Uganda Sentence Examples
Wilson, C.B., who had been sent to Uganda from East Africa as an assistant administrator in 1896.
It is the headquarters of the Uganda railway, of the military forces in the protectorate, and of the Colonists' Association.
The custom is vouched for by travellers as still observed in Borneo, Burma, Uganda and elsewhere, the animal chosen being a pig or a fowl.
The site of Nairobi was selected as the headquarters of the Uganda railway, and the first buildings were erected in 1899.
In modern times hepatoscopy still survives among primitive peoples in Borneo, Burma, Uganda, &c.
Experimental work has been carried on, and in 1904 Uganda exported about 43 bales of cotton, and British East Africa about 177 bales.
In Uganda the association took no steps, but activity in cottongrowing is not unknown, and some good cotton is being produced.
The lake forms part of the (British) Uganda Protectorate, but the north-west shores were leased in 1894 to the Congo Free State during the sovereignty of king Leopold II.
Chimpanzees, of which there appear to be at least two species, range through the tropical forest-zone of Africa from the west coast to Uganda.
British steamers on Victoria Nyanza maintain communication between the German stations and the lake terminus of the Uganda railway.
AdvertisementOn the east the limit of the Uganda Protectorate in 1901 was the thalweg of Lake Rudolf and a line drawn from the south-eastern coast of that lake south along the edge of the Laikipia and Kikuyu escarpments to the frontier of German East Africa.
Germany was interested in the dispute, inasmuch as the southern frontier of the Uganda Protectorate coincided with the northern frontier of German East Africa.
From Mt Sabyino the frontier between Belgian Congo and the Uganda Protectorate goes in a direct line north to Mt Nkabwe, and thence along the Ishasha River, to its mouth on the S.E.
The Northern (formerly called the Nile) province is perhaps the hottest part of Uganda.
Mount Elgon (q.v.) just outside the Eastern province is one of the leading physical features of the Uganda and East Africa protectorates.
AdvertisementWilson, one of a party of missionaries sent in answer to Stanley's appeal by the Church Missionary Society of England, arrived in Uganda, and towards the end of 1878 was joined by Alexander Mackay.
A great change had been wrought in Uganda during the Mutesa latter years of his reign.
The restless Arabs of Zanzibar had since 1857 steadily advanced Zanzibar influence to Tanganyika, Nyasa, and even through the Masai countries to the north-east coast of Victoria Nyanza and the " back door " of Uganda.
Feeling ran high, and Jackson withdrew his treaty, and, taking a couple of envoys who should bring back word whether Uganda was to be French or British, he left the country, Mr Ernest Gedge remaining in charge of his expedition.
Lugard little thought that in bringing these Sudanese, already (some of them) infected with the sleeping-sickness of the Congo forests, he was to introduce a disease which would kill off some 250,000 natives of Uganda in eight years.
AdvertisementThese conditions they themselves said were liberal, nor could they have ventured to assume their old positions throughout Uganda.
They now clamoured for recognition, and Lugard went to meet them, and after a somewhat precarious and very difficult interview he succeeded in bringing back their king Mbogo to Kampala, and in assigning them three minor provinces in Uganda.1 Lugard on his return to Uganda at the end of r891 had received orders to evacuate the country with his whole force, as the company could no longer maintain their position.
Williams remained in Uganda, where the outlook was now fairly promising, and every effort 1 Since reduced to one.
On arrival in England Lugard found that the British Government had decided not to come to the help of the company, and Uganda was to be left to its fate.
A strong movement was set on foot for the " retention of Uganda," and on the 10th of December Lord Rosebery despatched Sir Gerald Portal to report on the Portal's best means of dealing with the country, and a Mission.
AdvertisementMacdonald, who had been in charge of a railway survey to Uganda, was directed to inquire into the claims put forward by France for compensation for the priests.
Portal and his staff reached Uganda in March, and Williams left soon afterwards with the original troops of the company, leaving Selim Bey and the Sudanese and Portal's large escort in Uganda.
At this time also it was decided to construct a railway to Uganda, but work was not begun till December 1896.
Peace seemed assured in Uganda; territorial limits to religious teaching were abolished, English Roman Catholic priests were added to the French Fathers, and the material progress of the country was very marked.
After Colonel Ternan's departure on leave the three companies who had joined Macdonald broke out into revolt in the Nandi district (East Africa) and set off to Uganda, looting the countries they passed through.
The same night the Sudanese leaders, fearful lest their men might submit, murdered Thruston and his companions and sent letters to Uganda to incite their comrades to mutiny.
Austin, who had come up to Uganda in 1897 with Macdonald and had fought through the mutiny operations, revealed the regions north of Mt Elgon.
In the autumn of 1899 Sir Harry Johnston was sent out as special commissioner to Uganda, being also given the rank of commander-in-chief.
In 1900, the Uganda Protectorate was divided into six provinces, but in 1903 the Eastern and part of the Central provinces were transferred to the British East Africa Protectorate.
In 1902 the Uganda railway, begun in 1896, was finished.
His place in Uganda was taken by Sir Henry Hesketh Bell, who was made the first governor of Uganda in 1 9 06.
He offered himself to the Church Missionary Society and sailed on the 17th of May 1882, at the head of a party of six, for Zanzibar, and thence set out for Uganda; but, prostrated by fever and dysentery, he was obliged to return to England in 1883.
Then, filled with the idea of opening a new route to Uganda, he set out and reached a spot near Victoria Nyanza in safety.
After eight days his men were murdered, and on the 29th of October 1885 he himself was speared in both sides, his last words to the soldiers appointed to kill him being, "Go, tell Mwanga I have purchased the road to Uganda with my blood."
From this point the history of Unyoro is traced in the article Uganda.
Stanley's appeal (1875) most satisfactory work, extensive and intensive, has been accomplished in Uganda, by the Church Missionary Society.
Besides Uganda the Church Missionary Society is responsible for Mombasa.
Another line connects at Wadi Haifa with the Sudan system, affording direct telegraphic communication via Khartum and Gondokoro with Uganda and Mombasa.
The bey was killed fighting the dervishes at Wandi in January 1894, and the remnant of his men eventually were found by Captain Thruston from Uganda on the 23rd of March 1894 at Mahagi, on the Albert Nyanza, whither they had drifted from Wadelai in search of supplies.
They were enlisted by Thruston and brought back under the British flag to Uganda.
In consequence of the Franco-Congolese Treaty of 1894, Major Cunningham and Lieutenant Vandeleur were sent from Uganda to Dufile, where they planted the British flag on the 15th of January 1895.
He strongly opposed the evacuation of Egypt; he insisted upon the exclusive control by Great Britain of the Upper Nile Valley, and also upon the retention of Uganda.
It includes the district of Kisiba in German East Africa, and extends into Uganda.
Cyprus mules have found favour in war in the Crimea, India, Uganda, Eritrea and Egypt.
Although nominally Gordon's medical officer, Emin was soon entrusted with political missions of some importance to Uganda and Unyoro.
It is the headquarters of the Northern Province of the (British) Uganda protectorate, is 1070 m.
From this point the journey to Uganda is continued overland.
The eastern group - British East Africa; Uganda; Zanzibar and Pemba (sometimes described as " a sphere of influence "); Somaliland; and the Sudan.
Menelek, in addition, agreed not to obstruct the waters of Lake Tsana, the Blue Nile or the Sobat, so as not to interfere with the Nile irrigation question, and he also agreed to give a concession, if such should be required, for the construction of a British railway through his dominions, to connect the Sudan with Uganda.
The islands were chosen in 1897 as the place of deportation of Prempeh, ex-king of Ashanti, and in 1 9 01 Mwanga, ex-king of Uganda, and Kabarega, ex-king of Unyoro were also deported thither.
Previously to 1896 navigation was confined to Arab dhows, which trade between the south end of the lake and Uganda, and to canoes.
See NILE and UGANDA and the British Blue-book Egypt No.
The cattle of Ankole, on the Uganda frontier, which have immense horns, conform to this type.
While the Mandists remained in possession at Rejaf, Great Britain in virtue of her position in Uganda claimed the upper Nile region as within the British sphere; a claim admitted by Germany in 1890.
An extremely interesting section of the population not hitherto mentioned is constituted by the Pygmy tribes inhabiting the densely forested regions along the equator from Uganda to the Gabun and living the life of nomadic hunters.
As thus constituted the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan forms a compact territory which, being joined southwards by the Uganda Protectorate, brings the whole of the Nile valley from the equatorial lakes to the Mediterranean under the control of Great Britain.
Steamers run on the Nile between Kerma and Kareima, and above Khartum the government maintains a regular service of steamers as far south as Gondokoro in the Uganda Protectorate.
Besides the Egyptian and Red Sea routes there is considerable trade between the eastern mudirias and Abyssinia and Eritrea, and also some trade south and west with Uganda and the Congo countries.
Under Gordon the Upper Nile region as far as the borders of Uganda came effectively under Egyptian control, though the power of the government extended on the east little beyond the banks of the rivers.
The occupation of Uganda certainly, and of the Nigerian territory and Rhodesia probably, will prove to have been rather for the benefit of posterity than of the companies which effected it.
Captains Speke and Grant, who had travelled through Uganda and came down the White Nile in 1863, and Sir Samuel Baker, who went up the same river as far as Albert Nyanza, brought back harrowing tales of the misery caused by the slave-hunters.
Stanley, then travelling westward from Uganda, and by him was named Beatrice Gulf in the belief that it was part of Albert Nyanza.
It was a real boon, too, that the film was made on location in Uganda, which gives it an added authenticity.
Entrance Fee £ 1 to include a commemorative badge (all profits donated to support children's work in Uganda ).
As a result the wild buffalo is now extinct in Uganda and many species formerly abundant are now rare.
But the 12 areas of forest in Uganda already had wild chimps or problems which meant the chimps couldn't go back to them.
The Uganda Virus Research Institute is possibly Africa's greatest citadel of HIV studies.
The chance to meet the endangered mountain gorillas is a highlight of any visit to Uganda.
Uganda is a really lush, green country, not what I was expecting at all.
Not to teach someone to make wine, but I have never known anyone from Uganda before neither have I ever met nuns.
Perhaps I was blessed to be sent so early to so plentiful a land as Uganda.
The Domestic Relations Bill recognizes that marriages in Uganda shall be either monogamous or polygamous bur does not outlaw polygamy.
In 1894 he established a protectorate over Uganda, from which Gladstone had wished to withdraw all British influence.
In 1994, CARE assisted up to 10,000 Rwandan refugees in south western Uganda.
The Swahili followers of the first explorers always pronounced the territorial prefix, Bu, as a simple vowel, U; hence the incorrect rendering " Uganda " of the more primitive Bantu designation.
After the destruction of the Mandist power in 1898 Gondokoro was occupied by British troops and has since formed the northernmost post on the Nile of the Uganda protectorate (see Sudan; Nile; and Uganda).
Khartum is connected by land lines with Egypt and Uganda, thus affording direct telegraphic connexion between Alexandria and Mombasa (2500 m.).
A line of stations was established from the Sobat confluence on the White Nile to the frontier of Uganda - to which country he proposed to open a route from Mombasa - and considerable progress was made in the suppression of the slave trade.
The best example is a shop for rewinding electric motors, which saves Uganda Railways from having to import new.
To the east a similar rift valley marks the end of the Uganda plateau.
Species diversity, abundance and distribution of birds in Uganda 's savanna ecosystems.
Visiting there makes me speculate about how he would react to the Church of Uganda nearly 100 years on.
We must remember Britainâs supine response to President Amin of Uganda, on their knees asking him to be reasonable.
Moses' arrest and torture in prison is not unusual in Uganda.
The war has displaced an estimated 1.6 million people in northern Uganda, obliging them to seek refuge in 135 overcrowded and unsanitary camps.
My travels to Uganda and Peru, respectively, were very successful.
In this month's interview, we spoke with Sabrina Zohar, the "It Girl" for Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo and a fundraiser for the Invisible Children Organization in Uganda.
This organization provides funds to children in Uganda who need assistance to keep their small schools up and running.
About three young adults venture to Africa to explore the continent, it hit upon a war torn country called Uganda where there are child soldiers and a very scared population.
More than 80 million people live on the river, which runs 4,184 miles in length and winds through nine nations, from Lake Victoria in Uganda to the Mediterranean Sea near Alexandria, Egypt.
The country of Uganda is the hardest hit on record followed by the Congo Basin.
The group visits the Hima tribe in Uganda, who prize overweight women.
A longitudinal study of 450 mainly small east African zebu cattle was conducted in 9 villages in 4 districts in South Eastern Uganda.