undesirable to withdraw the troops before a government could be reconstructed which could stand without foreign support, and with which diplomatic relations of some kind might be arranged.
If the worship of Siva, despite the purport of his chief symbol, seems on the whole less liable to produce these undesirable effects than that of the rival deity, it is doubt- less due partly to the real nature of that emblem being little realized by the common people, and partly to the somewhat repellent character of the "great god," more favourable to evoking feelings of awe and terror than a spirit of fervid devotion.
In view of the fact that fresh grape juice contains innumerable bacteria and moulds, in addition to the yeast cells which bring about the alcoholic fermentation, and that the means which are adopted by the brewer and the distiller for checking the action of these undesirable organisms cannot be employed by the wine-maker, it is no doubt remarkable that the natural wine yeast so seldom fails to assert a preponderating action, particularly as the number of yeast cells at the beginning of fermentation is relatively small.
Of the other alkaloids narceine is hypnotic, like morphine and codeine, whilst thebaine, papaverine and narcotine have an action which resembles that of strychnine, and is, generally speaking, undesirable or dangerous if at all well marked.
AdvertisementThe amount of volatile acid should be very small, and, except in special cases, a percentage of volatile acid exceeding 0.1 to 0.15%, according to the class of wine, will indicate that an abnormal or undesirable fermentation has taken place.
There are therefore in most prescriptions (i) a basis or chief ingredient intended to cure (curare), (2) an adjuvant to assist its action and make it cure quickly (cito), (3) a corrective to prevent or lessen any undesirable effect (tuto), and (4) a vehicle or excipient to make it suitable for administration and pleasant to the patient (jucunde).
The main crop should be planted by the middle of March, sprouted sets being used; late planting is very undesirable.
It is possible that the hybridizing of the potato with one or other of the wild types of tuberous Solanums may give rise to a variety which shall be immune, though unfortunately most are themselves liable to the attacks of the fungus, and one of the few crosses so made between the common potato and Solanum Maglia has exhibited the same undesirable trait.
Quite distinct is the search for the germs which cause undesirable changes, or " diseases "; and great strides have been made in discovering the bacteria concerned in rendering milk " ropy," butter " oily " and " rancid," &c. Cheese in its numerous forms contains myriads of bacteria, and some of these are now known to be concerned in the various processes of ripening and other changes affecting the product, and although little is known as to the exact part played by any species, practical applications of the discoveries of the decade 1890-1900 have been made, e.g.
AdvertisementThenceforward the troops in these regions were only employed on police duties; but their withdrawal to other theatres of war was, in view of a possible intervention by Austria-Hungary, considered undesirable.
The reputation of these coins for purity of metal and accuracy of weight was so great that they had a very wide circulation, and in consequence it was thought undesirable to make any alteration in the types lest their genuineness should be doubted.
Mill's principle, though sound in the abstract, has, except in a few cases, little practical value in determining the admissibility of hypotheses, and in practice any rule which tends to discourage hypothesis is in general undesirable.
I have known Sharon for 20 years and far from being an undesirable alien who should be deported she is a model citizen.
Where these are considered to be undesirable, the Society will lodge a written objection.
AdvertisementThis mistaking of mere technical capacity for what really matters is the one thing guaranteed to make the new inventions undesirable.
Second homes = socially undesirable = increase taxes to discourage.
Conclusion The detention of asylum seekers is inherently undesirable.
Does he agree that this would cause disruption in the service, and would also be politically undesirable?
However, that begs the issue - some people clearly see wind farms as environmentally undesirable.
AdvertisementHe said this proposal was " highly undesirable " .
It is obviously undesirable for an individual to have to make everything he wants himself.
Each sector was considered undesirable by at least one respondent.
This discovery was of great importance to the zymo-technical industries, for it showed that bacteria are not the only undesirable organisms which may occur in yeast.
In the Konigsberg transit instrument used by Struve and Cohn, the clockwork was attached to the eye-end of the instrument - a condition which is obviously undesirable both from the necessarily unsymmetrical position of the clockwork with respect to the optical axis, and from the impossibility of securing the uniform going of the clock in different positions of the instrument.
Perhaps it was felt that to preserve uniformity of teaching in the schools it was undesirable to popularize the extant collections, or perhaps the references must be reconsidered in the light of those significant changes after the fall of Jerusalem which have been mentioned above (§ 3).
The memory of the courage and devotion with which men, women and even children faced torture, death and ruin for an ideal impossible and undesirable is dear to the Scottish people.
Thus, in short, if we ask for a clear and definite fundamental intuition, distinct from regard for happiness, we find really nothing in Whewell's doctrine except the single rule of veracity (including fidelity to promises); and even of this the axiomatic character becomes evanescent on closer inspection, since it is not maintained that the rule is practically unqualified, but only that it is practically undesirable to formulate its qualifications.
Tolerance of ambiguity became desirable where it previously had been seen as undesirable.
To tame residual undesirable energy, the stabilizer is placed at the most effective tonearm position, on the pickup itself.
We make use of what other people consider undesirable technological side-effects.
In fact, until the roots of fear are eradicated, no undesirable trait can be fully eliminated.
Whatever you do, or do not do, there will be morally undesirable consequences.
Repeated crashes of recovery procedures would have no undesirable side effects in the system 's TCB.
Creation of an undesirable precedent, making it difficult to resist similar proposals elsewhere.
Samples are also taken to ensure that feed is not contaminated with any undesirable substances.
He said this proposal was " highly undesirable ".
There are many occasions however where it is uneconomic or undesirable to do so.
A very important part of the RHS survey stated that it is undesirable to have non- porous materials in gardens such as concrete.
If the Board considers the proposed conditions of a tournament to be undesirable in the interests of the sport, it may withhold sanction.
Which, I will be more blunt than David, I think is undesirable for two reasons.
Estate Agents have large lists of available rental properties and can assist you in finding the right one for you (and steer you away from undesirable locations).
For purebred breeders, this is an undesirable trait and is reason for disqualification at a Cat Fanciers Association show.
With very careful and selective breeding, the crossed eyes and kinked tails of Siamese cats, which are considered undesirable traits, have been almost completely bred out.
You have no way of knowing how the furniture was dried out and if any kind of contamination occurred.If the furniture was salvaged from a factory fire it should have been properly cleaned for smoke damage to prevent any undesirable smell.
A home is most comfortable when it is familiar, so bring out those once undesirable vintage light fixtures and antique kitchen stoves and refurbish them.
It provides information on techniques to bring out a person's best facial assets and also how to hide undesirable flaws, such as blemishes.
Direct light in a newborn's eyes will cause some priceless, but probably undesirable facial expressions.
Odd or high angles can highlight asymmetrical features and create an undesirable image.
If you don't want to cut your photos, use stickers to help camouflage glare, unattractive backgrounds, and other undesirable elements within the image.
Thinking about these items before beginning to look for jobs will help teens focus their search efforts and quickly weed out the undesirable job opportunities.
When combining fabrics, however, take care not to use too many layers that will act as undesirable insulation.
Antidepressants, like many other prescription drugs, often have undesirable side effects.
While many side effects are undesirable, some can provide an unexpected benefit.
To be effective, the treatment should focus on the individual's needs in their entirety, not simply on getting her to stop using the substance or changing undesirable behaviors.
What's more, with Carnival, last minute cruises are not limited to undesirable destinations.
This means that dogs included in your breeding program should be selected carefully to not pass on undesirable characteristics to future generations.
One of the earliest undesirable behaviors owners encounter with a new pet is chewing.
Without the collar, they continued some undesirable behaviors.
However, commercial dog biscuits often contain undesirable ingredients and chemical preservatives that your dog simply doesn't need.
Listed below are some of the most popular home remedies, tips and strategies for killing undesirable weeds and plants in your lawn and garden.
However it came to pass, it is still a viable option for getting rid of undesirable plants and weeds, such as dandelions and grass, in areas where you don't want them to grow.
After you've applied the product to your test area, leave it for about 30 minutes and then check it again to be sure that it causes no undesirable effects.
Glass may also be undesirable because it requires constant cleaning.
Veins of white calcite visible in the stone are considered undesirable, however a dusting of gold pyrite is fine.
If you keep the eye moving it's less likely to stop and focus on any undesirable body parts.
Most animal manures provide a wide range of soil nutrients and are readily available at a reasonable cost, but may contain undesirable salts or other substances passed on from the animal's diet.
Working full-time may be impossible or undesirable for senior citizens, at which point one can explore the opportunities for available part-time jobs.
Francis Crick and Graeme Mitchison, two former researchers at the Salk Institute in California proposed that the purpose of dreaming is to remove undesirable interactions in the networks in the brain cells.
Make certain that your headlights are clean and properly aligned so that they do not create an undesirable glare in front of you.
Often these loopholes cause crashes or undesirable situations, but sometimes there will be a hole in a wall where there shouldn't be, or some secret testing area that never got properly sealed off.
These by-products can be felt in the form of undesirable flavors and aromas in the wine.
Undesirable or socially unacceptable behaviors that interfere with the acquisition of desired skills and with the performance of everyday activities are classified as maladaptive behaviors, or more commonly, behavior problems.
Other concerns are related to specific objects, such as pacifiers, which may cause dental deformity or objects that, due to their size, shape, or composition, are awkward or undesirable as "loveys."
There is as of 2004 no cure for autism, but appropriate treatment may promote relatively normal development and lower the incidence of undesirable behaviors.
The most popular and effective treatment for phobias is behavior therapy, which approaches the phobia as an undesirable behavior to be unlearned.
This formula smells like sunlit fields and really coats the hair, so individuals with fine hair may experience an undesirable flattening effect.
A little length left in the back of the style is a great way for men to express their individuality while working under undesirable hairstyle conditions.
And, much of the socialization that takes place in th public school setting is not, in the opinion of many homeschooling parents, the best sort, with bullying common as well as peer pressure to engage in undesirable or unsafe behavior.
Many available opportunities for international applicants are in positions that are undesirable such as impoverished areas or positions in which residents are under qualified.
Research is ongoing in a hope that there will one day be a blood test that will be able to identify fetal cells to determine the presence of genetic abnormality without the need for an invasive procedure that carries undesirable risk.
Side effects include cramping and discomfort that make the product undesirable and infection can be a concern for some women.
It goes without saying that tan lines from shorts and T-shirts are undesirable.
For example, too much vitamin C can interfere with B12 absorption, which increases your iron absorption to an undesirable level.
Can taking folic acid generate undesirable side effects?
What a relief for women who have felt that their voluptuous size made them undesirable.
With others, you must use them within a certain period of time, making them undesirable options for long-term storage.
Behavior modification is simply a plan to change an undesirable behavior or behaviors by using positive and/or negative reinforcement.
While it's unrealistic-- and undesirable-- to shield kids from every family squabble, it is a mistake to put them front and center.
Behavior charts are a great way to motivate children and eliminate undesirable behavior.
If you are consistent and praise your child often, you will see that your child will want to please you, and his undesirable behavior will decrease.
They are intended to deal with undesirable behavior and praise and reward positive behavior.
Many parents swear by behavior charts as a way to help children overcome bad habits, sibling rivalry and many other undesirable traits.
When you're pressed for time, even a stop at the video store can be an undesirable chore.
The program discourages undesirable behavior by only rewarding positive behavior, and by withholding attention (formerly called planned ignoring).
It is important to realize that a licensed ABA therapist will never punish the undesirable behavior and only use positive reinforcement for desired behavior.
Any diet that eliminates a particular macronutrient is undesirable.
For those with diabetes, especially juvenile (Type I) diabetes, the state of ketosis may be undesirable, as it may overwhelm the delicate balance of the system that keeps blood glucose and blood insulin levels under control.
If you are fed up with thinking you are going to become fat and undesirable every time you indulge in a chip, cookie or piece of candy, then this bestseller may be just what you need to boost your self-esteem.
The healing process takes a few weeks in many cases, making ingesting solid food uncomfortable and undesirable for the patient.
Although some people see the act of collecting unemployment benefits as undesirable and aggressively pursue new employment, others welcome the benefits as a sort of paid break from work.
Florida's extensive insurance legislation makes the state undesirable to some companies who would rather just not bother offering group health insurance within the state.
This is undesirable because a higher temperature can lead to lower sperm counts.
Students may need to report to the party location by a certain time, and they may not be permitted to leave until morning to ensure that students are not engaged in dangerous or undesirable behaviors.
One of the biggest concerns regarding chat room safety is that children may meet undesirable people.
When taken internally it is both a secretory and an excretory cholagogue, but so irritant and powerful that its use in cases of jaundice is generally undesirable.
He extolled Charles Albert and appealed to his patriotism; he believed that the church was necessary and the secret societies harmful; rqpresentative government was undesirable, but he advocated a consultative assembly.
Whereas in the past the strikes had been purely local and due to local conditions, they now appeared of more general and political character, and the sympathy strike came to be a frequent and undesirable addition to the ordinary economic agitation.
The scales around the throat of the corolla protect the pollen and honey from wet or undesirable visitors, and by their difference in colour from the corolla-lobes, as in the yellow eye of forget-me-not, may serve to indicate the position of the honey.
But the evidence was practically unanimous that the Indian was undesirable in Natal other than as a labourer and the commission recommended compulsory repatriation.
But it must not be forgotten that the problems presented by human communities are extremely complex, and that the absence of any selection of healthy or desirable stock in the breeding of human communities leads to undesirable consequences.
The power of granting citizenship to foreigners is vested in the president of the republic, who is also empowered to refuse admission to the country to undesirable foreigners, or to expel those who have violated the special law (April 11, 1903) relating to their conduct in Venezuelan territory.
Some time must elapse before absolute uniformity in the transliteration of these proper names is to be expected; and since different scholars still adopt varying spellings of Babylonian and Assyrian proper names, it has been considered undesirable in this work to ignore the fact in individual articles contributed by them.
In chronic disease and in health the use of alcohol as an aid to digestion is without the support of clinical or laboratory experience, the beneficial action being at least neutralized by undesirable effects produced elsewhere.
This reduction of the temperature, carried to an undesirable extreme, is the reason why the man who has copiously consumed spirits "to keep out the cold" is often visited with pneumonia.
Of such character have been the state-aided emigration from Ireland, and the assisted emigration of paupers, criminals and other persons in the effort to relieve a congested population, or simply from the desire to get rid of undesirable members of the community.
The English legislature in 1905 passed an act to prevent the landing of undesirable aliens, and the number refused admission in 1906 was 493.
When the country was in distress, the queen felt a womanly repugnance for festivities; and yet it was undesirable that the court should incur the The court reproach of living meanly to save money.
All hedges on banks, banks and doubles must be ridden at slowly; they are usually of such a size as to make flying them impossible, or at least undesirable.
The population was of a very heterogeneous character, but mainly of an undesirable class of Levantines; this with the damp heat and the dirt and noise of the incessant coaling operations gave the town an unenviable reputation.
If, according to the present method of winning the metal, a bath containing silica as well as alumina is submitted to electrolysis, both oxides are dissociated, and as silicon is a very undesirable impurity, an alumina contaminated with silica is not suited for reduction.
For the destruction of weeds on gravel walks or in paved yards a strong dose of salt, applied either dry or in a very strong solution, is found very effective, especially a hot solution, but after a time much of it becomes washed down, and the residue acts as a manure; its continued application is undesirable, as gravel so treated becomes pasty.
It is undesirable to base the main division of our subject on an adventitious circumstance, and especially so when the nomenclature thus introduced (it is not found in the books themselves) cuts right across the true line of division.
As its colour - blue and blue-black streaked with white - renders it undesirable for building purposes, nearly all of it is burned into lime, which has become a very important article of manufacture in the city of Rockland; the industry dates back to 1 733 in Knox county.
But he was cunning, strong-handed and energetic; clearly the Red King would be an undesirable master to those who loved feudal anarchy.
In large works the sulphuric acid is usually manufactured on the spot from the spent oxide, so that the sulphuretted hydrogen, which in the gas is considered an undesirable impurity, plays a valuable part in the manufacture of an important by-product.
Moms that don't breastfeed do not have to be cautious about what they eat with a fear that certain undesirable things can be passed on to the infant.
Duke Henry had decreed that his lands should be divided between his two sons, but as a partition was regarded as undesirable the whole of the duchy came to his elder son.
When the roof is weak, or when it is undesirable to leave so much ore in the stopes, false stulls are sometimes erected in the upper part of the stope.
It was then employed to describe a "peasant," and gradually began to denote undesirable qualities.
It is held that an excess of the latter is undesirable in wine, but unless the quantity appreciably exceeds two grams per litre, na reasonable objection can be raised.
Here he had to deal with the dangers arising from the increasing hordes of undesirable aliens who poured into the East End of London.
It generally contains a large amount of uncombined alkali, and that, with its unpleasant odour of coco-nut oil, makes it a most undesirable soap for personal use.
Other undesirable impurities are the platinum metals, special treatment being necessary when these substances are present.
An uneven subsoil, especially if retentive, is most undesirable, as water is apt to collect in the hollows, and thus affect the upper soil.
These wines, therefore, require very careful handling in order to prevent undesirable secondary fermentations taking place at a later period.
Some relief trickled through her to know that his hatred of past-Deidre wasn't the only reason he'd offered her the undesirable arrangement.