Ugly Sentence Examples
I wasn't ugly, but I didn't consider myself beautiful.
There was nothing ugly between them.
She shook her head to clear the ugly thought.
Guess I'm the ugly duckling in this group.
There was not an ugly person in all the throng.
His smile was ugly.
You have stolen my clothes and have given me these ugly things.
Sensing her fear, he moved closer, his teeth bared in an ugly snarl.
He was short, near-sighted, ugly and exceptionally awkward.
He was neither ancient nor ugly, with familiar dark eyes and hair and roughly hewn features.
AdvertisementIt meant everything, but it didn't erase the ugly feeling.
His voice was cold and ugly.
You don't have to get ugly.
Hadn't she resigned herself to being the ugly duckling years ago?
The scars were jagged and ugly, similar to those on her arms.
AdvertisementIt's big and ugly.
Freedom from that ugly feeling gave her the ability to speak of it lightly for the first time.
You see, gold is much more valuable than ugly grey stone.
When the cameras get here, you'll have to go with them to make sure there are no ugly surprises.
The skin of the upper surface is granular, with many irregular bony tubercles which give it an ugly warty look.
AdvertisementAndrew threw out his hand and received an ugly gash across the knuckles.
I was ugly as shit for a while.
Even before Ferrera became widely known and wildly popular as the title character of Ugly Betty in 2006, she amassed quite an impressive list of movie credentials.
They have great stuff, and now my baby is no longer embarrassed or feels ugly!
Teenagers, who already feel awkward and ugly, may feel worse during flare-ups of the disease.
AdvertisementDespite what you may have heard, comfortable shoes don't have to be ugly.
Hayek appeared in a cameo role in the Ugly Betty pilot and later in the role of Sofia Reyes.
The TV show Ugly Betty debuted in ABC's Thursday night lineup in 2006.
Love can get ugly under the bright lights of fame.
If you've seen photos of America Ferrera on the red carpet, you know that she is anything but "ugly."
The burglary turned ugly when a police officer who lived next door stopped by to check things out.
They sell webbing, but it was all pre-packaged and ugly, and I was disappointed at the selection.
Fortunately the colors of the flowers are for the most part simple, and raisers should steer clear of the ugly striped kinds.
I'm not sure what it did, if anything, and it was kind of an ugly statue.
And eating spoiled food has ugly consequences.
This can lead to ugly and embarrassing situations.
Mario immediately sets to work cleaning the ugly mess from the beaucolic island.
And don't forget - the game is buggy, ugly, half-finished.
Those looking for their first Ugly Doll plush toys may want to begin with the classics.
This doll is the polar opposite of Minimum Wage, but every bit as ugly.
The adorably ugly characters are available in this relatively small package.
It's the part of going bowling we all hate--having to change into those ugly old bowling shoes provided by the bowling alley!
What the liquid does is dry out the leather and leave you with cracked, ugly shoes.
Jack wanted Kayla to love him the way she loved Steve and their marriage took a dark and ugly turn when he raped her.
After all, the world is full of ugly injustices, and if Libra's house is not beautiful, where is the balance to all that pettiness and greed?
A pang of morality reared its ugly head.
The almost-worst thing that can happen is you'll make an ugly or unusable candle that you'll have to melt and start over.
In many cases, these gifts will be gag gifts, like an ugly knickknack from around the house or a dollar-store toy.
Teen girls typically don't want to go the "ugly" route, and teen boys may want to take their costume ideas to the extreme.
He's ugly, bitter, green and hard to miss, especially when he dons his Santa suit.
When you take what is good between you and make it ugly are you really showing loving behavior?
Having said that, there is an ugly urban folklore/rumor that sometimes makes people nervous about buying titanium.
Rotten Tomatoes gives you the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Cinderella's loving father passed away, leaving her to take care of the whims of her selfish stepmother and two ugly, wicked stepsisters.
Eric Winter - The actor spent three years as Rex Brady before moving on to films like The Ugly Truth.
Kendall’s arrival opened up an ugly episode in Erica’s past, one that would take the women years to heal from.
It's a seriously big problem for brides-to-be, as most of the practical bras are also quite plain and ugly, which isn't exactly what you want on your wedding day.
Usually, thongs rear their ugly heads when you're sitting more often than when you're just standing around.
Does that sound like a recipe for a matronly, ugly bra?
Girls my age were interested in things that just didn't interest me at all like boys, dating, dances, mingling, etc.". This awkwardness would only lead to depression after the ugly divorce of her parents in high school.
It becomes en vogue to structure TV shows in a certain way and so as shows like Ugly Betty which just "start" become popular, everyone repeats the formula and TV theme songs become passé.
With power, Lady Gaga begins to tell how she wants your love, your disease, your ugly as well as whatever else that you have that's free.
Their break-up was exceedingly ugly but they released some of the most definitive 80s hits, including Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go and Careless Whisper.
Nearly every town has a thrift store that sells tacky taffeta prom dresses and ugly, outdated suits, so why not take advantage of your local bad fashion resources?
Choose an alternative date in case your party is rained out, or have an indoor space ready for moving the party to if it looks like the weather may turn ugly.
Short, ugly, stunted creatures that are said to be able to pass for human.
Instead, avoid adult acne by minimizing products that will clog pores and lead to ugly breakouts.
Hay fever causes itchy, irritated skin, which leads to ugly eye problems.
You may choose to use an at-home skin tag remover to eradicate those ugly tags.
A less invasive way to remove ugly plugs is by using a facial mask.
Winter skin does not have to be ugly; keep it dewy and moist by implementing these tips for better cold-weather skin.
Chances were, things were about to get ugly.
I'm afraid this is going to get ugly.
He found it impossible to fathom someone so beautiful becoming something so ugly.
I feel so ... ugly.
Hopefully it wouldn't get ugly.
After a fortnight natives, swarthy and ill-looking, with ugly hair, great eyes and_broad cheeks (Beothuk or Micmac Indians?) appeared with many skin canoes; in the spring following these Skraelings came back and bartered with their visitors.
The head is long, heavy and ugly, the nose coarse and prominent, with the horns situated close together, often continuing parallel almost to the extremities, being also large, corrugated and pointed.
The Senate occupies a plain unattractive building on the west side of the Praga da Republica, and the Chamber of Deputies an ugly colonial building in Rua da Misericordia, originally used as a city hall and jail.
The magnetical needle, and its suspension on a stick or straw in water, are clearly described in La Bible Guiot, a poem probably of the r3th century, by Guiot de Provins, wherein we are told that through the magnet (la manette or l'amaniere), an ugly brown stone to which iron turns of its own accord, mariners possess an art that cannot fail them.
In the case of a smooth concrete face there are no joints to follow, and the cracks become an ugly feature.
But the most striking feature in Belgium, where so much is modern, utilitarian and ugly, is found in the older cities with their relics of medieval greatness, and their record of ancient fame.
It is not painful but leaves ugly scars.
Beginning at the Punta fortress - where a park was laid out in 1899 in the place of an ugly quarter, with a memorial to the students judicially murdered by the Spanish volunteers in 1871 - and running along the line of the former city walls, past the Parque Central, through the Parque de Isabel II.
These are more ugly in appearance than destructive to human life.
He is described at this time by Mme de Motteville as "well-made, with a swarthy complexion agreeing well with his fine black eyes, a large ugly mouth, a graceful and dignified carriage and a fine figure "; and according to the description circulated later for his capture after the battle of Worcester, he was over six feet tall.
It is an ugly barrack-like structure,.
It is, however, in the ugly palace of Prince Henry of Prussia, which was given for the purpose in the days of Prussian poverty and distress, that the university is still housed, and although some internal rearrangement has been effected, no substantial alterations have been made to meet the ever-increasing demand for lecture-room accommodation.
It consists at present of bare and ugly British barracks, among which are scattered exquisite gems of oriental architecture.
But, in fact, serfdom naturally took the form of an ugly ownership of live chattels on the part of a privileged class, and all sorts of excesses, of cruelty, ruthless exploitation and wanton caprice, followed as a matter of course.
I sure hope you brought that ugly nightgown.
She'll go on and on about how ugly she is.
Better to be ugly as a mud fence.
Don't get on that kick about how ugly you are.
Darian sat up, joy crossing his ugly features.
The plan to identify traitors made sense, as ugly as it was.
The ugly face turned towards her, and she slowed.
As ugly as the aged creature before her was, there was something about him that left her feeling safe for the first time since arriving to Hell.
She walked to her chamber then paused, thinking about the ugly creature that was Zamon.
The fact Fate wanted him to made him more determined, for past-Death was always in some sort of ugly struggle against Fate.
They were jagged and ugly, similar to those on her arms.
If they turn that beautiful face ugly, I still get blood.
She'd peeked at the healing wound the night before and found the scar not just ugly but hideous, a jagged seam between two lumps of uneven flesh.
Being ugly as a mud fence hadn't stopped Alex from becoming a financial success.
If you toy with her and then run off, I'm going to be on you like ugly on a bear.
Maybe you're so ugly, they thought you were a demon!
It didn't happen in the two hours the pair spent in a fruitless perusal of ugly malefactors.
It was an ugly thought, but she couldn't shake loose the idea that he would drop Lori if things didn't work out with Alex.
Pushing back an ugly thought that he might be trying to keep her mind otherwise occupied, she let her gaze fall back to the book.
Carmen and Alex were gradually repairing their relationship, but something new had raised its ugly head — a dark fear that lingered around the recliner.
The barbarians spoke a guttural language as ugly as their clothing, which one of his father's men translated.
The serpent raised its ugly head, the beady black eyes measuring Megan as its tiny forked tongue flicked in her direction.
A really fat, old, ugly woman with warts, so you're not tempted to replace me.
Ingrid claimed to hire an ugly, old assistant, but the woman concerned more about the stain on his shirt than being around a vampire was enchanting, with long, loose blonde curls, olive-tinted skin and feathery eyelashes that set off striking gray eyes.
He'd just called her ugly after insisting she participate in this stupid photo shoot.
The ugly future was foreshadowed in many ways as well.
Poetry evokes the carnal appetite for the ugly and the beautiful.
Beside the ugly aliasing artifacts the image looks much better.
And he not ugly, he probably look better than yo ass!
She revealed all in her best selling autobiography, Ugly.
He brought these ugly, little brats with him.
The New Ugly Face of Domination Power is increasingly brazen.
I decide to shelter in the relative calm of the British Council stand in case the scene turns ugly.
Ugly, pubescent, often lower class and furnished with a regional accent the dummy is a crude technical caricature of the human body.
But then one terrible night, Blue is stolen and an ugly fairy changeling is left in her place.
If a mermaid was to marry a fin man she would slowly lose her beauty, until she became an ugly crone.
There is no shame in mindless ugly synth punk disco noise.
Half soup, half stew, its " ugly duckling " looks hide the culinary swan beneath.
Lev's Mobile I have finally been forced (under severe duress) into the ugly world of mobile phone ownership.
Schergen decided she should be " the most beautiful fairy, not old or ugly, just forgotten and furious.
Put your dummy back into your ugly gob and Get back inside Your Pram.
Then you would be getting 80 times more PageRank boost from the Ugly Duckling website than you would from the 500 pound gorilla website.
I approach them and as soon as her son sees me, his face twists into an ugly grimace.
The ugly old hag has a valid point, against Hilda, the noble Dane.
Here, alas, political issues may well poke their ugly heads above the parapet.
Unkind critics have called it ugly which exposes resistance to its utterly modern look, particularly the large, twin, multi-reflector headlights.
This small band turned an ugly corrugated iron hut into a thing of consummate beauty.
There was an ugly scrum as photographers fought to get a picture - as a dozen minders ensured no-one got a glimpse.
You could not find a more inappropriate place for such an ugly concrete monstrosity.
The only place I want to see your ugly mug is on the playing field.
Shrek is a big ol ' ugly green ogre.
As they went through the house and found some really ugly old hats and other items, I watched distractedly.
She shouldn't look as if she's The Ugly Duckling out of the local panto.
They also help deter pests from food scraps, and neighbors often appreciate not having to look at an ugly, uncovered pile.
The virus causes ugly pustules to form both on the skin and inside the mouth and throat.
I think they are just plain ugly on almost any installation, especially retrofitted ones.
It was then substantially revised inside and out in 2000 to make it less ugly.
A bruised reputation redeveloping the rouse big ugly exit get away from.
The 50-mile long ' Expressway ' would carve a long ugly scar through that part of our countryside adjacent to the existing M6.
London Wasps won ugly to claim the silverware at Twickenham in the Powergen Cup Final on Sunday.
She used the ugly sisters to kidnap the Prince because they would do anything to ruin Cinderella's life.
It was too ugly, too sordid, too fearful to be heroic.
Poor little Wei, she'd always been the put upon Cinderella to a family of morally bankrupt ugly stepsisters.
Kane county town director Tammy couchman sure there aren't ugly deuces on.
And as for the Three Billy Goats Gruff, how did they really deal with that huge ugly troll?
It is such a hideously ugly Car, we even have a newsletter we publish that provides us with lots of laughs.
Additionally, the list has been given some spice by including a number of questions which are either bad, unpleasant or downright ugly!
Their heads were too big for their bodies and their faces were decidedly ugly to look upon.
Also, the phones that you need for this service are enormous, very heavy and damn ugly too.
Yvain commences his quest by meeting a lady at a fountain, directed there by an incredibly ugly and monstrous Lord of the Animals.
The regulators ' role will become one of helping to transfer best practice from the good to the bad and the plain ugly.
Used too frequently they not only look ugly, they deter readers.
I done got so ugly I don't even know myself!
Some days i would wake up feeling so ugly that all I could do was cry.
He was, however, encouraged by his team's ability to " win ugly " .
It is at this point that things just might become very ugly.
Creole dogs, he concluded, were not only ugly, but they had also unlearned how to bark.
Her companion was a very vivacious lady with an ugly attractive face and hair powdered with gray.
The ugly pest was the dreaded vine weevil, the most damaging weevil in horticulture.
The Paramount takes itself very seriously, which is slightly ridiculous considering it's just an ugly façade for a ten-dollar corporate whore.
Ibn Tumart was the son of a lamplighter in a mosque and had been noted for his piety from his youth; he was small, ugly, and misshapen and lived the life of a devotee-beggar.
He visited London and Paris in 1771, selling lovephiltres, elixirs of youth, mixtures for making ugly women beautiful, alchemistic powders, &c., and deriving large profits from his trade.
With all its exceptional merit, this is an eminently ugly picture.
Salvian contends that not the acceptance of Christianity, but the sins of the people are bringing trouble upon them; and he gives ugly evidence of the continued prevalence of vice.
This ugly and undignified type is still usually worn in the Roman Catholic Church, but in some cases the earlier type has survived, and many bishops are also now reverting to it.
Now occurred the first of those ugly domestic tragedies for which the house of Borgia remained famous.
In later times their number was increased (Celaeno being a frequent addition and their leader in Virgil), and they were described as hateful and repulsive creatures, birds with the faces of old women, the ears of bears, crooked talons and hanging breasts; even in Aeschylus (Eumenides, 50) they appear as ugly and misshapen monsters.
Emmet was short and slight in figure; his face was marked by smallpox, and he was described in 1803 for the purpose of identification as being "of an ugly, sour countenance and dirty brown complexion."
Insects of all sorts abound; scorpions, centipedes,spiders, and an ugly but harmless millipede known in Yemen as hablub are very common in summer.
The Khazars were fair-skinned, black-haired and of a remarkable beauty and stature; their women indeed were sought as wives equally at Byzantium and Bagdad; while the Kara Khazars were ugly, short, and were reported by the Arabs almost as dark as Indians.
Margherita, just below the Fortezza, is an ugly modern building occupying the site of a Gothic church of 1294, and containing a fine original rose window and reliefs from the tomb of the saint by Angelo e Francesco di maestro Pietro d'Assisi.
The children are pretty but soon lose their charm, and the race, generally speaking, is ugly from the European standpoint.
A great deal has been made of Peter's infidelity towards his consort; but the only one who really suffered from his liaison with the ugly, stupid and vixenish countess Elizabeth Vorontsova was the unfortunate emperor.
A rider with an insecure seat is apt to be thrown by any unexpected movement the horse may make; and, without a firm seat, the acquirement of good hands is well-nigh hopeless, because, when the balance is once disturbed the insecure rider will have to depend on something else for the maintenance of his seat, and this generally takes the shape of "riding on the horse's mouth," a practice as cruel as it is ugly.
In fact I am re-reading Jane Eyre in an ugly 1960s American pulpy edition I found under the bed.
James labeled the sins of those folk in stark, ugly and repulsive terms.
The sailors looked to me gross and slovenly men, and the shipping struck me as clumsy, ugly, old, and dirty.
Additionally, the list has been given some spice by including a number of questions which are either bad, unpleasant or downright ugly !
However, the motor car started to rear its ugly head.
Some days I would wake up feeling so ugly that all I could do was cry.
He was, however, encouraged by his team 's ability to " win ugly ".
And the transformation of Fran 's ugly duckling into the beautiful swan is convincing.
Zooming in and then out creates an ugly ' yo-yo ' effect.
Think of a race car with slightly faulty parts; these defects may not matter at slow speeds, but at high speeds things are going to break and it's going to end in an ugly mess.
Even when they are forced to confront the ugly reality, they throw their hands up as if there is nothing that can be done.
Is it just about time to replace that old, ugly, leaking, no-good roof that's hanging over your head?
There is no reason to buy an ugly high chair when so many nice ones are on the market.
Your teenager may want to buy clothes that you find either ugly or distasteful.
Slips enhance the body shape and also provide some relief from those ugly looking panty lines that cannot be avoided in some dresses that are made of slinky materials.
Your state's Attorney General's office and your local Better Business Bureau can also help uncover potential ugly sides.
Use it instead of an ugly filing cabinet to store important papers.
Walking into an ugly, plain room everyday might leave you feeling depressed, tired and unmotivated.
Old and ugly tiles are quite common in older homes and they can be very expensive to remove.
Applying paint can be a great way to mask the ugly tiles and create a great new look.
Often, slipcovers are used to hide damaged, worn out, ugly or outdated furniture when new furniture is not an option.
Despite the ugly lid crease that formed, the shadow definitely did stay true throughout the day in terms of color.
If only it weren't for that ugly crease issue….
Nobody wants to be the Ugly Stepmother when you can be Cinderella--or at least her naughty, glamorous younger sister.
His usual ugly hairstyle actually looked pretty cute, his big puppy-dog eyes were like black holes, and I felt like they could suck me in.
I really want to go on America's Next Top Model, but my friends always call me ugly.
Here we take a look at the good, the bad, and unfortunately, the sometimes ugly world of music lyrics.
Every time one of these terrible incidents rears its ugly head, it seems that the music and performers of that music are the ones we blame, not the bullies at school, not the parents, nor the guns and depression.
I get down I feel like the reason why they don't like me is because I'm too ugly, too fat, too stupid, like I'm never good enough and that's why its my fault that guys don't like me.
I'm a nice person (not meaning to be a big head that is), I make straight As', I'm involved, I have lots of friends, I live in a good home, heck I'm not even that ugly, if getting hit on by high school guys and older men are any indication.
Therefore, the sister with the ugly feet had feet and ankles exposed, while my other sister was walking all over the dress she had on.
I have seen a lot of divorces in my time and honestly I have yet to hear of one as ugly as mine.
Tobacco can cause ugly white or red sores and bumps on the gums and inside the cheeks.
It not only can make a face in the mirror look ugly, depending on the light, it can quickly reduce the atmosphere of a bathroom and turn it sickly green in appearance.
Is the Heather Mills and Paul McCartney fiasco another case of a public divorce that's gotten ugly?
Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton have had a bumpy history, with an on-again/off-again friendship that has had some ugly verbal exchanges.
She is the youngest of four sisters, and has often said that she was considered the "ugly duckling" among her siblings.
Despite her "ugly duckling" status, Longoria went on to be crowned Miss Corpus Christi 1998 while she was attending college.
Ripa, a former cheerleader, was urged to pursue an acting career by her manager, Cathy Parker, after a performance in her high school senior play, The Ugly Duckling.
America Ferrera's role as Betty Suarez in the hit comedy Ugly Betty has made her name one of the most recognized in the United States, and in many countries around the world.
The second season of Ugly Betty is underway, and hopefully will be on the air for many seasons to come.
Her superb acting talent is well-utilized in "Ugly Betty," and her versatility is obvious through the diversity of unique and challenging roles she takes.
That scenario is entirely possible given that her run on Ugly Betty is finished and she has nothing in the pipeline.
Custody battles are ugly whether you're rich and famous or the family down the street.
This was followed by a parody she did during the 2007 TV Land Awards, spoofing the show Ugly Betty.
The parody, titled Ugly Betty White, made the rounds online the next day.
Jokes abound about ugly Christmas sweaters, but holiday sweaters for children are the perfect apparel for Christmas family photos and holiday greeting cards.
Even if you have to buy pink overalls for a baby girl, you know that they can handle stress without straining, staining, or getting too ugly.
Ugly sweater parties are popular at Christmas, but you don't have to wait for the holidays to throw a funny party.
Categories for the contest are Pedigree Class, Mutt Class, Ugly Dog of the Year, and Ring of Champions.
The Ugly Dog of the Year is chosen from the winners of the Pedigree and Mutt Classes.
The Ring of Champions Category is battled between the dog chosen for Ugly Dog of the Year and all previous World's Ugliest Dog Winners in attendance.
In addition to the Ugly Dog categories, there is a Crazy Dog Tricks Contest.
This is the type of bite you'll find on many of the Ugly Dog contest winners.
I had to re-housebreak the two little boys, Cappy and Little Man!I have tried diapers in the past, but they were ugly and did not stay on, not to mention my poor dogs felt ugly and ashamed.
Crataego Mespilus - The name is a dreadful invention of some one with a callous mind, as if we had not enough of ugly names already.
Where the Plane is used in the streets of London, and on the Thames Embankment, the costly and wasteful labor of pruning the trees to one ugly shape is carried out.
Pull up any annuals that have been damaged by the frost, and cut back foliage that is damaged or will start looking ugly when it gets really cold.
Marigolds planted around tomatoes keep away the ugly tomato hornworm, a large green worm that can defoliate an entire tomato plant in one night.
They can also be a way to dress up an ugly or dull part of a room.
In reality, these faults do not lower the actual nutritional quality of the produce but some consumers are hesistant to buy these "ugly" products.
Candy cane reading glasses are one way to show your holiday spirit without having to wear the ugly Christmas sweater you've felt obligated to keep for years because it was a gift from your great-aunt Edna.
Forums help fill in the blanks by getting personal experiences from Disney visitors - the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Give her an ugly mug or make her the talk of the town.
The PS3 controller is a revelation... and in this writer's eyes, an ugly one.
It's inevitable, it's happened before, and it might get ugly.
Innovations can make a great game look dated and ugly in no time.
In Homer's legend, Aphrodite married the god of fire, Hephaestus, who was reportedly very ugly.
Gone are the days when maternity jeans meant ugly, elastic waist jeans with the jeans material cut out over the stomach and replaced with a stretchy band that limited you to wearing long shirts to cover them.
Ugly Doll plush toys are more than meets the eye.
This was the very first Ugly Doll plush toy.
Ugly Doll plush toys are soft, loveable critters that teach us that our flaws can be some of our most endearing qualities.
In many cases an institutional romance will start off with passion and then turn ugly.
Even the most gorgeous ring is ugly if the promise is not sincere or the ring is given under pressure, and a plain, simple ring can be the most stunning piece of jewelry when it is given with love and sincerity.
Breakups can be ugly at this stage for a Gemini whose quick tongue and sardonic wit can effectively nip a lover's passion and destroy it for all time.
However, the ideas that "pretty" equals good and "ugly" equals wicked could go without being reinforced, as could the negative vibe about blended families becoming the equivalent of unhappiness.
Instead of spending money on expensive and often ugly plastic storage containers, decoupage sturdy cardboard boxes to use as totes for all your household items.
Flats seem like the ugly stepchildren of the average woman's closet, stashed between the sexy stilettos and walking shoes or gymwear.
The general consensus is that it comes from the word "ugly".
Whether the thousands of women who love their Uggs today would consider them ugly or beautiful is another matter altogether!
The TV Show Ugly Betty is based on the telenovela Yo soy Betty, la fea from Columbia.
Ugly Betty adds more characters to the cast including soap actors Mark Consuelos (ex-Mateo, All My Chidren) and Heather Tom (ex-Victoria, The Young and the Restless) along with actors Ralph Macchio, Lindsay Lohan and Eddie Cibrian.
Actress Salma Hayek, herself a star of one telenovelas, helped bring Ugly Betty (another adaption of Yo Soy Betty la Fea) to the ABC primetime lineup.
Rory Gilmore joined fellow teen stars America Ferrera (Betty, Ugly Betty), Amber Tamblyn (ex-Emily, GH) and Blake Lively (Serena, Gossip Girl) for The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2.
Telenovelas are sometimes very popular when adapted for American television series, as with Yo Soy Betty, La Fea, which became the prime time soap opera Ugly Betty.
Yo Soy Betty, La Fea was a popular telenovela long before American producers, including actress Salma Hayek, imported it as the prime time drama Ugly Betty.
Betty La Fea telenovela is the popular Colombian soap opera that inspired the hit American show, Ugly Betty.
She eventually gradually emerges as a beautiful woman by the series end, like the ugly duckling transforming into the swan.
Yet, the most popular and successful spinoff of Betty La Fea is the American Ugly Betty series, which first aired in 2006.
Ugly Betty has won two Golden Globe awards and a Peabody award.
The original Colombian Betty La Fea show is so beloved by fans that many consider Beatriz Solano the original Betty, even if they like the popular American Ugly Betty series.
Since then, he's had roles on the cancelled series Viva Laughlin, Moonlight and Ex-List as well as roles on big screen including one with Grey's Anatomy's Katherine Heigl in 2009's The Ugly Truth.
Pool owners facing the question "how do I clean a green pool?" sometimes feel overwhelmed by the ugly water in their pool.
Have you ever had ugly mildew on your wooden patio furniture or outdoor chair cushions?
If you are one of the many people facing the problem of ugly mildew on patio furniture, vinyl siding or any other area outside your house, outdoor mildew removal may be easier than you think.
A mildew growth not only looks ugly, it can also be dangerous.
The popular childhood drink might taste good going down, but it certainly leaves ugly stains when spilled on carpeting.
If you're among the many people who complain their butt is too big, too flat, or covered in ugly cellulite, consider exercise to increase your glutes.
The Evolution bra was designed as a safe and inexpensive alternative, and convertible straps prevent Ugly Bra Strap Syndrome - simply change the straps to match whatever outfit you happen to be wearing and you're ready for any occasion.
Flannel pajamas are supposed to be the epitome of ugly.
Think of shows like Ugly Betty and Grey's Anatomy, which dive right into the action.
Even though she doesn't drink, Tyra played a bartender in the movie Coyote Ugly.
The good news for viewers - and perhaps the bad news for contestants - is that this surveillance system is set up to catch the good, the bad and the often very ugly.
The cops believed there was a mob link to the crime, though the Manzos continue to claim that any suggested mob link is nothing more than ugly stereotyping.
Vader takes Luke to the evil Emperor, a master Force user and all-around hideous (and ugly) dude.
But even if he looked as ugly as a Hutt cross Toydarian, it is his kind, loving soul that touched mine.
Spielberg would shatter this stereotype in 1982 with the introduction of ET, the cutely ugly little monster with the L-shaped head and neck.
In Christian mythology, demons are depicted as the servants of Lucifer; fallen angels who are twisted, blackened and turned ugly by their association with jealousy, greed and envy.
Her face changed to an ugly blue complexion with a skull face.
Nail splitting is not normally painful but it is ugly and uncomfortable.
This treatment is a quick go-to solution for eradicating ugly blackheads.
While simply posting the URL is acceptable, it looks ugly.
If she confirmed that Cade was unresponsive she would be as much as endorsing an ugly rumor.
If this was beyond her abilities, it would sound ugly.
If it had to be, it didn't have to be ugly.
That downright, gossiping German princess, the duchess of Orleans, cared little for the Maxims; but she was enraptured by their author, and his "ugly face, all skin and bone, though he laughed and talked quite unaffectedly and easily."
Maybe she couldn't make the ugly beast go away completely, but she had learned to control it.
She never felt ugly or frumpy or overweight before coming here.
To start the canter, which should always be done from the walk and not the trot, take up the curb rein a little and turn the horse's head slightly to the right, at the same time pressing the left leg behind the girth; the horse will then lead with the off (right) fore leg, which is generally preferred; but a well-broken hack should lead with either leg at command, and if he be cantered in a circle to the left he must lead with the near leg, as otherwise an ugly fall is likely to result from the leg being crossed.
In the parliament which met on the 12th of February 1376, Lord Latimer and Alice Perrers, the king's mistress, a lady of good birth, and not (as the mendacious St Albans chronicler alleged) the ugly but persuasive daughter of a tiler, were impeached, and Wykeham took a leading part against Latimer, even to the extent of opposing his being allowed counsel.
The centre of Florence, which was becoming a danger from a hygienic point of view, was pulled down in 1880-1890, but, unfortunately, sufficient care was not taken to avoid destroying certain buildings of historic and artistic value which might have been spared without impairing the work of sanitation, while the new structures erected in their place, especially those in the Piaza Vittorio Emanuele, are almost uniformly ugly and quite out of keeping with Florentine architecture.
The ugly feeling was beginning to leave, but there was still that other thing.
The massive halls were chilly, with ugly stone walls and wooden beams far above.
Again, she stole a look below and this time, he glanced up at her, a questioning look on his handsome yet ugly face.
She shook the ugly thoughts from her head and straightened, leaning on the hoe as she glanced around the garden.
And even that ruined and befouled house – which in dull weather was repulsively ugly – seemed quietly beautiful now, in the clear, motionless brilliance.