Undecided Sentence Examples
He was considering going to school but undecided about course study.
I'm still undecided which one is my target but I'll soon have my answer and more!
The only point still remaining undecided is whether the valleys of the Bom-kemchik (a tributary of the Yenisei) and its left-hand tributaries do not belong geographically to the Altai region.
Moreover, the word of God in the Koran left many practical points undecided, and therefore it was of the highest importance to know exactly how the Prophet had spoken and acted in various circumstances.
The origin of the Cagots is undecided.
On the other hand e was wholly free from that quality which he ascribed to Lord eorge Sackville, a man "apt to take a sort of undecided, equ vocal, narrow ground, that evades the substantial merits of the qu stion, and puts the whole upon some temporary, local, accide tal or personal consideration."
We 're very undecided on what to do now.
She put her hand to her face, undecided.
Even tho these efforts may not have swayed the undecided senators, it certainly did help to plant seeds of doubt about the Treaty.
Fourteen per cent remain undecided over how they would vote.
AdvertisementThe undecided question as to whether the wound inflicted at Borodino was mortal or not had hung over Kutuzov's head for a whole month.
When a decision had to be taken regarding a domestic serf, especially if one had to be punished, he always felt undecided and consulted everybody in the house; but when it was possible to have a domestic serf conscripted instead of a land worker he did so without the least hesitation.
If you're undecided, and need a good reliable place with quick,efficient service, you can't go wrong here.
The exact way in which the utilization or fixation of the nitrogen is effected remains undecided.
The question is not of great importance and may be left undecided.
AdvertisementThis identification has been hotly contested by many scholars, and the question must still be regarded as undecided.
The question, however, may be left undecided.
John's attitude was undecided; he negotiated with the court and also with the English;.
Whether the lady Godiva of this story is the Godiva or Godgifu of history is undecided.
The conclusion is confirmed by the coins, the only records with Iranian script which go back so far; but the special form of Aramaic from which the Iranian alphabet is derived must at present be left undecided.
AdvertisementHe remained annoyed at himself for involving Cynthia in the Baratto business and undecided about telling her the break-in was his fault—if she called.
Opinion among the directors seems equally divided, except for a retired admiral who is undecided.
She Generator - Computing moved forward, turned, auction midlands property west undecided.
Are you still undecided about what career to choose?
The DoH is as yet undecided on what these cases may be.
AdvertisementIt is currently undecided whether to show five or six films.
I'm completely undecided whether that's cool or dreadful.
If you feel so undecided the minister is entitled to the benefit of the doubt.
We're very undecided on what to do now.
I leave the question undecided in its wide sense.
While the CSCI seems undecided, the HSE has shown wisdom in its approach to the problem.
The place of the Women's Unit was left undecided.
The corporate structure of the business will also change, although the three appeared undecided as to exactly how.
This whole thing about ' undecided voters ' being the key to the US election.
Julius Hare belonged to what has been called the "Broad Church party," though some of his opinions ap p roach very closely to those of the Evangelical Arminian school, while others again seem vague and undecided.
The place of the Women 's Unit was left undecided.
If you see something that you're undecided about, come back by later in the day.
I think you may be right that that 15% constitutes a potential undecided vote in a possible future referendum.
Once the stay had been lifted, the undecided application to set aside the proceedings against the local insurers came to be heard.
Here disclosure of the " without prejudice " negotiations would include disclosure of the undecided contentious point of quantum of damage.
If you are undecided between two sizes, go with the larger tablecloth.
If you're undecided about whether to purchase an electric or mantle lamp, consider which style would benefit you the most during a power outage.
If you're still undecided as to whether or not you want to purchase the Cricut Design Studio, you can download a free version at the Informer website.
If they can't be used and with Rihanna undecided as to whether or not she is going to testify against Brown, the case will more than likely be dismissed due to lack of evidence.
Buyers may or may not already have dogs, and offering to include different materials with the pet purchase can sway undecided or inexperienced buyers.
Many women are undecided about whether they should wear a special nursing nightgown or if they should just go back to wearing their pre-maternity sleepwear.
If you are still undecided about the best dress for your special day, the folks at Sydney's Closet offer expert fashion advice to help brides make their selections.
If you're undecided on what you want but you're on the prowl for a hot pair of designer shades, check out the 100 Most Popular Shades section of the site for inspiration.
The utility of asthma medications, like bronchodilators, is as of 2004 still undecided.
If you're still undecided, you may wish to check out Consumer Search or Consumer Reports for a more direct product comparison.
You can always return to the quiz if you were undecided in some areas and would like to see how slight variations in your answers would affect the final outcome.
Orlando Bloom, so far, remains undecided.
The site also links to testimonials on Beauty Blog Talk, which boasts 144 positive reviews against 15 negative and 27 undecided.
Then came his deliverances upon undecided points in theology, in his XII.
There can be no doubt that Professor Burmeister discharged his editorial duty with the most conscientious scrupulosity; but, from what has been just said, it is certain that there were important points on which Nitzsch was as yet undecided - some of them perhaps of which no trace appeared in his manuscripts, and therefore as in every case of works posthumously published, unless (as rarely happens) they have received their author's " imprimatur," they cannot be implicitly trusted as the expression of his final views.
The election, undecided by the popular vote, was thrown into the house, and resulted in the choice of John Quincy Adams, who in 1826 drew Gallatin from his retirement and sent him as minister to England to conduct another complicated and arduous negotiation.
If Marca's criticism is too often undecided, both in the ancient epochs, where he supports the text by a certain amount of guesswork and in certain points where he touches on religion, yet he always gives the text correctly.
But with the struggle raging before him he remained undecided, until at Jena the decision had clearly fallen, and then he crossed the river and arrived with fresh troops too late for their services to be required.
Ultimately the sun went down on an undecided field on which 25,000 French and 38,000 Russians had fallen, but the, moral reaction on the former was far greater than on the latter.
The British government was still undecided as to its policy towards Natal.
The detection of the presence of chlorine or bromine or iodine in a compound is at present undecided, and it may be well that we may have to look for its effects in a different part of the spectrum.
The moment we stir a step further with Wundt in the direction of a more general conclusion (ein allgemeinerer Satz), we cannot infer from the premises the conclusion desired by Wundt, "Metals and fusible are connected "; nor can we infer " All metals are fusible, " nor "Metals are fusible," nor "Metals may be fusible," nor "All metals may be fusible," nor any assertory conclusion, determinate or indeterminate, but the indifferent contingent, "All metals may or may not be fusible," which leaves the question undecided, so that there is no syllogism.
Further causes of trouble arose, moreover, and when the potentates separated the question of Matilda's estates was undecided; and Lucius had refused to crown Henry or to recognize the German clergy who had been ordained during the schism.
His flight escaped notice, and the conflict remained undecided, until Antony's fleet was set on fire and thus annihilated.
These discords of an undecided nature displayed themselves in his political theories and in his philosophy of conduct.
The Tsar stopped a few minutes in front of the hussars as if undecided.
But the question whether the camp was advantageous or disadvantageous remained for him undecided.
Pierre was agitated and undecided.
I 'm completely undecided whether that 's cool or dreadful.
A further 10% are undecided on the issue.
Many people agree with voluntary euthanasia, many disagree but there is also a large amount of people undecided on the matter.
He remained annoyed at himself for involving Cynthia in the Baratto business and undecided about telling her the break-in was his fault—if she called.
Meanwhile Baratieri received reinforcements from Italy, but remained undecided as to the best plan of campaign.
He never changed, though he developed and perfected, the manner which he had adopted in Padua; his colouring, at first rather neutral and undecided, strengthened and matured.
The question whether a corpuscle actually has a material gravitating nucleus is undecided, but there are strong reasons for believing that its mass is entirely due to the electric charge.
Indeed, he seems himself quite undecided on this question; since, though he generally represents ethical method as deductive, he also speaks of the " original judgment that this action is right and that wrong."
When he appeared at the door she grew flurried, evidently undecided whether to go to meet him or to wait till he came up.
For the time the future form of government was left undecided, but Kossuth was appointed responsible governor.
The ancients were undecided whether to class him among the writers of the New or Middle comedy.
But the question remains undecided whether, if his activity had been longer continued, Aehrenthal would have been able to maintain the position of Austria-Hungary as a great power without an appeal to the decision of arms. There is no doubt that Aehrenthal was a statesman of considerable mark, a man of wide knowledge and well-ordered intelligence; he was ambitious, but not vain, and an untiring worker.
Soon after the publication of his first book Calvin returned to Orleans, where he stayed for a year, perhaps again reading law, and still undecided as to his life's work.
Like an experienced sportsman he knew that the beast was wounded, and wounded as only the whole strength of Russia could have wounded it, but whether it was mortally wounded or not was still an undecided question.
The matter came before the diet, which was opened at Augsburg in July 1582, but the case was left undecided; afterwards, however, the Reichshofrat declared against the insurgents, although it was not until 1598 that Protestant worship was abolished and the Roman Catholic governing body was restored.