Uncovering Sentence Examples
The complete uncovering of the site was planned in 1910.
Hastings justified his action on the ground that the Rohillas were a danger to the British as uncovering the flank of Oudh; and while he would never involve the company in an unjust war, neither did he desire an unprofitable one.
However, uncovering a pool for the season is not the only time a pool can turn green.
Together they search for a missing vicar - uncovering an unholy alliance.
Des de Moor with I Travel Alone, uncovering the hidden history of English chanson.
Using a Canon camera user manual enriches the user experience by uncovering hidden features and professional techniques most consumers do not know about.
For fans of classic pop and rock, finding Cat Stevens tabs is like uncovering a gold mine of some of the most recognized tunes in the world of music.
Uncovering what matters most to you is the key to an enjoyable retirement.
If you're in the market not only for a golf retirement community, but also a luxury home, this is a terrific resource for uncovering locations throughout the United States, as well as Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean Islands.
You can choose to spend your time uncovering terrain or searching for more followers.
AdvertisementMany people say that uncovering their roots helps them to feel more in touch with "who I am."
Smart Bargains.com is a site dedicated to uncovering some of the best deals on clothing, home furnishings, gifts, jewelry, and more.
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Researchers are looking at a number of different factors that may contribute to pervasive developmental disorders, and they are uncovering very promising findings.
In the process of uncovering the exposed cist, a second cist was found.
AdvertisementHe found he was uncovering fascinating new clues about the shady people around the plot.
We were uncovering this thing, as it had fallen, surrounded by the French populace in this sleepy little village.
Uncovering corruption in high places seems like a one way ticket to the top for rookie reporter Beth Corrs... .
Uncovering corruption in high places seems like a one way ticket to the top for rookie reporter Beth Corrs....
The Spanish Government is uncovering evidence of linkages between suspects in custody and the perpetrators of the 16 May 2003 Casablanca bombings.
AdvertisementDumas gave the task of uncovering this conspiracy to his four musketeers, Porthos, Athos, Aramis and D'Artagnan.
Rocky handled all types of emergencies, including the evacuation of doomed planets and the uncovering of villainous plots against the United Worlds.
Uncovering these issues with a counselor will allow you to solve them in a healthy way so you can rebuild your emotional foundation, which will give you a better starting point when you do try to control your rage.
Apparently, Reid attended several Fashion Week events without anyone uncovering her secret.
The website Celebheights.com is dedicated to uncovering the precise heights of celebrities, even those who may be attempting to ward off critics through the use of shoe-lifts and other clever tricks.
AdvertisementCare should be used when removing covers from pans of steaming foods and when uncovering or opening foods heated in a microwave oven.
The work was carried on with splendid perseverance, and the uncovering of the interior was completed in 1908.
By sinking additional pits or by extending the costeaning trenches and uncovering the outcrop of the deposit more fully it is sometimes possible to obtain all the information required for the most extensive and important mining operations.
Blucher, however, hearing of his arrival, at once retreated and the emperor followed, thus uncovering the passes over the Bohemian mountains, a fact of which Schwarzenberg was quick to take advantage.
She rifled gingerly through the boxes, afraid of uncovering a stash of tarantula cats.
A further gain obtained through these operations has been the uncovering, immediately above the main subject, of a beautiful scheme of painted lunettes and vaultings, the lunettes filled by Leonardo's.
The move not only failed, but it had the fatal effect of uncovering Paris to the northern forces of the allies.