Underlying Sentence Examples
The fossils are few, and in some cases probably derived from the underlying formations.
Tests gave no indication of an underlying cause.
However good her underlying motivations, she still lied, tricked and betrayed him.
But it is hard to deny the underlying need.
He did not penetrate into the deeper causes underlying the revolutions and palace intrigues.
It is deeper and more sandy where granite is the underlying rock, deeper and more fertile on the north-western than on the south-eastern mountain slopes, and shallower and more clayey where slate is the underlying rock.
Neoplatonism owes its form to Plato, but its underlying motive is the widespread feeling of self-despair and the longing for divine illumination characteristic of the age in which it appears.
Nor need this be wondered at if we consider that the unity of the human mind with the divine is its underlying presupposition.
Much of the popularity of her writings was due to their clear and crisp style and the underlying enthusiasm for her subject which pervaded them.
The theory underlying this may vary.
AdvertisementIs it possible to hold that determinist arguments are of so convincing a character as to enable us to perceive at the moment of action the untrustworthy nature of our consciousness that we are free to choose between alternatives and to grasp beneath the appearance the underlying necessity which rules our wills ?
As for Fred, he was downright ecstatic about a baby in his adopted family—hang the underlying circumstances of the blessed event.
Nothing has changed in that underlying condition even tho its consequences have substantially ameliorated.
It addresses the causes and mechanisms underlying the phenomenon.
The underlying bedrock is chalk, with overlying river gravels.
AdvertisementUnderlying the main living area there is a large shell midden.
If you choose to go on an all acai diet, the fasting part of this diet could lead to headaches, stomachaches, dizziness, fainting or worse if you have an underlying condition.
These Tajiks (as they are usually called) form the underlying population of Persia, Baluchistan, Afghanistan and Badakshan, and their language (in the central districts of Asia) is found to contain words of Aryan or Sanskrit derivation which are not known in Persian.
Prosternum underlying the proboscis.
Appendages of 2nd pair not underlying the mouth, but freely movable and, except in primitive forms, furnished with a maxillary lobe; the rest of the limb like the legs, tipped with a single claw and quite unmodified (except in a').
AdvertisementAppendages of 2nd pair very large and completely chelate, their basal segments meeting in the middle line, as in the Uropygi, and provided in front with membranous lip-like processes underlying the proboscis.
Orifice of coxal gland probably situated at base of coxa of 5th appendage; sternal plate of prosoma minute or absent; no prosternal element underlying the mouth.
The phosphatic deposit has doubtless been produced by the long-continued action of a thick bed of sea-fowl dung, which converted the carbonate of the underlying limestone into phosphate.
Its deep underlying causes can only be understood in the light of the whole of Hungarian history.
The principle underlying this expression is probably to be found in the fact that it measured the limits of their attainments in algebra, for they were unable to solve equations of a higher degree than the quadratic or square.
AdvertisementThe direction of striae on the underlying quartzitic rocks, particularly well seen near the Douglas colliery, Balmoral, point to an ice movement from the north-north-west to south-south-east.
The text of the Gospels underlying it " represents the Greek text as read in Rome about A.D.
The action of the sun's rays stimulates the cells of the skin to increase the pigment as a protection to the underlying tissues, e.g.
So long as the epidermis of animals remains sound, disease germs may come in contact with it almost with impunity, but immediately on its being fissured, or a larger wound made through it, the underlying parts, the blood and soft tissues, are attacked by them.
When the solid rock is not exposed the soil sometimes furnishes an indication of the character of the underlying rock.
In this section an attempt is made to indicate briefly the causes which have led to so great a diversity of opinion, and to describe in outline the principles underlying the chief schemes of chronology that have been suggested; a short account will then be given of the latest discoveries in this branch of research, and of the manner in which they affect the problems at issue.
Such are the principles underlying the various chronological schemes which had, until recently, been propounded.
The balance of opinion was in favour of those of the first group of writers, who avoided emendations of the figures and were content to follow the Kings' List and to ignore its apparent discrepancies with other chronological data; but it is now admitted that the general principle underlying the third group of theories was actually nearer the truth.
It is not the purpose of this note to set forth the principles underlying the formation of proper names among the Babylonians and Assyrians, but it may not be out of place to indicate that by the side of such full names, containing three elements (or even more), we have already at an early period the reduction of these elements to two through the combination of the name of a deity with a verbal form merely, or through the omission of the name of the deity.
Underlying all the apparent confusion of fact and practice were certain fundamental principles and relationships, which were alike everywhere, and which really gave shape to everything that was feudal, no matter what its form might be.
This was particularly the case in parts of France and Germany where feudalism continued to regulate the property relations of lords and vassals longer than elsewhere, and where the underlying economic feudalism remained in large part unchanged.
Hauran southward forms the main watershed of the peninsula is covered in places by deep beds of lava, which from their hardness have preserved the underlying sandstones from degradation, and now stand up consider ably above the general level.
The underlying principle is to reproduce natures scenic beauties, all the features being drawn to scale, so that however restricted the space, there shall be no violation of proportion.
The integuments of the head are divided into non-imbricate shields or plates, symmetrically arranged, but not corresponding in size or shape with the underlying cranial bones or having any relation to them.
How strongly his mind revolted against the use of charms, amulets, incantations and such devices appears from his writings; and he has expressly recorded, as underlying all his practice, the conviction that, however diseases may be regarded from the religious point of view, they must all be scientifically treated as subject to natural laws (De acre, 29).
The primary attitude of man to the numina seems clearly to be one of fear, which survives prominently in the "impish" character of certain of the spirits of the countryside, such as Faunus and Inuus, and is always seen in the underlying conception of religio, a sense of awe in the presence of a superhuman power.
The Stoics, for example, were more successful in criticizing the current creed than in explaining the underlying truth which they recognized in polytheism.
As the Arctic Basin is shut off from the North Atlantic by ridges rising to within 300 fathoms of the surface and from the Pacific by the shallow shelf of the Bering Sea, and as the ice-laden East Greenland and Labrador currents consist of fresh surface water which cannot appreciably influence the underlying mass, the Arctic region has no practical effect upon the bottom temperature of the three great oceans, which is entirely dominated by the influence of the Antarctic. The existence of deep-lying and extensive rises or ridges in high southern latitudes has been indicated by the deep-sea temperature observations of Antarctic expeditions.
Bjerknes have been usefully applied in many cases, but they cannot take the place of direct observations of currents and of the fundamental processes and conditions underlying them.
But as a rule most of those who have adopted this view have done so without the full and patient examination which the matter demands; they have been misled by the difference in tone and style between the earlier and later writings, and have concluded that underlying this was a fundamental difference of philosophic conception.
More particularly by the confusion in which he left the relation between the two logical principles of identity and of sufficient reason underlying respectively analytic and synthetic, deductive and inductive thought, he may be said to have undermined in another way the idealism he strove to establish.
The assertion of this principle by Kant was, we have seen, the corner-stone of idealistic philosophy in general, underlying as it does the conception of a permanent subject not less than that of a permanent object.
The fact seems to be that intellectual speculation was as strong in America as in Puritan England; the assumption that the inhibition of its expression was good seems wholly gratuitous, and contrary to general convictions underlying modern freedom of speech.
The underlying idea of manoeuvring in two wings and a reserve should be kept in mind when considering this letter.
This is implied in the oldest ordination rules and forms of prayer, such as those underlying the " Canons of Hippolytus " and related collections.
The phosphate beds contain Eocene fossils derived from the underlying strata and many fragments of Pleistocene vertebrata such as mastodon, elephant, stag, horse, pig, &c. The phosphate occurs as lumps varying greatly in size, scattered through a sand or clay; they often contain phosphatized Eocene fossils (Mollusca, &c.).
On one side indeed there was the record, underlying the Synoptists, of at least two eye-witnesses, and the necessity of its preservation and transmission; but on the other side a profound double change had come over the Christian outlook and requirements.
Underlying the new policy adopted by the Free State was the belief held, if not by President Steyn himself, at least by his followers, that the two republics combined would be more than a match for the power of Great Britain should hostilities occur.
The coal underlying the east half of the state, the " Great Plains," is lignitic and of inferior quality, but that in the mountain districts is bituminous and generally suitable for coking.
The underlying idea is that the new age (that of the new heaven and earth) will be opened by events parallel to those which opened the first age.
In logical sequence to these tenets it seeks to divorce the school from the state - a proceeding which it terms educational freedom, though the underlying motive is to subordinate the school to the Church.
Further acquaintance makes us feel a unity of character underlying this susceptibility to the impressions of the moment.
The idea underlying these councils was to create, as it were, a certain constitution for factories by which the workman who had hitherto been a mere machine should become a creative factor, closely identified with the organization of the undertaking, conscious of responsibility, and thus making of democracy the same reality in economic life as it had already become in political life.
In external form and appearance the Hydrozoa exhibit such striking differences that there would seem at first sight to be little in common between the more divergent members of the group. Nevertheless there is no other class in the animal kingdom with better marked characteristics, or with more uniform morphological peculiarities underlying the utmost diversity of superficial characters.
The divergences in ritual and organization, the principle underlying all the various ecclesiastical unions, viz.
The chief feature of Laud's administration is attention to countless details, to the most trivial of which he attached excessive importance, and which are uninspired by any great underlying principle.
The amir showed his usual ability in diplomatic argument, his tenacity where his own views or claims were in debate, with a sure underlying insight into the real situation.
The soils of the Piedmont Plateau east of Parr's Ridge are, like the underlying rocks, exceptionally variable in composition, texture and colour.
Beneath the ancient Greek version, the Septuagint, there certainly underlay an earlier form of the Hebrew text than that perpetuated by Jewish tradition, and if Christian scholars could have worked through the version to the underlying Hebrew text, they would often have come nearer to the original meaning than their Jewish contemporaries.
More especially since the time of Capellus the value of the Septuagint for correcting the Hebrew text has been recognized; but it has often been used uncritically, and the correctness of the Hebrew text underlying it in comparison with the text of the Hebrew MSS., though still perhaps most generally underestimated, has certainly at times been exaggerated.
As they stand at present they are undoubtedly two, and can be distinguished both by the readings which they imply in the underlying Greek, and by the renderings which they have adopted.
Starting with the stem forms the descendants of which have passed through either persistent or changed habitats, we reach the underlying idea of the branching law of Lamarck or the law of divergence of Darwin, and find it perhaps most clearly expressed in the words "adaptive radiation" (Osborn), which convey the idea of radii in many directions.
The only inkling of possible underlying principles in this orderly process is that there appears to be in respect to certain characters a potentiality or a predisposition through hereditary kinship to evolve in certain definite directions.
They are derived from the same period in which the underlying idea of the Gnostic systems also originated, namely, the time at which the ideas of the Persian and Babylonian religions came into contact, the remarkable results of which have thus partly found their way into the official documents of Parsiism.
These two branches arose from a common basal segment or coxa, the inner surface of which was produced into a strong process underlying the external area.
The Westphalian plain is broken by extensive outcrops of the underlying cretaceous beds, and is not very fertile, except in the Hellweg, a zone between the Haarstrang and the Lippe.
Hincmar of Reims and Haimo of Halberstadt, took the side of Paschasius, and affirmed that the substance of the bread and wine is changed, and that God leaves the colour, taste and other outward properties out of mercy to the worshippers, who would be overcome with dread if the underlying real flesh and blood were nakedly revealed to their gaze !
Its relief is seldom more than 200 or 300 ft., and is commonly of small measure, but its continuity and its contrast with the associated lowlands worn on the underlying and overlying weak strata suffice to sake it a feature of importance.
The prairies are, in brief, a contribution of the glacial period; they consist for the most part of glacial drift, deposited unconformably on an underlying rock surface of moderate or small relief.
This mountain mass is of flat-arched, dome-like structure, now well dissected by radiating consequent streams, so that the weaker uppermost strata have been eroded down to the level of the plains where their upturned edges are evenly truncated, and the next following harder strata have been sufficiently eroded to disclose the core of underlying crystalline rocks in about half of the domed area.
Mt Taylor in western New Mexico is of similar age, but here dissection seems to have advanced farther, probably because of the weaker nature of the underlying rocks, with the result of removing the smaller cones and exposing many lava conduits or pipes in the form of volcanic necks or buttes.
There is in some places an unconformity between the Richmond beds (or their equivalent) and underlying formations, and this unconformity, together with certain palaeontological considerations, has raised the question whether the uppermost part of the system, as outlined above, should not be classed as Silurian (Upper Silurian).
West of the Rocky Mountainf the Permian has not been very generally separated from overlying and underlying formations, though it has been differentiated in a few places, as in south-western Colorado and in some parts of Arizona.
The rocks underlying it have been subjected to successive foldings and crumplings by forces acting chiefly from the direction of the Atlantic Ocean, with alternating prolonged periods of waste and denudation.
It receives its name from its soil (weathered from the weak underlying limestone), which is black in colour, almost destitute of sand and loam, and rich in limestone and marl formations, especially adapted to the production of cotton; hence the region is also called the "Cotton Belt."
The soft limestone underlying this region is covered, in the uplands, with grey, sandy soils, which have a subsoil of loam; in the lowlands the surface soils are loams, the subsoils clays.
But, under the influence of Trendelenburg's attempt to reconcile thought and being by assigning motion to both, his Wirklichkeitsphilosophie, in a similar effort after a unity of being, lands him in the contention that matter is absolute being, the support of all reality underlying all bodily and mental states.
It is strange that the underlying assumption of panlogism was not at once contested in this plain way.
St George Mivart, in The Ground-work of Science (1898), maintained the reality of an active causative power underlying Nature, and the dignity of human reason, from an independent point of view.
These beings are doubtless due in part to poetic imagination, but underlying this there may be a substratum of primitive religious belief.
The skin consists of a transparent cuticle excreted by the underlying ectoderm, the cells of which though usually one-layered may be heaped up into several layers in the head; beneath this is a basement membrane, and then a layer of longitudinal muscle fibres which are limited inside by a layer of peritoneal cells.
But in addition there is another very important principle underlying many of our thermal processes, viz.
The reason for this is that in it the slag, by means of which all the purification must needs be done, is not heated effectively; that hence it is not readily made thoroughly liquid; that hence the removal of the phosphoric slag made in the early dephosphorizing stage of the process is liable to be incomplete; and that hence, finally, the phosphorus of any of this slag which is left in the furnace becomes deoxidized during the second or deoxidizing stage, and is thereby returned to befoul the underlying steel.
These " dry diggings " were therefore at first supposed to be alluvial in origin like the river gravels; but it was soon discovered that, below the red surface soil and the underlying calcareous deposit, diamonds were also found in a layer of yellowish clay about 50 ft.
As time passed, and custom created familiarity, his style, personal and literary, was seen to be the outward symbol of a firm resolve to preserve a philosophic calm, and of an enormous underlying energy which spent itself in labour, "ohne Hast, aber auch ohne Rast."
The more orthodox and conservative elements in his character gained the upper hand as time went on, but careful students of him and his writings will find a deep conservatism underlying the most radical utterances of his earlier years, while a passionate sympathy for the poor, the afflicted and the weak held possession of him till the last hour of his life.
Politically, the principle underlying the agreement was that the empire should be divided into two portions; in one of these the Magyars were to rule, in the other the Germans; in either section the Slav races - the Serbs and Croatians, the Czechs, Poles and Slovenes - were to be placed in a position of political inferiority.
It does not, however, lie within the scope of the present article to examine the various sources underlying the narrative with any minuteness, but rather to sum up those results of modern criticism which have been generally accepted by Old Testament scholars.
The simplest type is that of the giraffe, in which three bony prominences - a single one in front and a pair behind - quite separate from the underlying bones and covered during life with skin, occupy the front surface of the skull.
A temple built of sun-dried brick and timber has been found at Thebes underlying an archaic temple of Ismenian Apollo and standing on Mycenaean tombs (Keramopoullos, 1916), and a more extensive settlement was found at Thermon in Aetolia (Romaios, 1911-3).
The underlying idea, as of similar mutilations of those slain in battle, is the warrior's wish to preserve a portable proof or trophy of his prowess.
The shape and colour of these roughnesses depend on the nature of the underlying rock.
The various stages in this kind of demolition are best seen where the underlying rock is of granite or similarly tough material, which at the same time is apt to be split and splintered by means of its numerous transverse joints.
The successive cuticles that are cast as growth proceeds are delicate in texture and sometimes separate from the underlying cuticle without being stripped off.
In seeking for a single material principle underlying the multiplicity of phenomena, the first nature-philosophers, Thales and the rest, did indeed raise the problem of the one and the many, the endeavour to answer which must at last lead to logic. But it is only from a point of view won by later speculation that it can be said that they sought to determine the predicates of the single subject-reality, or to establish the permanent subject of varied and varying predicates.'
It is what in one direction gave the now familiar classification of parts of speech, in the other that of thought-categories underlying them.
The causes underlying them were serious enough.
In the broadest sense the underlying principle of the struggle is the reassertion of interest in the world.
It is also distinguished from them by the comparative absence of underlying motives or sentiment.
Underlying the diversity of names and functions and countless varieties of shape, there is a common standard' to which the appendages in general can be referred.
The forces underlying the movement may differ from time to time in their respective intensity, and, in highly exceptional cases, may approach equilibrium, their natural tendencies being interrupted by special causes, but the instances of general decline are confined to wild and comparatively small communities brought into contact with alien and more civilized races.
On the other side, he addressed himself to the analysis of man considered as a political being, to the anatomy of constitutions and the classification of governments, to the study of motives underlying public action, the secrets of success and the causes of failure in the conduct of affairs.
Among the manufactures are zinc spelter-there are large smelters here-clay products (chiefly vitrified brick, sewer pipe and tile; the clay being obtained from a great underlying bed of shale), blasting powder, packinghouse products and planing-mill products.
Such a real underlying unity is the reason and justification for regarding " public finance " as a distinct subject of study and as an independent division of political science.
This throws a new light on the question, and from it the inference at once follows, that the forms are the permanent causes or substances underlying all visible phenomena, which are merely manifestations of their activity.
This fruitful conception, however, Bacon does not work out; and though he uses the word cause, and identifies form with formal cause, yet it is perfectly apparent that the modern notions of cause as dynamical, and of nature as in a process of flow or development, are foreign to him, and that in his view of the ultimate problem of science, cause meant causa immanens, or underlying substance, effects were not consequents but manifestations, and nature was regarded in a purely statical aspect.
The endeavour was made to interpret, not necessarily according to the letter, but according to individual conceptions of the spirit and underlying motive.
It was his purpose to show that the forms of thought (which he sought to isolate from the peculiarities incident to the organic body) were not merely customary means for licking into convenient shape the data of perception, but entered as underlying elements into the constitution of objects, making experience possible and determining the fundamental structure of nature.
The principle underlying these instruments is that we can measure differences of potential by means of the motion of an electrified body in a symmetrical field of electric force.
Each of the visceral ganglia is connected or combined with an olfactory ganglion underlying an area of specialized epithelium, which constitutes the olfactory organ, the osphradium.
It very frequently happens that we do not know what the underlying condition is, and we are forced simply to relieve as best we can the most prominent and most distressing symptoms. In symptomatic treatment we are frequently obliged to use remedies simply because we know they have done good before in similar cases, and we expect them to do so again without having the least idea of how they act.
The underlying fact which made the trek possible is that the Dutchdescended colonists in the eastern and north-eastern parts of the colony were not cultivators of the soil, but of purely pastoral and nomad habits, ever ready to seek new pastures for their flocks and herds, and possessing no special affection for any particular locality.
Equally scattered through the whole country, and almost everywhere recognizable, is the underlying Persian population (Tajik), which is sometimes represented by a locally dominant tribe, but more frequently by the agricultural slave and bondsman of the general community.
The oldest beds which have hitherto yielded fossils, belong to the Ordovician system, but it is highly probable that the underlying " Haimantas " of the central Himalaya are of Cambrian age.
Both on historical and on critical grounds, however, it is improbable that the principle of restitution underlying the regulations for the year of Jubilee was originally extended to persons in the earlier code.
The Talbragar beds, then, may be representative of the Jurassic; and the underlying Hawkesbury Sandstone may be Upper Triassic. The Cretaceous system is widely developed in the western part of the state, where it is represented by two divisions.
In most cases this cornea is divided into lenticular facets corresponding to the underlying ommatidia.
Yet in spite of his searching study of authorities, his keen judgment of men, and his perception of underlying principles of moral law, his view was warped by the heat of faction, which glows beneath his external objectivity.
The whole region may be looked upon as formed by an arch or anticline of Carboniferous strata, the axis of which runs north and south; the centre has been worn away by erosion, so that the Coal Measures have been removed, and the underlying Millstone Grit and Carboniferous Limestone exposed to the influences which form scenery.
Ashton, Oldham, Rochdale, Bury, Bolton and Wigan form a nearly confluent semicircle of great towns, their prosperity founded on the underlying coal and iron, maintained by imported cotton.
Around the western and northern edge of the Old Red Sandstone plain the underlying Silurian rocks (and even the Cambrian and Archaean in places) have been bent up so that their edges form hills of singular abruptness and beauty.
A few small elevations of gravel, or of underlying formations, rise above the level of 25 ft.; these were in former times islands, and now they form the sites of the infrequent villages.
The older and scantier underlying ruins are supposed to be those of the once large and prosperous city of Itil or Atel (Etel, Idl) of the Arab geographers, a residence of the khan of the Khazars, destroyed by the Russians in 969.
It is full of huge glaciated blocks, and in different regions (Prieska chiefly) the underlying pavement is remarkably striated and shows that the ice was moving southward.
In the face of this testimony with reference to two of the most prominent of the Bond's promoters, it is impossible to deny that from its beginning the great underlying idea of the Bond was an independent South Africa.
On account of the small amount of precipitation, the fissured condition of the underlying lava sheets, and the porous soil, the Great Sandy Desert has practically no surface streams even in the wet season, and within its limits no potable waters have been found.
Over the stretched wire moves a contact maker S, which makes contact with it at any desired point, the position of which can be ascertained by means of an underlying scale.
The epithelium of the outer surface was probably ciliated, and a portion of it in the preoral lobe differentiated as a sense-organ, with longer cilia and underlying nerve-centre, from which two nerves ran back below the ventral surface.
I cannot see one shadow or tittle of evidence that the great unknown underlying the phenomenon of the universe stands to us in the relation of a Father - loves us and cares for us as Christianity asserts.
Each such complex of cells underlying the lenticle of a compound eye is called an " ommatidium "; the entire mass of cells underlying a monomeniscous eye is an " ommataeum."
The theory of psychophysical parallelism involves no doubt in the minds of the majority of its upholders the further assumption of some unity underlying both the physical and psychical series which may one day be discovered to be susceptible of scientific expression and interpretation.
Moreover, there are gigantic fissures, running for several miles, caused by subsidences of the underlying sections.
The town originally owed its prosperity to the large iron and coal fields underlying the basin in which it is situated.
Practical Astronomy, taken in its widest sense, treats of the instruments by which our knowledge of the heavenly bodies is acquired, the principles underlying their use, and the methods by which these principles are practically applied.
Kugler 7 that the various periods underlying their lunar predictions were identical with those heretofore believed to have been independently arrived at by Hipparchus, who accordingly must be held to have borrowed from Chaldaea the lengths of the synodic, sidereal, anomalistic and draconitic months.
Kepler's ineradicable belief in the existence of some such congruity was derived from the Pythagorean idea of an underlying harmony in nature; but his arduous efforts for its realization took a devious and fantastic course which seemed to give little promise of their surprising ultimate success.
Boulder-clays and sands, and gravels rearranged by water, occur throughout the lowlands; while the eskers or " green hills," characteristic grasscovered ridges of gravel, rise from the great plain, or run athwart valleys and over hill-sides, marking the courses of sub-glacial streams. When the superficial deposits are removed, the underlying rocks are found to be scored and smoothed by ice-action, and whole mountain-sides in the south and west have been similarly moulded during the Glacial epoch.
In general the soils of the Piedmont Plateau region are such as have been formed by the disintegration of the underlying rocks.
One student, like Theagenes, would see a physical philosophy underlying Homeric legends.
His nature was turbulent, and from his youth he had been used to command; but underlying a rough exterior there was evidence of a kindly heart.
But if the progress of physical science has not prevented the rehabilitation of much of ancient alchemy by the later researches into chemical change, and if psychology now finds a place for explanations of spiritualism and witchcraft which involve the admission of the empirical facts under a new theory (as in the case of the diviningrod, &c.), it is at least conceivable that some new synthesis might once more justify part at all events of ancient and medieval astromancy, to the extent of admitting the empirical facts where provable, and substituting for the supposed influence of the stars as such, some deeper theory which would be consistent with an application to other forms of prophecy, and thus might reconcile the possibility of dipping into futurity with certain interrelations of the universe, different indeed from those assumed by astrological theory, but underlying and explaining it.
It is the centre of a district very rich in minerals, obtained from a narrow stretch of crystalline schists underlying the Tertiary deposits.
The thick superficial coverings over the state make difficult the determination of the underlying strata.
When it is added that Jefferson's assertions, alike as regards Hamilton's talk 3 and the intent and tendency of his political measures, were, to the extent of the underlying basic fact - but discounting Jefferson's somewhat intemperate interpretations - unquestionably true, 4 it cannot be accounted strange that Hamilton's Democratic opponents mistook his theoretic predilections for positive designs.
In the case of thin, flat organs such as leaves, the whole organ may be spread out in the plane of stratification, leaving its impress on the overlying and underlying layers.
The controversy as to the underlying elements of the Nibelung legend extends to the question of the authorship and construction of the poem itself.
Such a crude conception is far, indeed, from doing justice to Kant's view, but it undoubtedly represents the underlying assumption of many of his cardinal doctrines.
Many of the clays which pass under this designation belong to the Carboniferous period, and are found underlying seams of coal.
It was another indication of that underlying humor.
The underlying architecture of PERMIS is a distributed architecture.
I have therefore examined the underlying assumptions made by both sides.
Professor Whitwell said that the severe occlusive atheroma noted in the coronary arteries would be the underlying cause of the infarction.
Oxidative stress appears to be a significant underlying factor in the development of a wide array of diseases, including atherosclerosis and cancer.
The three monthly average of sales has fallen to the lowest level since April 2000, with the underlying trend indicating modest volume growth.
Blackburn is of particular interest as it provides evidence of active dissolution of the Ulster White Limestone underlying the plateau basalts.
Recession of the plateaux margins has exposed underlying Mesozoic strata and, in some areas, the Paleozoic basement.
Underlying the diversity of Buddhist belief and practice is a controlling purpose.
It exerts its effects directly in inflamed tissues underlying the site of application, mainly by inhibiting prostaglandin biosynthesis.
Abstract There has been growing interest in the mechanisms underlying the oscillatory properties of the mammalian cerebral cortex.
However little is known of the molecular mechanisms and neuronal circuitry underlying gravitational responses.
Professor Alan Cowey, FRS University of Oxford Using TMS to explore the nature and timing of brain events underlying visual cognition.
As well as the endothelium and underlying basement membrane, there is a small layer of loose connective tissue and some adipose tissue.
Can you identify the endothelium, and underlying connective tissue of the tunica intima layer in this photograph?
Kirchhoff's second law A low-density gas will radiate an emission-line spectrum with an underlying emission continuum.
There is also an underlying darkness and even more ironic counterpoint buried in the music and lyrics.
Far more drastic action is needed to address the underlying problem of voter cynicism - greater localism is the only effective remedy.
The first task of the process of positive deconstruction, then, is to identify the underlying worldview.
This Comments section is therefore very important in explaining the derivation of the overall score from this more complex underlying pattern.
Leather The epidermis is supported on the ridged surface of the underlying dermis is supported on the ridged surface of the underlying dermis.
To begin with the city was laid out on a desert surface of yellow sand and grayish gravel over an underlying harder stony desert.
Can we understand the underlying engineering designs that allow this tiny nematode to survive and flourish?
The thrust of this work is to apply the well-established underlying principles of liquid and solid phase electrochemistry, to the gas phase.
At term, hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy remains the most common underlying factor.
Anyone can develop endocarditis, but you are most at risk if you have underlying heart valve disease or have certain congenital heart diseases.
We believe that everyone who comes to the clinic can be helped regardless of the underlying etiology or severity of disability.
His deeply expressive throaty voice; tender, vulnerable with underlying menace - soul plugged.
A core of fatty tissue is also excised down to the underlying deep fascia.
Avoiding any further malolactic fermentation produced a truly fruit driven style of wine with only a hint of underlying French oak support.
The skills system is one of the game's strongest underlying fundamentals, so it's fortunate that it actually works so well.
The underlying geology is volcanic lava flows, which outcrop in some areas.
The distribution of this element in stream sediments is controlled by the underlying bedrock geology.
Selection of Deer control areas Give primary importance to underlying soil type, with preference to surface water gleys and brown earths.
A great big glob of underlying frustration is building up, because people are not feeling heard by their democratic governments.
The underlying idea is that the absorb function will greedily gobble up any arguments which are supplied.
This module explores the principles underlying the different systems of decentralized governance.
This underlying biology allows us to understand the way in which left handedness has been treated in history.
Modern Western medicine to easily relies on treating the symptom, which inevitably mask the underlying problems traditional herbalists use a broad holistic approach.
The underlying meaning of the connections between these two levels represents a third and often hidden dimension of culture.
In acquired ichthyosis, underlying conditions e.g. Hodgkin's disease or a malignancy must be excluded.
Structure 69C has a vertex atom missing from the underlying Mackay icosahedron like 38A.
The underlying pathophysiology seems to be that E.B.V. specifically infects B cells and then incites a T cell response (atypical lymphocytes ).
It highlights the indecision within Government as to the underlying philosophy behind its approach to public health.
The psephological reasoning underlying this push for change is also indisputable.
In 1998 CAT acquired rights to novel polysome display technology and underlying intellectual property through the acquisition of Aptein Inc., a US company.
The underlying geology is a gray shaly metamorphosed limestone, perhaps turbidite, interbedded with sandstone; sands and gravels fill the valleys.
In his anxiety to appear logical Haldane clearly hoped that the underlying theological aspect of his argument would go unnoticed.
The Highland boundary fault separates the metamorphic bedrock of the highlands and the old red sandstone underlying the lowlands.
Art adds to the health of society, sometimes by exposing underlying malaise.
The material outlines the underlying causal mechanisms of mass wasting with particular reference to the Australian landscape.
If you are on this class of drugs for underlying epilepsy you should not discontinue this medication without first consulting your doctor.
Use of prescription medications is directed toward any underlying causes.
During the fifth week of development these cells proliferate and invade the underlying retroperitoneal mesenchyme.
Settings The resolution of the underlying triangular mesh can be controlled using the appropriate slider to the right of the view.
How does this issue impact not only on inter-faith dialog but on the underlying metaphysics and theology of this question?
However, blaming globalization for the consequences diverts attention from such criminal misdeeds and also misdirects analysis of their underlying causes.
Compton believes that the catalytic effects of nanotube electrodes are often misreported in the literature because the underlying science is not thoroughly investigated.
The underlying fear helps to generate a mood of jealousy (self-pity mode ).
Any decision to support an institution, particularly in circumstances of underlying insolvency, creates a moral hazard that undermines market discipline.
Together with patient history and potential underlying co morbidity factors this may lead to a provisional diagnosis of PG.
Closer inspection revealed an underlying choroidal nevus and no choroidal neovascular membrane.
Causes There are many underlying causes for early- onset nystagmus.
The medicinal uses od wild plants thus remain ultimately paradoxical, and their underlying complexity, wonderful and often unacknowledged.
Not just beliefs change, but also the underlying ontology.
A clinical sign of underlying osteomyelitis in diabetic patients.
We need to comply with the underlying spirit of privacy and justice in the existing unsatisfactory patchwork of legislation.
Of course, in reality, we treat the underlying pathology.
Nutrients pass from the underlying periosteum (superficial bony layer) through the cartilage matrix by diffusion, to reach the chondrocytes.
Disregarding such perversion, we have to realize that the sweetness underlying Divinity is one only.
The domestic petroleum the underlying insurance the only physical suits are on.
Further, molecular analyzes using different DNA cloning techniques will be applied to uncover the genetic lesions underlying the mutant phenotypes.
Professor Junia V. Melo has a longstanding interest in the molecular mechanisms underlying the malignant phenotype of CML.
What, if any moral or underlying philosophy, underpins your fiction?
Module 3B5 covers principles of solid state electronic devices ranging from the underlying semiconductor physics to the operating characteristics and design of advanced transistors.
Wyn Williams uses powerful computer facilities for intensive numerical modeling of the underlying physics of magnetism in mineral grains.
The jokes come at a steady pace and there is a underlying humor to the whole plotline.
Nagel wrinkles his nose at Lacey's probing beneath the published surface to reveal the underlying preoccupations of Hart's life.
Hooker also presupposes a similar underlying certainty to faith.
That underlying principle drives the interest to ensure that copyrights are protected in the digital age.
In the acute setting, the underlying cause is usually not diagnosed on plain radiographs.
There is an underlying rationale for the criteria selected.
Underlying molecular defect CF is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein.
The complexity and visually seductive nature of computer graphics makes it easy to mislead viewers that there is rigorous science underlying it all.
They do not grow on the skin, rather they stay firmly attached to the underlying joint or tendon sheath.
Specifically, the course's vocational slant is toward those seeking an in-depth understanding of the basic sciences underlying food science.
The abnormal cells first invade the stalk of the polyp, then the underlying tissue of the colon to which the stalk of the polyp, then the underlying tissue of the colon to which the stalk is attached.
Hong Hua was added to address her underlying mild blood stasis that was causing clothing on the second day of menses.
The Cambridge group has identified fiber waviness and matrix shear yield as the underlying reason for low compressive strength.
One way the JDBC API deals with this problem is to allow any query string to be passed through to an underlying DBMS driver.
If an underlying TimeZone implementation subclass supports historical GMT offset changes, the method returns the raw offset value of the current date.
The topsoil came down directly onto the underlying subsoil.
The model uses an underlying subspace in which it makes smooth, continuous trajectories.
A small minority of people who develop symptoms suggestive of CFS have an underlying anxiety or depressive disorder.
Winter storms can remove great swathes of sand right down to the underlying rock.
It also stimulates the sweat glands and increases blood circulation to underlying organs and tissues in the body.
Only with an underlying theme of doubt can happiness be found.
The underlying rock is granite which gives rise to a rugged, undulating topography which nowhere rises above 85m.
Of central importance is the underlying complexity of the format and this suggests a typology of metadata along the continuum from simplicity to complexity.
To tackle crime and its underlying causes of a social underclass set apart from society's mainstream.
Other books added a more specific agenda to the always underlying Evangelicalism.
Much public health research was also felt to have weak underlying theoretical underpinnings.
When the underlying gets very volatile you are often best advised to buy or sell at the market.
In Bengali, however, nasality is initially interpreted as an underlying nasal vowel.
GovernmentThe principle underlying the administration of the French possessions overseas, from the earliest days until the close of the Ioth century, was that of domination and assimilation, notwithstanding that after the loss of Canada and the sale of Louisiana France ceased to hold any considerable colony in which Europeans could settle in large numbers.
Flood waters disappear often within a distance of a few miles, being absorbed by porous soil, stretches of sand, and sometimes by the underlying bed-rocks.
On the other hand, nearly all systems of philosophy have discussed the underlying problems. Such questions as the origin of the cosmos as a whole, the production of organic beings and of conscious minds, and the meaning of the observable grades of creation, have from the dawn of speculation occupied men's minds; and the answers to these questions often imply a vague recognition of the idea of a gradual evolution of things.
Closely connected with it, and probably underlying many of the facts which have led to it, is a more definite group of ideas that may be brought together under the phrase " phylogenetic limitation of variation."
History Of Geographical Theory The earliest conceptions of the earth, like those held by the primitive peoples of the present day, are difficult to discover and almost impossible fully to grasp. Early generalizations, as far as they were made from known facts, were usually expressed in symbolic language, and for our present purpose it is not profitable to speculate on the underlying truths which may sometimes be suspected in the old mythological cosmogonies.
The ancient Babylonian psalms clearly reveal that the highest minds were moving out of polytheism to a monotheistic identification of various deities as diverse phases of one underlying essence.
The " canonical " history in Kings is further embellished in Chronicles, but the gulf between them is not so profound as that between the former and the underlying and half-suppressed historical traditions which can still be recognized.
Consequently, underlying the canonical form of post-exilic history, one may perhaps recognize some fresh disaster, after the completion of Zerubbabel's temple, when Judah suffered grievously at the hands of its Edomite brethren (in Malachi, date uncertain, vengeance has at last been taken); Nehemiah restored the city, and the traditions of the exiles who returned at this period have been thrown back and focussed upon the work of Zerubbabel.
Those who maintain that all these forms of synthesis are hasty and superficial stand by the conviction that the right philosophic attitude is to accept provisionally the main distinctions of common sense, above all the distinction of personal and impersonal; but to press forward to the underlying unity so far as experience and reflection justify.
The Quaternary period includes an older stage containing fragments of fossils from the underlying formations; a later stage containing the bones of Hippopotamus, Elephas, Rhinoceros, Camelus, Equus; and finally the vast accumulations of sand which began to be formed in prehistoric times.
The historical element underlying these traditions is probably that the original Thracian people were gradually brought into communication with the Greeks as navigation began to unite the scattered islands of the Aegean (see JAsoN); the Thracian inhabitants were barbarians in comparison with the Greek mariners.
The German Minnesinger and romance-writers, whose golden age corresponded with that of the Hohenstaufen, were not content only to sing the joy of life or the chivalrous virtues of courage, courtesy and reverence for women; they in some sort anticipated the underlying ideas of the Reformation by championing the claims of the German nation against the papal monarchy and pure religion, as they conceived it, against the arrogance and corruption of the clergy.
The fundamental difficulty underlying this logic is the paradox more clearly expressed by Zeno and to a large extent represented in almost all modern discussion, namely that the evidence of the senses contradicts the intellect.
His work contained a measure of rationalism sufficient to arouse the suspicion of orthodox theologians, without making any valuable addition to, or modification of, the underlying doctrine.
Now, in order to discern this underlying truth in the various and apparently conflicting world creeds, appeal was made to a "Secret Doctrine," and "Esoteric Teaching," which Madame Blavatsky proclaimed had been held for ages as a sacred possession and trust by certain mysterious adepts in occultism, or "Mahatmas," with whom she said she was in psychical as well as in direct physical communication.
Knowledge, therefore, with its vehicle, the intellect, is dependent upon the existence of certain nerve-organs located in an animal system; and its function is originally only to present an image of the interconnexions of the manifestations external to the individual organism, and so to give to the individual in a partial and reflected form that feeling with other things, or innate sympathy, which it loses as organization becomes more complex and characteristic. Knowledge or intellect, therefore, is only the surrogate of that more intimate unity of feeling or will which is the underlying reality - the principle of all existence, the essence of all manifestations, inorganic and organic. And the perfection of reason is attained when man has transcended those limits of individuation in which his knowledge at first presents him to himself, when by art he has risen from single objects to universal types, and by suffering and sacrifice has penetrated to that innermost sanctuary where the euthanasia of consciousness is reached - the blessedness of eternal repose.
The Arya Samaj is not an eclectic system like the Brahma Samaj, which strives to find the common basis underlying all the great religions, and its narrower scope and corresponding intensity of conviction have won it a greater strength.
As my professors told me the first day I started studying economics in college (and never tired of repeating), scarcity is the central underlying assumption of all economic theory.
The fact that an unprecedented number of earth's inhabitants today live in poverty is an indictment of governments, not a reflection of some underlying natural limit.
The production of purulent sputum and the presence of wheeze may also indicate underlying lung disease.
But such revelations make the biography a racy read, but also create an underlying problem.
Perhaps we have to reconsider some basic assumptions underlying all approaches to the frame problem.
Structuralist semiotics seeks to look behind or beneath the surface of the observed in order to discover the underlying organization of phenomena.
Specifically, the course 's vocational slant is toward those seeking an in-depth understanding of the basic sciences underlying food science.
This should provide you with a solid grounding in the underlying reasons for competition law.
This page outlines the geometrical theory underlying the spar gage and then gives guidance on construction.
The abnormal cells first invade the stalk of the polyp, then the underlying tissue of the colon to which the stalk is attached.
The survey looks at the history of the Rockingham Forest woodland together with the underlying iron bearing strata.
My main area of interest is the interaction between cortical and subcortical structures underlying human cognition, emotion and behavior.
Despite this enormous research effort, however, the underlying mechanisms responsible for superconductivity in the cuprates are still open to question.
Counterpoint the surrealism of the underlying metaphor of the, er...
Neural synchrony The neural mechanisms underlying perceptual grouping may utilize temporal synchrony.
Any shading on the body will show the underlying tabby pattern which may be ticked, spotted, mackerel or classic.
An MRI scan was arranged which revealed a tear of the medial meniscus and underlying anterior cruciate ligament rupture.
To tackle crime and its underlying causes of a social underclass set apart from society 's mainstream.
Underlying the dd in Merchant Case Management Services, Inc. the united.
Underlying these phenotypes is evidence of airway wall remodeling, which should be distinguished from the increase in smooth muscle linked to airways hyperresponsiveness.
One of the most useful strategies in the search for genes underlying complex diseases such as diabetes is to look at candidate genes.
There are no underlying investments or assets to pay for them.
Media Studies aim to reveal those skills underlying what we take for granted.
Lack of progress may be due to the abstract nature of tasks rather than underlying learning difficulties.
The underlying principle should always be, however, to ' get it right first time '.
Topsoil depth can depend on many things, from underlying geology to what the ground is used for.
They fail to address the underlying cause of violence.
What is the underlying philosophy that guides our work?
The lesions enable you to identify the underlying pathology, helping to make your differentials more precise.
But the associations they disclose still need to be understood in terms of the underlying biology.
A4 The accuracy of a projection depends on the accuracy of the initial data and on the validity of the underlying assumptions.
A metaphor can be contained in a single sentence or it can be used as an underlying device throughout an entire story.
Logorrhea, especially if it is incoherent, can be a symptom of a deeper underlying mental condition.
Also, if your child complains of physical pain during the process or is overly emotionally distraught over the whole proposition, there might be other underlying causes that need investigation.
These parents will often explore the many diaper cream options available on the market, but some parents will not achieve success with any cream because the underlying issue remains addressed.
Placing diaper cream over this residue may protect a little from future bowel movements, but the underlying acid residue will still aggravate your infant's diaper rash.
Subwoofers are crucial for home theater systems, as they carry the underlying elements of sound in movies.
You're already on the right track by keeping her brushed, but I honestly suspect there's an underlying cause to her current condition.
Since the veterinarian has tested her and not found any major problems, this may not be an underlying health issue as is sometimes the case with fur loss.
She can grow dehydrated and it could be the sign of an underlying problem that needs to be treated.
Your vet will be able to determine if there is an underlying health issue.
If the fur is virtually pulling out in your hands beyond what you'd expect from normal shedding, it could be a sign of an underlying illness.
However, fur loss can indicate an underlying health problem, so always discuss your concerns with your veterinarian and follow his or her advice.
Even if the cause of the vomiting is related to something as common as hairballs, your vet will at least be able to determine whether or not an underlying condition is the cause.
Your veterinarian will likely run blood tests on your cat to determine that the underlying cause of the animal's heart condition is not the result of undiagnosed thyroid issues.
The underlying goal of this plan is to pay off the debt as quickly as possible.
The underlying facet of this is what does all this growth and development mean for the environment?
For recurrent Candida or yeast infections, please see a physician, since this can be a hint of an underlying medical condition that needs prompt treatment.
Further investigation by medical professionals into the case uncovered no underlying disease factor, supplement or medication that could account for liver failure in this formerly healthy 47-year old woman.
Newer pieces of furniture often replicate this aged look through distressing or sanding a painted top coat to expose areas of the wood or underlying paint colors.
There's important information about the underlying tones, and looking at the entire family can help you decide if you're headed in the right direction.
The effect is almost a scratched look because the underlying surface is typically blended with the paint giving it an antiqued or aged appearance.
An understanding of fashion doesn't just involve knowing the names and basic underlying styles of each designer.
Gold is a very warm color that has the tendency to add a dirty or ruddy tone to the skin if the shade or underlying pigments are off.
Once fragrance attars are mixed with alcohol, many of the underlying scents are masked and no longer distinguishable.
Choose wedding makeup ideas that fits your skin type and the underlying tones.
If you have severe dark under eye circles, check with your health care provider to ensure it is not an underlying medical issue.
The underlying goal is very similar to other sushi games-reach a daily goal to keep the restaurant going-but in the end, you want to create a sushi restaurant empire with six restaurants, take out and group reservations.
The most common type of headache, a tension headache is usually not a sign of an underlying problem.
After all, exploring the underlying aspects of your anger, with a certified professional, will put you that much closer to living your dream and true north.
This usually is a symptom of an underlying heart problem such as Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), in which fatty deposits accumulate in the vessels leading to the heart.
In the grander scheme of things, however, most people know that stress is not helpful to the body, and when there is an underlying medical condition, such as hypertension, it can only hurt, not help any effort to get better.
While the underlying trigger of your anger is not unimportant or funny, the ability to laugh at your exaggerated reaction to that trigger can help you deal with it constructively.
It is believed that just as the reasons for daytime panic attacks, the underlying factors may be stress levels, genetics and changes in the functions of the brain.
Instead of dealing with the underlying causes for those emotions, a bully takes it out on another.
If there is an underlying problem behind the drug abuse like depression or low self-esteem, counseling or medication to improve these issues may also be necessary.
But the film's underlying theme is about a guy and a girl who are best friends and then… well you'll have to see the movie, but it's a good conversation starter for your situation.
Medicine takes care of the biological roots of the illness while therapy helps you discover and face the underlying issues that may have triggered the episode.
The teenager has an underlying problem, such as attention deficit disorder or a mental health problem.
Many problems you see are just the tip of the iceberg, and it's the job of the therapists to figure out any underlying issues when your teen starts the wilderness program.
Starting a raw food diet can be a shock to the system, especially for a person that has underlying health problems.
Vitamin B12 shots will increase the number and health of red blood cells, and treat the underlying anemia in the process.
The first step is to select a tone for the occasion, followed by an underlying theme.
They may also help with underlying depression, which can contribute to addiction.
While many people believe that compulsive lying is a disorder, it's actually a symptom of an underlying mental health issue.
Pathological liars usually have an underlying psychiatric disorder or addiction.
These programs address the underlying emotional issues that led to the addiction as well as help addicts develop healthier behaviors that can keep them from falling back into addiction.
A recovery center designed especially for women is uniquely able to address some of the underlying causes of drug or alcohol addiction that are commonly experienced by women.
It also uses monads for the user interface, although not in the underlying mechanism for defining circuits.
For the advaitin the ' endgame ' is to experience the mystical underlying oneness of the individual soul and the supreme Brahman.
Where the underlying rock or gravel deposits are close to the surface, the subsoil layer may be very thin.
Fur loss can sometimes indicate underlying health problems, so it is a good idea to get him checked out by your vet.
Military Schools -- Perfect for struggling teens who do not have any significant underlying emotional or behavioral problems.
Mario Perniola has argued that these opposing meanings arise from the different metaphysics underlying the Greek and the Judaic traditions.
The opposition also depends on underlying value judgments that have made it politically unpalatable to some.
While pesticides and herbicides may kill pests in your lawn, they don't fix the underlying problems.
To make accurate cuts, use a utility knife and drywall T-square to make scoring cuts through the top layer of drywall paper and into the underlying gypsum.
Men's dressing rules have evolved over recent years, and one of the main underlying reasons for this was the tremendous uptick in wealth during the late 1990's, and very early 2000's.
Ivory is a complex color, offering underlying shades subtly moving as the light touches the surface of the gown.
Underlying colors vary according to the fabric.
Some underlying conditions can be treated, so it's essential to see a physician as soon as signs associated with dementia begin to appear.
In many cases, dementia symptoms and related underlying health problems can be treated if caught soon enough.
The more acute the underlying condition, the more severe the congestive heart failure may be.
In these instances, the reversal of the dementia occurs as a result of treating the underlying cause of the disorder.
The earlier medical treatment begins, the better the chances that the medication will slow the progress of the dementia as the underlying cause worsens.
It is best for a medical professional to determine the underlying cause of the symptoms.
Treating restless leg syndrome is about controlling the symptoms until you find the underlying cause of the disorder.
The first step in treating restless leg syndrome is to discover the underlying disorder associated with the RLS.
Since RLS is often associated with an underlying condition, treating that underlying condition can help relieve the RLS symptoms.
Sleep disorders such as insomnia are treatable by medication and by addressing the underlying causes.
The underlying problem usually lies in the brainstem.
Technicians and doctors work to determine the underlying problem and what type of sleep disorder the patient is suffering from.
Those seeking ways to stop snoring should consult with their primary care physician to see if the condition may be connected to an underlying sleep disorder.
Nightly snoring may be little more than an annoyance; but in some cases, it can be an indicator of underlying health problems.
Snoring can be a mere nuisance or a significant indicator of an underlying medical condition, so it is important to consult your physician to explore your options.
Capital Health System is a great option to consider because you have an opportunity to explore underlying health problems that may contribute to the snoring condition.
Your doctor can determine whether the sleep disturbance is caused by an underlying medical condition or whether a few lifestyle changes are in order.
Sleep problems come in many forms and while snoring may seem like little more than a nuisance, underlying medical conditions may lead to the condition.
While snoring can indicate an underlying condition, in many cases it is not a problem and does not necessarily require any special treatment.
Insomniacs may be suffering from an underlying medical condition, so it is imperative to see a doctor about the symptoms you are experiencing.
It is important to recognize that you should first discuss the complementary approach with your doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may contribute to insomnia.
They need to understand what the underlying disorder is that is causing restless leg syndrome (RLS) in the individual.
Doctors may be able to treat the underlying condition effectively through medication or through lifestyle improvement, which will in turn improve RLS as well.
Common underlying causes include diabetes and peripheral neuropathy.
While you may be tempted to try lifestyle changes without the guidance of a doctor, it is important to keep in mind that the causes of snoring include underlying medical conditions that may be serious.
The sleep problem may arise from a structural problem that requires surgery or it can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition.
Treating an underlying medical condition that causes snoring typically alleviates the disruptive symptom.
Many individuals find that they can stop snoring when they treat the underlying problems that lead to the sleep disorder.
Others benefit from using a mouthpiece fitted by a dentist, and some sleep without breathing problems after treating an underlying medical condition.
Peninsula Pulmonary Associates offers help for people who may suffer from sleep apnea due to potential heart problems or underlying medical conditions.
In addition, a sleep study can determine whether the patient has central sleep apnea, a condition that involves disruptions in breathing during the night caused by underlying medical conditions, heart failure, or neurological problems.
This way, a treatment plan can be in play that tackles the underlying cause of the snoring and resolves the problem for you, if it is possible to do so.
This way, the underlying problem is identifiable and you, and your loved one, can get a better night's sleep.
When underlying medical disorders cause snoring, treatment focuses on the underlying condition.
In some cases, frequent or loud snoring may indicate an underlying medical condition that requires treatment.
Treatment of these underlying conditions can cure snoring in some people.
Treatment depends on the underlying cause and severity of snoring.
Sometimes, snoring is a symptom of a serious underlying medical condition.In severe cases, surgery is necessary to alleviate snoring and improve sleep.
Your doctor can help you determine if you are taking a medication or have an underlying medical condition that could be causing your nighttime discomfort.
Insomnia may be a sign or a serious underlying health condition, such as sleep apnea, depression or heart disease.
Before your turn to medications, however, be sure your insomnia is a not a result of an underlying medical condition.
If none of these conditions seems to describe the problem you are having, consult with your doctor so that he or she is able to determine the underlying cause.
Treatment for the underlying condition often is all that is necessary to resolve the nightmares.
Snoring may be a sign of underlying medical conditions.
In some cases, treating the underlying condition can lead to relief from the symptoms of the sleep disorder.
Snoring can be a symptom of sleep apnea or an underlying medical problem that requires attention.
It can be a sign of an underlying medical problem or it can be a symptom of sleep apnea.
Hypersomnia treatment options depend greatly on the underlying causes of the sleep disorder.
The condition can be difficult to treat because it may be a symptom of an underlying medical problem.
Hypersomnia treatment doesn't always have to focus exclusively on treating the symptoms, especially when the underlying cause is known.
Hypersomnia treatment may involve getting proper diagnosis and treatment for depression.What happens when depression or other underlying causes remain a mystery?
Research other disorders to see if there might be an underlying condition.
These include treating an underlying condition, and short-term use of antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs to stop episodes.
Snoring may be a sign of an underlying medical condition, so it is important to discuss the sleep problem with your doctor.
If the breathing problem occurs because of an underlying medical condition, you may stop snoring as the condition is treated.
The first step is to discuss sleep problems with your doctor, who can rule out underlying medical conditions, and can recommend a natural sleep aid that work for you.
Chronic sleep problems can be a sign of an underlying medical condition, so it is important to discuss sleep deprivation with your doctor.
Though you could have an underlying problem that causes discomfort when you wear contact lenses, most contact lens irritation can be easily fixed.
Combing the PlayStation support or PlayStation Universe forums may prove very useful in hunting down fix-tips or isolating the underlying system problem.
If a cause was identified, the underlying condition should be treated, and anticoagulant or low-dose aspirin therapy may be initiated, depending on the child's diagnosis.
Children with an underlying congenital cardiovascular defect tend to gain weight slowly.
If an underlying congenital cardiovascular defect is diagnosed, there are many treatment options that allow children to be fully active and grow up to be healthy adults.
Finally, the dentist may take x rays, looking for evidence of decay between teeth, a cracked or impacted tooth, or a disorder of the underlying bone.
Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the toothache.
The elderly also often have reduced kidney function or underlying diseases, or take medications that make them more vulnerable to dehydration.
Jaundice that is present at birth or that lasts more than a couple of weeks may be abnormal jaundice and a symptom of an underlying problem.
A key focus of diagnostic tests will be to determine the underlying cause of the fever.
Antipyretics may be suggested to lower a fever and make the child more comfortable but will not affect the course of an underlying infectious disease.
Underlying reasons for rules are given, but the children decide whether they will follow the rule and to what extent.
A wound may be caused by an act (such as a gunshot, a fall, or a surgical procedure), by an infectious disease, or by an underlying condition.
These occur when a heavy object falls onto a person, splitting the skin and shattering or tearing underlying structures.
Some deep wounds that do not extend to the underlying muscle may only require butterfly bandages to keep them closed during healing.
Individuals with certain underlying diseases such as diabetes mellitus may have more difficulty healing.
However, prenatal testing is only a possibility in these types if the underlying defect has been found in another family member.
Connective tissue-A group of tissues responsible for support throughout the body; includes cartilage, bone, fat, tissue underlying skin, and tissues that support organs, blood vessels, and nerves throughout the body.
A chronic sore throat lasts much longer and is a symptom of an unresolved underlying condition or disease, such as a sinus infection.
In the case of chronic sore throat, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease to heal the sore throat.
Psychotherapy-Psychological counseling that seeks to determine the underlying causes of a patient's depression.
Counseling may help to uncover any underlying conditions such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD), bipolar disorder, or learning disabilities.
The popular term for a group of spots or red, inflamed skin that is usually a symptom of an underlying condition or disorder.
Treatment of rashes focuses on resolving the underlying disorder and providing relief of the itching that often accompanies them.
In other cases, the child's reaction is due to an underlying digestive disorder such as irritable bowel syndrome, which is a chronic condition that is often triggered by specific types of food.
Digestive and neurological symptoms could also be an indication of other underlying disorders.
The low muscle tone can be caused by a variety of conditions and is often indicative of the presence of an underlying central nervous system disorder, genetic disorder, or muscle disorder.
No demographic information as of 2004 was available for hypotonia, since it is a symptom of an underlying disorder.
Since it is associated with many different underlying disorders, the doctor will accordingly seek to establish a family history as well as the child's medical history.
When hypotonia is caused by an underlying condition, that condition is treated first, followed by symptomatic and supportive therapy for the hypotonia.
The outcome in any particular case depends largely on the nature of the underlying disease.
However, measures of prevention are increasingly possible in the early 2000s for several underlying disorders.
Parents of a hypotonic child must follow the treating physician's orders for treatment of the underlying cause.
Underlying condition-Disorder or disease that causes the appearance of another medical disorder or condition.
As important as registering a person's temperature is determining the underlying cause of the fever.
Treatment may improve the appearance of the eye, but it can do nothing to cure the underlying condition.
The prognosis of either primary or secondary amenorrhea depends on the underlying cause.
Parental concerns about amenorrhea, however, should be directed to the underlying cause.
For suspected secondary hyperhidrosis, laboratory and imaging tests may be performed to determine the underlying medical condition causing the hyperhidrosis.
Approximately 15 to 30 percent of children with ADHD have underlying Tourette's disorder, a condition marked by vocal and motor tics.
This is not an effect of the drug, but rather a consideration of the underlying problem.
The doctor will do a complete examination to make sure that delayed growth is not caused by other underlying problems, such as tumor.
The prognosis usually depends on successful resolution of the underlying problem, whether there is any permanent damage, and the age of the child.
If the area is large and there is no underlying viral infection, then a mild steroid to decrease future scarring and treat an associated iritis may also be needed.
Acute pain will stop when an injury heals or when an underlying problem is treated successfully.
If the child has significant problems with social competence, especially those which may be caused by an underlying disorder such as anxiety, a doctor or mental health professional should be consulted.
It is possible for a child with FUO to spread infection or illness to other individuals, particularly if an infectious organism is the underlying cause.
Because the underlying cause of the fever is usually recorded as the diagnosis, accurate statistics for those presenting with FUO are not available.
Nonetheless, if a careful, logical, and thorough evaluation is performed, the underlying cause generally can be diagnosed.
For children experiencing serious or recurrent urinary tract infections, the pediatrician will search for underlying abnormalities.
Mutations in the MEFV gene (short for Mediterranean fever) on chromosome number 16 are the underlying cause of FMF.
Many speech disorders that are not caused by other underlying problems resolve themselves, and most others can be resolved completely or nearly completely with prompt treatment.
These children do not have an underlying condition and usually do not have any additional complications.
All of these are related to the underlying condition that caused the macrocephaly.
Most headaches in children and adolescents are benign and not the result of an underlying disease or disorder.
Late apnea can also affect full-term babies and may be a sign of an underlying problem such as congenital heart disease, infection, anemia, meningitis, or seizures.
The baby usually recovers from apnea as the underlying disease is treated.
Even if no underlying cause is found, late apnea is usually outgrown by the time the baby turns one year old.
The outcome of coughs due to a more serious underlying disease depends on the pathology of that disease.
It is important to identify and treat the underlying disease and origin of the cough.
As in the TAT, each story is carefully analyzed to uncover the child's underlying needs, conflicts, emotions, attitudes, and response patterns.
Children who have frequent canker sores may benefit from dietary supplements of B-complex vitamin or may undergo blood and allergy tests to see if some other underlying cause can be identified.
Dizziness often disappears without treatment or with treatment of the underlying problem, but it can be long term or chronic.
Careful attention to symptoms can help determine the underlying cause of the dizziness.
Underlying problems may be benign and easily treated, or they may be dangerous and in need of intensive therapy.
The length of an episode is related to the underlying cause.
Despite thorough testing, however, an underlying cause cannot always be determined.
Treatment is determined by the underlying cause.
Controlling or curing the underlying factors usually relieves dizziness.
When the underlying cause of dizziness cannot be discovered, it may be difficult to recommend preventive measures.
If children are observed pulling out their hair, eyelashes, or eyebrows, parents should consult a physician in order to determine the underlying cause of the habit.
Hair loss from poor nutrition or medical illness usually stops with the adoption of a healthy diet and treatment of the underlying medical condition.
Since growth problems are so varied, there is a wide variety of treatments for them, including nutritional changes, medications to treat underlying conditions, and, where appropriate, hormone replacement therapy.
Absence of this reflex in the neonate is an ominous implication of underlying neurological damage.
They are viewed as interactive and having a reciprocal effect on the underlying central nervous system structure and functioning.
Very little is known about the cause or origin of specific language impairment, although evidence is growing that the underlying condition may be a form of brain abnormality.
However, once the underlying cause of these conditions was identified, it was realized that these three conditions are variants of the same disorder.
Stress and emotional upset can make itching worse, no matter what the underlying cause.
Because itching can be caused by such a wide variety of triggers, a complete physical examination and medical history will help diagnose the underlying problem.