Uncommon Sentence Examples
It was not an uncommon reaction.
That is the uncommon school we want.
The soil is mostly sand, clay (brick-clay and potter's-clay are not uncommon), and peat-bogs,with a few patches of "black earth."
Earthquakes are not uncommon and sometimes severe.
Heavy falls of snow in June are not uncommon, and only for a short time towards the end of July are the nights totally exempt from light frosts.
Comparatively uncommon in Western Europe, the Taenia saginata is common in Eastern Europe, Asia and South America.
I suppose Snowball would be a common name, and she's certainly an uncommon cat.
Farther south, heavy crops of wheat, turnips and other cereals and green crops are not uncommon, while barley is cultivated about Repton and Gresley, and also in the east of the county, in order to supply the Burton breweries.
It is not uncommon to find once cultivated fields abandoned because of their ravages and to see large campos completely covered with enormous ant-hills.
Martha, free to indulge, surprised me by drinking more than her share, an uncommon practice on her part.
AdvertisementApart from the coast region, seasons of drought are not uncommon.
Monoliths and cromlechs are not uncommon in the neighbourhood.
In the south the season is usually without killing frost from early in May to late in September, but in the north it is not uncommon late in May or early in September.
Earthquakes are not uncommon in the volcanic areas.
During rain the potential is usually but not always negative, and frequent alternations of sign are not uncommon.
AdvertisementA wide gap separates Archaeopteryx from the next order of fossil birds of the Cretaceous epoch, and, since freshwater deposits of that age are rare, bird remains are uncommon.
Forms of sea-horses (Hippocampus), pipe-fishes (Syngnathus), fife-fishes (Sclerodermus), and sun-fish, globe-fish, and other allied forms of Gymnodontes, are not uncommon.
Besides the local Baal there were " the god of heaven" (El) and other deities; human sacrifices as a means of propitiating the divine wrath were not uncommon.
Droughts, extensive in area and in duration, are by no means uncommon.
Despite this the interior is somewhat cooler than the coast, and in the uplands frost is not uncommon.
AdvertisementFlattened crystals of garnet, films of quartz, and needles of tourmaline are not uncommon.
Near Pretoria duplications of the beds, due to overthrusting, are not uncommon.
Open excavations several hundred feet in depth are not uncommon.
Large and powerful geared hoists are not uncommon.
The climate is rather changeable, and rapid falls of temperature are not uncommon.
AdvertisementDuring the dry season the climate is healthy, but dysentery and intermittent fever are not uncommon.
Underground fires are not uncommon accidents in coal-mines.
To prevent accidents from the breaking of the rope while the cage is travelling in the shaft, or from over-winding when in consequence of the engine not being stopped in time the cage may be drawn up to the head-gear pulleys (both of which are unhappily not uncommon), various forms of safety catches and disconnecting hooks have been adopted.
Of game birds the most characteristic is the partridge (ruffed grouse), exclusively a woodland bird; the Wilson's snipe and the woodcock are not uncommon in favourable localities, and several species of ducks are found especially in the bays and marshes near the coast during the seasons of migration.
In the earlier stages of Spanish colonial history meetings of delegates (procurators) of the town councils, in imitation of the national cortes of Spain, were not uncommon.
Doorways were usually square, but corbelled archways and gateways surmounted with sculptures were not uncommon.
Fogs are not uncommon.
The most uncommon natural feature of the district, the Pink and White Terraces, was blown up in the eruption of Mount Tarawera in 1886, when for great distances the country was buried beneath mud and dust, and a chasm 9 m.
Light hailstorms are not uncommon, but tornadoes are unknown in the state.
The device is a translation into stone of a type not uncommon in gem-cutter's and goldsmith's work of the " Mycenaean " age.
Diamonds are obtained in Borneo, garnets in Sumatra, Bachian and Timor, and topazes in Bachian, antimony in Borneo and the Philippines; lead in Sumatra, Borneo and the Philippines; copper and malachite in the Philippines, Timor, Borneo and Sumatra; and, most important of all, tin in Banka, Billiton and Singkep. Iron is pretty frequent in various forms. Gold is not uncommon in the older ranges of Sumatra, Banka, Celebes, Bachian, Timor and Borneo.
The horses were not trained for European shock-tactics, nor did the country offer charging room, and though melees of mounted men engaging with sword and pistol were not infrequent, the usual method of fighting was dismounted fire action, which was practised with uncommon skill by the troopers on both sides.
Heavy rains prevail from December to March, and rain is not uncommon during other months also, excepting June, July, August and September, which are very hot and rainless.
Lions, formerly plentiful, have disappeared, and leopards and panthers are rare; but jackals, hyenas and Algerian apes are not uncommon.
His landscape backgrounds are of uncommon excellence.
It grows only to a length of 10 in., and is not uncommon in the flats of South and West Australia.
Perfectly black leopards, which in certain lights show the characteristic markings on the fur, are not uncommon, and are examples of melanism, occurring as individual variations, sometimes in one cub out of a litter of which the rest are normally coloured, and therefore not indicating a distinct race, much less a species.
It is a not uncommon theory that the fairies survive in legend from prehistoric memories of a pigmy people dwelling in the subterranean earth-houses, but the contents of these do not indicate an age prior to the close of the Roman occupation of Britain; nor are pigmy bones common in neolithic sepulchres.
Tilden, by his reputation as a statesman and a reformer of uncommon ability, drew many Republican votes.
In tropical countries drought is the commonest cause of a failure in the harvest, and where great droughts are not uncommon - as in parts of India and Australia - the hydraulic engineer comes to the rescue by devising systems of water-storage and irrigation.
The inscriptions which have come down to us are engraved partly on memorial stones, which are not uncommon in the north of England, and partly on various metal objects, ranging from swords to brooches.
Yet positive repudiation is very rare though compromises are not uncommon, and a good many illogical arrangements are made that imply forbearance and amity.
The avifauna include - among the birds of prey - the red-shouldered hawk, red-tailed hawk, marsh hawk, Cooper's hawk, sharp-shinned hawk and sparrow hawk; the great horned owl, the barn owl and the screech owl; and bald eagles are not uncommon in the mountainous regions along the larger rivers.
Moreover, hand-cutting was not an uncommon practice in Europe.
Not a winter passes without its appearing in some numbers, when its uncommon aspect, its large size, and beautifully pencilled plumage cause it to be regarded as a great prize by the lucky gun-bearer to whom it falls a victim.
A long and bushy tail, for instance, is a useful balancer and is a not uncommon feature in mammals which lead an active arboreal life.
Special attention may be drawn to two phenomena connected with it, both of not uncommon occurrence in mimetic Lepidoptera.
This is a not uncommon occurrence, and in the case of Batesian mimicry the explanation is probably this.
But in neither case is reference made to them in such a manner as to suggest that the dignity was then regarded as new or even uncommon, and it seems pretty certain that its existence on one side could not have long preceded its existence on the other side of the Channel.
Some of the smaller birds of prey are not uncommon, but there is none that can be regarded as specially characteristic either of the Alps as a whole or of the alpine region.
On the upper verge of the pine forests, or in the scrubby vegetation just beyond, the following are not uncommon - black woodpecker (Picus martius), ring-ousel (Turdus torquatus), Bonelli's warbler (Phylloscopus Bonellii), crested tit (Parus cristatus), citril finch (Citrinella alpina), siskin (Chrysomitris spinus), crossbill (Loxia curvirostra), nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes), blackcock (Tetrao tetrix), and the alpine varieties of the marsh-tit (Parus palustris, borealis) and tree-creeper (Certhia familiaris, costae).
Although far from uncommon, chiru are very wary, and consequently difficult to approach.
There is, however, appended one of those perplexing statements of personal opinion (for Hume declares Cleanthes to be his mouthpiece) not uncommon among writers of this period.
As an accident of pregnancy, it is far from uncommon, although its relative frequency, as compared with that of completed gestation, has been very differently estimated by accoucheurs.
The poem is evidently intended to display the writer's knowledge of obscure names and uncommon myths; it is full of unusual words of doubtful meaning gathered from the older poets, and many long-winded compounds coined by the author.
Of wild animals, the pig, hyena, jackal, antelope and hare are extremely numerous; lions are still found, and wolves and foxes are not uncommon.
Churches and schools were closed by hundreds, and to such straits were the people often reduced that cannibalism is said to have been not uncommon.
It is not uncommon on many parts of the Himalayas, where it breeds; and on the mountains of Kumaon and the Punjab, and is the "golden eagle" of most AngloIndians.
P. Dawson (26), in charge of the British Polar Station at Fort Rae in 1882-1883, " The Indians and voyageurs of the Hudson Bay Company, who often pass their nights in the open, say that it [sound] is not uncommon.
The situation, though apparently favourable, was full of difficulty, and only a statesman of uncommon dexterity could have guided Austria with success through the ensuing years.
In some cases a failure to understand his meaning led to curious results; for example, the medieval custom, not uncommon in England, of placing rows of earthenware jars under the floor of the stalls in church choirs, appears to have been an attempt to follow out suggestions raised by Vitruvius as to the advantages of placing bronze vases round the auditorium of theatres.
It is not uncommon for the Koran, after a new subject has been entered on, to return gradually or suddenly to the former theme, - a proof that there at least separation is not to be thought of.
Though rain seldom falls, exhalations from the river, especially when the flood has begun to subside, render the districts near the Nile damp during September, October and November, and in winter early morning fogs are not uncommon.
Upper Egypt is healthier than Lower Egypt, where, especially near the coast, malarial fevers and diseases of the respiratory organs are not uncommon.
Smallpox is not uncommon, and skin diseases are numerous, but the two most prevalent diseases among the Egyptians are dysentery and ophthalmia.
On the surface of the desert, at the borders of the valley, palaeolithic implements of well-defined form are not uncommon, and bear the marks of a remote antiquity.
The usual domestic animals are abundantly found in Denmark, with the exception of the goat, which is uncommon.
In addition to the varied and beautiful forms of implements and weapons - frequently ornamented with a high degree of artistic taste - armlets and other personal ornaments in gold, amber, jet and bronze are not uncommon.
Bitter north-easterly winds prevail in the spring, and snow is not uncommon even in the low-lying districts of Greece.
It is about the size of a rat, and has long soft thick fur, of a uniform grizzled brown, except when (as is not uncommon) it is black.
The red deer is peculiar to the Highlands, but the fallow deer is not uncommon in the hill country of the south-western Lowlands.
Species of the pheasant and partridge are not uncommon, and the " guacharo " (Steatornis caripensis), once believed to inhabit Venezuela only, is found in Ecuador also.
In the earlier time marriages between Jewish men and Canaanite women seem to have been not uncommon; whether (outside of Herod's family) there were marriages with foreigners in the Greek period we have no means of determining.
Among the most characteristic birds may be mentioned eagles, vultures, owls, partridges, bee-eaters and hoopoes; singing birds are on the whole uncommon.
Though the demand for good domestic wrought-iron work has enormously increased, adaptations from the beautiful work of the 17th and 18th centuries have been found so suited to their architectural surroundings, that new departures have been relatively uncommon.
Thoth is found on the earliest monuments symbolized by an ibis (Ibis aethio pica, still not uncommon in Nubia), which bird was sacred to him.
On the other hand the summer temperature is exceedingly high, especially in the Oxus regions, where a shade maximum of 110 to 120 is not uncommon.
Instances of their attacking man are not uncommon, and the story of Romulus and Remus has had its counterpart in India within comparatively recent times.
Albino specimens of this monkey are not uncommon, but the pure white monkeys, not albinos, said to inhabit Mindanao, are mythical.
Fights between these huge serpents and the crocodiles which infest all the rivers are said to be not uncommon.
Double nuts are the result of the equal development of the two carpels of the original flower, of which ordinarily one becomes abortive; fusion of two or more nuts is not uncommon.
Consumption is not uncommon.
Wild oxen of the Sunda race, not to be in any way confounded with the Malayan seladang or gaur, are rare, but the whole country swarms with wild swine, and the babirusa, a pig with curious horn-like tusks, is not uncommon.
The generally recognized principal Avatars do not, however, by any means constitute the only occasions of a direct intercession of the deity in worldly affairs, but - in the same way as to this day the eclipses of the sun and moon are ascribed by the ordinary Hindu to these luminaries being temporarily swallowed by the dragon Rahu (or Graha, " the seizer") - so any uncommon occurrence would be apt to be set down as a special manifestation of divine power; and any man credited with exceptional merit or achievement, or even remarkable for some strange incident connected with his life or death, might ultimately come to be looked upon as a veritable incarnation of the deity, capable of influencing the destinies of man, and might become an object of local adoration or superstitious awe and propitiatory rites to multitudes of people.
There are many passages in the writings of Latin authors showing that illustrated books were not uncommon in Rome at least in the early period of the empire; and the oldest extant paintings in ancient classical MSS.
On land, however, whither they resort to breed, they seek food of their own taking, whether small mammals, little birds, insects or berries; but even here their uncommon courage is exhibited, and they will defend their homes and offspring with the utmost spirit against any intruder, repeatedly shooting down on man or dog that invades their haunts, while every bird almost, from an eagle downwards, is repelled by buffets or something worse.
Formerly the loss through breakage was very great, but the art of making and selecting these bottles has greatly improved, and the loss now amounts to little more than 5%, whereas formerly 25% and even 30% was not an uncommon figure.
His extraordinary escape in Braddock's defeat had led a colonial preacher to declare in a sermon his belief that the young man had been preserved to be "the saviour of his country"; but if there was any such impression it soon died away, and Washington gave his associates no reason to consider him a man of uncommon endowments.
If any blame attaches to him, it must arise either from his endeavour to force Coke to a favourable decision, in which he was in all probability prompted by a feeling, not uncommon with him, that a matter of state policy was in danger of being sacrificed to some senseless legal quibble or precedent, or from his advice to the king that a rumour should be set afloat which was not strictly true.
Earthquakes are not uncommon.
It may not be out of place here to correct the mistake, which is by no means uncommon, that the terms Particular and General as applied to Baptist congregations were intended to express this difference in their practice, whereas these terms related, as has been already said, to the difference in their doctrinal views.
A mass of evidence exists showing that variations of every conceivable kind occur among the offspring of all plants and animals, and that, in particular, constitutional variations are by no means uncommon.
It is not uncommon to find zoo lb to 300 lb rove yarn, while the weight occasionally reaches 450 lb per spyndle.
But in Major's last Glasgow session a "Joannes Knox" (not an uncommon name, however, at that time in the west of Scotland) matriculated there; and if this were the future reformer, he may thereafter either have followed his master to St Andrews or returned from Glasgow straight to Haddington.
Of these the chief are Poole's Hole, a vast stalactite cave, about half a mile distant; Diamond Hill, which owes its name to the quartz crystals which are not uncommon in its rocks; and Chee Tor, a remarkable cliff, on the banks of the Wye, 300 ft.
Jewelled bazubands, containing talismans, are often worn on the upper arm, while among the lower orders and south Persian or Arab women nose-rings are not uncommon, and bangles or anklets of beads.
Triphthongs are not uncommon, th Sanskrit avebhyas (dative plural of acva, a horse) is in Zend in paeibyo; Sanskrit krnoti (he does), Zend kerenaoiti.
Spinning and weaving are carried on among the people as a household occupation, and fabrics are made of an exceptionally substantial character.It is not uncommon to see the natives busily twirling their rude spindles as they follow their troops of pack animals over rough mountain roads, and the yarn produced is woven into cloth in their own houses on rough Spanish looms of colonial patterns.
Among the wealthy, silver was not uncommon; among the poor, lead was in general use.
Such subjects as the Deity, the Trinity, the Annunciation,the Nativity, the Crucifixion, the Coronation of the Virgin, are not uncommon.
The gonads are folds of the endoderm containing generative cells, and are primitively four in number, situated interradially, but each gonad may be divided into two by the partition which separates two adjacent lobes of the stomach, that is to say, by one of the areas of concrescence between exumbral and subumbral endoderm, whence arises a condition with eight gonads which is by no means uncommon.
Storms of extreme violence, accompanied by torrential rain, and in rare instances by hailstones, are of not uncommon occurrence.
On the coast and along the course of the lower river fogs are very rare, but in the interior early morning fogs are far from uncommon.
There are numerous hot springs in Abyssinia, and earthquakes, though of no great severity, are not uncommon.
Polygamy is by no means uncommon.
Their obscure and knotty language only serves to give peculiar brilliancy to the not uncommon passages of noble perspicacity.
The particulars of his case have been investigated by Dr Bucknill and Sir William Wilde, who have proved that he suffered from nothing that could be called mental derangement until the "labyrinthine vertigo" from which he had suffered all his life, and which he erroneously attributed to a surfeit of fruit, produced paralysis, "a symptom of which was the not uncommon one of aphasia, or the automatic utterance of words ungoverned by intention.
In the Californian Pinus monophylla each spur bears usually one needle, but two are not uncommon; it would seem that rudiments of two needles are always produced, but, as a rule, only one develops into a needle.
Crystals with a helical twist are not uncommon.
Roe-deer, foxes and wolves find shelter in the forests, where bears are not uncommon; and chamois frequent the loftiest and most inaccessible peaks.
Among wild animals, deer and bear are not uncommon.
This expensive practice was abolished; various checks were placed upon legislative extravagance, and upon financial, special and local legislation generally; and among reform provisions, common enough to-day, but uncommon in 1875, were those forbidding the General Assembly to make irrevocable grants of special privileges and immunities; requiring finance officials of the state to clear their accounts precedent to further eligibility to public office; preventing private gain to state officials through the deposit of public moneys in banks, or otherwise; and permitting the governor to veto specific items in general appropriation bills.
He was much indebted to an uncommon memory, which seemed to retain every idea that was conveyed to it, either from reading or meditation.
It is not uncommon in English society to see, e.g.
But following a custom which was by no means uncommon in the middle ages, a clumsy sequel, extending to 1516, was formed out of various chronicles and tacked on to his work.
In winter frost at night is not uncommon.
It may even eddy backwards, as indicated by the curved arrows, and it is no uncommon thing, in walking up a steep hill in the contrary direction to the flight of the clouds, to find that the rain is coming from behind.
The use of the name of an animal for a mechanical device is not uncommon, cf.
Examples are not uncommon in Spain and in England in Saxon times.
The poet and the statesman showed their kinship by the " dark, deep-set and lustrous eyes " that impressed one who met either of these uncommon men.
Reptiles are infested as well as mammals, and it is no uncommon thing to find specimens of Ixodidae of various kinds adherent to tortoises, snakes and lizards.
In the manor rolls it is not Uncommon to find whole families swept away, so that no heir can be detected to their holdings.
Shallow reaches are not uncommon, and there are at least seven considerable shoals in the south-western part of the course; partly owing to this cause, and partly to the scarcity of ship-timber in the Voronezh government, the Don, although navigable as far up as Voronezh, does not attain any great importance as a means of communication till it reaches Kachalinskaya in the vicinity of the Volga.
It is not uncommon on the Falkland Isles, where it breeds.
A not uncommon definition of ethics as the " science of conduct " is inexact for various reasons.
In most of the uplands of the Coastal Plain region the long-leaf pine is predominant, but large water-oaks and undergrowths of several other oaks and of hickories are not uncommon.
Snow is uncommon in the south-east of the state, and whenever there is a snow-storm the snow usually melts as it falls; but in the centre and north-west occasionally covers the ground to a depth of several inches.
In the early art of Cyprus - the half-way house between Asia and Greece - sphinxes of this type are not uncommon.
A man of pure character, vigorous mind, unwearying zeal and uncommon generosity, Ambrose ranks high among the fathers of the ancient church on many counts.
In the mountainous districts, where there are only narrow paths, frequently rather steep, it is still not uncommon to meet long trains of pack-mules, which, with ox-carts for heavier goods, constitute the sole means of transport in such regions.
Intermarriages had not been uncommon between Frank and Visigoth, but they had rarely led to any other result than to subjct the Arian ladies who were sent from Spain, or the Catholic ladies who came from France, to blows and murder by their husbands and their husbands families.
Gabel, who veiled under a mysterious reticence considerable financial ability and uncommon shrewdness, had great influence over the irresolute king.
Herod was a bay horse about 15 hands 3 inches high, possessed both of substance and length,-those grand requisites in a race-horse,-combined with uncommon power and stamina or lasting qualities.
Black is not uncommon, but grey is not encouraged.
Antelope were not uncommon in the west and northwest until after 1890.
Such calamities are, however, uncommon, and the belief that Nebraska is often visited by tornadoes is erroneous.
In unisexual flowers it is not uncommon to find vestiges of the undeveloped stamens in the form of filiform bodies or scales.
Such unions as hers with James Hamilton were long not uncommon in the West Indies.
Upper Cretaceous plants are not uncommon, and the position of the deposits in the Cretaceous series can often be fixed accurately by their close association with marine strata belonging to definite subdivisions.
His grandfather was an emigrant from Scotland, and the name Cant is not uncommon in the north of Scotland, whence the family is said to have come.
Fould, besides uncommon financial abilities, had a taste for the fine arts, which he developed and refined during his youth by visiting Italy and the eastern coasts of the Mediterranean.
But it is not at all surprising that Isotta should have her letters written and signed by another hand, when such was by no means an uncommon practice among the princes and nobilities of her day.
That's not uncommon for Big Apple young people, living on a modest income in a financially immodest city.
In paris for for example Charles able to make uncommon uranium mineral.
Maps are equally uncommon from gasoline stations associated other European agricultural co-ops.
Uncommon species present include cranberry, bog sedge and white sedge.
Ducks and partridges are also common, but all birds are hunted widely and many are becoming uncommon, including the endangered Siberian crane.
Hallucinations, unusually vivid daydreams or nightmares, are not uncommon for ventilated GBS patients.
Uncommon species recorded within the shifting dunes include sea spurge Euphorbia paralias.
Conversely, a secretory endometrium was not uncommon in cycles with values of less than 38 nmol/l.
Other uncommon species may occur, such as hair sedge Carex capillaris, sheathed sedge C. vaginata and variegated horsetail equisetum variegatum.
Uncommon species recorded within the shifting dunes include sea spurge euphorbia paralias.
It wasn't uncommon for a squire to be knighted after such heroism for bravery on the field.
From what I hear religious intermarriage is not so uncommon in Indonesia also, it's a country I'd love to visit.
An uncommon and exciting discovery was that of a small hoard of bronze metalwork comprising a decorated bracelet and two axes.
It is not uncommon in London to have muggers released on bail eight or nine times before they face trial for their first attack.
Uncommon moths including the scarce burnished brass and the obscure wainscot, both nationally notable species.
Other uncommon plants include meadow saffron, saw-wort and herb Paris.
In some countries a hunting parson is no uncommon sight.
Uncommon plants such as saw sedge, greater meadow rue and marsh valerian are found in the meadow.
This uncommon sea anemone is present locally but rarely found.
Side effects are uncommon, but include sedation and vomiting.
The meadow floods regularly, as indicated by the damp-loving grasses, including the uncommon brown sedge.
The pot sherds form the corner of a square vessel, which makes this a uncommon find.
Side effects are uncommon and usually short-lived and mild, but you may notice a slight tummy upset for a while.
A rotting log can become a world of insect life and a home for beetles, including the increasingly uncommon stag beetle.
This page was first published in December 1995, to provide some information on the rather uncommon surname of Sipple.
Uncommon types of benign thyroid nodules are due to subacute thyroiditis, silent thyroiditis or Reidel's thyroiditis.
It is uncommon for multi-billion-dollar corporations to think about creating a corporate typeface - even for their own logo.
Apart from these, fungi are a relatively uncommon cause of human disease.
Its not uncommon to hear such rents being paid.
Tho fairly uncommon, the merlins seem to be holding their own in Wharfedale.
Photo courtesy RSPB Several nationally uncommon species occur on the heath including the Grayling butterfly, and breeding Stonechat, Dartford Warbler and Nightjar.
The limestone outcrops have several locally uncommon species including rock whitebeam and angular Solomon's Seal.
Consultant medical staff participating and supervising phlebotomy seems not uncommon in Italy as Italian law requires the presence of a medical attendant.
On this side of the Atlantic, in-house trainees are by no means uncommon.
Here is a very venerable oak, which is supposed to have existed in the founder's time, of uncommon size.
An exceptional specimen or an uncommon variety may sometimes be seen in the above-mentioned abnormal places, but the best, the true, and common variety of the table is the produce of short, upland, wind-swept pastures.
The summer is the rainy season, but in the higher country snow and sleet are not uncommon in the winter months of May, June and July.
On the whole there seems little doubt that successful crystalgazing is the exertion of a not uncommon though far from universal faculty, like those of "chromatic audition" - the vivid association of certain sounds with certain colours - and the mental seeing of figures arranged in coloured diagrams (Galton, Inquiry into Human Faculty, pp. 114-154).
In central New York it is not uncommon for snow to accumulate to the depth of 3 or 4 ft., and yet this is not persistent.
There is no evidence that their religious or ethical ideals differed in any marked degree from those of the more serious-minded among their countrymen, for the emphasis which they laid upon the need of righteousness was not at all uncommon.
Gertz, himself a man of uncommon audacity, seems to have been fascinated by the heroic element in Charles's nature and was determined, if possible, to save him from his difficulties.
Yellow corundum is not uncommon in Ceylon and is termed yellow sapphire or "oriental topaz," the prefix "oriental" being often applied to corundum.
Documents dated in the thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth years of Darius are not uncommon, but apparently at the very end of his reign, some years after the disaster of Marathon, Egypt was induced to rebel.
It is not uncommon in popular writings to attribute this superiority to a crusader strain - a theory which no one can possibly countenance who knows what miserable degenerates the half-breed descendants of the crusaders rapidly became, as a result of their immoral life and their ignorance of the sanitary precautions necessary in a trying climate.
True scarcity is uncommon.
A new lectureship is appointed each year as recognition of uncommon achievement and outstanding abilities in the field of human values.
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome is an uncommon side effect of infection with staphylococcus aureus.
Substance abuse disorders were uncommon but a substantial proportion of individuals had problems with alcohol or drug misuse.
Consequently, testosterone deficiency is uncommon among postmenopausal women.
Uncommon types of benign thyroid nodules are due to subacute thyroiditis, silent thyroiditis or Reidel 's thyroiditis.
Due to the now widespread use of all-female or sterile triploid strains, spawning is uncommon.
During the American Revolution, it was n't uncommon for brides show their support for the rebellion by donning a red dress.
It is very uncommon for patients to experience any discomfort during implant placement.
It is not uncommon for someone living over the road from you to belong to a completely different ward.
It is not uncommon to find older women who have an entire room of their homes filled with special dolls on display.
Not uncommon to see 10 or more in a dive.
I was wrong (a not uncommon occurrence).
Thresher Sharks are usually uncommon summer migrants to the English Channel.
This is an uncommon resident species in the Nile Valley.
An uncommon complication of the disorder is central nervous system invasion.
In today 's word, it is extremely uncommon for a young Muslim to express such devotion to religion.
The limestone outcrops have several locally uncommon species including rock whitebeam and angular Solomon 's Seal.
That affects whether type C becomes uncommon, or vanishes altogether.
Here is a very venerable oak, which is supposed to have existed in the founder 's time, of uncommon size.
It is not uncommon for infants to nap formidably during the day and wake many times throughout the night.
This isn't uncommon, and it shouldn't indicate a problem.
If you are looking for an uncommon baby name or want to avoid one, keep in mind that choosing a name with particular characteristics will make people scratch their heads.
It is not uncommon for your baby to fit into two different percentiles, one for weight and one for length.
The following gallery offers a sample of just how uncommon the "common" household cat can be.
Kittens also enjoy exploring the world through taste, and so it is not uncommon for a kitten to attempt to ingest its litter when it is first exposed to the cat box.
It is not uncommon for a consumer to pick up a brand of cat food and not be able to recognize over a third of the ingredients listed on the package.
It's not uncommon for banks to take between 15 and 45 days to establish new merchant accounts.
It is not uncommon for a cardholder to receive an interest rate reduction of seven to ten percentage points.
For this reason, it is not uncommon for articles to appear within publications frequently.
It is not uncommon to encounter application fees, annual fees, and other fees.
Knowing what to do, knowing who to call, and figuring out what papers to file can be confusing.It's not uncommon for people who decide that a divorce is in order to have no idea what to do or how to initiate the divorce.
It's not uncommon for people who wish to get divorced to be concerned about expensive legal fees.
Cotton, wool, and fleece are not uncommon.
It's not uncommon for furniture seats, cushions, covers, and webbing to occasionally rip or tear.
To encourage that these appliances stay out of sight, it is not uncommon to install a few electrical outlets in the pull out drawer where they will be kept.
Round pillows with inserts are not uncommon, but finding round covers can be tricky.
In certain cultures and periods of time, it was not uncommon to see men wearing a little blusher as well.
Liquid cleansers and cleansing creams have long been considered the standard, and bar soaps are also not uncommon.
It is not uncommon for natural ingredient liquid foundations to contain vegetable oils or nut oils like almond oil.
It isn't uncommon to not get a result right away.
Since anyone with a high-speed Internet connection has the ability to do this, it is not uncommon for day traders to complete their work from home.
Though it's uncommon, some psychics use intimidation techniques to keep you coming back.
All shell designs are printed on high-quality, durable shells made by Uncommon.
If you live near an Asian market, make a trip there to purchase some of the uncommon items.
In fact, it's not uncommon to become extremely tense while trying to relax.
It's not uncommon to feel worthless, or even ashamed at losing a job (all of which can lead to anger), but keep in mind that jobs, much like life, can be transitory.
In this way, it is not uncommon to feel slightly dizzy or lightheaded, either before your heart begins to pound or after.
This is a relatively new phenomenon, but as the newspapers prove daily, not an uncommon one.
While a little nervousness isn't uncommon, there are those who suffer from more extreme and even debilitating anxiety.
It is not uncommon to see a group of friends going "single" and paying their own way.
It's not uncommon for boys to wear barrettes.
First, the tuxedo; a ghetto fabulous guy doesn't always need to wear a traditional tuxedo for his prom, a suit in a uncommon color, such as dark purple or blue, would suit a ghetto fabulous prom just fine.
Running away from home for no reason is an uncommon reason for a teen to become a runaway.
Since it's not uncommon to wear white or ivory dresses during the summer or for special occasions, it's entirely possible that a beach wedding dress could easily be worn more than once.
It is not uncommon to find wedding photo albums with shots of the bride and groom in both western and eastern attire.
It is not uncommon for couples and entire bridal parties to take dancing lessons before the reception.
It is not uncommon for cigarette smokers to begin using chewing tobacco as an alternative, wrongly assuming it to be healthier.
Cancers affecting the lips, gums, cheeks, gums and palate are not uncommon.
Bacterial infections of the soft tissue are not uncommon.
The nose is closely connected to the brain, so when a person tells a lie it is not uncommon for the act of lying to prompt a neurological response that creates an unnoticeable physiological reaction on the nose.
This highly dangerous practice is not uncommon among people who use Clonazepam recreationally.
Allergies are not uncommon with authentic down comforters, but that doesn't mean bacteria, pet hair and other airborne allergens can't make their way onto down alternative bedding and cause similar problems.
Slightly uncommon but not entirely impossible to find, Tom and Jerry bedding includes a limited range of products for children's bedrooms.
While not uncommon for pregnant women to have a physician's order to take it easy, it certainly puts a wrinkle in a working actress' life.
A long row of buttons placed close together often served as ornamentation on women's and girls' dresses, but lace and patterned materials were uncommon.
Holiday pajamas are not an uncommon item in children's stores when the Christmas season arrives.
In children's sizes, fabrics without a pattern are uncommon, as are large motifs, plaids, and stripes.
Extra fees for technology are not uncommon for online classes, so don't be surprised to see any on your fee statement.
It's not uncommon for people to think that they have no spare time at all but to find out that the opposite is true when they take a day or two to monitor their schedules.
It isn't uncommon for passengers to assist the crew by hauling sails if they are so inclined, but otherwise there are few scheduled events.
Sometimes due to a dog's breed or living situation, an uncommon collar is needed.
For example, it's not uncommon for dogs to be born with or develop hip dysplasia or arthritis.
They are apple-shaped, bright yellow, of good quality and rich color, while 18 ounces is no uncommon weight.
It is fairly hardy, and grows best in moist districts, with a mild winter, such as Cornwall, where charming carpets of this little plant are not uncommon in shady places.
It is a native of Siberia, as hardy as any kind known, but as yet uncommon in gardens.
Cedar panel siding is available in many exterior forms, ranging from the traditional bevel siding, to the more uncommon board and batten.
A few decades ago plumbing access panels in closets wasn't uncommon.
While most windows are made in standard sizes, it is not uncommon to find some unusually sized windows in older homes.
It is not uncommon to use two materials or two patterns in one space, with a focal point behind the cooktop and a more simple pattern along the counters.
All other materials go up from there and it is not uncommon to find stone, porcelain and wood flooring going for around $20 a foot.
Uncommon Goods sells the Chain in Vain bracelet.
This look is uncommon enough that it really does turn heads when it's actually spotted on the street.
In fact, big suit sales are not uncommon, and often yield great savings.
Uncommon Goods is another shop that is not exclusively organic, but does offer a lot of thoughtful natural gifts.
As these products gain in popularity and demand, it is not uncommon to either find them already on a shelf of a local store or to request these products through a manager.
Though not exactly readily available, lingerie that pays homage to a beloved football team is certainly not uncommon either.
It is not uncommon for a person's vision to change as he or she ages.
In some cases, eye care facilities staff all of these professionals in one building, and it is not uncommon for optometrists to serve as opticians.
Depression in senior citizens is not uncommon, particularly for those who are dealing with separation from friends and family, financial struggles, forced retirement, and other stressors.
It's not uncommon to notice more hair in your brush or in the shower, and your hair may become more brittle and dry.Along with hair loss, another common symptom is the growth of facial hair.
It's not uncommon to remove the mask while sleeping.
From the common to the uncommon, sleep disorders and their treatment is the focus of the sleep center.
It is not uncommon for an individual with sleep apnea to decide they are sick of CPAP treatment.
It is not uncommon for CPAP users to have problems for the first few days as they get used to the pressurized air treatment.
It is not uncommon to awaken suddenly when the cramp starts, with the pain lasting several minutes.
When you first start to wear a CPAP mask it is not uncommon for the mask to feel uncomfortable.
It is not uncommon for a single product to become deeply associated with a stereotype.
It is not uncommon to have a ton of questions like will my eyes water, will it hurt, and most of all how will I get the lens into my eye.
It is not uncommon to see a one-year warranty attached to lenses.
It's not uncommon to fall in love with a style online, only to find that the look is impractical for your particular personality.
It is not uncommon for Nintendo 64 games, rare or not, to reach into the hundreds of dollars.
There is also no explicit differentiation between beginner and advanced players, so it is not uncommon to head to a table filled with sharks, while you are still a relative guppy in the tank of Mahjong players.
As we have already experienced with several titles in the past, it's not uncommon to find that stores are out of stock shortly after a game arrives.
Those seas can be pretty dangerous, and as such, it is not uncommon to cross paths with another pirate ship (or two or three) that is less than amicable.
In 1909, after indulging in the typical lavish high life not uncommon in Napa Valley, Chase, low on fortune, sold Stags' Leap.
It is not uncommon to find special bottles of wine presented in a wooden box.
Most wine glasses are significantly larger than four ounces, so it is not uncommon to have 200 or more calories in a glass of wine.
Part of the appeal of collecting anything is the challenge to find the most unique and uncommon items.
The rare or uncommon colors for any type of bottle make it more valuable than common colors.
Bottles can also be in high demand if they are uncommon to a certain geographic area.
It is not uncommon to find a sale of a stolen phone on eBay, evidenced by a lack of any kind of accompanying items (like the AC adapter).
It is not uncommon to find these cell phone accessories in the same stores where you can buy Bluetooth headsets, phone cases, and other goodies.
However, the diagnosis of stroke is rarely made within three hours, so the use of this drug in children is uncommon.
Kernicterus is still relatively uncommon but has been on the rise with the mandated early postnatal discharge policies.
This injury is uncommon after the ages of three to four, due to stronger joints and ligaments.
Meningococcemia, a relatively uncommon infection, occurs most commonly in children and young adults.
The condition is uncommon but can occur in women under the age of 20.
Sometimes adults breathe in the eggs when the bed covers are shaken; however, this is very uncommon.
Although it is not uncommon for a girl's menstrual periods to be irregular during early adolescence, most girls' periods usually become regular within 18 months after the first one.
It is not uncommon for a girl's period to be delayed when she is having problems with school, work, or relationships.
It is not uncommon for the emotional turmoil of the experience to cause disturbances in eating or sleeping.
Listeria-An uncommon food-borne, life-threatening pathogen that can cause perinatal infection, which is associated with a high rate of fetal loss (including full-term stillbirths) and serious neonatal disease.
The other potential danger to a child with diabetes-diabetic ketoacidosis-is uncommon and most likely to occur prior to a diagnosis.
Double vision for months after the injury is not uncommon.
Birth asphyxia that is significant enough to result in CP is uncommon in developed countries.
Heavy metal poisoning is relatively uncommon.
It is not uncommon for parents to feel isolated and to feel as if they are the only ones with this problem.
Swollen nodes without soreness are sometimes caused by cat-scratch disease, which is an uncommon illness.
As with all porphyrias, it is an uncommon ailment.
Bites from mammals other than dogs and cats are uncommon, with one exception-human bites.
In sports, injuries are not uncommon but can sometimes be prevented with proper conditioning.
As of the early 2000s, it is a relatively uncommon and much less dangerous disorder.
Cat-scratch disease is an uncommon infection that typically results from a cat's scratch or bite.
Bartonella henselae is uncommon or absent in cold climates, which fleas have difficulty tolerating, but prevalent in warm, humid places such as Memphis, Tennessee, where antibodies were found in 71 percent of the cats tested.
Dermatomyositis is one of a group of relatively uncommon diseases known as inflammatory myopathies, or inflammatory disorders of the muscles.
Blood clots in the renal arteries are uncommon, but when they do occur, there is a risk of pulmonary embolism, a dangerous condition that occurs when the clot or a portion of the clot dislodges and travels to the lungs.
It is uncommon for a person to develop the signs of narcolepsy for the first time after age 55.
It is not uncommon for a child with only sporadic or rare breath holding spells to have several in a single day.
Although the cause of hypertension is unknown in 90-95 percent of adults, primary hypertension is uncommon in children, occurring in less than 1-2 percent of hypertensive children.
In the past, Bell's palsy was thought to be a highly uncommon occurrence.
Myotonic dystrophy is an uncommon disease occurring in about one out of every 8,000 individuals.
Temporary and permanent hearing impairments are not uncommon among children.
It is not uncommon for teenagers to become permanently hearing impaired in the high-frequency range above 4,000 hertz.
It is not uncommon for someone in a treatment program to have a relapse, but the success rate increases with subsequent treatment programs.
Grades I and II are not uncommon, and the baby's body usually reabsorbs the blood with no ill effects.
However, it is not uncommon to have a second episode of symptoms about a month after the first; this is called a relapse.
Adverse reactions are uncommon with this vaccine.
Dietary magnesium deficiency is uncommon, but may occur in chronic alcoholics, persons taking diuretic drugs, and as a result of severe, prolonged diarrhea.
The amount of vWF produced by the body increases during pregnancy, so prolonged bleeding during delivery is uncommon in people with type 1 VWD.