Undertaking Sentence Examples
One would sit without moving, undertaking nothing....
The undertaking was proposed by the French A merica.
The secrecy of the undertaking heightened its charm and they marched gaily.
Scarcely, however, was this great undertaking fairly commenced when he accepted the post of private secretary to Lord Durham on the latter's appointment as special commissioner to Canada.
He considered once more the folly of his undertaking, but pushed away his second thoughts.
As this business was to be entered into without the usual capital, it may not be easy to conjecture where those means, that will still be indispensable to every such undertaking, were to be obtained.
An important undertaking, known as the Agricultural Inquiry, brought to light vast quantities of information valuable for future agrarian legislation.
The incidents of this undertaking are the theme of Washington Irving's Astoria.
Moreover, the account of the joint undertaking by Judah (under Jehoshaphat) and Israel against Syria at Ramoth-Gilead at the time of Ahab's death, and again (under Ahaziah) when Jehoram was wounded, shortly before the accession of Jehu, are historical doublets, and they can hardly be harmonized either with the known events of 854 and 842 or with the course of the intervening years.
Thereafter the Italian government assumed the direct administration of the ports, a purely commercial undertaking replacing the Benadir Company.
AdvertisementThe development of this undertaking necessitated the establishment of stores and workshops at Stanley, and ships can be repaired and provided in every way; a matter of importance since not a few vessels, after suffering injury during heavy weather off Cape Horn, call on the Falklands in distress.
To prepare correct editions of the classics, and to print them in a splendid style, has always been a costly undertaking.
It was an anxious undertaking, because the native states of India were all watching the issue and waiting for any serious reverse to the English to join against them.
He felt it necessary to hold his head higher, to brace himself, and to question the esaul with an air of importance about tomorrow's undertaking, that he might not be unworthy of the company in which he found himself.
With the success of this undertaking in view it is a matter of wonder that the example set in this instance has not been adopted to a much greater extent elsewhere.
AdvertisementThe sketch and ground plan of this great undertaking had Official .
The general effect is impressive, not by any virtues of style, for we do not discern one, but by reason of the magnitude and importance of the undertaking, and the visible conscientiousness and the grasp with which it is executed.
Tokyo journals were all - on a literary or political basis, but the Osaka Asahi Commerch, Shimbun (Osaka Rising Sun News) was purely a Journailsa business undertaking.
He then suspended this undertaking, but resolved that at his death it should be continued at the cost of his estate.
Montaigne said of him,"I give the palm to Jacques Amyot over all our French writers, not only for the simplicity and purity of his language in which he surpasses all others, nor for his constancy to so long an undertaking, nor for his profound learning.
AdvertisementThis undertaking, the mathematical and scientific parts of which fell to Hutton's share, was completed in 1809, and filled eighteen volumes quarto.
Yet he has great value as a painter of historical portraits, some of them those of his contemporaries,and as an author who had been a political partisan and had taken some part in making history before undertaking to write it; and he gives us, from the popular side, the views of a contemporary on the politics of the time.
In1890-1891he made a tour in Greece, Egypt, India, Ceylon and Japan, where he narrowly escaped assassination at the hands of a Japanese fanatic. On the return journey by Siberia, at Vladivostok, he turned the first sod of the eastern section of the Siberian railway, and two years afterwards (1893) he was appointed president of the imperial committee for that great undertaking.
Jealous of the exclusive claims of the Roman Church, he procured a further condemnation at Rome of the "Association for the Promotion of the Unity of Christendom," which advocated prayers for the accomplishment of a kind of federal union between the Roman, Greek and Anglican Churches, and in a pastoral letter he insisted on the heretical assumption implied in such an undertaking.
This was, in its day, a colossal undertaking; and its success transformed Holyoke from a farming village into a great manufacturing centre - in 1900 and 1905 the ninth largest of the commonwealth.
AdvertisementAnother important undertaking is the deepening of the Trinity river to Dallas, a distance of 511 m., thereby affording a navigable waterway almost to the northern boundary of the state.
Garrick practically ceased to act in 1766, but he continued the management of Drury Lane, and in 1769 organized the Shakespeare celebrations at Stratford-on-Avon, an undertaking which ended in dismal failure, though he composed an " Ode upon dedicating a building and erecting a Statue to Shakespeare " on the occasion.
It was at Ferrar's suggestion that he undertook to rebuild the church at Layton, an undertaking carried through by his own gifts and the generosity of his friends.
In 1810 he was a member of a commission to explore a route for a canal between Lake Erie and the Hudson river, and in 1811 he and Gouverneur Morris were sent to Washington to secure Federal aid for the undertaking, but were unsuccessful.
The earliest important undertaking with a view of improving the 'waterway was due to the initiative of Frederick the Great, who recommended the diversion of the river into a new and straight channel in the swampy tract of land known as the Oderbruch, near Ciistrin.
On the 4th of March 1590, as one of the chaplains of Queen Elizabeth, he preached before her a singularly outspoken sermon, and in October gave his introductory lecture at St Paul's, undertaking to comment on the first four chapters of Genesis.
A census, as a special undertaking, was not, however, carried out in that country until 1749.
Released on an undertaking not to go to Yorkshire, a promise which he did not observe, the archbishop was enthroned in York Minster in June 1642.
But difficulties of finance, the impossibility of undertaking effective operations against Italy, and signs of impending trouble in the Balkans at length compelled the Ottoman Government to peace.
His advocacy of a revised translation of the New Testament (1858) aided to promote another great national undertaking.
Petri and that the ordinands were undertaking with their consecration the duty of serving St Peter, i.e.
Far more important than the treaty itself was the consequent voluntary submission of the independent republic of Ragusa to the suzerainty of the crown of St Stephen the same year, Louis, in return for an annual tribute of 500 ducats and 'a fleet, undertaking to defend Ragusa against all her enemies.
But her immense resources enabled her to rally her forces, and peace was finally concluded between all the powers concerned at the congress of Turin (1381), Venice virtually surrendering Dalmatia to Louis and undertaking to pay him an annual tribute of 7000 ducats.
AmOng the Babylonians and Assyrians the baru (from bars to see, inspect) was a soothsaying priest who was consulted whenever any important undertaking was proposed, and addressed his inquiries to Samas the sun god (or Adad) as bet biri or lord of the oracle (accompanied by the sacrifice of lambs).
The idea underlying these councils was to create, as it were, a certain constitution for factories by which the workman who had hitherto been a mere machine should become a creative factor, closely identified with the organization of the undertaking, conscious of responsibility, and thus making of democracy the same reality in economic life as it had already become in political life.
But the diet, with almost incredible short-sightedness, refused to waste a penny on an undertaking which, they argued, concerned only Lithuania, and it was not as king of Poland, but as grand-duke of Lithuania, and with purely Lithuanian troops, that Sigismund, in 1561, occupied Livonia.
To leave the locks unshorn during an arduous undertaking in which the divine aid was specially implored, and to consecrate the hair after success, was a practice among various ancient nations, but the closest parallel to the Hebrew custom is found in Arabia?
The draining of the site and neighbourhood was a costly undertaking, and was only accomplished by the sacrifice of many lives.
These general principles and the novelty of the method ensured the success of the undertaking even after the original circle of exceptionally able men who founded it had been dispersed.
When his father set out with the expedition of the Seven against Thebes, which he knew would be fatal to him, he enjoined upon his sons to avenge his death by slaying Eriphyle and undertaking a second expedition against Thebes.
He is perhaps scarcely consistent in ap proving the concession of temporary monopolies to joint-stock companies undertaking risky enterprises "of which the public is afterwards to reap the benefit."
In view of the magnitude of the undertaking it is on the contrary highly probable that other translators besides Wycliffe and Nicholas de Herford took part in the work, and that already existing versions, with changes when necessary, were incorporated or made use of by the translators.
The cost of the undertaking was borne by some of the German Protestant princes.
A second Barrier Treaty was signed between Great Britain and Holland on 29th of January 1713, by which the strong places designed for the barrier were reduced to Furnes, the fort of Knocke, Ypres, Menin, Tournai, Mons, Charleroi and the citadel of Ghent, and certain fortresses in the neighbourhood of that city and of Bruges; Great Britain undertaking to obtain the right for the Dutch to garrison them from the future sovereign of the Spanish Netherlands.
These instruments have done admirable work in connexion with the great international undertaking, the Carte du Ciel.
Undertaking the work of a reformer, she visited France, Holland, England and Scotland.
The base was operated in a comparatively small way at first but developed into an undertaking of gigantic proportions.
His undertaking thus resolved itself into a reformation of Christendom.
Government was induced to grant its aid, and the inventor himself spent a portion of his private fortune in the prosecution of his undertaking.
The reasons leading to the great undertaking, in which Eusebius had no predecessors, were in part historical, in part apologetic. He believed that he was living at the beginning of a new age, and he felt that it was a fitting time, when the old order of things was passing away, to put on record for the benefit of posterity the great events which had occurred during the generations that were past.
In 1891 he gave up what had been the main work of his life to accept an undertaking that was even nearer his heart, the principalship of the theological college at Bala.
Adair Turner's long tussle with the arcane British pensions system invites comparison with undertaking an arduous military campaign.
In 1986 the undertaking was reconstituted as a council-owned company.
Raising money is a very difficult undertaking, and it takes a huge amount of time and effort.
The undertaking to combine all human knowledge into a single whole was in itself a colossal one and could only have been born in a mind of no mean order.
The government endeavoured to bring about an amalgamation of these rival companies, believing that the united energies and financial ability of the whole country were required for so vast an undertaking.
To a still more ambitious line, the Grand Trunk Pacific, extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific, aiming at extensive steamship connexion on both oceans, and closely associated with the Grand Trunk system of Ontario and Quebec, the government of Canada gave liberal support as a national undertaking.
From the Serampore press there issued in his lifetime over 200,000 Bibles and portions in nearly forty different languages and dialects, Carey himself undertaking most of the literary work.
He sought to remedy the evil by liaisons with two of the most beautiful of his countrywomen, Barbara Gizanka and Anna Zajanczkowska, the diet undertaking to legitimatize and acknowledge as his successor any heir male who might be born to him; but their complacency was in vain, for the king died childless.
Wolfe was already engaged in the preparation of a universal history, and Holinshed worked for some years on this undertaking; but after Wolfe's death in 1573 the scope of the work was abridged, and it appeared in 1578 as the Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland.
The assiduity with which Huc devoted himself to the study of the dialects and customs of the Tatars, for whom at the cost of much labour he translated various religious works, was an admirable preparation for undertaking in 1844, at the instigation of the vicar apostolic of Mongolia, an expedition whose object was to dissipate the obscurity which hung over the country and habits of the Tibetans.
This undertaking, however, did not prevent him from bringing all his influence to bear upon the ecclesiastical nominations.
Of the half-century that preceded Trajan's great oriental undertaking not much is known.
It is worn in choir at the solemn offices; it is the official sacral dress of the lower clergy in their liturgical functions; it is worn by the priest when administering the sacraments, undertaking benedictions, and the like; the use of the alb being nowadays almost exclusively confined to the mass and functions connected with this.
The " mission " consists of the missionaries themselves, and they are governed by a " director," with possibly small advisory councils in the field and at home, the latter undertaking the duty of engaging missionaries and raising funds.
The result of the constitutional experiment hardly justified the royal expectations; the parliament was hardly opened (February 5th, 1819) before the doctrinaire radicalism of some of its members, culminating in the demand that the army should swear allegiance to the constitution, so alarmed the king, that he appealed to Austria and Germany, undertaking to carry out any repressive measures they might recommend.
His great undertaking was carried on under continual difficulties, arising from strikes among his workmen, the piracies of rivals, and the interruptions of war.
In all these lesser orders may be discerned the tendency of a return to the elements of Eastern monasticism discarded by St Benedict - to the eremitical life; to the purely contemplative life with little or no factor of work; to the undertaking of rigorous bodily austerities and penances - it was at this time that the practice of self-inflicted scourgings as a penitential exercise was introduced.
He urged its undertaking in parliament in 1382, but nearer troubles were more urgent, and John himself was wanted on the Scottish border.
Their construction has been conclusively shown to be an undertaking too vast for private effort.
The faults of Diodorus arise partly from the nature of the undertaking, and the awkward form of annals into which he has thrown the historical portion of his narrative.
There are signs that during Ottos reign they began to have a distinct consciousness of national life, their use of the word deutsch to indicate the whole people being one of these symptoms. Their common sufferings, struggles and triumphs, however, account far more readily for this feeling than the supposition that they were elated by their king undertaking obligations which took him for years together away from his native land.
Seven years before, at Eger in July 1213, he had made extensive concessions to the church, undertaking to take no part in episcopal elections, thus surrendering the advantages gained by the concordat of Worms, and to allow to German bishops the right of appeal to Rome.
Meissen, which he claimed as a vacant fief of the Empire, and Thuringia, which he bought from the landgrave Albert II., seemed to offer a favorable field for this undertaking, and he spent a large part of his short reign in a futile attempt to carry out his plan.
For some years it had been recogpized that the collection and arrangement of the authorities for German history was too great an undertaking for any one man, and societies under very influential patronage were founded for this purpose.
Meanwhile the publication of the Scriptores proper continues, although the thirty-first and subsequent volumes are in quarto and not in folio, and the number of volumes in the whole undertaking is continually being increased.
His first care was to re-establish Venetian authority over the Dalmatians who had rebelled with the king of Hungary's protection, but he failed to capture Zara, owing to the arrival of the Pisan fleet, and although the latter was defeated by the Venetians, the undertaking was suspended.
In March 1904, Tisza, therefore, introduced a drastic " guillotine " motion to amend the standing orders of the House, but withdrew it in return for an undertaking from the Opposition that obstruction would cease.
Climatic conditions prevent cattle-raising in Sicily from being as prosperous an undertaking as in central Italy.
But in such an undertaking one is always apt to take subjective assumptions or mere fancies for established data.
The disaffected in Egypt kept up communications with the Fatimites, against whom the Ikshid collected a vast army, which, however, had first to be employed in resisting an invasion of Egypt threatened by Ibn Raiq, an adventurer who had seized Syria; after an indecisive engagement at LajUn the Ikshid decided to make peace with Ibn Raiq, undertaking to pay him tribute.
By its terms the Pargiots were to receive an asylum in the islands, the Ottoman government undertaking to pay compensation for their property.
In undertaking these works Nicholas was moved by no vulgar motives, his idea being "to strengthen the weak faith of the people by the greatness of that which it sees."
He was disliked by the citizens of London; and this ill-feeling was heightened when Gloucester, who was a favourite of the Londoners, returned to England and was doubtless reproached by Beaufort for the folly of his undertaking.
This edition, although it was a great undertaking and a work of considerable merit, was a very imperfect representation of the original code.
For nearly thirty years he continued actively engaged in the promotion of his undertaking, and he lived to witness its wide extension throughout England.
In 1846 its proprietors bought the Monkland canal, and in 1867 the combined undertaking passed into the hands of the Caledonian Railway Company.
A kennel huntsman proper may be described as the man who does duty when the master hunts his own hounds, undertaking all the responsibilities of the huntsman except actually hunting the pack.
To his personal energy and enterprise, as manager of the railway company, was largely due the continued prosecution of this difficult engineering undertaking, in connexion with which he was responsible for a thorough reconstruction of Ecuador finance.
But Owen's share in the undertaking miscarried through his own defeat near Carmarthen on the 12th of July, and Percy was crushed at Shrewsbury ten days later.
It was by his advice that Newman and his companions spent some time in Rome before undertaking clerical work in England.
Millbank, as a new and most enlightened undertaking in prison affairs, was opened with much eclat.
It is of course a postulate that all truths harmonize, but to give the harmonious whole in a projection in one plane is an undertaking whose adequacy in one sense involves an inadequacy in another.
In 1875 he became a member of the revised committee directing the Monumenta Germaniae historica, himself undertaking the direction of the section Antiquitales, and in 1888 became president of the central board in Berlin.
About this time negotiations for the release of James were begun in earnest, and in September 1423 a treaty was signed at York, the Scottish nation undertaking to pay a ransom of 60,000 marks "for his maintenance in England."
The principal undertaking of the Federal government is the Shoshone project in Bighorn county.
The new French ambassador, Admiral Roussin, had arrived on the 17th; he now, with the full concurrence of Mandeville, the British charge d'affaires, persuaded the Porte to invite the Russians to withdraw, undertaking that France would secure the acceptance by Mehemet Ali of the sultan's terms. A period of suspense followed.
To follow the entire course of one of the sacred rivers from the mouth to the source on one side and back again on the other in the sun-wise (pradakshina) direction - that is, always keeping the stream on one's right-hand side - is held to be a highly meritorious undertaking which it requires years to carry through.
The estates were summoned to a free diet at Borg& and accepted Alexander as grand-duke of Finland, he on his part solemnly recognizing the Finnish constitution and undertaking to preserve the religion, laws and liberties of the country.
To determine the validity of these claims, which had been complicated by transfers and subdivisions, and to fix their boundaries, which were often very vaguely described, proved a very formidable undertaking; and the slow process of confirmation greatly retarded the development of the Territory.
How far he directly offered himself for the post of secretary is uncertain, but we know that his hopes were disappointed, the king himself undertaking the duties of the office.
His next important undertaking, the restoration of Ulrich, duke of Wiirtemberg (q.v.) to his duchy, was attended with conspicuous success.
She also received an indemnity of two millions of thalers and a solemn undertaking of non-interference in her domestic affairs.
On the eve of the contest there was a general assembly of the Hats at the French embassy, where the Comte de Modene furnished them with 6,000,000 livres, but not till they had signed in his presence an undertaking to reform the constitution in a monarchical sense.
The Swedish government thereupon concluded a secret convention with Russia (treaty of Petersburg, April 5, 1812), undertaking to send 30,000 men to operate against Napoleon in Germany in return for a promise from Alexander guaranteeing to Sweden the possession of Norway.
Oyster culture can evidently be carried on only by private enterprise, and the problem for legislation to solve is how to give such rights of property upon those shores which are favourable to oyster culture as may encourage competent persons to invest their money in that undertaking.
The names of Jonas Hanway and John Elton were honorably connected with this undertaking; and the former has left most valuable records of the time and cQuntry.
For three years the undertaking went on quietly and simply, subject to few outward troubles other than financial, the number of associates increasing to seventy or eighty.
Emerson refused, in a kind and characteristic letter, to join the undertaking, and though he afterwards wrote of Brook Farm with not uncharitable humour as "a perpetual picnic, a French Revolution in small, an age of reason in a patty-pan," among its founders were many of his near friends.
In 1661 under Clarendon's rule, the evil precedent had been admitted of receiving money from France, in 1662 Dunkirk had been sold to Louis, and in February 1667 during the Dutch war a secret alliance had been made with Louis, Charles promising him a free hand in the Netherlands and Louis undertaking to support Charles's designs " in or out of the kingdom."
The undertaking of the Arica-La Paz line by the Chilean government, also, was an important step towards the improvement of the economic situation in Bolivia.
Another important undertaking begun about the same time was the throwing of an East Indian weir dam (the only one in the United States) across the Colorado near Yuma, and the confinement of both sides of the lower Gila and Colorado with levees.
One of the first acts of the " head of the church " was the printing of a carefully revised edition of the Tibetan Scriptures - an undertaking which occupied altogether nearly thirty years and was not completed till 1306.
Winter, having secured nothing but vain promises from the constable, returned to England about the end of April, bringing with him Guy Fawkes, a man devoted to the Roman Catholic cause and recommended for undertaking perilous adventures.
If there is no company having statutory powers of supply within their district, they may themselves undertake the supply of gas, and they may purchase the undertaking of any gas company within their district.
Where the order is obtained by a person or body other than the district council, the council may purchase the undertaking at the end of twenty-one years after the tramways have been constructed or at the expiration of every subsequent period of seven years, and the terms of purchase are that the person or company must sell the undertaking upon payment of the then value, exclusive of any allowance for past or future profits of the undertaking, or any compensation for compulsory sale or other consideration whatsoever of the tramway, and all lands, buildings, works, materials and plant suitable to and used for the purposes of the undertaking.
It should be observed, however, that although the local authority may themselves construct, and may acquire from the original promoters a system of tramways, they may not themselves work them without special authority of the legislature, and must in general let the working of the undertaking to some person or company.
Reference has been made to his literary tasks; but the study of them only renders the undertaking more difficult.
The funds for this vast undertaking were found partly by the state, which voted £3,000,000, and as to the rest by the Risanamento Company, which had a capital of £1,200,000.
After asserting these in detail under nine different heads, he speaks under a tenth of his proficiency as a civil engineer and architect, and adds lastly a brief paragraph with reference to what he can do in painting and sculpture, undertaking in particular to carry out in a fitting manner the monument to Francesco Sforza.
But he was soon called away by Ludovico to a different undertaking, the completion of the interior decorations, already begun by another hand and interrupted, of certain chambers of the Castello called the Saletta Negra and the Sala Grande dell' Asse, or Sala della Torre.
The preparations for the plot had now been actively going forward since the beginning of 1604, and on the 9th of June 1605 Garnet was asked by Catesby whether it was lawful to enter upon any undertaking which should involve the destruction of the innocent together with the guilty, to which Garnet answered in the affirmative, giving as an illustration the fate of persons besieged in a town in time of war.
He it was who ushered in the new epoch, and for close upon forty years he stood at the head of almost every literary undertaking.
During the latter part of the expedition government granted him £1000, but that, when he learned of it, was devoted to his great undertaking.
Owing to the costliness of the undertaking, and the death of the earl in 181 9, the works were suspended after an outlay of L10o,000, but his successor completed the scheme on a reduced scale at an expense of another X1 00,000.
This immense undertaking involved the codification of the entire canon law, drawing it up in a clear, short and precise form, and introducing any expedient modifications and reforms. For this purpose the pope appointed.
Halley certainly deserves the gratitude of posterity for undertaking the publication of the work at a very considerable pecuniary risk to himself.
Rich antimony and calamine mines are worked by a French undertaking, and good marble is quarried by an Italian company.
It had given the undertaking demanded by the king; those of its members who, like Canning, were in favor of Catholic emancipation, arguing that, in view of greater and more pressing questions, it was useless to insist in a matter which could never be settled so long as the old king lived.
The time for observing auspices was, as a rule, between midnight and dawn of the day fixed for any proposed undertaking.
This undertaking led to the introduction of a large number of Flemish workmen, who settled in the district, and, in spite of the violent measures adopted by the English peasantry to expel them, retained their ground in sufficient numbers to affect the physical appearance and the accent of the inhabitants to this day.
A formal treaty, made in the following August, having been ratified by parliament, the king and earl opened the siege of Berwick; but there was no cohesion between their troops, and the undertaking was quickly abandoned.
The prestige of the governor was greatly increased by this event, and he was prepared to follow up his advantage by an attack on Boston from the sea, but his resources were inadequate for the undertaking.
When Maximus usurped the supreme power in Gaul, and was meditating a descent upon Italy, Valentinian sent Ambrose to dissuade him from the undertaking, and the embassy was successful.
Before undertaking the management of a modern apiary, the bee-keeper should possess a certain amount of aptitude for the pursuit, without which it is hardly possible to succeed.
The Gnostics held that "the present world sprang from a fall of man, or from an undertaking hostile to God, and is, therefore, the product of an evil or intermediate being" (p. 257).
In August 1220 Frederick set out for Italy, and was crowned emperor at Rome on the 22nd of November 1220; after which he repeated the undertaking he had entered into at Aix la Chapelle in 1215 to go on crusade, and made lavish promises to the Church.
It may be highly desirable for the government to occupy certain territories, but political exigencies at home will not permit it to incur the expenditure, or international relations may make such an undertaking inexpedient at the time.
It is connected with Beirut and Mezerib by railway, and at the end of the past century the great undertaking of running a line to Mecca was commenced.
Even after the first French defeats the chivalrous king, in spite of the advice of his more prudent councillors, wished to go to the rescue, and asked Thiers, the French representative who was imploring him for help, if with 10o,000 Italian troops France could be saved, but Thiers could give no such undertaking and Italy remained neutral.
While I admit more than a smidgen of curiosity about what we were undertaking, I felt uncomfortable being at odds with our hosts.
Donnie appeared to be the most talented at the undertaking but he too had little success with this ancient writing.
It was an arduous undertaking for applicants, taking up to 40 hours to complete.
You should reproach the Zimbabwean government for not undertaking this land reform many years earlier.
It was still, however, a relatively small undertaking 22 and could find no use for the local anthracite.
Rigor Explaining the development of rigor is a serious undertaking, because first you must understand the biochemistry of muscle contraction.
This was a risky undertaking, many being attacked by brigands of all sorts.
Carrels The Reading Room has three private study carrels The Reading Room has three private study carrels for hire, suitable for researchers undertaking a long period of research.
For this unit you will be undertaking 4 commissions from a theme park called County Jungle.
Students may also consolidate their work by undertaking their own research projects.
Also there is no recognized measure of competence for undertaking sharp debridement.
Students experience the exhilaration of undertaking research in a field of their choice.
The course has given me a great deal of enjoyment, both inside the classroom and when undertaking fieldwork.
We must embrace the struggle, willingly take on the task of Sisyphus, knowing its ultimate futility, but undertaking it nonetheless.
As a golf course greenkeeper do you take pride in undertaking the job of spraying in a professional manner?
This checklist is issued to all safety and security inspectors who may be undertaking inspection in this area.
This requires critical self introspection but is worthwhile undertaking.
It is perhaps invidious to criticize such an ambitious and fundamentally valuable undertaking as this on these grounds.
It will not be necessary for employees to offset any savings they make through not undertaking their ordinary commuting journey.
Local authorities said that they often had to rely on relatively junior staff undertaking this work, many of them recently qualified.
The Profile has been developed at a time when the European Union is undertaking a number of initiatives to promote language learning and teaching.
Undertaking by the Ministry to grant mining leases, etc. 14.
It is a somewhat ludicrous undertaking, with many pitfalls the danger of treachery and the risk of ultimate failure in the quest.
Monterrico is undertaking a Bankable Feasibility Study of its wholly owned Rio Blanco copper molybdenum deposit in northern Peru.
What is at issue is to explain how and why the Kremlin clique could have risked undertaking so monstrous a frame-up.
Ensure your child does not overplay in the context of the amount of physical activity they are undertaking.
The policy on members not undertaking pre-arranged overtime is reaffirmed.
A bottle containing a parchment with an account of the undertaking, a copy of the Leighton Buzzard Observer of July 18 th.
The module entails each postgraduate undertaking the clinical management of an implant-retained prosthesis under supervision.
All those undertaking postgraduate research in this field are welcomed.
It is a criminal offense to contravene a disqualification order or undertaking, a bankruptcy order or a bankruptcy restrictions order or undertaking.
I then saw out two aircraft from their HAS (hardened aircraft shelter) which were undertaking a training sortie.
It traces the start-up of a company providing mountain bike parts, begun by two engineering graduates whilst undertaking PhD research.
Everyone charged with carrying out investigations and undertaking a surveillance in order to gather evidence, should find this book both informative and educational.
Her sense of duty, however, bogs her down into undertaking mundane tasks for the rest of the family.
All persons using the library must sign an undertaking to observe these Regulations.
In 2000, the nuclear weapons states themselves promised an " unequivocal undertaking " for the " elimination of their nuclear arsenals.
Where necessary, the contents of any Section 106 legal agreement or unilateral undertaking will be negotiated at this stage.
Crime and Punishment is unquestionably one of the world's great novels and a mammoth undertaking to present on stage.
I am well aware of the scope of the implied undertaking, by which I shall continue to abide.
The Defendant offered a disqualification undertaking, which was accepted.
A mass uprising is no isolated undertaking, which can be conjured up any time one pleases.
As the city has always been notoriously unhealthful, the United States, on undertaking the construction of the Panama Canal, became interested in preventing its becoming a centre of infection for the Canal Zone, and by the treaty of November 1903 secured complete jurisdiction in the city and harbour over all matters relating to sanitation and quarantine, and engaged to construct a system of waterworks and sewers in the municipality, which had been practically completed in 1907.
To the execution of this vast undertaking he devoted his life.
Hence, when one approached a deity with an inquiry as to the outcome of some undertaking, the reading of the signs on the liver afforded a direct means of determining the course of future events, which was, according to current beliefs, in the control of the gods.
The committee considered that the Post Office was not prevented either by legal agreement or by good faith from limiting or ending the monopoly of the company, and that competition appeared to be both expedient and necessary in order to extend and popularize the service and to avoid the danger that a purchase of the company's undertaking at an inflated price might be forced upon the government.
Mancini, moreover, wished the treaty of alliance to provide for reciprocal protection of the chief interests of the contracting Powers, Italy undertaking to second Austria-Hungary in the Balkans, and Austria and Germany pledging themselves to support Italy in Mediterranean questions.
Turning once more his attention to the recovery of Normandy, he asked the barons for assistance for this undertaking; in reply they, or a section of them, refused, and instead of crossing the seas the king marched northwards with the intention of taking vengeance on his disobedient vassals, who were chiefly barons of the north of England.
The formidable undertaking of reducing the accumulated planetary observations made at Greenwich from 1750 to 1830 was already in progress under Airy's supervision when he became Astronomer Royal.
In 1902 Congress provided for the beginning of extensive irrigation works in the arid West, and Nevada (where preliminary reconnaissances had been made in 1889-1890) was the first state to profit from this undertaking.
Elizabeth, whose prudence and parsimony were averse to so formidable an undertaking as the complete subjugation of the powerful Irish chieftain, desired peace with him at almost any price; especially when the devastation of his territory by Sussex brought him no nearer to submission.
Here he lived for two years, using his leisure in preaching in the villages and at Bristol, conduct which brought him into collision with the backward clergy of the district, and led to his being summoned before the chancellor of Worcester (William of Malvern) as a suspected heretic; but he was allowed to depart without receiving censure or giving any undertaking.
Suffice it to say here that the land belonged to the tribes, and that the success of Patrick's undertaking depended 'entirely on his ability to gain the goodwill of the tribal kings and chiefs of clans.
After long years of research, he published in 1775 the first volume of his vast undertaking under the title of Le Monde primitif, analyse et compare avec le monde moderne.
After holding a professorship at Göttingen and undertaking a further journey to Greece in 1862, Curtius was appointed (in 1863) ordinary professor at Berlin.
Irish accounts represent Columba as undertaking this mission in consequence of the censure expressed against him by the clergy after the battle of Cooldrevny; but this is probably a fabrication.
After 1830 he contributed to different newspapers - Le Constitutionnel, Le National and the Courrier francais - until 1833, when he gave up politics in order to devote himself to the history of ancient philosophy, undertaking a translation of Aristotle,which occupied him the greater part of his life (1837-1892).
Most of those associated in the undertaking were Whigs; but, although the general bias of the Review was towards social and political reforms, it was at first so little of a party organ that for a time it numbered Sir Walter Scott among its contributors; and no distinct emphasis was given to its political leanings until the publication in 1808 of an article by Jeffrey himself on the work of Don Pedro Cevallos on the French Usurpation of Spain.
The government of Sir John Macdonald felt, however, that the future of the Dominion depended upon linking together the Atlantic and the Pacific, and in view of the vast unoccupied spaces lying between the Great Lakes and the Rocky Mountains, open to immigration from the United States, their audacity in undertaking the work was doubtless justified.
She picked it up, and mechanically read the words aloud, which amounted to a solemn undertaking to carry them out.
Each of these affidavits is to state that to the best of the deponent's knowledge and belief there has been no agreement and no terms or undertaking made or entered into as to the withdrawal, or, if any agreement has been made, shall state its terms. The applicant and his solicitor are also to state in their affidavits the grounds on which the petition is sought to be withdrawn.
None the less, the continued indiscretions of the emperor so incensed public opinion that, five years later, the chancellor himself was forced to side with it in obtaining from the emperor an undertaking to submit all his public utterances previously to his ministers for approval (see WILLIAM II., German emperor).
The history of the events that led up to the battle of Navarino and the liberation of Greece is told elsewhere (see NAVARINO and GREEK INDEPENDENCE, WAR OF); the withdrawal of the Egyptians from the Morea was ultimately due to the action of Admiral Sir Edward Codrington, who early in August 1828 appeared before Alexandria and induced the pasha, by no means sorry to have a reasonable excuse, by a threat of bombardment, to sign a convention undertaking to recall Ibrahim and his army.
In the treaty which Russia was compelled to sign Turkey obtained the restitution of Azov, the destruction of the forts built by Russia and the undertaking that the tsar should abstain from future interference in the affairs of the Poles or the Cossacks.
When in the second half of the i 1 th century the clergy of a great number of collegiate churches were undertaking to live a substantially monastic form of life '(see' Canon), it was natural that they should look back to this classical model for clerics living in community.
Beginning with not too many stocks he can test the capabilities of his location before investing much capital in the undertaking, so that by utilizing the information already given and adopting the wise adage " make haste slowly " he will realize in good time whether it will pay best to work for honey in comb or extracted honey in bulk; not only so, but the knowledge gained will enable him to select such appliances as are suited to his needs.
If we are to reproach the Zimbabwean government, should it in fact not be for not undertaking this land reform many years earlier?
Leach was aware of the stipulation contained in the proposed undertaking.
Back to top A major undertaking of 2004/05 was to make games available to buy at supermarket checkouts.
In the view of these findings The Health Protection Agency is undertaking a larger study of 100,000 tonsils in order to refine this figure.
This is not a trivial undertaking, it is a major part of the PhD study.
Adair Turner 's long tussle with the arcane British pensions system invites comparison with undertaking an arduous military campaign.
Where necessary, the contents of any Section 106 legal agreement or Unilateral Undertaking will be negotiated at this stage.
Crime and Punishment is unquestionably one of the world 's great novels and a mammoth undertaking to present on stage.
France was still trying to weaken the language of the unequivocal undertaking to relate to the ultimate goal of nuclear disarmament.
Pinning may sound like a scary undertaking, especially with a squirmy baby; however, with some practice, you will find that it is not as difficult as you once imagined.
I know that this is actually a huge undertaking (not to mention expensive) that'll require a lot of work.
For this monumental task - beyond the scope of what most professional designers would dream of undertaking - the group received $7,500 for materials and all the tools they needed.
All interior design jobs can be a significant undertaking, but bathroom design requires a special kind of attention because of all of the plumbing involved.
The first thing to consider when undertaking the design of a beach house is whether you'll also be renting it out.
While it may be daunting at times, undertaking such a large project as to design your own dream home will prove to be a very rewarding experience for you if you take the time to get organized before you ever begin.
Whether you're working with new construction or are undertaking an update to your present kitchen, you need to consider several things before ripping out cabinets and floors.
Making this type of scrapboook is a personal undertaking, so be creative and take poetic license.
Making an entire scrapbook for someone is a big undertaking.
Undertaking a sea glass centerpiece project does not mean you need to be exceptionally crafty.
For a low budget, independent film this can be quite an undertaking.
A list of celebrity birthdays A to Z would be a massive undertaking, but some websites have made a valiant attempt at it.
Considering all they have to deal with on a daily basis, it's hard to believe that some want to add another time-consuming undertaking to their schedules, but the great rewards of going back to school make it easier to understand.
Depending on your choice of materials and the size and number of beds you are planning, this can be quite an expensive undertaking, especially if you pay someone to build the beds for you.
Installing hardwood can be a massive undertaking and can cost a lot of money.
Converting old radiators to new radiant floor heating is a major undertaking, but one that will make your heating system much more energy efficient.
You can save a great deal of money by doing the work yourself, provided you feel confident in the undertaking and have sufficient help to hold and lift the windows themselves.
The homeowner will have the option of undertaking the installation of the siding himself or seeking a professional to perform the job.
Installation of a patio door can often become a huge undertaking for a homeowner.
No matter what type of renovation you are undertaking, there are several ways that you can make the job a little easier to manage.
It may surprise you to discover this is an international undertaking with over twenty-three member organizations.
Even if you don't participate in such a huge undertaking, it is possible to design a single level in Doom or Quake, for example.
They actually have plans laid out for each block of the vineyard-when to harvest, sample, etc. It's a big undertaking.
When winemakers set out to make Pinot, much less the best Pinot, it is an undertaking of complete devotion to this temperamental grape.
If you see floor damage, keep in mind that attempting to replace that part of an Airstream is a significant undertaking.
Readiness tests measure the extent to which a child has acquired certain skills for successfully undertaking some new learning activity.
Readiness test-A test that measures the extent of a child's acquired skills for successfully undertaking a new learning activity such as kindergarten.
Persons affected by dependent personality disorder have a disproportionately low level of confidence in their own intelligence and abilities and have difficulty making decisions and undertaking projects on their own.
If you wish to have an advantage over other homes currently on the market, then undertaking the expense of hiring a professional feng shui consultant to assist you will prove the best investment you've ever made in marketing a home.
Styling hair into soft, buoyant curls was quite an undertaking back in those days.
Moving to another country for a job is a huge undertaking.
While this may seem like a risky undertaking, over the life of your mortgage, you can save thousands of dollars.
Shopping for maternity apparel that may only be worn a few months may seem like an expensive undertaking.
It requires a great deal of effort and commitment to remain familiar with the menstrual cycle and, for many couples, this can be a stressful undertaking.
Shopping on a budget doesn't have to be an enormous undertaking.
If you're looking for a different approach to raising money with holiday greeting cards that provides a way to combine environmental responsibility with crafting skills, consider undertaking a recycled Christmas card fundraising project.
Cutout cookies are a more labor intense undertaking.
Those with a knack for sewing may consider undertaking the creation of an Easter costume, and select pattern manufacturers may have bunny costume patterns available.
Obviously, a ceramic mask is a massive undertaking, but paper mache isn't quite as involving.
We strive to cultivate reverence and respect to each other and to approach all aspects of our life together as a shared undertaking.
Before undertaking any type of adventure, alone or in a group, always research the company before buying.
Aries is immediately smitten with Aquarius and the skill the air sign exhibits in every undertaking.
The large production cost of the film balanced the undertaking the film required.
For the most part, the mainstream scientific community avoided undertaking any serious study of EVP.
Saying "I do" to a pair of bridal shoes can be a major undertaking for women who aren't quite sure what they need.
Starting a staffing business is a large undertaking.
There are many unknowns that must be considered in order to ensure that your business will be a successful undertaking.
Not surprisingly, the DCC calendar is a huge project and undertaking.
Increasing your overall wellbeing is not a difficult undertaking and a moderate uptake of exercise at regular intervals, twinned with a sensible diet is the best approach to take.
When undertaking a beginner exercise program, it is important to start out slowly.
While this article can serve as a general guideline for undertaking a weight lifting program, it is always best to work with a personal trainer to set up a program tailored to your goals.
If you have never lifted weights before or are undertaking an exercise routine after a long period of being sedentary, it is always best to check with your personal health care provider.
Don't overlook the items that you have in storage when undertaking this important task.
One benefit of electronic invitations is the lack of postage - with postal rates regularly increasing, mailing invitations to a large group of party guests can be a pricey undertaking.
Attempting to catalog all of the blogs on the Web is a massive undertaking, which is why several special interest directories have been created to focus on narrow topic areas.
Some of the bikers were Dean's age or older and a few were in physical shape that made you wonder if they realized what they were undertaking.
At their conference all difficulties were discussed and settled, and an undertaking was given on both sides to put a stop to warlike preparations.
In these proportions the respective contributing governments are responsible for the losses made in the working of the undertaking.
The management of the company had meanwhile passed into the hands of others, whose sole object was to settle accounts with the government, and wind up the undertaking.
On hearing of the death of the poet Dakiki, he conceived the ambitious design of himself carrying out the work which the latter had only just commenced; and, although he had not then any introduction to the court, he contrived, thanks to one of his friends, Mahommed Lashkari, to procure a copy of the Dihkan Danishwer's collection, and at the age of thirty-six commenced his great undertaking.
It purported to be an undertaking entered into by a few Jacobins, among them Arena, a Corsican, for the murder of Bonaparte at the opera.
In the 3rd tablet, very imperfectly preserved, Gilgamesh appeals through a Shamash priestess Rimat-Belit to the sun-god Shamash for his aid in the proposed undertaking.
The famous china manufactory of Nymphenburg, founded in 1754 at Neudeck by a potter named Niedermeyer, was shortly afterwards removed hither and, after being long under royal patronage, is now a private undertaking.
Many improvements and extra protective works were carried out after 1816, and it was estimated that the total cost of this great engineering undertaking from 1807 to 1902 amounted to about X200,000, the date for the completion of the work being 1911.
But it proved a very long and laborious undertaking.
It was therefore only made possible at all by reducing the rations of the fighting men to a minimum and by undertaking the risks of changing the line of communication three times.
This work of reconstruction was carried out in face of many difficulties other than those inherent to the undertaking.
The Puerto Cabello and Valencia line (34 m.) is another British undertaking and carries a good traffic. A part of this line is built with a central cog-rail.
The County Council maintains a free ferry at Woolwich for passengers and vehicular traffic. The capital expenditure on this undertaking was £185,337 and the expense of maintenance in1907-1908£20,881.
The money so spent, if judiciously used, insures the undertaking against loss by diminishing the mining risk, and is thus analogous to premiums paid to insure against fire or other sources of loss.
Vertical interval British front /ine before authorities, an almost indispensable preliminary to the undertaking of warlike operations against Constantinople and the Bosporus by fighting forces coming from the west.
The consequence was that the feasibility of forcing a way from the Mediterranean up into the Sea of Marmora as a purely naval undertaking came to be examined afresh in London.
As a preliminary to his undertaking a serious land campaign on the shores of the Aegean, the general felt himself obliged to concentrate his forces in Egypt, and to prepare them there for the hazardous undertaking to which they were to be committed.
There was, indeed, no precedent for an undertaking of this kind under modern tactical conditions.
As had been the case at Helles and at Anzac ever since the first opening of land operations in April, only a restricted patch of Ottoman territory had been obtained by the new undertaking, and although the position at Anzac had been extended and improved it remained an extremely bad one.
That a retirement of this kind was a hazardous undertaking was realized from the outset.
After holding a professorship at Göttingen and undertaking a further journey to Greece in 1862, Curtius was appointed (in 1863) ordinary professor at Berlin.
The manufacture of snuff is the most complex, tedious and difficult undertaking of the tobacco manufacture, but it is now of but little ff importance.
When the French government decided on printing a general catalogue of the printed books in the Bibliotheque, Delisle became responsible for this great undertaking and took an active part in the work; in the preface to the first volume (1897) he gave a detailed history of the library and its management.
But friendly advisers also joined him, pointing out the risks of his undertaking.
The great undertaking was supported by liberal subscriptions, and Walton's political opinions did not deprive him of the help of the Commonwealth; the paper used was freed from duty, and the interest of Cromwell in the work was acknowledged in the original preface, part of which was afterwards cancelled to make way for more loyal expressions towards that restored monarchy under which Oriental studies in England immediately began to languish.
The societies or individuals undertaking village settlements must do so from philanthropic motives, inasmuch as within two years of the founding of a village, the land, under pain of forfeiture to the state, must be transferred gratuitously to the villagers.
Apart from the reference to Whytchurch and the place of printing, this statement agrees with that of Simeon Ruytinck, and it is possible that van Meteren showed his zeal in the matter by undertaking the cost of printing the work as well as that of remunerating the translator.
Thus the Revised Version was the achievement of English-speaking Christendom as a whole; only the Roman Catholic Church, of the great English-speaking denominations, refused to take part in the undertaking.
Then before undertaking his longer inroad into.
He also attempted to write another epic poem, but the time was not favourable for such an undertaking.
He managed, by undertaking private teaching and with the aid of a bursary, to go to the university of Aberdeen, where he took his M.A.
A silk mill was erected here in 1770, and there was also an attempt to foster the cotton trade, but the lack of means of communication made the undertaking impossible.
As a general rule, it is a condition precedent to the exercise of these powers by a company that the capital of the undertaking should be fully subscribed.
But let it be observed, first, that to reduce the huge and confused mass of pre-existing law into the compass of these two collections was an immense practical benefit to the empire; secondly, that, whereas the work which he undertook was accomplished in seven years, the infinitely more difficult task of codification might probably have been left unfinished at Tribonian's death, or even at Justinian's own, and been abandoned by his successor; thirdly, that in the extracts preserved in the Digest we have the opinions of the greatest legal luminaries given in their own admirably lucid, philosophical and concise language, while in the extracts of which the Codex is composed we find valuable historical evidence bearing on the administration and social condition of the later Pagan and earlier Christian empire; fourthly, that Justinian's age, that is to say, the intellect of the men whose services he commanded, was quite unequal to so vast an undertaking as the fusing upon scientific principles into one new organic whole of the entire law of the empire.
These include petroleum refineries, iron foundries, distilleries, flour mills, sugar refineries, sawmills, paper mills, chemical works, glass works, soap and candle works, &c. A law passed in 1887 provided that any one undertaking to found an industrial establishment with a capital of at least £2000, or employing at least 25 workmen (of whom two-thirds should be Rumanians), should be granted 12 acres of state land, exemption for a term of years from all direct taxes, freedom from customs dues for machinery and raw material imported, exemption from road taxes, reduction in cost of carriage of materials on the state railways, and preferential rights to the supply of manufactured articles to the state.
Victor Emmanuel regretfully signed the peace preliminaries, adding, however, pour ce qui me concerne (which meant that he made no undertaking with regard to central Italy), and Cavour resigned office.
This was his last great undertaking; but as Robertson's Charles V., in the light of new sources of information, was inadequate to take its place as a link in the series, he republished it in an improved and extended form in December 1856.
The eurapxai (" first fruits ") were conveyed to Eleusis, where sacrifice was offered by a priestess, men being prohibited from undertaking the duty.
The situation was such as to tempt Napoleon on to an undertaking on which he had probably set his heart in the autumn of 1806, that of dethroning the Spanish Bourbons and of replacing them by a Bonaparte.
The first portion of the undertaking was completed in 1811, and received the name of the "Escher canal," the river being thus diverted; into the Walensee.
But the vessels were wrecked upon some shoals about one hundred leagues to the south of Maranhao; the few survivors, after suffering immense hardships, escaped to the nearest settlements, and the undertaking was abandoned.
The Protector, however, did not live to witness the final triumph of his undertaking, which gave to England, as he had wished," the mastery of those seas,"ensuring the English colonies against Spanish attacks, and being maintained and followed up at the Restoration.
In this Assembly he proposed that " a confession of faith, a catechism, a directory for all the parts of the public worship, and a platform of government, wherein possibly England and we might agree," should be drawn up. This was unanimously approved of, and the laborious undertaking was left in Henderson's hands; but the " notable motion " did not lead to any immediate results.
It was a feeling akin to what he had felt at the Sloboda Palace during the Emperor's visit--a sense of the necessity of undertaking something and sacrificing something.
His faith made him believe that his adversaries were in the wrong; but how great must have been this faith, which permitted him to undertake the work at a time when mechanical appliances for the execution of such an undertaking did not exist, and when for the utilization of the proposed canal there was as yet no steam mercantile marine !
Migne's texts are not always satisfactory, but since the completion of his great undertaking two important collections have been begun on critical lines - the Vienna edition of the Latin Church writers,' and the Berlin edition of the Greek writers of the ante-Nicene period .8 For English readers there are three series of translations from the fathers, which cover much of the ground; the Oxford Library of the Fathers, the Ante Nicene Christian Library and the Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers.
He travelled in Italy, and perhaps in Greece also, collecting antique statues, reliefs, vases, &c., forming the largest collection then extant of such works, making drawings from them himself, and throwing open his stores for others to study from, and then undertaking works on commission for which his pupils no less than himself were" made available.
Concessions were made to one side and the other; and the question of the right of " protection " was solved by the Turkish government itself undertaking the duty.
Its treatment of the monarchy is only part of a great and now highly complicated literary undertaking (traceable in the books Joshua to Kings), inspired with the thought and coloured by language characteristic of Deuteronomy (especially the secondary portions), which forms the necessary introduction.
In 1727 he was appointed one of the commission (of which William Fitzwilliams and William Dandridge were the other members) to mark the boundary between North Carolina and Virginia, concerning which undertaking he wrote (probably in 1737) The History of the Dividing Line.
The government of intervention at first directed its main effort simply to holding the country together, without undertaking much that could divide public opinion or seem of unpalatably foreign impulse; and later to the establishment of a few fundamental laws which, when intervention ceased, should give greater simplicity, strength and stability to a new native government.
The last great undertaking in which he was employed was the revision of his codification of the canon law, which had been all but completed before the death of Henry.
From the text which Philo uses, it is probable that the translation had been transmitted in writing; and his legend probably fixes the date of the commencement of the undertaking for the reign of Ptolemy Lagus.
For there is all the difference in the world between using a body of general theory as an indication of the factors to be considered in the study of a special problem, and undertaking special studies with a view to testing the general theory.
He found that they were wholly inadequate, and summed up his views in a remarkable letter to the Directory (23rd of February), wherein he pointed out two possible alternatives to an invasion of England, namely, a conquest of the coast of the north-west of Germany, for the cutting off of British commerce with central Europe, or the undertaking of an expedition to the Orient which would be equally ruinous to British trade.
The creation of the state commissions, independent of the city's control, but able to commit the city indefinitely by undertaking expensive works and new debt, was resented.
Wishing to make this important privilege permanent, Russia by secret articles of the Treaty of Bucharest had secured the cession of this district, in return for an undertaking to destroy the forts of Kilia and Izmail on the Danube.
Pierre knew this, but instead of acting he only thought about his undertaking, going over its minutest details in his mind.