Unaccompanied Sentence Examples
At Sodankyla rain or snowfall was often unaccompanied by change of sign in the potential.
Children must not be left unaccompanied on the minibus.
Please also ensure that there is no unaccompanied baggage on the vehicle.
Peace proposals unaccompanied by a sworn covenant indicate a plot.
Roads are much too dangerous for children to be allowed to use them unaccompanied.
The singing, unaccompanied throughout, was simply magnificent, making this show a real festive treat.
Local immigration officers are obliged to notify the local authority of the arrival of an unaccompanied minor.
Such damage could be produced by a previous viral infection, leaving functional defects unaccompanied by any gross histological changes.
We expect the children to enter the building unaccompanied.
Another squashee was Christine who sang an old jazz song unaccompanied.
AdvertisementThey are a group of about 36, who sing difficult, mostly unaccompanied, music.
No child should be allowed to travel home unaccompanied in a taxi.
With what purity of interval did these singers sing unaccompanied?
From the first moment we drive unaccompanied, experience should improve these skills.
But in their responsible way of thinking, she wouldn't dream of letting me walk home unaccompanied.
AdvertisementAnyway, what caring parent would ever allow a youngster to go unaccompanied via the very busy New Road to the Terrace grounds?
She performed works for unaccompanied violin by J.S.Bach for the Bath Bach Festival in 2000.
But if hereditary behaviour is unaccompanied by consciousness, it can in no wise contribute to experience, and can afford no data by which the organism can profit.
The recitation of the Hesiodic poems was from the first unaccompanied by the lyre, i.e.
Their unique blend of voices in unaccompanied singing was received with raptures of delight by the folk fans and music critics alike.
AdvertisementWorks include unaccompanied tuba music, duets and ensembles.
They will also protect children from the risks of being unaccompanied on the streets at night.
Children Can unaccompanied minors travel on flights with Highland Airways?
This requires boroughs to increase the support they give to unaccompanied asylum seeking children.
They can be used to pay for excess baggage or to send unaccompanied baggage.
AdvertisementThey may also have complex needs, for example unaccompanied refugee young people frequently fall within the 16 to 19 age group.
The unaccompanied choir brings the work to an exultant close.
But in their responsible way of thinking, she would n't dream of letting me walk home unaccompanied.
Parents have become almost paranoid in not letting their children out into open spaces unaccompanied by an adult.
In 2008, Jolie founded Kids in Need of Defense, which provides free legal aid to unaccompanied asylum-seeking children who have no legal representation.
Short stature may be unaccompanied by other symptoms, or it may occur together with other problems, both physical and mental.
Nearly all practitioners would advise against unaccompanied swimming in persons with seizure disorders.
While you can certainly travel unaccompanied on any type of tour, selecting a singles-only group will ease any feelings of isolation.
The travel insurance company may also ask whether any members of the group making the trip are unaccompanied minors.
Their idolatry (polytheistic) was unaccompanied by human sacrifice.
This was not unaccompanied with dangers.
In this official apology for the moderate or Presbyterian party, he professes to give an impartial statement of facts, unaccompanied by any expression of party or personal opinion.
We are obliged to notify the local authority of the arrival of an unaccompanied minor.
Read more NASS has launched informal consultation on an unaccompanied asylum Seeking Reform Program.
Arctic observers, both Danish and British, have repeatedly reported displays of aurora unaccompanied by any special magnetic disturbance.
This great rise in the supply, unaccompanied by an equal expansion of the market for Indian tea, involved the industry in great difficulties, to meet which it became necessary to restrict the area under tea as far as possible, and to reduce the quantity of leaf taken from the plant, thus at the same time improving the quality of the tea.
The recitation of the Hesiodic poems was from the first unaccompanied by the lyre.
Nor were these abstract investigations unaccompanied by concrete results.
The gap in our knowledge of the development of Palaeolithic into Neolithic civilization has recently been partially filled in by discoveries in north Germany and France of objects showing rather more developed forms than those of the former period, but still unaccompanied by earthenware.
Circular nodal lines unaccompanied by intersecting lines cannot be produced in the manner described; but may be got either by drilling a small hole through the centre, and drawing a horse-hair along its edge to bring out the note, or by attaching a long thin elastic rod to the centre of the plate, at right angles to it, holding the rod by the.
For all this, manuscripts of Purvey's Revision were copied and re-copied during this century, the text itself being evidently approved by the ecclesiastical authorities, when in the hands of the right people and if unaccompanied by controversial matter.
It has been assumed that these seven kings exercised a certain superiority over a large part of England, but if such superiority existed it is certain that it was extremely vague and was unaccompanied by any unity of organization.
On the 20th of July 1651 Lambert defeated the Royalists at Inverkeithing; Forth no longer bridled Cromwell; Leslie was sure to be outflanked, and, with Charles, he evaded Cromwell, marched into the heart of England (unaccompanied by Argyll), and was defeated and taken, while Charles made a marvellous escape at Worcester (3rd of September 1651).
Similar, but somewhat different markings are produced by the combustion of diamond in oxygen, unaccompanied by any rounding of the edges.
In the former even the Pliocene beds are crumpled and folded, overfolded and overthrust in the most violent fashion; in the latter none but the oldest beds, certainly none so late as the Permian, have been crumpled or crushed - occasionally they are bent and frequently they are faulted, but the faults, though sometimes of considerable magnitude, are simple dislocations, unaccompanied by any serious disturbance of the strata.
In this case diminished prolificity where unaccompanied by a decrease in the number of marriages at reproductive ages, is attributable to the voluntary restriction of child-bearing on the part of the married.
The restoration in Tuscany was unaccompanied by the excesses which characterized it elsewhere, and much of the French legisla tion was retained.