Undergone Sentence Examples
The palace has undergone alterations and additions, e.g.
In accepting, with slight reservations, the results of the development which the Church had undergone during the fifty years from 1640 to 210 it reduced itself to the level of a sect.
The balance of Italian trade has undergone frequent fluctuations.
Added to it was the pleasure of seeing Cynthia, after all she'd undergone, so utterly enjoying the day.
Although in the course of its long history it has undergone many sieges and was sacked at various epochs by the Vandals, Normans, French and Spaniards, it preserves many monuments of its ancient days.
The hard but salutary training which they had undergone at his hands had taught them that they were the equals of the northern races both in the council chamber and on the field of battle.
It is also probable that the various forms of the angiospermous flower, with its many specialized mechanisms for pollination, may be the result of insect-visits, the flowers becoming adapted to certain kinds of insects, and the insects having undergone corresponding modification.
The word has, however, undergone sundry modifications of meaning.
At present it occupies the extremity of the Malay Peninsula, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, the Philippines and other islands of the Malay Archipelago as well as Madagascar, while the inhabitants of most islands in the South Seas, including New Zealand and Hawaii, speak languages which if not Malay have at least undergone a strong Malay influence.
In these features, and in the fact that the gonads are local proliferations of the coelomic epithelium, which have undergone no further changes in the simpler forms, the coelom of this group shows in a particularly clear fashion the general characters of the coelom in the higher Metazoa.
AdvertisementAs these waste places have been gradually brought under the plough, in England and Scotland particularly, the haunts and means of subsistence of the linnet have been curtailed, and hence its numbers have undergone a very visible diminution throughout Great Britain.
The banking facilities of the republic have undergone many changes under the new regime.
The last two branches of inquiry are regarded as forming but a single body of doctrine in the well-known passage of the Theory of Moral Sentiments in which the author promises to give in another discourse "an account of the general principles of law and government, and of the different revolutions they have undergone in the different ages and periods of society, not only in what concerns justice, but in what concerns police, revenue and arms, and whatever else is the subject of law."
The received Hebrew text has undergone but little emendation, and the revisers had before them substantially the same Massoretic text which was in the hands of the translators of 1611.
C. Geographical Distribution The study of the extinct organisms of any country leads to a proper appreciation of its existing flora and fauna; while, on the other hand, a due consideration of the plants and animals which may predominate within its bounds cannot fail to throw more or less light on the changes it has in the course of ages undergone.
AdvertisementThe treaty with the Latins is mentioned by Dionysius of Halicarnassus alone, who had not seen it himself; indeed, it is doubtful whether it was then in existence, and in any case, considering the changes which the language had undergone, it would have been unintelligible.
Since Cleveland became a city in 1836 it has undergone several important changes in government.
Excavations carried out by the marquess of Bute from 188 9 onward furnished for the first time conclusive proof that Cardiff had been a Roman station, and also revealed the sequence of changes which it had subsequently undergone.
Finally, the laws of distribution of animals over Siberia cannot be made out until the changes undergone by its surface during the Glacial and Lacustrine periods are well established and the Post-Tertiary fauna is better known The remarkable finds of Quaternary mammals about Omsk and their importance for the history of the Equidae are merely a slight indication of what may be expected in this field.
The manufacture of woollen blankets, cashmeres, flannels, &c., had also undergone noteworthy development and is carried on in fifteen factories, located principally in Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.
AdvertisementThis institution has undergone four changes of site since its foundation in 1670 by Sir Andrew Balfour and Sir Robert Sibbald, and now occupies an area of 34 acres in Inverleith Row.
The cathedral of St Jean, the chief of the numerous churches of the town, was founded in the 4th century but has often undergone reconstruction and restoration; it resembles the Rhenish churches of Germany in the possession of apses at each of its extremities.
The ecclesiastical arrangements of Hamburg have undergone great modifications since the general constitution of 1860.
The Elohim psalms, then, have undergone a common editorial treatment, distinguishing them from the rest of the Psalter.
The comparative feebleness of the style has led to the conjecture that, even if the basis of the prophecy be Isaianic, yet in its present form it must have undergone the manipulation of a scribe.
AdvertisementSpeaking generally, it has been found that the East as opposed to the West has undergone relatively little alteration in the principal constituents of dress among the bulk of the population, and, although it is often difficult to interpret or explain some of the details as represented (one may contrast, for example, worn sculptures or seals with the vivid Egyptian paintings), comparison with later descriptions and even with modern usage is frequently suggestive.
Conversely, a combination of increased pressure and lowering of temperature will, if carried far enough, reduce a gas to a liquid, and afterwards to the solid state; and nearly every gaseous substance has now undergone this operation.
Their structure has undergone little degeneration in connexion with this habit, and may be compared organ for organ with that of the Planarians.
They did not at once become cult-heroes, but only after they had undergone death like other mortals.
Much of his work was concerned with specific volumes, the conception of which he set forth in a paper published when he was only twenty-two years of age; and the principles he established have formed the basis of subsequent investigations in that subject, although his results have in some cases undergone modification.
The principal works of Gregory Thaumaturgus are the Panegyricus in Origenem (Eis 't ptybniv iravrnvpucos Xbyos), which he wrote when on the point of leaving the school of that great master (it contains a valuable minute description of Origen's mode of instruction), a Metaphrasis in Ecclesiasten, characterized by Jerome as " short but useful "; and an Epistola canonica, which treats of the discipline to be undergone by those Christians who under pressure of persecution had relapsed into paganism, but desired to be restored to the privileges of the Church.
To the east and south of the palace the neighbourhood has undergone great changes in modern times.
In fact, both the creationstories at the opening of Genesis must have undergone much editorial manipulation.
In the true poisonous snakes the maxillary dentition has undergone a special modification.
The classification of snakes has undergone many vicissitudes.
About 100 species of these rather archaic snakes are known; in adaptation to their burrowing life and worm and insect diet, they have undergone degradation.
The explanation of the very perplexing changes which the character of Gawain has undergone appears to lie in a misunderstanding of the original sources of that character.
But the precarious tenure of their possession had been deeply impressed on them by the disasters and humiliations they had undergone in these districts during the reign of Domitian.
After he had undergone the ceremony of degradation with all the childish formalities usual on such occasions, his soul was formally consigned by all those present to the devil, while he himself with clasped hands and uplifted eyes reverently committed it to Christ.
Further impulsive pressures are required to restart into motion all the molecules which have undergone collision.
In South America the shell-heaps, of enormous size, are supposed to show that the animals have undergone changes in size and that such vast masses require untold ages to accumulate.
Tapirs are an ancient group with many of the original characters of the primitive Ungulates of the Oligocene period, and have undergone but little change since the Miocene.
The Vaudois, who had undergone all these vicissitudes, were naturally reduced to poverty, and their ministers were partially maintained by a subsidy from England, which was granted by Queen Anne.
The fauna has undergone a great alteration since the first white settlers entered the country.
In addition to such larger insertions, the text of the original document seems to have undergone a certain amount of revision.
The two churches last named have undergone much renovation both outside and inside.
The action of pressure is shown also by the fossils which sometimes occur in slates; they have been drawn out and distorted in such a way as to prove that the rock has undergone deformation and has behaved like a plastic mass.
Owing to its proximity to the French frontier it has undergone many sieges, the last of which was in 1640, when Turenne gave orders that it should be reduced to such ruin that it could never stand another.
Since the fixing of the Massoretic text the task of preserving and transmitting the sacred books has been carried out with the greatest care and fidelity, with the result that the text has undergone practically no change of any real importance; but before that date, owing to various causes, it is beyond dispute that a large number of corruptions were introduced into the Hebrew text.
But the original text of the Old Testament long before it was combined with the text of the Jewish or Massoretic interpretation had already undergone a somewhat similar change, the extent of which was indeed far less, but also less clearly discoverable.
The church of St Mary existed at a very early period, but the present building, chiefly of brick, was erected in 1535 by Robert Thorne, a merchant, and Sir George Monoux, lord mayor of London, and has undergone frequent alteration.
Leger (32, 33) and others, that leeches are true alternate hosts for these forms, in which certain phases of the life-cycle are normally undergone.
The estimate of the time between the first and last glacial epochs is based on changes which the earlier drift has undergone as compared with those which the younger drift has undergone.
Hepatic Abscess is especially common in persons from the East who have recently undergone an attack of dysentery.
The insects retained in the order Neuroptera as restricted by modern systematists are distinguished from the preceding orders by the presence of a resting pupal stage in the life-history, so that a " complete metamorphosis " is undergone.
In Lower Egypt practically all the mummies have perished; but in Upper Egypt, as they were put out of reach of the inundation, the cemeteries, in spite of rifling and burning, yield immense numbers of preserved bodies and skeletons; attention has from time to time been directed to the scientific examination of these in order to ascertain race, cause of death, traces of accident or disease, and the surgical or medical processes which they had undergone during life, &c. This department of research has been greatly developed by Dr Elliott Smith in Cairo.
In the great extensions which the city has undergone since 1600, the old rectangular arrangement has been followed.
According to the qualities of raw silk used and the throwing operations undergone the principal classes of thrown silk are - (1) " singles," which consist of a single strand of twisted raw silk made up of the filaments of eight to ten cocoons; (2) tram or weft thread, consisting of two or three strands of raw silk not twisted before doubling and only lightly spun (this is soft, flossy and comparatively weak); (3) organzine, the thread used for warps, made from two and rarely three twisted strands spun in the direction contrary to that in which they are separately twisted.
For in the meantime opinion as to the efficacy of relics had undergone a transformation, parallel with the growth of the theory, which soon predominated in the Church, that material instruments are the vehicles of divine grace.
Strong foreign influence, first Aegean and later Etruscan, can be distinguished; but the types introduced from the south have generally undergone considerable modification and expansion.
At the outbreak of the revolution of 1830 he was absent from Paris, having undergone an operation, but he returned at the request of Lafayette to take his share in the elevation of Louis Philippe to the throne.
At Tixall she was detained till her papers at Chartley had undergone thorough research.
These conditions of orchid-growing have undergone great changes of late years, and the plants are grown much as other stove and greenhouse plants in ordinary pots with composts not only of peat but of leaf-mould, and fibres from osmunda and polypodium ferns.
It is true that the language has some features which appear to link it with the narratives in Samuel and Kings, but it might fairly be assumed either that the book is the work of a late author well acquainted with the earlier literature, or that an old narrative had undergone some rewriting at a later age.
Indeed in recent times the level appears to have undergone several oscillations.
Both branches of administration have undergone a surprising development, especially since the reduction of the postal rates.
Thus, the creation of a new series of forts extending from Thionville (Diedenhofen) to Metz and thence south-eastward was coupled with the construction of twelve strategic railway stations between Cologne and the Belgian frontier, and laterthe so-called fundamental plan of operations against France having apparently undergone modification in consequence of changes in the foreign relations of the German governmentan immense strategic railway station was undertaken at Saarburg, on the right rear of Thionville and well away from the French frontier, and many important new works both of fortification and of railway construction were begun in Upper Alsace, between Colmar and Basel.
In general, Germany had passed since the war through a social and economic revolution similar to that undergone by Great Britain during the earlier half of the I9th century, though on a greater scale and at a much accelerated pace.
The nave and chancel have undergone modern restoration.
The citadel or El-Kala was built by Saladin about 1166, but it has since undergone frequent alteration, and now contains a palace erected by Mehemet Ali, and a mosque of Oriental alabaster (based on the model of the mosques at Constantinople) founded by the same pasha on the site of " Joseph's Hall," so named after the prenomen of Saladin.
It is not so much as king of the dead that Osiris here appears, but every deceased Egyptian was regarded as himself an Osiris, as having undergone all the indignities inificted upon the god, but finally triumphant over the powers of death and evil impersonated by Seth.
Geologists and anthropologists are not yet agreed on the question whether the climate and condition of the country have undergone large changes since these implements were deposited.
He rebuilt the walls of Cairo, of more durable material than that which had been employed by Jauhara measure rendered necessary partly by the growth of the metropolis, but also by the repeated sieges which it had undergone since the commencement of Ftimite rule.
These institutions date from 1841, but they have undergone several modifications since.
The account of Moses' intercession has been preserved in J, though the narrative has undergone considerable dislocation.
In that region the Silurian rocks have been invaded by large bosses of granite and have undergone a variable amount of metamorphism which has in some places altered them into hard crystalline schists.
Comparison between 1905 and the average for1871-1875clearly demonstrates the change which Scottish agriculture had undergone.
On the other hand, while in the Eastern Church things have undergone little change, - the pilgrims, in addition to the Holy Land, visiting Mt Athos and Kiev - the developments in the Roman Church show important divergences.
The building activity of Budapest since 1867 has been extraordinary, and the town has undergone a thorough transformation.
But even what may be considered as common experiences have affected the individual islands in different ways; in the matter of population, for instance, Corfu has undergone much more important modifications than Ithaca.
The months of absence, however, the change he had undergone, and doubtless those lighter loves of which the Romische Elegien bear evidence, weakened the Weimar memories; if he left Weimar as Frau von Stein's lover he returned only as her friend; and she naturally resented the change.
As a poet, his fame has undergone many vicissitudes since his death, ranging from the indifference of the "Young German" school to the enthusiastic admiration of the closing decades of the 19th century - an enthusiasm to which we owe the Weimar Goethe-Gesellschaft (founded in 1885) and a vast literature dealing with the poet's life and work; but the fact of his being Germany's greatest poet and the master of her classical literature has never been seriously put in question.
Though the total strength of the army in India has undergone little change, important reforms of organization have been effected in recent years which have greatly improved The .
In the dyspnoea of advanced valvular disease of the heart morphine relieves the distress and restlessness, and induces sleep. It should however be withheld if the heart has undergone fatty degeneration.
If this be "imprisonment," so called to distinguish it from "penal servitude," although both mean deprivation of liberty and are closely akin, it is undergone in one of the "local" prisons - the prisons till 1878 under local jurisdiction, but now entirely controlled by the state through the home secretary and the commissioners of prisons.
The regime undergone is cellular; able-bodied prisoners are kept in strict separation for at least a month, and during that time subjected to severe labour; although the term of first-class hard labour and of purely penal character no longer exists.
The forward lines on Monte Armentera and Monte Salubio were poorly adapted for defence, but had been strongly fortified, while the line east of the Maso torrent, which Cadorna had indicated as the main line of defence, had undergone little preparation.
Until the view of the individual units with which we are so far familiar has undergone radical revision, the primary inquiry must be into the forms of a class-calculus.
Between the outbreak of the Revolution and his election to the Legislative Assembly the political views of Vergniaud had undergone a decided change.
Long before the last stage, the rule of signori, was reached, however, the commune as originally constituted had everywhere undergone radical changes.
It is true that Beowulf the Scylding is mentioned at the beginning of the first numbered section; but probably the opening lines of this section have undergone alteration in order to bring them into connexion with the prefixed matter.
The amount and effect of the variations of pressure and temperature undergone by the air depend on the principles of the mechanical action of heat, or THERMODYNAMIcS, and are foreign to the subject of pure mechaifisni.
In the United States the cupola has undergone a radical modification in being built of water-jacketed sections.
The sources of copper, its applications and its metallurgy, have undergone great changes.
There are few buildings of interest, owing to the frequent destructions the town has undergone.
The ova are fertilized in the genital duct, and before their escape have undergone the earliest stages of segmentation.
The costume of the women has undergone considerable change in the last century.
The Roman Breviary has undergone several revisions.
Notwithstanding this, the House of Commons declared in the teeth of the facts that paper had undergone no depreciation.
In part these laws appear to be older than P, but when examined in detail the various collections show unmistakably that they have undergone more than one process of redaction before they assumed the form in which they are now presented.
The collection, however, has clearly undergone more than one redaction before reaching its final form.
All these clerical preferments Wykeham held when he was a simple clerk, who had no doubt undergone the "first tonsure," but was not even ordained an acolyte till the 5th of December of this golden year.
The Post Office, which withstood the fire and has since undergone repairs, is a massive modern building of granite (original cost $5,000,000).
As regards the ammonium carbonate accumulating in the soil from the conversion of urea and other sources, we know from Winogradsky's researches that it undergoes oxidation in two stages owing to the activity of the so-called " nitrifying " bacteria (an unfortunate term inasmuch as " nitrification " refers merely to a particular phase of the cycle of changes undergone by nitrogen).
Since the beginning of the Reformation in Germany the views of the Bohemian reformers had undergone a considerable change.
His book seems to have undergone very much the same fate as that which befell the originals of the first two volumes of the Paston Letters which Sir John Fenn presented to George the Third.
The Patriarchate of Antioch has undergone most changes in extent of jurisdiction, arising from the transfer of sees to Jerusalem, from the progress of the schismatic churches of the East and from the conquests of the Mahommedans.
Although the conditions of mining have, naturally, undergone a revolutionary development in comparatively modern times, yet some indications of England's mineral wealth are found at various periods of early history.
The administration of the state had indeed undergone a complete change since the early years of its existence.
Having through centuries undergone cruel injury, from technical imperfections at the outset, from disastrous atmospheric conditions, from vandalism and neglect, and most of all from unskilled repair, its remains have at last (1904-1908) been treated with a mastery of scientific resource and a tenderness of conscientious skill that have revived for ourselves and for posterity a great part of its power.
In the Church, as in other societies, it has happened that the unwritten customary law has undergone a gradual diminution in importance, as a consequence of centralization and the accumulation of written laws; nowadays it need not be reckoned with, save in cases where local customs are involved.
For the Jews, however, who came to John, his baptism could not have the significance of the proselyte's baptism, but rather accorded with another baptism undergone by Jews who wished to consecrate their lives by stricter study and practice of the law.
The system of local government has undergone radical changes in recent years.
Since the advent of the incandescent mantle, the efficiency of which is dependent upon the heating power of the gas more than on its illuminating power, the manu facture of coal gas has undergone considerable modifications.
At this point in the manufacturing process the gas has already undergone some important changes in its composition, but there yet remain impurities which must be removed, these being ammonia, sulphuretted hydrogen, carbon disulphide and carbon dioxide.
Of these three branches the prose romances offer the most insuperable problems; none can be dated with any certainty; all are of enormous length; and all have undergone several redactions.
Great interest, geological and historical, thus attaches to the recent changes undergone by this basin.
It has its own habitus, notwithstanding the number of species it has in common with Siberia and south-east Russia on the one hand and with the Himalayas on the other, and this habitus is due to the dryness of the climate and the consequent changes undergone by the soil.
Naturally the church has undergone repair from time to time.
The population, however, has undergone a great change, independently of the large admixture of Slavonic blood that has affected the Greeks of the mainland generally, by the immigration of Albanian colonists, who now occupy a great part of the country.
The advocates of Louis could plead that all his actions down to the dissolution of the National Assembly came within the amnesty then granted, and that the Constitution had proclaimed his person inviolable, while enacting for certain offences the penalty of deposition which he had already undergone.
Since 1873, when railway connexion was given with Firsby on the Grimsby branch line, the place has undergone a complete transformation, and now possesses good hotels and a pier.
Both have undergone frequent restoration.
Its cultivation was introduced by the Arabs in the 12th century or later, and was of great importance in the kingdom of Granada at the time of the expulsion of the Moors (1489), but has since undergone great vicissitudes, first in consequence of the introduction of the cane into America, and afterwards because of the great development of beet-sugar in central Europe.
The organization of the industry has undergone many transformations, but a notable feature is the general practice - especially since modern methods have necessitated larger vessels and more costly gear, and correspondingly greater capital - of profit-sharing; all the crew entering on that basis and not independently.
The details are variously related, and have undergone legendary embellishment, but the murder of Papinian, which took place under Caracalla's own eyes, was one of the most disgraceful crimes of that tyrant.
Such companies existed in early times, but have undergone changes and modifications in accordance with the developments which have taken place in the economic history of the states where they have existed.
These three peaks are formed of eruptive rocks, surrounded by Jurassic beds which have undergone a thorough metamorphosis.
Conceptacles contaning Spores, and strongly suggesting the Chytridineous Fungus Urophlyetis, have recently been found, in petrified material, on the leaves of an Alethopteris, which appears to have undergone decay before fossilization set in.
A few batrachians retain the ova within the oviducts until the young have undergone part or the whole of the metamorphosis.
Since the last devastation Rangoon has undergone considerable improvements.
It has adopted a certain number of vocables from Sanskrit, Malay, Javanese and Portuguese, but on the whole is remarkably pure, and has undergone comparatively few recent changes.
Over the past 20 years waste management in the US has undergone a quiet revolution with increasing amounts of waste being recycled.
Landed property has undergone many vicissitudes in Egypt and yet the cultivation has hardly altered under the various systems.
During the intervening thirty year period, the church had undergone radical alterations, in common with all in this land.
To make this text amenable to analysis it has undergone some grooming.
Researchers looked for a condition known as angiographic restenosis, which is the narrowing or closing of an artery that has undergone angioplasty.
Four years later, he was not considered a medal contender, having undergone an appendectomy just 40 days before the race in Tokyo.
He recorded that Miss Brown had undergone a biopsy in December 1974.
There has been no other drug in the history of veterinary cardiology that has undergone such extensive controlled clinical trials proving its value.
In January 1986 she had undergone a right colectomy.
Now it had undergone a major conversion to become a large, impressive studio with many possibilities.
We feel that this is a particularly creditable achievement in view of the changes that both businesses have undergone over the past twelve months.
The NHS dental services has undergone many changes in the last 10 years altering the way dentists work and are funded.
To this end all our vets have undergone extensive training in modern equine dentistry.
The coal charge will, by now, have undergone destructive dry distillation.
During this time no patients have undergone surgical embolectomy for PE.
I have a non-executive position within the Royal Navy and we have recently undergone a very large-scale merger.
The 1960 MGA which followed had won its class on the 1986 Coppa d'Italia, but the car has undergone many modifications since then.
It seems likely, however, that patients of this age dying of a progressive neurological condition would have undergone necropsy in the past.
All of the patients had undergone prior radical orchiectomy.
The patient had undergone hysterectomy (hysterectomy) some years before and the left ovary and tube had not been removed.
The building, which faces onto the central spine, has undergone a massive overhaul which was completed in autumn 2005.
The pursuer, in the present case has not undergone physiotherapy, but that course is recommended.
He has been convicted for possessing child pornography in Britain in 1999 and had undergone a four-month jail sentence.
They have usually undergone weathering and erosion that has increased porosity.
At the instance of Gondremark, it had undergone a strict purgation, and was now composed exclusively of tools.
Up and coming areas to buy flats and houses in Lambeth Brixton has undergone some regeneration.
From the initial concept in 1988 River Island has undergone several reincarnations to arrive at the stores you see today.
The latter two had undergone major revamps in the last month, creating very " buzzy " sites.
In recent years, the Cornish language has undergone a revival.
At the moment the drug has not undergone any independent scrutiny.
The Best Western master builder's house hotel has undergone a total refurbishment and has been restored to its original splendor.
They also take on the role of supervising technicians and have undergone some of the above courses.
The village has undergone a transformation recently with new houses having been built there.
Studying Music at St Hilda's The BA syllabus has recently undergone considerable change.
The Waveney House Hotel closed in 2001 and has since undergone extensive external and internal refurbishment.
It has a highly mobile and increasingly diverse population, and has undergone great upheaval in demographic and economic terms.
Patients having undergone a D2 gastrectomy will inevitably undergo a vagotomy.
The cathedral of St Pierre (see Cathedral), a church in the Byzantine-Romanesque style, dates from the 11 th and 12th centuries, but has undergone frequent restoration, and was partly rebuilt in the latter half of the 19th century by the architect Paul Abadie.
As he maintains that probability may and ought to be our guide in life, he is content with proving in the first chapter of the Analogy that " a future life is probable from similar changes (as death) already undergone in ourselves and in others, and from our present powers, which are likely to continue unless death destroy them."
But, as will be pointed out later, organs are often found to have undergone degeneration or reduction, and such reduced or degenerate structures may easily be mistaken for primitive structures, and so the investigator may be misled.
Views have undergone profound modification since then, and the most drastic remedy has come to be regarded as the most effective, and in the long run the least costly.
The candidate for orders must be at least nineteen years old and have undergone twelve years' preparation; he is then qualified to assist the priesthood in the ceremonies of religion.
His mother was only released from prison in October 1729, after she had undergone torture and figured as a penitent in another auto-da fe.
The machinery by which this is done has undergone numerous modifications and improvements, all tending to produce more perfectly plane glass, to reduce the risk of breakage, and to lessen the expenditure of time and power required per sq.
Only within the past few years have stores been established in the foreign settlements for the sale of silver utensils, and already the workmanship on these objects displays palpable signs of the deterioration which all branches of Japanese art have undergone in the attempt to cater for foreign taste.
It was from such a standpoint conceivable that the thoughts and diction of the writer had undergone an entire transformation in the long interval that intervened between the composition of the two books, on the supposition that both were from the same hand.
As an illustration of the manner in which the doctrines of the religion were made to conform to the all-pervading astral theory, it will be sufficient to refer to the modification undergone in this process of the view developed in a very early period which apportioned the control of the universe among the three gods Anu, Bel and Ea.
When they are used for the propulsion of ships recourse is had to "torsion meters" which measure the amount of twist undergone by the propeller shafts while transmitting power.
When we reflect that some hundreds of thousands of tons of urea are daily deposited, which ordinary plants are unable to assimilate until considerable changes have been undergone, the question is of importance, What happens in the meantime?
Horses are now diffused by the agency of man throughout almost the whole of the inhabited parts of the globe, and the great modifications they have undergone in consequence of domestication, crossing, and selective breeding are well exemplified by comparing such extreme forms as the Shetland pony, dwarfed by uncongenial climate, the thoroughbred racer, and the London dray-horse.
Over the past 20 years waste management in the UK has undergone a quiet revolution with increasing amounts of waste being recycled.
Grassy riverbanks along the Annan still support Water Voles, a species which has undergone a major decline in Britain.
The site encourages self-improvement in public services and has undergone a major transformation following feedback from councils.
They often articulate in mature, self-reflexive ways the changes they have undergone.
The Best Western master builder 's house hotel has undergone a total refurbishment and has been restored to its original splendor.
Dating back to 1840, the hotel has undergone extensive and tasteful refurbishment.
Michael Vaughan has undergone a planned operation on his troublesome right knee.
The Museum has undergone exciting transformation as a result of a two-phase development project carried out on site.
I would like to email with others who 's young children have undergone surgery more than once.
The second patient had undergone an emergency resection of a bulky tumor leaking into the left chest following endoscopic dilatation.
Finally, the mountains and highlands of Madagascar have undergone hardly any economic development due to the isolated position of the island.
Studying Music at St Hilda 's The BA syllabus has recently undergone considerable change.
Landed property has undergone many vicissitudes in Egypt; (1) and yet the cultivation has hardly altered under the various systems.
By the professional writer many sad vicissitudes have to be undergone.
Beginning in Europe, where space and resources have long been scarce, washing machines have undergone a design revolution in the past 15 years.
The Journal of Veterinary Medicine did a study back in January of 2001 on 39 cats that had undergone an onychectomy (declaw).
Once the cat has undergone flea treatment, the pet's surroundings should also receive treatment.
A Doctor of Naturopathy is a medical professional who has undergone extensive training in order to provide holistic medical care to his patients.
In fact, the star has undergone a number of transformations over the years, but some of her most memorable looks definitely come from the decade of excess.
Tanglwood - Tanglwood has recently undergone a management change and has some new facilities including new rental equipment, a new terrain park, a new game room, and much more.
It may not feel like it at the time, but the work that counselors are able to do on women who have undergone abortions can make the difference between life-long acceptance or indeed life-long guilt about a very harrowing decision.
Most of these drug rehab treatments have not undergone extensive studies for use in pregnant or nursing women.
For the most part, celebrities who have undergone treatments come out looking as good or better than they did beforehand.
That's because not many guys have undergone procedures to lighten their loads.
The Hills actress admits to having undergone plastic surgery recently.
This is the fourth breast operation that Price has undergone.
He has undergone extensive treatment in the form of chemotherapy, radiology and surgery.
Lighter blue denim has undergone more post-dye washings than the darker washes.
In recent years, all of the fleet's older vessels have undergone extensive renovations to expand passenger services and amenities, and today Norwegian Cruise Line is rapidly becoming one of the most popular cruise lines in the world.
The majority of Panama Canal cruises are 10 days or longer and generally include at least one port in Panama, which has undergone major transformations in recent years, in order to boost tourism.
Ideally, your dog should have undergone basic obedience training prior to visiting a large dog park so you can be confident they will respond to your stop, heel, and come commands.
Nutro dry dog food has undergone testing, and at this time shows no melamine contamination of its rice gluten.
The appeal of the English Bulldog has undergone somewhat of a revival in the last five to seven years.
Through the years the designs of silver bracelets have undergone many changes, but they have never gone out of style.
A popular type of foundation garment today, panty girdles have undergone many changes since the first ones, made of perforated rubber, were introduced into the fashion world in the 1930s.
However, as society has changed, plus size modeling has undergone a shift, especially in Germany, the United Kingdom and North America.
It has undergone clinical studies in which it showed a significant impact on those with sleep disturbances compared to a placebo.
Patients who have undergone a sleep study, received a diagnosis and prescription will find that their physician can recommend the type of device that best meets their needs.
Some look just like the real thing; just don't expect a knock-off to have undergone the same impact resistance training or have all the technology to give them an ideal fit.
Today, many park enthusiasts have preserved older maps as valuable collectibles that showcase the changes the park has undergone over the years, and they are often hot commodities to other park fans.
Unless the system has undergone a refurbishing process and has been certified by an official repair location (i.e., certified by Sony), however, it cannot be officially considered "refurbished."
The area has undergone many changes, many of which occurred during prohibition.
If a child has recently undergone any sort of trauma such as witnessing divorce, a pet's death, or family problems, treatment for thumb sucking should not be undertaken right away.
At-risk students usually have undergone school psychological and behavioral evaluation that identifies them as requiring specialized attention not available in the traditional school environment.
Primary amenorrhea is not considered to have occurred until a girl is beyond age 16, if she has undergone other normal changes that occur during puberty.
Patients who have undergone limb-salvage surgery need intensive rehabilitation.
Clark S, et al. "The influence of exterior dust and soil lead on interior dust lead levels in housing that had undergone lead-based paint hazard control."
Subsequent children of a mother who has undergone fetal surgery usually are delivered by cesarean section because of scarring of the uterus.
In this test, the doctor removes a small piece of muscle tissue and has it examined under a microscope to see whether the muscle fibers and nearby blood vessels have undergone certain changes that indicate JDMS.
A pediatric dentist has undergone additional training and may be more experienced with dental development in children.
Many parents of infants who die of SIDS are helped by participating in local support groups, where they can share their feelings and experiences with others who have undergone the same experience.
Most children who have undergone this surgery can leave the hospital on the same day.
People with an inherited form of retinoblastoma who have not undergone radiation treatment have approximately a 26 percent chance of developing cancer in another part of the body within 50 years of the initial diagnosis.
Those with an inherited form who have undergone radiation treatment have a 58 percent chance of developing a secondary cancer within 50 years after the initial diagnosis.
In the case of the Cognistat, test taker's scores can be compared to groups of young adults, middle-aged adults, the geriatric, and people who have undergone neurosurgery.
Neuropsychological tests may also be used to evaluate the progress of a patient who has undergone treatment or rehabilitation for a neurological injury or illness.
The prognosis for boys who have undergone hypospadias repair is excellent.
Clark, S., et al. "The influence of exterior dust and soil lead on interior dust lead levels in housing that had undergone lead-based paint hazard control."
Also, the effects of hair color is greatly influenced by the amount of processing one's hair has previously undergone.
Lower back pain can be caused by hormonal changes and posture changes you may have already undergone in anticipation of that big belly you are planning to get.
Each class is taught by a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator; this educator has undergone hours of childbirth education and also believes in the Lamaze Philosophy of Birth.
The island is now a public park and it has undergone limited restoration since the penitentiary went out of service.
Louis Reard's original bikini design was considered awfully daring in its day, but in the years since its debut, the bikini has undergone numerous design changes, shrinking to a sliver of its original size.
Bikinis have certainly undergone quite an evolution since they were first introduced to the swimwear scene.
Chia seeds have undergone testing as a vehicle for enhancing nutrition in food supplies.
The trench is a classic piece that's undergone constant reinventions over the years, beginning as the basic neutral before transitioning to more daring, unexpected territories involving animal prints, bolder colors and metallic sheens.
The game has been around for thousands of years and many claim it's one of the first games ever invented, though it has undergone some changes over the past few hundred years.
When purchasing any gem, consumers should always investigate whether the stone has undergone treatments to initiate or strengthen its color.
Certified diamonds are stones that have undergone thorough, unbiased examinations and grading from independent laboratories.
Today, the Care Bears have undergone a slight makeover, but they're still quite popular.
Though it's undergone numerous changes - some heavily praised and some met with disdain - it continues to be a favorite of professionals and amateurs alike.
Days of our Lives has undergone major shifts in storyline direction dictated either by actors coming and going or by a change in writing regime.
The look suited someone who had undergone her characters trials and tribulations, especially with her husband's (Eric Forrester) constant dalliances with younger women.
This is a great choice if you'd like to witness the changes some of the long-standing cast members have undergone since the show began decades ago.
Tattoo shops have undergone significant changes in recent years.
Besides the tattooing, he has undergone surgeries to further modify his appearance.
During the various periods of Japanese history, tattoos have undergone different transformations, from a mark of tribal belonging to being a process that only a criminal would undergo.
Women who have undergone scarification are also often thought to be more sexually uninhibited, making them more desirable to men.
If the image of the tree frog is calling to you, be sure to wear it proudly and embrace the transformation or transition that you've undergone.
The Skyline Hotel's rooms and furnishings have undergone major transformations in the past two years.
Surgery is traumatic for your system and the diet for gastric bypass lessens the stress on the parts of your body that have undergone that trauma.
And quality pads are needed most by women who have undergone a medical procedure anywhere a strap might make contact with the skin.
Mastectomy Solutions - This is a site especially for women who have survived cancer and have undergone either a partial or double mastectomy.
Each episode focuses on one of these teens who has undergone six weeks of intensive training, schooling and practice toward his or her goal.
Jon has had free hair replacement treatments, Kate has undergone complimentary tummy tuck surgery, and they receive free household items, clothing, and travel from private sponsors.
In January 2010 it was widely reported that nine weeks earlier, Montag had undergone ten plastic surgery procedures on the same day.
She did some online research into breast lumps and based on that research decided that her lumps were scar tissue left behind by the breast implant surgery she had undergone six years prior.
Hydroderm products have not undergone the FDA's strict approval process.
It's so effective that one course, usually undergone for four to five months, will keep skin problems at bay for years.
While some common ingredients are wildly popular, they have not all undergone scientific testing.
Over the years, Facebook has undergone many changes to the interface in order to help users customize their experience.
With almost a hundred years of history, international girl scout uniforms have undergone many changes.
Since its beginning in 1790 as the United States Revenue Cutter Service, the uniforms of the USCG have undergone many changes and revisions.
Both have undergone changes recently to make them more functional and durable.
Over its nine-decade long history, scout uniform guidelines for Boy Scouts have also undergone many changes.
The reproductive individuals have undergone an extraordinary simplification of the organs concerned with the collection and digestion of food.
This medieval fortress, strong by art as well as position before the invention of modern artillery, has since undergone numerous sieges.
Alcohol has undergone various oscillations, according to the legislation governing distilleries.
Her former rival, Genoa, bad also been compelled, in June 1797, to bow before the young conqueror, and had undergone at his hands a remodelling on the lines already followed at Milan.
Certain extremely aberrant Diptera, which, in consequence of the adoption of a parasitic mode of life, have undergone great structural modification, are further remarkable for their peculiar mode of reproduction, on account of which the families composing the group are often termed Pupipara.
Shortly before this date the palaces both of Cnossus and Phaestus had undergone a great destruction, and though during the ensuing period both these royal residences were partially reoccupied it was for the most part at any rate by poorer denizens, and their great days as palaces were over for ever.
As they are now known to us, they have undergone a process of partial civilization, first at the hands of the Brahminical Indians, from whom they borrowed a religion, and to some extent literature and an alphabet, and subsequently from intercourse with the Arabs, which has led to the adoption of Mahommedanism by most of them.
It is not easy to state with certainty the doctrines of a body which (in England at least) has never demanded subscription to any creed, and whose views have undoubtedly undergone more or less definite changes.
Finally, we have the family Rhinocerotidae, which includes the existing representatives of the group. In this family the dentition has undergone considerable reduction, and may be represented inclusive of all the variations, by the formula i a or a m a The first upper incisor, whenpresent, has an 430r2; PP antero-posteriorly elongated crown, but the second is small; when fully developed, the lower canine is a large forwardly directed tusk-like tooth with sharp cutting-edges, and biting against the first upper incisor.
The defeats undergone by their outpost detachment had profoundly affected the nerves of the troops, and on the afternoon of the 11th, on the false alarm of a French approach, a panic broke out in the streets of Jena, and it took all the energy of Hohenlohe and his staff to restore order.
These Miocene strata have not been found farther north on the Greenland shore than the region mentioned; but in Lady Franklin Bay, on the Grinnell Land side of Smith Sound, they again appear, so that the chances are they will be found on the opposite coast, though doubtless the great disintegration Greenland has undergone and is undergoing has destroyed many of the softer beds of fossiliferous rocks.
From serving primitively as the essential organ of the cleft the tongue-bar may have undergone reduction and modification, becoming a secondary bar in Amphioxus, subordinate to the primary bars in size, vascularity and development; finally, in the craniate vertebrates it would then have completed its involution, the suggestion having been made that the tongue-bars are represented by the thymusprimordia.
The castle, which has undergone considerable modern restoration, consists of three portions.
Nickel exhibited retraction from the very beginning (as observed by Barrett), its greatest change of length considerably exceeding that undergone by iron; in a field of Boo the original length was diminished by as much as 1/40,000 part, but stronger forces failed to produce any further effect.
Hence the changes of volume undergone by a given sample of wrought iron under increasing magnetization must depend largely upon the state of the metal as regards hardness; there may be always contraction, or always expansion, or first one and then the other.
His health continued poor, and a fistula in the eye, from which he had suffered from early childhood, and to cure which he had undergone a number of painful operations, continued to trouble him.
Several hundred children have undergone this treatment with no major adverse effects, but its long-term risks are unknown.
Changes undergone in the immortal world normally weren't permanent, once they returned to their world for twenty-four hours.
This system, however, which is opposed by a powerful party, I has at various times undergone modifications.