Umpire Sentence Examples
The choice of an umpire was entrusted to the king of Italy.
He is said to have acted as umpire during the dispute of Poseidon and Athena for the possession of Attica.
He's also a qualified hockey umpire in local leagues.
The umpire may be chosen by the arbitrators themselves or nominated by a neutral power.
Section 5 provides that where a reference is to be to a single arbitrator, and all the parties do not concur in appointing one, or an appointed arbitrator refuses to act or becomes incapable of acting, or where the parties or two arbitrators fail, when necessary, to appoint an umpire or third arbitrator, or such umpire or arbitrator when appointed refuses to act, or becomes incapable of acting, and the default is not rectified after seven clear days' notice, the court may supply the vacancy.
Umpire shoes should be appropriate for the sport as well.
Use the Internet to shop around if you need to outfit your own umpire uniform.
Where there are two or any other even number of arbitrators, provision is usually made for an umpire (French sur-arbitre).
You may want to call ahead to see if they carry the umpire shoes you need.
Baseball has spread worldwide, and that means that the judgment of the umpire has become a cross-cultural symbol.
AdvertisementThese four (none of whom, it will be observed, was of the nationality of either party in difference) chose for their umpire Professor Matzen, of Copenhagen, president of the Landsthing there.
By three protocols signed at Tokyo in August 1902 this question was agreed to be submitted to arbitrators, members of the court at the Hague, one to be chosen by each party with power to name an umpire.
The next is the choice of the arbitrators and of an umpire if the number of arbitrators is even.
The deed of submission first defines the terms of the reference, the name or names of the arbiters or arbitrators, and the "oversman" or umpire, whose decision in the event of the arbiters differing in opinion is to be final.
By becoming an impartial umpire in civil disputes, the state slowly developed its own institutional autonomy from the personality of the king.
AdvertisementHowever umpire Howell rightly adjudges that it was going down leg side.
Someone once said that the only biblical reference to the referee or umpire is 'the man born blind ' !
In the absence of an appointed umpire a neutral person, mutually agreed, shall adjudicate.
An umpire is required to make his award within one month after the original or extended time appointed for making the award of the arbitrators has expired, or any later day to which he may enlarge it.
Having been directly involved in the County of Northamptonshire he was then invited to become an umpire on the national chess circuit.
AdvertisementWhere the League does not provide neutral umpires, each club shall provide its own umpire.
The umpires referred the decision to the third umpire.
The square leg umpire 1. Stands no more than 10 - 15 meters either side with a clear view of the batting wicket.
In all my 30 years in badminton as an international umpire, I've never before played a world champion.
Des, as umpire, had kitted himself out with a loudspeaker, stripy shirt and a pair of shorts.
AdvertisementEvery Saturday morning Mr James was present either to referee or umpire a school match or support one of the teams.
In all my 30 years in badminton as an international umpire, I 've never before played a world champion.
Umpire launch teams will stand by to give immediate assistance as necessary.
Only the umpire 's launch followed the race to the finish.
Hall hung around but the umpire 's decision was the right one.
The different versions of umpire shoes will complement your official's uniform nicely.
Details about sports and club uniforms, everything from baseball umpire uniforms to Girl Scout attire.
Baseball umpire uniforms have changed a lot over the years in America's favorite pastime.
The original baseball umpire uniforms, according to, were top hats and tails, and heavy wool formal wear that was worn regardless of the weather.
The point of the uniform was to set the umpire apart from the players and also present a sense of authority.
Today'sretailersmake sure the uniforms focus much more on the individual umpire's comfort.
Honigs, the only official distributor of Major League umpire shirts, has nine different color combinations for the shirts, most of which involve blue (one is maroon and one is white).
The micromesh shirt keeps the umpire cool in the heat, but what about the cold?
You can also go to a non-MLB supplier for umpire uniform components, as well.
The last essential element of an umpire's outfit is the cap.
Whether Honig's, Ump-Attire, or another outlet like RefShop, the caps are the most standard part of the baseball umpire uniform.
High-tech materials like micro-mesh fabrics aren't the only advances in umpire gear.
Made out of wood, metal, or plastic, these are kept in the umpire's pocket.
These items can often be purchased as part of an accessories package, or even grouped in with a discounted basic umpire uniform deal.
The umpire's uniform has always been a symbol of authority that baseball fans love to hate when the call goes against their favorite team.
In neither of these cases was there an umpire; nor was any necessary, since the decision, if not unanimous, lay with the majority.
The hearing consists in the discussion of the matters contained in the several cases, and is conducted under the direction of the president who is either the umpire, or, if there is no umpire, one of the arbitrators.
On each side an umpire was appointed, Abu Musa al-Ash`ari, the candidate of Ash`ath, on that of Ali, Amr-ibn-el-Ass (q.v.) on that of Moawiya.
But its existence will not help to prove an early knowledge of reading or writing, for in order that everything may be fair, it is clear that the umpire should not be able to identify the lot as belonging to a particular individual.
Abu Musa was appointed umpire on the part of Ali, and 'Amr-ibn-el-Ass, a veteran diplomatist, on the part of Moawiya.
The Brehon was an arbitrator, umpire, and expounder of the law, rather than a judge in the modern acceptation.
The court may by order remit an award to the arbitrators or umpire for reconsideration, in which case the reconsidered award must be made within three months after the date of the order.
To restore this prosperity had for about a century before 1921 been the secular mission of Great Britain in these lands, the British resident in the Persian Gulf, acting as the representative of the Government of India, being the umpire to whom by long custom all parties on both coasts appealed and who had by treaties been entrusted with the duty of preserving peace.