Um Sentence Examples
Um, I guess you know how to call me if you need anything.
Yeah, um, how long do you plan on keeping her down here?
Um, hi, I, uh, found this number on Dr. Bylun's blog.
Um, thirty should do it.
Maybe because everything was um, mashed together.
Um, it's … you know what, you can drink your tea and I'll make breakfast, Cora said, taking the eggs.
I, um, don't even know …" "I take it you have no place to stay."
That's um, the abbreviated version.
It wasn't a request "Um, sure," she said, startled as much by the statement as the commanding delivery.
It's, um, low fat.
AdvertisementUm, yeah, I am.
Um, I don't think you want me to do that.
I guess it has some sort of spell on it that will um, kinda kill anyone else.
Um, until I sort of betrayed him.
From such names it is only a step to names of one element, a characteristic feature of which is the frequent addition of an ending -turn (feminine), an, a, um, atum, atija, sha, &c., most of these being " hypocoristic affixes," corresponding in a measure to modern pet-names.
AdvertisementThe calculation of the expressions in brackets may be simplified by taking the pairs in terms from the outside; by finding the successive differences of uo + um, ill + um_l, ..., or of uI u i +umi, ..
A string is fixed at C on the top of a hollow box, and C" A D B um FIG.
The Nile was falling, and Kitchener decided to keep the gunboats above the impassable rapid at Um Tuir, 4 m.
Alters= It may be convenient here to state that certain alterations of areas can only be effected through the med i um lo of the Local Government Board after local inquiry.
The number is divisible (i) by io if it ends in o; (ii) by 5 if it ends in o or 5; (iii) by 2 if the last digit is even; (iv) by 4 if the number made up of the last two digits is divisible by 4; (v) by 8 if the number made up of the last three digits is divisible by 8; (vi) by 9 if the sum of the digits is divisible by 9; (vii) by 3 if the s l um of the digits is divisible by 3; I 3=31 2 9 =32 3 27=33 481 =34 (viii) by II if the difference between the sum of the 1st, 3rd, 5th,.
AdvertisementWhat if I can … um, expedite that? she asked.
He, um, has been very assertive and direct.
I didn't mean … you're really trying … um, and doing your best.
Pretty sure those are both in the um, mortal … world, Deidre said.
I, um, don't even know …" "I take it you have no place to stay."
AdvertisementThat's how I found out you really did love Gabe, even though you um …" "Crushed his will to live," Toby finished.
No. I'm, um, apparently unaffected by the…talents of other…guild guys, unless they're, like, really old.
You're a guest of Romas right now, but if he decides to put you on the market, so to speak, pretty much anyone can … um … claim you as a … you know, a bride.
He um, he found me last night after … Ashley drifted off.
Um, you might experience a sudden chill or feel a... a pressure in your ears.
A princess of the realm should sure - um - Try to act with more decorum.
Um Mistah stumbled by getting her foot entangled in her covering sheet and on that she said, ' Let Mistah be ruined!
In the prescribed case mean soil moisture contents for July from a UM integration are used and kept fixed throughout the run.
And you don't even know what ' Au gratin ' means... Um, got any lager?
Then, afore A knows wher A um, ma troosers get yanked doon an A get a jag on ma bum.
Eight years too late, a searing expose of, um, lad mags.
I don't know where the money came from; well I do actually, um, stolen goods.
We had a little, um, explaining to do.. .
Here goes, um, I suppose I am very laid back nothing really phases me.
Um, boss, that Darian guy is trying to walk straight into the town.
He's dreamy, runs his own um, business, and he's got, like, Superman powers.
Um, it's … you know what, you can drink your tea and I'll make breakfast, Cora said, taking the eggs.
I mean, I couldn't leave Hell with any deity powers and um, basically only one of us left.
I didn't mean … you're really trying … um, and doing your best.
It must have been rebuilt almost at once, for several bases exist, inscribed Augusto sacr(um) Perusia restituta; but, as we have seen, it did not become a colony until A.D.
Not less important than his histories are the historical romances, the best-known of which, Ein Kampf um Rom, in four volumes (Leipzig, 1876), which has gone through many later editions, was also the first of the series.
The chief ornament of medieval Swedish literature is Um styrilse kununga ok hdfdinga (" On the Conduct of Kings and Princes "), first printed by command of Gustavus II.
The UM uses a full compressible equation set, no turbulence closure (numerical diffusion only) and a hybrid terrain following co-ordinate system.
Type ums help for help on how to use UM.
I think, um, Morris dancing, because you do it outside, don't you?
The 2nd counts 10 and every year thereafter counts 3. So that makes me... er er um um 49.
Ah good, um and if they have children will they be human, not a litter.
I wouldn ' give a dern for a million UN um.
Perhaps Constable Angua could... um, employ her special talents in the direction of this note?
Another subsidized national society is the athen ae um, which was founded in 1877 as the " literary club," and reorganized in 1887 under its present title.
Friedrich Delitzsch brought into notice three tablets, of the age of the first dynasty of Babylon, in which he read the names of Yaa'-ve-ilu, Ya-ve-ilu, and Ya-u- um -ilu (" Yahweh is God "), and which he regarded as conclusive proof that Yahweh was known in Babylonia before 2000 B.C.; he was a god of the Semitic invaders in the second wave of migration, who were, according to Winckler and Delitzsch, of North Semitic stock (Canaanites, in the linguistic sense).'
See, um... Daddy has some things that he has to do-- very, very important things.
I do n't know where the money came from; well I do actually, um, stolen goods.
We had a little, um, explaining to do...
I think, um, Morris dancing, because you do it outside, do n't you?
Macroinvertebrates Macroinvertebrates should be sampled in April each year, using a standard hand net of 300 um mesh size.
The existing UM aerosol scheme assumes each of the aerosol components to be externally mixed (particles consist of only one component).
Well um, it was an outfit sent to me from a relative in Vulcan.
I wouldn ' give a dern for a million un um.
To procure insertion of the enclosed in the Athen æ um.
Um...remember that earlier problem I sent about?
Um, not sure how that direct quote was "taken out of context."
Not to play devil's advocate, but, um, exactly what does Bristol Palin herself do to financially provide for her son?
While the bunnies of Playboy may sometimes be enhanced, this issue's women are all-digital and all silicone… um, I mean silicon.
Sometimes, children experiencing normal disfluencies hesitate during speech or use fillers, including "um," with frequency.
For dessert, I can't choose between baklava, chocolate, flan, konefa, and um ali.
I, um, made a deal with Darkyn.
Pretty sure those are both in the um, mortal … world, Deidre said.
That's how I found out you really did love Gabe, even though you um …" "Crushed his will to live," Toby finished.
No. I'm, um, apparently unaffected by the…talents of other…guild guys, unless they're, like, really old.
Oh. got, um, work?
Um, yeah okay, I guess.
Um, maybe I should wait downstairs.
Um, is there coffee?
Um, you better, I'm not sure I even know what happened here.
But you really were, um, with her?
Just two of us. Um, no offense, but I think you and I should go.
Let's just um, run for awhile!
He um, he found me last night after … Ashley drifted off.
He is one of the - um - greater illusionists I spoke of last night.
He was, however, a somewhat - um - taciturn man.
Toni said he thinks I have some of the um, Natural ability.