Unconnected Sentence Examples
North-east of Abai are several smaller lakes unconnected with the more southerly system.
It was then in the midst of dense forests and was wholly unconnected by roads with other parts of the state.
Who but Mary herself could have written about this unknown affair of the Bishop, and what had the supposed forger to gain by inventing and adding these references to affairs unconnected with the case?
The remains of Lucilius extend to about eleven hundred, mostly unconnected lines, most of them preserved by late grammarians, as illustrative of peculiar verbal usages.
Most of the satires of Lucilius were written in hexameters, but, so far as an opinion can be formed from a number of unconnected fragments, he seems to have written the trochaic tetrameter with a smoothness, clearness and simplicity which he never attained in handling the hexameter.
It generally contained the tomb of the founder, and, as the officiator or mass-priest was often unconnected with the parochial clergy, had an entrance from the outside.
There are not enough letters to cover the uncials, the same letter has to serve for various fragments which are quite unconnected except by the accident of simultaneous discovery, and no information is given about the MS. referred to.
His parish contained about 1 1,000 persons, and of these about one-third were unconnected with any church.
But 0 and Z are a group interrupted by E, and H and 0 are another group unconnected with the previous group and with E, and are also distinguished in style by avoiding hiatus.
Finally the group (0, Z), the book (E) and the group (II, 0), though unconnected with one another, are all connected though imperfectly with " the first discourses " (A,B,F).
AdvertisementJessie, a sister of John James, married Peter Richardson, a tanner, of Perth, so that the author had cousins of two Richardson families, unconnected with each other.
He shows none of the critical faculties of the historian, merely setting down a number of unconnected details.
If Germany had been unconnected with the Papacy, or even if the Papacy had been as weak as in the days of Henry VI., the issue of the strife would almost certainly have been an early victory for Philip. A majority of the princes were on his side and the French king Philip Augustus was his ally, while his personal character commanded general respect.
Further, it discusses, as Hort observes, certain indestructible problems which much early Christian theology passes by or deals with rather perfunctorily; and it does so with a freshness and reality which, as we compare the original 3rd-century basis with the conventional manner of the Epitome, we see to be not unconnected with origin in an age as yet free from the trammels of formal orthodoxy.
Malocello's enterprise not only marks the beginning of the oversea expansion of western Europe in exploration, conquest and colonization (after the age of Scandinavian world-roving had passed); it is also probably not unconnected with the great Genoese venture of 1291 (in search of a waterway to India, which soon follows), with which this attempt at Canarian discovery and dominion has been by some unjustifiably identified.
AdvertisementThe subjects are, between two panthers, a central group of a gigantic Medusa with her two diminutive children, Pegasus and Chrysaor, and corner groups of apparently unconnected battle scenes.
It is the business of a philosopher, while he lays bare the fundamental difference of elements, to display the identity that subsists between what seem unconnected parts of the universe.
Perhaps the most constant and obvious distinction between this species and the next is the arrangement of the stripes on the hinder part of the back, where there are a number of short transverse bands reaching to the median longitudinal dorsal stripe, and unconnected with the uppermost of the broad stripes which pass obliquely across the haunch from the flanks towards the root of the tail.
Mencius, Hsiin King and writers of the Han dynasty, whose works, however, are more or less apocryphal, tell us much about him and his opinions, but all in a loose and unconnected way.
A line, unconnected with any other in the colony, runs from Port Nolloth on the west coast to the O'okiep copper mines (92 m.).
AdvertisementBut the insistence of idealist writers upon the relation of the world of nature to conscious intelligence, and especially to a universal consciousness realizing itself throughout the history of individuals, rendered it alike impossible to deny altogether some influence of environment upon character, and to regard the history of individual willing selves as consisting in isolated and unconnected acts of.
The objection rests on the theory that myths are a disease of language, a morbid offshoot of language, and that the legends in unconnected languages must therefore be kept apart.
Ritchie, " that, in the various dialogues in which Plato speaks of immortality, the arguments seem to be of different kinds, and most of them quite unconnected with one another.
Though they now use metal tools imported by the Malays, it is noticeable that the names which they give to those weapons which most closely resemble in character the stone implements found in such numbers all over the peninsula are native names wholly unconnected with their Malay equivalents.
It is here that the danger of "the ideal system" really lies - in its reduction of reality to "particular perceptions," essentially unconnected with each other.
AdvertisementTheir route led them through Persia, along the southern and eastern shores of the Caspian (whose inland character, unconnected with the outer ocean, their journey helped to demonstrate), and probably through Talas, north-east of Tashkent.
During the first half of the 19th century the position of the City Corporation had somewhat fallen in public esteem, and some of the most influential men in the city were unconnected with it, but a considerable change took place in the latter half of the century.
It is a further striking fact, not unconnected with those just enumerated, that the extreme range of optical properties covered even by the relatively large number of optical glasses now available is in reality very small.
In many districts the soil is manifestly unconnected in origin with the rock on which it rests, and differs from it in colour, composition and other characters.
The Suliman system lies south of the Gomal unconnected with the northern hills.
In the tract defined, physical changes unconnected with civilization have been slight as compared with those in Babylonia; the two great rivers, having cut themselves deep channels, could not shift their courses far.
The different tribes of Nagas are independent of and unconnected with one another, and are often at war with each other.
Hurried, unconnected sentences, rather than sustained argument, are its most characteristic features.
On the 13th of February 1902 he was presented with an address in a gold casket by the city corporation, and entertained at luncheon at the Mansion House, an honour not unconnected with the strong feeling recently aroused by his firm reply (at Birmingham, January II) to some remarks made by Count von Billow, the German chancellor, in the Reichstag (January 8), reflecting the offensive allegations current in Germany against the conduct of the army in South Africa.
Buddhists are often described as atheists, because their discipline of spiritual liberation is wholly unconnected with any belief in divine agency.
The intention is not merely to extend the sewerage network by providing first time sewerage to unconnected properties.
Fifth Woman follows the murder of several men, seemingly unconnected.
The film is split into three apparently unconnected stories.
The people thus feel themselves wholly unconnected the place.
Most real incidents are isolated things, usually involving children entirely unconnected with a " hate " group.
The shares were put in an " offshore vehicle " totally unconnected with the parent company.
Is it completely unconnected with the imposition of tuition fees?
All that is bizarre good or bizarre bad about the film seems unconnected; the entire exercise seems without a point.
Connections The " Do Not Connect " pin should be left unconnected.
At first these carefully drawn characters appear unconnected, but gradually the links are revealed.
The rules are curious and interesting, but of very doubtful utility, as the formulae are best remembered by the practical calculator in their unconnected form.
Open Court Yard antiquaries, and certainly unconnected with Roman Britain (see Ermine Street).
Freher (Frankfort, j6oo16i1), may be noticed, although these were only put together and printed in the most haphazard and unconnected fashion.
But he appears to have been unaware of the extent of the feelings of animosity which he had done much to arouse in the people, probably because he was wholly unconnected with the practices of the party of the Mountain as the instigators of actual violence.
Napoleon rose and having summoned Caulaincourt and Berthier began talking to them about matters unconnected with the battle.
But the liveliest attention was attracted by occurrences quite apart from, and unconnected with, the battle.
The previous Prevention of Terrorism Act was mainly used against Irish people totally unconnected with terrorism.
On the 31st March, 1783, Pitt resigned and declared that he was " unconnected with any party whatever ".
These are assessed by experts unconnected with the project.
This is useful for reliable error handling on unconnected sockets.
Passing details to Third Parties We will not disclose the information we receive from you to unconnected third parties.
Or indeed if the gift is between unconnected persons.
We will not share any of your personally identifying data for unconnected purposes with any other party without your explicit permission.
For example, what the reader knows about her own home is probably not spread around as sets of unconnected facts.
Scatter settings are minimalist contemporary engagement ring designs that feature multiple stones in unconnected arrangements.
In Australia, among the Hottentots, in the Malay Peninsula and elsewhere, blood ceremonies are in use which are unconnected with the slaughter of a victim; in this blood ritual we may see another possible source of sacrifice.
Though the outbreak was unconnected with the religious feud, the latent fanaticism of both creeds was soon aroused, and the island once more became a scene of pillage and devastation.
As regards doctrine, the work is exhaustive; but it is diffuse, obscure, and occasionally selfcontradictory, as might be expected in a work which consists of a number of unconnected paragraphs of various authorship and date.
But these and many other contributions, 4 made until nearly the close of the 18th century, though highly meritorious, were unconnected as a whole, and it is plain that no conception of what it was in the power, of Comparative Anatomy to set forth had occurred to the most diligent dissectors.
The third account fails chiefly in being too plausible, but there seems no reason to reject it as an artificial combination of unconnected facts.
He gave to posterity not one code but two digests or collections of extracts, which are new only to this extent that they are arranged in a new order, having been previously altogether unconnected with one another, and that here and there their words have been modified in order to bring one extract into harmony with some other.
Not only do we hear of these varieties of practice, but also of the laying on of hands; together with prayer as a substantive rite unconnected with baptism.