Un-security-council Sentence Examples
Cynical manipulation by the US of its power of veto in the UN Security Council is bringing increasing international condemnation.
The first Iraqi oil exports under UN Security Council resolution 986 began in December 1996.
Thanks to UN Security Council Resolution 1373, we now have specific criteria by which to measure national progress in blocking terrorist fundraising.
Its support for the cynical manipulation by the US of its power of veto in the UN Security Council is bringing increasing international condemnation.
The US would use its power of veto to block any proposal to lift the sanctions in the UN Security Council.
Russia opposes the new plan, and has threatened a veto at the UN Security Council.
Meanwhile, the UN Security Council extended the Iraqi Humanitarian Program for a month to give itself time to revamp sanctions against Baghdad.
It is useful to recall the tumultuous period of the UN Security Council in March last.
For example, why is Iraq forced to comply with all UN Security Council resolutions while Israel seems to receive virtually unconditional support?